Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine September Special Edition

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Special Edition SPEAK, BLACK WOMAN



ARTICULATE YOUR AWESOMENESS IN 5 EASY STEPS Featuring 21 Black Women in Business who are also passionate about Public Speaking!



CONTENTS V&P Special Edition 4 Carmela Fisher 6 Kevette Minor Kane 8 Carol Muleta 10 Dee Bowden 12 Gersha Porter 14 Diana George 16 RM Harris 18 Pamela H. Vines 20 Charese L. Josie 22 Kimberly Mengel 26 Artisha Bolding 28 Danielle Tucker 30 Laverne Franklin-Jones 32 Dr. LaToya Wiggins 34 Janelle Clarke- Holley Quinn Conyers

36 Josephine Lambert 38 Dr. Jiajoyce R. Conway

24 Speak, Black Woman!

40 Sherl Randolph 42 Dr. Joy'El Ballard 46 Monique Dubose

Verbalize your Value with a Verbal Business Card



September 2020 Special Edition

Publisher Perfect Time SHP Publishing Editor-In-Chief Dr. Sharon H. Porter

Dr. Sharon H. Porter, Editor -In-Chief


Quinn Conyers, Creator and Founder Carmela Fisher Kevette Minor Kane Carol Muleta Dee Bowden Gersha Porter Diana George RM Harris Pamela Vines Charese Josie Kimberly Mengel Artisha Bolding Danielle Tucker Laverne Franklin Jones Dr. LaToya Wiggins Janelle Clarke-Holley Josephine Lambert Dr. Jiajoyce R. Conway Sheri Randolph Dr. Joy'El Ballard Monique Dubose

Layout & Design SHP Media & Graphics

Contact [email protected] Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine September/October Issue Now Available


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!


An interview with Carmela Fisher



VPLM: Tell us about your business? CF: Cultured Pearl Images (CPI), LLC is a behavioral health and wellness business that educates and empowers individuals to find congruence (harmony) in their life by incorporating a holistic approach to wellness. The concept of CPI sees individuals as unique pearls which utilizes human intervention and other methodologies to further stimulate personal and professional development to illuminate the progress. CPI’s motto is “Radiating Beauty from the Inside Out!”

VPLM What do you consider your greatest asset? CF: My greatest asset is finding resources to help facilitate the change process and I love sharing those resources with others to improve their quality of life.

VPLM: Who inspires you and why?


CF: My mother, Carol Bailey, inspires me because I am a by-product of her tenacious spirit. I’ve watched her endure many things in life, but her unyielding perseverance never ceases to amaze me. VPLM: Where do you see your business? in five years? CF: In the next five years, I see my business flourishing and expanding to a full-service wellness center supporting a diverse community of individuals who are ready for healing.


Black Women can use their voice to make a positive impactful point which is driven to speak directly to their audience and then you challenge them to a “call to action.” By doing so, you will not only captivate your audience, but you have empowered them as well.


Carmela Fisher is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and board approved supervisor who currently serves at the Baltimore Veterans Administration Medical Center/ Healthcare for Homeless Veterans program as the Addictions Therapist supporting Veterans battling mental health and substance use concerns. Prior to her tenure with the VA, Carmela worked for TurnAround Inc., as the Transitional Housing Coordinator assisting women and children affected by domestic violence. Carmela is a native Baltimorean who served in the United States Army as a Motor Transportation Operator. After completing her tour of duty, she earned her Master’s degree in Psychology from Towson University and Bachelor’s degree from Morgan State University. She has served on numerous boards and committees; most notably, as Vice President with the Maryland Center for Problem Gambling, Vice President of Public Relations and Treasurer with the Baltimore VA Toastmaster’s Club #8369, and the VA’s Mental Health Diversity Committee as a Veteran advocate for Women Veterans. Carmela also spent 30 years of her life in the field of Cosmetology and transforming lives. To date, she is an entrepreneur and business woman of Cultured Pearls Images, LLC., whose goal is to have Beauty and Mind complement one another. She intends to use her expansive expertise of counseling and cosmetology to educate Women Veterans heal from the “Inside/Out- all while stringing their pearls of wisdom." “Coral and crystal are not to be mentioned: And the acquisition of wisdom is above that of pearls." Job 28:18 (New American Standard)

"Throughout life, I have encountered many challenges from family relationships to my business, career and my personal relationships; however, I never give up without a fight as this symbolizes the soldier in me." ~Carmela Fisher


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

An interview with Kevette Minor Kane



VPLM: Tell us about your business? KMK: MarimorLife LLC is a financial services agency providing guidance for women on their journey to self-sufficiency. My goal is to educate women to take back their financial power and support them in gaining the confidence to fulfill their purpose in life. I aim to connect the dots concerning how underlying emotions directly affect money management in my focused initiative entitled TYM2 Thrive: Transform Your Mind & Transform Your Money. This 21-Day transformational process promotes a lifestyle change that incorporates emotional-mental well-being with improved financial habits for continued success.

V&P LifeStyle Magazine


She’s Got SWAG! "My personal core principles are Self Worth And Gratitude because I value myself, care for myself and love myself enough to fill my own cup so that I may show my appreciation to the creator of the universe by overflowing abundantly on others so that they too may be encouraged to value, care for and love themselves and overflow abundantly on others as the cycle continues." "Kevette Minor Kane" VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? KMK: My greatest strength or asset is my attention to detail which contributes to my ability to identify solutions that are efficient and effective for my clients as I teach them how to manage their money on their journey to self-sufficiency. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? KMK: I am inspired by the strength and resilience of the Black women who have influenced me both historically and personally. Their beauty and integrity encourages me to follow their good examples and learn from their mistakes. As I continue to grow in doing my very best I hope to pass on what I’ve learned as a contribution to the wisdom and overall well-being of my sistas. My greatest inspiration comes from my grandmother, Olivia Barber, who was a founding member of the first Black nursing sorority, head nurse at the first Black hospital in the nation's capital and also a founding member of the Willing Workers volunteer organization at her Church. She was strong, loving, intelligent, reasonable, and motivational. She seemed to manage a household effortlessly while raising two generations. I was impressed not only by her personal skills and abilities but also by her ability to teach others patiently and effectively to succeed as she encouraged their self-sufficiency. Although she passed away many years ago her legacy continues to live on through me. I only hope that if she were alive today she would be proud of the woman that I am and who I am becoming.


As Black women we can use our voices in business to encourage and support one another as we continue to grow both individually and together. We influence nations by the simple nature of our motherhood. We strengthen communities as we work together. We change economies because of our buying power. When we as Black Women decide to use our voices in business we have the power to change industries and get access to the products and services we need and desire. When we realize that our money is our mouthpiece then we will use our financial power to speak up for our beliefs and promote initiatives in our own best interests. Our voice is important. When we use our voice in business we are sure to find success.

Kevette Minor Kane is a financial liberation expert at MarimorLife LLC, a Financial Services Agency. Kevette guides women on their journey to self-sufficiency by teaching them how to manage their money without losing their minds. Her mission is to empower women to embrace Financial Intelligence by merging the principles of emotional intelligence with the fundamentals of financial literacy. She shows women how to take back their power and fulfill their purpose in life.


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

Caring. Optimistic. Courageous. "I invest in people and relationships, and strive to see others' humanity first, whether I am in a personal or professional situation. I try to hold on to the belief that people are doing the best they can. One of my favorite sayings is “It will all be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.” With that in mind, I’ve had to stare down lots of challenging people and circumstances. The trick is don’t blink!" ~ Carol Muleta

An interview with Carol Muleta...

VPLM: Tell us about your business?

CM: The Parenting 411 is a portal I created to present contemporary parenting perspectives as well as conventional wisdom, curated through personal experience, my work as a certified parent educator, and interviews with leading thinkers on the topic. I give parents the tools they need to enrich and nurture their children’s healthy growth and development while fostering good communication and cultivating warm, respectful family relationships.

