20th December 2023

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THURSDAY min 11 max 27°

WEDNESDAY min 10° max 23°

FRIDAY min 14° max 29°

St. Arnaud, Charlton, Wedderburn & Surrounding Districts

Est. 1864

18 Napier Street, St. Arnaud. 3478. - Advertising & Editorial Material - Ph.: (03) 5495 1055; Fax.: (03) 5495 1937. Email: [email protected] Published weekly. Registered by Australia Post, Publication No. VAC 4217.



Circulating in:- St. Arnaud, Charlton, Donald, Rupanyup, Bealiba, Stawell, Marnoo, Navarre, Dunolly, Wycheproof, Wedderburn, Birchip, Korong Vale, Stuart Mill, Redbank, Avoca & Moonambel.

Merry Christmas

(Incl. GST)

Inside today - Businesses Christmas messages and trading hours

Council calls time on ‘cost shifting’ from State Government AT a special meeting of the Northern Grampians Shire Council (NGSC) on Monday 18th December, it was agreed, 5 votes to 2 votes, to not join the Governments School Crossing Scheme as the issue was really one of cost shifting of the expense of school crossing supervisors and not one of safety of the children of this shire.

The changing pattern of funding of crossings

at the time), the Department of Education, local schools and the community on resolving the safety concerns for children getting to school.

Council ceased providing school crossing supervisors across the municipality in December 2015 following a review of Local Law services. It was determined that Council had no legal requirement to provide school crossing super visors at the six sites and would therefore stop providing the service, committing to working with the Department o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d Planning (VicRoads

The Department of Transport and Planning provided school crossing super visors in January 2016, intending this activity to be an interim measure. In September 2023, the Department of Tr a n s p o r t and Planning notified Council and schools: 1. it will hand back responsibility for supervised school crossings on local roads to Council, including Stawell

Primary School (Barnes Street, Stawell) and Stawell West Primary School (Cooper Street, Stawell) 2. it will cease providing a supervisor at school crossing on arterial roads at the Stawell Secondar y College ( Pa t r i c k Street, Stawell) 3. it will continue to manage supervised school crossings on arterial roads (shortmedium term) at both St Patrick’s Primary School Stawell and St. Arnaud Primary School (Charlton Road, St Arnaud) This change was to come into effect at the end of this term in 2023.

Above: The School Crossing Supervisor at St. Arnaud Primary School on Charlton Road.

Government Subsidy Councils must provide certain information to the State Government to be eligible for a subsidy and the basis of these include for a Primary School, more than 100 vehicles and 20 students using the crossing, and for a Secondar y School, more than 250 vehicles and 20 students. Three Stawell schools, that is the Secondary School and both the Stawell Primary School and the Stawell West Primary School, are all

on local roads and therefore the cost of crossing supervisors would be handed back to NGSC.

Legal requirement to provide crossing supervisors Although there is no legal requirement for local councils to provide school crossing super visors, most councils provide the super vision with around half of the cost subsidised by the State Government. However, local

governments are collectively dissatisfied that the subsidy does not going far enough to meet the costs. The Municipal Association Victoria (MAV) is supporting local government, calling for a ‘shift towards working as true partners to ensure every municipality has a safe solution’ for children. The MAV believes that without a genuine partnership that there is no reasonable basis for councils to continue to deliver school crossing supervision. The State Govern-

ment is developing a School Crossing Risk Assessment Framework which is intended to replace the current funding arrangements, provide greater clarify and a standardised approach to providing supervised crossings. This approach is intended to be rolled out to eligible crossings in 2024.

Division in council All Councillors agreed that the interests of the safety of children in the shire was their primary concern and consideration. • Cont. page 3.

Christmas and New Year message from North Central News team

Another St. Arnaud Christmas Procession

North Central News would like to thank their readers and advertisers for their support throughout the year and wish all a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Our first edition for 2024 will be Wednesday 24th January. The NCN office will be closed from 5pm (tomorrow) Thursday 21st and re-opening on Thursday 18th January.

Left: With many children joining with the adults in this year’s St. Arnaud Christmas procession it was a truly heart warming occasion. - More pictures of the entrants are on pages 14 and 15.

COVID Updates and Developments Victorian stats The number of people in hospital with COVID -19 declined again this week with a daily average of 266, down from 274 last week. The current average remains high compared to recent months but remains below the most recent peak in May/June. The 7-day average of ICU patients increased this week (11 to 15). Quantitative wastewater measures indicate there are high COVID-19 viral loads in Victorian wastewater. Metropolitan wastewater catchments have shown increased levels in the most recent samples, while regional quantitative wastewater levels continue to remain high.

SE Asia urge masks On account of the rapid spread of respiratory infections such as Covid-19, governments in Southeast Asia have decided to bring back strategies to control it. People are urged to wear masks at the airport again and a temperature scanner will be present as well. The aim is to slow down the variety of germs, like COVID variants, flu, pneumonia and other respiratory pathogens, that has the potential to stress the healthcare system.

Flu and COVID connection People who have been hospitalised with flu are at an increased risk of longer-term health problems, similar to those with long COVID, data suggests. While the symptoms associated with such “long flu” appear to be more focused on the lungs than ongoing COVID symptoms, in both cases the risk of death and disability was greater in the months after infection than in the first 30 days.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK Yo u d o n ' t t e l l deliberate lies, but sometimes you have to be evasive. Margaret Thatcher

Why is it so difficult to be transparent? THE issue of transparency in Local Government has once again raised its head, this time in response to a question by a member of the community to the Northern Grampians Shire Council about when they actually received notification that the elm trees in Golden Street and the yellow gums in Market Square were being considered for heritage listing. On the surface it seems fairly straight forward, however, when you realise that the trees in both these streets were the subject of some of the push against the Market Square carpark being used for the location of the pre-prep modular buildings and the necessity therefore to upgrade more car spaces in nearby streets. The question was designed to flush out whether or not this council was in this case being transparent about their decision making, because the community member questioning had been informed by the National Trust that they had advised the council on 11th July of the nomination. This date has been confirmed by Trenton Fithall in his response to a Public Question at the last Council meeting, and also that the council also was aware of the nomination by the National Trust when the council proposed to site the EV charging station at the roots of the beautiful elms. Before the last NGSC meeting and before the Public Question the council had allegedly firstly provided the excuse that ‘apparently the communication was not forwarded to the Director responsible for the decision’. It is also alleged that although the National Trust followed up with a phone call that this also was not communicated to the appropriate director, the council allegedly says. The National Trust it is alleged then contacted ‘the planning and strategy’ team on September 19th informingQld them that the elms had been assessedAas locally4217 significant, which infers the council is responsible for their care and they are urged to protect them 1 800 652 284 and secondly that the yellow gums had passed the F hurdle of being designated as ‘regionally E significant’. Once again, it is alleged that there was no response. By this time rumours began circulating that the EV charging station was going to be sited in Golden Street, so although Trenton Fithall’s response indicates that yes, Ted Whillier Northern Grampians council did know about C the National Trust notification before the Market Square carpark debacle before the Mattand Trickey EV charging site issue, it is now relying upon C the arborists report. Next, the council’s request of an arborists report on the trees, (we ask … Is this similar to requesting an hydrologists report on the Market Square carpark). For those that do not see the similarities – in both cases, we allege that when it appears that an incorrect decision may have been made, the Northern Grampians Shire Council requests ‘a report’ which can then be the determining factor for a new decision. We are suspicious that the elms are in danger if an EV charging station is placed at their roots. Although the concerned resident has requested this report, it was initially denied saying ‘it is too technical and you would not understand it’. Council staff has now agreed to supply the report to the concerned resident but the arborists name will be redacted. However, they are D still waiting. And while we are at it, we (North Central News) are often ‘told’ by council staff that if we want a question answered to just ‘pop it in writing’ and we will get you an answer. This is usually stated as a complaint that we write ‘without consulting them on the facts’.

North Central News is published weekly by Peter Marland, 3279 Charlton/St. Arnaud Road, Slaty Creek for NCNews Pty. Ltd., 18 Napier Street, St. Arnaud. A.C.N. 146 461 903. Printed by Western District Newspaper P/L, Camperdown Vic. Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VAC 4217 - Recommended and maximum selling price only.



St. Arnaud, Charlton & surrounding districts

When asked last week for an update on what was happening with the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station…a reply was not received in time for this Editorial*. Dear council, when we want a statement it is not next week, next year or next month, we need it as soon as possible. Perhaps the idea is that if we have to wait for how-ever long, the moment will have passed and the issue becomes nul and void. According to the Local Government Act of 2020 communities are entitled to transparency of decision making, transparency that shows how a decision was arrived at. Although this editorial contains allegations we are fast becoming convinced that this council believes transQld parency is a matter ofA avoiding 4217 answering questions rather than clarifying how a decision was arrived at. 1 800 652 284 F received from the *Note – A reply was Northern Grampians Shire E after the writing of this Editorial. The council confirmed the arborists report was of the opinion that the EV charging station would potentially harm the elms in Golden Street, and for some considerable Ted Whillier distance.


18 Napier St., St. Arnaud, Victoria 3478. Phone: (03) 5495 1055; Email: [email protected]

N.C.N. INFORMATION The North Central News is 100% locally owned, independent newspaper, established in 1864. With an ABC audited circulation of 1,650 copies, and an estimated readership of over 4,250 throughout the Northern Grampians and Buloke Shires. SUBSCRIPTIONS Annual subscription for 12 months is only $144.00 (inc. GST), including postage and packaging. ADVERTISING & COPY DETAILS Artwork, and all advertisements or alterations are to be submitted before 5.00pm Friday prior to publication. Announcements of births, deaths, marriages and engagements must be properly authenticated. N.C.N. prefers advertisement and editorial copy to be typed or neatly hand-written to avoid being published incorrectly. We accept no responsibility for error or misspellings in illegible advertisement and editorial copy.

DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by the publisher or editor. The publisher and staff accept no liability for injury or losses which may occur as a result of information presented in this publication. © Copyright 2023

Matt Trickey

No. 10119









11 14




6 10







21 22 23




30 32



26 31




37 38


ACROSS 2 Those holding prisoners 7 Within the law 9 Ireland (Gaelic) 11 Taken into account 14 Untruthful persons 16 Worshipped image 17 Church towers 18 Depressed 20 Wager 21 Foe 22 High explosive (init) 23 Of sound waves 26 Tavern 28 Permit 30 Cardinal's title 32 Poet's Ireland 33 Unpleasant 34 Removing from resting place 36 Region 37 Tiny island 38 Proteins catalysing chemical reactions

Proudly sponsored by:-


See this week’s solution on page 16.

DOWN 1 Cherry coloured 2 Shut 3 Three­pronged spear 4 Stagger 5 Knight's title 6 Blushing 8 Land measure 10 Nevada's city of easy divorce 12 Making mute 13 Prescribed amount 15 Bear witness to 18 Words of a song 19 Caution 20 Painful swelling 22 Shyly 24 Wicked Roman 25 Sport 27 Lower 29 Eastern ruler 31 Inferior horses 32 Dash 34 Water storage 35 Bishop's territory

To the Editor Full house at Cinema Dear Editor, A couple of weeks ago the St. Arnaud Community Cinema team received a request to screen a movie as, we suspect, an end of year “treat” for the students of St Patricks Primary School. Although time was short, we managed to obtain a suitable movie on its first release in country Victoria much to the delight of all concerned. We wish to record the privilege it was to screen the movie before a full house of 112 students and teachers. The excellent organisation by the school together with the exemplary behaviour of the students made it a pleasure for our voluntary team to assist and was a credit to the whole school. Please come again. Stephen Greenall, Convenor, St. Arnaud Community Cinema.


Above: (left to right) Harley Durward IGA Store Manager and Shirlee Tillig.

Shirlee wins Red Star THE winner of the RED STAR competition is Shirlee Tillig from St. Arnaud. Shirlee wins the $1000 dollar cash prize sponsored by North Central News. She filled in her coupon at St. Arnaud Weir’s IGA plus Liquor.

Council calls time on ‘cost shifting’ from State Government • From page 1. Although Cr. Karen Hyslop moved a motion to join the School Crossing Scheme, it was only supported by Cr. Kevin Erwin and a separate motion by Cr. Eddy Ostarcevic that proposed the council not join the School Crossing Scheme to ensure council was not rushed into a decision without all the detail of the plan. Cr. Ostarcevic’s alternative motion


would commit to managing the crossings in Stawell and have the State Government provide crossing supervisors at St. Arnaud Primar y and St. Patricks Stawell. “This is a half-baked scheme. “We do not understand all that they are offering. “But we have no understanding of the road treatments on arterial roads. “Why should the

community accept this” Cr. Ostarcevic said. This motion was passed. There was no broad community engagement undertaken due to the tight timeframe required to decide and respond to schools in preparation for the new school year. Under the motion approved, time would be then available to have comprehensive community engagement.

PLEASE NOTE: St. Arnaud Secondary School Presentation Night report has been held over until the first edition in 2024 SUDOKU SOLUTION

WEEKLY RAINFALL ST. ARNAUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.6 RAINFALL FOR DECEMBER . . . . . .10.6 YEARLY RAINFALL TO DATE . .397.1mm CHARLTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.0 RAINFALL FOR DECEMBER . . . . . . .7.0 YEARLY RAINFALL TO DATE . .261.0mm

3 1 8 7 5 6 4 2 9 9 7 2 3 4 1 8 5 6 5 6 4 2 9 8 3 1 7 8 2 3 6 1 5 7 9 4 1 9 6 4 2 7 5 8 3 7 4 5 8 3 9 1 6 2 2 5 7 1 6 3 9 4 8 6 3 9 5 8 4 2 7 1 4 8 1 9 7 2 6 3 5

Rubber Stamps

Matinees Special $10.00 pp !

Wed 10thJan @ 2.00 pm & Fri 12h Jan @ 6.30 pm & Sun 14th Jan @ 2.00pm

“WONKA” ( 116 mins)


Wed 24th Jan @ 2.00 pm & Sun 28thJan @ 2.00 pm

Disney’s “WISH” ( 95 mins) Gift passes: 5 for $45.00 10 for $90.00.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year! Thank you for your support in 2023! Please check our website and Facebook page for updates www.starnaudcinema.com Ph. 0408 559 246

St Arnaud Community Update Standpipe relocation Planning approvals for the relocation of the standpipe have now been received and the contract has been awarded to Halls Gap Plumbing for installation of the pipework that will run to the new standpipe location. The standpipe should be fully operational by early next year. Pressure improvements Approvals have been received to replace the Bowen Street main. A contract has been awarded to H !!"#$ %#&!'()*+, for these works. We expect these works to be completed by mid-2024. We are also currently undertaking works to upgrade water mains in Preece, George and Howitt Streets. Further opportunities to improve pressure in St Arnaud will also be considered once works are completed to relocate the standpipe. !"#$"%&'()# !"#$%&'(#)*++#&+$('#5 pm Friday 22 December 2023, and reopen 8 am Tuesday 2 January 2024. ,$"#-*%&!+.*'(#/0-#1/!+.(2#3+'/('#&/++#!(#$0#1800 188 586 any time. GWMWater wishes all our customers a happy and safe festive season!

