blob: f2487527bc815ab58992c6545df52b6d8f893e13 [file] [log] [blame]
* MediaWiki\Session entry point
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
* @ingroup Session
namespace MediaWiki\Session;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer;
use MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Request\FauxRequest;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use MediaWiki\User\UserNameUtils;
use MWException;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\BagOStuff;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\CachedBagOStuff;
* This serves as the entry point to the MediaWiki session handling system.
* Most methods here are for internal use by session handling code. Other callers
* should only use getGlobalSession and the methods of SessionManagerInterface;
* the rest of the functionality is exposed via MediaWiki\Session\Session methods.
* To provide custom session handling, implement a MediaWiki\Session\SessionProvider.
* @anchor SessionManager-storage-expectations
* ## Storage expectations
* The SessionManager should be configured with a very fast storage system that is
* optimized for holding key-value pairs. It expects:
* - Low latencies. Session data is read or written to during nearly all web requests from
* people that have contributed to or otherwise engaged with the site, including those not
* logged in with a registered account.
* - Locally writable data. The data must be writable from both primary and secondary
* data centres.
* - Locally latest reads. Writes must by default be immediately consistent within
* the local data centre, and visible to other reads from web servers in that data centre.
* - Replication. The data must be eventually consistent across all data centres. Writes
* are either synced to all remote data centres, or locally overwritten by another write
* that is.
* The SessionManager uses `set()` and `delete()` for write operations, which should be
* synchronous in the local data centre, and replicate asynchronously to any others.
* @ingroup Session
* @since 1.27
* @see
class SessionManager implements SessionManagerInterface {
/** @var SessionManager|null */
private static $instance = null;
/** @var Session|null */
private static $globalSession = null;
/** @var WebRequest|null */
private static $globalSessionRequest = null;
/** @var LoggerInterface */
private $logger;
/** @var HookContainer */
private $hookContainer;
/** @var HookRunner */
private $hookRunner;
/** @var Config */
private $config;
/** @var UserNameUtils */
private $userNameUtils;
/** @var CachedBagOStuff|null */
private $store;
/** @var SessionProvider[] */
private $sessionProviders = null;
/** @var string[] */
private $varyCookies = null;
/** @var array */
private $varyHeaders = null;
/** @var SessionBackend[] */
private $allSessionBackends = [];
/** @var SessionId[] */
private $allSessionIds = [];
/** @var true[] */
private $preventUsers = [];
* Get the global SessionManager
* @return self
public static function singleton() {
if ( self::$instance === null ) {
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
* If PHP's session_id() has been set, returns that session. Otherwise
* returns the session for RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest().
* @return Session
public static function getGlobalSession(): Session {
if ( !PHPSessionHandler::isEnabled() ) {
$id = '';
} else {
$id = session_id();
$request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
if (
!self::$globalSession // No global session is set up yet
|| self::$globalSessionRequest !== $request // The global WebRequest changed
|| ( $id !== '' && self::$globalSession->getId() !== $id ) // Someone messed with session_id()
) {
self::$globalSessionRequest = $request;
if ( $id === '' ) {
// session_id() wasn't used, so fetch the Session from the WebRequest.
// We use $request->getSession() instead of $singleton->getSessionForRequest()
// because doing the latter would require a public
// "$request->getSessionId()" method that would confuse end
// users by returning SessionId|null where they'd expect it to
// be short for $request->getSession()->getId(), and would
// wind up being a duplicate of the code in
// $request->getSession() anyway.
self::$globalSession = $request->getSession();
} else {
// Someone used session_id(), so we need to follow suit.
// Note this overwrites whatever session might already be
// associated with $request with the one for $id.
self::$globalSession = self::singleton()->getSessionById( $id, true, $request )
?: $request->getSession();
return self::$globalSession;
* @param array $options
* - config: Config to fetch configuration from. Defaults to the default 'main' config.
* - logger: LoggerInterface to use for logging. Defaults to the 'session' channel.