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? CM: My greatest asset is commitment. When I make my mind up to do a thing, those around me know I will pour all I’ve got into it. I’m going to show up fully. This mindset sometimes requires me to say ‘No’ or ‘Not now’ to other opportunities. I don’t worry about it though, because I know I, and my work, will connect with the parents I am meant to serve. VPLM: Who or what inspires you? My mother inspires me. She is, hands-down, my role model for showing up. I watched her reinvent herself after divorce and launch a stellar career as a registered nurse, and later, administrator, in psychiatric care.


I witnessed her courage, vision and determination to make it all happen while continuing to show up for her children. She didn’t make time for a lot of superficial activity. I took from her example that I could make just about anything happen if I focused on just a few things. I applied that maxim to all of my pursuits, from my education and career to parenting my own children and later building The Parenting 411.

I invest in people and relationships...


Black women can use their voice in business by staying informed (i.e., doing your homework) and getting into the conversation early. If you hang back, you’ll doubt yourself or pick apart your own position before you even put it out there. Meanwhile, one of two things happens -- your bold, but less enlightened colleague shines for saying what you could have said better OR the level of discussion never elevates because your brilliance is not in the mix. Speak up. You are there for a reason.

Carol Muleta was named 2019 DC Mother of the Year® by American Mothers, Inc. As a parent strategist and creator of The Parenting 411, she guides parents on building strong family connections, instilling positive discipline, and fostering their children’s success in school and life. Carol hosts the Parenting 411 radio show, where she explores various aspects of family life and delivers information parents need from sources they can trust. She was recognized as Radio Personality of the Year at SpeakerCon 2019. Learn more at SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 9

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

V&P LifeStyle Magazine

An Interview with Dee Bowden VPLM: Tell us about your business? DB: Born out of a personal desire to see small businesses make big-money impact, I founded BCS Solutions, a progressive revenue recovery company whose mission is to serve businesses proactively by reconciling invoices and untangling disconnects in sales, contracts, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. BCS provides personalized strategic solutions that mitigate lost revenue, time and business decline and increases the bottom line for businesses. I believe small businesses fall prey to revenue loss because of poor accounting strategies. I am on a mission to help them grow their financial bottom line by sharing my five-step program to collect the cash. With more than 10 years of financial experience, I have established a proven record of success and have collected over $20 million for companies and government agencies. In 2016, I was recognized by the United States Coast Guard Headquarters for recovering $7.5 Million dollars in one year.

Energetic. Inquisitive. Encourager. "I believe that everything in life requires energy and focus. I like learning how things work and solving puzzles which makes me inquisitive. I like to know the Why behind the What. I believe everyone should be an encourager to someone else as well as encourage yourself. Being a cheerleader for others means you are not solely focused on yourself and generosity is part of your makeup." ~ Dee Bowden SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 10

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? DB: My greatest strengths are tenacity perseverance and a great sense of humor. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? DB: I am inspired by listening to smooth jazz, sharing great times with my friends, and attending church. These activities are part of my self-care which is necessary to be successful in life and business. Some people who inspire me are My Grandmother and my best older friend along with some of my favorite spiritual teachers. My grandmother and best older friend helped raise me and taught me valuable lessons that shaped the person I am today.. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? DB: I see BCS Solutions offering Collect the Cash Training Programs for small and medium size companies on a larger scale. I see the business collaborating with other businesses to create partnerships. I see myself speaking at conferences sharing the message Collect the Cash and being a published author.

As featured in Black Enterprise Magazine, Dee Bowden founded BCS Solutions, a revenue recovery company, from a personal desire to see small businesses learn to solve cash flow problems. After recovering $7.5 million for the United States Coast Guard Headquarters, Dee recognized small businesses also fall prey to revenue loss because of poor accounting strategies. That is why she is on a mission to serve them and grow their financial bottom line by sharing her seven-step system. Also, featured in Thrive Global Magazine, Dee has over 10 years of financial recovery experience in which she collected over $10 million for several companies and other government agencies. Dee was featured in Black Enterprise Magazine in the article “Sealing the Money Leaks 5 Ways to Secure Your Cash Flow” Dee was featured in Thrive Global magazine in the article “Money Matters: Dee Bowden Helps Entrepreneurs Achieve Financial Peace”


Black Women can use their voice in business when they get the right message and training to share the message. It is important to have a clear signature talk that shows the problem you solve, who you solve it for and the results that you bring. Dee was featured in Speakers Magazine in the article “I Just Spoke Now Where is My Check “ fbclid=IwAR1wzVwcIyGrbF1KXKxZZF9g6A4vr9sjRCW6tXEiAIyXo_PYtQ gIUcVWlnE Dee is a co-author in Soulful Prayers Vol 2 The Power of Intentional Communication with God and Entrepreneurial Elevation: 31 Strategic Lesson & Personal Stories from Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs. To learn more, go to SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 11

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

Porter Premier Homes V&P LifeStyle Magazine

An Interview with Gersha Porter

VPLM: Tell us about your business? GP: Porter Premier Homes has been impacting the community for almost two decades by bringing home buyers and home sellers together. Our Wealth & Wines campaign is educating the Black community on the importance of homeownership as the foundation in their masterplan for wealth while influencing wine lovers to grow their knowledge and exposure to fine wine as a way of uniting all people. Our newly launched "Own Again" program provides our clients with the mindset, money, and movement needed to own a home again. VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? GP: My greatest strength is my patience. During my entrepreneurial ventures, I have nurtured relationships over many years before closing the deal. On a more personal level, I was on bed rest for six months while waiting for the birth of my two children.

r e t r o P a h s r e G

Exercising patience daily has allowed me to consistently take steps to move closure to all my life's goals.

Driven. Detailed. Determined. My first entrepreneurial venture began when I was a high school student and I sold my lunch ticket for a profit. Thereafter, I ventured into more entrepreneurial avenues and landed in real estate. ~ Gersha Porter


"Despite the bumps in life, I have been blessed to keep the goals I set for myself at the forefront of my mind, used my Christian beliefs and training to give me hope, and utilize my formal education & professional training to guide my business."~ Gersha Porter


Black women can use their voice in business by taking every opportunity to educate their clients.

VPLM: What or Who inspires you? GP: Young Entrepreneurs inspire me. I love to see the way young entrepreneurs take an idea and launch it to profitability. Their attention to technology, coupled with creativity to maximize their ideas, gives my generation hope that we'll be OK tomorrow. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? GP: In the next five years, I see my business focusing on providing an outstanding client experience for the home seller, coaching second time around buyers to "Own Again", and using wine as a catalyst for uniting people of all backgrounds, orientations, cultures, and communities.

Gersha Porter, M.S., is a realtor, speaker and a financial coach who eliminates confusion for her clients by giving them key strategies to unlock resources to buy their dream home or sell their property. As CEO of Porter Premier Homes, Gersha leverages her almost two decades in the Baltimore real estate market to assist buyers and sellers in achieving their goals. She is a skilled negotiator, pricing strategist, communicator, marketer, and mentor.


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

By George HR Solutions V&P LifeStyle Magazine An interview with Diana George

Diana George

VPLM: Tell us about your business? DG: Employees are your greatest brand ambassador so when I formed By George HR Solutions, I wanted to show employers how to transform their employees into their greatest valuable resources. I teach luxury companies how to WOW, communicate to, coach and retain top talent whose values match their company culture. It’s like being in a great marriage. When you respect and enjoy the people you work with, and employees work well as a team, you have a winning recipe for success. At By George HR Solutions we believe that employees should be happy and work should be fulfilling. With that, something magic happens: Work and fulfillment transition into a career and loyalty — for both the employer and the employee. Our leadership coaching with top management and employees defines the ideal company culture for expansion. From the start of the application process through the employee life cycle we coach employers on what it takes to bring out the best in their employees. Happy employees are productive employees. Our vision is that everyone gets up every day excited to go to work because work is fulfilling, and they have a sense of pride for not only themselves but also for the company they represent.

Integrity. Stylish. Competent. Results-Oriented.