North Central News (03) 5495 1055 NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20th 2023 - Page 3

St. Arnaud 100 Years Ago: 13th –31st December Hospital Annual egg appeal – 350 dozen eggs donated by school children. Tenders accepted to supply goods to the hospital for the next 12 months – Milk J W Young 5d a quart, bread W Bales 9d per 4lb loaf, meat J Crone and McDonald Bros and internments W Kell £3 each,

Scottish Concert The Mildura and District Highland Pipe Band gave a concert in the Town Hall on 28th December.

Deaths Former St. Arnaud

resident Mrs Eleanor Smith, wife of Alfred Smith of Birchip died age 32 years on 19th December. Eleanor, who had five children, had only been ill for three days and was buried at St. Arnaud. Mr Julius Ernest Wandel died at Elsternwick on 23rd December age 51 years, leaving his wife Fanny and 6 children and was buried at St. Arnaud. He was born at Mortlake and came to Kooreh as an infant, and 12 years later moved to Underbool. Two years ago he had an operation in Melbourne but never fully recovered.

red by: Proudly sponso

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Last year the family moved to Elsternwick and four months later he suffered a severe haemorrhage and was confined to bed. On 22nd December, Mrs Annie Parry, of Navarre died age 66 years, leaving her husband, Richard and six sons and two daughters. Annie was born at Great Western and was buried at Navarre. Mr James Stringer of Moolerr died age 73 on 27th December, leaving a widow and ten children. He was born in Birmingham and came to Australia in 1857; lived in this district for 28 years and was buried at St. Arnaud. L eonard Jeffree Morrison eldest son of David and Henrietta Morrison, died age 8 years, on 31st December, having suffered since infancy. The eldest son of the late Mr E J Alexander of St. Arnaud; Edwin William Alexander died age 32 years after an illness of seven years and was buried in the Heidelberg cemetery. He leaves a widow and 5 children, the eldest being 10-year-old twins and the youngest age 4 years.

High School Speech Night The headmaster Mr James reported enrolments this year had increased to 141 pupils, with more girls attending than previous years. There were many awards announced during the night and many exam results were later published in the ‘Mercury’. Merit certificates John Simpson, Jeffery Parry, Robert Watson, Jean Crone, John Rowe,




Everything Christmas LYAL EALES STORES •Camping •Disposals •Hardware •Homewares 59 NAPIER STREET, ST. ARNAUD. PH: (03) 5495 2021 Monday to Thursday 9am - 5.30pm; Friday 9am - 6pm; Saturday & Sunday 9am - 2pm


Ursula Wheeler, Ivy Kingsley, Gwen Smith, Helen Brewer, and Una Benson. Thirteen pupils gained their intermediate certificates with special mentions due to Kath Grigg, Elsie Benson, Elvie McCahon and Mollie Wembridge who all passed nine subjects. Dux of Form B Mary Wembridge, Form C Cliff Hughes, Form D Doris Johnson, Form E Robert Watson and Form F Irene Center. Finest influence in the school, Elsie Benson and Lindsay Knights. Red House won the ‘Dunstan Cup’ defeating Brown House by one point.

Convent of Mercy The Town Hall was packed to capacity for the annual concert by the pupils of the local convent. There were several items by the orchestra of 18 pupils, plus recitations, songs, piano solos, dances, a play and an operetta. The Shakespearean play was a section from the Merchant of Venice with performers A and K Slater, R and M Hoye, U Bray, J Erket, M McGannon, S Kelly, M Caldow, and E Delahenty. The operetta ‘The Girl who would be a Dolly’ by younger pupils – Fairy Queen Rita Hoye and her trainbearer Aileen Robinson, baby dolls Eileen and Bessie McKew, Mary and Greta Scilini, Gertie Feeny, Evelyn Cleary, Cath Hoye, and Molly Kelly. The most popular item of the evening was a humorous song about an elephant by Willie Sheehan [Indian driver] and Lionel Wilson and Charlie Morrison [elephant] assisted by Frank Silva, Willie Moore, Joe Ward, Mick Morris, Salve and Vincent Travaglia, Jack Feeny, Des Delahenty, Keith and Bob McErlain and Ronnie McGoldrick.

Tennis Kooreh 49 beat St. Arnaud North 48. Men’s doubles – E Dohnt and D Ross [K] lost to L Pritchard and R Petrie [ST N] 3-6. Slaty Creek 12 lost to Church of England 48. Men’s doubles H Claxton and D Rotherham [SC] lost to C Kearnan and A J Mitchell [C of E] 1-6. Presbyterians 44 beat St Patrick’s 36. Men’s doubles L Knights and L Crone

[P] beat J Ryan and L Dunkley [St P] 5-6.

Cricket St. Arnaud 178 beat Donald 122, with most runs for St. Arnaud by G Edwards 48 & H Bath 42 and for Donald A Adams 30 and L Stephenson 26.

Sales Mr R Faulkner sells large allotment with 198 ft frontage to Alma St and 133 ft frontage to Bowen St, with small house. Mr A J Crogan sells near new brick house of 4 large rooms with 5 ft passage throughout, large kitchen, bathroom, washhouse & motor garage. Situated in Queen’s Ave plus 2 building allotments in McMahon St.

Wheat Harvest Mr E Humphreys delivered the first load of the new season’s wheat to Cope Cope on 18th December. Mr A Dellavedova

.delivered the first load of wheat to Sutherland, it averaged 190 lbs per bag from a paddock yielding 14 bags an acre. Mr L Harley of Slaty Creek delivered the first load of wheat to St. Arnaud, 86 bags weighing 6 tons 19 cwt 2 qrs. Mr H Pole of Slaty Creek delivered the first load of oats to St. Arnaud 91 bags weighing 5 tons 2cwt 2 qrs.

Christmas Eve Napier St. was crowded as people took advantage of the late night shopping, while the St. Arnaud Band entertained throughout the evening. At 9 o’clock children gathered outside Brays Department Store for the drawing of the winning tickets for a large rocking horse, a girl’s gondola pram, a boys bicycle and a large dressed baby doll. Unfortunately the winning numbers were

- by Heather Pritchard published in the Mercury but not the names The Salvation Army travelled about town singing carols outside many homes.

Boxing Day Cricket St. Arnaud 162 beat Warracknabeal 94 with most runs for St. Arnaud by T Howse 39 and A Frolich 38 and for Warracknabeal Harwood and Johnson 23 each. In the evening a ball was held at the Kooreh Hall, with dance music supplied by Mrs T Proctor, Miss Murray, Mr R Wandel, Miss Mullins [piano], Mr Murray, L Jeremiah, E Dohnt [violins] and A Proctor [piccolo].

Weather A thunderstorm on Christmas Eve resulted in 15 points making 113 points for December and a total of 20 inches 72 points for the year.

Above: Craig Cornwall.

Craig receives School Sport Victoria Life Membership RECENTLY retired St. Arnaud Secondary College teacher Craig Cornwell was awarded Life Membership from School Sport Victoria at the SSV Annual Conference on Monday 4th December. This is a fantastic recognition of the dedication and service Craig provided to McAuley College, St. Arnaud Secondar y College and school sport, spanning 39 years. Craig was initially employed as the School Sport Coordinator at McAuley College from 1984 – 2001 (17 years) and

then moved to St. Arnaud Secondar y College after McAuley’s closure in 2002. Craig then took on the role of School Sports Coordinator at St. Arnaud Secondary College from 2002-2012 adding a further 10 years of service in school sport. For this same period of time 2002-2012, Craig was also engaged

by VSSSA and School Sport Victoria to undertake the Division Coordinator role for the Division of North Central in the Loddon Mallee Region. Craig still continues to offer support in the running of different sporting events at St. Arnaud Secondar y College Congratulations, Craig.

Haylett awards courage in Ripon schools Above: Stephen Greenall (right) presents Neil Robinson with a Certificate of Appreciation and a ‘Mouse towel’.

A salute to Neil Robinson AT the Christmas windup celebrations for the St. Arnaud Community Cinema, the Cinema Team took the opportunity to present Neil Robinson with a Certificate of Appreciation for his helpful assistance to the communityrun Cinema during his tenure as Hallkeeper at the St. Arnaud Town Hall. Having worked in that capacity with the former Town of St. Arnaud and then the Northern Grampians Shire for some thirty five years (might be a story or two there!) Neil had assisted the Cinema from its inception, having been on the foundation team, until his recent retirement from the Shire, a period of some twenty two years. In presenting Neil

with his certificate and also a towel emblazoned with an embroidered mouse and the wording “Mouse”, Stephen Greenall, Cinema Convenor, thanked Neil for his contribution to the cinema’s success, pointing out that it would be inappropriate to allow “Mouse” out of the house without “Mouse trapping” him to recognise the importance of

- Contributed his contribution to the town. Neil responded that, although his assistance to the Cinema Team was expected as part of his work, it had been a pleasure to work with the team in providing a community asset, and he wished it all the best for the future. One thing is for certain…there is one “Mouse” less in the Town Hall!

LAST week Martha Haylett MP Member for Ripon, visited St Patrick’s Primary and attended their end of year school awards and Mass, presenting her inaugural Martha Haylett’s School Award for Courage to two worthy recipients. Ms Haylett said her new Annual Award for Courage celebrates the incredible individuals who make our schools great across Ripon, with a particular focus on those who show courage in the face of adversity. St. Patrick’s students Zachary and Fletcher Dunstan were the recipients of this award. “Recipients were chosen by the school’s leadership and community.

Above: Martha Haylett (centre) pictured with the recipients of her Award for Courage to (left) Zachary and Fletcher Dunstan (right). “Each celebrates acts of bravery big and small – from standing up for others to being willing to take on a challenge or try

new things.” Any member of the school community was eligible to receive the award, including students,

staff, volunteers, and supporters. Each recipient received a $50 IGA gift voucher, in addition to a framed certificate.


Year 12 Dux : Around the Schools class teachers have been away. Supported by his family and staff at the College, Lennon balanced his studies with his extra roles at College. He is to be congratulated for his achievements. We look forward to hearing about his journey as it unfolds.

Above: Lennon Jablonka is the Dux of Charlton College for 2023.

Charlton College Dux at Charlton College is Lennon Jablonka. Lennon has demonstrated a conscientious and hardworking approach to his studies. As student Lennon has kept his teachers on their toes with lots of questions and always wanting to know more, Lennon has even stepped in during the year to support his class mates by teaching content when his

Above: Kate Thompson is the Dux of Wycheproof P-12 College for 2023

Wycheproof P-12 College Kate Thompson is the 2023 Dux of Wycheproof P12 College with the impressive

ATAR score of 97.85. She is the eldest daughter of Suzi Thompson and Brett Thompson and is planning to take a gap year in 2024, travelling and working in Europe. Kate has worked hard over the past three years studying English, Maths Methods, Further Maths (in Year 10), Physical Education (in Year 11), Physics and Specialist Maths. All throughout her schooling, Kate has been an exemplary school leader with a keen interest in studying Chinese and has been an important member of the Senior Concert Band and various sporting teams (especially swimming). Kate intends to study Engineering at the University of Melbourne after her return from her overseas travels. Wycheproof P12 College congratulates all VCE and VM students on their numerous successes throughout 2023 and many graduates

have already secured employment and early entry into tertiary studies next year. We wish them all the best for their future and look forward to hearing about their various endeavours.

Above: Macie Mortlock, Dux of Donald High School

Donald High School The Dux for 2023 at Donald High School is Macie Mortlock. Macie achieved an ATAR score of 81.75, which included study scores of 37 for History

St. Arnaud Lions Club Inc.

CHRISTMAS School Colouring Competition 2023 Lucky Winners –

and HHD (putting her in the top 17% of students in the state for that study), 32 for English, 31 for Phys. Ed and General Maths, as well as 34 for Geography (studied in Year 11). Macie’s final result puts her in the top 19% of VCE students in the state for this year. Over her six Year 12 studies she undertook in 2022 and 2023, she achieved 8 individual assessments of an A or A+ from a possible eighteen. Macie would like to thank the staff of Donald High School towards her education over the past few years, including two difficult years of remote learning when she was completing Year 9 and Year 10. She would also like to thank her family for all their support over the course of her education and putting up with some stressful times over the course of the year. Macie intends studying a Bachelor of Health Sciences, majoring in Nutrition, at Deakin University in 2024. Out of the six strong cohort of Year 12 VCE students in 2023, four achieved an ATAR score in excess of 75 putting them in the top 25% of students in the state. Including the five Year 11 students who studied at least one Year 12 subject this year, two students achieved scores over 40, while six students achieved at

least one study score of 35 or above, placing them in the top 25% of students in the state for that study. 60% of all scores were in the top half of the state. Donald High School congratulates the class of 2023 and wishes them all success and happiness in their lives beyond school.

dents graduating with their Victorian Certificate of Education in 2023. Many of these students have also successfully completed studies in Vocational Education and Training. Overall, Birchip P-12 School is pleased with the result that students received and that they have achieved the outcomes needed for the next step in their lives.

Above: Bridie Reid, Dux of Birchip P-12 School

Birchip P -12 School Birchip P-12 School Dux for 2023 is Bridie Reid who earned the ATAR of 80.70. Bridie obtained study scores in English, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Agriculture and Horticulture, Engineering, Chemistry and Physical Education. She is hoping to study a Bachelor of Business (Agribusiness) at La Trobe University in Bendigo next year having already received an Aspire offer. Birchip P-12 School congratulates the 10 stu-

Above: Ella Bailey, Dux of Wedderburn College.

Wedderburn P -12 The Dux of Wedderburn College was Ella Bailey. Last week’s edition of North Central News had the details of the St. Arnaud Secondary School Dux, Jesse Amos with an ATAR of 89. Congratulations to all Year 12 students in this region and wishing all of them, and next year’s Year 12, best wishes for the coming year.

St. Arnaud Primary School Age 6 Age 7 Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12

Braxton Shaw Ben Thomson Elyza Chaise Buttery Kate McCrohan Lewis Lowe Jess Mahoney

St. Arnaud Primary School visitors from McCallum Stewart Leager Peter Ryan Matthew Lembo Gavin Dickson

St. Patricks Primary School Age 5 Age 7 Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Age 12

Bonnie McNally Alice Batters Edward Sanderson Myah Carroll Evie Y Spencer Kay Sienna Carroll

All entries displayed in the window so businesses f in Napier Stree t

Colouring Competition Proudly Sponsored by:





Above: (left to right) Fred Kell, Matt Decker, John Kell

SES award National Medals for Service AT the Christmas end of year dinner John and Fred Kell were awarded the National Medal for service by Matt Decker, Controller. John was also awarded the St. Arnaud SES member of the year for his exceptional work done

above his normal service in SES. St. Arnaud SES trains every second Monday at 7 pm, if

anyone would like to join and learn new skills in road rescue and more you are welcome to attend.