* - store: BagOStuff to store session data in.
public function __construct( $options = [] ) {
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
if ( isset( $options['config'] ) ) {
$this->config = $options['config'];
if ( !$this->config instanceof Config ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'config\'] must be an instance of Config'
} else {
$this->config = $services->getMainConfig();
if ( isset( $options['logger'] ) ) {
if ( !$options['logger'] instanceof LoggerInterface ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'logger\'] must be an instance of LoggerInterface'
$this->setLogger( $options['logger'] );
} else {
$this->setLogger( \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'session' ) );
if ( isset( $options['hookContainer'] ) ) {
$this->setHookContainer( $options['hookContainer'] );
} else {
$this->setHookContainer( $services->getHookContainer() );
if ( isset( $options['store'] ) ) {
if ( !$options['store'] instanceof BagOStuff ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'store\'] must be an instance of BagOStuff'
$store = $options['store'];
} else {
$store = $services->getObjectCacheFactory()
->getInstance( $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::SessionCacheType ) );
$this->logger->debug( 'SessionManager using store ' . get_class( $store ) );
$this->store = $store instanceof CachedBagOStuff ? $store : new CachedBagOStuff( $store );
$this->userNameUtils = $services->getUserNameUtils();
register_shutdown_function( [ $this, 'shutdown' ] );
public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) {
$this->logger = $logger;
* @internal
* @param HookContainer $hookContainer
public function setHookContainer( HookContainer $hookContainer ) {
$this->hookContainer = $hookContainer;
$this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
public function getSessionForRequest( WebRequest $request ) {
$info = $this->getSessionInfoForRequest( $request );
if ( !$info ) {
$session = $this->getInitialSession( $request );
} else {
$session = $this->getSessionFromInfo( $info, $request );
return $session;
public function getSessionById( $id, $create = false, WebRequest $request = null ) {
if ( !self::validateSessionId( $id ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid session ID' );
if ( !$request ) {
$request = new FauxRequest;
$session = null;
$info = new SessionInfo( SessionInfo::MIN_PRIORITY, [ 'id' => $id, 'idIsSafe' => true ] );
// If we already have the backend loaded, use it directly
if ( isset( $this->allSessionBackends[$id] ) ) {
return $this->getSessionFromInfo( $info, $request );
// Test if the session is in storage, and if so try to load it.
$key = $this->store->makeKey( 'MWSession', $id );
if ( is_array( $this->store->get( $key ) ) ) {
$create = false; // If loading fails, don't bother creating because it probably will fail too.
if ( $this->loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info, $request ) ) {
$session = $this->getSessionFromInfo( $info, $request );
if ( $create && $session === null ) {
try {
$session = $this->getEmptySessionInternal( $request, $id );
} catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
$this->logger->error( 'Failed to create empty session: {exception}',
'method' => __METHOD__,
'exception' => $ex,
] );
$session = null;
return $session;
public function getEmptySession( WebRequest $request = null ) {
return $this->getEmptySessionInternal( $request );
* @see SessionManagerInterface::getEmptySession
* @param WebRequest|null $request
* @param string|null $id ID to force on the new session
* @return Session
private function getEmptySessionInternal( WebRequest $request = null, $id = null ) {
if ( $id !== null ) {
if ( !self::validateSessionId( $id ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid session ID' );
$key = $this->store->makeKey( 'MWSession', $id );
if ( is_array( $this->store->get( $key ) ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Session ID already exists' );
if ( !$request ) {
$request = new FauxRequest;
$infos = [];
foreach ( $this->getProviders() as $provider ) {
$info = $provider->newSessionInfo( $id );
if ( !$info ) {
if ( $info->getProvider() !== $provider ) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
"$provider returned an empty session info for a different provider: $info"
if ( $id !== null && $info->getId() !== $id ) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
"$provider returned empty session info with a wrong id: " .
$info->getId() . ' != ' . $id
if ( !$info->isIdSafe() ) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
"$provider returned empty session info with id flagged unsafe"
$compare = $infos ? SessionInfo::compare( $infos[0], $info ) : -1;
if ( $compare > 0 ) {
if ( $compare === 0 ) {
$infos[] = $info;
} else {
$infos = [ $info ];
// Make sure there's exactly one
if ( count( $infos ) > 1 ) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Multiple empty sessions tied for top priority: ' . implode( ', ', $infos )
} elseif ( count( $infos ) < 1 ) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'No provider could provide an empty session!' );
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset False positive
return $this->getSessionFromInfo( $infos[0], $request );
* Create a new session. Populate it with a default secret token, to avoid
* a session replication race on a subsequent edit/save cycle (e.g. in
* a multi-dc setup, ref
* @param WebRequest|null $request Corresponding request. Any existing
* session associated with this WebRequest object will be overwritten.
