Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine Special Edition | Fathers & Daughters

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Special Edition June 2021


William "TC" & Laila Cunningham

5502 Silver Hill Road District Heights, MD 20747 Owned and Operated by Trevelle Harvey


CONTENTS V&P Special Edition

4 Sterling and Carrington Janae Brooks 6 Stig, Leah, and Maya Hammond 8 John E. Bailey, IV, Jacinta J. Bailey, and Evelyn D. Bailey 10 Deda K. Bruner and Ella Bruner 14 William "TC" and Laila Cunningham 18 Martin Somerville, Sr. and Zoe Somerville 20 Jason and Jessi Greene 22 Glenn Morris, Omecia Clark, Ania Morris, and Kennedy Morris 24 Korey and Alessandra Irby 26 Augustus L. Clay, Jr, Karen, Kathryn, and Lisa, Clay 28 Father & Daughter Poem by Seth Washington

Founders Karen McConnell-Jones & Dr. Sharon H. Porter

JUNE 2021



June 2021 Founders Karen McConnell-Jones & Dr. Sharon H. Porter

Editor-In-Chief Dr. Sharon H. Porter

Deputy Editors Karen McConnell-Jones Marjorie Middleton


Layout & Design

Fathers and Daughters William "TC" & Laila Cunningham Sterling and Carrington Janae Brooks Stig, Leah, and Maya Hammond John, Jacinta, and Evelyn Bailey Dedan K. Bruner and Ella Bruner Martin Somerville, Sr. and Zoe Somerville Jason and Jessi Greene Glenn Morris, Omecia Clark, Ania, and Kennedy Morris Korey and Alessandra Irby Augustus L. Clay, Sr. Karen, Kathryn, and Lisa Clay

Dr. Sharon H. Porter

Contact [email protected]

Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine Mothers & Sons Issue also available


V&P Service Page Special dedication to Donna Harris and Krystal Glenn

The V&P Team is here to be a positive voice for our community through the stories that are shared in our magazine. In addition, we would like to provide services for our community to continue to help build our community one VISION and one PURPOSE at a time! For services and pricing, please contact us at [email protected].

Karen McConnell-Jones Dr. Sharon H. Porter Krystal Glenn Karen Clay Stevie Gaymon Domminique Massaquoi Deven Richardson Jason Greene Kyonna F. Brown Dr. Essie McKoy Marjorie Middleton Antonio Turner Martina Turner Seth Washington Candice Camille Donna Harris Michelle B. Hauser

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Vision & Purpose LifeStyle Magazine "Inspiring Our Community"



V&P LifeStyle Magazine An Interview with Sterling and Carrington Janae Brooks

Sterling Brooks...

Caring. Protective. Funny. VPLM: What has been most rewarding with being a dad? SB: Being able to love someone unconditionally and receive that love back is one of the most rewarding things about being a Father. I know my Care Bear loves me and she knows I love her back no matter what. VPLM: What is one of your father's sayings that has stuck with you? CJB: Carr, get the rebound! VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughter has brought to your life SB: My daughter is a Daddy's Girl. No matter what happens she always comes to Daddy first. When she is sick, I'm the one she cuddles up with and she stays with me all day. Now that she is older, she facetime me and it feels great.


VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughter? SB: During the COVID lockdown, I started teaching Carrington how to play chess. It became our special time each day. She ended up beating me a couple of times which made me focus a little more. I couldn't just let her keep beating me. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? CJB: When I was around 5 or 6 years old, I went to The National Harbor on Valentine’s Day with my Dad and asked to go to Build-ABear (even though he kept saying no when I repeatedly asked him to go). We got ice cream, went to the beach and bought something for Mommy. After asking him several times to go to Build-A-Bear, and him saying no, I asked him one more time and he finally said “Sure!” He helped me pick out an outfit and accessories, which he never does! He was always planning to take me there...he knew it was my favorite place to go, he was just giving me a hard time. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughter? SB: Daddy loves you. As you get older there will be arguments, disagreements, and misunderstandings. Always remember that no matter what happens, Daddy will always love you. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your dad? CJB: Thanks for being the best Dad ever!