EWHS Board Chair addresses AGM THE Board Chair of the East Wimmera Health Service (EWHS) Julianne Clift has addressed the Annual General Meeting held recently. Here is her report: “While the focus of an AGM is to celebrate successes over the last year, it is also important to acknowledge both our most pressing challenges and our top priorities moving forward. The global pandemic created significant industry challenges over the last three years for the EWHS’s. EWHS played a vital role in ensuring that our community remained safe. The ongoing impacts continue specifically in the area of workforce shortages and changing lifestyle preferences. The EWHS Board and Executive continue to implement strategic priorities in line with our Strategic Plan for the 2021-2025 period. Providing health services is about the people - the people who provide care, the people who receive care and the people in our communities, working together to support wellness and healthy lifestyles. Our future direction continues to be focused on our community and our vision of seeing sustainable improvement in the health and wellbeing of our community. We w a n t t o b e known for our safe and quality care and in providing services that meet the needs of our community. EWHS healthcare role is not just within the hospital setting, we are extending

health care and promotion in the community with new ways of delivering care to people, to improve access, equity and most importantly improving the health outcomes.

Strategic plan Our strategic plan, by understanding and analysing our population health and wellbeing needs, allows us to develop and implement a plan that is our roadmap to improve the health and wellbeing of our community. Our Strategic Vision is to see sustainable improvements in the health and wellbeing of our community. Our Purpose, is to work together with our community to achieve better health and wellbeing outcomes. There are four strategic priorities: Our Communities, Our Workforce, Our Pa r t n e r s a n d O u r Business. The plan is available from the EWHS website for your information. The Plan guides the Board of Directors and Executive in striving for an innovative model for a small rural health service into the future. The communities we provide health services to cover the Northern Grampians and Buloke Shires. Key to determining our continuing priorities for the strategic

plan are the health outcomes for our community. A key achievement for the Board in 2022/2023 in line with our strategic plan and helping us to plan to be an innovative small rural health service into the future was the completion of an environmental and service profile analysis report. There is an increase in policy emphasis on service integration and seamless care that places the community individuals at the centre of care. There is strong policy and environmental factors suggesting that the population will need services that focus on prevention and treatment of high level of chronic disease and ensuring access to services that impact on premature mortality. The deliver y of these services will require innovative service models and a workforce that is flexible. The environmental and service profile analysis report highlighted the following challenges for EWHS:

Declining population Our catchment population has been declining and is projected to decline further. The population is also in the lowest quartile for socio-economic disadvantage in Victoria. There are high rates of family violence, problematic alcohol consumption, drug abuse, high rates of mental health and


Above: (left to right) Trevor Adem (EWHS CEO), Fiona Best (Birchip Cropping Group CEO) and Julianne Clift (EWHS Board Chair). smoking. There are significantly higher rates of premature mortality. Deaths from cancer and circulatory disease are higher rates than Victorian rates. Double the Victorian rates for suicide and self-inflicted harm. Urgent Care Centre presentations are at low volumes except at St. Arnaud and Donald and there has been an increase in the types of presentations best treated by G Ps or Nurse Practitioners. There has been a substantial and consistent reduction in acute services of 14.3% on average per annum. Utilisation of acute hospital beds is projected to continue to decline. Plus, the patients we do treat in hospital could have potentially been managed through communitybased services. Our residential aged care capacity is higher than demand. EWHS from this analysis recognises that EWHS should look to significant reforms across all its service domains, and core enablers.

Future change in services To the future the Board will be looking to significantly change the balance and mix of services, together with a fundamental shift in the service models. That is also a challenge, to adjust the service profile to be more relevant to community need, thereby improving the health care of our community. A key feature going forward will be to have conversations with our communities andto learn how we can

improve local access to primary health and community-based services.

Aged Care accreditation The Board can report that EWHS in August 2022 was awarded accreditation to all EWHS residential aged care facilities for the coming three years by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. This reflects the dedication and expertise that everyone on the EWHS team brings with them to their role each and every day. Planning for an onsite accreditation visit is always a significant undertaking and required the whole organisation to come together to prepare. From 1 July 2023 hospitals, separate to aged care, will be accredited through a short notice process, EWHS welcomes this, as this will reflect that EWHS continues to meet hospital and aged care standards and ongoing quality improvements. Victorian Healthcare is rapidly becoming a more cohesive system through formalised regional partnerships that undertake collaborative planning and shared delivery of services. Sharing experiences, gaining knowledge, contributing to a broader network than just our local catchment area really helps us in providing the care we can provide. Partnerships is a key component of our strategic plan.EWHS has commenced conversations with Federation University to conduct research into the history of our health services with a view to considering what our future health ser vices look like going forward.

Infrastructure projects Infrastructure projects completed during this period have included the: •Painting of the St. Arnaud campus •Purchase of furniture and fittings to give our residential facilities a more homely feel.

Continuation of Advocation The Board of Directors continued to advocate to the Victorian Government for new facilities, particularly as sites such as St. Arnaud are no longer fit for purpose. The Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to ensure that EWHS financials are well managed and have a stable financial position. We will continue to monitor and advocate to ensure that all requisite actions are planned and taken to manage cash flows accordingly. We are aware that staff have gone above and beyond, not only in responding to the various COVID -19 demands, but to continue to provide safe, quality care in difficult circumstances. As we continue to be challenged by a workforce impacted by COVID -19, we are actively continuing to recruit in a resource limited environment and provide support to our dedicated, resilient, and positive workforce.

Contribution by volunteers EWHS depends upon the contribution of our volunteers to assist our communities. We are starting to reconnect more fully with our valued volunteers and we recognise

and thank those who volunteer their time as community representatives on our various committees. Your input provides immeasurable input into shaping our decision making and policy development.

Executive contribution I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hospital Executive who continue to respond to the ongoing challenges of Covid 19 and those challenges of small rural health services.

Board Directors I would like to thank all Board Directors for their collaborative approach and commitment to the strategic leadership of our Health Service. As Chair, I am very grateful for their support and their shared vision of better, healthier communities. The Board welcomed Deidre Missingham, Philip Sabien and Tom Draffen as new Directors from 1 July 2022. The new Directors have provided important perspectives for the Board. We thank Tom Draffin and Naomi Goode who completed their tenures during 2022/23. It continues to be an honour to work with our hospital executive and board members to strengthen EWHS’s position to deliver efficient, high quality health care to our communities despite ongoing challenges that persist. I am certain that EWHS will continue to lead positive change in our communities through collaborative efforts, innovative care delivery models and commitment to continuous improvement.

Charlton 100 Years Ago: 15th - 26th December 1923 Gun Club The following is the result of the sparrow shoot held on 12th. Inst.1st sweep, 6 entries. N. Frahm and J. M. Smith divided. 2nd sweep, 7 entries. R. H. Klunder, A. C. Bertoli and F. Beckham divided. 3rd sweep, 8 entries. F. Beckham and A. C. Bertoli divided. 4th sweep, 8 entries. W. Biddlestone, R. Luth and R. J. Smith divided. 5th sweep, 11 entries. R. Luth, W. Biddlestone, A. C. Bertoli, R. J. Smith, F. Beckham, I. A. O’Donnell and Frank Lynas divided owing to shortage of birds.

Marmal Bush Fire Brigade A very largely attended meeting of residents of Lake Marmal was held in the local hall to form a branch of the bush fire brigade. Cr P. Rogan was voted to the chair and, after discussion, it was unanimously decided to form a branch of the Charlton Bush Fire Brigade. Membership was fixed at a minimum of one beater, value of 15/-, for persons holding under 1000 acres; landholders of over 1000 acres two beaters, equivalent to 30/-; and of 2000 acres and over, 3 beaters, or 45/-. Mr E. S. Bertoli was appointed honorary secretary; Mr D. O’Meara, captain; J. Delmenico, vice-captain; and F. Edwards, D. O’Meara, A. Poxon, G. Coote, and J. Baines collectors on their respective telephone lines. Members representing 30 beaters were enrolled, and three of the members volunteered to equip the brigade with a total of 3 watercarts and 3 pumps.

Charlton Water Supply – Lonsdale Channel The channel to Charlton will be about 100 miles long. Sixty miles has been fully surveyed and the remaining is expected to be completed in four months’ time. The earthwork of the channel has been placed with contractors for the first 40 miles, and of this, 20 miles is actually completed. With the strength of contractors now available, it is expected that the rate of progress during the summer and autumn will be about two miles weekly. The channel struc-

tures will, of course, be built simultaneously with the earth work. Should the season, therefore, remain favorable, the channel should be completed about this time next year.

Weather The maximum temperatures registered at the Post Office on Monday was 87 degrees; on Sunday 78 degrees; on Saturday, 91 degrees; and on Friday 91 degrees. Fifty points of rain fell during the 24 hours ending 9am on the 16th and 9 points on 18th. The total rainfall for the month is 63 points and for the year 1743 points.

by Charlton Golden Grains Museum First of all, everybody had a swim in the Avoca River, and then tennis and other games were played until the repast, generously donated by the ladies of the district, was ready for the keen appetites of the little folks. Just as they finished another guest – Father Christmas – was seen walking up the road. He had his stick to lean on and his sack of presents on his back. Mr D. Drew, on behalf of the teachers, Misses Wood and Murphy, thanked the

Above: 1900s Picnic at Wooroonook Lake. ladies for assisting them in making the afternoon a happy one. Mr R. Sait, on behalf of the parents, then extolled the teachers for

their efforts.

HES Breaking-up day at the HES – Mr A. E. Bilton, chairman of the

State School presided. The Headmaster (Mr N. McHutchinson) read the Annual Report: The rolls show the names of 66 students but the

attendance has declined. Staff – Messrs Greening, and Anson, Misses Soding, Lightfoot and Sweeney.

• Cont. page 10.

Gills nets permission In the “Victorian Government Gazette” of 28th November, it is notified, for general information, that it is intended, after the expiration of one month, to make a proclamation permitting the use of gill or set nets for the purpose of taking fish in Watson’s, Wooroonook, and Dew’s Lakes (commonly known as the Wooroonook Lakes), during the whole year, provided that no nets shall be used other than those with meshes measuring not less than three and a half inches.

Big Cod Messrs A. Wylie and S. J. Bennett were successful in hooking a 16 pounder cod at Glenloth, which turned the scales in Charlton at 12 ½ lb.

Wooronook East School At the recent examinations for Merit and Qualifying certificates, the school presented four candidates, all were successful. Merit Certificates were gained by Gus Parish (11 years), Melton Wright (12 years) and Chrissie Robertson (14 years). Jean Wright obtained her Qualifying Certificate. The results reflect credit on their teacher, Miss E. O’Connor, and show consistent work by the children, and are highly gratifying to the parents.

School Picnic A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at the Charlton East River Tennis Courts, when the two schools, Teddywaddy and Charlton East, held a combined picnic. There was a large attendance of parents and friends of the children.


Rotary Club awards for the year to deserving recipients AT the Rotary Club of St. Arnaud’s Christmas Dinner meeting held at The Shire Cafe, the annual Awards were announced.

Vocational Award

many years. “He started his apprenticeship when he was 19. “Shane and his wife Kerry opened their own business, and it has been running successfully for 23 years in January.

The Vocational Award went to Shane Birthisel. Luke Handley made the announcement of this award and said that Shane has been a local electrician for

“They had four children. “Shane takes pride in his profession and cares for his customers and has trained 5 apprentices, which are Kyle, one of their sons, Carl Baldock, Tristan McPhee, Ryan Neilson and Will Bertalli. “He is a very hard worker and provides his services to many

locals. “Shane can’t say no. “He ensures that his customers are all well looked after. “He tends to people who require his assistance throughout the day but also tends to call outs after hours. “He is very dedicated. “Whilst Shane runs his own business he also volunteers his time to the St. Arnaud SES. “He joined SES in May 1988, and still continues to this day. Luke continued saying that Shane is a very kind and caring person who loves his family and enjoys spending his free time with them. “Shane will semi retire after Christmas and he will continue to provide his time and services to some customers. “Congratulations Shane”, Luke said.

Excellence in Workmanship

Above: (left to right) Luke Hanley presents the Vocational Award to Shane Birthisel.

The Rotar y Excellence in Workmanship was awarded to Andrew George. Andrew George is

Above: (left to right) Joan Supple is presented with the Community Service Award from Tony Marland. the Coordinator of the St. Arnaud Community Resource Centre, a position he has held since 2016. In that time Andrew has raised the standard of the service provided by the Centre and increased the quality

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and number of volunteers. The Resource Centre offers a nearly unlimited range of services to the community, ranging from computer use; secretarial services such as printing, copying, sending and receiving faxes; assistance with IT such as mobile phones, computer problems, dealing with government departments and computer access. The Resource Centre also provides Food Share to those who need it. Occasionally the Resource Centre helps people who are homeless, with Andrew actively involved. Most of the clients are either old, technology illiterate and/or disadvantaged. In Andrew’s role as Coordinator, he deals with a diverse group of people who are often distressed by their inability to perform tasks or make applications for on-line services. Andrew provides these services with care, sensitivity and anonymity. Sometimes the

clients are extremely difficult, but Andrew manages them well with his gentle approach. Although Andrew has a demanding role as administrator, he always has time to help those in need, perhaps to his own detriment.

Community Service Award 2023 The Community Service Award was presented to an individual whom Rotary believes made an outstanding contribution to the community through their activities in the community This was awarded to Joan Supple. Joan has been dedicated to the St. Arnaud Agricultural Show for over 40 years as Secretary, she has been a member of the committee while still operating a shop in Charlton which she closes for a week before the St. Arnaud Show. There are not many people that reach this level of dedication to such a community group and for 40 years.

Charlton 100 years ago • From page 9. The School Committee has performed sterling work. The girls in the Sports have had a highly successful year winning both the Tennis and Basketball Shields. The boys’ sports have not been as successful as last year. The Ex-Students’ Association continued its good work.

Dux Medal awarded to Everett Arundell, with Doreen O’Meara a close second. Merit Certificates awarded to Harold Adams, Alan Bateman, Myrtle Jenkins, Emily Kirk, Thos Wood, Sam Wood, Harr y McConnell, Wm Fitzgerald. The night concluded with a concert. (Information from East Charlton Tribune)


456 Acres In Paradise

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The Best Just got Better 265 MURRAY ROAD, STUART MILL This stunning property boasts a four-bedroom, twobathroom Hensley home with an off ice. Situated on a vast 280.98 approx acre land, it offers ample space for all your farming needs. You'll find two spacious hay/machinery sheds, each measuring 24 x 12, perfect for storing your valuable farming inputs. Additionally, there's a workshop with a concrete floor and power supply,


456 Acres

measuring the same size, providing you with a dedicated space for all your projects. One of the standout features of this farm is the engineered catchment and irrigation system designed specifically for the main storage dam. This ensures a reliable water supply for irrigation purposes, allowing you to maintain your land and crops with ease. Furthermore, the property boasts excellent fencing and paddock division, ensuring the safety and security of your livestock. You can rest easy knowing

that your animals are well-contained and protected. With its impressive amenities and expansive acreage, this lifestyle farm offers a unique opportunity to embrace the joys of rural living. Whether you're an experienced farmer or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, this property has it all. Don't miss out on the chance to make this exceptional farm your own!

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Developing a new Plan for Victoria CONVERSATIONS with communities across the state will commence in order to develop a new plan for what our cities, towns and regions should look like in the coming decades.

Lions Club construct nativity scene in gardens Above: These Lions club fellows assembled the annual ‘Frank Keane Memorial Nativity Scene’ in the Queen Mary Gardens last week.

