
National Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Technical Assistance Showcase - Shared screen with speaker view
Suzanne Abo, HAB (she/her)
Please see the high level agenda below:• Welcome and Opening Remarks• Overview• National Showcase TA Provider Presentations• HITEQ (JSI) - Jillian Maccini, MariAnna O’Ree• LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center- Dr. Alex Keuroghlian• AETC National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) - Dr. Carolyn Chu National Partner Discussion Forum• Break• Regional Showcase Opening Remarks Regional Partner Discussion Forum House Keeping Closing Remarks AETC Regional Break Out sessions PCA Regional Break Out Sessions
Suzanne Abo, HAB (she/her)
For this session, please enter any questions specific to the presentations that you would like answered in the Q&A pod at the bottom of your screen. Please indicate to whom your question is directed. For any general questions regarding T/TA, please hold those questions until after the presentations. Thanks!
Suzanne Abo, HAB (she/her)
Friendly reminder - as you listen to our National presenters, please enter any questions you have into the Q&A pod at the bottom of the screen! We will address those presenter-specific questions first during the upcoming National Partnership Panel and Discussion Forum. Thanks!
Kirsten Argueta, HRSA/BPHC (she/her)
COVID-19 restrictionsWorkforce retention and recruitmentStaff, community stigmaLack of patient demand/interest in PrEP
Suzanne Abo, HAB (she/her)
Out of the barriers to implementation of PCHP program experienced by health centers, COVID-19; Workforce Retention and Recruitment; staff and community-based stigma; and lack of patient demand or interest in PrEP; which of these barriers resonate with you most acutely as a national program as well, and how are you overcoming those challenges?
Gary Koller
Identified barriers include:COVID-19 restrictionsWorkforce retention and recruitmentStaff, community stigmaLack of patient demand/interest in PrEP
Suzanne Abo, HAB (she/her)
Feel free to enter your questions in the Q&A pod at the bottom of the screen! One of the chat monitors will elevate your question to the panelists
Dr. Linda Rose Frank
This is an ongoing issue with all types and locations of providers and staff...intervention with training and capacity building has to be ongoing as the teams change frequently
Suzanne Abo, HAB (she/her)
Health education and promotion strategies to improve PrEP in Cisgender women would be helpful, especially as PrEP is perceived as an option for MSM/Trans and other at risk communities