À propos

The IRIG institute conducts research in biology, health, nanosciences, cryotechnologies and new technologies for energy and the environment. Physicists, chemists, biologists, physicians, computer scientists and mathematicians participate jointly in this fundamental research and the applications that result from it, giving the institute a remarkable capacity to respond to major societal challenges. IRIG welcomes about 1000 people who carry out their research activities in a joint research unit (UMR). The 9 UMR of the institute are supervised by the CEA and University Grenoble Alpes; some of them have additional trusteeship which may be the CNRS, Inserm or Inra. These UMRs are grouped into five disciplinary departments. The scientific excellence that is developed within the teams and all the expertise gathered within the IRIG allow the development of multidisciplinary research. This research is based on a very exceptional park of research platforms and infrastructures: FRISBI (National Infrastructure of Integrative Structural Biology), ProFI (National Proteomics Infrastructure), PFNC (Nano Characterization Platform), Upstream Technology Platform (PTA), 400W cryogenics station, CRG ESRF & ILL lines, Integrated Structural Biology Platforms, etc. Research work is generally carried out in the framework of national and international academic partnerships; they lead to many applications, allowing IRIG to develop and develop industrial partnerships with start-ups, SMEs and large companies.

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    [MEETINGS] 📅 at CEA-Irig next week 👉 Invited seminar 🔹 September 13 at 11am, invited seminar at IRIG/SPINTEC by Louise Desplat entitled « Atomistic exploration of topological states in ultrathin magnetic films and nanopillars » Location: seminar room 445, building 445, CEA Grenoble 🔹 September 13 at 11am, IBS internal seminar by Alessandra Carbone (Department of Computational and Quantitative Biology, Sorbonne University, Paris) entitled « Decoding protein interactions and mutational landscapes with deep learning » Location: IBS seminar room, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble 👉 PhD defense 🔹 September 9 at 2pm, PhD defense by Massilia ABBAS (from IRIG/Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS)) entitled « Etude de la reconnaissance du LPS par les récepteurs immunitaires lectine de type C dans un environnement imitant la surface cellulaire » Location: IBS seminar room, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble More information : https://lnkd.in/eA_MSDcs #Nanopillars, #Protein, #Immunity, #Spintronics, #Skyrmions, #AI, #DeepLearning




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    ✨[HIGHLIGHTS]✨ Altermagnetism for the benefit of spintronics The manganese-silicon-based material Mn5Si3 is altermagnetic, a new property that enable scientists and engineers to produce spintronic devices that are more efficient, faster and denser. A recent discovery has revealed a third type of magnetic material known as altermagnets. This is a new class of materials distinguished by the configuration of electrons' spins. For future applications, altermagnetism would enable to produce spintronic devices with higher performance, because they are faster and denser. The discovery of the original altermagnetic character opens up a new field of fundamental investigation in materials physics and for innovative developments. Collaboration  France: SPINTEC, CINaM, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille Germany: Universität Konstanz , Technische Universität Dresden, Universität Mainz Czech Republic: Czech Academy of Sciences, Charles University More https:https://lnkd.in/eWHitnBH A lire https://lnkd.in/e46D885J contact: Vincent Baltz SPINTEC #spintronics #advancedmaterials #magnetism #nanoscience

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    [MEETINGS] 📅 at CEA-Irig this week 👉 Invited seminar 🔹 September 05 at 2:30pm, invited seminar at IRIG/SPINTEC by Dr Jakub Železný (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) entitled « Non-Relativistic Spin Currents and Torques in Antiferromagnets » Location: Building 1005, seminar room 445, CEA Grenoble 👉 PhD defense 🔹September 09 at 2pm, PhD defense by Massilia Abbas (IRIG/IBS) entitled « Investigation of LPS recognition by immunity C-type lectin receptors in a cell-surface mimicking environment » Location: IBS seminar room, EPN campus, 71 av. des Martyrs, Grenoble More information: https://lnkd.in/eA_MSDcs #Spintronics #Antiferromagnets #LipoPolySaccharides




