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Success Story out of the ED/IES SBIR Program:
Schell Games' HoloLAB Champions

Screen shot of Schell Games' HoloLAB Champions products

Project Title: HoloLAB Champions: The Immersive Virtual Reality Chemistry Lab Game Show

Related ED/IES SBIR Awards:
Related ED/IES SBIR Award: ED/IES SBIR Phase I (2016) and Phase II (2017).

Key Information:
Schell Games
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Video Demo:
Contact: Dr. Brooke Morrill; [email protected]

HoloLAB Champions is an immersive virtual reality (VR) chemistry lab game show experience designed to improve students' skills with lab equipment and procedures and learning standards-aligned chemistry content. While wearing a VR headset and using hand controls, students are immersed in a simulated 3D environment where they are challenged to acquire basic lab and safety skills. Through actual, accurate measurement and experimentation, students are provided opportunities to apply understanding of chemistry practices to solve problems. VR affords instant cleanup, access to infinite resources, and game-based learning and engagement while simulating accurate physical actions in a safe environment. Trophies commemorate achievements and adorn the immersive Hall of Brains. A holographic host, Earl, and camera-bot sidekick, Meyer, guide students through the mini-labs that lead up to a final lab challenge. Practice Mode allows students to train for challenges in a free-form setting to hone accuracy, precision, and timing skills. HoloLAB Champions is designed for use in the classroom or for remote learning. A comprehensive educator guide outlines game features, curricular content, standards alignment, and example lesson plans.

Research and Development
To iteratively design and develop HoloLAB Champions, Schell Games and research partner RAND Corporation conducted focus groups with five teachers with varying degrees of experience. To inform scope and sequencing, the teachers provided feedback about using lab activities in chemistry courses and aligning activities and content to standards. The teachers recommended that the VR labs promote core chemistry lab skills (for example, measuring precisely, analyzing data, taking accurate notes) and offer support in areas that are typically most challenging in labs, such as writing strong conclusions, identifying sources of error, transferring concepts to a lab context, and completing chemical reactions. Teachers and students tested the usability and feasibility of the prototypes at multiple times during the process. After development was complete, the researchers conducted a pilot study with 70 students who used HoloLAB Champions in a laboratory (out of class) setting for a median of 120 minutes. Results demonstrated usability and feasibility of HoloLAB Champions. In other words, the game functioned using a VR headset, and players could successfully navigate through the experience and complete tasks and chemistry laboratory activities, as intended. Future research to test the promise of HoloLAB Champions when implemented in a classroom and fully integrated with teacher's instructional practices is warranted.

HoloLAB Champions was released as a commercial product in June 2018. The game is currently available on the Steam Store and downloaded by thousands of users. HoloLAB Champions requires an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift VR hardware system along with a computer that meets the manufacturer-provided minimum specifications. HoloLAB Champions is currently available at no cost to educators for school use during the pandemic. The educator guide is available on the HoloLAB Champions Educator page.

Awards and Recognition:

  • 2019 – Innovator of the Year: Community Tech, Tech 50/Pittsburgh Technology Council, Finalist
  • 2019 – Serious Play Gold Award, International Serious Play Awards, Winner
  • 2019 – Best Learning Game, Games for Change, Finalist
  • 2019 – Games for Learning/Simulation, Ed Tech Awards, Winner
  • 2019 – New Product or Service (2017 or Later), Ed Tech Awards, Winner
  • 2018 – Best Ed Tech of 2018, Common Sense Education, Selected
  • 2018 – Immersive Education of the Year, Immersive Perspective Awards, Finalist
  • 2018 – Best Business Game, Serious Games Showcase and Challenge, Winner
  • 2018 – Best XR Game, Serious Games Showcase and Challenge, Winner
  • 2018 – Best AR/VR Education App or Tool, Tech Edvocate, Winner
  • 2018 – Top Pick for Learning, Common Sense Education, Winner
  • 2018 – The Tech Edvocate Award, The Edvocate, Nominee
  • 2018 – VR Education Solution of the Year, VR Awards, Winner

Selected News About HoloLAB Champions: