NuStar Energy

100 Best Large Workplaces for Millennials 2024

Employees say:

"NuStar embodies its 'caring and sharing' culture through and through—all the way up to the CEO. It's common to see executives at volunteering events serving food, cooking, and welcoming guests. Seeing upper management volunteer their time, rather than just money, makes the culture of giving back to the community feel like the real deal."

  • Ticker:NS
  • Company type:Public
  • Revenues ($M):$1,634
  • Profits ($M):$274
  • Market value ($M):$3,005
  • Number of employees:1,184

Figures are for fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2023. Market value as of March 22, 2024. Source: S&P Global.

NuStar Energy stock chart

NuStar Energy in Fortune Rankings

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