This will be the first ever whole-of-state plan, setting out how to further improve housing affordability and choice through to 2050 as the population grows to exceed 10 million, establishing targets for local government areas for where and how many homes need to be built. It will focus on initiatives across five pillars that will enable a strong economy, more equitable access to services and jobs, improved liveability and sustainability, and embed caring for Country and self-determination as a

foundation for Victoria’s future. The State Government will kick off a series of webinars and roundtables with industry and local government this year before broader community engagement begins across the state in early2024 ahead of the final plan being released at the end of next year. Victoria is growing, and it is the fastest growing state in Australia, with a population set to hit 10.3 million by 2051. To ease the housing pressure Victorians are facing, 2.24 million


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homes are needed in that time, including a target of 425,600 across regional and rural Victoria. As part of the Housing Statement, the Government announced package of reforms to the planning system to clear the backlog of approvals and build more homes, faster. Since that package was announced, a campaign has been launched to recruit 90 new planners to clear the backlog of approvals and we’ve seen industry coming forward in record numbers ready to build thousands of new homes. For more information, visit www.plan forvictoria.vic.gov.au

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EV Charging Station on the move PUBLIC Question time at the last ordinary meeting of Northern Grampians Shire Council (NGSC) on 11th December, one of the questions from the floor was replied to in writing by Trenton Fithall, Director of Infrastructure and Amenity. The question related to the nomination of the elm trees in Golden Street and the Yellow Gums in Market Square. Mr Trenton Fithall, answered that the council had been notified of the nomination of the trees to the National Trust on 11th July 2023, which was well prior (15th September) to the council advertising that the proposed EV charging station would be in Golden Street.

Arborists report

Phillips family reunion A reunion of the Phillips Family was held on Saturday 16th December 2023 commencing at the Shire Café, St. Arnaud. The family have all descended from Charles and Grace Willoughby. A time capsule was also opened providing a deeper understanding of the roots of this family. Full story of this family will be reported in the first edition in 2024.

Council undertook an Arbori-cultural Impact Assessment for the proposed electric vehicle charging station works on Golden St. As a result of the potential current and residual tree impacts and the landscape significance of the fourteen subject trees as a col-

lective, the proposed electric vehicle charging station and associated works was recommended to be moved to an alternative location. The assessment's recommendation is conclusive that the impact of the electric vehicle charging station and associated works will see the decline of the trees in close proximity to the proposed works and potentially adversely impact on the remaining trees along Golden St. As a result of the assessment, Council is considering alternative locations for the charging station. Council says that ini-

tial work indicates Market Square Carpark would an obvious alternative site. A spokesman for the Northern Grampians Shire Council said council intends on reaching out with business operators prior to Christmas, to ensure any decision regarding alternative location does not impact on business. “We are working toward the best outcome within our budget, project and physical constraints. “Once we determine our next move, we commit to communicate this to the broader community” said the spokesman.

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Another year almost gone and the St. Arnaud Christmas Procession is not failing ON a balmy night last Friday the St. Arnaud Christmas Procession was held with the theme “Bells, Baubles and Branches” and that really got everyone thinking. There were trucks with bells and there were utes with branches. The after-procession entertainment was hot with Eleanor Parry and company wowing the crowd. The Best Float was won by Amelia McIntyre. Best Family Float was the Ambulance Group. The Best Community Float was the St. Arnaud

Senior Citizens. Best Business Float was O’Connors with their many pieces of farm machinery, all dolled up for the occasion.

Christmas Lights competition The winner of the Christmas Lights was a hotly contested comp. with

the winner declared Bianca Hendry at 16 Millett Street. Second came Bree Manler at 23 Queens Avenue, with third Kylie Kirk at 47 Daly Road and 4th John Caddy at 12 Edwards Street.

Above and Below: The Best Float was awarded to Amelia McIntyre.

Red Star Competition The winner of the Red Star was Shirlee Tillig who will, we are sure, spend her $1,000 prize money wisely.

Above: The St. Arnaud Senior Citizens won the Best Community Float.

Above: O’Connors had a machinery entered and this was one that caught our eye.

Above: The winner of the Best Lights Competition was at 16 Millett Street


Above: The St. Arnaud Community Kitchen float.

Left: The runner up in the Best Lights was 23 Queens Avenue.

Above: And there were the presence of gophers all dolled up. Below: The St. Arnaud Citizens Brass Band led by Bob Wooley, provided the beat. Above: The students at the St. Arnaud Primary School marched to the tune of their Breakthrough Energy entrant. Below: The St. Arnaud Rail Station, Raillery Hub, were also dressed for the occasion.

Below: Trotting enthusiasts were also represented with bells and baubles (can’t see any branches) and the ponies did not seem to mind getting dolled up.

Above: There were broad smiles from the St. Arnaud Football and Netball Club and 5kg of sweets thrown out to the children. Below: Always on his ride-on Col Forster did not disappoint with his float, and instead of green rubbish, Col had children.

Above: Even the Police cars were decorated with all things Christmas. NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20th 2023 - Page 15

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1 Cerise 2 Captors 2 Shut 2 Closed 7 Legal 3 Three­pronged 3 Trident 9 Eire spear 4 Reel 11 Considered 4 Stagger 5 Sir 14 Liars 5 Knight's title 6 Red 16 Idol 6 Blushing 8 Acre 17 Steeples 8 Land measure 10 Reno 18 Low 10 Nevada's city of 12 Silencing 20 Bet easy divorce 13 Dose 21 Enemy 12 Making mute 15 Attest 22 TNT 13 Prescribed amount 18 Lyrics 23 Sonic 15 Bear witness to 19 Warn 26 Inn 18 Words of a song 20 Boil 28 Let 19 Caution 22 Timidly 30 Eminence 20 Painful swelling 24 Nero 32 Erin 22 Shyly 24 Wicked Roman 25 Tennis 33 Nasty 25 Sport 27 Nether 34 Dislodging 27 Lower 29 Emir 36 Area 29 Eastern ruler 31 Nags 37 Islet 31 Inferior horses 32 Elan 38 Enzymes 32 Dash 34 Dam 34 Water storage “WE’RE concerned not enough is35being See done to protect the rights of 35 Bishop's territory

In The Paddock

More protections needed under new transmission code

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d atalysing reactions


Solution No. 10119



landholders when it comes to the development and operation of transmission lines across farmland”. VFF President Emma Germano said the Essential Service Commission’s (ESC) newly released Land Access Code of Practice falls short of offering farmers the

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protections they need. “Whilst the code is a positive step forward, it will not apply to existing transmission lines and we are concerned that it will not apply to new transmission lines once they have an easement in place.” “We believe the code should apply to whole of life of transmission assets. This view was supported by other stakeholders including the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner.” “The Victorian Government needs to take action to ensure the rights of all landholders are protected moving forward,” Ms Germano said.


Ms Germano added the VFF had been consulted as part of the ESC’s work to develop the code, making an important contribution to ensuring the protection of biosecurity. “The need for biosecurity to be protected has been acknowledged in the code and transmission companies will be required to consult with landholders about farm biosecurity management plans and practices before entering their land.” “Some transmission companies attempted to water down these biosecurity requirements. We are pleased that the ESC has taken advice from the VFF

and Agriculture Victoria.” Ms Germano said work to create a stronger framework was underway. “We need comprehensive rules and guidelines to ensure transmission companies are respecting the rights of farmers, including protecting farm biosecurity.” “The VFF is undertaking work to design options for a code of practice for transmission development similar to the existing Code of Practice for Mineral Exploration.” “We are also in discussions with government and industry stakeholders to ensure there is training and accreditation for transmission companies to ensure their representatives follow these rules and respect farmers’ rights,” Ms Germano said.

Keeping your dog safe DO you know the rules about transporting your dog on the back of a vehicle? U n f o r t u n a t e l y, many dogs are injured or killed while travelling on the back of a moving vehicle. The law in Victoria requires that dogs on utes are restrained via a tether or cage, so that the dog cannot fall off or be injured when the vehicle moves or stops. When the outside temperature is at or above 28 degrees Celsius, a dog secured on the metal tray of a ute or trailer must have access to an area of insulating material protecting the

Week ending Thursday 14 December 2023

- Agriculture Victoria dog from contact with the metal surface. Best practice is for dogs to travel in the cabin of the vehicle and be kept either: • on the backseat using an appropriate seatbelt or restraining device • in the open cargo area of a vehicle behind a cargo barrier. For more information on how to protect your pet on a moving vehicle this summer, visit https://go.vic. gov.au/gl8X45

— By Glendon Hancock

THE Australian wool market has closed out the 2023 calendar year strongly, recording a second successive increase in this series. On the first day of selling buyer competition was strong, pushing prices progressively higher for the day. The standouts for the day were the merino fleece types, the individual Micron Price Guides (MPGs) for 16.5 through to 21.0 micron rose by between 11 and 92 cents. The AWEX Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) gained 21-cents for the day. This was the largest daily rise in the EMI since the 5th of July, where a 21cent rise was also recorded. In USD terms, the 20 US cent rise was the largest daily rise in the EMI since the 14th of December last year. The second day was almost a carbon copy of

the first, further large increases in fine merino fleece types (the highlight a 104 cent rise in the 16.5-micron MPG in Melbourne) helping to push the EMI up by another 19 cents. The market finished softly on the final day, in a stand-alone Melbourne offering. The EMI gave back 5 cents of the previous days rises. The EMI closed the week and the year at 1,212 cents, a weekly increase of 35 cents. Due to gains in the Australian dollar, when viewed in USD terms the gain in the EMI was greater, 44 US cents. The EMI opened the year at 1,327 cents, over t h e fo l l ow i n g t we l ve months the EMI made

National Offering Centre North South West Total

Week 24 24 24

Days Offering 12, 13, 14 Dec. 12,518 12, 13, 14 Dec. 27,847 12, 13, 14 Dec. 8,543 48,908

Future Offerings Sales resume week beginning Mon 8th Jan.

Source - AWEX

gains and losses but ultimately trended lower, closing the year 115 cents lower, an 8.7% fall. Sales now head into the annual three-week Christmas recess. Sales will resume in Week 28 (week beginning M o n d ay t h e 8 t h o f January). With wool accumulating during the break, this is traditionally one of the larger sales on the calendar, last year over 50,000 bales were offered.

Melbourne 1172L +24 16.5 2061n +121 17 1925 +70 17.5 1797 +49 18 1670 +38 18.5 1556 +33 19 1485 +29 19.5 1424 +17 20 1367 +12 21 1348 +3 22 23 24 25 26 549 +19 28 353 +8 30 325 +8 32 290 -5 MC 702n +23 Ind.

In The Paddock BCG Trials Review Day: Friday 23 February PRESENTERS at Birchip Cropping Group’s (BCG) Trials Review Day to be held on Friday 23rd February 2024, will provide important results from the 2023 research year for growers to apply to their farming businesses in 2024.

Above: Ros McCallum and Dr Nick Poole at the 2023 BCG Trials Review Day.

Above: Harrison Christie, Will Simpson and Lachy Leach at the 2023 BCG Trials Review Day.

The event, to be held at the Birchip Community Leisure Centre, is an opportunity for BCG members to reflect on the key learnings from BCG’s research and engage with relevant local researchers to make informed decisions in 2024. BCG Senior Extension Manager Kelly Angel said keynote speakers are already being locked in: “The 2024 program will have a strong BCG staff representation with more staff members to present than ever before.” “Performance of wheat, barley, canola, and pulses varieties will be discussed, particularly regarding the best bets for Mallee, Wimmera and North Central regions,” Ms Angel explained. “Insect activity in harvest weed seed control systems is another hot topic.” As a members’only event, attendees

will also have first access to the 2023 BCG Season Research Results compendium which will be released on the day. This publication highlights the research conducted by BCG at the o r g a n i s a t i o n’ s 3 1 trial sites established in 2023. “BCG Tr i a l s Review Day also offers a wonderful opportunity for members to connect, meet new people or catch up with other farmers, researchers, agronomists and industry representatives from across the region,” Ms Angel added. BCG Tr i a l s Review Day is a members’-only event. To s e c u r e y o u r place at BCG’s Trials Review Day, register at https://www.bcg.org. au/event/bcg-trialsreview-day/ . This project received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

Above: Ian McClelland OAM and Duncan Piercy at the 2023 BCG Trials Review Day.

LISTINGS WANTED Residential, Rural, Commercial & Leasing See your local

Nutrien Harcourts Real Estate team Sharlene Bertalli: 0447 952 320 Damian Drum: 0428 952 284 13-19 Napier Street, St. Arnaud

Above: Jeremy Watson and Daniel Watts at the 2023 BCG Trials Review Day.


Prepare your farm for fire season

Navarre - Bolangum Inn Road

DOWNLOAD a copy of Ag Vic’s Farm Fire Preparedness Toolkit today and use it to review or develop your fire preparedness plan.

• Dam Sinking, Enlarging & Cleaning • Land Levelling and Filling • Land Clearing, Driveways etc. • Gravel For Sale Phone Mike: 0408 316 394 IED CARR Truck Available. ORKS LY For a no obligation Quote Phone:


(03) 5494 3120 Calder Highway Wedderburn

Acct: T. Hope

107.73 Hectares - 266.20 Acres approx.

- Agriculture Victoria

Thursday, 7th March 2024 at Navarre Reserve Clubrooms

The characteristics of every farm and farming business are different and require a unique approach to fire preparedness. Developing and implementing a fire preparedness plan can help you better prepare for, minimise losses and recover faster, should your property be affected by fire. Find and use our Fire Preparedness Toolkit here https:// agriculture.vic.gov.au/b ushfires #firepreparedness #FarmSafety

@ 11.00am Further particulars & inspection contact:

13-19 Napier Street, ST. ARNAUD VIC. 3478


St. Arnaud Secondary College would like to formally thank all the donations and sponsors of the scholarships and awards for our 103rd Presentation Night. The students and staff appreciate your support and encouragement.



+ LIQUOR WEIRS SUPA IGA NCLENN St. Arnaud Neighbourhood House Inc. North Central News InTransit Hair Design St. Arnaud Secondary College Parents' Club The Cooks Choice Quality Meats


The Myers Family

St Arnaud Apex Service Station

MCL Legal

Campion Books Howard and Jan Amos

Parkview Bakery Ridley Agriproducts Harvest Home Enterprises Leigh & Sue Sutton Shane & Kerry Birthisel Electrical Contractors

North Central Farm Trees GWM Water


Rotary Club of St Arnaud

Graeme McKenny

Hamilton' s Bus Service & Greentime Nursery

Johnson' s Holdings Pty Ltd

Hardinghams Plumbing and Electrical (Vic) Pty Ltd

Bendigo Bank


Lions Club of St. Arnaud The Lions Club of St. Arnaud wishes all a Happy and Safe Christmas. We appreciate the many who assisted in ensuring the Christmas Procession was an outstanding success.

FOR SALE Rotary Club of St. Arnaud


Lions Club of St. Arnaud

There will be no pickup in January. Next pickup will be Sun., 4th February, 2024 Please leave newspapers on nature strip by 9am

Traditional Rum & Brandy Fruit Cakes


Ideal as tm Chrissent Pre

available at North Central News and Apex Service Station St. Arnaud.