* @return Session
private function getInitialSession( WebRequest $request = null ) {
$session = $this->getEmptySession( $request );
return $session;
public function invalidateSessionsForUser( User $user ) {
foreach ( $this->getProviders() as $provider ) {
$provider->invalidateSessionsForUser( $user );
* @return array<string,null>
public function getVaryHeaders() {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ( defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && MW_NO_SESSION !== 'warn' ) {
return [];
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if ( $this->varyHeaders === null ) {
$headers = [];
foreach ( $this->getProviders() as $provider ) {
foreach ( $provider->getVaryHeaders() as $header => $_ ) {
$headers[$header] = null;
$this->varyHeaders = $headers;
return $this->varyHeaders;
public function getVaryCookies() {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ( defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) && MW_NO_SESSION !== 'warn' ) {
return [];
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if ( $this->varyCookies === null ) {
$cookies = [];
foreach ( $this->getProviders() as $provider ) {
$cookies = array_merge( $cookies, $provider->getVaryCookies() );
$this->varyCookies = array_values( array_unique( $cookies ) );
return $this->varyCookies;
* Validate a session ID
* @param string $id
* @return bool
public static function validateSessionId( $id ) {
return is_string( $id ) && preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{32,}$/', $id );
// region Internal methods
/** @name Internal methods */
* Prevent future sessions for the user
* The intention is that the named account will never again be usable for
* normal login (i.e. there is no way to undo the prevention of access).
* @internal For use from \MediaWiki\User\User::newSystemUser only
* @param string $username
public function preventSessionsForUser( $username ) {
$this->preventUsers[$username] = true;
// Instruct the session providers to kill any other sessions too.
foreach ( $this->getProviders() as $provider ) {
$provider->preventSessionsForUser( $username );
* Test if a user is prevented
* @internal For use from SessionBackend only
* @param string $username
* @return bool
public function isUserSessionPrevented( $username ) {
return !empty( $this->preventUsers[$username] );
* Get the available SessionProviders
* @return SessionProvider[]
protected function getProviders() {
if ( $this->sessionProviders === null ) {
$this->sessionProviders = [];
$objectFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getObjectFactory();
foreach ( $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::SessionProviders ) as $spec ) {
/** @var SessionProvider $provider */
$provider = $objectFactory->createObject( $spec );
if ( isset( $this->sessionProviders[(string)$provider] ) ) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeSuspiciousStringExpression
throw new \UnexpectedValueException( "Duplicate provider name \"$provider\"" );
$this->sessionProviders[(string)$provider] = $provider;
return $this->sessionProviders;
* Get a session provider by name
* Generally, this will only be used by internal implementation of some
* special session-providing mechanism. General purpose code, if it needs
* to access a SessionProvider at all, will use Session::getProvider().
* @param string $name
* @return SessionProvider|null
public function getProvider( $name ) {
$providers = $this->getProviders();
return $providers[$name] ?? null;
* Save all active sessions on shutdown
* @internal For internal use with register_shutdown_function()
public function shutdown() {
if ( $this->allSessionBackends ) {
$this->logger->debug( 'Saving all sessions on shutdown' );
if ( session_id() !== '' ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
foreach ( $this->allSessionBackends as $backend ) {
* Fetch the SessionInfo(s) for a request
* @param WebRequest $request
* @return SessionInfo|null
private function getSessionInfoForRequest( WebRequest $request ) {
// Call all providers to fetch "the" session
$infos = [];
foreach ( $this->getProviders() as $provider ) {
$info = $provider->provideSessionInfo( $request );
if ( !$info ) {
if ( $info->getProvider() !== $provider ) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
"$provider returned session info for a different provider: $info"
$infos[] = $info;
// Sort the SessionInfos. Then find the first one that can be
// successfully loaded, and then all the ones after it with the same
// priority.
usort( $infos, [ SessionInfo::class, 'compare' ] );
$retInfos = [];
while ( $infos ) {
$info = array_pop( $infos );
if ( $this->loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info, $request ) ) {
$retInfos[] = $info;
while ( $infos ) {
/** @var SessionInfo $info */
$info = array_pop( $infos );
if ( SessionInfo::compare( $retInfos[0], $info ) ) {
// We hit a lower priority, stop checking.
if ( $this->loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info, $request ) ) {
// This is going to error out below, but we want to
// provide a complete list.
