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We’re looking for the next generation of leaders in the gun violence prevention movement. 

The bold leadership of young activists in this country is essential for the future of gun safety laws. Become a Giffords Courage Fellow to make a difference in your community and save lives. 


2024 Courage Fellowship Application (Deadline Dec. 11, 2023)

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After years of witnessing the devastating impact of gun violence, and the lack of action taken against it, young people across the country are standing up and demanding a safer future. Giffords launched the Courage Fellowship program in 2018 in order to empower young advocates, help them develop leadership skills, and give them opportunities to fight for lifesaving gun safety laws. Since then, the Courage Fellowship has not only helped put students in the middle of important conversations regarding gun violence prevention, but has also helped them build their organizing and networking skills. With gun violence on the rise, the Courage Fellowship emphasizes the importance of giving the next generation of leaders a voice and the tools to make communities safe.

As a Courage Fellow, you will have the chance to:

  • Learn from nationally recognized leaders in the gun violence prevention movement.
  • Network with other young activists from around the nation.
  • Develop and implement a gun violence prevention project in your local community.
  • Build critical team building, communication, organizing, and advocacy skills.
  • Meet with legislators to discuss the importance of gun violence prevention efforts.

Program Details

Over the course of four months, Courage Fellows between the ages of 18 and 22 will be placed at the heart of the gun violence prevention discussion and engage in an array of activities that focus on advocacy and effective organizing, from hearing firsthand from policy experts to lobbying on Capitol Hill. The program will consist of two fly-ins, the first in Austin, Texas, in March 2024 and the second in Washington DC in June 2024. In between the fly-ins, participants will work on a community engagement project of their choosing with the support of Giffords staff and resources.

Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in politics, community organizing, activism, or volunteerism; be willing to learn new skills, have a strong desire to become (or already are) active in the gun violence prevention movement, and be between the ages of 18 and 22. View our application for more details on how to become a Courage Fellow. 

Questions? Email [email protected]


We’re youth activists, survivors, doctors, and gun owners. We’re united in the fight to end gun violence. 

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