St. Arnaud Neighbourhood House Inc. Closed from 22nd December 2023 Re-opening 15th January 2024

Axis Employment Closed from 22nd December 2023 Re-opening 2nd January 2024

Royal Flying Doctors Closed from 27th December 2023 Re-opening 4th January 2024

Job Opportunities Campus Base Negotiable • Graduate Registered Nurse Birchip • Registered Nurse • Associate Nurse Unit Manager Charlton • District Nurse • Enrolled Nurse • Registered Nurse St Arnaud • Campus Manager • Administration Assistant • Registered Nurse • District Nurse • Associate Nurse Unit Manager • Enrolled Nurse Wycheproof • District Nurse • Enrolled Nurse • Registered Nurse • Resident Lifestyle Coordinator Further information available at: https://ewhs.org.au/careers


We wish everyone a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year

34 Alma Street, St Arnaud. For more information (03) 5495 3300. [email protected]


Limited stock left


Calendars $2.50 at St. Arnaud Allsorts

Ph: 5495 1161 89-93 Napier Street, St. Arnaud


• IRONSTONE REMOVALS - Maryborough- runs south. Phone: 0412 726 432.

Christmas at REX

WELL, it’s been a big year at The Rex, and now as the countdown for Christmas and the New Year beckons, we are taking a short break to refresh and regroup for the start of 2024. AT YOUR SERVICE


Self Storage


O’Connor Aleha Wishing you a Happy 18th Birthday

0409 337 276,

on 29th December



0458 885 266 St. Arnaud Serenity Storage

Love from Nana, Uncles, Aunties and Cousins.



The Jackson family wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to the Beazleys Bridge, Gre Gre and St. Arnaud volunteers who attended our recent hay shed fire. It was clear we live in a great community when people are so willing and fast to assist and offer support. A very sincere thank you from our family. Ken and Susan Jackson



Solicitor 116 Napier St., St. Arnaud

Happy 80th Birthday

Practical, experienced advice in plain English Appointments also available in Charlton, Donald & Wycheproof


[email protected]


Nicola Kirk

8th January, 2024.

Physiotherapist Over 15 years experience Open Mon to Fri

Happy Birthday B.J. You’re a larger-than-life character, full of love, laughter, kindness, wisdom and a dash of cheekiness. Your energy and zest for life is infectious. Thank you for the fun times, great memories and for you being you. Looking forward to the next decade burning up the dance floor! Love from your “big family” xox

Top of the Town Beauty Salon For all your Hair and Beauty NEEDS

Ph: 5495 1306 ~ OPEN ~ Monday to Friday

CHRISTMAS GIFT PACKS NOW AVAILABLE! Colours, Perms, Unisex Cuts, Waxing, Teeth Whitening, Brow Wax & Tinting, Tanning etc.. 110 Napier St., St. Arnaud Get it through our

WANTed ads! (03) 5495 1055

Christmas Eve: Boort 5.00pm Birchip 7.00pm Charlton 7.00pm which will be live streamed. St Arnaud 9.00pm Donald 9.00pm Wycheproof: 9.00am Banyena: 9.00am



0400 451 432 or 5495 1108


Christmas Day:

Ph: 5495 2595

63 Napier Street, ST. ARNAUD

BILLINGS - Daryl John 03.12.68 to 22.12.95 We can’t have the old days back, when we were all together, But secret tears and loving thoughts, will be with us forever. Missed every day by Mum, Dad, Mark, Jo, Mitchell, Cohen and Archer.

Christmas Services Christmas Eve: 9.30am Family Communion at CCOC. 5.00pm Family Communion at St. David’s Bealiba. 7.30pm Combined Christmas Service at St. Arnaud UCA. Christmas Day: 9.30am Simple Family Service (not communion approx. 40 minutes) at St. Arnaud. (Please note that our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services are designed for all ages).

DEATH GREENAWAY (Silva) - Dorothy Eilene Thankyou for being part of our lives and family and looking after Dad and Grandpa for us over the years. You have been a big part of our lives which we are all forever grateful. Stacey, Paul and Zoe; Daniel, Jenny, Amy, Ben and Sam; Nigel, Alicia, Josie, Morgan and George. P.S: Thanks for all the massages.

Cnr. Queens Ave & Alma St. Celebrating the season of the Lord’s birth!

December services Sun 24th December 10.30 a.m.: Christmas Eve Service Sun 31st December 10.30 a.m.: Worship & Communion Speaker: Andrew George Sun 7th January 10.30 a.m.: Worship & Communion Speaker: Andrew George Sun 14th January 10.30 a.m.: Worship & Communion Speaker: Sharon Douglas Sun 21st January 10.30 a.m.: Worship & Communion Speaker: Norma Hunt Sun 28th January 10.30 a.m.: Worship & Communion Speaker: Andrew George A warm welcome to holidaying visitors. Enquiries: Brian Eccles Ph: 5495 2267

Parish Coordinator: Noeline Hogan 0476 617 976

Rubber Stamps North Central News (03) 5495 1055

The Rex will be closed from Saturday 23rd December until Friday 12th January with screenings resuming on Saturday 13th January at 8pm. Our up-coming movies for January include the Australian thriller, “The Royal Hotel” (MA15+ 91 mins) – an-edge-ofyour-seat drama about the experiences of two


ST. ARNAUD UNITING CHURCH Sunday 24th December ST. ARNAUD No Morning Service Christmas Eve Service 7.30pm Worship Team Sunday 31st December ST. ARNAUD No Service in St. Arnaud combined with STUART MILL 10.00am Worship Team Sunday 7th January ST. ARNAUD No Service Worship with Anglicans at 9.30am Sunday 14th January ST. ARNAUD 9.30am G. Pearse STUART MILL No Service combined with St. Arnaud Sunday 21st January ST. ARNAUD 9.30am Worship Team PARISH OFFICE Chris & Rob Batters Pastorial Co-ordinators Enquiries 5495 6223

Canadian backpackers who pick up jobs in the remote Aussie outback (reminiscent of “Wake in Fright”); something for the little folk with the animation “Trolls Band Together” (G 91 mins) and the family film for all ages “Wonka” (PG 116 mins) – the prequel story of Willy Wonka’s rise as a chocolatier. All film details appear on our website – rextheatre.org.au The Rex would also like to acknowledge the wonderful support given by all our volunteers over the past year and thank them for the time they commit, to those who make the time to travel and to all the helpers who are there when needed for movies, live shows, coffee on Sundays, or working behind-the-

Contributed scenes. Your input is essential, and greatly appreciated. To all our patrons, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and hope that you continue to find enjoyment and entertainment at The Rex again in 2024. See you in the New Year! “The Royal Hotel”Saturday 13th January at 8pm, Sunday 14th January at 2pm and Tuesday 16th January at 8pm. “Trolls Band Together” – Saturday 20th January at 8pm, Sunday 21st January at 2pm and Tuesday 23rd January at 8pm. “ Wonka” – Saturday 27th January at 8pm, Sunday 28th January at 2pm and Tuesday 30th January at 8pm.



Ph: 5495 1043

136 Napier Street St. Arnaud

NAFD Member

Birthday wishes to: December 20th Nicole Amos Elise Sier Zoe Torney Denis McIntyre Nathaniel Wright December 21st Murray Bartlett Darcy Bibby Kayla Macklin December 22nd Nigel Sibson December 23rd Harrison James December 25th Lynette Bertalli Judith Church Wendy Peacock Katelyn Webb Violet McKenny December 26th Sam Needs Corey Toomey Jason Wiseman December 27th Bianca Hendry December 28th Leanne Mc Phee Lauren Probst Daniel Goode Ellen Prestwood December 29th Barb Bowen Heather Michael December 30th Jenny Medlyn December 31st Gordon Hendy Lilly Wright

January 1st Ruby Sutherland Natalie Pearce January 2nd Rendelle Gale January 5th Bernie Caine Torin Petrie January 6th Shane McIntyre January 7th Laura-Anne McIntyre Amanda Harvey John Nevill January 8th Maz Torney January 9th Janelle Patching January 10th Susan O’Donnell Royden Darby Helen Sproule January 11th Jonathon Horsfall January 14th Tiffany Bussem-Jorgenson Lily McKenny January 15th Adam Battersby January 17th Toby Smith Alexis Reid January 21st Owen Jones Breanna Davidson

CHRISTMAS THANKYOU Barb and Brian Kershaw would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year. Special thank you to the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Shop locally, support local business and secure your children’s future NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20th 2023 - Page 19



SPECIALS AVAILABLE Wednesday 20th to Sunday 24th on selected days WHILE STOCKS LAST

The Weir & Burgess Families, Rod, Tania, Harley, Senior Management and Staff at Weir’s would like to thank all customers for their patronage throughout the year and we wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

Christmas Trading Hours

NEW YEARS DAY - OPEN 9am - 6pm




Tuesday 26th 9am - 6pm New Years Eve 9am- 6pm





Wednesday 20th December to Friday 22nd December 8am - 7pm Saturday 23rd 8am - 6pm Sunday 24th 9am - 6pm







$ 99






































$ 70











$ 40
















00 ea








V.B 54 24 PACK













$ 50










6 for 40 45 $



Merry Christmas John, Frances, Damian and James, would like to wish all customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. l, Residential, Industrial, Commercia ners nd Panasonic Air Co itio n 3525 15 Donald St., Charlto

“On behalf of the EWHS Board of Directors, I would like to acknowledge and thank our local businesses, community groups and individuals who assisted us in providing services to our patients, residents and clients. EWHS is expanding its community and primary health services as we change our service profile aimed to improve the health outcomes of our communities, including the acquisition of the Commonwealth Home Support Program. May you and your families have a wonderful holiday season, and I hope you are able to spend some time with those special to you. Wishing you a safe holiday period and we look forward to continuing to provide safe and quality health care in 2024.”

Ph/Fax: 5491 1446,

8 571 585 Mob: 041 REC1608

From your surrounding District Businesses

Will, Donna, Ann, Madeline, Vienna & staff would like to wish their customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 16 Kings Ave St. Arnaud Ph: 5495 1894

M. (Mick) E. Mar tin

& D.M

Painting and Decorat . Martin ing

56 Alma St., St. Arna ud. Ph: 5495 1371, Mo b:

0429 951 371.

Mick, Diane & fam ily thank their valued , clients and wish th a Very Merry Chris em tmas and a Happy New Year.

Julianne Clift Board Chair

- ST. ARNAUD Accreditation No.: AO.007502

Michael’s of Donald LMCT 6873

Terry, Debbie, and Staff at Michael Ford thanking everyone and wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. 15 McCulloch Street, Phone: 549 7 1203

GILMAC All the staff at Gilmac St. Arnaud would like to wish ever yone a

y r r e M s a m t s i r Ch AND HAPPY NEW YEAR


“Serving the 46” 19 community since

Hamilton’s & Greentime Nursery Bus Service would like to thank all their customers and wish them a Very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. ~ TRADING HOURS ~ Saturday 23rd December - 9am to 2pm Sunday 24th December - 10am to 2pm Monday 25th December - CLOSED Tuesday 26th December - CLOSED Wednesday 27th December - 9am to 4pm Thursday 28th December - 9am to 4pm Friday 29th December - 9am to 4pm Saturday 30th December - 9am to 2pm Sunday 31st December - 10am to 2pm Monday 1st January 2024 - CLOSED Tuesday 2nd January - return to normal trading hours 5961 Sunraysia Highway, St. Arnaud. Phone: 5495 1422

Merry Christmas py & Safe Wish you a Hap Festive Season. uary** **CLOSED: Jan

& Co . W.J. GOLDING ds and – Furniture, Blin Floor Coverings

1922 Phone: 5495olding.com

w.wjg or visit us at ww St.Arnaud 64-68 Napier St.,

A. Egans Country Home

Renovations Alistair would like to wish a Merry Christmas and Healthy, Happy 2024 to all.

Specialising in: Kitchens, Bathrooms, Tiling, Windows, Doors, Vanities, Robes & Laundries

Mobile: 0418 502 266; A.H.: 5495 1272 8 Inkerman St., St. Arnaud.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Yea r to all our valued customers. House & Garden


86 Napier St., St. Arnaud. (Old ANZ Building)

From your surrounding District Businesses

ntsLM 1w to thank 1aA om rsUfoDr all theirAsuSpTpo,oruSrTcuAstR NeA PH: 5495t in 2 0 2 3 ,a d E: mandloyo@ kra fomrwja2ac9rd29to seenin .com.au g yo For all your u all in 2024. un rm and Schools, spor Laifo br dery need stoudps ay, :-coem ting gr s. Saortuatoird ayd 2fa3rm rp rders. e an Gifts for man Dy eocce cam sib ones.r

Reopening:- Tu esday 2nd January 2024 T: 5495 2929 M: 0400 225 085 E: mandy@ra mjac.com.au 49 NAPIER ST., ST. ARN AUD

President and Members of the

St. Arnaud & District Historical Society Wishing you a delightful, and bright-ful Christmas and New Year! aud. 14 Alma Street, St. Arn

wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We thank all our volunteers and all donations

Countr y Road

MOTEL On behalf of the y& St. Arnaud Pharmac Bendigo Bank Staff

by, Daniel, George, Ru yne, Siobhan, Lynda, Ja Jacquie, Susie, Leanne, and all our would like to wish a Happy valued Customers as and Healthy Christm and New Year.


Arnaud Cnr., Ballara t & Bendigo Roads. Phone: (03 ) 5495 2255 ; 0428 786 001

Season’s Gre etings to all!

te We really apprecia your support

CLOSED: ember Monday 25th Dec ember Tuesday 26th Dec y 2024 Monday 1st Januar

Boral St. Arnaud & Charlton Concrete

(03) 5495 2702 Ph: (03) 5495 1911, Fax: ail.com

— from Corbin, Elisha, Sophie, Lucy, Greg, John, Tony & Scotty.

acy@gm Email: starnaudpharm naud. St. 88 Napier Street, Ar

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas & a happy New Year,

Closed from Thursday, 21st December. Re-opening Monday, 15th January 2024.

St. Arnaud Betta Home Living Nicole, Chris and Staff wish all their valued clients a Merry Christmas and Safe New Year

Betta Christmas trading hours Friday 22nd Dec: 9.30am - 7pm Saturday 23rd Dec: 9.00am - 12 noon Sunday 24th Dec: CLOSED Monday 25th Dec: CLOSED Tuesday 26th Dec: CLOSED Wednesday 27th Dec: 9.30am - 5pm Thursday 28th Dec: 9.30am - 5pm Friday 29th Dec: 9.30am - 5pm Saturday 30th Dec: CLOSED Sunday 31st Dec: CLOSED Monday 1st Jan: CLOSED Tuesday 2nd Jan: 9.30am - 5pm 75-77 Napier Street, St. Ar na

Phone: 5495 2067



Merry Christmas rs Garton Moto mily Greg, Angela, & Fa thank their customers for their support throughout 2023, and look forward to a Very Merr y Christmas and a Happy & Safe New Year. Please Note:

Garton Motors will be closed on 22nd December. Return Tuesday 9th January 2024.

