Introducing Google Cloud’s Product Vision for AI-Powered Security

Protect critical national infrastructure by uniting national cyber defense with near real-time knowledge sharing and unparalleled situational awareness of the threat landscape with Google SecOps CyberShield.

Identifying and Prioritizing Cloud Risks with a Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.




H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

Introducing Google Cloud’s Product Vision for AI-Powered Security

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.

Event countdown timer




H2 80 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat

Google Cloud Security is uniquely positioned to address the challenges facing enterprises adopting AI today.

-Google Cloud's Product Vision for AI-Powered Security

Organizations need a solution with strong tooling that integrates cloud security with enterprise security operations to dismantle the tool-driven silos that separate teams today.


Explore CISO insights

Feeling pressure to navigate today’s complex threat landscape? Discover how Google Cloud empowers CISOs with industry-leading security solutions and expert guidance. Discover resources on our CISO insights page.

Explore CISO insights

Feeling pressure to navigate today’s complex threat landscape? Discover how Google Cloud empowers CISOs with industry-leading security solutions and expert guidance.

Discover resources on our CISO insights page

Learn best practices to deploy AI

Want to deploy AI in your organization, but wondering how to secure your AI workloads? Learn crucial steps to enhance traditional cloud security capabilities and get your AI workloads to the cloud.

Read the report

H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet

H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet

H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet


Country one

Country two

Country three

Country four ~ without images


Multi-city map

Event map and details


Firstname Lastname

Developer Advocate of Machine Learning,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud


Day 1 Agenda

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Day 2 Agenda

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Day 3 Agenda

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour


  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ


Track 1

Track 2

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ

Our partners





Three-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

Two-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

One-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

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