GeoTracker Site / Facility Type Definitions:
Cleanup Program Sites: includes all "non-federally owned" sites that are regulated under the State Water Resources Control Board's Site Cleanup Program and/or similar programs conducted by each of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Cleanup Program Sites are also commonly referred to as "Site Cleanup Program sites". Cleanup Program Sites are varied and include but are not limited to pesticide and fertilizer facilities, rail yards, ports, equipment supply facilities, metals facilities, industrial manufacturing and maintenance sites, dry cleaners, bulk transfer facilities, refineries, mine sites, landfills, RCRA/CERCLA cleanups, and some brownfields. Unauthorized releases detected at Cleanup Program Sites are highly variable and include but are not limited to hydrocarbon solvents, pesticides, perchlorate, nitrate, heavy metals, and petroleum constituents, to name a few.
Confined Animal Facilities (CAF): includes farms or ranches where livestock are held for a significant period of time and provided food in the facility (as opposed to grazing), and whose discharges are regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board and/or one of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Discharges include manure, wastewater, and storm water runoff that may contain waste constituents. This dataset is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board�s California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) database. The data set is updated nightly. At this time, information WDR sites are limited to facilities associated with Central Coast, Los Angeles, and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board For more information about the CIWQS database, please see the following website:
Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP): includes all sites which discharge agricultural runoff and are regulated by the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) at the State Water Resources Control Board or one of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Many ILRP sites in the Central Valley operate under general orders (broad-based WDRs) or commodity-specific orders designed to prevent discharges of agricultural runoff from causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives.

Groundwater Cooperatives: includes data regarding cooperative groundwater monitoring programs that cover multiple facilities. These programs are generally implemented by agricultural facilities regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board and/or one of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
Land Disposal Sites: Includes sites with solid and/or liquid wastes discharged to land such as landfills, mines, surface impoundments, waste piles, and land treatment facilities. These may be regulated pursuant to the California Code of Regulations (Chapter 15 of Title 23, or Title 27), or regulated pursuant to the California Water Code. Land disposal sites regulated pursuant to the California Water Code include composting facilities. Wastes contained at land disposal sites are characterized as Class I (hazardous), Class II (designated), Class III (non-hazardous), or Unclassified (inert) pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22.
Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Cleanup Sites: includes all Underground Storage Tank (UST) sites that have had an unauthorized release (i.e. leak or spill) of a hazardous substance, usually fuel hydrocarbons, and are being (or have been) cleaned up. In GeoTracker, Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) sites consist almost entirely of fuel-contaminated LUST sites (also known as "Leaking Underground Fuel Tank", or "LUFT" sites) which are regulated pursuant to Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 16, Article 11.
Military Cleanup Sites: includes all cleanup sites that are located on existing military bases or those which are to be transferred. Military Cleanup Sites include a wide range of discharges, but are primarily regulated under RCRA/CERCLA standards by each of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Military Privatized Sites: includes all former military bases/facilities that have been transferred for civilian reuse but are still undergoing (or have undergone) cleanup activity under the direction of the State Water Resources Control Board and/or one of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Military UST Site: includes all petroleum-related Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) cleanup sites located on existing military bases (or those which are to be transferred) and regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board and/or one of the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Military LUST sites are non-CERCLA, and are thus regulated under Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 16, Article 11 standards.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Sites: includes sites that operate under NPDES permits issued by the State Water Resources Control Board or a Regional Water Quality Control Board. The NPDES program regulates point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States. This dataset is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board�s California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) database and is updated nightly. Note: GeoTracker does not contain the full list of facilities that are enrolled in the NPDES program. Please refer to the CIWQS database's website ( to view the entire list.
Non-Case Information: Sites that either have no unauthorized release, had a release to the environment with minimal impact or is currently evaluated for impacts and may result with the activation of a new case. Non-Case information Sites contain environmental data, location data, or potential source information that may be considered important to a given area. Non-case Information sites may or may not be readily viewable on the public GeoTracker website.