St. Arnaud Gifts & Accessories Wishing the families of St. Arnaud & district a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 113 - 115 Napier St, ST. ARNAUD

15 Alma Street, St. Arnaud.

Phone: 5495 1188

for their customers r u o ll a k n tha ciated. ould like to siness is much appre w s n o ti lu bu rm So year, your Precise Fa as ghout the u ro th rry Christm e rt o M a e supp n o ery

v 4. We wish e est for 202 b e th rd to ll a d an look forwa e W ith you ipperfield working w Lance Ch oad, St. Arnaud bury R 6-14 Salis


384 0467 095

24 again in 20


From your surrounding District Businesses M. A. RHOD EN & CO


Merry Christma s and Best Wishes for a H ealthy and Happy New Ye ar Phone: 0428 508 400 St. Arnaud

Merry Christmas McKenzie Transport would like to thank the people of St. Arnaud and district for their support during the year. We wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy Christmas and New Year

Sonya’s Hair Directors

4 Short St., St. Arn aud. (03) 5495 1066

Sonya, would like to wish her Clients a Very Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy 2024.

St. Arnaud Office and Depot: Closed between Christmas and New Year - re-opening on Tuesday 2nd January 2024

Ph: 03 5495 1555 0409 957 317

(email bookings during this time welcome - [email protected]) Melbourne Depot: Effective Logistics, 8 Infinity Drive, Truganina 3029. (Melbourne depot open between Christmas and New Year for freight receival 6am-4pm)

Merry Christmas everyone from


(03) 5495 2888 St. Arnaud

From your surrounding District Businesses

e Clinic r u t n e D s ’ Stacey ral

rth Cent wish all No patients a istmas & Merry Chr New Year. y p p a H a Wishing sed from We are clo ecember. nd D Friday 22 Re-open ay L - Tuesd SWAN HIL ry 2024. a 16th Janu

Wishing everyone a Very Happy Christmas And a Safe New Year McMahon Street, St. Arnaud Phone: 5477 3600

our loyal Thank you to continued r their customers fo ear. ughout the y support thro d all a Safe an Wishing you ear. Y as and New tm s ri h C y p p Ha rge, Peter — John, Geo enitellis and Maria X ia. 3478. Arnaud, Victor . St , et re St r 83 Napie 495 1869.

(03) 5 Telephone:

Kell Funerals 136 Napier St., St. Arnaud. Victoria. 3478. Phone: (03) 5495 1043 - Fax: (03) 5495 2357 E-mail: [email protected]

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year Servicing St. Arnaud, Donald & Districts for over 150 Years Leading the way in service and care for the community in St. Arnaud, Donald & Districts Chapel Available for Services

An Australian Owned and Operated Family Business • Funeral Bonds Available • National Funeral Directors Association Member

Ma na ge me nt an d Staff at Nu tri en ex ten d to the ir va lue d cli en ts an St . Ar na ud d fri en ds , a Ve ry Me rry Ch ristm as . We loo k for wa rd to yo ur co nti nu ed as so in ho pe ful ly a pro sp ero us 20 24 cia tio n . TRADING HOURS: CLOSING 4pm ON 22nd DE CEMBER CLOSED: Saturday 23rd, Mo nday 25th, Tuesday 26th, Saturday 30th December & Monday 1st Januar y 2023 Normal Trading Hours: We dnesday 27th, Thursday 28t h, Friday 29th, December and Tuesday 2nd Januar y 2024 onwards.

Ring Sharlene for any urgent

needs on

0447 952 320 13-19 Napier St., St. Arnaud (03) 5495 1722


Merry Christmas

From your surrounding District Businesses

The team at St Arnaud Solar would like to thank those in the community that supported our local business during this past year.

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. 107 Nap ier Stre et, St. Arn aud

Phone: 5495 1449 Your local option for commercial and residential solar and battery installations.

Walsh Motors for all things Automotive Only Holden Service Outlet in the area... Would like to wish you all A Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year Servicing & Repairs to any make or model from Small Motors, Cars, Utes, Trucks, Tractors etc. RACV Breakdown Service & Accident Towing Service Centre

Equipped with Stertil Koni column lifts to raise your truck in the air to service it properly Comprehensive range of spare parts including:

RACV Batteries, Ryco hydraulic fittings and hoses.

Four Wheel Wheel aligner

Qualified Restraint Fitting Station 70 - 74 High St., Charlton Victoria, 3525 - Telephone: (03) 5491 1444, Mobile: 0419 040 044 Email: [email protected]


Merry Christmas

From your surrounding District Businesses

We wish our clients a safe and relaxing Christmas and New Year. Our office will be closed from 5pm 22nd December 2023 and will reopen 15th January 2024.

Ph: (03) 5495 1033

Matt & Geoff Wish All Their Clients A Merry Christmas & A Happy & Safe New Year


0400 273 360

, 16 Kell Road St. Arnaud

e r t n e C r e y a Spr stomers u c d e lu a v r ou Wishing all stmas and a safe Merr y Chri us New Year and prospero nt and e ying equipm ra p s r u o y ll a Covering eds! spare part ne 7 : 0436 009 41 M , 5 3 2 3 5 9 4 5 P: (03) entre.net.au rc e y ra p s @ fo E: in entre.au www.sprayerc

Driscoll Ag and Driscoll Do uglas East Rural Real Estate wi ll be

closed as of Friday 22nd December 12noon and will re-open on Wednesday 3rd of Janu ar y 2024 at 8am The staff at Driscoll Ag an d Driscoll, Douglas, East Rural Real Estate wo uld like to thank you for your support through out 2023. We wish you and your fam ily a safe and prosperous 20 24.

Look forward to seein g you in the New Year 😊


Merry Christmas SERVICE

From your surrounding District Businesses


466 Arnaud - 5495 1 t. S , d a o R s e in 1 Silverm

S E T U D N A S R A C SERVICING S R A E Y 5 7 R E V O FOR r, Mark & Lisa Alan & Heathe ff at Apex and all the sta ir customers e th ll a h is w would like to as and a tm is r h C y r r e a very M w Year! Happy Safe Ne

to us for: Call in and talk els makes and mod ll a g in ic rv e s ok ent • All your log bo omputer alignm c l e e h w 4 t n e • Wheel alignm RTA AU42126 g in n io it d n o c • Air airs suspension rep d n a g n ri e te s , s • Brake

SERVICE Y A W E IV R D L L FU ay ryd 8am ’til 6pm eve TMAS DAY CLOSED CHRIS

H S A W R A C D U A ST. ARN c and 2 manual bays Fully automati ryday 7am til 9pm eve


Wishing all our Clients a Mer ry & Christmas and Happy New Safe Year


P.O. Box 155, Ke ll Road, Industrial Estate, St. Arnaud

Phone: 5495

3222 Dale: 0419 340 64 2; Simon: 0418 51 8 708 Bernie: 0427 953 22 2 Email: caseystruc [email protected]

Merry Christmas Brett, Drew & Scott at

St. Arnaud Tyre


wish all valued customer their s to this Christmas tread well and have a gripping New Year 2 Silvermine s Roa

Ph: 5495 16 d 33

From your surrounding District Businesses A.J. & S.M. Petrie

St. Arnaud

BOOK S ooks.com Web: starnaudb

s se our current book Come in and brow ts ristmas presen for last minute Ch readings. and all your holiday ry Christmas Wishing you a mer year. and a happy new , ST. ARNAUD 1 RAGLAN STREET 229

MECHANICAL REPAIRS Wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year PH: (03) 5495 2244; M: 0418 533 884 Lot 1 Phillips Court, Kell Road, ST. ARNAUD

554 Phone: 0421

Farm Pro Simply the Best

Peter, Maureen and staff at Country Kitchen wish veryone a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Phone: 5495 1227

8 65 Napier Street, St. Arnaud 347

We wish all our valued customers a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.


Manufacturer of Farm Pro brand Trailing Grain Feeders, Seed & Super Auger Trailers, Paddock Rollers and Pasture Seeders. Ph: 0409 953 100 (Office) - 0429 953 101 (Sale s) Email: [email protected] (Sales) 20-24 Kell Road, St. Arnaud

customers Wishing all our t year over the las as and tm is r h C y r r e M a very New Year y p p a H d n a fe a S n b e cl o sed o Off ice w il l r, d Decem be F rid ay, 22 n on Sh o w R oom re-o pen ing 24 20 h Jan uary 5t 1 y, da n o M

St Arnaud Post Office Wishes a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024

Kerryn, Liz & Jacinta

May 2024 be a wonderful and prosperous year for you and your loved ones

42 Napier Street, St. Arnaud - Phone: 5495 1401 NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20th 2023 - Page 29

Merry Christmas Macca’s Bobcat H ire

To all our frien ds and valued custom ers... “H a v e a M e rr y ti m e o f C h ri s tm as c h e e r a n d a th ri v in g h a p p y b ri g h t N e w Ye a r. “We give yo

u the best and lig hten the load, wh en you buy from Macca’s at Daly Road” •Posthole borin g - large or sm all •Trenching - Po wer, Water, Tele com •Site Clearing - Shed, Tank ba se s, Driveways et •Suppliers of sa c. nd, soil, gravel, pi nebark mulches - Delivery Availa ble •Coloured Stones Available - White stones (Various colour ed stones availa ble) •Slashing of Sm all & Large Bloc ks

Done Once - Don e Right!! Pho ne: 0409 94

9 370 Daly Road, St. Ar naud 3478.

From your surrounding District Businesses DECKERS BOBCAT


taff at Dana and s afe The Shire C ne a healthy wish everyo tive season. and safe fes r Thank you fo your support this year URS ORMAL HO TRADING N y, as da

stm Closed Chri s Day d New Year’ n a y a D g in x Bo WAY OR TAKEA SIT DOWN E ILABL MENU AVA 62 390

2 Booking - 0412

St. Arnaud 8 Napier St,

Would like wish everyone a Merry Christmas ar. and a Happy New Ye Stockists of: , Topsoil and Fencing. Gravel, Mulches, Firewood er Truck • Post hole boring •Tipp g hin Slas • Trenching •

004 616 Jason Decker - 0419

Meagan, Lindy, & Families would like to wish everybody a Happy Christmas & a Safe New Year.

Top Of The Town Beauty Salon

Open limited hours between Christmas and New Year. For appointments please pho ne 5495 1306 110 Napier St., St. Arnaud.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year from Darko, Vesna and all the staff at

On behalf of Daniel and Emily we would like to thank all our valued customers for their support over 2023 and would like to wish all a Happy and Safe Festive Season and a prosperous New Year.


Thank you all for your ongoing support. Please be advised that we will only be closed on the Public Holidays over Christmas and New Year’s.

Closed on 21st December 2023 Re-opening on 22nd January 2024

For urgent medical attention during this time please contact the St. Arnaud Hospital on 5477 2100 In the case of an emergency - Dial 000


Ph: (03 ) 549 1 138 9 : A/h rs: 041 7 655 856

The Management And Staff of

FITZPATRICKS TRANSPORT SERVICE Calder Hwy, Charlton. Ph: (03) 5491 1255.

Bulk Grain, Livestock and General Freight Carriers Our offices will close 5 pm Friday 22 Decem ber 2023, and reopen 8 am Tuesday 2 Januar y 2024.

Remember, for service difficulties or faults, call 1800 188 586 anytim e.

wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year and a special thanks to all our valued clients who have supported us during 2023 and look forward to 2024.




POPE LIGHT FRE IGHT will be taking a sh ort break after Christm as.

Last Run Friday, 22 nd Dec. 2023, Returning Monda y, 8th January 2024 We would love to th ank everyone for their business throughou t 2023. Please respect tha t this is our only holiday break of th e whole year. Merry Christmas & Happy Safe New Ye ar. Look forward to bu siness with you all in 2024.

Merry Christmas From our TEAM a we wish everyone as Very Merry Christm r. Yea and a Happy New ‘n’ Chips, Kebabs, HSPs, Fish s. Pizza, Coffee & Cake

ay St Arnpieaur dSt., TSt.aAkernaaw ud. 23 Na Ph: 0467 361 337

Season’s Gree tings From John & Staff @

DONALD STEEL If you’re lookin g for a new shed or stee l and supplies, think of us:

5497 1738

From your surrounding District Businesses nd a Mer ry Christmas afrom Happy New Year

St. Arnaud Allsorts Fresh Flowers & r All sorts of things fo s. ed ever yday ne


0427 971 738

Closing Frid. 22nd De c., at 2pm Re-opening Mon., 8th Jan., 2024 Racecourse Road , Donald.

like to wish ld u o w a c c e b b Brett and Re Customers d e lu a V r u o all

tmas & is r h C y r r e AM ear. Happy New ouYr last delivery

u e to inform yo ber 2023 We would lik 22nd Decem ay d ri F on e on will b turn to work and we will re . 4 2 0 January 2 Monday 8th

th December Closed: Tuesday, 26 8th Januar y 2024 Re-open: Monday, Arnaud. 89-93 Napier St., St.

For all your Trophy and Engraving needs!

Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Safe New Year! Phone: 0428 951 441 18 Napier Street, St. Arnaud.

K & S Birthisel


Thank you to all our valued customers. Have a Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2024. - Kerry, Shane, & Will • Domestic • Commercial • Industrial • Installation • Air Conditioning • Split System Installations & Cleaning

Phone: 5495 2342, Mobile: 0427 952 342. 33 Queens Ave, St. Arnaud.


Merry Christmas

From your surrounding District Businesses

yone a Rhonda & Tubby wish ever safe Christmas and relaxing holidays

KIRK’S FURNITURE Telephone: (03) 5495 2461 Mobile: 0417 342 349

We wish to thank all our e year, customers throughout th g and look forward to doin business in 2024.

ud 5 Runge Road, St. Arna

Phone: 5495 1447

udcaravanpark.com com.au - www.starna rk. pa an rav ca ud rna Email info@sta

We wish all a Merry Christmas and Safe New Year from

LaundroMu Dog Wash tt S

Ross & Michelle.

t. Arnaud

d. 16 Ballarat Road, St. Arnau

Staff & management at Parkview Bakery wish everyone a Merry Christmas & would like to thank the community for their support this year & hope to see everyone fit & well in 2024.

★ 24hr Fuel (except LPG)

CHRISTMAS TRADIN G HOURS * Christmas Eve — 7am - 9pm * Christmas Day — 8am - 7pm * Boxing Day — 6am - 9pm * Wed. 27th Dec — 6am - 9pm * New Years Eve — 7am - 8pm * New Years Day — 8am - 9pm * Tue. 2nd Jan — 6am - 9pm Normal trading hour s remain in place on all other days!

55 Napier Street, St. Arnaud 5495 1395

0437 95 1 888 Karena an d like to wis her family would ha their own ll her clients and er Christmas s a very Merry and Happy Ne a Safe and w Year. Clo sing for Ch ristmas on 22nd Dece Recommen mber, cing on 8th January 20 24

St. Arnaud

Merry Christmas and safe travelling over the festive season Ballarat Road, Ph 0354 952

rget to Don’t fo e puppy! wash th

Wishing you peace and joy this Christmas and prosperity in the New Year.


Serving St. Arnaud & surrounding districts

yran & Fraser Jason, Bree, B h everyone is would like to w y and a Very Merr s and a Safe Christma ar Happy New Ye

ampoo carpets We don’t just sh YOUR FLOOR


Window SS for Doors & also Supply GLA

34 Bree: 0409 850 5 ; 2 0 8 0 9 5 8 0 4 0 Jason:


Sharon and Paul

53 Napier Street, St. Arnaud

Phone: 5495 1276

Merry Christmas

From your surrounding District Businesses

Donald Motorcycles Would like to wish all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. CHRISTMAS TRADING HOURS er Closing Saturday, 23rd Decemb 2024 uary Jan d 22n day, Mon ing pen Re-o

1. 46 Woods St., Donald. Ph: 5497 161

Would like to wish everyone a very Merr y Christmas and a fabulous New Year.