Coming from the luxury industry I have had the opportunity to take my sense of fashion and create a style for myself that is authentically me. That style allows me to show up with confidence and own the space that I am in.

"I was once compared to Clair Huxtable from the Cosby Show. While a fictional character, I took delight in being compared to this iconic TV Mom. Her sense of integrity and style was always apparent when she walked into a room. Being in the Human Resource industry I pride myself and work to always have integrity that speaks for itself. That integrity includes fairness in any situation that I am involved in. To me there is no taking sides but rather deciding what is the right thing to do. Human Resources is not for the faintof-heart and having integrity helps me to stay on the right side." ~ Diana George

"I not only want to be a go getter but a go giver."


"I have always been results oriented. For me, without results it is just a lot of needless action and motion. When I work with a client, I strive to deliver the results they expect. The saying “failure is not an option” — which I have posted in my office — is a reminder of where I am going." ~ Diana George

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? DG: I consider caring for people to be my greatest strength or asset. I got this honestly from my mother and grandmother. Coming up I watched both have so much patience with people and extend themselves to others. The saying “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” has served me well. I have always been that person that people feel comfortable talking to and sharing the most intimate details of their life. When I create a safe space for people to be themselves and communicate, I am saying I see you, and I hear you. This leads to personal transformation and that is one of my rewards at the end of the day. I want to see people do and be their best. I had great role models and people that lifted me up along the way and I firmly believe that success comes when you lift others up. In our work environment we spend 70 percent of our day with other people. I won’t accept anything less than a fulfilling experience and I want to encourage others to have enough self-value to strive for a similar experience. Maya Angelou said “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I endeavor to make them feel valued, appreciated and acknowledged.

VLPM: What or Who inspires you? DG: I have to say that I am constantly inspired by my mother who this year turned 81 years young. Her sharpness and zest for life is not only inspiring but I pray is also in my genes. I admire how she navigates life and is always learning. Her kindness and generosity with others I observe firsthand. With the recent pandemic I have taught her how to use Zoom so that she can attend church weekly, and she is a regular Facebook user. Growing up my mom was such an influence that all I wanted to be was a mom because she did it so effortlessly. Being a mom myself, I now understand just how much work goes into being a great mom. She is my biggest fan no matter what I am doing in life. When I look at what inspires me it is individuals that discover their purpose and live life each day fulfilling that purpose. I like the show America’s Got Talent because you see ordinary people with a dream and, despite the odds, they decide to take their shot. Imagine a world full of individuals living life to the fullest with the intent to make a difference in this world that we live in. That’s responsibility on a massive level. Many people look up to celebrities but what if we all recognized the celebrity within ourselves. VLPM: Where do you see your business in five years? DG: In five years By George HR Solutions will have a global presence, impacting businesses around the world. By employing the models “each one teach one” and “paying it forward” with our clients, managers will have positive impacts on their staff, leading to employees feeling valued in their organizations. Our non-profit arm of the business will prepare teenagers and college students for fulfilling careers where their values match the culture of the company they work for. The strategies we teach businesses regarding how to engage their employees will help expand their workforce and grow their company exponentially. By George HR Solutions is training some of the top leaders of the world. Diana George is a successful HR expert and founder of By George HR Solutions. With over three decades experience in a career that has encompassed leadership in retail, non-profit, health and wellness and the private sector Diana brings with her a wealth of experience. A co-author in “Anatomy of Accomplishment” Diana’s shares seven strategies on how to have a winning company culture. She teaches luxury companies how to WOW, communicate to, coach, and retain top talent whose values match their company culture. Happy employees produce results! SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 15

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

She Is RM Harris Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine

An interview with RM Harris VPLM: Tell us about your business?



s i r r a


RMH: I travel across the country and around the world to empower, encourage, and inspire women and young girls, especially, our Black and Brown Queens and Princesses, to embrace their beauty, heal from their pain, and live out their God-given purpose with passion! She Is RM Harris, was birthed through a decade plus of my own life changing circumstances, lessons, joys, and wisdoms that have evolved into the emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy platform of Words For Healing. Through the gift of Poetry and Spoken Word, therapy, honest realizations and renewed perspectives many have been touched by the transformative power of this platform. I enjoy live performances that I share, one-on-one life coaching, it’s rewarding to see people gain breakthroughs of healing through these platforms.

Empathetic and Sensitive

Loving, Goal-oriented, Determined, Empathetic, and Sensitive, all describe strong attributes of me in varying capacities.

Loving. Goal Oriented. Determined. "Determination was the fuel I used to assist me in completing my BA in Biblical Studies in 2018." ~RM Harris

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? RMH: My greatest strength is my intimate relationship with the Lord. Through the many years of being in relationship with Christ has shown me depths of his love for me that I didn’t even have for myself, and as a result of these insights and revelations I’m drawn closer to him. Being able to quiet the noise of life and allow discernment and other internal spiritual assets work for you, and making wise choices and decisions in life is a valuable asset for any arena you find yourself in, business or personal. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? RMH: Several things inspire me in more ways than one. One of the most compelling things that inspire me the most is the love of my family that we have for one another. This love that we have has been birthed through some of the most peril situations dipped in agony and hung by regrets. This type of love supersedes mistakes and offenses that were designed to destroy families, but through the grace of God, and our family resolve that no matter what, we will love one another unconditionally. This kind of love motivates me to keep moving forward with my goals and dreams, giving life my best to be my best, and trusting God for the rest! Black women inspire me to no end! We are a breed like no other and the obstacle-penetrating Power that we exude is matchless. I’m blessed and grateful to be the Beautiful Black woman that God thought it not robbery to create me to be, and I am so without apology.

VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? RMH: The future of my business is limitless. My desire is to continue writing books and speaking healing to women around the world to bring into clear focus the tools that they can utilize that propel them into a greater level of emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, and relational health that causes them to shine their most brilliant light in their lives and the world at large. Continuing in the vein of releasing music is a near and dear goal that one day I will receive respectable musical accolades for creating. Music is an extraordinary healer to the soundtrack of our human experience and my desire is to contribute to someone’s healing in that undeniable manor. I’m always humbled and taken back when people share with me that my Poetry and Spoken presentations put them in mind of the great Maya Angelou. Those are big shoes to fill, so for now I will take my own journey one step at a time into what God has for me.

RM Harris is a zealous young woman for life and committed to the cause of empowering women of a multicultural background to embrace their beauty, heal from their pain, and live out their God-given purpose with passion! Graced with the gift of Poetry, she has been privileged to appear on TV & radio, and travel the world. From America to London, Africa and many points in between, thousands have been blessed by her soulful contemporary lyrics.


s e n i V . H a l e m a P V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!


An Interview with Pamela H. Vines

VPLM: Tell us about your business? PHV: Troop Public Relations, LLC, and its film division, Vines Film, is a digital communications firm that specializes in developing and distributing cinematic videos. We create compelling videos and short films for business owners using a storytelling approach and compelling visuals to our creative process. Our actions produce film products that take viewers on cinematic and informative journeys. We do this so our clients can show their customers, not just tell them, about their products and/or services. At Vines Film, we go beyond making simple onecamera videos. We give our customers a fun and engaging experience starting with the development process throughout distribution. Our cinematic experience includes Multiple camera views, video concept development, scriptwriting, filming on location, editing, and revisions (if necessary). We create all types of videos from Social Media Ads to Campaign Videos to Case Study Videos. Among our services are Video production, video editing, aerial filming (FAA Drone Certified), 360-degree filming, and strategic marketing strategies. We’re proud to say that we just added Live-Streaming to our capability line-up! Using our three camera-system, our clients can now invite more people to attend their virtual events such as business conferences, weddings, funerals, concerts, or other activities. Visit our website to discover more:

VPLM: Who or what inspires you? PHV: My daily inspiration comes from my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I start every morning by saying, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me, guides me, protects me, inspires me, comforts me, and loves me. My earthly inspiration has always been and always

"Service is important to me. Not only because I am a 23-year Army Veteran, but because I’m a Christian."

will be my maternal grandmother. She taught me to be everything I am today. VPLM: Where do you see your company

"I’m always in action. If my body isn’t, my mind is. I keep busy working on client projects and then seeking more client projects."

in five years? PHV: In five years, I see Vines Film as a major staple in the community, employing 100 people or more. I’d like to own a film studio complex (think of a smaller version of Tyler Perry’s Studio near Atlanta) and produce full-budget films. My vision for the company is to inspire positive change and meaningful action worldwide through film. My mission is to create cinematic and compelling film for those ready to engage their target markets with story, culture, and relevance. We are the cinematic ones. In the near future, I will continue to write non-fiction books and fiction novels, screenplays and produce short film productions. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel Vines.

Pamela H. Vines is a communications strategist, filmmaker, and an author. As CEO of Troop Public Relations and Vines Film, she creates cinematic video projects and short films for business owners and influencers. She uses storytelling and promotional strategies to build respected brands for her clients. She has written, produced, directed, and edited two short films. Her novel, Born of Sin, is an Amazon #1 bestseller. Pamela is a proud and decorated US Army veteran. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 19

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!


An interview with Charese L. Josie, LCSW

Charese L. Josie

VPLM: Tell us about your business?

CJ: CJ Counseling and Consulting Services is a mental health agency in Portsmouth, Virginia and it was established in 2019. Although we’ve been in existence for a short time, our knowledge in the mental health field is almost 20 years old! We believe in addressing the barriers that hinder our clients from living the life they deserve! We provide adult individual and couples counseling. We specialize in areas of depression, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, improving self-esteem and issues with adjustment. We employ an empowerment and holistic approach in providing treatment services and resources to the clients served. That means that we assist you in understanding your own situation and we focus on every facet of you. After all, if one that is out of balance, it impacts other areas that are important. We focus on transforming the lives of women, relationships and couples to teach them how to embrace their feelings to be liberated and feel heard and understood. CJ Counseling and Consulting Services transforms lives through counseling services, speaking engagements, consulting work and women’s conferences and workshops. This agency was created after the owner attended and facilitated women’s empowerment workshops and there was no place for the attendees to discuss their experience. Therefore, every participant of the women’s wellness workshop has an opportunity to attend counseling for a reduced cost after participating in the event. We would like to invite you to visit our website, our social media pages and contact us for a free 15- minute consultation.


"Be authentic! That requires you to understand who you are as a person and confront feelings of inadequacy, imposter syndrome and unworthiness. For current and historical reasons, black women have faced many obstacles to being entrepreneurs; therefore, we have been silenced. Learning who you are authentically; meaning emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially will give you a moral and sound compass if you are walking in your purpose. To be authentic is to know that who and what you are representing is a product of you. Whether it is a product or service you are selling, the authenticity in your relationships that you build will play a large factor in the longevity of your business. Your brand voice will be in your marketing, branding and how you represent yourself, your product and the service you offer. The core of all of this is the authentic you." SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 20

VPLM: What or Who inspires you?

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? CJ: After many years of education, job searching and life changes, I did not give myself the opportunity to fully engage and align with my greatest strength. I had to learn to trust my judgment and trust my body’s reaction to situations. Have you ever had that ‘gut feeling?’ Most of us have experienced this and we don’t always listen. I know I haven’t always listened to this feeling especially during times when I would inconvenience other people. Learning to trust something that cannot be seen is challenging. I had to make hard decisions for myself and others at times. Intuition is an often overlooked strength that adds value in self-esteem, relationships, parenting and career decisions. Once I gave myself permission to align with my emotional needs; my mood improved and I respond calmly in tense situations. My intuition has assisted in creating a brand that speaks to me. I have to learn to trust my intuition as I’m growing in business. It has allowed me to connect with my clients on a deeper level. My target audience are women who want to feel heard and understood without explaining everything. The ability to notice that their soul is unrest is a connection that can be appreciated through experience. My intuition has furthered my connection in large groups. I can definitely ‘read’ a room – the tone, the vibe and the experience. This is what makes my workshops and speaking engagements successful. We all want to feel heard and appreciated despite the size of the audience.

CJ: My two daughters, ages seven and eight inspire me. I was in my mid 30's when they were born and I thought I understood everything there was to know about me. They both taught me that learning is an ongoing process. My youngest daughter reminds me to slow down, breathe and enjoy simply doing nothing. She loves hugs, cuddling and early morning pillow talk. She reminds me that if I teach self-care, I must also practice it with no excuses. She thrives off of kindness and seeing other people happy. Anything less than that is unacceptable to her. She is my calm in a fast, busy world. My oldest daughter is the definition of a ‘mini-me.’ Can you imagine watching and listening to your younger self right in front of you? She teaches me that my work is ongoing. She is a talented and very intuitive girl. She reminds me that I must be present and in-tuned with myself and her. She is independent, observant and inquisitive far beyond her age. She reminds me that stagnation has never been an option for me. Both of my daughters teach me to be my authentic self and that it is not a linear process. I must know where to go to relax, where to soothe my soul and how to be creative. They remind me that my purpose in life is more than just my goals and passion; it is to create a family legacy of emotional intelligent women living purposeful and meaningful lives.

I will also continue to work with business consultants and coaches and other clinicians for clinical consultations. I also want to make sure I understand my numbers! The first one and half year was amazing with some bumps along the way (definitely growing pains). As I continue to grow and learn, in five years, I see the agency serving women in a variety of ways which will continue to honor the reputation of the business. There will be products such as a book and weekly videos on social media about topics that interest women. I have been featured in 16 articles to include UpJourney, Bustle, BestLife Online and Cosmopolitan as well as a radio appearance. Reaching my target audience on platforms in print media, television or other media outlets is also a way to connect with women. No matter the growth and climate changes, I plan to continue to honor the reason the agency was started; which is to offer clinical care for a reduced rate to all workshop attendees. We need support during moments where we feel fearful, frustrated and unfilled. Continue to work with me to address those feelings and be liberated!

VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? CJ: CJ Counseling and Consulting Services is 1 and a half years old. For the next year, I will continue to work on my systems and deliverables to ensure that my clients have the best experience. In order for that to happen, I will continue to grow with professional development in key areas of my business through training, workshops and masterclasses.

Charese L. Josie, LCSW, is the owner of CJ Counseling and Consulting Services. She obtained her Social Work degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University and Norfolk State University. She provides services to military members and she owns a successful private practice treating adults and couples. Charese facilitates women’s wellness workshops to teach women how to have healthy relationships, seek peace and improve their emotional well-being. Charese enjoys spending time with her husband, Shaun and two daughters. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 21

Kimberly Mengel

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

OneCore Counseling V&P LifeStyle Magazine

An interview with Kimberly Mengel

Kimberly affirms working women who are ready to get to the core of who they really are. She shows them how to live life holistically so they are no longer worn out and worried, but become a warrior going after the life they really want! Kimberly is actively building a tribe of diverse women, and a few great men, empowered to: Cultivate healing, Overcome obstacles, Renew their mind, and Evolve into their greatness.

Empathetic. Driven. Disciplined.

VPLM: Tell us about your business?

KM: My business has three facets. First, I am the owner of OneCore Counseling. As a Licensed-Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) provides clinical psychotherapy services. Second, I am an Independent Consultant of a Health & Wellness Company that focuses on positive mind, strong body and beautiful skin. Finally, I am a certified professional life coach where I partner with clients to live out their purpose.



Avoid underpricing their services by researching the market and knowing their worth. Be confident in your expertise you are worth your rate. When a client says no to your rates, it's a reflection of what they're willing to pay, their priorities, and not a reflection or judgement of you. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 22

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? KM: My Growth Mindset – a mindset that turns a failure into a gift - is my greatest asset. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? KM: I have long admired Mother Teresa. I am captivated by her boundless love for others and her desire to serve. Mother Teresa’s example of discipline and self-sacrifice inspires me to make my own impact on the world. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? KM: My vision is of a tribe of diverse women, and a few great men, empowered to: Cultivate healing, Overcome obstacles, Renew their mind, and Evolve into their greatness.

