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Yamaha Educator Suite: Building the Next Generation of Music Educators

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    Teaching is Planting Seeds

    Patience is required to see the lasting benefits of your teaching efforts.

  • teacher wearing mask at front of class

    How Has COVID Affected Today’s Students?

    A look at the possible impact the pandemic had on music education for elementary, middle and high school students.

  • how to play the triangle

    Accessory Percussion Instruments

    Easy techniques to play the tambourine, triangle, wood blocks, cymbals, cowbell, shakers, maracas and more.

  • music teacher helping student with guitar

    Meet the 2024 “40 Under 40” Educators

    Be inspired by these remarkable 40 educators — all under the age of 40 — who are making a difference in growing and strengthening their music programs. 

  • closeup of someone typing on laptop


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Create an Emergency Bag for Work

Have these 15 items on hand to handle minor emergencies that you will inevitably run into.

The “No-Shortcuts” Approach

Putting in the work is time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it’ll give you a leg up as you progress in your career.

You Will Never Feel “Ready,” But You Can Be Prepared

Nine recommendations for music education majors and novice in-service music educators to hone their skills.

Exercise Can Help Fine-Motor Skills

Research suggests that a burst of exercise can boost the fine-motor skills required to learn an instrument.

Compartmentalizing Stress in Teaching

All music educators deal with stress. The key is how you handle it. Here are some tips to navigate everyday stressors.

Healthy Tips for Educators

Try these five tips to keep your health in check — you’ll be taking better care of yourself and your students!

The Magic in the Details

An Indiana music educator overcomes obstacles and fosters excellence in WGI.

Use Music to Connect with Students of All Ages

An adjunct professor at George Mason University helps music education majors as well as children around the world to communicate through music.

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Earning trust and treating elementary students with respect are key to helping them perform with pride.

The Many Faces of Trumpeter Allen Vizzutti

Classical, jazz, soundtracks and more — Allen Vizzutti’s career has crossed genres and his clinic teachings appeal to all generations. 

Add These 3 Exercises to Your Percussion Practice Sessions

Be a better percussionist by regularly working on your reading, rolls and listening skills.

Blending Brass

Here’s how to tame a brass section to craft a blended ensemble sound.

New to Teaching Strings?

If you are new to teaching strings, don’t panic. Top string professionals offer advice as you launch into uncharted territory.

Start a Guitar Program

A guitar program will provide a musical opportunity to students who would not usually join traditional band, orchestra or choir.

Fix It: Piano Pedaling Teaching Tips

Fix these common pedaling mistakes that piano students make.