Survey Form:
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Company name: *
Your name:
Your e-mail address:
If you provide your e-mail address, we may use it to followup with you to get additional information on your responses to help us improve.
How satisfied is your company overall with the Apps Marketplace?
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
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What do you like the most about your experience?
If you list multiple items, please try to stack rank the responses.
What do you like the least about your experience?
If you list multiple items, please try to stack rank the responses.
What API features or additional integration points do you want to see in the future, and why?
Would you recommend the Marketplace to other business SaaS app developers?
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Why or why wouldn't you recommend the Marketplace to other business SaaS app developers?
If you are interested in a 30 minute 1:1 phone call with Google about the Marketplace, please share the topics you are interested in discussing.
Please verify that you've included your e-mail address at the top of the form.
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