$retInfos[] = $info;
} else {
// Session load failed, so unpersist it from this request
$this->logUnpersist( $info, $request );
$info->getProvider()->unpersistSession( $request );
} else {
// Session load failed, so unpersist it from this request
$this->logUnpersist( $info, $request );
$info->getProvider()->unpersistSession( $request );
if ( count( $retInfos ) > 1 ) {
throw new SessionOverflowException(
'Multiple sessions for this request tied for top priority: ' . implode( ', ', $retInfos )
return $retInfos[0] ?? null;
* Load and verify the session info against the store
* @param SessionInfo &$info Will likely be replaced with an updated SessionInfo instance
* @param WebRequest $request
* @return bool Whether the session info matches the stored data (if any)
private function loadSessionInfoFromStore( SessionInfo &$info, WebRequest $request ) {
$key = $this->store->makeKey( 'MWSession', $info->getId() );
$blob = $this->store->get( $key );
// If we got data from the store and the SessionInfo says to force use,
// "fail" means to delete the data from the store and retry. Otherwise,
// "fail" is just return false.
if ( $info->forceUse() && $blob !== false ) {
$failHandler = function () use ( $key, &$info, $request ) {
$this->store->delete( $key );
return $this->loadSessionInfoFromStore( $info, $request );
} else {
$failHandler = static function () {
return false;
$newParams = [];
if ( $blob !== false ) {
// Double check: blob must be an array, if it's saved at all
if ( !is_array( $blob ) ) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Session "{session}": Bad data', [
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
$this->store->delete( $key );
return $failHandler();
// Double check: blob has data and metadata arrays
if ( !isset( $blob['data'] ) || !is_array( $blob['data'] ) ||
!isset( $blob['metadata'] ) || !is_array( $blob['metadata'] )
) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Session "{session}": Bad data structure', [
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
$this->store->delete( $key );
return $failHandler();
$data = $blob['data'];
$metadata = $blob['metadata'];
// Double check: metadata must be an array and must contain certain
// keys, if it's saved at all
if ( !array_key_exists( 'userId', $metadata ) ||
!array_key_exists( 'userName', $metadata ) ||
!array_key_exists( 'userToken', $metadata ) ||
!array_key_exists( 'provider', $metadata )
) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Session "{session}": Bad metadata', [
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
$this->store->delete( $key );
return $failHandler();
// First, load the provider from metadata, or validate it against the metadata.
$provider = $info->getProvider();
if ( $provider === null ) {
$newParams['provider'] = $provider = $this->getProvider( $metadata['provider'] );
if ( !$provider ) {
'Session "{session}": Unknown provider ' . $metadata['provider'],
'session' => $info->__toString(),
$this->store->delete( $key );
return $failHandler();
} elseif ( $metadata['provider'] !== (string)$provider ) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Session "{session}": Wrong provider ' .
$metadata['provider'] . ' !== ' . $provider,
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
// Load provider metadata from metadata, or validate it against the metadata
$providerMetadata = $info->getProviderMetadata();
if ( isset( $metadata['providerMetadata'] ) ) {
if ( $providerMetadata === null ) {
$newParams['metadata'] = $metadata['providerMetadata'];
} else {
try {
$newProviderMetadata = $provider->mergeMetadata(
$metadata['providerMetadata'], $providerMetadata
if ( $newProviderMetadata !== $providerMetadata ) {
$newParams['metadata'] = $newProviderMetadata;
} catch ( MetadataMergeException $ex ) {
'Session "{session}": Metadata merge failed: {exception}',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
'exception' => $ex,
] + $ex->getContext()
return $failHandler();
// Next, load the user from metadata, or validate it against the metadata.
$userInfo = $info->getUserInfo();
if ( !$userInfo ) {
// For loading, id is preferred to name.
try {
if ( $metadata['userId'] ) {
$userInfo = UserInfo::newFromId( $metadata['userId'] );
} elseif ( $metadata['userName'] !== null ) { // Shouldn't happen, but just in case
$userInfo = UserInfo::newFromName( $metadata['userName'] );
} else {
$userInfo = UserInfo::newAnonymous();
} catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) {
$this->logger->error( 'Session "{session}": {exception}', [
'session' => $info->__toString(),
'exception' => $ex,
] );
return $failHandler();
$newParams['userInfo'] = $userInfo;
} else {
// User validation passes if user ID matches, or if there
// is no saved ID and the names match.
if ( $metadata['userId'] ) {
if ( $metadata['userId'] !== $userInfo->getId() ) {
// Maybe something like UserMerge changed the user ID. Or it's manual tampering.