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

Quinn Conyers As the world was entering a pandemic, Quinn Conyers was birthing a movement to make the voices of black women in business more visible. Sitting in a hair braiding shop in Baltimore, Maryland, Quinn had the idea of creating a Facebook Group inclusive of black women in business who were also passionate about making a profit from public speaking. Unsure if there would be interest in “another” Facebook group, she quickly polled her personal Quinn Conyers Facebook page ( with close to 5,000 friends to see who would join. Within an hour, her timeline was flooded with over 180 comments of encouragement to create the group. With confirmation in her hand and heart, Quinn created Speak Black Woman ( in March of 2020. Quinn knew from its inception it was so much more than a page on social media. Quinn’s vision is to give black women in business their voice back and she decided early that the tribe in the Facebook group would be the foundation to do that. As businesses were shutting down, masks became the new normal and live events abruptly cancelled, Quinn committed to showing up weekly at 4pm EST to speak and serve the black women through her weekly talk-show vibe FB LIVE called “Quarantine with Quinn”. Quinn shares tips, tools and transformations to train her tribe how to turn conversations into cash so they can profit from public speaking on and offline. Quinn personally believes that public speaking is the number one skill every entrepreneur needs to master in order to be successful. However, many black women struggle to verbalize their value or articulate their awesomeness. Quinn’s on a mission to show black women how to confidently be the spokesperson for their business, book or brand. The results have been transformational. Many of the women in the Speak Black Woman tribe have worked with Quinn to create their Verbal Business Card™, which is a clear, concise and compelling way to explain what they do.


Additionally, many Black women in Quinn’s tribe have enrolled in her Power at the Podium 2-day experience which shows them how to maximize and monetize all speaking opportunities for their business by persuading people to buy their product, service or program instantly after they speak. The Speak Black Woman group was born in March 2020 and has already taken a life of its own. With close to 1,000 women in the tribe, Quinn has shared her platform with other black women, has interviewed the Founder of the Global Black Women Chamber of Commerce and produced a speaker showcase allowing the voices of other black women in business to be seen and heard. Quinn did not escape the pandemic unaffected. She canceled ALL of her live events planned for the year and her booked speaking engagements were either postponed or moved to an online event. However, Quinn has made the pivot look easy despite questioning if her business would thrive virtually. The future of Quinn Conyers and the Speak Black Woman Movement is prosperous. In Fall 2020, she is releasing her 2nd book Speak Black Woman: How Women in Business Can Turn Conversations into Cash, a merchandise line supporting the book and a 25-city virtual book tour. In 2021, Quinn is planning her inaugural LIVE event, Melanin at the Mic which is a competition type LIVE experience for Black women who desire to be motivational speakers.

About Quinn Conyers As soon as Quinn Conyers opens her mouth expect a mental makeover. With over 14 years of speaking experience, Quinn has taught hundreds of audiences how to be the spokesperson for their business, book or brand by eliminating discount dialect and leveraging luxury language so they can monetize and maximize every speaking opportunity (especially the free ones). Quinn has won over $77,000 speaking about her company in business pitch competitions and averaged over 6-figures in annual sales as the Chief Fashion Officer of her bag business Purse Paparazzi. Quinn has been featured in Black Enterprise, Essence and Young Money Magazines, and numerous local media outlets as a result of her business and speaking accomplishments. She’s made it to the 2nd round of Shark Tank auditions 4X and appeared on the Entrepreneurs Elevator Pitch TV Show. She is now on a mission to ensure women in business are clear, concise and compelling every time they open their mouth through her movement Speak Black Woman! Quinn earned her Bachelors’ from West Chester University in PA and a Masters from Howard University in Washington DC. To book Quinn Conyers as a speaker, interview her, or inquiry about any of her services, email [email protected] or visit DIITTIIO ON N 22 0 2 0 SS EE PP TT E EMMBBEERR SSPPEECCI IAALL EED MAAGGAAZZIIN NE E || 5 23 5 VV&&PP M

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

T BOLD MEDIA An interview with Artisha Bolding V&P LifeStyle Magazine

Artisha Bolding VPLM: Tell us about your business? AB: T Bold Media Group LLC is the creative outlet through which I change lives daily. I motivate women and entrepreneurs to birth their business, book, or brand. I ensure they are no longer stuck in life but thriving in success aligned with their passion and purpose. To date, I have been graced to self-publish a prayer journal and a personal development book; create a weekly relationship podcast and release a stand alone eBook for those struggling during the great pandemic of 2020. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 26

My business was officially launched in spring of this year, though it had been in the making for quite some time. I worked as a manager in finance and human resources for eight years before I seriously considered branching out on my own. I have always had an entrepreneurial streak. I became disillusioned with corporate America when I noticed that my bosses relied heavily on my operational and organizational vision but would not give me the autonomy or the pay that I desired. It took years of long hours and frustration to reignite a flame to serve in my true calling. After a near-fatal visit to the ICU in 2018, I became more tuned in to my Purpose. During that 10-day hospital stay, my focus completely

shifted and T Bold Media was birthed. Back-to-back major crises in my life pushed me to Purpose. With both my marriage and health flatlined, I committed to a resurrected life. I would serve others and guide them along their purpose discovery journey.

"Mindset Midwife Conquering Great Things" VLPM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? AB: My greatest asset is my compassion for people. I genuinely want to see individuals equipped, enlightened, and empowered to flow in their gifts and live the life of their dreams. I am loyal and truly care for people, so I don't subscribe to the popular cancel culture. I stick it out through difficult situations and tough conversations because my goal is always clarity and unity. I find that too often we make snap decisions without all of the facts, then we vilify people and throw them away. I believe that to be an unhealthy cycle and a cause for dark stains on our souls. But if I am to live a free and fulfilling life I should seek peace and understanding with people as often as I can. I practice this daily and not only do I sleep peacefully at night, but I maintain amazing nurturing relationships with friends and family and clients alike. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? AB: When I think of who inspires me two people immediately come to mind. The first is my Spiritual Father Bishop Hezekiah Presley, Jr., pastor of New Beginning Ministries in Beech Island, SC. He is truly a man after God's own heart. And He doesn't do anything because of his title or to be seen. He was raised in the Jim Crow South and has lived there his entire life. Systemic racism and discriminatory culture caused him an extremely difficult time in school, his career, and his ministry, but he never quit. Bishop Pressley is the embodiment of "help for the hurting" and goes above and beyond to instruct individuals on how to be the best versions of themselves through finding their purpose in God. The second person that inspires me is Treshelle Williams, founder of Wife Talk, Inc. Treshelle is a former collegiate level educator and she worked her way out of her traditional job by creating a safe and nurturing place for Christian wives and engaged women to discuss relationship issues. What started as a small private gathering on Facebook grew to serve thousands of women across the country through coaching, mentorship and even a publishing house.

Treshelle is building an empire and so am I. She has a leadership team with ladies assigned to various regions and even has specific arms for physical fitness and military wives. The sharing of her faith has made Treshelle Williams a great success. My life and business are patterned after these two stellar models. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? AB: In five years it is my desire and expectation that the Artisha Bolding brand and T Bold Media has 10X'd the major legs of its portfolio. By that time I will have at least 10 times the listeners on Bold Journeyzz podcast; and I will have expanded to a group coaching model so I will be serving 10 times my current client base. Post-COVID, I plan to continue to serve women and entrepreneurs virtually as well as in person. This will enable me to keep up the momentum to do the most good for the most people I can. Currently I have clients from coast-to-coast in the US and I envision serving internationally. At this time my business will fully afford me the lifestyle freedom I desire including regular international travel, corporate sponsorships and recognition by thought leaders globally.

My business and life motto is Conquering Great Things with Power Passion and Purpose. I push through anything that comes my way because I am a conqueror.