An Interview with Stig, Leah, and Maya Hammond

Stig Hammond...Shibumi. Warm. Patient. VPLM: What has been the most rewarding thing about being a dad? SH: Watching our girls grow from adorable “arm babies” to bold, articulate and compassionate young women. VPLM: What is one of your dad’s saying that has stuck with you? Leah & Maya: When we were kids, our Dad always said our first task every morning was to “wake up happy!” What started out as a chore quickly became a habit and now a way of life, finding joy in simply waking up and starting each day with gratitude. VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughters have brought to your life? SH: Leah and Maya embraced our values and surpassed our highest hopes, and we have seen them become global citizens, pursuing their dreams, caring for others, and living their lives with zest and joy. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughters? SH: I’ll never forget two special moments, two images frozen in time. As my father’s health declined, Leah travelled out to visit him in California and I can still see her standing with him, singing Christmas carols, his face lit up with joy and remembrance. JUNE 2021 SPECIAL EDITION V&P MAGAZINE I 6

And I’ll never forget Maya’s impassioned speech as Sally Hemmings in her high school Sankofa celebration as she brought the house down with her emotional personification of her character. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? Leah - For me, it’s memories of sitting at the dining room table with my Dad helping me with school work. I’m not sure I appreciated it at the time, but now as an adult, I see that he was waking up early to pack lunches, working all day, and then coming home to spend hours poring over banal assignments with me as if they were the most meaningful thing in the world. Years later, I still hear my dad’s voice in my head anytime I sit down to write, and even now as I write this--it’s his voice guiding me and giving me a sly knowing smile when we get the sentence just right. Maya- Last thanksgiving, my Dad and I went for an after-dinner walk in our neighborhood. Instead of taking our usual path, we decided to walk another block and sit down. Sitting and reflecting on the crazy year that was 2020, with feelings of defeat, my Dad and I suddenly saw the clearest shooting star. This year was filled with so many obstacles, but perhaps in our lowest moment, we both saw this bright, magnificent flash across the sky. It felt almost magical that we both witnessed and shared this fleeting event. It seemed almost like a message that everything was going to be alright. Suddenly, I was reminded just how lucky I am to have a Dad like mine, and how much I cherish our time together. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughters? SH: Leah and Maya, I love you both unconditionally and I always will. Sharon and I are proud of your accomplishments and are so happy that you are strong and independent. I know you’ve got each other's back and will always support one another through thick and thin. Thank you for bringing such joy to our lives. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your dad? Leah & Maya: We’re blessed beyond measure to be your daughters. We love you Dad! Thank you for all that you do.



An Interview with John E. Bailey, IV Jacinta J. Bailey, and Evelyn D. Bailey

V &P LifeStyle Magazine

John E. Bailey, IV... Smart. Strict. Loving. Caring. Respectable. Hardworking.

VPLM: What has been most rewarding in being a dad? JB: In addition to our talks, seeing my daughters grow into independent young women. VPLM: What is one of your dad’s sayings that has stuck with you? Evelyn -“You have more eyes and ears than a mouth.” It reminds me to understand my surroundings better. I have learned a lot more through observing and listening than talking. When I was younger, talking did not work out so well. But once I grasped this saying, I understand how to read a room and be more confident when speaking. It has also helped me to be careful of what I am saying as well. Jacinta – “Why does it look like Christmas in here?”



VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughters have brought to your life? JB: My daughters are both amazing young women that have accomplished enormous goals. Being able to support them in their dreams and watching them come to fruition makes me a very proud father. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughters? JB: Standing before the casket saying my final goodbyes at my father's funeral with my daughters by my side. It was a time in my life where I needed the most support and they were right there. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? Evelyn - We were fortunate to have lots of special moments, but one that stands out is when my dad and I went fishing with my grandfather. It was my first time fishing and it was really special being with the two most important men in my life. Jacinta – At my great-grandmother’s funeral. My dad just loved me a little differently. Of course, I just lost my lady (I was always with her). I think thought that I was not truly aware of what was going on. I remember her and this day.

VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughters? JB: Always dream big. Make a plan to achieve those dreams, then repeat. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your dad? Evelyn - Thank you so much for helping, supporting, encouraging, teaching, being present and available through everything. If we had another chance to this over, everything would remain the same. I appreciate all the experiences, love, and fun. Thanks for being an amazing father. Do not ever change. Jacinta – I love you and I appreciate everything that you have done. Thank you for always steering me in the right direction.


