'INSPIRATIONS' Magazine Spring/Summer 2020

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INSPIRATIONS Spring/Summer 2020

Four Season Solutions for Home & Garden

Shee Shed Sh design + build your retreat

INSIDE: Pollinator Power Easy-Care Containers The Big Impact of Home Grown Plant Like A Pro

& more

True Diamonds Flourish Under Pressure You’ve never met a more versatile plant than Diamond euphorbia. Sun, shade, hot, dry – it will take it all in stride and keep right on shining. Now there’s a Diamond for every use. Classic Diamond Frost adds a gorgeous airy touch to container recipes and the dense, double flowered Diamond Snow will rim your garden’s edge in sparkling white. Mega-sized Diamond Mountain is spectacular en masse in landscapes. Discover more about our Annual of the Year at www.nationalplantoftheyear.com.



DIAMOND SNOW ™ Euphorbia

INSPIRATIONS Spring/Summer 2020

to my fellow gardeners...

This spring, and especially the last six weeks, has been filled with many challenges that we've never experienced. The amount of confusion, uncertainty and concern for safety has been overwhelming. Everyone in our community has been impacted with various changes to their daily routine and many have faced tremendous hardship from this crisis. I want to take this opportunity to share with you how blessed we are to have such dedicated associates here at Homestead Gardens. Our team has been living through this incredible circumstance, processing and making decisions with all the same concerns while maintaining our stores and services. We have shifted many of our team into different roles to improve the Online & Phone service and support the delivery and curbside demands. I will admit that our changes haven't been perfect, but the effort from our Homestead Gardens team couldn't be better. April showers have brought May flowers and we appreciate you letting us be your garden center of choice. We are open, we are fully stocked, and we are taking every step to make shopping at Homestead Gardens safe for our customers and employees. Please consider shopping on weekdays and come early or late to avoid overcrowding the stores. We have implemented all of the recommended best practices for safety and have regular disinfecting services treating our interior areas of the store. It's been said that a walk in nature can cure things and we welcome each of you to Homestead Gardens this spring. I am confident we can continue to improve your shopping experience while maintaining a safe environment. If you would like to share any suggestions on how we may serve you better, please call our stores and ask for me. Thank you for supporting our business, especially during this time. Warm Regards,

Brian Riddle

President & CEO, Homestead Gardens

On the Cover: Our designers have provided inspiration to help you design a unique She-Shed. An entire section of our boutique is dedicated to providing all the elements you’ll need to create and decorate an inviting, relaxing, light-filled retreat. Turn to page 31 to learn more. Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

In Store Davidsonville, Maryland 743 W. Central Avenue ph: 410.798.5000 Severna Park, Maryland 522 Ritchie Highway ph: 410.384.7966

Homestead Gardens was founded in 1973 by Don Riddle, Jr. Homestead Gardens landmark garden center and nursery is nestled among the rolling countryside of Davidsonville, Maryland and is the largest enclosed garden center in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Layout/Design: Rachel Edler Advertising Sales: [email protected]

Online HomesteadGardens.com /homesteadgardens @homesteadgardens @homesteadgrdns

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 1

contents INSPIRATIONS Early Spring 2020




The Secret to Growing Bigger Plants, Faster Take


Pollinator Power We rely on the hard work of pollinators every


Your Guide to Choosing Dog Food Each pet is as unique


Buried Treasure Spring-flowering bulbs may get all the atten-


Plant Like a Pro Ask Tom Bowman, nursery buyer from


Design + Build the Classic She-Shed Our designers have


The Big Impact of Home Grown Gardening burns cal-


Backyard Therapy Create a sustainable outdoor living space


Accessorize Your Garden with Easy Care Containers


Coupons Take advantage of exclusive savings for Garden


Community Corner Homestead is committed to building up

the time now to test and amend your soil as needed. This leads to healthier, bigger and happier plants later! day for food, flowers, medicine and beyond. Yet they need our help!. as are their dietary needs, so there is no one right way to feed a dog. tion, but there are summer-flowering bulbs you can plant now.

Homestead Gardens, about his favorite plants, and he lights up. provided inspiration to help you design a unique She-Shed...

ories, relieves stress, and improves our immune systems. These health benefits are reinforced when you grow your own. to promote your health and wellbeing.

containers are easy and practical solutions to add your personal touch to outdoor spaces.

Rewards members. Not a member? Not a problem – join for FREE today! community based organizations and local leadership.

19 26 2 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Homestead Gardens



Serving Anne Arundel & Price George's Counties Since 1973

garden center

Easy Solutions | Best Product Selection | Educated Staff | Central Location

garden rewards New & Improved for your Convenience

» » »

Earn 2% back with every purchase.


When you earn a reward*, get it the next day — no more waiting!

» » » »

Earn Bonus Rewards throughout the year. Access Garden Rewards exclusive offers... like the coupons on page 30!

Rewards are as good as cash in our store! Redeem at your convenience with our extended redemption period — now 1 year! Paperless rewards! E-mail address required. First to be notified of our Easter Bunny & Santa online registration app

Join in-store or online & start earning today: HomesteadGardens.com/rewards

In an effort to provide our customers with a reliable source for garden education and inspiration (in equal parts!), we’ve re-launched the HG Garden Academy – an annual series of meetups and weekly workshops! Turn to page 30 for the upcoming garden class schedule or visit online: HomesteadGardens.com/upcoming-events

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 3

The Garden Coach's

TOP PLAYS. x Keep it contained...

Don't mess with cumbersome sticks, strings or wire cages again! Peacock Plant Supports are great for keeping plants in their place and looking tidy!

With completely interchangeable stakes, rings, borders and grids, they are perfect for all types of plants, small or large. Even better, they can be put in place any time of year without damaging the plant! See the entire collection at Homestead.


Maintain hydration... One of the most important lines of defense for what may be a hot and dry summer is proper mulching. Not only will mulch help prevent weeds and keep a plant's roots cool, best of all,it will help conserve moisture in the soil. I recommend Maryland Select Shredded Hardwood Mulch – Homestead Gardens' very own blend.



starts here.

Meet with the Garden Coach to Improve your Garden Game Great coaches give their players direction and motivation to help them reach their goals. They provide leadership and an organized plan to encourage their team to achieve success. The Garden Coach experience incorporates these same principles towards the practice of creating and maintaining successful gardens. The Garden Coach experience is designed for the busy and discerning homeowner who might be short on time and uncertain about how to best improve their home’s landscape. Each client receives personalized, one-on-one attention from a Homestead horticulturist or landscape designer. We focus on each client’s definition of a successful garden and provide all the information, plant material and installation services that are needed to achieve their garden goals.

How would you like an hour of personal one-on-one coaching with a Homestead horticulturist or landscape designer?



Learn more about the Garden Coach program and book your one-on-one coaching session online at HomesteadGardens.com/COACH

Focus on the fundamentals... To give your plants the best possible start, we recommend Espoma Bio-tone® Starter Plus. This all-natural fertilizer is combined with a stronger concentration of beneficial bacteria and both endo and ecto mycorrhizae. Bio-tone will increase root mass and help avoid transplant loss in difficult planting conditions. PLUS it promotes bigger blooms!