Artisha “Tee” Bolding is a minister and certified life coach known as the Mindset Midwife. Through her coaching she motivates women and entrepreneurs to birth their business, book or brand. Artisha has spent the last decade providing relationship and spiritual advice to friends, clients and groups of teenagers. Her programs ensure individuals are no longer stuck in life but thriving in success that's aligned with their purpose and passion.


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

Professional Speaker Websites V&P LifeStyle Magazine

An interview with Danielle Tucker

"I believe that living a life of freedom is the ultimate form of empowerment. And the more that we're empowered, the more that we can truly change the world around us."


VPLM: Tell us about your business? DT: My company, Professional Speaker Websites, provides luxury websites for speakers and coaches who are READY to book more clients and get paid to speak. But five years ago, things didn't always look this way. It was a dark night. My husband and I were on a trip to Malawi, Africa, after a commitment to pursue a life of freedom and location-independence.

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It was 1 A.M., and instead of sippin' piña coladas on a private island somewhere, my bloodshot eyes were wide open, staring at blinking cursor on my laptop screen. I was racking my brain with ideas of how to successfully build a website that would attract the perfect clients to my business. And ironically, living abroad didn't make things easier either. I had to grow a successful business all without doing two things: (1) networking at in-person events or (2) speaking on a physical stage. I was ready to throw in the towel, until one day, I discovered the secret to consistently attracting new clients. Everything changed when I transformed my basic website into a luxury leadgenerating machine! Today, I share these same strategies by strategically designing luxury websites for speakers and coaches who are serious about their craft. Through strategy, design, and messaging, I visually elevate their brand to empower meeting planners to book them for more in-person and online events. I believe that when you leverage your website as your 24/7 salesperson, your opportunities to book more clients and new speaking engagements become limitless!

"By creating more freedom in my own life, my desire is to train and empower others with the same strategies that I learn. Instead of long days working in a deadbeat, underpaid job, we can learn to create uncapped income, increase our time with family, and freely choose where and how we want to live."

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? DT: My greatest strength is my ability to HEAR someone's thoughts or ideas and transform them into a TANGIBLE masterpiece. It's the #1 reason why I love websites so much. I get to bring others' creative vision to life in a tangible way that feels really aligned to them! VPLM: What or Who inspires you? DT: I'm always inspired when I hear stories of other women who look like me succeeding in their life and business goals. Our minds are so powerful, and our creativity is limitless. When I see others win, it makes me happy and gives me hope because I know if they can do it, I can do it too. There's an abundance of success for everyone! VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? DT: In the next five years, Professional Speaker Websites will have empowered over 1 million speakers and coaches with the luxury website and tools that they need to successfully stand out online. My goal is to provide them with the tools and confidence they need in order to make a greater difference in the world, and impact more of the people that they're called to serve.

Danielle Tucker is the founder of Professional Speaker Websites, a company that specializes in luxury websites for professional speakers and coaches who are READY to attract unlimited speaking opportunities. Through strategy, design, and messaging. Danielle empowers speakers with a website that functions as a lead-generating machine. After you experience Danielle you will know why a luxury website is necessary if you want to be taken seriously as a speaker and leading expert in your industry! SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 29

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

Compassionate. Empowering. Polished. Thoughtful. Bold. V&P LifeStyle Magazine

An Interview with Laverne Franklin -Jones

I believe that what you wear matters, and as a woman in business, how you present yourself translates into profitability. It is not about always dressing up or wearing a suit, but it is about selfconfidence, being your own brand, and showing up so that you stand out. I also think about fashion and beauty spiritually because I want to represent my best self as I represent God daily. I believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image and to me that is even more reason to celebrate the uniqueness and beauty He has given each of us.

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VPLM: Tell us about your business? LFJ: My business started out of a desire to show women how to celebrate their beauty; to discover or enhance their personal style; and to design an impactful wardrobe that reflects their uniqueness and personality. Almost fifteen years ago, I had a jewelry home-show and realized I enjoyed learning about accessories and fashion. I started a home-based business and over time, I found that my clients consulted me about a wide range of fashion topics and I embraced opportunities to learn more to share with them. Over time, I became more than the products I offered and realized I had a true service to offer women. I started with workshops and then expanded into one-onone closet refresh and wardrobe styling sessions.


As I look back on my childhood, I recall that I did not care for shopping and found it to be a chore. I was picky and found it difficult to find items I really wanted to wear. I did not want what everyone else was wearing but not sure what exactly I wanted. I was that person who said “I will know it when I find it”. As a result, my closet was not overflowing with clothes like some of my friends or my aunt who I admired (and still do) for her fashion sense. When I look back on it now, I think it was hard for me to find items that really spoke to me. It was not until I went to college that I started to embrace any sense of personal style and my interest in fashion started when I participated in and coordinated fashion shows. As I started working, I modeled my wardrobe after my mom who was always so well dressed and put together in her suits. One of the best pieces of advice my mom gave me was to never leave the house without lipstick and earrings and I live by that today but with a twist…Never join a virtual meeting without lipstick and earrings. Through my years in corporate america and as an entrepreneur, I have seen how just a little polish makes a positive impact and helps you to stand out but most importantly, there is a sense of self-confidence that comes with dressing up, even a little.

"When I look at others, my prayer is to see what God sees in them. I want to offer words of encouragement that lift others up and feed their confidence. "

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? LFJ: My greatest strength is my faith. I rely on my faith for everything. My optimism, hope and strength are rooted in my faith. One thing that experiencing cancer has shown me is that I am here for a purpose. There is a calling over my life and I am here to have an impact on someone else’s life. I have learned to take advantage of the opportunities that God gives me, knowing that I am equipped to do what He has called me to do. At this time, it is ministry through fashion and beauty. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? LFJ: My mom and grandmothers. Dorothy, Photo Courtesy of EMERGE Maryland Eula and Odessa Class have passed of 2020 on such wisdom to me in so many areas of life – family and business. I have watched them managing the households and their business while being wives and mothers. These women were businesswomen and entrepreneurs before I even knew what it meant to be one. Looking back, it seems natural that I started my own business. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? LFJ: I see myself having a global impact with clients, workshops and events in venues that I cannot yet imagine. I believe that my business is not just about fashion and accessorizing, but I have an encouraging message rooted in inner beauty and self-confidence that needs to be heard.

"I want to show up to boldly and confidently in everything that I do. I pay attention to details and look for opportunities to add finishing touches that really make a statement."

Laverne Franklin-Jones of LFJ Fashion Styling Services LLC has a passion to style career women, entrepreneurs, and speakers who want to make a statement without saying a word by creating a wardrobe that reflects their authentic personality and boosts their confidence inside and outside the workplace. Personal styling solutions are designed to elevate a woman’s unique style and strategically built around her existing wardrobe. Laverne is also a Cancer Conqueror and Minister of the Gospel. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 31

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

ESSENCE OF LIVING,LLC An Interview with Dr. LaToya Wiggins

V&P LifeStyle Magazine VPLM: Tell us about your business? LW: Essence of Living, LLC provides wellness coaching to women with young children. Through individual coaching, group coaching, courses, and workshops, women with young children are able to make the necessary self-care time to be healthier and happier, which allows them to embrace motherhood without additional stress, overwhelm, and burnout. VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? LW: My greatest strength is my compassion for others because it allows me to go over and beyond to help others. If I am unable to help them, I try to find someone who can. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? LW: Lisa Nichols inspires me with her calm demeanor, beautiful personality, and captivating way she speaks. She inspires me to improve in my speaking skills so I can inspire large audiences and people all around the world, also. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? LW: In five years, I see my business providing wellness services to thousands of women internationally and showing them how to make the necessary changes to live healthier, happier, and purposeful lives. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 32

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Dr. LaToya Wiggins, a wellness coach and speaker, who gives women with young children a mental makeover. She shows them how to make the necessary self-care time to be healthier and happier, so they can avoid hospital visits as a result of stress and burnout.

"I strive to make others become their best selves and show up in a way that makes life more enjoyable."

