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Sake dubawa tun a 15:45, 16 ga Yuni, 2009 daga Almabot (hira | gudummuwa) (robot Modifying: tt:Аурупа)

Kasashen Turai

Ainm stàit neo dùthaich[1] agus
Àireamh- shluaigh
(1 July, 2002 est.)
Ainm 'sa Bheurla Prìomh-bhaile
Roinn Eòrpa an Ear:
A' Bhealaruis 207,600 10,335,382 Weißrussland Minsk
Bulgàiria 110,910 7,322,858 Bulgarien Sofia
An t-Seic 78,866 10,228,744 Tschechische Republik Praha
An Ungair 93,030 9,956,108 Ungarn Budapest
Moldàibhia[2] 33,843 4,320,490 Moldawien Chişinău
A' Phòlainn 312,685 38,518,241 Polen Warsaw
Ròmainia 238,391 22,276,056 Rumänien Bucharest
An Ruis [3] 3,960,000 106,037,143 Russland Moscow
An t-Slòbhac 48,845 5,447,502 Slowakei Bratislava
An Ùcrain 603,700 46,299,862 Ukraine Kiev
Roinn-Eòrpa a Tuath:
Åland (Suòmaidh) 1,552 26,008 Åland Mariehamn
An Danmhairg 43,094 5,368,854 Dänemark Copenhagen
Eastòinia 45,226 1,415,681 Estland Tallinn
Na h-Eileanan Fàro (An Danmhairg) 1,399 46,011 Färöer Inseln Tórshavn
Suòmaidh 336,593 5,157,537 Finnland Helsinki
Guernsey [4] 78 64,587 Guernsey St Peter Port
Innis Tìle 103,000 307,261 Island Reykjavík
Poblachd na h-Èireann 70,280 4,234,925 Republic of Ireland Baile Átha Cliath
Eilean Mhanainn [5] 572 73,873 Isle of Man Doolish
Jersey [6] 116 89,775 Jersey Saint Helier
An Laitbhe 64,589 2,366,515 Lettland Riga
Liotuàinia 65,200 3,601,138 Litauen Vilnius
Nirribhidh 324,220 4,525,116 Norwegen Oslo
Svalbard is Jan Mayen (Nirribhidh) 62,049 2,868 Svalbard agus Eilean Jan Mayen Longyearbyen
An t-Suain 449,964 9,090,113 Schweden Stockholm
An Rìoghachd Aonaichte 244,820 59,201,000 Vereinigtes Königreich Lunnainn
Roinn Eòrpa a Deas:
Albàinia 28,748 3,600,523 Albanien Tirana
Andorra 468 68,403 Andorra Andorra la Vella
Bosna agus Heartsagobhana 51,129 4,552,198 Bosnien und Herzegowina Sarajevo
Croàisia 56,542 4,493,312 Kroatien Zagreb
Giobraltair (An Rìoghachd Aonaichte) 5.9 27,714 Gibraltar Gibraltar
A' Ghrèig 131,940 10,706,290 Griechenland An Àithne
An Eadailt 301,230 58,147,733 Italien An Ròimh
Masadoinia 25,333 2,055,915 Republic of Macedonia Skopje
Malta 316 397,499 Malta Valletta
Am Monadh Neagrach [7] 13,812 684,736 Montenegro Podgorica
A' Phortagail [8] 91,568 10,084,245 Portugal Lisbon
San Marino 61 27,730 San Marino San Marino
An t-Sèarb [9] 88,361 10,147,398 Serbien Belgrade
Sloibhìnia 20,273 2,009,245 Slowenien Ljubljana
An Spàinn [10] 498,506 40,077,100 Spanien Madrid
Cathair na Bhatacain 0.44 900 Vatican City Vatican City
Roinn Eòrpa an Iar:
An Ostair 83,858 8,169,929 Österreich Vienna
A' Bheilg 30,510 10,274,595 Belgien A' Bhruiseal
An Fhraing [11] 547,030 59,765,983 Frankreich Paris
A' Ghearmailt 357,021 83,251,851 Deutschland Berlin
Liechtenstein 160 32,842 Liechtenstein Vaduz
Lucsamburg 2,586 448,569 Luxemburg Lucsamburg (baile)
Monaco 1.95 31,987 Monaco Monaco
Na Tìrean Ìsle[12] 41,526 16,318,199 Niederlande Amsterdam
An Eilbheis 41,290 7,301,994 Schweiz Bern
Meadhan Àisia:
Casachstan[13] 150,000 600,000 Kasachstan Astana
Àisia an Iar:[14]
Asarbaidean[15] 39,730 4,198,491 Aserbaidschan Baku
Gruisia[16] 49,240 2,447,176 Gruisia Tbilisi
An Tuirc[17] 24,378 11,044,932 Türkei Ankara
Total 10,176,246[18] 709,608,850[19]
  1. Continental regions as per UN categorisations/map. Depending on definitions, various territories cited below may be in one or both of Europe and Asia, Africa, or Oceania.