Be prepared... Designed to be the ultimate multi tool in your garden, a hori hori knife can be used for just about any garden task — digging, trenching, planting, cutting, and even popping the top off a cold one! We think you'll find Barebones' Hori Hori knife to be your new favorite go-to garden tool, same as we do.

4 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

to Growing Bigger Plants, Faster

Spoiler alert: The secret is in the soil. All great gardens start from the ground up! Every shrub, flower, and veggie you plant relies on the soil for nutrients. Take the time now to test and amend your soil as needed. This leads to healthier, bigger and happier plants later! What does a soil test tell you? A soil test reports what nutrients your plants or lawn need and will recommend the amount of fertilizer (N-P-K) to add to your soil as well as pH levels. You can pick up a test at one of our locations or take a 1-1.5 cup sample to your local extension agent. To get a true reading, use a stainless-steel trowel to dig 6-8” deep if sampling garden soil, or 4” if testing your lawn’s soil. Once you’ve got your results, it’s time to amend.

(N) nitrogen

helps grow leaves and stalks. Too much or too little can be a problem. If excess nitrogen is present, the plant will have soft tissue, be generally weak and susceptible to disease. Chicken manure, fish manure and blood meal are amendments that are high in nitrogen.

(P) phosphorus

helps plants bloom, enhancing color. If your plants aren’t growing as full as normal, it might be a phosphorus shortage. Bone meal, an ingredient commonly found in organic fertilizer or sold on its own, is high in both nitrogen and phosphorus. We also recommend Espoma Triple Phosphate.

(K) potassium

promotes strong stalks and stems and helps roots to develop. Everything from bulbs to root veggies will benefit from potassium. Look for products that contain kelp meal or potash, common name for potassium carbonate and other compounds that contain potassium in water-soluble form. Our go-to source for potassium is Espoma Organic Kelp Meal. Finally, pH shows soil’s acidity and alkalinity. When amending, go organic. It’s good for your plants, the planet, and your home. If your soil is too acidic, add Espoma Organic Garden Lime. It’s much safer than hydrated lime. If your soil is too alkaline or lacking acid, add Espoma Organic Soil Acidifier. The Plant Specialists at both of our Davidsonville and Severna Park stores can help you select the right amendments and fertilizers for your plant needs. Visit homesteadgardens.com for more information and articles about plant nutrients.

Soil Acidifier 6 lb | $9.99

Triple Phosphate 6.5 lb | $16.99

Kelp Meal 3.5 lb | $21.99

Garden Lime 6.75 lb | $4.99

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 5

full service to

turn to home

DESIGN | BUILD | MAINTAIN... Full-Service from Foundation to Finishing Touch. Landscape.HomesteadGardens.com | 410.867.6336

r fo ! 31 ffer ge o pa ive to lus rn xc Tu n e a


stead gardens

Purchase hand-held power tools or rent equipment from our wholesale division. Find everything you need for any type of outdoor lawn project on your to-do list – big or small.


POW We rely on the hard work of pollinators every day for food, flowers, fabric, medicine, and more. Yet they need our help! Sadly, habitat loss, pesti-

cide use and loss of native vegetation are diminishing their numbers rapidly. Everything in nature is connected. If one part is out of balance, the effects can be far-reaching. If we all work together to make small changes in our own backyards, it will have a big impact and restore the balance we need to have a healthy ecosystem.

Mom’s (Mother Nature’s) Favorites

Noble Natives

As more and more people make a conscious effort to lighten their ecological footprint, the more popular native plants become. Native plants are already adapted to soil, climate and rainfall amounts and don’t need excessive amounts of fertilizers or pesticides to grow and thrive.


Native Woody Plants for Pollinators: Oaks


Native Perennials for Pollinators: Goldenrod

(Quercus), Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), sweetspire (Itea), summersweet (Clethra alnifolia), blueberry, and maple (Acer). (Solidago), Aster, perennial sunflowers, Joe-pye weed (Eutrochium purpureum), black-eyed Susan, Coneflowers (echinacea) and many varieties of ornamental grasses.

Pollinators can find pollen and nectar on a wide variety of plants including non-native plants. However, native plants offer special services that non-natives don’t. Their benefits to the environment are enormous. That is not to say you shouldn’t plant lilacs, peonies or whatever else makes you smile. Plant some for nature and some for your soul.

There are so many more worthy choices. Let our expert staff help you select the best and look for special savings on our ‘Pollinator Palette’ collection every month.

The Hungry Caterpillar

Green Mulch

Milkweed (Asclepias), once commonly found in ditches and fields, has a sticky sap that is toxic to most animals. Monarchs have become immune to the toxins over the millennia and by doing so have become somewhat toxic themselves and less tasty to birds and other predators. The relationship is so interconnected that the only thing monarch caterpillars can eat is milkweed. Monarch butterflies will only lay their eggs on milkweed plants so the hungry caterpillars can eat and grow. That makes milkweed a “host plant” for monarchs. No milkweed plants, no more monarch butterflies.

While we commonly think of flowering shrubs and perennials as great choices for pollinators, there is one group that doesn’t get enough attention – native groundcovers!

8 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Native groundcovers have become more and more popular with home gardeners in recent years. Whether you are reducing the size of your lawn in favor of low-growing plants that provide benefit to wildlife and pollinators or simply choosing to fill in garden borders with low maintenance plantings, groundcovers are a green and easy solution. Furthermore, expanses of mulch covered beds are like deserts to pollinators - with little to no food or shelter.






e ts w n L I laOR POL NATOR


Replacing mulch with these low growing natives provides a big benefit to our pollinator population.



Native Groundcovers for Pollinators: sedges (Carex), marsh marigold (Caltha palustris), wild geranium (Geranium maculatum), Phlox, foamflower (Tiarella), American wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), Allegheny spurge (Pachysandra procumbens), and Gro-Low Sumac (Rhus aromatica).

PICTURED: A. Summersweet (Clethra alnifolia) B. Goldenrod (Solidago) C. Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum)

Create a Pollinator Garden With a few simple steps, you can make your existing garden or balcony more pollinator-friendly. By doing so, you’ll make it more bird-friendly too. There is no need to completely start over. Join our Pollinator Club to learn more about this fascinating topic and make your garden come alive.


Choose a Sunny Spot. Most plants thrive in full sun,


Plant Native Plants. Feed birds, butterflies and

» »



D. Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris)


Provide Water. You will be amazed at how much life


Provide Cover. Animals need a place to get out


Avoid Chemicals. Pesticides and other lawn chem-

and butterflies, bees and other pollinators are most active when their bodies are warm. other wildlife their natural diet by planting natives that deliver nectar, seeds, nuts, fruits, and berries.

Provide Plants That Bloom in 3 Seasons. Plant a

selection of plants with staggered bloom times from early spring to late fall to provide food for pollinators all growing season long.