As a wife and mother of two sons, Dr. Wiggins knows how difficult it can be to balance a family, career ,and self-care, which is why she is passionate about helping other women find balance in their lives without struggling. SEPTEMBER


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!


An Interview with Janelle Clarke-Holley

VPLM: Tell us about your business? JCH: I conduct workshops, relationship retreats, and individual coaching. I advise people on how to identify what is blocking growth and fulfillment in their interpersonal relationships and establish concrete ways to break through those barriers. The first step is to identify and then take ownership of your participation in the barrier. After that has been addressed, we work on breaking through those barriers so we can bring our best selves to all our relationships. These strategies do not only apply to intimate relationships, but to all relationships: family, friends, and colleagues.

It is human nature to carry old baggage into our existing and new relationships. I guide my clients in recognizing the baggage, how it could be negatively impacting them, and lead them in discovering how to shed it. Maya Angelou shared “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” If you are ready to invest in yourself visit me on my website VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? JCH: My greatest strength is my ability to communicate honestly with others and have them see that their dreams of having a successful relationship, whether it is personal or business, is achievable. More than 20 years in education SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 34

has taught me how to lead people to embrace and own the reality of moving from good to great. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, life is a journey, not a destination. Believing in this concept, it allows me to realize the journey is what is needed to get to the destination.

VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years?

VPLM: What or Who inspires you?

I would have effectively assisted individuals in transforming their lives by empowering them to recognize their self-value as they connect with a partner who appreciates their worth. I would have educated couples to identify and communicate their needs and wants in order to elevate their relationship to newer and greater heights.

JCH: I am inspired by my clients. Seeing the various steps that each individual makes in order to achieve their goal is truly inspiring. Some go from not being able to effectively communicate at all, to being able to clearly identify what they want and need. Walking in this journey with them helps me in my own journey. It brings me great joy when clients learn to expect and accept only the best because that is what they deserve!

JCH: In five years my business will be one of the recognized leaders in the industry focused on empowering individuals to move from surviving to thriving in their relationships.

In growing this company, I will be able to broaden the work of our mission of bringing more joy, honesty with humor as people communicate better in their relationships.

Janelle’s journey began surrounded by a loving and supportive family. They instilled the importance of a pursuit of knowledge which influenced her decision to become an educator. Janelle notes the most exciting aspect of being an educator for over 20 years is shaping an environment where learning creates life-changing effects and allows possibilities to bloom. This mindset has directed her path to empower others to identify the barriers that need to be removed so they can have success.


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

Josephine Lambert

An Interview with Josephine Lambert

Kind. Personable. Mediator.

V&P LifeStyle Magazine VPLM: Tell us about your business? JL: Kingdom Excellence International was established to empower Pastors and Ministry Leaders to better adjust and manage changes and challenges faced in their personal and professional growth in ministry. We provide coaching, consulting, professional and strategic development to improve their varied ministries so that their teams can improve. VPLM: What or Who inspires you?


JL: The lives of my parents, Rev. Sarah Eversley and Rev. Walter E. Eversley inspire me because they were both very creative, conscientious Christian ordained ministers and entrepreneurs with multiple streams of income. My mother was an excellent partner. She worked as a seamstress, tailor and florist while raising a family. She outfitted brides and their bridal parties. My father was bivocational and worked as a professional singer. They both modeled entrepreneurship. I observed firsthand the core principles of entrepreneurship and sound work ethics.

VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? JL: My greatest asset is my spirit and practice of collaboration. In order to build God’s Kingdom here on earth, it requires a “village,” a diverse group of people with diverse perspectives with one purpose. I am a bridge builder and peacemaker. These attributes worked well for me especially in program management and fundraising projects in the private, business and faith-based entities. Most businesses today are underfunded and depend on creative management, allocation

or reallocation of human capital, budgets and other resources. In my experience as an Executive Director of nonprofits and Program Manager in government programs, as well as the faith community, one key way of addressing scarcity is through collaboration. Collaboration requires strong organizational skills and fuels goal achievements. A great example of collaboration was a recent scholarship fundraiser that I chaired. I assembled a team of people who committed to the goal and were willing to share their resources for the benefit of raising money to offset the cost of education for young people. True collaboration requires the full participation of all parties at every phase of any project. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? JL: The vision is that Kingdom Excellence will grow consistently and we would be able to serve and empower Pastors and Ministry Leaders to better adjust and manage changes and challenges faced in their personal and professional growth in ministry. We will assess, plan and keep abreast of industry shifts and the emerging needs of Pastors and Ministry Leaders so that we can offer cutting-edge solutions to persons seeking our services.

Josephine Lambert is a consummate communicator. As an author, speaker, coach and consultant she pivots as an anointed woman of God and Founder and CEO of Kingdom Excellence International. Her consulting services to pastors and ministry leaders embolden them to maximize their gifts and resources to maximize their Godgiven potential as Kingdom builders. Lambert is passionate about enhancing her culturallydiverse clients' personal development. Her foundational expertise cascaded the African Methodist Episcopal Church in leadership roles, both internationally and nationally.

"Kindness is evident in many ways. We show kindness in random acts, sending thank you cards and even in interpersonal relationships."


V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

CHANGED FROM THE INSIDE OUT MINISTRIES An Interview with Dr. Jiajoyce R. Conway

V&P LifeStyle Magazine

Dr. Jiajoyce Conway an ambassador for Christ who has been given the ministry of deliverance and restoration. She has dedicated her ministry to empowering women towards becoming the woman God has ordained for them to be. She’s an Evangelist, wife, mother, author, educator, Certified Christian Life Coach, womanpreneur, and a practicing Doctor of Clinical Advanced Practice for over 20-years. She is the founder/CEO of “Changed From the Inside Out Ministries, LLC”. VPLM: Tell us about your business? JRC: Changed from the Inside Out Ministries (CFIO) is a business/ministry that focuses on coaching, mentoring and wellness care for women.

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CFIO is referred to as “all things women,” as the ministry is designed to empower and encourage women to succeed wholistically in all aspects of their lives. CFIO functions from two domains for women: “The Epitome of a Woman Life-Coaching Success Academy,” where the focus is on Christian Life and Wellness coaching for women who have decided that they are ready to stop just existing and live a purpose driven life. Through enrollment in “The Epitome of a Woman Success Academy,” women are challenged to face themselves and accept who they are through the eyes of God. I teach women the power of their words, their love walk, faith walk and self-care walk towards becoming the best version of themselves. My principles of practice are: EMPOWER, EVALUATE AND EXECUTE. I empower women based on faith-based principles to first EVALUATE where they currently are in their lives and where they should be based on their talents, gifts and abilities. It is from this blueprint that I journey with women to establish a personalized plan of action for EXECUTION towards living mentally, physically and spiritually stronger and whole in their purpose. Secondly, “A Touch from Heav’n Wellness Spa and Salon,” provides women natural ways to care for their skin through products and skin health education. Here CFIO focuses on empowering women to care for themselves from the inside out!




Black women can use their voice in business as a source of empowerment, encouragement and esteem. Black women need to embrace standing on a united front as a body of women that complement and complete one another in our gifts, talents and abilities. There is so much that we can learn from one another’s experiences and skill sets. Our purpose is best served when we use our voices to empower, encourage and esteem the ears and hearts of other women whose purpose is connected to ours. I encourage black women to not fear pouring out from their success in business because that is where our greatest blessings of continued success are rooted and flourish.


VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset?

