The U.S. Army Inspector General School (SAIG-TR) is organized primarily to execute resident education and training but also employs sustainment-training products as part of a distributed learning capability:


The Inspector General School is listed in the Army Training Requirements and Resource System (ATRRS) for eight three-week IG Basic Courses and three one-week IG Advanced Courses each fiscal year. The three-week IG Basic Course can support up to 64 students, and the one-week IG Advanced Courses can support up to 50 students. The staff and faculty make major changes or refinements to the curriculum and to the Academic Program during three Administration Periods scheduled throughout the year. The standard schedule for those Administration Periods is as follows:

Administration Period One: October
Administration Period Two: January
Administration Period Three: April

Two weeks normally separate each class, except for the Administration Periods listed above.

The standard training day at the school is from 0800 to about 1600, with a one-hour lunch break generally occurring between 1200 and 1300. The first two weeks focus on the three major IG functions followed in the third week with hands-on application exercises that reinforce each function in the form of an extended practical exercise (EPE). The standard three-week class schedule by primary (in bold) and supporting blocks of instruction is as follows:


Week One Week Two Week Three
In-Processing Assistance Inspections EPE
History of the IG Investigations Assistance EPE
IG Concept and System Whistleblower Protection Act Inspections EPE
The Army Components IG Issues Teaching and Training
Inspections   Joint Task Force and Wartime IG
Intelligence Oversight   Targeted Instruction
Ethics and Standards of Conduct   Graduation

Guest-speaker presentations and exam periods appear throughout the three-week schedule.


Welcome to the Inspector General Basic Course! Basic Course students will complete the following reading assignments before reporting to the school.

Inspector General Reference Guide (Read Parts 1 and 2)
AR 20-1, Inspector General Activities and Procedures (Read Chapters 1 and 2) (Must obtain directly from Army Publishing Directorate)
Student Handbook

Optional Reading:

Profile of the Army: A Guide for Non-Army Students (2022 version, published by AUSA, not the U.S. Army)

For students who want to review the slides and references used in the course click on Instructional Material.

Welcome to the Inspector General Advanced Course! Military IGs must have served as an IG for one year from date of the Basic course graduation.   Civilians IGs are required to attend every 5 years from your first Basic course graduation or from your last Advanced course attendance.
International Students must have attended the Basic IG Course and must be approved to attend the Advanced course by the Dean of Academics.

Cyber Awareness Requirement:

All U.S. Army Inspector General School (TIGS) students are issued laptop computers and given network access during the course. In accordance with AR 25-2, paragraph 4-3a (8) (a and b), users must complete Cyber Awareness Challenge training and Exam, before TIGS can issue credentials for network access. When TIGS Registrar confirms your attendance for a given class, thereafter you will then be notified by the IT Specialist of needed IT Documents and your IA Certificate.

If you do not present proof of your Cyber Awareness Challenge training prior to the start of class, you will remain after class on Day One to complete the training. Any student who fails to complete the training will not gain access to the U.S. Army Inspector General Network (IGNET) and will not be able to proceed with the instruction.


1. Purpose: The U.S. Army Inspector General School's curriculum for the three-week Basic Course represents the training requirements for all new Inspectors General and how those requirements derive from the critical tasks an Inspector General must be able to perform prior to assuming his or her duties in the field.

2. Course Map: The prioritized, logical sequence to the primary blocks of instruction appears in the course map (see below). This course illustrates the mandatory flow and logical teaching sequence of each block (or lesson) and serves as the model for the class schedule. This course map also prescribes the required order in which the students will learn the Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs).

Course Map


3. Critical Tasks: The Inspector General (TIG) has approved 12 critical tasks that, have resulted in the Terminal Learning Objectives (TLOs) that form the foundation of the school's Academic Program. The current appoved task list, with appropriate task numbers, is as follows:

        15-007-0001: Resolve a systemic issue in a functional area.
        15-007-0002: Advise the command on the Army inspection principles and the Organizational Inspection Program.
        15-007-0003: Resolve complaints and issues for an individual using the Inspector General Action Process.
        15-007-0004: Resolve allegations of impropriety against an individual.
        15-007-0005: Verify that U.S. Army organizations are conducting intelligence operations in accordance with law and policy.
        15-007-0006: Gather information from groups of individuals in support of the Inspector General Inspections, Assistance, and Investigations functions.
        15-007-0007: Resolve allegations of Whistleblower reprisal using the Inspector General Action Process and Department of Defense guidance.
        15-007-0008: Support a command or organization as part of an Army Inspector General Office in a wartime operational environment.
        15-007-0009: Support a Joint Task Force as part of a Joint Inspector General office.
        15-007-0010: Support a command or organization as part of an active-component, Army National Guard, or Army Reserve Inspector General office.
        15-007-0011: Comply with the Army's ethical and moral standards.
        15-007-0012: Conduct teaching and training throughout a command or organization.