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    [IRIG CAREERS] 💼 Check these two Postdoctoral positions in cell biology / biotechnology field! 📢 The CEA-Irig is hiring two post-doctoral fellows in cell biology / biotechnology field: * Subject 1: Islet transplantation graft follow-up on-chip for type 1 diabetes * Subject 2: Understanding the molecular mechanisms inducing type 1 diabetes using a pancreatic islet model on-chip. Starting date: preferably Nov-December 2024 Duration: 24 months 🚩 These postdocs will take place in one of the CEA-IRIG lab, the Biosciences and bioengineering for health laboratory (in the BIOMICS team, director: Xavier Gidrol), on the CEA-Grenoble site (France). Interested candidates should send their CV, a cover letter (detailing motivation, relevant experiences and availability), and contact information for at least one reference to Emily Tubbs by October 15th, 2024. To know more, check the 2 documents below 👇 To apply: * Subject 1: https://urlr.me/3fZnG * Subject 2: https://urlr.me/X4y5s #Postdoc #Organoids #Organchips #Ooc #CellBiology

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    [EVENT] 📅 Opening of the application to the 2025 HERCULES SCHOOL: Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation for Science This one month course, coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes, is designed to provide training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of #Neutrons, #Xray #Synchrotron Radiation, and #FreeElectronLaser for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications). Neutron and X-ray science is integrated with complementary techniques like (but not only) optical and electron microscopy, NMR, optical spectroscopy. 🚩 It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials and a poster session in Grenoble and visits of Large Facilities (ALBA Synchrotron in Barcelona, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) in Karlsruhe, DESY and European XFEL in Hamburg, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and FERMI in Trieste, ESRF - The European Synchrotron and ILL - Institut Laue Langevin Grenoble, Synchrotron SOLEIL in Paris-Saclay, and PSI Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen). The language of the course is English. The school includes a common part and two parallel sessions: – Biomolecular, soft condensed matter structure & dynamics – Physics and chemistry of condensed matter CEA-Irig is proud to contribute to courses and trainings as several of its scientists use to give lectures and tutorials during this school. For details, please have a look on the website of the course: https://hercules-school.eu 💥The application to #HERCULES2025 will close on 06th October 2024.

    My Hercules workspace

    My Hercules workspace


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    [MEETINGS] 📅 at CEA-Irig this week  👉 Invited seminar  🔹 August 28 at 2pm, invited seminar at IRIG/SPINTEC by Hans Josef Hug (Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology and University of Basel, Switzerland) entitled "Nanoscale Magnetic Field Quantification Using In-Vacuum Magnetic Force Microscopy" Location: building 1005, seminar room 445, CEA Grenoble More information: https://lnkd.in/eA_MSDcs #Magnetism #MagneticFields #Nanoscale #MFM #Spintronic

    à retenir…

    à retenir…


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    [IRIG CAREERS] 💼 Postdoctoral position to uncover the secrets of the autoimmune response against C1q 📢 The CEA-Irig is proposing a 18 to 24 month postdoctoral researcher position to explore the structural determinants of the autoimmunity against complement C1q in lupus patients. Required skills: - Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, or a related field. - Strong experience in recombinant protein expression and purification. - Proficiency in ELISA and other immunoassays. - Familiarity with structural biology techniques will be greatly appreciated. Expected starting date: Autumn 2024. This recruitment will be made by the CEA. In accordance with the commitments made by the CEA in favor of the integration of people with disabilities, this job is open to everyone. The CEA offers accommodations and/or organizational possibilities for the inclusion of disabled workers. 👉 To know more and apply (before September 12, 2024): https://urlr.me/3Wmn4 🚩 This thesis will take place in one of the CEA-IRIG lab, the Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS), on the GIANT Innovation Campus in Grenoble (France). Join us on this exciting journey to uncover the secrets of the autoimmune response against C1q and make a meaningful impact on human health! #C1q #StructuralBiology #Postdoc #Lupus

    Explore the structural determinants of the autoimmunity against complement C1q in lupus patients H/F

    Explore the structural determinants of the autoimmunity against complement C1q in lupus patients H/F


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    ✨[HIGHLIGHTS]✨ Is blue light a threat to our skin? Blue light emitted by our screens has harmful effects on our eyes. Would that from solar radiation have an impact on our skin, and in particular the induction of skin cancers?. Researchers CEA-Irig reconstituted human epidermis in vitro. They exposed them to blue light, then UV rays. The results show that exposure to blue light significantly slows down the elimination of photoproducts. These data provide important information on the toxicity of solar radiation and lead to new avenues in terms of photoprotection. More https://lnkd.in/gmmZpWYJ A lire https://lnkd.in/gWxfvCRx contact: Thierry Douki CEA-Irig / SyMMES #cancer #lifesciences #healthcare

    Is blue light a threat to our skin?