  2. Includes Transnistria, a region that has declared, and de facto achieved, independence; however, it is not recognised de jure by sovereign state
  3. An Ruis is generally considered a transcontinental country in Eastern Europe (UN region) and Asia, with European territory west of the Ural Mountains and both the Ural and Emba rivers; population and area figures are for European portion only.
  4. Guernsey is a crown dependency affiliated with the an Rìoghachd Aonaichte.
  5. Eilean Mhanainn is a crown dependency affiliated with an Rìoghachd Aonaichte .
  6. Jersey is a crown dependency affiliated with the an Rìoghachd Aonaichte .
  7. Montenegro declared independence from the union of Serbia and Montenegro on 3 June, 2006.
  8. Figures for A' Phortagail include the Azores west of Portugal but exclude the Madeira Islands, west of Morocco in Africa.
  9. Figures for Serbia include Kosovo and Metohia, a province administrated by the UN (UNMIK) as per Security Council resolution 1244.
  10. Figures for Spain exclude the Canary Islands, west of Morocco in Africa, and the exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, which are on the northwest of the African continent.
  11. Figures for France include only metropolitan France: some politically integral parts of France are geographically located outside Europe.
  12. Netherlands population for July 2004. Population and area details include European portion only: Netherlands and two entities outside Europe (Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles, in the Caribbean) constitute the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Amsterdam is the official capital, while The Hague is the administrative seat.
  13. Kazakhstan is sometimes considered a transcontinental country in Central Asia (UN region) and Eastern Europe, with European territory west of the Ural Mountains and both the Ural and Emba rivers; area figures are for European portion out of total.
  14. Armenia and Cyprus are sometimes considered transcontinental countries: both are physiographically in Western Asia but have historical and sociopolitical connections with Europe.
  15. Asarbaidean is often considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia (UN region) and Eastern Europe; population and area figures are for European portion (north of the crest of the Caucasus and the Kura River) out of total. This excludes the exclave of Nakhichevan and Nagorno-Karabakh (a region that has declared, and de facto achieved independence; however, it is not recognised de jure by sovereign states).
  16. Gruisia is often considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia (UN region) and Eastern Europe; population and area figures are for European portion (north of the crest of the Caucasus and the Kura River) out of total. Also includes Abkhazia and South Ossetia, two regions that have declared, and de facto achieved, independence; however, they are not recognised de jure by sovereign states.
  17. Turkey is generally considered a transcontinental country in Western Asia (UN region) and Southern Europe: the region of Rumelia (Trakya) – which includes the provinces of Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, and the western parts of the Çanakkale and Istanbul Provinces – is west and north of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles; population and area figures are for European portion (including all of Istanbul) out of total population.
  18. The total area figure includes only European portions of transcontinental countries.
  19. The total population figure includes only European portions of transcontinental countries.