The Latest

UCLA Medical School Denies Whistleblower Allegations, Claims Students Admitted ‘Based on Merit’

Admissions officers say the school lowers standards for minorities in an effort to boost diversity.

May 24, 2024

'A Failed Medical School': How Racial Preferences, Supposedly Outlawed in California, Have Persisted at UCLA

Up to half of UCLA medical students now fail basic tests of medical competence. Whistleblowers say affirmative action, illegal in California since 1996, is to blame.

May 23, 2024

House Committee Slams UCLA for 'Inadequate Response to Antisemitism'

School must account for 'inadequate response to antisemitism and failure to protect Jewish students,' committee chair says

May 15, 2024

Police Clear UCLA Anti-Israel Encampment and Arrest Dozens of Activists

UCLA protesters shout 'shame on you!' and compare officers to Ku Klux Klan

May 2, 2024

UCLA's Race And Equity Director: Jews 'Enjoy the Benefits of Whiteness'

UCLA canceled classes Wednesday after violent confrontation between pro-Israel, anti-Israel protesters

May 1, 2024