An Interview With Dedan K. Bruner & Ella Bruner V&P LifeStyle Magazine

Dedan K. Bruner... Fun. Caring. Thoughtful. VPLM: What has been most rewarding in being a dad? DKB Prior to becoming a father, I imagined all of the advice and life lessons I would impart to my child. What I could not have imagined was how much I would love talking to, and learning from, my daughter. The gift of conversation with her is something I cherish and continually look forward to. VPLM: What is one of your dad’s sayings that has stuck with you? EB: My dad and I have a family mantra - "We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do." To me, it's a good reminder that our behavior is not about recognition, or because we want something in return, it’s because we believe that what we’re doing is right.

VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughter has brought to your life? DKB: I always saw myself as steady. I prided myself on "not getting too high or too low." My daughter changed all that. Her tears claw at my heart in a way I could not have imagined possible. Conversely, her smile fills me with hope for the future. Fatherhood has introduced me to a level of vulnerability that is only rivaled by the joy it brings.

VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughter?” DKB: My daughter and I have been keeping a gratitude journal since she was 4 years old. Aside from the ritual, I love watching her grow and hearing her reflections on the world mature over the years. While I have never looked back at our earlier entries, I imagine it will be a treasured keepsake one day. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? EB: When I was in pre-kindergarten, I got pink eye. My dad picked me up from school and took care of me until I was back to normal. Even though I was technically home sick, we had lots of fun. It was like a party for two. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughter? DKB: Thank you for choosing me to be your father. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your father? EB: I hope you have a great Father’s day. I love you very much.


Karen McConnell-Jones & Dr. Sharon H. Porter

William "TC" and Laila Cunningham


William "TC" & Laila Cunningham An Interview with William "TC" and Laila Cunningham V&P LifeStyle Magazine

William "TC" Cunningham... Stubborn. Loving. Protective.

VPLM: What has been most rewarding with being a dad? TC: I can watch my adult children and soon-to-be-grown enough youngest daughter and be happy with how they have turned out - but the most joy comes from the quiet moment of reflection where one of my adorable children says one of two things. ‘Thank you, Dad.’ or ‘I love you, Dad.’ I just melted. It’s not what I see, or what I interpret, it’s what they feel that brings me joy. VPLM: What is one of your father's sayings that has stuck with you? LC: "Not everyone is your friend or has your best interest in life." It truly taught me to be aware of the people around me as I grew up.



VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughter?

VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughter has brought to your life? TC: As a parent, what has brought me the most joy is seeing the wonderful person my daughter has become over the years of her life. She continuously surprises me with her kindness and willingness to help others. Her determination to be successful in all of her endeavors sometimes scares me. To see her drive and determination helps me and everyone around strive to accomplish more out of life and enjoy it every day at the same time. You don't meet and or know too many people like this nowadays. Most of today's generation doesn't exhibit these types of strong qualities. So when I see these qualities from other children out there and see it also in my own it makes my heart glow. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughter? WOW, So many, from her first swimming lesson as a toddler to her first school dance with a date. Anyone that knows me knows Laila. And just being with her is always a memorable moment. I think the best one I can remember is when she was in Kuk Soo Won (Martial Arts) class and she broke her first wooden board on her first try. I was in tears. I am so proud of her. But I had to stay stern so she couldn't see me melt; Dad thing!!! VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? LC: When he used to take me on little mini sight-seeing trips.. It was so nice to be out of the house; It’s been great to see you grow and I appreciate how you encourage me to never give up.


TC: I must say a few words to keep her focused. Never settle, always strive to over achieve in your endeavors. The outcome is worth the work. No matter what the problem is, there is always a solution. Once it's solved don't dwell on it. Just remember the cause so you don't repeat. When it comes to your heart sometimes it's better to be alone than to be with someone and still feel alone. Your mom and I have raised you to be successful and have given, and will continue to give you the tools to be successful. We will always back you in your decisions and guide you through your trials and tribulations. You have older brothers and an older sister to turn to If needed. But as long as your mom and I have breath in our bodies, we are here for you. And If I am no longer here physically, I will always be there in memory and spirit. I have all the faith in you that you will be the best person you can be. With all my heart and soul I love you boo boo!!! DAD VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your dad? LC: Dad, we may have our ups and our downs but at the end of the day we will always love each other. I can’t wait for you to see me go across that stage and become successful. It is with some of your guidance that I am getting through life and I am proud to be your daughter. Your Daughter, Laila.