JRC: My greatest strength is my faith. I operate my life from a place of ridiculous faith as I just believe God. If God took the time to have me on His mind and show me through dreams, visions and His voice what He has called me to do….I believe Him. Psalm 139:5, “ You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” (NLT), is my foundational scripture, as it is my personal reminder that I matter to God. This scripture makes me feel like His favorite daughter who is purposed to do great things in His creation. My faith stretches me to step out and pursue endeavors that I never believed I was smart enough, create enough, talented enough or worthy enough to pursue. What I have viewed as a mess, God has used at every corner to bless. It is through my faith that I feel empowered to encourage and esteem other women to pursue with everything they have on the inside of them, the will of God for their lives. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? JRC: First Lady Michelle Obama inspires me. She inspires me to dream big and to dream with my eyes open. To have witnessed Michelle Obama become the first African-American First Lady was life changing for me. She opened a door to what seemed so impossible along the lines of color and gender. This monumental moment is forever engrained in my soul and pushes me to never stop going after my dreams no matter how far they may seem. Her love for her family, her faith and her ambition all speak to the very essence of everything that matters to me as a woman who thought she would never have anything or be anything. A quote from First Lady Michelle Obama’s book that I keep on my wall as a reminder of the meaning and significance of becoming the best version of me says, “Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. It’s a forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self.” I never want to stop reaching towards that better self, and I never want to stop empowering other women to do the same. First Lady Michelle Obama’s life is a testament of what that looks like when you never stop reaching. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years? JRC: In five-years I see my business and ministry having expanded to have a global impact on women either through pastoring, coaching, preaching, teaching and authorship. I want to be travelling internationally preaching and teaching, educating women about how to live their purpose driven God ordained lives. I also see that in five years that I will be travelling with other women on this same mission and with this same vision. My wellness spa, “A Touch from Heav’n Wellness Spa and Salon” will have several locations to include not only my home state here in Pennsylvania, but I plan to plant locations in Atlanta, Philadelphia and Virginia to start. I will continue to foster educating women on the importance of taking care of their temples, especially their skin, the largest organ of the body, so that they can complete their life assignments without disease and illness. With all confidence in God, I proclaim that in fiveyears I will be full-time in ministry as a Pastor and business owner of my own enterprise, no longer working for someone else's enterprise, and serving the masses! SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 39

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!


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An Interview with Sherl Randolph

VPLM: Tell us about your business? SR: D.I.V.A. International, LLC, (Divine Inspirations for Various Activities) seeks to motivate women to begin to seek out their purpose for living, and to cause an igniting within to discover who they are, and why they were created. With this mission in mind, and not excluding God, through the process of self-discovery, they will be inspired to fully pursue their purpose. Women ready to birth their Business, Book or Idea come to me for Motivation. Through my book and talk show, I show them how to recognize the treasure inside themselves, so they can thrive despite their divorce or other disappointments they’ve experienced in life. The mission of focus is always from a place of Motivation, Inspiration, and Encouragement. The Services offered are: Workshops on Purpose, SelfDiscovery, and Personal Development; Motivational Speaking; Personal Coaching; Inspirational Books & Calendars; Devotional Materials, and the PEARLSwithSherl Talk Show (People Enjoying A Real Life of Success), with others sharing motivational tips, inspirational stories that will impact the life of women. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 40


"I absolutely enjoy seeing that what I share with others impacts and makes a positive difference in their lives." VPLM: What or Who inspires you? SR: My number one inspiration is God. Without Him I would not be who I am today. I would not be where I am in my journey to reach His plan for my life. I am inspired when I see the light shine in other's eyes when I’ve shared something that will take them to the next phase or the next step in their life. I also get inspired when I hear the success stories of others, and how they have overcome any challenges in their life. These two bring me great joy, and are where I get my inspiration for doing the Interviews for the PEARLSwithSherl Talk Show.

VLPM: Where do you see your business in five years? SR: I will do weekly Podcasts. I will grow my Talk Show, PearlswithSherl, by having a TV Studio to conduct weekly live Interviews. I will be a Published Best-Selling Author of more Inspirational and Devotional Books.

Sherl Randolph is a passionate, creative, and visionary entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in Accounting, Financial Services, and Business Management. She has an infectious laugh that causes others to laugh with her!! But her life hasn’t always been full of laughs. She overcame childhood abuse and low-self-esteem, and now believes it’s her mission to show others how to overcome life’s obstacles, discover who they are, and turn their dreams into reality. Contact her at: Phone: 410-258-6408 | Website: | E-mail: [email protected] nstagram:​ | Facebook: SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 41

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

An Interview with Dr. Joy’El Ballard

V&P LifeStyle Magazine VPLM: Tell us about your business? JB: Dr. Joy’El Women’s Wellness Consulting, LLC provides women’s health education that empowers women approaching menopause to proactively embrace the midlife changes worry-free. Through webinars and seminars, women learn strategies to endure mental and physical midlife changes with resilience. I offer a nutrition program that serves as a “reset” to jumpstart a wellness journey to healthy living and healthy aging from the inside out. After reading my book, Loving Me, Myself & Her: Through Perimenopause & Beyond and hearing me speak, the mindset of women is transformed, they become emboldened to own their health and make informed decisions when it comes to their healthcare. VPLM: What do you consider your greatest strength or asset? JB: My laugh which may sound strange, but it relates to my ability to bring joy to others. It is infectious and makes those in my presence feel comfortable and even if it is for a few minutes, it brightens their day. VPLM: What or Who inspires you? JB: My three kids and 24 nieces and nephews inspire me to walk in my purpose because they need to see how people who look like them can live out their biggest dreams with perseverance and faith in God. VPLM: Where do you see your business in five years?

d r a l al B l E ’ y o J . r D SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 42

JB: I envision educating women around the globe about changes they can expect in all stages of womanhood, how to navigate through those changes and stay healthy through the process. An online program that incorporates women’s health education, nutrition guide, exercise plan and most importantly, self-care tips so women can live their BEST lives by pouring into themselves first. Also, I envision creating more resources for low-income families to get access to health education and appropriate healthcare in their communities.

Tenacious. Compassionate. Joyful.

Dr. Joy’El Ballard is a board-certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Speaker who is deeply passionate about educating and empowering women to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She is a bestselling author of Loving Me, Myself and “Her”: Through Perimenopause & Beyond. In the office, she enthusiastically encourages women to adopt appropriate strategies for healthy aging and healthy living from the inside out. She is married with three children. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL EDITION 2020 V&P MAGAZINE | 43

V&P Special Edition | Speak, Black Woman!

THE RESILIENT YOU An Interview with Monique Dubose As the owner of The Resilient You - Motivational Speaker and Teacher and co-author of the United States Air Force’s official Resiliency curriculum; Monique Dubose is indeed all that and more! She provides life-saving tools via personal stories as a mother, wife, friend, daughter, and airmen, to audiences to help them identify their strengths, believe in those strengths, build, and overcome challenges and conflicts. Her message is simple: “You” are Resilient and “You” have the power to “Bounce Back”! Monique is a highly sought after speaker with multiple statewide events and facilitating training for over 10,000 active duty and reserve military members, their families, and civilians across the United States, to name a few. Monique is retired from the U.S Air Force. She only focuses on the joys and victories. She wakes up daily with prayer, that simply asks to cover each area in her life. Her daily goal is to develop new relationships and make the existing ones stronger. Though some of the demands are challenging she can say that she has mastered the flow to balance each area and make everything work together. Monique was born and raised in THE Atlanta, Georgia. She is number seven out of seven girls. This was where she learned about strength, courage and the importance of building great relationships.

Her parents taught them so many things but more importantly two things she lives by: 1. Finish what you start 2. If you believe in something don’t waver for anyone. Today, she is retired after 21 years with a business about being resilient. Joining the Air Force was pretty significant for Monique. As no one, not even she could have imagined. After leaving college and knowing that she had to complete something she followed in her father’s footsteps and joined. While in the Air Force, she discovered just how resilient she was, which led to her business; THE RESILIENT YOU. As a Personal and Executive Coach, she trains business owners how to be resilient after rejection. She shows them how to embrace the NO as feedback and get back in the fight. She gives them tools and teaches high performing habits to help them perceive and respond to failing. This allows them to see opportunities to build financially lucrative empires, where they only once saw obstacles. Monique truly believes in the “Power of the Bounce Back.” She also has a true love for people. She volunteers as a victim advocate, is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc and Jack and Jill of America, Inc.


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