15 Best Large Workplaces in Chicago 2024

Employees say: 

"A lot of companies say they care about the well-being of their employees and the communities we live and work in, but RSM is the first company I have worked for that really demonstrates they care — between consistently sending employees surveys requesting their opinions on topics before making decisions, to our community and volunteer initiatives, they demonstrate that they do really care through action, not just words." 

  • Updated:4/4/2024
  • Country:U.S.
  • Headquarters:Chicago
  • Industry:Professional Services
  • CEO:Brian Becker
  • Website:
  • Ticker:
  • Company type:Private
  • Revenues ($M):$3,700
  • Profits ($M):
  • Market value ($M):
  • Number of employees:13,549

Figures are for the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2021.

RSM US in Fortune Rankings

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