4. Learning Objectives: The learning objectives that an Inspector General must achieve to perform all IG functions successfully in all environments appear as Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs) in the Advance Sheets booklet. These ELOs support the overarching training requirements — or Terminal Learning Objectives — for each block of instruction. Each functional area — and that functional area's supporting blocks of instruction — has ELOs that an IG student must learn to be successful as an IG. These ELOs fall into two categories, Knowledge and Application, and allow the students to achieve the orverarching Terminal Learning Objective for each major block of instruction (or lesson).

Knowledge represents the learning and understanding of key terms, methods, and concepts while Application is the use of those methods and concepts in new situations to solve problems or apply processes. These two categories represent two of the major competencies outlined in Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom designed this taxonomy to help categorize the different levels of test questions an instructor can use to evaluate a student's performance. Comprehension applies but is embedded — for the school's purpose — in the Knowledge category. Analysis also applies in some cases but is embedded once again — for the school's purposes — in the Application category. The complete taxonomy lists these competencies in the following order: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.

Bloom's Taxonomy is useful as an approach to the different levels of learning such as crawl, walk, and run. The Inspector General School applies two of these competencies in sequence — Knowledge and Application — to cover the crawl and walk aspects of IG training. The school touches upon the other competencies such as Analysis and Synthesis (the creating of new ideas from old ones) but, due to time constraints, relies strongly upon experienced IGs in the field to mentor the course graduates further to acheive this final level of education in the IG system. Therefore, the school's primary focus is on teaching the IG students to crawl and walk (Knowledge and Application), which will allow the students to run (Analysis and Synthesis) after some further mentoring in a field environment. Even in the absence of further mentoring, graduates of the school will still learn the techniques and processes necessary to serve as successful IGs in the field immediately upon the arrival at their new duty stations.


Resident Course Schedule - FY 24 | FY 25
Class Number Start Date Finish Date # of Seats
25-001 02 Dec 2024 20 Dec 2024 Resident: 64
25-002 27 Jan 2025 14 Feb 2025 Resident: 64
25-003 03 Mar 2025 21 Mar 2025 Resident: 64
25-004 28 Apr 2025 16 May 2025 Resident: 64
25-005 9 Jun 2025 27 Jun 2025 Resident: 64
25-006 14 Jul 2025 01 Aug 2025 Resident: 64
25-007 11 Aug 2025 29 Aug 2025 Resident: 64
25-008 15 Sep 2025 03 Oct 2025 Resident: 64
26-001 01 Dec 2025 19 Dec 2025 Resident: 64
Inspector General Advanced Course Schedule FY 25 | FY 26
A25-001 21 Oct 2024 25 Oct 2024 Resident: 50
A25-002  04 Nov 2024 08 Nov 2024 Resident: 50
A25-003 07 Apr 2025 11 Apr 2025 Resident: 50
A26-001 20 Oct 2025 24 Oct 2025 Resident: 50
A26-002 03 Nov 2025 07 Nov 2025 Resident: 50

For information about class registration, please contact the Registrar at 703-805-3900 or DSN 655-3900 or email at Registrar.

FY 25-26 Printable Schedule


Quiz Instructions

These instructions will explain how the electronic quiz works. Please read the instructions and then click on the "Quiz \ Exam" link below. Log into the system using the username and password provided and take the five-question sample quiz.

This task will ensure that you are able to access the system. If you have any problems, please notify the Information Technology Specialist (ITS) as soon as possible.

Quiz \ Exam

To access an electronic quiz, you must be a current student in the U.S. Army Inspector General School and have an account in our database.

Note: Quizzes and the Final Exam are only available during test time, and you have only one opportunity to take them. Do Not open them until instructed to do so by your Faculty Advisor.