Join the Army Inspector General Team!

What's an IG?

Army Inspectors General (military and civilian) perform four basic functions:

  • Teaching and Training – Teaching and Training is an integral part of all IG functions. IGs by their very nature possess a wealth of knowledge and experience. They use this knowledge and experience when inspecting, assisting, and investigating to teach soldiers at all levels about policies and procedures. 
  • Inspections – IGs conduct inspections at the direction of the commander. An IG inspection may focus on organizations, functions or both and may or may not be compliance oriented.
  • Assistance – Anyone may submit a complaint or request for assistance to an Army IG concerning matters of interest to the Army.
  • Investigations – IGs only conduct investigations when directed by the commander. The investigation will focus on violations of policy or regulations. The commander may also direct an investigation into alleged mismanagement, unethical behavior or misconduct.

Military Inspectors General

Did you know Army Inspector General (IG) duty is a career broadening assignment for Officers, Warrant Officers and Non-Commissioned officers alike?  Are you a Senior CPT through COL, W3 through W5, or a SFC through SGM looking to broaden the professional development path you find yourself on? 
Serving as an Army IG will provide you a unique opportunity to not only see the Army from a senior leader perspective but to also become part of the solution to current Army challenges. 
Whether providing assistance, investigating, or inspecting the Army, all Army IGs are charged with providing impartial assessments, analysis, and thoughtful recommendations for resolving Army challenges. 
As an Army IG, every Soldier will have access to your advice and counsel as you play a crucial role in improving your unit’s readiness. Fully engaged as “the eyes, ears, voice and conscience” of commanding officers and directing authorities at every camp, post, and station worldwide, Army IGs are the tip of the spear for taking care of Soldiers, Civilians and Families while working to resolve systemic issues before they become Army problems.

How do you join the Army IG Team? 

Do you have a stellar record of proven performance regardless of AOC/Branch or MOS?
Army IG duty is a nominative assignment, vetted and approved by Army Inspector General (TIG). Potential IGs are nominated in one of three ways; (1) By career managers at HRC, COMO, USARC and NGB for all components, (2) By Commanders and Directing Authorities as local nominations through HRC, COMO, USARC and NGB, and (3) By AC Officer using the Assignment Interactive Module (AIM).    

To be an Army IG, all officers, warrant officers, and NCOs must first clear IG and security screens before vetting and approval by TIG. If you want to be approved for a highly visible and career broadening IG assignment, it is imperative you understand the criteria to be an Army IG and you ensure your record is ready for TIG review (security clearance, ACFT, HT, WT and permanent profile) once nominated.   
As a nominative assignment, Army IG duty has an initial 36-month IG duty tour, and once approved for IG duty, IG certification from
 The Inspector General School (TIGS) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, is mandatory.  For planning purposes, the IG course is 3 weeks long and is not TDY en-route for those assigned to the National Capital Region.

Do you have personal or professional concerns about your potential to join the Army IG team? 

Contact DAIG directly at [email protected].  

Army Civilian Inspectors General (email the Inspector General Functional Community Manager)

Many Army civilian IG positions are available across the Continental United States and around the globe as well. The Inspector General civilian workforce is defined by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) under Occupational Series 1801 – General Inspection, Investigation, Enforcement and Compliance Series. The Inspector General (IG) Functional Community is a civilian career program for Department of the Army (DA) civilians who serve their commanders and commands by performing the four IG functions – inspections, assistance, investigations, and teaching and training – for the specific purpose of enhancing the command’s readiness and warfighting capability. Many Civilian IGs who work in specialty areas are in other Job Series (e.g. 2210 – Cyber Security) and consequently belong to other Career Programs, but are still part of the Army IG Community. 

All IGs extend the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of their commanders and are responsible for advising these commanders. Selfless service is the cardinal attribute of successful IGs and all IGs must adhere to – and be advocates of – the Army Values, the Warrior Ethos, and the Army Civilian Corps Creed. The IGs hold a position of public trust, so broad experience, strong communication skills, and impeccable ethics are key attributes that strengthen and continually build upon the viability and effectiveness of the Army IG system.
Those interested in applying for a position as an Inspector General may find job opportunities at
 Army Civilians | or USAJobs and enter the key words of "Inspector General" or Series 1801 into the Search Engine. Prior experience as an Inspector General is most critical to be competitive; however, carefully read the Job Announcement(s) to discern knowledge, skills and abilities from past experiences.

All civilians applying to an IG position will undergo a complete background check prior to acceptance into the position. Once accepted as a Federal employee, the Army civilian IGs must also successfully complete the three-week Basic Course at
 The Inspector General School (TIGS), Fort Belvoir, VA, before starting the new position. Read more about CP-55/Army Civilian IG requirementsThe course is fully funded by Department of the Army. Veterans who served previously as an IG, may be required to attend TIGS as directed by the Commandant.
Inspector General Functional Community Manager is responsible for the development of civilian IG training, professional development, and career goals.