Grassland Production Forecast

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% Change in Grassland Production for Your Area this Summer Compared to Its 36-yr Average

For the map below: "Given actual precipitation observed through August 31st, grassland production in your grid-cell at peak biomass during the summer of 2024 is estimated to be ____% more or less than its 36-year average."

As of August 31, 2024, all relevant precipitation data have been observed for the 2024 Grass-Cast season. Thus, no precipitation scenarios were used to construct this final map. The map shows Grass-Cast’s final estimate of grassland productivity for summer 2024, as compared to each location’s 36-year history. For counties in gray, no estimate is available due to insufficient data or weak statistics.

Important Note: Grass-Cast estimates the change in Total Production NOT Grazeable Production. Here are some examples showing why this difference is so important to understand!

To see which map (scenario) is more likely to occur in your area, please visit NOAA's long-range precipitation outlooks at:

% Change in Grassland Production for Your Area this Summer Compared to Its 36-yr Average

For the map below: "Given actual precipitation observed through August 31st, grassland production in your grid-cell this SUMMER (at lbs / acre of peak biomass on September 30th) is estimated to be ____ % more or less than its 36-year average."

The map above estimates peak standing biomass on September 30th for the SUMMER growing season. As of August 31, 2023, all relevant precipitation data have been observed for the 2023 Grass-Cast season. Thus, no precipitation scenarios were used to construct this final map. The map shows Grass-Cast’s final estimate of grassland productivity for summer 2023, as compared to each location’s 36-year history. For areas in gray, no estimate is available due to insufficient data or weak statistics.

Important Note: Grass-Cast estimates the change in Total Production NOT Grazeable Production. Here are some examples showing why this difference is so important to understand!

To see which map (scenario) is more likely to occur in your area, please visit NOAA's long-range precipitation outlooks at:

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