365 reasons to consider Google Apps
On our blog today (http://goo.gl/O3zAV) we highlighted the main reasons our customers tell us they have chosen to go Google.
<p><br><b>Now we'd like to hear your reasons for choosing Google Apps...</b>
<br>Please take a few minutes to complete the form below with your top reasons - however many come to mind, and feel free to add more. <p>We'd like to publish these reasons to help others make an informed choice, so please let us know if you're happy for these to be attributed to you and your company by selecting the appropriate consent option.
<p><br>Thanks for your continued support!
<br>The Google Apps team.
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What are your reasons for Going Google?
1. Why do you see Google Apps as a proven Cloud solution?
2. How does Google Apps help you work better in teams?
3. Why do you enjoy the mobility offered by Google Apps?
4. Why do you like Google Apps licensing and pricing?
5. Other reasons you enjoy Google Apps...
About You
Name *
Company *
Role *
Country *
Thank you for sharing with us your reasons for Going Google. We'll be selecting some of this feedback to share on the Google Enterprise blog, the Google Apps website and other Google properties.   *
By selecting one of the "I consent" buttons in this form, you agree that Google Inc. ("Google") can use the content you've submitted, or otherwise supplied by you ("Permitted Information"). If you would not like your reasons published, please select the third bubble.Read the full Terms and Conditions here: http://goo.gl/PZp41
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