The Global Privacy Assembly membership is organised into Working Groups that concentrate on the most significant Assembly initiatives identified by the membership, deriving their mandate and direction from the Closed Session, typically leading from Resolutions.

Any member can join a Working Group. Observers can be invited to participate in Working Groups on an ad hoc basis. Participation is voluntary. Working Groups are chaired by one or more member authority, and can come from the same or different regions. Working Group Chairs encourage participation from all regions and insofar as possible, a Working Group’s members represent different cultural, geographic and legal backgrounds.

Working Groups typically operate for a single year and their work culminates in a Report given to the Closed Session of the annual conference. However, the Executive Committee is kept informed of their progress throughout (see Quarterly Stocktake Reports below). in the Working Groups’ Quarterly Stocktake Reports (see further information below).

The Strategic Direction Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee works closely with Working Group Chairs to ensure their actions are coordinated with the wider strategic priorities of the GPA.

Working Groups may be temporary or permanent, as stated at the time of their establishment.

Current Working Groups are listed here:

  • Global Frameworks and Standards Working.
  • Digital Economy Working Group.
  • Data Protection and other Rights and Freedoms Working Group.
  • Digital Education.
  • International Enforcement Cooperation
  • Ethics and Data Protection in Artificial Intelligence. EDPS; Hong Kong; CNIL
  • Digital Citizen and Consumer.
  • Data Sharing Working Group.
  • Personal Data Protection in International Development Aid, International Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.
  • Data Protection Metrics.
  • Intersectional Gender Perspective in Data Protection

Would you like to join a Working Group?

Any member can join a Working Group. Please contact the Secretariat at [email protected] to be put in touch with the relevant Working Group coordinator.

Global Frameworks and Standards Working Group – Resolution on Achieving global data protection standards: Principles for ensuring high levels of data protection and privacy worldwide

FAQs documents

Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group Survey Report

Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group Survey Report

Working Group Reports adopted at the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly 2021 – At Your Desk

Compendium of GPA Working Group Report Executive Summaries and Forward Looking Plans [FR]
Future of the Conference Working Group report
Policy Strategy Working Group 1: Global frameworks and standards report
Policy Strategy Working Group 2: Digital Economy report
Policy Strategy Work Group 3: the relationship between privacy/data protection and other rights and freedoms report
International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group report
Ethics and Data Protection in Artificial Intelligence Working Group report
Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group report
Data Protection Metrics Working Group report
Digital Education Working Group report [FR]

Further information on past Working Group Reports to the Conference is available here.

International Enforcement Working Group – Credential Stuffing update

Credential stuffing guidelines for organisations [FR]

Credential stuffing awareness raising material for the general public  [FR]

Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group Interview Report

Privacy and data protection as factors in competition regulation

Digital Education Working Group – Working Documents

Survey Information – Summary report of 15 September 2020 [EN] [FR]

Survey of websites of 24 Data Protection Authorities and 23 Ombudspersons for children of the European Network (ENOC) featuring relevant tools to capture the attention of young people and guide them in the exercise of their digital rights – Report of 18 April 2022 [EN] [FR]

Article [EN] [FR]: Protecting children’s digital rights set as a global priority for Data Protection Authorities.

Digital Education Working Group – CIRCABC platform

PowerPoint presentation to better understand how to join the CIRCABC platform, access the 170 documents indexed by target groups, upload and present in a few words the educational materials produced by your own DPA.

Présentation PowerPoint pour mieux comprendre comment accéder à la plateforme CIRCABC, consulter les 170 documents classés par groupes cibles, ajouter et référencer des contenus pédagogiques réalisés par votre APD.

Protecting children’s digital rights set as a global priority for Data Protection Authorities.

GPA Working Group Contributions to External Consultations

Members of the Digital Education Working Group (DEWG) submitted a joint contribution to the consultation on the United Nations General Observation on the rights of the child in the digital environment, these are now published, please see the press release.

Quarterly Stocktake Reports 2020-2021

The activities of the Working Groups and their conveners during the current GPA year are contained in the Quarterly Stocktake Reports to the Executive Committee.

Please see below the Quarterly Stocktake Reports for February-April 2021 published below:

2022 People’s Choice Award

The 2022 People’s Choice and the Education public awareness Prize rewarded the Danish Data Protection Agency’s online learning game for children called “Datadsysten”.

This fun online learning game for children is about their rights under data protection law and provides three levels of target groups of players aged 10-12. This initiative is at the same time easy for teachers to incorporate in their lessons (available in Danish).

Learn more about the winning project:

View more information A.13.

You can access HERE the other 14 valuable entries submitted in 2022 by the global DPAs which provided various guidance materials to educate all public about Privacy topics.