2017 jlp bridal guide working with jlp web

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A guide for working with JLP

WE L C O M E Hey there and welcome! This is such an exciting time for you! I’m sure your mind is racing with all that needs to be planned. It’s all very exciting, but it can also be somewhat overwhelming I’m sure. You’re planning the day that you’ve been anticipating your whole life and by the time you get

‘I am committed to capturing the moments you will want to remember’ the hang of it, the planning is over! My goal as a wedding photographer is to make this aspect of the planning process simple, giving you one less thing to think about. I believe photography is more than just images, it’s a real part of your day. Not only do you deserve beautiful images, you also deserve an amazing photographic experience. One that is fun and reflects the joyful love on your wedding day. Allow me to become more than just your wedding photographer, but a friend that just so happens to be photographing your wedding. Let me provide for you the best wedding photography experience possible!



W EDDIN G FAVO R IT E S You may not realize this, but every photographer has parts of the wedding day that they favor! Below are three of mine and why these moments are so close to my heart!




Your gram’s hanky for your

Rich in tradition or a done

This is my favorite part of the

tears, a piece of your mama’s

with a splash of current flavor,

day! What an honor to capture

wedding dress wrapped around

there is something magical as

the beginning of your legacy

your bouquet, or your future

you stand before God, declare

and photograph you as husband

husband’s initials stitched over

your love for each other and

and wife for the first time. I

your heart - I want to document

agree to keep His covenant

love these beautiful portraits

all these details that celebrate

of marriage. The best part?

that we create together,

a meaningful beginning to your

Capturing your first kiss, when

photographs that will hang on

married life.

God seals your hearts together.

the walls of future generations.

The Park Savoy, East Hanover, NJ


[email protected]

G ET TO K N OW JE S S IC A I’m Jessica. A Jersey girl, through and through!

I am committed to capturing tender,

I grew up spending summers in the South, so

emotional moments, and creating beautiful

you’ll always hear me saying, “Yes ma’am.” I’m a

art. The kind that will remind you to have an

wife and mama to three sweet babes. My heart

intentional marriage. Because it is my passion to

has always beat to the pulse of good art, and I’m

encourage couples to cultivate and grow a lasting,

inherently drawn to lines and details. Ten years

lifetime, commitment to each other. I truly believe

ago, I began my career as a graphic designer, and

that marriage, family, and the faith it takes to

I naturally transitioned into wedding photography.

sustain them is worth fighting for.



The Park Savoy, East Hanover, NJ


North Jersey Country Club, Wayne, NJ

[email protected]


THE MISSION My heart’s desire is to capture and preserve your beautiful legacy well. To create an authentic and joyful representation of our wedding day, documented in a timeless manner, so you can instantly connect with the moments reflected in your wedding photographs.



The Estate at Florentine Gardens, River Vale, NJ

THE COUPLE The JLP couple believe in a deeply meaningful wedding event, rooted in what matters most, their marriage. They honor their history, while building a new life with family at it’s center. They surround themselves with a community that helps to cultivate a deeply rooted foundation. They want an intentional marriage, one more beautiful then their wedding.


[email protected]

THE WEDDING • Is rich with tradition, but has a current flavor. • Has special celebrations to honor their marriage and covenant with God. • Creates an event that encourages their loved ones to participate in. • Points people’s minds and hearts straight to what is really happening.



Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey


TH E JL P P RO C E S S When couples feel comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera, the results are genuine, joyful images! Those heartfelt memories captured are priceless. My goal is to not only document your memories, but create an experience that you will never forget.


[email protected]

CAPTURE I am here to help guide you through making the decisions that are necessary to capture the lasting qualities you are looking for. Determine what type of coverage that will best fit to help you have a stress-free day. Hear your specific needs and customize the experience to meet them.

PRESERVE Technology is forever changing, and although it has made great strides to help us connect, certain moments should not be reduced to just a click. Let me share my gifts with you, then use every ounce of my experience to guide you through the picking process to help you preserve what is truly important.

SHARE Sharing allows us to bring others into our unique experiences. On your wedding day, allow me the opportunity to photograph your beautiful beginning, preserve it for years to come, then give you the tools to share it with the ones you love the most.

DISPLAY Dedicated to capturing joyful moments, then displaying them as one-of-a-kind stylish pieces of artwork. I want you to have the opportunity to connect with those sweet moments daily, allow them be the focal point of your home!



P L A NN IN G YO UR DAY Planning your timeline.. it can be somewhat intimidating! It isn’t the most glamorous aspect of your event planning, but it is the one thing that can make or break your day!


Getting into your dress is a big moment! I usually ask that the mother-of-the-bride and all of

This is one of my favorite parts

the bridesmaids be dressed by

of the wedding day! I will find

this time. This will ensure that

the perfect location for couple’s

everyone will look their best in

to have the first look prior to

the images captured. After the

the getting ready portion of

bride is picture perfect, I will

the day! Don’t ever stress, I

begin bridal creatives. These

will make sure the location

are portraits of the bride alone

is private and as secluded as

and with her bridesmaids.


Every bride loves having those near-to-her items documented. It’s an important part of her story. For the dress, shoes, jewelry, invitations, etc., I like to a llow, at minimum, 45 minutes for this. While I ’m shooting details, I’m also capturing some shots of the bride and her girls getting t heir hair and makeup ready.




