import * as babel from '@babel/core' import type { Plugin } from 'esbuild' import { getBuildExtensions } from 'esbuild-extra' import type { Options } from 'tsup' import { defineConfig } from 'tsup' import type { MangleErrorsPluginOptions } from './scripts/mangleErrors.mjs' import { mangleErrorsPlugin } from './scripts/mangleErrors.mjs' const tsconfig = '' satisfies Options['tsconfig'] // Extract error strings, replace them with error codes, and write messages to a file const mangleErrorsTransform: Plugin = { name:, setup(build) { const { onTransform } = getBuildExtensions(build, onTransform({ loaders: ['ts', 'tsx'] }, async args => { try { const res = await babel.transformAsync(args.code, { parserOpts: { plugins: ['typescript'] }, plugins: [ [ mangleErrorsPlugin, { minify: false } satisfies MangleErrorsPluginOptions ] ] }) if (res == null) { throw new Error('Babel transformAsync returned null') } return { code: res.code!, map:! } } catch (err) { console.error('Babel mangleErrors error: ', err) return null } }) } } export default defineConfig((options): Options[] => { const commonOptions: Options = { entry: { redux: 'src/index.ts' }, esbuildPlugins: [mangleErrorsTransform], sourcemap: true, tsconfig, ...options } return [ // Standard ESM, embedded `process.env.NODE_ENV` checks { ...commonOptions, format: ['esm'], outExtension: () => ({ js: '.mjs' }), // Add dts: '.d.ts' when egoist/tsup#1053 lands dts: true, clean: true }, // Support Webpack 4 by pointing `"module"` to a file with a `.js` extension { ...commonOptions, format: ['esm'], target: ['es2017'], dts: false, outExtension: () => ({ js: '.js' }), entry: { 'redux.legacy-esm': 'src/index.ts' } }, // Browser-ready ESM, production + minified { ...commonOptions, entry: { 'redux.browser': 'src/index.ts' }, define: { 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production') }, format: ['esm'], outExtension: () => ({ js: '.mjs' }), minify: true }, { ...commonOptions, format: ['cjs'], outDir: './dist/cjs/', outExtension: () => ({ js: '.cjs' }) } ] })