Plant in Groups. It’s easier for butterflies and other pollinators to locate nectar plants if you plant in groups of three or more.

water brings to a garden. Consider installing a water feature – a birdbath is helpful. A dish filled with pebbles and water is also a great way to provide water for butterflies and other pollinators. of inclement weather and to hide from predators. Nesting boxes, evergreen shrubs, and ornamental grasses provide shelter all year. A rock or brush pile in a quiet corner can also provide a safe haven. icals can harm pollinators. Let our staff show you some of the many eco-friendly products available. If you must use chemicals, apply at the time of day when pollinators are least active.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 9

Bee a Hero Here at Homestead Gardens, we’re passionate about protecting the environment. We’re building a community of gardeners devoted to the preservation and protection of pollinators through education, exploration, and fun. Everyone, of every age, every level of experience and every amount of space, is welcome to join. Bee a Hero – go to our website and sign up for the Pollinators Club today. Get inspired by fellow Pollinator Club members and share ideas on our HG Pollinator Club Facebook group. Club members receive special savings each month on plants from our ‘Pollinator Palette’ collection. What better way to ensure you have flowering plants to provide pollen and nectar all season long! Our e-newsletter delivers timely gardening tips and inspiration directly to your inbox. Our monthly meetups are informative and fun. There will be in-depth seminars throughout the year on a variety of topics ranging from how to incorporate more native plants into your existing landscapes to information about the pollinators themselves. Join the HG Pollinator Club Facebook group to connect, share and learn from our staff and other members!

A. B.

A. Liatris spicata 'Kobold' Attracts: Butterflies, Birds, Hummingbirds Blooms: Summer Exposure: Full Sun

To join the club or simply learn more about pollinators, drop by the store or call 410.798.5000.

plants we



With their staggered bloom times, plant these perennials together in your garden for three seasons of color for you to enjoy and three seasons of nectar for the pollinators!

C. Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' Attracts: Hummingbirds, Butterflies Blooms: Spring Exposure: Part Sun to Full Shade

10 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

B. Heliopsis 'Burning Hearts' Attracts: Butterflies, Birds Blooms: Fall Exposure: Full Sun


Ashley Ash

Farm & Pet Category Manager

As a dog owner, there are many decisions that you have to make for your canine, and one of the first questions you may ask yourself is “what am I going to feed them?”. There are several places to find and receive canine diet information. Before we begin, always keep in mind that each pet is as unique as are their dietary needs, so there is not one right way to feed a dog. It is helpful to consult with several people including a veterinarian and/or animal nutritionist to find the right diet for your dog. Here are a few things to consider:

your guide to CHOOSING




Always pay attention to the first 5 ingredients listed on the tag. The first ingredient should be meat or meat meal. Meat meal is a nutritional powerhouse because it is all meat without the water content. Note: Meat meal is different than a by-product. Ingredients are listed by weight. Meat contains water, so it would be listed as one of the first ingredients. Meat meal contains all of the meat nutrients without the water weight. Guidelines from The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) govern claims on labels. A single listed ingredient must contain at least 95% of that ingredient.

» Listed combination ingredients must contain at least 95% of the ingredients. » Dinner, platter, and entrees must contain at least 25% of the ingredients listed. » If a food states “with” a specific ingredient, it must contain 3% of the ingredients. » “Flavors” only need to contain a detectable amount of the ingredient.

Carbohydrates: Grain versus Grain Free. Carbs are an essential nutrient that dogs need.

» Grain diets contain ingredients like: wheat, corn, barley, oats, rye, or rice. Grain free diets include ingredients such as: pumpkin, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc.

» There are benefits to both diets depending on your dog. Take time to research the differences and ask questions.



There are several companies making dog food, and they are not all created equal. Research the company to see where they source their ingredients and where they manufacture their products.

» Is the company family owned and operated? » Do they use quality ingredients? » Do they have a system for food safety and quality control in the manufacturing process?


Your Dog

It’s best to keep in mind your dog’s genetics (breed), age, and lifestyle when considering their diet. There are different diets which are best suited for your dog’s age (puppy to senior), health status (allergens, health conditions, etc.), and activity level (sedentary to active). If you have any questions about your dog’s current diet, please visit our Farm and Pet Department where an associate would be delighted to assist.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 11

NATIVE PLANTS that are By: Natalie Carmolli

made for shade

Native plants are a smart choice for easy-care landscapes. With the advantage of naturally being well-suited to environmental conditions, plants that are native to their region typically require less intensive care. Gardening in shade presents its own set of challenges, but there are many beautiful, native shrubs that are naturally suited to shade, and sized right for smaller gardens.

Two native, shade-tolerant plants that pollinators love are Itea, commonly called sweetspire, and Clethra, also known as summersweet. Both have showy summer flowers and exhibit good fall foliage color. They are a great choice for a rain garden or any place you want to enjoy their sweet-smelling blooms. Typically, these are medium to large-sized shrubs, but smaller cultivars have been introduced, and they will tuck neatly into established gardens.

Scentlandia® Itea

Sugartina® 'Crystalina' Clethra

Invincibelle Mini Mauvette® Hydrangea arborescens

Scentlandia® sweetspire only grows to 2-3’, so it works well in most landscapes. This cultivar was bred to have flowers that are longer, larger, and more fragrant than conventional varieties. They're also more cold tolerant, assuring a good display even in USDA zone 5, where flower buds could typically be damaged. Measuring just 2.5-3’, super useful Sugartina® 'Crystalina' summersweet is a great fit for narrow beds or smaller gardens. This cultivar produces pure white flowers in mid-summer and its dark, glossy foliage turns a nice bright yellow in fall - making it a perfect plant for full season color. Oakleaf hydrangeas (H. quercifolia) are a classic native plant. Long prized by savvy gardeners, these North American beauties produce gorgeous showy panicles of blossoms in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, plus they are the best hydrangea for shade.

Gatsby Star® Hydrangea quercifolia

foliage of Hydrangea quercifolia

Just as The Great Gatsby is a classic of American literature, Gatsby Star® oakleaf hydrangea is quickly becoming a garden legend, with white, pointed, double florets that look like a little stack of stars filling the panicle. Hardy down USDA zone 5, dark green foliage transforms to mahogany-red in autumn to round out a full season of color. Reaching heights/widths of 6-8’, it is a beautiful specimen plant. Although they can tolerate full sun, be sure to plant oakleaf hydrangeas where they can get at least three to five hours of sun, even if it’s through dappled shade, each day. The native Hydrangea arborescens (smooth hydrangea) has long been a garden favorite and can also tolerate a part-sun environment. ‘Annabelle’ smooth hydrangea has graced gardens for over 50 years, and the Invincibelle® series of smooth hydrangeas improves on its predecessor, maintaining its reliable reblooming, but with strong, supportive stems that don’t flop over under weight of the flowers. For smaller spaces, plus an alternative to the classic white flower, Invincibelle Mini Mauvette® produces mauve-purple flowers on a 2.5-3’ habit. Their native roots help to make this, and all of the plants in Invincibelle® smooth hydrangea series, disease-resistant and hardy down to USDA zone 3.

