OPUS: Online Positioning User Service

Upload your data file.

Solve your GPS position & tie it to the National Spatial Reference System. <br=""><a HREF="about.jsp#about"="">What is OPUS?</a>     <a HREF="about.jsp#FAQ"="">FAQs</a>

* data file of dual-frequency GPS observations. sample

<a HREF="about.jsp#antennatype"="">antenna</a> - choosing wrong may degrade your accuracy.

<b=""> meters </b> above your mark.
antenna height of your antenna's reference point.

* email address - your solution will be sent here. Privacy Act Statement

to customize your solution.

formats &nbsp; formats explained
base stations Use:                 Exclude:
identify any CORS you wish to explicitly 'Use' or 'Exclude' from your solution by typing in 4-char site IDs separated with line break <br=""> <a onclick="insertSample()"="">  -- sample</a><br=""> <a HREF="/CORS_Map/" target="_blank"="">  -- find site IDs</a> <br=""> <a HREF="///geodesy.noaa.gov/OPUS-Tools/ncn-plots/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=GovDelivery/" target="_blank"="">  -- NCN PloTS</a>
state plane
&nbsp; your  SPCS zone
project identifier
enter the id provided by your project manager
my profile customize OPUS defaults for future solutions
share my solution <a href="about.jsp#sharing"="">sharing explained</a>

for data 15 min. - 2 hrs.       for data 2 hrs. - 48 hrs.

* required fields
We may use your data for internal evaluations of OPUS use, accuracy, or related research.