Martin Somerville, Sr. & Zoe Somerville An Interview with Martin and Zoe Somerville

V&P LifeStyle Magazine

Martin Somerville, Sr ... Goofy. Loving. Brilliant. VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughter has brought to your life? VPLM: What has been most rewarding in being a dad? MS: Seeing the love and knowledge that was passed on to me from my parents being accepted and embodied by my children. I know that our family’s legacy of love, support, and joy will continue long after I am no longer here. VPLM: What is one of your dad's sayings that has stuck with you? ZS: One thing my father says that I always carry with me is: “give 100% of yourself to everything you do, even when you yourself aren’t at 100 percent. It is the little things that make the difference between being good and being great."


MS: She is my inspiration. She expresses the creative, artistic, and carefree life that I wish I could live. I always said that I am the wrong father for her. My logical, in-the-box mind cannot grasp her creativity. I realized my job was to let her go and be here when needed. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughter? MS: In second grade, she sang in front of her entire elementary school. After she was done, she ran to me and I picked her up. I said, “Oh my God, Zoe, you sang beautifully. How do you feel?” I thought she would have felt scared, nervous, or glad it was over. She replied, “I feel like I want some ice cream!” I knew then you were more courageous than me.


VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? ZS: While in the car with my mother and friend one day, I had an earworm for a song I couldn’t quite remember. After spending eternity trying to get them to understand, I call my dad. After two seconds of humming absolute nonsense, he immediately knew the song and sang it with me. We truly are connected like no other. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughter? MS: You are blessed and stand on the shoulders of your ancestors. You have been gifted by God with many talents. Use them to help and inspire others. We all love you very much (including your brothers).

VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your dad? ZS: Dad, every day I live my life trying to be half the girl and daughter you see me as. I have truly never seen a smile as bright or a laugh as contagious as yours. You are my everything, and I am the luckiest girl in the world to say I’m your daughter.



Jason Greene... Tall. Chef. Funny.

An Interview with Jason & Jessi Greene V&P LifeStyle Magazine VPLM: What is one of your dad’s saying that has stuck with you? Jessi: I am beautiful and unstoppable. VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughter has brought to your life? Jason: My daughter is four and already expresses compassion, love and determination on a daily basis. It’s a joy raising someone who I know with the right guidance will be great.

VPLM: What has been the most rewarding thing about being a dad? Jason: The fact that there are three individuals in this world that are here because of me is a reward in itself but I would say that the unconditional love that each one of my kids expresses to me is the most rewarding.

VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughter? Jason: When she is helping me cook in the kitchen. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? Jessi: When I’m helping my daddy cook in the kitchen VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughter? Jason: I will always have your back no matter what and I promise to always be a listening ear when needed. VPLM: What special message you would like to say to your dad? Jessi: Your'e great, I love you!

I am beautiful and unstoppable...



An Interview with Glenn Morris, Omecia Clark, Ania Morris, and Kennedy Morris

V&P LifeStyle Magazine

Glenn Morris ...Dependable. Tough. Hard Working.

VPLM: What has been most rewarding in being a dad? GM: Imparting knowledge in my children and seeing the light in their eyes when they understand what I’m saying and then watching them showcase the knowledge. VPLM: What Is one of your dad’s sayings that has stuck with you? Omecia, Ania, and Kennedy: “Hurry up and do what you want to do while you know everything”. JUNE 2021 V&P MAGAZINE I 22


VLPM: Describe the joy that your daughters have brought to your life? GM: My daughters activate the compassionate, loving side of me. Their love makes me feel like I can conquer the world. Hearing them speak about me to their friends warms my heart. I get an actual perspective of how they view me and the principles I live by; they get it. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughters? GM: It’s the hugs. A hug gives them comfort, and they feel protected, and in turn, the comfort by letting me know they will be okay because we are there for each other. VPLM: What Is one of your special moments with your dad? Omecia, Ania, and Kennedy: The alone time when we talk about life and get advice, whether sitting in the pool, riding the golf cart, or fishing on the bay. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your daughters? GM: Daughters, life is complex and can be unfair. Don’t wait for the disappointments; prepare yourselves for the hurdles in everything, be the best at whatever you decide is your future. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t do something until you have tried and given your best. There will be fails; learn from them, and know you are always closer to success than you think. Know that all three of you are in my heart and I will always be by your side. VPLM: What special message would you like to say to your dad? Omecia, Ania, and Kennedy: Thank you for being the inspiration in my life that allowed me to try, fail and succeed in life. You gave me the tools and motivation to try, the support when I failed, and the path to succeed in whatever I wanted to do. You are my role model, my hero, my Dad.



