Faculty Workshop in Mentoring Biomedical PhD Students and Postdocs

Event Description

The NIH is requiring faculty to be trained in how to mentor PhD students and Postdocs. We are therefore offering these workshops for faculty in the biological sciences with new case studies each time. This will make our programs more competitive for training grants and fellowships. All faculty are invited and junior faculty are strongly encouraged to attend.

Topics and interactive case studies led by Janet Alder will include: Principles of effective mentoring; Academic resources offered in biomedical sciences at Rutgers; Managing trainee projects; Funding opportunities (e.g. internal and external sources); Professional development for trainees (e.g. Individual Developmental Plans, career advising); Handling trainee issues (e.g. identifying mental health issues, avoiding bias, and improving communication)

RWJMS Research Tower, Dean's Conference Room, R123; lunch will be served