Top 10 Stories for February 2024

Were there stories in February’s Top 10 that didn’t have anything to do with the Hugo Awards? If you said yes – YOU WON! Somehow the “2024 Saturn Award Winners” made the list. That was the only one.

Chris M. Barkley and Jason Sanford’s “The 2023 Hugo Awards: A Report on Censorship and Exclusion” went viral, of course, linked by the mainstream media outlets including NBC News and the New York Times, and generated hundreds of comments of discussion here. The report holds the record as the second most-read post on File 770 and is on pace to overtake number one — “Greg Bear (1951-2022)” – within a couple weeks.

The story about Adrian Tchaikovsky saying he will no longer cite himself as a 2023 Hugo winner gained its large number of readers in a bit different way. Google started returning that at the top of the list for certain searches, even above the author’s own announcement. This doesn’t usually happen with File 770 stories — our SEO skills are still stuck in the Neolithic.

One final bit of trivia. Last month was the first time ever that not a single Pixel Scroll made the Top 10. Ordinarily the daily roundups fill a majority of the slots, and I often run a “Scroll-Free” supplementary list. Didn’t need to do that this month.

Here are the ten most-read stories for February 2024 according to dread Jetpack.

  1. The 2023 Hugo Awards: A Report on Censorship and Exclusion  
  2. Adrian Tchaikovsky Will No Longer Cite His 2023 Hugo
  3. Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask #81
  4. Worldcon Intellectual Property Announces Censure of McCarty, Chen Shi and Yalow; McCarty Resigns; Eastlake Succeeds Standlee as Chair of B.O.D.
  5. Diane Lacey’s Letter About the 2023 Hugos
  6. Cheryl Morgan, Dave McCarty Resign from WSFS’ Hugo Award Marketing Committee
  7. Glasgow 2024 Announces Kat Jones Resignation as Hugo Administrator
  8. 2024 Saturn Awards Winners
  9. Charting the Cliff: An Investigation Into the 2023 Hugo Nomination Statistics by Camestros Felapton and Heather Rose Jones
  10. 2023 Hugo Awards-related Statement by Kat Jones

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