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Stubby for Windows
We consider Windows support for Stubby to be Beta at this time. It has been
tested on Windows 10 and Windows 8. There is limited support for Windows 7
(see below). User testing reports, bug reports and patches/pull requests are all
welcomed via github!

A development version of a Windows GUI for Stubby is also available, see Note that this
manages Stubby running as a Windows service. To avoid conflicts with existing installs
the Stubby Manager GUI will write its default configuration to

C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubbyservice.yml

Download and run the installer.

This installs the following files in C:\Program Files\Stubby:
* README.txt containing these instructions
* stubby.exe binary
* stubby.yml  configuration file
* getdns_query.exe tool for testing stubby
* Powershell scripts for modifying system resolvers:
  * stubby_setdns_windows.ps1
  * stubby_resetdns_windows.ps1
  * Windows 7 versions of Powershell scripts
    * stubby_setdns_windows7.ps1
    * stubby_resetdns_windows7.ps1
* Scripts to enable Stubby to be configured as a Scheduled Task
  * stubby.bat
  * stubby.xml

NOTE: The 32bit build of Stubby is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Stubby on
64 bit systems so use that path below as required.

This version of the installer is version %INSTALLER_VERSION%. It is built from:
getdns version:  %GETDNS_VERSION%
stubby version:  %STUBBY_VERSION%
openssl version: %OPENSSL_VERSION%

It is recommended to use the default configuration file provided which will use
'Strict' privacy mode and spread the DNS queries among several of the current
DNS Privacy test servers. Note that this file contains both IPv4 and IPv6
addresses. It installed in "C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby.yml"

More information on how to customise the configuration can be found here.

Run Stubby
Simply invoke Stubby on the command line from a command prompt window (To get a
command prompt go to the Windows search box and type 'cmd' and then choose the
'Command prompt' option)

> "C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby.exe" -l

The -l flag enables full logging. Alternatively a specific logging level can be
controlled by using the -v flag (run '"C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby.exe" - h'
for details of available levels).

A different location for the configuration file can be specified by adding:
-C "<full path to stubby.yml>"

See below for details of running stubby as a service on Windows 10

Test Stubby
A quick test can be done by using getdns_query (or your favourite DNS tool) on
the loopback address:

> "C:\Program Files\Stubby\getdns_query" -s @

You should see a status of GETDNS_RESPSTATUS_GOOD and and rcode of
GETDNS_RCODE_NOERROR in the getdns_query output. You should also see a
connection being made in the stubby logs.

Modify your upstream resolvers (Windows 8 and 10)
*Once this change is made all your DNS queries will be re-directed to Stubby and
sent over TLS!*
(You may need to restart some applications to have them pick up the network

For Stubby to re-send outgoing DNS queries over TLS the recursive resolvers
configured on your machine must be changed to send all the local queries to the
loopback interface on which Stubby is listening. It might be useful to note your
existing default nameservers before making this change!

To change nameservers:
* From Windows search box type 'cmd' and on the 'Command prompt' option that
appears right click and select 'run as Administrator'
* In the command prompt window that appears type

>PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file  "C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby_setdns_windows.ps1"

to switch the system DNS resolvers to use Stubby.

* Use the same command but with
"C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby_resetdns_windows.ps1" instead to switch back to
the default DNS nameservers.

You can monitor the DNS traffic using Wireshark watching on port 853.
If you encounter problems reverse this change to restore your default settings
(no DNS Privacy).

Modify your upstream resolvers (Windows 7)
Follow the procedure above, but use the scripts:

* C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby_setdns_windows7.ps1 and
* C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby_resetdns_windows7.ps1

WARNING: These scripts can only update DNS servers on the IPv4 service. IPv6
will still use the default DNS servers, sending queries in clear text so one
option is to disable IPv6.

Create a Scheduled Task
If you want Stubby to always start when you boot your system, you can create
a Scheduled task for this. A template for the task is provided: to create the
task just run

schtasks /create /tn Stubby /XML "C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubby.xml" /RU <you_user_name>

Running as a Windows service
Stubby can now also be installed as a windows service by using the command

stubby -w install

It can then be controlled via the Windows Service Manager or directly on the command
line by replacing 'install' with 'start', 'stop' or 'remove' in the above command. 
The start command can take 2 parameters, the logging level and a custom configuration file.

NOTE: To avoid conflicts with existing installs, when running as a service, stubby will
read its default configuration from

C:\Program Files\Stubby\stubbyservice.yml

Known Issues
* We are aware of occasional issues when Windows sleeps and resumes when Stubby
must be restarted to work correctly.
* The help command of stubby.exe shows the wrong path for the installed
configuration file. An issue has been opened for this.
* The installer currently overwrites the stubby.yml file so if changes have been
made a backup should be created before upgrading

Building getdns and stubby for Windows

Building getdns for Windows requires some dependent libraries be installed.
One source for these is Microsoft's vcpkg, available from 32bit and 64bit versions of the libraries
can be installed with:

C:\vcpkg>vcpkg --triplet x86-windows install libevent libyaml libidn2 libiconv libuv openssl
C:\vcpkg>vcpkg --triplet x64-windows install libevent libyaml libidn2 libiconv libuv openssl

CMake needs to know where these are located. One way to do this is:

C:\vcpkg>set CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include
C:\vcpkg>set CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib

You can then use CMake to generate a suitable build project. For development
use, this might be a Visual Studio project. For build chains, a simpler
alternative might be a Ninja build file. For example:

C:\getdns>ninja -v

Building the Windows Installer

The Visual Studio solution provided in the stubby source code to build the
installer requires the Wix Toolset ( This can be used
as a Visual Studio plugin, or from the command line.

Create a package directory Stubby, and copy the following files into
the package directory from a getdns build directory containing the results
of a 64bit build:

* stubby\stubby.exe
* getdns_query.exe
* getdns_server_mon.exe

From the top level getdns directory, copy:

* stubby\stubby.yml.example as stubby.yml
* stubby\windows\stubby_setdns_windows.ps1
* stubby\windows\stubby_resetdns_windows.ps1
* stubby/windows/stubby_setdns_windows7.ps1
* stubby/windows/stubby_resetdns_windows7.ps1
* stubby/windows/stubby.bat
* stubby/windows/stubby.xml
* stubby/windows/README.txt

From the vcpkg installed\<triplet>\bin directory copy
the required DLLs. For the build given above, these are:

* yaml.dll
* ssleay32.dll
* libeay32.dll

Finally, use the Wix tools to build the MSI using the Wix Toolset utilities:

C:\Stubby>"C:\Program Files (x86)\WIX Toolset v3.11\bin\candle.exe" -arch x64 -o Stubby.wixobj Stubby64.wxs
C:\Stubby>"C:\Program Files (x86)\WIX Toolset v3.11\bin\light.exe" -o Stubby.msi Stubby.wixobj

When building 32bit packages, specify '-arch x86' and modify Product.wxs to
use ProgramFilesFolder instead of ProgramFiles64Folder.