Phone: 0410 066 244

Dana and the JackDeck team would like to wish their valued custom ers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Best Wishes to all our valued clients for Christmas and the New Year Phone: (03) 5495 1333 5956 Sunraysia Hwy., St. Arnaud

All the staff at


wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Ye ar. - CLOSED CHRISTMA S DAY 1 Melbourne Road, St. Arnaud. Phone: 5495 1685.

unity St. Arnaud Comm tre en Resource C d thanks to:Seasons Greetings an • St. Arnaud Solar, s, • FoodShare Donor • our service users, • local businesses, • our volunteers, unity • the general comm d for your suppor t an 23. encouragement in 20 Year Closure Christmas - New cember

esday, 20th De Closing - 2pm Wedn nuary m Tuesday, 2nd Ja Reopening - 9.00a

cy elink/Medicare agen This includes Centr in work together May we be able to . lp our community he 2024 to continue to “Live & Grow”

May the Christmas season bring only happiness and jo y to you and Tax Retur ns Companyo refatu mp ily yu S

Trust Setup • Payroll • Bookkeeping • BAS Returns • Tax Return s • Company Setup • Trust Se tup


Siva Contact Siv a 30 57 1 18 0 4 304 0 5 7 1 1 8 88 3)97 8797 (03) (0 87 60 2929 60 info@ ine fo @ zyt ez a yt xe ax ses . c .c om om NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20th 2023 - Page 33

Merry Christmas We wish you good tidings this holiday season. t We appreciate your suppor and business. d Happy holidays to all, an thank you for trusting us with your needs throughout the year.

- 03 5495 1433 2 Raglan Street, St. Arnaud


From your surrounding District Businesses

Stuart Mill celebrates Christmas in style T’WAS the week before Christmas at Stuart Mill on Saturday night and nothing was stirring, the headers had pulled up in the paddocks because they had heard that Santa was going to pay a visit. - Contributed The 70 community members at Stuart Mill that attended, were in for a special treat this year, as Santa had brought along one of his Helper Elves to assist him in speaking to the children and getting their Christmas wish lists right. All the young children (and some not so young) went up and sat with Santa with everyone getting a bag of lollies after telling Santa that all had been good during the year. After attending to the children’s request, Santa was last seen with his Helper Elf

leaving Stuart Mill on the back of the Fire Truck heading back to the North Pole. After Santa’s departure Stuart Mill sat down to a Christmas feast of roast lamb, pork and ham with a variety of salads, pavs, cheesecakes and the traditional Christmas Pudding and custard. The Christmas gathering at Stuart Mill was funded by the Northern Grampians Shire and Stuart Mill would like to thank the Northern Grampians for their continued support in the functions that are held here.

Above: A good turnout celebrates Christmas at the Stuart Mill Reserve last weekend.

Right: Young Leo Lloyd has a BIG request from Santa.

Above: Lily Rossiter with Santa and his mischievous helper Elf.

Festive spirit spans generations as aged care residents continue season of fun-filled activity RESIDENTS of Coates aged care home in St. Arnaud recently enjoyed a special early-Christmas gift, as they welcomed local students from both St Patrick’s Primary School and St. Arnaud Primary School for memorable of carols, festive cheer, and plenty of smiles. The performing troupes of students entertained residents with several Christmas favourites, before warming hearts further by handing out special hand-made Christmas cards to everyone in attendance. Residents were naturally over the moon, complimenting students on their wonderful singing abilities – with many commenting that their talents, as well as generosity, had made their day. And no festive event is complete without an appearance by Santa. To further spread yuletide joy, a staff member from Coates was only too happy to don the red jacket and beard, handing out lollies to students to say thank you on behalf of everyone at the home. The occasion continued a busy period of fun-filled, end-ofyear activity for residents and the home, which is part of Respect, a not-forprofit aged care provider with a proud history of caring for

older Australians for more than a century. Jane Snell is the General Manager at Coates and she said that the Christmas period is certainly a memorable, yet jampacked time for the home, with residents enjoying the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities and events to celebrate the festive period. This includes unique arts and craft sessions, luncheons involving friends and family, and participating in the local Christmas procession – which sees residents hop on a decorated bus and join locals for the much-anticipated event. “Our staff and residents at Coates were also extremely privileged to welcome students from St Arnaud Primary School too last week, who graced us with another great performance of Christmas Carols. The residents loved it and I hope the students enjoyed the experience too. “Terrific activities and events like this,

where we welcome and engage with the community, are hugely beneficial for residents as well as the home. It allows us to stay connected with local families and ensures our residents can continue to feel a strong link with St. Arnaud and the surrounding regions. “The students from both St Patrick’s and St. Arnaud Primary were wonderful and on behalf of everyone at Coates, we were so proud to welcome them into our home. “The residents loved hearing them perform and spending time with them, all to spread the Christmas cheer. “We continue to have a great connection with local schools and a big thank you again, to staff and students, for bringing a smile to our residents’ faces,” Jane said. Looking forward, Jane said Coates will continue its proud connection with, and support for, the community. “We’re passionate about fostering strong connections –

amongst residents, our staff members and volunteers, as well as the wider community. “We’re proud of the positive relationships we have across St. Arnaud and are committed to supporting local families now and in the future,” she said.

Right: St. Patricks Primary School children entertain the residents of Coates Hostel Below: St. Arnaud Primary School children also get into the act with residents of Coates Hostel


Cutting grass and fire risk in the district FOREST Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) crews are currently focused on cutting grass on public land in the Murray Goldfields District to reduce the risk of grassfires this summer. FFMVic Murray Goldfields Senior Forest Fire Management Officer, Simon Brown, said crews will be slashing a total of 2,000 hectares in the coming weeks. That’s more than the equivalent of 225 Melbourne Cricket

Grounds of grass. Works are taking place in St. Arnaud and Charlton as well as across Bendigo, Castlemaine, Maldon, Chewton, Inglewood, Wedderburn, Heathcote, Rushworth, Avoca, Kyneton, Macedon and

surrounding areas. “Grass slashing works are carefully timed to align with the anticipated increase in grass growth,” Mr Brown said. “If it’s done too early, it will encourage regrowth and require follow-up treatment,”he added. Forest Fire Management Victoria crews carry out fire pre-

paredness work all year round to reduce the risk posed by bushfires and grassfires to our communities. Reducing bushfire risk is a shared responsibility. Fuel reduction on public land can only do so much – and that’s why we also work with the CFA to help people understand how to prepare and take action to reduce bushfire risk.

"We encourage residents to cut long grass regularly, remove leaves and twigs from the yard and clear space around the house of all flammable materials,"said Mr Brown. Reducing fuels like grass, leaves, bark, shrubs and fallen branches means a fire would be less intense and slower to spread. Less fuel for fire

helps firefighters keep bushfires smaller and contained before they pose a risk to people, communities and the environment. For more information on how we manage the risk of bushfires, please visit: www.ffm.vic.gov.au/bus hfire[1]fuel-and-riskmanagement/managing -bushfire-risk For more informa-

tion on how to prepare you property for bushfire, please visit: www.cfa.vic.gov.au/planprepare/before-and-duri ng-a-fire/fire-ready-kit Farmers, find out how to prepare your animals and property and build a fire plan for bushfire season, agriculture.vic.gov.au/farm -management/emergency-management/bu shfires

Still winning at 79 IT was fitting that on the eve of the 2023 Interdominion final in Brisbane the oldest driver to ever contest a final won the first race at Charlton on Friday. 79yo Axedale reinsman Brian Gath, who trained and drove the 1978 winner of the pacers division “ M a r ko v i n a ” , w a s unplaced in the Trotters final in Sydney in Sydney in 2021 when he was 77 years of age. The winner of Friday's race was the 3yo trotter “Maori Franklin” whose 2nd dam is a half-sister to “Maori Law” the winner of the 2021 final that Brian drove in. In race 2 at Charlton, “Im Miss Royalty” and driver Lauren White did the right thing by their Millett Street cheer squad by winning again. No heart flutters for the mare’s supporters this time as she trotted all the way and aided by a textbook perfect drive put her head in front just before the finish line. Ryan Sanderson drove a double at Friday’s meeting and added to his Melton

win aboard the Shane Sanderson trained “Rumble Stride” to take this season's tally of wins to 98. There are a lot of familiar names in the ownership of the former Queensland mare “Harley Blue” who was successful at Terang on Sunday. Trained by Shaun and Jason McNaulty the pacer was meant to be driven by James Herbertson who had transport difficulties trying to get back from Brisbane after competing in the Australian Young Drivers Championship. Former NSW reinswoman Amy Day was the replacement driver and she got the job done in dashing fashion for the owners, the McNaulty Family Racing Group, D S Gray, B L Pell, J Nelson, G Bunnett , J Cornwell, D Rhoden, T O’Connor, D G Carroll, E S Swanton, E R Swanton, S A Martin,

Right: Two drives for two wins by Lauren White on Charlton winner “Im Miss Royalty” with Ian, Brent and Susan White and Barry and Joy McSwain. Inside running by Archie

Boos Boyz Group, G Ross, J Leonard, H Leonard. It’s Humbletonian day at Maryborough on the 22nd with 10 races for Vicbred non winners who get their chance for a nice collect with all races being of $10,000 and the St. Arnaud Club race at home on December 29th.

R i g h t : Te r a n g winner “Harley Blue” with Jack Cornwell, Ben P ell, Shaun McNaulty and Eddie Swanton.

St. Arnaud Social Badminton End of Year Break-Up OUR group of Social Badminton players and friends enjoyed a delightful Christmas lunch at Summerfield Winery in Moonambel to celebrate - Contributed another year of badminton.

Above (left to right): Fiona Simpson, Louisa Hiscox, Jan Rinaldi, Diane Martin, Robyn Vanrenen, Sue Sutton, Wendy Shaw, Christine Cameron, Dianne Horsfall and Tricia Hines.


We welcomed three new players this year: Wendy Shaw, Tricia Hines and Leanne Burke. The Champion for 2023 was Diane Martin, Runner-Up was Dianne Horsfall and in Third Place was Christine Cameron. Social Badminton is on every Thursday at 9:30 am at the Stadium, all year round, with racquets and child-minding available. We welcome new players.

Coaches for Saints’ 2024 football season ST. ARNAUD Football Club has formally announced its coaching lineup for season 2024. - Contributed Scott Driscoll has jumped onboard as Senior Playing Coach. Scott brings with him a passion for player development, a passion for personal development, and a passion for the game of Australian Rules Football. In a recent interview with the Wimmera Mail Times, Scott had the following to say. "I've always enjoyed a challenge, and the club being at the bottom of the ladder didn't come into the equation. “I know people in the area, and when I was doing my research, I found we hadn't recruited well in recent years, which hurt results-wise, but I kept being told it's a good club full of great people. “There's good juniors coming through and plenty of locals, so I think this is a good opportunity for me to develop a young group." When asked about his coaching style, he said; "I'm a developmental coach who likes to coach the person as much as the player. Even at 36, I believe there's growth in my game, so I think every player should be looking to constantly improve.” After having a year out of the game, Torin Petrie has jumped onboard as a playing assistant. We caught up with Torin to get his thoughts on his appointment. “Thrilled to be back involved, very excited for what’s to come! Looking forward to getting back in the

thick of it with the boys again, and keen to work with Scotty to help get the best out of our list, both our developing and established local talent, and the new faces. Something is building, it will take some hard work but we are very quickly developing a list that can once again make an impact on North Central Footy.” Aidan Goode is also working with the Saints playing group in a Strength and Conditioning role, coordinating fitness testing, and implementing running and gym programs for the players. Hayden Torney and Luke Ezard will be continuing on as reserves coaches. 2023 always looked like it was going to be a fairly tough year for the Saints, and in particular for the reserves coaches, when the injuries piled on as the season progressed, it only got harder and harder. When asked about their Senior/Reserves coaching appointments, President Dean Wandel had the following to say. “ We ’ r e really pleased to have ‘Disco’ join us, and we would like to welcome him, alongside his wife Amber, and their son, Easton to our Saints Family. It’s great to be able to welcome Torin and family back into the fold as well. He was born into our Saints Family, and has a passion for our club that rivals anyone. Hayden and Luke are going around again in the reserves.

Above: Alistair Egan (left), St. Arnaud Football Club welcomes new senior coach Scott Driscoll.

They found themselves firmly in the deep end quite a bit last season, but they battled through and done an exceptional job, particularly given the circumstances. Again, two people who have put in plenty of time over the years for our Club, it made absolute sense to give them another crack in 2024.” Harley Durward is continuing on in his role as Under 17s coach, and will be again assisted by Tom Bertalli. The Saints Under 17s were in the thick of it right through 2023, eventually falling short to a superb Boort team in the business end of the season. Their Under 17s retain the vast majority of their list going into 2024, and with a number of talented kids coming up out of the Under 14s, there’s no reason why they can’t be right in the mix again. Luke Batters will be continuing on as Under 14s coach again, and is eager to continue with his development of his young Saints. We caught up with B r e t t K a y, J u n i o r Chairperson, and asked his thoughts on their Junior Appointments. “Harley Durward’s reappointment, again with the assistance of Tom Bertalli, was a no brainer. We are eager to see him continue to develop this talented group of Saints we have at our disposal, of course with the aim of hopefully going one better in 2024 Luke Batters returns again in 2024, his 3rd year working with the Under 14’s/13s. Luke has expressed his enthusiasm whole heartedly throughout the offseason, and is looking forward to training resuming in February. “Under 14 assistants will be named in due course.” Finally, we asked Dean Wandel his overall thoughts on the appointments, and he had this to say. “We have the right people in the right roles, and I’m genuinely excited to see what we can do as a club in 2024.”

2023 National Sambo Training Camp hosted in St. Arnaud THE Sambo Federation of Victoria hosted their first training camp in St. Arnaud during 15th to 17th December. - Contributed A total of 41 athletes (starting from as young as six years old) participated in 12 hours of training across the three days. In addition to our local athletes, participants travelled from Geelong, Melbourne and Adelaide to participate in the successful weekend. Unfortunately, one of the coaches and athletes from Queensland were unable to fly down due to the current cyclone situation. Nevertheless, the athletes enjoyed the

sessions facilitated by our other three coaches, Kyle Torney (Sambo Federation of Victoria President and owner Torney’s Fighting Fit gym), Savilly Timofeev from Russia (National Sambo Federation President) and Sajjad K azemi from Iran (National champion and two time Olympic representative). Athletes trained on the mats at Torney’s Fighting Fit gym and the St. Arnaud Stadium as well as enjoyed a recovery session at the St. Arnaud

Swimming pool (opening on Saturday especially for us). We a l s o h a d a great time participating in the local St. Arnaud Christmas procession. Thanks must go to the committee members who helped organise and facilitate the camp including catering for all meals/snacks throughout the weekend, Kyle Torney (President), Fern Hahn (Vice president), Tammy Wright (Secretar y), Tessa Torney (Treasurer) and committee members Naomi Medlyn, Georgia Taylor and Jordan Hamilton.