Oil and Gas Monitoring: includes several categories of projects associated with oilfield activities which require groundwater monitoring by the State Water Resources Control Board, the Regional Water Quality Control Board(s), and the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR, a division of the Department of Conservation). The categories of oilfield projects currently entered into GeoTracker include but are not limited to:
•Aquifer Exemptions: Includes information regarding areas that are exempt from the Safe Water Drinking Act for Class II injection.
Produced Water Ponds: Includes surface impoundments used to store and/or dispose of water produced during oil production. Includes permitted and unpermitted surface impoundments and current status (i.e., active, inactive, or historical).
Underground Injection Control (UIC): includes information regarding wells used for disposing of oilfield fluids by subsurface injection. Such injection is also sometimes used to enhance oilfield production.
Well Stimulation Projects - Groundwater Monitoring Plans: Includes areas of groundwater monitoring plans, a depiction of the monitoring network, and the facilities, boundaries, and subsurface characteristics of the oilfield and the features (oil and gas wells, produced water ponds, UIC wells, water supply wells, etc.) being monitored.
Well Stimulation Projects � Exclusions: Includes information required to exempt certain oilfield facilities and/or features from groundwater monitoring requirements. The information included is similar to that provided in "Well Stimulation Projects - Groundwater Monitoring Plans", except that no groundwater monitoring network is required or depicted.
•Well Stimulation Projects: Includes information regarding oilfield wells in which production is stimulated using techniques such as hydraulic fracturing, acid fracturing, and acid matrix stimulation.
Other Oil and Gas Projects: Includes information regarding select oilfield activities that may not be associated with well stimulation activities but may be pertinent to investigation activities in a given area.
Permitted Tanks Sites: The "Permitted Tanks" data set includes Facilities that are associated with permitted underground storage tanks from the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) database. The CERS data consists of current and recently closed permitted underground storage tank (UST) facilities information provided to CERS by Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs). The CERS data in GeoTracker is updated each weekend. The CERS database is managed by the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). For mor information please visit
Project (Beta): Project (Beta) is a multipurpose site type varying from source investigation projects to a Water Board grant funded project for groundwater cleanup (e.g. Proposition 1 Groundwater Sustainability Program). A Project (Beta) may be comprised of multiple sites or facilities, a single or group of impacted supply wells, or a groundwater plume of interest. Project (Beta) has the ability to group or associate multiple site types with each other under a single, combined Project (Beta). Specific Project (Beta) information may or may not be readily viewable on the public GeoTracker website.
Sampling Points: consists of either public or private Sampling Points that may contain various environmental data pertinent to characterization of an area. Sampling Points are not necessarily associated with a particular site of any kind. "Sampling Points - Public" are available on the public GeoTracker. "Sampling Points - Private" are not available on the public GeoTracker.
Single-Walled UST Sites: Includes sites identified with underground storage tanks (UST) which are regulated by Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations, Division 3, Chapter 16, and constructed with non-exempt single-walled components, either tanks or product delivery piping. Single-walled USTs are required to be permanently closed on or before December 31, 2025, per California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7, section 25292.05. Dataset tracks which facilities have completed a UST Closure Commitment Plan, a fillable form provided by the State Water Resources Control Board to single-walled UST facility representatives which screens for RUST (Replacing, Removing, or Upgrading Underground Storage Tanks) financial assistance eligibility, and requests information about when and how sites will comply with the single-walled closure deadline. Dataset includes both operating and recently closed sites.
Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) Sites: includes sites that operate under Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board or a Regional Water Quality Control Board. WDRs address non-designated waste discharges that are typically applied to land. This dataset is provided by the State Water Resources Control Board�s California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) database. The data set is updated nightly. At this time, information WDR sites are limited to facilities associated with Central Coast, Los Angeles, and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board For more information about the CIWQS database, please see the following website: