We introduce the concept of “transition groups”, which leads to a general notion of fairness, and use LOTOS action indexes to define the concepts of process, ...
Fairness is an important concept related to specification languages which are based on concurrent and non-deterministic computation models; it is related to ...
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Fairness in LOTOS · Contents. FORTE '91: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Fourth International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed ...
fairness", "alternative fairness" and "channel fairness" are defined for LOTOS, and it is shown how they can be implemented based on the activity tree. 4. A ...
We extend three fairness concepts of CSP, namely process, guard and channel fairness, to LOTOS. Building a fair distributed execution model for LOTOS ...
: This paper deals with the description in E-Lotos of the asynchronous Link layer protocol of the Ieee-1394 Standard and its verification using model-checking.
We show that, in the presence of equivalence-robustness, most fairness notions proposed in the literature satisfy the localizability criterion. Moreover, we ...
Abstract Fairness is an important concept in design and implementation of distributed systems. At the specification level, fairness usually serves as an.
The ISO specification language Lotos is a Formal Description Technique for concurrent systems. This paper presents the main features of the Cæsar system, ...