Enforcement cooperation repository / Enforcement cooperation resources

Find international enforcement cooperation resources from the Global Privacy Assembly and other relevant networks. Resources are listed according to network name and resource type.

Network or AuthorityResourceType of ResourceDescription of Resource
AFAPDPMember List, and French data protection laws listsAuthority Lists and Registries
APECCross-border Privacy Enforcement ArrangementSharing Confidential InformationRegional arrangement that allows for the request for cooperation assistance by Asia-Pacific participants.
APPAMember ListAuthority Lists and Registries
APPASecondment FrameworkEnforcement Cooperation Training and Capacity DevelopmentProvides guidance and templates to authorities wishing to implement a secondment from one data protection authority to another.
CEEDPAMember List, website links and online contact toolAuthority Lists and Registries
CEEDPAForumInformation Sharing Tools and Initiatives
CoE - T-PDEuropean Case Handling WorkshopEnforcement Cooperation Training and Capacity DevelopmentCovers a broad spectrum of topics that might be relevant for DPA's current or future work, with the purpose being to exchange experiences and networking.
Council of EuropeConvention 108Sharing Confidential InformationTreaty that provides that Member States will take the necessary steps to apply data protection principles set out in the Convention and enforcement cooperation for confidential information sharing between parties.
CTNMember ListAuthority Lists and Registries
CTNObservers ListAuthority Lists and Registries
GPENMember ListAuthority Lists and RegistriesEnforcement contact information of participants of GPEN, APEC and OECD.
GPENPrivacy Authorities PagesAuthority Lists and RegistriesGeneral contact information, jurisdiction and legislation of each authority. Secure space.
GPENEnforcement Contacts List (GPEN/APEC/OECD)Authority Lists and RegistriesGeneral contact information of enforcement participants of GPEN.
GPENGPEN Alert ToolSharing Confidential InformationSecure online platform for sharing confidential information relating to investigations. Secure space.
GPENGlobal Privacy Sweep - Sweep kits and related documentsEnforcement Cooperation Compliance InitiativesEach year, during a specified week, privacy authorities around the world conduct a review of organizations' privacy practices relating to a particular topic. Sweep Kits contain useful principles and approaches for non-formal enforcement activities. Secure space.
GPENDiscussion ForumInformation Sharing Tools and InitiativesAllows members to engage in online discussions on a secure platform regarding non-confidential privacy enforcement matters. Secure space.
GPENDocument LibraryInformation Sharing Tools and InitiativesAllows authorities to share, on a secure platform, non-confidential documents related to enforcement cooperation, including published findings, positions, practices. Secure space.
GPENNetwork of NetworksInformation Sharing Tools and InitiativesAn initiative that creates linkages between networks for sharing of information, and seeks to find collaboration opportunities between Networks. Secure space.
GPENPacific and Atlantic teleconferencesEnforcement Cooperation Meetings and TeleconferencesAllows member participants to discuss various subjects related to privacy enforcement cooperation (approx. monthly). Secure space.
GPENEnforcement Practitioners WorkshopEnforcement Cooperation Training and Capacity Development Provides an annual opportunity for operational level staff from within and outside privacy to share and learn practical investigative skills and strategies. Secure space.
GPENOpportunities BoardEnforcement Cooperation Training and Capacity DevelopmentAllows authorities to publicize training, secondment or job opportunities to GPEN member staff. Secure space.
GPAMember ListAuthority Lists and Registries
GPAGlobal Cross Border Enforcement Cooperation ArrangementSharing Confidential InformationAllows for bilateral and multilateral cooperation on enforcement matters between participants, and includes the ability to elect not to share personal data
GPAGPA-recognized enforcement cooperation eventsEnforcement Cooperation Meetings and TeleconferencesA program initiated by the ICDPPC whereby it will endorse enforcement cooperation events organized by individual member authorities and/or other networks.
GPACalendar of relevant privacy and data-protection related eventsEnforcement Cooperation Meetings and Teleconferences
GPAPractical and legal tools Document ArchiveInformation Sharing Tools and InitiativesThe GPA Document Archive hosts the practical and legal tools that the Assembly has developed for its own members in the past. Developments still having a significant impact today run back as far as 2007 at the 29th conference in Montreal, Canada.
GPAReport on the Working Group’s activities in 2017-2018Working Group MaterialsThe report covers the Working Group’s work across two principal workstreams. Workstream 1: Practical solutions for better cooperation; Workstream 2: Legal solutions for better cooperation.