12 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Gardening is a fun and healthy activity for all ages and abilities. Choosing the right cultivars can make it extra-rewarding by easing maintenance, so you can sit back and enjoy your peaceful, native oasis. For more information and recommendations about planting natives in your garden, it’s always a good idea to ask a professional at your local garden center. Homestead Gardens carries the Proven Winners® ColorChoice® varieties mentioned in this article, plus we provide pick-up and delivery services for your safety and convenience.

Spring-flowering bulbs like tulips and daffodils may get all the attention, but remember there are summer-flowering bulbs you can plant right now. These beauties bloom mid- to late-summer, delivering dramatic pops of color at a time when our gardens tend to tire out. Plant now, and these divas will reward you by adding excitement to your garden later...and all you’ll have to do is enjoy the show!

Buried Treasure dig.

bulbs we

On Fire. Crocosmia

has sword-shaped leaves with long, slender stems featuring flowers in fiery shades of red and orange. Hummingbirds and butterflies love the tubular flowers. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Easy to grow in both sun and part shade. Makes a great cut flower. Best of all, deer don’t care for the taste.

Fiesta. Dahlias come in a vari-

ety of colors and sizes. Many have extraordinary flower forms. These south-of-the-border varieties put on an amazing amount of growth in just one season and there will be more than enough to cut bouquets for your home. Flowers from mid-summer to late-fall. They will need to be dug up in the fall and overwintered indoors in Maryland gardens, but we think you’ll agree it’s worth the effort. They attract hummingbirds too.

tips for

So Glad. Gladiolus is a classic

summer flower and make the most dramatic bouquets you can imagine. Pick up a tall vase because stems grow between three and four feet tall. Tuck them in the back of the border or stake them in your cutting garden. Each stem can have 20 or more flowers and they are incredibly long-lasting. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Cut them back in the autumn and overwinter bulbs indoors.

The Fragrance. Lilies might

be the most beautiful summer flowers in the world. They come in a wide array of colors and flower forms, and each and every one is dazzling. For the most fragrance, we suggest Oriental Lilies; one stem will perfume an entire room. Plant them and forget them. They’ll come back year after year. Flowers from mid-summer to mid-fall. Make sure to plant in clusters so they have mutual support and you have enough to bring big beautiful bouquets indoors.

» Crocosmia

» »




» » Lillium

success Plant in spring, once the threat of frost is over.

Plant in average, welldrained soil. Continuously wet soil will cause the bulbs to rot. Most summer bulbs are sun-lovers, but many will grow in light shade. The general rule of thumb is to plant bulbs two to three times as deep as they are tall. However, always check the package instructions as some bulbs, like dahlias, will need planting much closer to the surface. Water well after planting and after long dry spells. Cutting off spent flowers allows bulbs to use their energy to produce new flowers instead of producing seed.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 13



Ask Tom Bowman, nursery buyer from Homestead Gardens, about his favorite plants, and he lights up.

Two that come to mind are underused natives: bush honeysuckle (Diervilla*) and oakleaf hydrangeas. When a nurseryman, or woman, endorses plants, you know they’re going to be easy to grow and indestructible.

Diervilla Bush Honeysuckle This underused shrub is native to most of the eastern half of the United States. It thrives in dry shade, flowers beautifully, has great fall color and it’s deer resistant, too. The trumpet-shaped flowers bloom in late spring and early summer and attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. It is not fussy, prefers dry to slightly moist soil in full sun to part shade. Plus, it is drought resistant once established. Use in shrub borders, woodland gardens, on slopes or as a low hedge. Prune back after flowering if necessary. This is an excellent landscape plant that will succeed in even the most challenging sites. Tom’s favorites Include:

Diervilla splendens Firefly™ Nightglow™ The name says it all. The foliage on this well-behaved native shrub is as dark as night in deep shades of cherry and chocolate. Firefly refers to the yellow flowers that dance above the leaves. The foliage colors look impressive when planted in a sea of green shrubs. In fall, the color becomes even darker.

» Height: 24-36” » Spread: 24-36” » Hardiness Zone: 4-7 » Attracts: Hummingbirds, butterflies + bees » Sun or shade » Deer Resistant » Perfect for Dry Shade » Outstanding Foliage Color

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

Kodiak® Orange Diervilla A native selection from Proven Winners is a show-stopper. New growth is bright orange with pink undertones. In autumn, it simply glows as the foliage turns a deep reddish-orange. The foliage color will be best when grown in bright light.

» Height: 36-48” » Spread: 36-48” » Hardiness Zone: 4-7 » Attracts: Hummingbirds, butterflies + bees » Sun or shade » Deer Resistant » Perfect for Dry Shade » Outstanding Fall Color

*This species should not be confused with Lonicera japonica, which shares the common name bush honeysuckle and is an exotic invasive species.

14 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Gatsby Series of Oakleaf Hydrangea No garden should ever be without an oakleaf hydrangea. This American native attracts an array of pollinators, has enormous flowers, amazing fall color and is shade and heat tolerant. Its exfoliating, cinnamon-colored bark adds winter interest as well. Hardy in zones 5-8. Oakleaf hydrangeas thrive in rich, moist but, well-drained soil. They’ll grow in full sun or part shade. At the height of summer, the leaves might droop, but they’ll pop back up in the morning. An addition of compost or mulch will help the soil stay moist when the heat is on. Native oakleaf hydrangeas can grow to be 8 to 10 feet tall and wide. If that’s a little too much of a good thing for your garden, the smaller but no less beautiful, Gatsby Series from Proven Winners is for you. Tom says the Gatsby is one of his all-time favorites for reliable beauty all year-round. Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

Gatsby Gal® Oakleaf Hydrangea This Gal’s smaller size will fit easily into your home’s landscape. The large, lacecap flowers are pure white and honey scented. It’ll attract pollinators by the score. It starts to bloom in early summer and ages to a light pink shade. The flowers stay attractive right through fall. They can be used on fresh or dried flower arrangements. As autumn approaches the foliage will begin to change in color to a deep wine red that is stunning to behold. Height and Spread: 5-6’.

Gatsby Moon® Oakleaf hydrangea Unbelievable, double florets make these blooms stand out from the crowd. The flowers are tightly packed and pure white. They would make a stunning bouquet. As they age they turn a lovely shade of green and would be perfect for dried flower arrangements. The wine-red fall color adds another season of beauty. Height and Spread: 6-7’

Gatsby Pink® Oakleaf hydrangea

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

Large, showy flowers go through a magical transformation from bright white to a glorious shade of pink. They provide months of color in the landscape. As the foliage turns mahogany red in autumn it extends the season of interest through fall. Height and Spread: 6-7’ To learn more about any of our native shrubs please feel free to ask our Homestead Gardens nursery staff. They welcome the opportunity to discuss these fabulous plants.