We also wish to acknowledge the following sponsors/ donors who helped to fund the training camp- Bendigo Bank, Planning to Party (Fern Hahn), Weirs Supa IGA St Arnaud, Brett Torney and Ray Sharp. Thank you also to Ray Sharp, Barry and Brett Torney for cooking our BBQ’s over the weekend and the St. Arnaud Secondar y College for the use of the stadium. Well done to all the athletes that participated and we look forward to facilitating an even bigger and better training camp in 2024.

Above and Below: Although the Queensland contingent were unable to attend due to Cyclone Jasper, all other who attended the Training Camp across 3 days gained from the experience.


St. Arnaud tennis team overpowers Kara Kara LIKE all sports, tennis is no exception when it comes to “expecting the unexpected”! So it was that the second last team on the NCLTA ladder St. Arnaud, loomed large over the second top team, Kara Kara to record an enviable local derby win on the home courts. The secret of course was to coerce a couple of past Club Champions in Scott Wright and Chris Amos to don the white shoes which proved a clincher in the top half of the Men’s Doubles. Coupled with Stevie Rodger they were a tad too experienced in close sets for Kara

Kara’s Graeme and Sam Male and Matt Goode, winning all sets as part of each player’s three set haul for the day. In the lower Men’s Doubles section Peter Scott proved that even the Brits can acclimatise to “fierce” Aussie conditions with his two of his three set wins for the day! The St. Arnaud Men’s lead of 12 games (44-32 games) was, however, to be sorely tested in the Ladies Doubles as Kara Kara cut the lead to just 3 games in a 39-30

Above: St. Arnaud's Peter Scott stretches for an overhead shot.

- Contributed games leveller. While the St. Arnaud top half of the Ladies Doubles played excellent winning tennis, thanks especially to Aimee Jones winning two of her three sets for the day, the Kara Kara lower half returned serve with equally excellent tennis, despite Chris Goode’s two set wins from her three for the afternoon. The conditions were excellent for tennis on Saturday and the friendly competitive spirit evident as both teams strived for a match win to further their progress up the Premiership ladder. However, it was to be St. Arnaud to prevail in the Mixed Doubles (43-24 games) to tumble Kara Kara from second to third place with itself climbing two places to fifth place, with an overall win 117-95 games (8-2 points). Still, the players are all loving it! What better way to finish the first half of the season with a BBQ and a discussion of “what ifs”! The first round of 2024 (Round 9) will be held at St. Arnaud’s home courts with Kara K ara playing Wycheproof and St. Arnaud playing “top of the ladder” Nullawil. The St. Arnaud and District Lawn Tennis Club players, both Juniors and Seniors, wish all in our town and district communities a Happy Christmas and good wishes for the coming year.

St. Arnaud Indoor Bowls Tu e s d a y December


- Contributed

Our last Bowling day for the year which was also the Christmas Break Up, had 14 Bowlers participate. Getting into the Christmas Spirit, Bowlers had to turn up wearing something Christmassy, which everyone did. Playing for prizes

and keeping in with the festive theme all bowlers went home with a prize. Playing three games of six ends, the winners for the day with 32 points, winning the major prize was Malcolm Campbell (S), Bill Deanshaw and Rolf Wacker. They won their first

Wimmera Mallee Cricket round 9 A grade BrimKSHvs Wycheproof/Narraport N/A Donald Jeffcott 4/266 (40) def. St Marys 10/103 (30.3) Marnoo 3/152 (25.1) def. St Arnaud Saints A 10/148 (36) Bye Birchip Swans A

B Grade Birchip 9/154 (40) def. Watchem 10/119 (39.2) Southern Mallee Giants 3/66 (23.3) def. BrimKSH 10/65 (38) St. Arnaud vs Charlton N/A St Marys 10/84 (23) lost to Donald Jeffcott 1/88 (18)

game 7 to 5 with three ends. The second game, they took control, only letting their opponents win one end. They won this game 8 to 1 with five ends. In the third game their opponents only won the first two ends with 5 points. They then took control of the game winning the next four ends but were only able to get one bowl per end, which meant they lost their third game by one point. The other three teams only won a game each, and two of those teams played a draw. At the end of competition and formalities completed, the day was concluded with afternoon tea. Bowling resumes on Tuesday 9th January 2023.


Above: Back row: Austin Lowe, Jesse Amos, Hamish Tannock, Riley Burke. Front row: Lewis Lowe, Leanne Burke, Ebony Start, Finn Wilson and Heidi Start.

Warracknabeal Christmas Swim Meet ON 16th of December 2023 nine piranhas competed in the Warracknabeal Swim Meet. Jesse Amos competed in the Men’s 17-29yrs and came 1st in the 50m fly, 2nd in the back and free and 3rd in the breast. He also came 2nd in the Mens open 100m back and free. L e a n n e B u r ke competed in the Women's 30&O and came 1st in the 50m back, fly, free and 2nd in the breast. Riley Burke competed in the Men’s 17-29yrs and came 2nd in the 50m breast and 3rd in the free. Austin Lowe competed in the Boy’s 13-14yrs and came 1st in the 50m back, fly, free and breast. Lewis Lowe competed in the Boy’s 11-12yrs and came 2nd in the 50m free, breast and 3rd in the fly. Lewis also competed in the back. Ebony Start competed in the Women’s 17-29yrs and came 1st in the 50m back, fly, free, Women’s open 100m back, free and Women’s open medley. Ebony also came 2nd in the 50m breast. Ebony won the W.Maroney Perpetual Tr o p h y for the Women’s Open 100m freestyle. She also won the Geoff Fe r g u s o n Memorial Trophy for the Women’s 17&O best performing swimmer over 4 strokes. Congratulations Ebony. Heidi Start competed in the Girls 13-14yrs and came 1st in the 50m back, fly,

- Contributed free, Women’s open 100m fly, Women’s open 100m breast, 200m IM. Heidi also came 2nd in the 50m breast, and 3rd in the open 100m free. Hamish Tannock competed in the Boy’s 13-14yrs and came 1st in the 100m breast, 3rd in the 50m breast and 100m free. Hamish also competed in the 50m free and back. Finn Wilson competed in the Boy’s 11-12yrs and came 2nd in the 50m fly and IM and 3rd in the 50m free and 100m free. He also competed in the 50m back, breast and 100m breast. Open Medley relay with Jesse, Leanne, Riley and Ebony came 1st. 16&u medley relay with Austin, Hamish, Heidi and Finn came 2nd. 16&u free relay with Austin, Hamish, Heidi and Finn came 1st. 14&u Free Lewis Finn Austin Hamish came 1st. Open free relay with Jesse, Leanne, Riley and Ebony came 1st. The Piranhas will now have a break over the Christmas and New Year period. First swim meet back will be the 3rd of February 2024 for St Arnaud’s first swim meet. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year.

Above: Ebony Start with the W. Maroney Perpetual Trophy and the Geoff Ferguson Memorial Trophy.

Above: Leanne Burke swimming in her 50m freestyle.

Bowlers Christmas Breakup

Perfect for twilighters - Contributed

THERE was quite a bit of rain during the afternoon prior to the last Twilight Bowls before the Christmas break, and numbers were down, probably as a result of the wet.

- Contributed

THE St. Arnaud Bowling Club players held their Christmas breakup afternoon last Sunday, enjoying two games of mixed pairs in absolutely perfect conditions. They then adjourned into the clubrooms for some lovely afternoon tea and pleasant socialising. Plenty of jokes, and some body and mind testing games ,were well received by the members. The winners of the bowls were Maurie Wood and Wayne Rourke. It was good to welcome Wayne back on the green in such fine form. It was Wayne’s first game back on the green af ter a fairly long absence for medical reasons. Runners-up were Tony Marland and Marg McRae.

However the clouds lifted and conditions became perfect for the bowlers. In fact it was one of the best nights for bowlers. The clear winners on the night were Tom Amos, Terence Robertson and Brad Chester 12 shots up, the winners of the Country Kitchen free pizzas. Runners-up were Terry McSwain and

Above: Andrea Tyler the most eye-catching bowler at the Christmas breakup.

Above: Wayne Rourke and Maurie Wood happy winners of the Christmas stockings full of chocolates at Twlight bowls.

Knocked off perch • From page 40. Ladder 1. Wycheproof 2. St. Arnaud 3. Wedderburn 4. Country Club 5. Donald Golf 6. Boort 7. Charlton 8. Donald Division 2

pts 77 76 76 64 63 51 46 27

Clean sweep by St. Arnaud St. Arnaud Division 2 won all three rinks for a very good win over Country Club. Kerryn Dyke, Kell Bibby, Peter Duncan and Marg McRae, went to a 7-0 lead after 4 ends, and kept control for the entire game against the John Needs skipped four. Brian Eccles, Craig Cheesman, Terence Robertson and Jason Barron were 10 – 0 in front of Graeme Shaw’s team after 4 ends and held off all challenges for a solid win. Lloyd Goddard, Gary Shinners, John Prendergast and

Frank James had a tough struggle against Phil Elliott’s team but their strong second half saw them take the points. Match details: K. Dyke 28 def J. Needs 15 B. Eccles 26 def G. Shaw 19 L. Goddard 26 def P. Elliott 22 St. Arnaud 80 shots defeated Country Club 56 shots – 12 points to 0 points. Other Division 2 results: Donald 51 shots lost to Charlton 87 shots – 0 points to 12 points Boort 56 shots lost to Wycheproof 85 shots – 0 points to 12 points We d d e r b u r n 7 2 shots defeated Donald Golf 60 shots – 10 points to 2 points. Ladder pts 1. Wycheproof 98 2. Charlton 87 3. Wedderburn 80 4. Donald Golf 74 5. St.Arnaud 54 6. Country Club 46 7. Boort 30 8.Donald 11

Paddy Duncan 4 shots up. Some special award winners were Doug Walker, Brian Eccles and Zac Sauter, claiming the Smarties award. They thought they

were smart enough winners to get a main prize. The Boiled Lollies award was clearly won by Darren Shepherd, Di Ostarcevic and Graham Wilson. The organisers were

thanked for their efforts in making the nights so enjoyable for the bowlers, who were thanked for their support. Twilight Bowls will resume on Thursday January 11th.

Round 9 Midweek Pennant at St. Arnaud ST. ARNAUD hosted Donald Golf for Round 9 of Midweek Pennant on a day that got warmer as the day progressed. Tom Amos's team played Geoff Rigby's team. Donald Golf won the first 3 ends with their skipper disposing of any shots in the way. Good bowling by St. Arnaud, saw them win the next 3 ends to be up 4-3 on the 6th end. A six on the 16th end saw St. Arnaud up 18-7 at the lunch break.

Country Club up to the challenge DIVISION one in a must win game faced a huge challenge against top side St. Arnaud and to their credit had a very good win by 23 shots. Bill Rodger’s team had a very good win over Terry McSwain’s team by 17 shots, winning 16 ends out of 25. Jason Abbott had a tough game against the inform team of Steve Zsigmond, they withstood the pressure to win by 5 shots. The closest game was between Simon Elliott and Glendon Hancock this came down to the last bowl to decide the winner. After a great game played in good spirit, Simon’s team won by one shot. According to my records this is the first time we have been in the top four for the season. Bill Rodger defeated Terry McSwain 29-12 Jason Abbott defeated Steve Zsigmond 29-24

Above: Winners for the night (left to right) Terence Robertson, Tom Amos and Brad Chester.

Simon Elliott defeated Glendon Hancock 25-24 83 shots to 60 12 points to nil Division 2 Division 2 had a very disappointing day when they lost all three rinks to a more switched on St Arnaud team by 24 shots. This definitely was a must win game but just stick to it the season is not over yet. Phil Elliott lost to Lloyd Goddard 22-26 Graham Shaw lost to Brian Eccles 19-26 John Needs lost to Kerryn Dyke 15-28 56 shots to 80 0 points to 12 I would like to wish all Country Club members and their families, a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Good playing by the whole team saw St. Arnaud have a good win 28-12. Lloyd Goddard skipping in Phil McRae's place led his team to a good win leading 18 – 15 at the lunch break. It was interesting to note only 9 of the 25 ends were won with a single shot by either team while at the other end of the scale there were 4 shots scored on 3 ends. St. Arnaud went on to win 29 –22 against Peter Hibberds team. Col Marchment’s team was away to a slow start not scoring until the 4th end, although at the lunch break, they were only down 9-15. St. Arnaud was only able to pick up 4 more ends and those only being single shots each time. Donald Golf lead by Shane O’Shea continued on to win 25-13. Final Scores St. Arnaud 70 shots 10 points defeated Donald Golf 59 shots 2 points. St. Arnaud is now in 5th place on the ladder and only 4 points outside of the 4 and must now and try to pick up as many points as possible in the remaining games starting this week against Boort at Boort.

Above: St. Arnaud skipper Lloyd Goddard is all style as he sent this bowl on its way.

Right: Andrea Tyler intently watches one of her good bowls on its way to the kitty. NORTH CENTRAL NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 20th 2023 - Page 39




Saints knocked off their perch THE local bowls’ derby between St. Arnaud and Country Club, as usual, was a keenly contested affair.

Above: Country Club’s Faye Rodger on the mat watched by St. Arnaud opponents Tom Amos and Phil McRae.

It was round 10 of the North Central Weekend pennant competition, held last Saturday, the final game prior to the Christmas Har vest break. In Division 1 St. Arnaud was on top of the ladder, Country Club in 5th place, so a St. Arnaud win seemed to be on the cards. Not so. Countr y Club outscored the visitors on all three cards claiming all 12 points, dropping St. Arnaud down to second place and lifting Country Club into the four.

FREE ADMISSION PH: 0400 258 887 Above: Country Club's Mark Esmore checking instructions for his next bowl with his skipper.

- Contributed The dominance of Bill Rodger, Trevor McDonald, Rhonda Pole and Danny Mullins over Terry McSwain, Ashley Dyke, Maurie Wood and Tony Marland was a telling factor. The Country Club four won 17 of the 25 ends outbowling the St. Arnaud team, for a 17 shot win. Jason Abbott, John Nevill, Denis Goode and Faye Rodger had a 7 shots to 0 lead over Steve Zsigmond, Phil McRae, Greg McNally and Tom Amos, but were trailing 8-14 after 10 ends. It was shot for shot until Jason’s four won 5 of their last 6 ends to take the match. Simon Elliott, Mark Esmore, Jack Jorgenson and Des Moulday had a ver y close contest against Glendon Hancock, Col Marchment, Graham Simpson and Darren Shepherd, the result going right to the wire, the result one single shot win to Simon’s four. Country Club won 45 ends to St. Arnaud 30 ends. They handled the quick green and tricky wind much better than the visitors. Match details: W. Rodger 29 def T. McSwain 12 J. Abbott 29 def S Zsigmond 24 S. Elliott 25 def G. Hancock 24 Country Club 83 shots defeated St. Arnaud 60 shots – 12 points to 0 points. Other Division 1 results: Donald 60 shots lost to Charlton 66 shots – 2 points to 10 points Boort 65 shots lost to Wycheproof 76 shots – 2 points to 10 points Wedderburn 97 shots defeated Donald Golf 56 shots – 10 points to 2 points.

Above: An interested observer at Saturday’s bowling was Joe Secombe a former member of the St. Arnaud Bowling Club.

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