'Session "{session}": User ID mismatch, {uid_a} !== {uid_b}',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
'uid_a' => $metadata['userId'],
'uid_b' => $userInfo->getId(),
'uname_a' => $metadata['userName'] ?? '<null>',
'uname_b' => $userInfo->getName() ?? '<null>',
] );
return $failHandler();
// If the user was renamed, probably best to fail here.
if ( $metadata['userName'] !== null &&
$userInfo->getName() !== $metadata['userName']
) {
'Session "{session}": User ID matched but name didn\'t (rename?), {uname_a} !== {uname_b}',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
'uname_a' => $metadata['userName'],
'uname_b' => $userInfo->getName(),
] );
return $failHandler();
} elseif ( $metadata['userName'] !== null ) { // Shouldn't happen, but just in case
if ( $metadata['userName'] !== $userInfo->getName() ) {
'Session "{session}": User name mismatch, {uname_a} !== {uname_b}',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
'uname_a' => $metadata['userName'],
'uname_b' => $userInfo->getName(),
] );
return $failHandler();
} elseif ( !$userInfo->isAnon() ) {
// The metadata in the session store entry indicates this is an anonymous session,
// but the request metadata (e.g. the username cookie) says otherwise. Maybe the
// user logged out but unsetting the cookies failed?
'Session "{session}": the session store entry is for an anonymous user, '
. 'but the session metadata indicates a non-anonynmous user',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
// And if we have a token in the metadata, it must match the loaded/provided user.
// A mismatch probably means the session was invalidated.
if ( $metadata['userToken'] !== null &&
$userInfo->getToken() !== $metadata['userToken']
) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Session "{session}": User token mismatch', [
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
if ( !$userInfo->isVerified() ) {
$newParams['userInfo'] = $userInfo->verified();
if ( !empty( $metadata['remember'] ) && !$info->wasRemembered() ) {
$newParams['remembered'] = true;
if ( !empty( $metadata['forceHTTPS'] ) && !$info->forceHTTPS() ) {
$newParams['forceHTTPS'] = true;
if ( !empty( $metadata['persisted'] ) && !$info->wasPersisted() ) {
$newParams['persisted'] = true;
if ( !$info->isIdSafe() ) {
$newParams['idIsSafe'] = true;
} else {
// No metadata, so we can't load the provider if one wasn't given.
if ( $info->getProvider() === null ) {
'Session "{session}": Null provider and no metadata',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
// If no user was provided and no metadata, it must be anon.
if ( !$info->getUserInfo() ) {
if ( $info->getProvider()->canChangeUser() ) {
$newParams['userInfo'] = UserInfo::newAnonymous();
} else {
// This is a session provider bug - providers with canChangeUser() === false
// should never return an anonymous SessionInfo.
'Session "{session}": No user provided and provider cannot set user',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
} elseif ( !$info->getUserInfo()->isVerified() ) {
// The session was not found in the session store, and the request contains no
// information beyond the session ID that could be used to verify it.
// Probably just a session timeout.
'Session "{session}": Unverified user provided and no metadata to auth it',
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
$data = false;
$metadata = false;
if ( !$info->getProvider()->persistsSessionId() && !$info->isIdSafe() ) {
// The ID doesn't come from the user, so it should be safe
// (and if not, nothing we can do about it anyway)
$newParams['idIsSafe'] = true;
// Construct the replacement SessionInfo, if necessary
if ( $newParams ) {
$newParams['copyFrom'] = $info;
$info = new SessionInfo( $info->getPriority(), $newParams );
// Allow the provider to check the loaded SessionInfo
$providerMetadata = $info->getProviderMetadata();
if ( !$info->getProvider()->refreshSessionInfo( $info, $request, $providerMetadata ) ) {
return $failHandler();
if ( $providerMetadata !== $info->getProviderMetadata() ) {
$info = new SessionInfo( $info->getPriority(), [
'metadata' => $providerMetadata,
'copyFrom' => $info,
] );
// Give hooks a chance to abort. Combined with the SessionMetadata
// hook, this can allow for tying a session to an IP address or the
// like.