Nursery Buyer

After earning an Associates Degree in Forestry, Tom spent 19 years propagating and growing large specimen ornamental trees and shrubs. He then ventured into sales, representing nurseries up and down the East coast and Oregon. He has been with Homestead Gardens for 4.5 years.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 15



In the timeless tradition of Virgina Wolfe’s A Room of One’s Own, writers and gardeners have always longed for and often built a place within nature: a safe and comfy spot for planning gardens, reading, writing, reflection and meditation. As you may know, Virgina Wolfe’s best friend was Vita Sackville-West, a famous and talented garden designer. Ask any modern woman who is an avid gardener, writer, artist, outdoor naturalist wanting to create their own private retreat and watch as their face lights up from the streaming ideas and inspiration as they contemplate the space. They are defining the modern She-Shed.

She S

At Homestead Gardens, our designers have provided inspiration to help you design a unique She-Shed. An entire section of our boutique is dedicated to providing all the elements you’ll need to create and decorate an inviting, relaxing, light-filled retreat. Laden with trending colors and textures and even fragrances, the She-Shed experience is not to be missed. It is the brainchild of Homestead Gardens’ Decor Buyer, Sue Adams, and she spared no effort in detail to develop the most enviable She-Shed she and her team could imagine. She-Sheds have been growing in popularity in recent years and actually inspired the Man Cave. That’s right Ladies, the She-Shed was first. The She-Shed is in-line with a great history that spans the ages of intimate garden structures all over the world. Garden pagodas, gazebos, mini-conservatories, chinoiserie-inspired folly pavilions, garden sheds, writing cottages, fancy tree houses and even the converted tool shed were all built and claimed by women as places of outdoor refuge, reflection and gathering. All akin to the modern She-Shed. The historical placement in inspiring natural locations is also a tradition held dear. As you research ideas for a room of your own, you will find pages and pages of She-Shed inspiration to help you claim and design your She-Shed. Our team of designers urged us to remind you to stay focused on how you will use (continued >)

things we


< Crocheted Pillows 12x16" | $49.99 16" square| $59.99

for your She-Shed

16 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Decorative Ceramic Flowers ^ asstd. styles | starting at $24.99

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com


There is magic in the idea of taking an old tool shed and transforming it into a new space that is all your own...

< Metal Wall Bouquet 24.5" h | $89.99

Rose Crown Lady > 11" h planter | $59.99

Indoor/Outdoor Rugs > assorted sizes/styles starting at $54.99

^ Wall Art, assorted | starting at $14.99 (pictured $62.99)

the space and to commit to only filling it with things that bring you joy. In our She-shed section, we chose light, bright feminine colors found in peonies of pink, white, and butter, and wildflowers of periwinkle and violet. We chose textures found in wild grasses and fluffy feathers. We chose uplifting paintings that brought the outdoors in and creature comforts of twinkle lights and bird songs. Use natural inspirations as a design source and, if possible, don’t shortchange the opportunity to have both power and water available to your space. If you’re lucky enough to have an existing shed, take a hard look to see if the transformation is possible as just a fun makeover or if the project is going to take an experienced contractor to perhaps add windows or glass paneled doors or other design elements you have your heart set on. If you don’t have a shed, walk your yard and find your sweet spot; levelness of the yard, distance from the house, natural light during different times of the day, and the availability of electricity and maybe water. Save yourself some real trouble by keeping your site away from underground septic, water, oil or propane tanks, electric, communication lines, and sprinkler systems. Call Miss Utility if you don’t know where these are located. Now, let the designing begin. Surround your She-Shed with beautiful gardens that will inspire you yearround to always make it the place you want to be. If you need assistance planning or planting containers for inside or outside your shed, meet with our container specialists. Talk to any of our associates for ideas to bring four seasons of interest or about sustainable practices including attracting spring and summer pollinators and winter birds. Better still, make an appointment with our Landscape Division for larger garden plans. Inspired gardens around your She-Shed are guaranteed to improve your quality of life.

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

Design Tips from Proven Winners Decorating your retreat inside and out with gorgeous flowers and plants gives it an inspired, homey feel. When you use a simple neutral paint palette and natural wood décor as a backdrop, any botanicals will go. Notice how pink, purple and red shades were repeated among a diverse group of plants in the garden beds and indoor planters in this scene, creating a cohesive look in a small, eclectic space. Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

Proven Winners has even more inspiration for your backyard retreat. Explore the color palette, planting guide and suggested plants to create your own she-shed online at: beauty.provenwinners.com/she-shed/ Photo courtesy of Proven Winners | www.provenwinners.com

18 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020




Gardening is good for the soul. It burns calories, relieves stress, and improves our immune systems. These health benefits are reinforced when you grow your own organic, nutritious and delicious food. Growing herbs and vegetables at home is a fun and easy way to introduce better nutrition to your plate. Here’s some food for thought.

Herbalicious Herbs are simple to grow in-ground and in containers. They add so much flavor and brightness to summer dishes and can be dried or frozen to liven up winter cuisine. Fresh herbs from the grocery store can be expensive and not entirely fresh. Grow your own for the best tasting, organic herbs for your dishes. Here are our favorites:


If there is one superstar among herbs, it’s basil. And it has to be fresh. Use it in Caprese salads, toss it on pizza, tuck a leaf into cocktails or make pesto. Freeze pesto and brighten up a cold winter day. Basil needs about 6 hours of sun per day, but some protection from the harsh, late afternoon sun is appreciated. Water when soil is dry to the touch. It isn’t very cold tolerant so cover with an overturned nursery pot if the springtime temperatures turn cold.


Thyme smells like summer. Plant where you’ll be able to brush your hands over it to capture that fragrance. Originally from the Mediterranean, this herb is one of the most drought tolerant. Seeds are slow to germinate so it’s best to start with young plants. Use the tiny leaves in salads, marinades for meat and anything Italian. Harvest in mid-summer before it blooms and hang to dry. Once dry, rub it between your hand to dislodge the leaves from the stems, save in a spice jar for months.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 19


This underappreciated but fantastic herb can be added to practically anything. Sprinkle fresh leaves in salads, add it to scrambled eggs, and make herb butter or chimichurri sauce. Parsley loses its flavor when dried so freeze it and add to dishes at the last minute. Tip: You can freeze homemade herb butter too!


Another underappreciated perennial herb is chive. It’ll come back every year and is the first to break ground in late winter. Pollinators love the pink flowers and so will you. Sprinkle chives on salads and cheese toasts. Add them to eggs and herb butter. They’d be pretty and delicious in a bloody Mary. It also gets extra points for repelling Japanese beetles so plant around roses. There are so many more to try. Treat yourself to this delicious group of plants. And don’t forget herbs for Mother’s Day and girlfriend gifts.

Veggies Rule Vegetable gardening is growing increasingly popular with gardeners of all ages. You can grow many kinds in pots on a balcony or terrace. And even just a small veggie garden can yield big returns. What’s got everybody hooked? The taste! Nothing beats freshly picked veggies, nothing. A fresh carrot or green bean from the garden tastes completely different from those bagged products. Want your kids to eat their veggies? Let them help you in the garden with these easy to grow choices.