GPAResolution on exploring future options for International Enforcement Cooperation (2017)Resolutions
GPAPresentation by Enforcement Cooperation: Group of Experts on legal and practical solutions for cooperationWorking Group MaterialsPresentation by the UK and Dutch Authorities on the conclusions of the work of the Group of Experts on legal and practical solutions for cooperation.
GPAUnabridged Report from the GPA Group of Experts on Legal and Practical Solutions for CooperationWorking Group MaterialsAt the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Hong Kong, the 2017 Resolution on exploring future options for International Enforcement Cooperation was adopted.
GPAAbridged Report from the GPA Group of Experts on Legal and Practical Solutions for CooperationEnforcement Cooperation Working Group MaterialsAt the 39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Hong Kong, the 2017 Resolution on exploring future options for International Enforcement Cooperation was adopted.
GPAResolution on International Enforcement Cooperation (2016)Resolutions
GPAResolution on Enforcement Cooperation (2014)Resolutions
GPAWorking Group on International Enforcement Cooperation – Activity Report 2013-2014Working Group Materials
GPAInternational Enforcement Coordination Working Group - Activity Report 2012-2013Working Group Materials
GPAICDPPC Enforcement Coordination Resolution (2013)Resolutions
GPAResolution on Privacy Enforcement Coordination at the International Level (2011)Resolutions
GPAResolution on the strengthening of the International Cooperation in the field of data and privacy protection (2009)Resolutions
GPAResolution on International Co-operation (2007)Resolutions
Norway DPADecision to fine Odin Flissenter ASDecisionThe Norwegian Data Protection Authority has issued Odin Flissenter AS (Tile distributor) an administrative fine of EUR 13 905 (NOK 150 000) for performing a credit check of a sole proprietorship without having a lawful basis for the processing.
Norway DPADecision to fine Bergen municipalityDecisionThe Norwegian Data Protection Authority has given Bergen municipality a final decision on an administrative fine of approximately EUR 276,000 (3 million NOK). Personal information in the communication system between school and home was not secure enough.
Norway DPADecision to fine The Norwegian Public Roads AdministrationDecisionThe Norwegian Data Protection Authority has issued the Norwegian Public Roads Administration a fine of 37,400 EUR (400 000 NOK) for processing personal data for purposes that were incompatible with the originally stated purposes, and for not erasing video recordings after 7 days.
OECDRecommendation of the Council concerning Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data (the “OECD Privacy Guidelines”)RecommendationFundamental privacy principles, which now represent the global minimum standard for privacy and data governance. Originally adopted in 1980 and updated in 2013.
OECDRecommendation on
Cross-border Co-operation in the
Enforcement of Laws Protecting Privacy
RecommendationRecommendation adopted in 2007, which sets forth a framework for co-operation in the enforcement of privacy laws.
OECDReport on the Implementation of the OECD Recommendation on Cross-border Co-operation in the Enforcement of Laws Protecting PrivacyBerichtThis report in 2011 provides information on the progress in implementation measures regarding the "Recommendation on Cross-border Co-operation in the Enforcement of Laws Protecting Privacy".
Among the initiatives highlighted in the report is the launch of GPEN in 2010.
OECDReport on the Cross-Border Enforcement of Privacy LawsBerichtThis report in 2006 describes the attempts to address cross-border enforcement challenges and highlights the need for a more global and systematic approach to cross-border privacy law enforcement cooperation.
RIPDMember ListAuthority Lists and Registries
UCENetDeveloping Inventory of ExpertsAuthority Lists and RegistriesContact information of experts from each authority, used for specific forms of engagement.
UCENetMemorandum of UnderstandingSharing Confidential InformationProvides for sharing information between participants.
UCENetTraining programmeEnforcement Cooperation Training and Capacity DevelopmentCurrently a work in progress: sessions will be recorded where possible and included in a restricted area on the UCENet website.
GPAIEWG - Privacy and data protection networks – Snapshot (2021)Working Group MaterialsA snapshot of the network landscape of privacy and data protection authorities, produced by the International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group (IEWG).
GPAIEWG – Privacy and data protection networks – Recommendations (2021)Working Group MaterialsRecommendations for engagement with other privacy and data protection networks, including opportunities and areas to explore, produced by the International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group (IEWG).
GPAIEWG – Closed Enforcement Session FrameworkWorking Group MaterialsA framework to support the IEWG’s ‘Safe Space’ sessions (now called Closed Enforcement Sessions), which support and promote enforcement cooperation by providing a forum to share expertise and non-confidential information amongst IEWG members.
GPAIEWG – Closed Enforcement Session Presentation TemplateWorking Group MaterialsA PPT template to be used in conjunction with the Safe Space Framework, to help members prepare materials for their presentation.