Press releases

Sen. Menendez made the right decision to step down, ReFormers Caucus co-chairs say

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Cory Combs

Director of Media Relations

Following the news that Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has tendered his resignation after being found guilty of bribery, extortion, and wire fraud, Issue One released the following statement from Amb. Tim Roemer (D-IN) and Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN), two former members of Congress and co-chairs of the bipartisan ReFormers Caucus:

“As we stated last week, serving in Congress is an honor and requires the highest ethical standards. More than ever, voters must be able to trust the leaders they elect. Sen. Menendez not only abused and lost the trust of the American people and his constituents in New Jersey, he broke the law and enriched himself by acting as a foreign agent on behalf of another country.

“We are pleased that Sen. Menendez has heard the call and made the right decision in stepping down from office.“