    Is blue light a threat to our skin?


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    [MEDIATION SCIENTIFIQUE] 💡 Découvrez le #quantique en douceur à l'ombre de votre parasol !

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    🐱 A l’occasion de la journée internationale du chat, focus sur l’expérience qui a révolutionné la physique quantique, le chat de Schrödinger Kesako ? 👨🔬👩🔬 A l’aube du XXe siècle, la naissance de la physique quantique révolutionne notre conception du monde : les physiciens réalisent que la physique classique, qui décrit parfaitement notre environnement quotidien macroscopique, devient inopérante à l’échelle microscopique des atomes et des particules. En effet, les atomes et les particules élémentaires de la matière, n’évoluent pas comme un système classique, où les quantités d’énergie échangées peuvent prendre n'importe quelle valeur. Pour un système quantique, l’énergie s’échange par valeurs discrètes ou « quanta ». 👨🏫 Le physicien Schrödinger a utilisé une image devenue célèbre pour mettre en avant le côté paradoxal d’objets dont on ne peut pas connaître l’état à tout moment. Il a imaginé un chat « quantique », enfermé dans une boîte sans fenêtre en présence d’un poison déclenché par un processus quantique. Tant que la boîte n’est pas ouverte, on ne sait pas si le processus quantique a déclenché le mécanisme, le chat est à la fois mort et vivant avec des probabilités dépendant du processus. Bien sûr, quand on ouvre la boîte le chat est soit mort, soit vivant. En regardant à l’intérieur, on fait une mesure qui nous permet de connaître l’état quantique du système. 💡 De cette 1ère révolution quantique découlent un certain nombre d’applications encore utilisées aujourd’hui : les lasers, les circuits intégrés ou encore les transistors, à la base du fonctionnement des appareils électroniques notamment. Depuis le début des années 1980, la physique quantique a pris un nouveau tournant : c’est la deuxième révolution quantique, qui se poursuit encore aujourd’hui. En 1982, le physicien alain aspect et son équipe parviennent à démontrer la réalité du principe d’intrication quantique. Par ce phénomène les particules constituant un système sont liés, et le restent quelle que soit la distance qui les sépare. 💻 Cette propriété pourrait avoir des applications importantes dans le domaine de l’information quantique : cryptographie, téléportation de l'information ou encore l’ordinateur quantique. 🥼 Et le champ d’application de la physique quantique va bien au-delà : le formalisme de la mécanique quantique est utilisé par les chercheurs en nanosciences (chimie, optique, électronique, magnétisme, physique de l’état condensé) et par les physiciens des lois fondamentales de l’Univers (particules, noyau atomique, cosmologie). 🎥 On vous laisse avec Marie Quantum Flagship pour découvrir ce monde mystérieux en animation 👇 (et en plus on vous fait réviser votre anglais 🔊 ) 👋 Chaymae SENHAJI, Natalia Sergeeva-Chollet #InternationalCatDay #Quantique

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    ✨[HIGHLIGHTS]✨ Green fuel produced with cobalt catalyst and sunlight Researchers CEA-Irig have succeeded in selectively converting CO2 into CO using a cobalt-based catalyst and carbon nanotubes. In addition, this catalyst has been integrated into a photoelectrochemical dye cell to produce synthesis gas using solar energy. Carbon dioxide (CO2) one of the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming, can be recycled to produce green fuels or other carbon-based materials of interest. Researchers have developed cobalt-based catalysts able to achieve such transformation, relying solely on renewable energy sources. This is an international collaboration involved CEA-Irig and University of Science and Technology of Hanoi - USTH. More https://lnkd.in/etb7mq_C A lire https://lnkd.in/e5AFqZQU contact: Vincent Artero and Murielle Chavarot-Kerlidou CEA-Irig / LCBM #energytransition #climatechange #sunenergy

    Cobalt catalyst and sunlight to produce green fuel

    Cobalt catalyst and sunlight to produce green fuel


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