Nugget Market

Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For 2024

This chain of supermarkets in Northern California shows up on Fortune’s list for the first time for its impressive benefits and attention to employee success. Each store-level leader receives a physical bucket as part of the “filling buckets campaign” that includes personalized tokens and notes of appreciation from peers and the company’s corporate leaders. These leaders were then encouraged to fill up their teams’ physical or metaphorical buckets the same way.


Full-time and part-time associates who work at least 22 hours a week have all of their health care premiums covered. The communication task force has members at each store who have monthly meetings with the COO and director of human resources to hear feedback.

  • Ticker:
  • Company type:Private
  • Revenues ($M):
  • Profits ($M):
  • Market value ($M):
  • Number of employees:2,101

Nugget Market in Fortune Rankings

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