Korey Irby... Cool.Tough.Witty. An Interview with Korey & Alessandra Irby

V&P LifeStyle Magazine

"Building a Family Legacy"

VPLM: What has been most rewarding with being a dad? KI: Witnessing my daughter grow and develop into a phenomenal young lady. VPLM: What is one of your dad’s sayings that have stuck with you? AI: Practice doesn’t make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect…. VPLM: Describe the joy that your daughter has brought to your life? KI: Daughters teach you compassion and they show you a side of yourself that you might not otherwise tap into. VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your daughter? KI: Teaching her how to drive… and helping her start a yard sign business VPLM: What is one of your special moments with your dad? AI: Road trips for soccer games… VPLM:What special message would you like to say to your daughter? KI:Dream Big, think of the steps and then Just Do it VPLM:What special message would you like to say to your dad? AI: “I’ll be aight….”


Korey &Alessandra Irby JUNE 2021 SPECIAL EDITION V&P MAGAZINE I 25


A Special Dedication V&P LifeStyle Magazine

In Memory of Augustus L. Clay, Jr. Remembering My Father, Augustus L. Clay, Jr. My Daddy made his transition on April 22, 2021, at 91 years of age. Prior to his passing, I asked him about doing this article with me and he graciously agreed, however God had other plans. God’s plan was a perfect plan because now words about my father can be shared from all three of his daughters, excerpted from the loving words we spoke about him during his funeral. Three words to describe my father are: “Provider;” he provided us a good life and he led a good life worthy of celebration. “Professor;” one of the last gifts he gave us was a demonstration of the true love he had for God, family and community. “Protector;” he was our earthly father and the solid rock on which we stood and continue to stand. Lisa Clay: “The Good Life” My father’s life is one worthy of celebration. I celebrate his 67 years as a devoted and loving husband; his 66 years as a supportive and loving father; his 35 years as a doting grandfather; his 60 years as a devoted member of Radcliffe Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia and his nine years as a loyal member of St. Matthew Presbyterian Church in Silver Spring, Maryland; his 50 years spent in the workforce in dedicated service to various employers; and his unknown number of years spent in his favorite pastime, golf. In short, I celebrate his lifetime as a steady, reliable presence, always setting the example and guiding the way. He covered a lot of ground in his 91 years, but to me, he was the supportive, sometimes stern, but always loving father.


Karen Clay: “The Last Gift” I am very blessed because I know what love looks like. Over the years, I have heard testimonies from others of triumph over tragedy and hard work over hardships. Conversely, I am blessed because I had good parents who provided me a good life. They protected me, educated me, and were good examples of the things and experiences to which I could aspire. I have lived a good life, all my life. My father has loved me unconditionally through the thick and the thin. I knew love from him, but I did not know what love REALLY was until my mother’s health declined and my father became her primary caregiver. Watching my father take care of my mother taught me that love is about faith and service. Watching them together was a gift in and of itself and I vowed that, when the time came, I would do for him what he did for my mother, out of love. When my mom passed, my father had a sadness about him that spoke of the depths to which he missed his wife, yet he still had love to give his daughters. As our roles switched and I became his caregiver, I came to realize that my Daddy was not just loving and loved, he was/is Love. Love was the last gift I got from him, but it is a gift that keeps on giving because he was Love, I am Love, we are Love, and everyone who chooses to be, is LOVE. Kathryn Clay: “On Solid Rock” A few months ago, I heard a song, based off the old hymn “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand,” that made me cry. The song was by Bri Babineaux and titled “He’s My Rock.” I cried, not because I was sad, but because as I listened to the words of the song, I thought not only of my heavenly Father, but also of my earthly father. The words made me think of my earthly father, my Daddy, because he was the solid rock on which I stood my entire life. My father was dependable, supportive, a protector, encouraging, a provider to the “nth” degree, loving, a great advisor, a man of reason, strong, compassionate, everything you can think of to describe that strong solid rock. THAT was my father. Above all, my father loved God, family and community with all his heart, and in that order. I miss my father. I praise God for being my heavenly Father – my heavenly rock, but I praise God also because he entrusted my life to my father, my earthly father – my earthly rock.


Fathers &Daughters by Seth E. Washington

Baby Girl will forever be the apple of His eye Dad of course is Her blueprint of a gentleman They share a bond of authentic familial strength She watches how He moves Gaining insights about masculine energy Thru Her a Father gains deeper sensitivity His wisdom She will take upon leaving home Their love and trust shall nevertheless carry on


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