Tomatoes come in every imaginable size, shape, and color. Some are perfect to munch on right off the vine, some are best for canning salsa and others make the most magnificent BLTs on the planet. There are patio and cherry tomatoes that thrive in containers and if you have more room, larger varieties can produce enough for the whole neighborhood. If possible, plant a variety so you’ll have freshpicked goodness from early summer through fall. Just add sunshine and water.

Hot Peppers.

Hot peppers are truly hot. Everyone loves growing their own for summer backyard parties. Think stuffed jalapenos, your own deadly hot salsa, serrano wings, stir fry, queso, not to mention tacos. Jalapenos are the easiest and fastest to grow. Their big brother, the poblano, is one of the largest and often prepared stuffed, as in chili Rellenos. If you can take the heat, try Scotch bonnets or habaneros. Turn up the heat at this summer’s chili cook-off.

20 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

The Leafy Stuff.

It won’t be hard to get your family to eat their greens when you plant a variety of lettuces, spinach, kale, arugula, mustard greens, and Swiss chard. If you have a veggie garden go ahead and plant these delicious, fast-growing greens in rows. If that doesn’t apply, don’t worry, leafy greens grow well in containers. The foliage textures and colors of these greens are so beautiful; don’t be surprised if people think they’re just decorative combinations. Add some nasturtiums to spill over the edge of the pots. Their flowers taste peppery and are gorgeous in salads.

Zucchini + Summer Squash.

Everyone knows that once zucchini get growing they produce a ton of food. But there is a trick to keeping them in line. Harvest them when they’re young and tiny. You can pay a fortune for baby zucchini, not to mention their gourmet blossoms. Harvesting when just 3 or 4 inches long gives you a superb vegetable that can be cut up and eaten raw in salads or served as part of a crudités platter. They have more flavor, fewer seeds, and less water than the big ones. Come into Homestead Gardens and browse our extensive selection of herbs and vegetables from Chef Jeff. Talk to a team member about your garden goals and our expert staff will be delighted to assist you in choosing the right mix of herbs and veggies to suit your tastes and lifestyle.

things we


for your veggie garden »



» »

Bloom® Soil Amendment Bloom is an all-in-one concentrated product, providing the nutrients of a fertilizer and the organic matter of compost. Guaranteed Nutrient Analysis: 1.5-1.5-0 It’s great for vegetables, flowers, trees, and especially grass, and helps improve root and leaf growth. It can be used indoors or outdoors. Its slow release nutrients mean you’ll continue to see results over multiple seasons from one application. Bloom helps improve drought resistance and water holding capacity.

Bloom is made from Class A Exceptional Quality biosolids produced at DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant, helping reduce carbon emissions and generate renewable energy. Learn more at BloomSoil.com Bloom is available in bulk and 16qt. bags.

garden to grill Homestead Gardens features the largest selection of Weber grills and accessories in the area. Browse our stores to find charcoal kettle and gas grills in various sizes, tabletop grills for small spaces and electric grills to fit any space!

W NElor!

W NE2020!



Genesis® II E-335 Gas Grill Deep Ocean Blue | $949 .00

SmokeFire Wood Fired Pellet Grills EX4 24" | $999 .00 EX6 36" | $1,199 .00

The Genesis II E-335 is equipped with the power and features you need for amazing food - all backed by a 10 year warranty.

SmokeFire’s 200-600° temperature range gives it the versatility to sear, smoke, bake, and everything in between.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 21

Create a




Sunday Brunch 11:30 - 3pm

Monday Pizza Nights Cheese Pizza $8, Woodcutters & Harvest Pizza $10

with our incredible selection of fantastic foliage & fabulous flowering plants 22 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Retail Beer, Wine & Liquor, and Catering

1251 West Central Avenue • Davidsonville, MD 443-203-6846 • www.harvestthymetavern.com Hours: M-W 3:30-9pm, Th & Su 11:30-9pm Fri & Sat 11:30-11pm • Happy Hour M-F 4:00-7pm All Day Happy Hour on Sunday

back yard therapy Create a sustainable outdoor living space to promote your health and wellbeing.

It can feel nearly impossible to escape the 24/7 news cycle or social media, and the mental exhaustion that follows. Wellness isn’t just about keeping the body healthy anymore; it’s about keeping the mind and spirit healthy, too. Research suggests one way of improving our mental health might be as simple as getting outdoors. A recent review from Cornell University found as little as 10 minutes a day of exposure to nature could lead to significant health improvements. These improvements include reduced heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol, improved mood, reduced anxiety, stress, increased creativity, and improved attention spans. With this in mind, try creating a sustainable outdoor living space to promote your health and wellbeing.

Relaxation Station Fountains and reflecting pools provide tranquility to a backyard. Small fountains work almost anywhere or those who have more space are adding small streams that run throughout the yard. It’s a bonus if you can view those water features from inside the home, too. To get a spa feel, some homeowners are even installing outdoor showers. To respond to this trend, we’ve stepped up the relaxation items in-store such as fountains, firepits and new seating collections. The Antler Hill Collection in the Biltmore® by Castelle® line offers an invitation to relax in comfort. In creating Biltmore, George Vanderbilt envisioned a private, peaceful retreat where family and friends could (continued >)

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 23

relax and enjoy all the comforts of home — including the refreshing beauty of the natural world. Castelle has partnered with Biltmore to create a series of collections drawn from the classic architectural elements of George Vanderbilt’s endlessly-inspiring estate.

Quality over Quantity This shift toward quality over quantity is a reflection of how people are increasingly mindful of sustainability and the supply chain of manufacturing – as well as acknowledging that more expensive price tags might mean longer-lasting products. Yet people still want comfort and durability. We’ve added new items made from Marine Grade Polymer (MGP), a durable material that does not absorb water and is resistant to most chemicals. Unlike metal furniture, saltwater will not cause MGP to corrode or weaken making it the perfect choice for coastal areas. Look for the Newport collection designed to bring you all the rustic style of wood without the risk of rotting. It features dining, seating, and even fire pit tables constructed with this material.

why Homestead? have it your way.

Customize your outdoor space with special order options.

complimentary assembly. Your purchase includes white glove assembly of all furniture – free of charge.

convenient delivery options. Our patio consultants will manage your delivery and make every effort to work with your schedule.

100% satisfaction guaranteed. We stand behind our partnered manufacturers and will process warranty claims on your behalf.

earn 2% back.

Garden Rewards members earn 2%+ back with every purchase. Learn more at: HomesteadGardens.com/rewards

Larger than Life Accents Trendsetters agree the larger-than-life look will dominate the garden this season. Designers are simplifying by creating the same amount of impact with larger garden accessories rather than integrating several smaller-scaled elements into the design. Gardeners are thinking big this season, growing supersized plants like agaves, conifers, and cannas. From extralarge perennials to gigantic-sized pots, this season, bigger is better.

