Standardisation Support for Research & Innovation Projects

Apply for standardisation expert services to increase and valorise your project results through standardisation

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Supported Projects
Experts Recruited
Women in Booster services
Training Modules
Services for projects

Consult our Standardisation Experts

Free advice and guidance to plan and implement your project’s standardisation strategy.

Meet our experts

Apply for our premium service and consult with standardisation experts in your field

Plan strategically

Prioritise and plan contributions to standardisation groups and committees

Access Funding

Apply for financial support for NSB or WG membership or R&I fast-track facilities

Meet the projects benefitting from free services

Training Academy

Boost your expertise
in Standardisation

Access over 20 online resources and join our webinars in our
brand-new Training Academy.

For beginner users

New to standards?
Check out our beginner-level resources!
Gain a foundational understanding of standardisation with easy-to-follow resources.
Perfect for both seasoned professionals and beginners starting out in their careers. Start you stardardisation journey now!

For Intermediate users

Ready to level up your standardisation knowledge?
Our intermediate-level resources provide practical insights and strategies to deepen your understanding and take your skills to new heights.
Whether you’re a pro or a  newcomer, start exploring our resources today and unlock your potential in standardisation!

For advanced users

Ready to learn from real-world experiences in standardisation? Our advanced-level resources feature in-depth case studies and practical examples from industry experts. 
Gain valuable insights and apply lessons to your own work. Explore now and take your skills to the next level?


Working in standardisation
and want to make a difference

Join our Pool of Experts and provide one-to-one guidance to R&I projects


remunerated consultancy services to R&I projects in your field

Apply now


insights to boost standardisation teaching for enhanced knowledge valorisation

Take a tour


over 150 experts ready to deliver support services to EU projects

Be part of the Group


training material for our Standardisation Training Academy

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