Democracy Community

Building a broader, stronger, and more inclusive democracy reform movement.

The democracy reform community plays a critical role in building a government that is truly of, by, and for the American people.

But for too long, the democracy and money-in-politics reform communities have not reflected the diversity and breadth of America itself. At the same time, due to a lack of sufficient investment from the philanthropic sector, reform organizations are all operating at a scale that hampers their ability to affect transformational change and broaden their scope.

The success of our work to fix our broken system requires both near-term urgency and a long-term perspective. To create lasting change and a democracy that works for all, we need a strong reform movement: One that is bigger, better staffed, more coordinated, and that reflects the makeup and concern of all Americans.


  • Act as an engine to accelerate and scale the democracy movement’s many efforts
  • Partner with a broad spectrum of organization, leaders, and coalition groups to build a vibrant, durable, and well-resourced democracy reform movement
  • Bring faith communities, businesses leaders, and conservatives into the conversation
  • Create more stable and predictable funding and resource streams, so the democracy reform sector is able to think and act long-term to combat the powerful forces opposing us
  • Support the long-established work of voting rights groups

Our impact:

  • Founded the Fix the System Coalition
  • Joined together with Unite America and Represent.Us to form the Unite America Network
  • Acted as a founding donor of the Partnership for American Democracy (PFAD)
  • Incubated and launched The Fulcrum, the first-of-its-kind digital publication exclusively dedicated to democracy reform, now a project of Bridge Alliance Education Fund
  • Convened a series of panels on the intersection of faith and democracy featuring religious leaders from a broad spectrum of affiliations

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