24-Hour Gardens With outdoor living booming, we are spending more time than ever before in our backyards. Even when the sun goes down, the party stays put — outside. Outdoor spaces are now aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for both day and night. Distinctive all-weather wicker and deep seating furnishings can transform backyards into stylish outdoor spaces to entertain friends or relax with a good book. With the increasing popularity of water-resistant furniture and appliances, practically anything goes for the great outdoors and is now built to withstand rain and temperature changes. From umbrellas to shade you during the day to outdoor floor lamps for those cozy evenings, outdoor rooms provide 24 hours of comfort and enjoyment.

Set the Scene Many of the spaces we design and build are inspired by the unique characteristics of the land. Designers can customize your outdoor living experience with special order options. Special orders placed in May will arrive with plenty of summer sunshine and family barbecues left to enjoy.

24 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Expanding your living space outside adds extra pleasure and beauty to the outdoors. Not only will it be comfortable, but also convenient and accessible for you and your family. A well planned out and maintained living space outdoors creates a great place for you to enjoy time with your family and entertain visitors. And to further increase your peace of mind, Homestead Gardens offers several services such as white-glove assembly of all furniture – free of charge, convenient delivery options to work with your schedule and 100 percent satisfaction guaranteed. We stand behind our partnered manufacturers and will process any warranty claims on your behalf. Come visit us to learn more about these trends and how we can help customize your space to your needs.




get the look

A. Telescope Casual 'Newport' Seating

Marine Grade Polymer | see store for details

B. Biltmore Antler Hill Sling Dining

Cast Aluminum | see store for details

C. Campania International 'Carrera' Fountain Cast Stone | $869.99

D. Capel Finesse 'Lattice' Outdoor Rug

Navy, Beige, Charcoal |$149.99 - 299.99

E. Treasure Garden Starlux Tilt Umbrella available for special order



inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 25

easy care


Gardens grown in containers require less maintenance and time. Whether you're potting up veggies and herbs, planting flowers, or adding a large sculpted evergreen, containers are easy and practical solutions to add your personal touch to outdoor spaces. Plus, containers provide a simple starting point, a focus for design, and many are easy to move!


things we

Tips for Picking the Right Pot

Homestead Gardens has the biggest selection of pottery in the area. Containers come in all types of materials from terra cotta, and cast stone to brightly glazed pottery and lightweight polyethylene. Select your container based on personal taste, needs, and affordability. Large containers help protect the plant’s roots from changing temperatures. Lightweight ones are easier to move around. No matter what you choose, good drainage is essential. Make sure any container you buy has drainage holes in the bottom. Adding gravel or broken pottery at the bottom of any container and raising the container onto “feet” also enhances drainage.

Crescent Garden Rim Planters with TruDrop® Crescent Garden approaches container design with the belief that a pot is more than a mere vessel for your plants, but a HOME for your plants... The Rim Planter, made out of durable and lightweight polymer resin, is suitable for year-round outdoor or indoor use. It features TruDrop – a self-watering system that makes growing healthy, beautiful plants easier than ever.

26 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020



CONTAINERS Choose Your Container Personality American Traditional Cast stone is the traditional material for American containers and gives an immediate look of antiquity. Sustainable and durable, they replicate hand-carved stone or marble but are much more affordable. Cast stone containers make strong focal points for garden entranceways and weather well outdoors. Ask one of our friendly team members to browse our preferred vendor catalogs in the showroom before placing your cast stone pottery special order.

Earthy Terra Cotta, a classic feature of Mediterranean gardens, are now affordable enough for every garden. This natural earthen material, which ages to a lovely patina, is timeless and looks good almost anywhere. Terra cotta is perfect for veggies and herbs because the porous material “breathes” and improves plants’ vigor. These clay pots come in a wide variety of sizes and prices for every budget.

Glamorous Make a fashion statement and transform any garden into an eye-catching landscape with glazed pottery in bold colors and artistic designs. Experiment by mixing colors and textures to create your own look or choose one in Classic Blue to match the Pantone Color of the Year. Vibrant colors including black and rich earth tones or twotoned glazes provide style and contrast, especially when positioned with other pieces, such as cast stone, or as a focal point nestled in a garden.

Lite & Carefree For those who want lightweight and flexible features, polyethylene and fiberglass containers are excellent choices. You won’t compromise style or attractiveness with these upscale look-alikes. Lightweight pots replicate the look of terra cotta, cast stone, or iron that you have to touch to know they aren’t the real thing. They are easier to move and perfect for apartments or decks. They are virtually indestructible and can withstand severe weather. Plant pretty spring annuals in large containers around your deck, poolside, or patio and move them around as the seasons change for a fresh look.

Ensure Success by Starting off Strong Start by choosing a quality potting mix. Never use soil directly from your garden; it hardens into a concrete-like ball when dry. Some potting mixes contain a slow-release fertilizer, which is an added bonus. We recommend our very own Maryland Select Potting Soil which is also available as an organic blend. Add potting mix until it’s an inch below the rim. Press into place. Make holes large enough for your plants. For a central focused piece, place the tallest plant in the center and surround with bushy, medium-size plants. Tuck in trailing plants around the edges to cascade down. After the plants are in place, sprinkle more potting mix over the roots. If your planter will be against a wall or fence, place the tallest plant in the back, followed by medium-size and finally, trailing plants. If your potting mix does not already contain fertilizer, sprinkle a granular, timed-release fertilizer into the soil when you plant. Our experts trust Osmocote® Smart-Release® Plant Food. Every time you water, fertilizer will release into the soil, feeding your plants. One application lasts about 4 months. Once you’ve planted your container, water until you see water running out of the drainage holes. If you have an especially hot spot, consider an automatic drip-irrigation system as these plants will require more frequent watering. From selecting containers as individual works of art, to choosing them for style and durability, they are attractive options that can transform your terrace, patio and indoor spaces into your own garden gallery. Now it’s time to have fun, be creative and watch your containers bloom. If you’re still unsure of where to start, come into our Davidsonville store and meet with our on-staff Container Design Specialist, Lenny Alexander.

inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 27



Before they reach your garden, our flowering shrubs undergo years of trials and testing for color, quantity of blooms, stem strength, foliage, and ability to thrive with ease. Only a few prove they’re worthy of the #1 plant brand.


28 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

Locally Grown herbs & veggies for the home gardener.

er 100 of your favorite herbs & vegetables. Higher yield. Flavorful. Easy to grow.

gardenrewards rewards


Not a member? Not a problem! Sign up for our FREE Rewards program to take advantage of these offers AND earn 2% back with EVERY purchase! Join in-store or online: HomesteadGardens.com/rewards


valid May 4-10


TREES & SHRUBS purchase of $50 or more*


*Redeem this coupon for $10 OFF your next purchase of $50+ in trees and shrubs. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.


valid June 1-7


TREES & SHRUBS purchase of $100 or more*


*Redeem this coupon for 20% OFF when you spend $100+ on trees and shrubs. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.

valid July 10-16



MYRTLE MONEY with your purchase


*Redeem this coupon to earn $2 in Myrtle Money for every $10 you spend. Visit homesteadgardens.com/ myrtle-money to learn more about Myrtle Money redemption, restrictions and exclusions.



valid May 11-17


OUTDOOR CERAMIC POTTERY purchase of $50 or more*


*Redeem this coupon for $10 OFF your next purchase of $50+ in outdoor ceramic pottery. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.


valid May 18-24


HOUSEPLANTS purchase of $50 or more*


*Redeem this coupon for $10 OFF your next purchase of $50+ in our houseplant department. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.

