Free Beacon Collin Anderson

Collin Anderson is executive editor for the Washington Free Beacon. He graduated from the University of Missouri, where he studied politics. He is originally from St. Louis and now lives in Arlington, VA. His email address is [email protected].

Columbia Suspends Media Access to Campus 'As a Safety Measure'

Move comes after students stormed campus building and hoisted 'intifada' banner

April 30, 2024

Columbia President Shafik Extends Deadline To Clear Encampment: 12 AM, 8 AM, 48 Hours

Student protesters ask participants, 'Will you be ready to rally for your comrades?'

April 24, 2024

He Refused To Leave Columbia When He Was Suspended. Two Weeks Later, He's Still There—And Leading the Protests Roiling Campus.

Aidan Parisi pledged to 'resist' and called for 'intifada' after Columbia ordered him to vacate his on-campus apartment

April 24, 2024

Arab-Israeli Journalist Assaulted at Columbia University, Forced To Cancel Speech

'Instead of a lecture, I went to file a police complaint,' Yoseph Haddad said

April 19, 2024

Wife of Obama Press Sec Shocked by Proliferation of Anti-Semitism on Campus of Obama's Alma Mater

Former president's longtime friend, Columbia professor Rashid Khalidi, warned Israel supporters would 'infest' the Trump admin

April 17, 2024

Trump Goes to Trial in Hush Money Case as Legal Experts Voice Skepticism Over the Merits

'The weaknesses in this case are clear,' says Touro Law Center professor Richard Klein

April 15, 2024

Yale Administrators Stand By as Students Unveil 'Free Palestine' Banner During Official Class Photograph

'I was incredibly disappointed that there were over 5 school officials there that did nothing,' Jewish student says

April 9, 2024

Columbia Group Behind 'Resistance 101' Event Urges Members To Stonewall University Investigation as School Promises Disciplinary Action for Refusal To Cooperate

Administrators spar with Columbia University Apartheid Divest ahead of campus anti-Semitism congressional hearing

April 4, 2024