
75 Best Small and Medium Workplaces in the Bay Area 2022
Employees say:

“Employees are trusted and given autonomy in the work they do. First I was an intern, then as my first post-college job. Being a woman and the youngest person on the team (things that are often looked down upon), I never felt like my voice or skill was valued any less than others. People here care what I think. I think this has been the most unique thing about the company. At other companies, I've felt I've had to prove my worth in a way before I was given bigger projects to work on. At Curology, they hire those they trust, and I've learned to value this approach much more than employees proving themselves. People's accomplishments are also celebrated via Slack messages to the whole company or announcements in team-wide meetings.”

Read the Great Place to Work review .
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Curology in Fortune Rankings

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