$reason = 'Hook aborted';
if ( !$this->hookRunner->onSessionCheckInfo(
$reason, $info, $request, $metadata, $data )
) {
$this->logger->warning( 'Session "{session}": ' . $reason, [
'session' => $info->__toString(),
] );
return $failHandler();
return true;
* Create a Session corresponding to the passed SessionInfo
* @internal For use by a SessionProvider that needs to specially create its
* own Session. Most session providers won't need this.
* @param SessionInfo $info
* @param WebRequest $request
* @return Session
public function getSessionFromInfo( SessionInfo $info, WebRequest $request ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
if ( defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION' ) ) {
$ep = defined( 'MW_ENTRY_POINT' ) ? MW_ENTRY_POINT : 'this';
if ( MW_NO_SESSION === 'warn' ) {
// Undocumented safety case for converting existing entry points
$this->logger->error( 'Sessions are supposed to be disabled for this entry point', [
'exception' => new \BadMethodCallException( "Sessions are disabled for $ep entry point" ),
] );
} else {
throw new \BadMethodCallException( "Sessions are disabled for $ep entry point" );
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$id = $info->getId();
if ( !isset( $this->allSessionBackends[$id] ) ) {
if ( !isset( $this->allSessionIds[$id] ) ) {
$this->allSessionIds[$id] = new SessionId( $id );
$backend = new SessionBackend(
$this->config->get( MainConfigNames::ObjectCacheSessionExpiry )
$this->allSessionBackends[$id] = $backend;
$delay = $backend->delaySave();
} else {
$backend = $this->allSessionBackends[$id];
$delay = $backend->delaySave();
if ( $info->wasPersisted() ) {
if ( $info->wasRemembered() ) {
$backend->setRememberUser( true );
$request->setSessionId( $backend->getSessionId() );
$session = $backend->getSession( $request );
if ( !$info->isIdSafe() ) {
\Wikimedia\ScopedCallback::consume( $delay );
return $session;
* Deregister a SessionBackend
* @internal For use from \MediaWiki\Session\SessionBackend only
* @param SessionBackend $backend
public function deregisterSessionBackend( SessionBackend $backend ) {
$id = $backend->getId();
if ( !isset( $this->allSessionBackends[$id] ) || !isset( $this->allSessionIds[$id] ) ||
$this->allSessionBackends[$id] !== $backend ||
$this->allSessionIds[$id] !== $backend->getSessionId()
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Backend was not registered with this SessionManager' );
unset( $this->allSessionBackends[$id] );
// Explicitly do not unset $this->allSessionIds[$id]
* Change a SessionBackend's ID
* @internal For use from \MediaWiki\Session\SessionBackend only
* @param SessionBackend $backend
public function changeBackendId( SessionBackend $backend ) {
$sessionId = $backend->getSessionId();
$oldId = (string)$sessionId;
if ( !isset( $this->allSessionBackends[$oldId] ) || !isset( $this->allSessionIds[$oldId] ) ||
$this->allSessionBackends[$oldId] !== $backend ||
$this->allSessionIds[$oldId] !== $sessionId
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Backend was not registered with this SessionManager' );
$newId = $this->generateSessionId();
unset( $this->allSessionBackends[$oldId], $this->allSessionIds[$oldId] );
$sessionId->setId( $newId );
$this->allSessionBackends[$newId] = $backend;
$this->allSessionIds[$newId] = $sessionId;
* Generate a new random session ID
* @return string
public function generateSessionId() {
$id = \Wikimedia\base_convert( \MWCryptRand::generateHex( 40 ), 16, 32, 32 );
// Cache non-existence to avoid a later fetch
$key = $this->store->makeKey( 'MWSession', $id );
$this->store->set( $key, false, 0, BagOStuff::WRITE_CACHE_ONLY );
return $id;
* Call setters on a PHPSessionHandler
* @internal Use PhpSessionHandler::install()
* @param PHPSessionHandler $handler
public function setupPHPSessionHandler( PHPSessionHandler $handler ) {
$handler->setManager( $this, $this->store, $this->logger );
* Reset the internal caching for unit testing
* @note Unit tests only
* @internal
public static function resetCache() {
if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) && !defined( 'MW_PARSER_TEST' ) ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
throw new LogicException( __METHOD__ . ' may only be called from unit tests!' );
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
self::$globalSession = null;
self::$globalSessionRequest = null;
private function logUnpersist( SessionInfo $info, WebRequest $request ) {
$logData = [
'id' => $info->getId(),
'provider' => get_class( $info->getProvider() ),
'user' => '<anon>',
'clientip' => $request->getIP(),
'userAgent' => $request->getHeader( 'user-agent' ),
if ( $info->getUserInfo() ) {
if ( !$info->getUserInfo()->isAnon() ) {
$logData['user'] = $info->getUserInfo()->getName();
$logData['userVerified'] = $info->getUserInfo()->isVerified();
$this->logger->info( 'Failed to load session, unpersisting', $logData );
* If the same session is suddenly used from a different IP, that's potentially due
* to a session leak, so log it. In the vast majority of cases it is a false positive
* due to a user switching connections, but we are interested in an audit track where
* we can look up a specific username, so a noisy log is fine.
