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ABC News
Politics Podcast: Why Democrats Are Done With Iowa And New Hampshire

Nevada Democrats introduced a bill on Monday that would change the state’s presidential nominating contest from a caucus to a primary and dislodge New Hampshire from its position as the first in the nation to hold its primary. In an interview with The New York Times on Thursday, outgoing DNC Chair Tom Perez said, “A diverse state or states need to be first.” In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, the crew discusses whether any potential changes could reshape the nominating process. They also consider why Republican senators voted the way they did on whether to convict former President Donald Trump. And, finally, they check in on the efforts in California to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom.

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Galen Druke is FiveThirtyEight’s podcast producer and reporter.

Nate Silver founded and was the editor in chief of FiveThirtyEight.

Nathaniel Rakich is a senior editor and senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight.