[email protected]

PORTRAITS 2:45-3:15

BRIDAL PARTY 3:15-4:00


After the bride and groom

I like to buffer in extra time

Family formals normally take

take their time with the first

throughout the day just in case

place immediately following

look, I will take a few romantic

we have unexpected delays!

the bridal party portraits.

portraits of the two of them

One way to make sure we stay

We’ll need about 30 minutes

while the initial excitement

on schedule for bridal party

for family formals and I will

is still present! I will find the

portraits is to have someone

send a questionnaire before

locations for these shots as

put the boutonnières on the

the wedding where you can list

well! Remember, the LIGHT

guys before they arrive for

out the shots that you want. I

determines where we shoot,

portraits. During this time, I

recommend shooting portraits

so that is usually determined

make sure to take some great

outdoors, if possible, so that

the day-of. As we shoot these

shots of the guys and girls both

they resemble your other

portraits, the bridal party will

separately and together.

portraits, especially if the

make their way to us.


ceremony location is dark.


P L A NNIN G YO UR DAY continued ...

RECEPTION DETAILS 5:30-6:30 It’s time to get married! Most ceremonies are 30 minutes long. If your ceremony is l onger After portraits are complete,

than 30 minutes, w e’ll make

the bride will go into hiding so

adjustments to y our timeline.

that early guests don’t sneak a

Cherish these moments, your

peek and the ushers can begin

ceremony w ill pass by so

their duties.


If possible, I recommend having the cocktail hour outside of the main reception area. This will allow me to photograph your reception decor UNTOUCHED. If the ceremony and reception are in different locations, always allow travel time for us and your guests.



CEREMONY 5:00-5:30

[email protected]

I include 8 hours of coverage so that I can be present

CREATIVES 7:45-8:00

THE PARTY 7:00-11:00

for the main events of the reception and about an hour of dancing. If you’re interested in having your cake cutting photographed, there are several options for this. You can either add additional hours of coverage or plan a faux cutting. I have had GREAT success with this and the party never stops!

This is the BEST time of day

This is the first time you are

for portraits in the late Spring,

introduced as husband and

Summer and early Fall! This is

wife and the party begins!

when the sun glows golden. I

At this part of the day, I

love having a few extra minutes

work within the Maître d’s

with the bride and groom to

schedule and begin to focus

take a few dynamic sunset or

on documenting the reception

nighttime portraits!


CAKE 8:45



North Jersey Country Club, Wayne, NJ


TH E W EDD IN G E X P E R IE N C E If only life had a ‘pause’ button, we could perfectly preserve a moment of time. At Jessica Lee Photography, I love it most when you bring the intimacy of your wedding into your home with a Storybook Album and a Gallery Wrap.

$ 2700



8 Hours of Coverage

12x12 Storybook Album $1500

With Jessica Lee

Second Photographer $750

Digital Photographs

1.5h Engagement Session $700

Online Proofing Gallery

Extra Hour of Coverage $450

**Albums, Gallery Wraps and other Enhancements available, more details upon booking.**


[email protected]


The Estate at Florentine Gardens River Vale, NJ

The Palace at Somerset Park, Somerset, NJ



[email protected]


Your first decision as an engaged couple is to set

photographs deserve a classy, elegant home. I offer

priorities for your wedding planning. You have to decide

exclusive, leather bound Storybook Albums to all my

what you value most. Is it the dress? The food? The

wedding clients. The images are printed straight onto

venue? After the big day is over, you will leave your

the pages and the covers are wrapped with top grain

reception with your spouse and your pictures..

leather. This is the perfect ending to your Wedding

that’s it! All of that planning and preparation has been

Experience and it’s a keepsake that you will be showing

well documented, and now all those high quality

your children and grandchildren one day!


Parent Sized Album

10x10 Engagement Album 12x12 Storybook Album

**Albums begin at $800, more details upon booking.**



T H E W EDDI N G E X P E R IE N C E FAQ S ENGAGEMENTS I love it when couples ask me to photograph them in a location that is special to them! I book engagement sessions at least two months in advance, a minimum of six months before the wedding event. If you include an engagement session in your collection, we will schedule that after booking!

DIGITAL COLLECTION A second photographer and myself, average a final number of approximately 75-100 curated images per hour of coverage. The photographs will be available in a personal online gallery, used for viewing and selecting images for any products purchased. If you would like to purchase the digital collection, the digital image files will come with a print release (for personal printing only) and are available via a digital download.

COVERAGE I am asked often if eight hours is enough time to capture the full wedding story, the answer is YES! The main goal is to secure and save your date. Later, you can always add additional hours of coverage when you have a better idea of your timeline.

SHOOTING STYLE I am both interactive and discreet throughout the wedding day. There will be parts of the day when I will need to be in control to accomplish everything that needs to be done to help stay on time. Then there will be moments when you shouldn’t even know I am there! I teach couples how to pose and interact during the engagement session, so they know what to expect and are naturals by the wedding day.

BOOKING Once you have decided the Wedding Experience is right for you, the next step is to secure your date. I will send you a contract and investment packet, this will walk you through all the specifics. When you are ready, save your date by signing the contract and paying the retainer online. Once booked, we will then set up an appointment to look through albums, pick the size and decide on the details of your legacy.


[email protected]


The Estate at Florentine Gardens, River Vale, NJ

Aldie Mansion, Doylestown, PA

THA N K YO U If only life had a ‘pause’ button, we could perfectly

I hope you enjoy this season of your engagement

preserve a moment in time. At JLP, I want to

and that you get excited about your BIG DAY

preserve your beautiful legacy by capturing the

because it is going to be fabulous! Plan and

moments that are important to you. The one’s that

prepare well, but remember that at the end of

will help you tell the story of where it all began!

the day, you are marrying the love of your life and

I would love to share my gifts with you, then give

that’s all that really matters. Congratulations on

you the opportunity to connect with those sweet

your engagement and I hope to connect soon!

moments daily.





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