* Also log changes to the mwuser cookie, an analytics cookie set by mediawiki.user.js
* which should be a little less noisy.
* @private For use in Setup.php only
* @param Session|null $session For testing only
public function logPotentialSessionLeakage( Session $session = null ) {
$proxyLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getProxyLookup();
$session = $session ?: self::getGlobalSession();
$suspiciousIpExpiry = $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::SuspiciousIpExpiry );
if ( $suspiciousIpExpiry === false
// We only care about logged-in users.
|| !$session->isPersistent() || $session->getUser()->isAnon()
// We only care about cookie-based sessions.
|| !( $session->getProvider() instanceof CookieSessionProvider )
) {
try {
$ip = $session->getRequest()->getIP();
} catch ( MWException $e ) {
if ( $ip === '' || $proxyLookup->isConfiguredProxy( $ip ) ) {
$mwuser = $session->getRequest()->getCookie( 'mwuser-sessionId' );
$now = (int)\MediaWiki\Utils\MWTimestamp::now( TS_UNIX );
// Record (and possibly log) that the IP is using the current session.
// Don't touch the stored data unless we are changing the IP or re-adding an expired one.
// This is slightly inaccurate (when an existing IP is seen again, the expiry is not
// extended) but that shouldn't make much difference and limits the session write frequency.
$data = $session->get( 'SessionManager-logPotentialSessionLeakage', [] )
+ [ 'ip' => null, 'mwuser' => null, 'timestamp' => 0 ];
// Ignore old IP records; users change networks over time. mwuser is a session cookie and the
// SessionManager session id is also a session cookie so there shouldn't be any problem there.
if ( $data['ip'] &&
( $now - $data['timestamp'] > $suspiciousIpExpiry )
) {
$data['ip'] = $data['timestamp'] = null;
if ( $data['ip'] !== $ip || $data['mwuser'] !== $mwuser ) {
$session->set( 'SessionManager-logPotentialSessionLeakage',
[ 'ip' => $ip, 'mwuser' => $mwuser, 'timestamp' => $now ] );
$ipChanged = ( $data['ip'] && $data['ip'] !== $ip );
$mwuserChanged = ( $data['mwuser'] && $data['mwuser'] !== $mwuser );
$logLevel = $message = null;
$logData = [];
// IPs change all the time. mwuser is a session cookie that's only set when missing,
// so it should only change when the browser session ends which ends the SessionManager
// session as well. Unless we are dealing with a very weird client, such as a bot that
//manipulates cookies and can run Javascript, it should not change.
// IP and mwuser changing at the same time would be *very* suspicious.
if ( $ipChanged ) {
$logLevel = LogLevel::INFO;
$message = 'IP change within the same session';
$logData += [
'oldIp' => $data['ip'],
'oldIpRecorded' => $data['timestamp'],
if ( $mwuserChanged ) {
$logLevel = LogLevel::NOTICE;
$message = 'mwuser change within the same session';
$logData += [
'oldMwuser' => $data['mwuser'],
'newMwuser' => $mwuser,
if ( $ipChanged && $mwuserChanged ) {
$logLevel = LogLevel::WARNING;
$message = 'IP and mwuser change within the same session';
if ( $logLevel ) {
$logData += [
'session' => $session->getId(),
'user' => $session->getUser()->getName(),
'clientip' => $ip,
'userAgent' => $session->getRequest()->getHeader( 'user-agent' ),
$logger = \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'session-ip' );
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable message is set when used here
$logger->log( $logLevel, $message, $logData );
// endregion -- end of Internal methods