10 25

valid June 8-14


purchase of $50 or more*


*Redeem this coupon for $10 OFF your next purchase of $50+ in flowering tropicals. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.

valid June 15-21



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*Redeem this coupon for 25% OFF grilling accessories with your purchase of any grill. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.

valid May 25-31



*Redeem this coupon when you purchase 2 bags of MD Select Potting Soil & get the 3rd bag free. No limit. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.


valid June 22-28



purchase of $50 or more*


*Redeem this coupon for $10 OFF your next purchase of $50+ in our perennials department. Cannot be combined. Restrictions & exclusions apply. See complete offer details below.

valid July 1 thru August 31

Summer Savings Exclusive Offer



HARDSCAPE INSTALLATIONS Patios | Walkways | Walls | Fire & Water Features | Outdoor Kitchens & More!

*Applicable toward any hardscape installation signed and installed between July 1 and August 31, 2020. Cannot be applied toward previously contracted projects. Surrender this coupon at time of proposal request to redeem offer. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Landscape.HomesteadGardens.com | 410-867-6336

Applies to regularly priced merchandise only. Limit one coupon per customer per transaction. Coupons must be surrendered at time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Not applicable towards previous purchases, special orders, delivery fees, Garden Coach consultation fees or taxes. Excludes gift cards, animal nutrition and farm feed, grills, grilling accessories, bulk materials, Lignetics fuel pellets, firewood, Spartina handbags/accessories, Les Georgettes jewelry, landscape and planting services. Couinspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 pons may not be reproduced. No cash value. These coupons are exclusive to ‘Garden Rewards’ members. Non-members may sign up for free to take advantage of these offers.

25 MYRTLE MONEY redeem during Crapemyrtle Festival July 17-20


Garden Rewards Member Exclusive

What is Myrtle Money? Learn more at: HomesteadGardens.com/Myrtle-Money

*Redeem this coupon during Crapemyrtle Festival as the equivalent of $25 in Myrtle Money. Myrtle Money can be spent dollar for dollar up to 50% off your total purchase. Limit one per customer. Cannot be combined with any other version of this coupon offer - mailed or digital. Myrtle Money cannot be applied to sale items, special orders, previously purchased merchandise, farm feed or pet food, grills, quantitiy breaks, nursery planting services, landscape services, gift cards, labor and delivery fees or taxes. Other restrictions & exclusions may apply; see store for details.





JULY 16-20 Our largest savings event of the year! It’s not just for Crape Myrtles... Redeem your Myrtle Money on Flowers, Trees, Shrubs, Lawn & Garden Supply, Patio Furniture & Accessories, Garden Decor, and MORE!

For more info visit us

Davidsonville & Severna Park

www.HomesteadGardens.com inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020 31

Community Corner

Supporting Best Garden Practices meet Meredith Landscape Designer Meredith has been with Homestead Gardens Landscape Division for in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed more than 16 years. Developing a passion for plants began while she Homestead Gardens has always been a leader in providing the most current garden and landscaping designs, products and practices to the community. We focus on the most sustainable products and practices because we believe that a better tomorrow starts today with all of us.

worked in Homestead Gardens’ retail garden center during summer breaks home from college over 22 years ago!

Meredith received her Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science and Chemistry from Virginia Tech. She has been able to combine her plant knowledge, appreciation for the environment, artistic talent, and a fascination with design and architecture into the perfect position as a landscape designer.

At Homestead, we appreciate that you want your outdoor space designed to be interactive and enjoyed without having a negative impact on the environment. Now more than ever, gardeners look for sustainable products and practices that will not only prevent harm to, but also help to support the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay, it's tributaries and surrounding soil.

Meredith has been a certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional since 2017.

To that good, Homestead is constantly training its associates to be equipped to provide the best advice on products and practices. Lisa Garmoe, our perennial department head, completed the rigorous training to become Master Watershed Steward. The Stewards are one of the leaders in our community who engage organizations, companies, neighborhoods and community groups to reduce polluted runoff. The ever-increasing demand for stormwater management is one of Lisa’s specialties. Visit her in Homestead’s perennial department to share your site-specific needs. If your project is larger than you care to take on yourself, Homestead Gardens Landscape division has Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certification (CBLP) designers/professionals Meredith Cole and Jon Moran on staff. Their training and certification is based on a core set of standards in sustainable landscaping, that emphasize stormwater retrofit, best practices and conservation landscaping with native plants to benefit our environment. Across our region in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, local governments, organizations and neighborhoods are asking landowners and landscapers to increase the use of these small, residential-scale practices for a healthier Chesapeake Bay. At Homestead’s landscaping department, small to large-scale stormwater retrofits and conservation landscapes are always top of mind when we design your space, or recommend products, plants and trees. You can reach our office at 410-867-6336 or via email at [email protected]. Homestead Gardens is proud to support the many organizations in the community that share our commitment to protect and preserve the Chesapeake Bay and it’s essential leading waterways. Every year Homestead provides resources, plants and education to the community to support their efforts to preserve and protect our waters, soil and environment. We are all fortunate to live in Anne Arundel County where so many of our friends and neighbors want to help meet the state and local goals to reduce stormwater runoff-sediment and nutrients, while benefiting the residents and wildlife. Homestead Gardens is committed to continually providing you all that you need to build your dream landscape with the greater environment in mind. In these changing times, even a Victory Garden is a great place to start.

32 inspirations SPRING/SUMMER 2020

meet Jon

Landscape Designer

Jon is a veteran at Homestead Gardens, having worked in the Landscape Division for over thirteen years. He has varied experiences with residential, commercial and multi-family design. With the technical skills that come with a degree in landscape architecture combined with a love of gardening, the outdoors and years of experience, Jon designs with a practical and hands on approach to create landscapes that are both beautiful and functional and reflective of the setting and clients needs. He has been a certified Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional since 2018.

Experts trust the #1 brand in organic gardening Laura LeBoutillier grew up working in her parents’ garden center. Since then, she and her husband Aaron have published hundreds of inspirational and educational gardening videos online for over 2.6 million loyal fans. Laura loves her garden and uses only the best products to ensure it looks beautiful. That’s why she trusts Espoma OrganicŽ for her fertilizer and potting soil needs.

Espoma. A natural in the garden since 1929.

Visit www.espoma.com/video to see our inspirational videos.

Homestead Gardens, Inc. P.O. Box 189 Davidsonville, MD 21035



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