Storizen Magazine March 2024 | Anand Neelakantan

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STORIZEN HOME TO YOUR STORIES MARCH 2024 Exploring Mythic Wisdom: Anand Neelakantan's Asura Way to Success Exclusive Story on Page 8 Celebrating 6 Years of Storizen!

Cover Story

Exploring Mythic Wisdom:

Anand Neelakantan's Asura

Way to Success

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Editors Pria Raiyani For Advertising, Contact us [email protected] Book Reviews Swapna Peri

articles/short stories/poetry

Editor's Note, p7

Cover Story, p8

Exploring Mythic Wisdom: Anand Neelakantan's Asura Way to Success

hot off the press, p16

A Feeling Called Home - Sreelekha Chatterjee, p18

Monthly Horoscope: March 2024 - Himani Goyal, p60

Those were the days - Bittersweet - Madhumathi H., p56

The Roads We Walk On, Come Around - Sangita Kalarickal, p58

Blue Eyes Cries - Neelakshi Banerjee, p54

You Will Always Be Remembered - Aparna Mukherjee, p22

Wandering into the Nostalgic lane to Seal a Promise - Ankur R. Gupta, p26

Interview: Ajit Menon and Anil Verma, Authors of The Puppeteer, p30

book reviews (by Swapna Peri and Saurabh Chawla)

7 Deadly Sinners by Debarati Mukhopadhyay, p36

At The Pleasure of His Majesty by Chander M. Lall, p36

Banker by Chance, Leader by Choice by Shiv B. Singh, p37

Biju Patnaik: The Rainmaker of Opposition Politics by Bhaskar Parichha, p37

Chase The Change by Sandeep Jain, p38

Maker of Modern Goa by Vijayadevi Rane, p38

Modi's Northeast Story by Tuhin Sinha and Aditya Pittie, p39

People First by G. Mathi Vathanan, p39

Roar of the Dark by Aastha Rathod Naad, p40


The Fight Against Alzheimer’s by Dr. Shuvendu Sen, p40

7 Chakras of Management by Ashutosh Garg, p41

1700 in 70 by Gita Balakrishnan, p41

Airplane Mode by Shahnaz Habib, p42

Because India Comes First by Ram Madhav, p42

In Search of the Indian Village by Mamang Dai, p43

Red River by Somnath Batabyal, p43

Rising 2.0 by Kiran Manral, p44


book reviews (by Swapna Peri and Saurabh Chawla )

She Storms the Norms by Anisha Motwani and Priyadarshini Narendra, p44

The Hindutva Paradigm by Ram Madhav, p45

The Indian Reality by Ram Madhav, p45

Work Made Easy by Parthajeet Sarma, John Hoffmire & Raj Krishnamurthy, p46

Your Utopia by Bora Chung, p46

If I Have to Be a Soldier by Nikhil J. Alva, p47

2024: India in Free Fall by Sanjay Jha, p47

Slip, Stitch and Stumble by Rajrishi Singhal, p48

Snakes, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll by Romulus Whitaker & Janaki Lenin, p48

The Final Curtain by Keigo Higashino and Giles Murray, p49

The Musical Maverick: The Authorized Biography of Shankar Mahadevan by Ashis Ghatak, p49

The No-Waste Kitchen Cookbook by Arina Suchde, p50

Anna O by Matthew Blake, p50

Asia after Europe by Sugata Bose, p51

Being Hindu, Being Indian by Vanya Vaidehi Bhargav, p51

Nandi's Charge: The Battle of Vathapi Book 1 by Arun Krishnan, p52

The Year of the Locust by Terry Hayes, p52

Varaha’s Vengeance: The Battle of Vathapi Book 2 by Arun Krishnan, p53

The Vast Empty by Turiya, p53

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Dear Readers,

As we step into the nostalgic realm of March, we are thrilled to present to you our 6th Anniversary Issue of Storizen Magazine. Time flies, and it's incredible to look back at our journey filled with literary adventures, thought-provoking stories, and the unwavering support of our readers, contributors, and the literary community at large.

This month, our theme delves into the cherished memories of yesteryears, evoking a sense of longing and fondness Nostalgia, with its bittersweet essence, guides us through the corridors of time, allowing us to revisit moments that shaped us into who we are today

In this commemorative issue, we're delighted to announce that Storizen Magazine has been recognized among the Top 30 Political Book Blogs and Websites by Feedspot This acknowledgment fills us with immense pride and gratitude, reinforcing our commitment to delivering quality content that resonates with our diverse readership

Featured prominently in this edition is the acclaimed author Anand Neelakantan, whose profound insights into mythic wisdom have captivated audiences worldwide Dive into our exclusive feature, "Exploring Mythic Wisdom: Anand Neelakantan's Asura Way to Success, " and embark on a journey of enlightenment and discovery This is our first-ever collaboration with Jaico Publishing House for a Cover Feature!

As we celebrate our milestone, we also extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you who has been a part of our journey. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm continue to inspire us to strive for excellence with every issue we bring forth.

Join us as we revel in the magic of nostalgia, weaving tales of reminiscence and reflection. From heartfelt stories to captivating poetry, and a plethora of book reviews to satisfy your literary cravings, this anniversary edition promises to be a treasure trove of literary delights.

Thank you for being an indispensable part of the Storizen family Here's to many more years of shared stories, cherished memories, and endless literary escapades!

Chawla, Editor
By Pria Raiyani and Swapna Peri

nand Neelakantan's journey as an author has been marked by a deep exploration of Indian mythology, challenging conventional narratives, and offering fresh perspectives on age-old tales His latest venture, "The Asura Way: The Contrarian Path to Success," marks a departure from his previous mytho-fictions, delving into non-fiction territory Motivated by a fascination with the deeper meanings hidden within ancient tales, Neelakantan aims to extract actionable wisdom from the stories of the Asuras, traditionally portrayed as antagonists Embracing qualities like passion, ambition, and desire often deemed negative, Neelakantan sees the Asura path as a refreshing outlook in today's age In this exclusive interview with Storizen Magazine, he discusses the inspiration behind his latest work, the challenges of challenging conventional beliefs, and his trust in his wife Aparna as his first critic. "The Asura Way" is published by Jaico Publishing House.

Anand Neelakantan, you have written mythofictions for adults and kids, and now The Asura Way: The Contrarian Path to Success, a non-fiction book is surprising. What motivated you to author this book?

I've always been fascinated by mythology and the deeper meanings hidden within ancient tales In my previous books, I aimed to reinterpret myths and present alternate perspectives, questioning the conventional notions of good versus evil With The Asura Way, I wanted to take a step further - to extract actionable wisdom from these stories and apply them to the challenges we face today The Asuras symbolize qualities like passion, ambition, and desireoften portrayed negatively, but containing tremendous potential. I felt their contrarian path could offer a refreshing outlook for those seeking fulfillment and success in this age of Kali. By learning from their mindset, we can break free of limiting beliefs and chart our own course through life's complexities.

There are underlying themes and insights woven throughout from start to finish in the book, promising a journey towards healthier,

more mindful, and successful living. What inspired the idea for your book The Asura Way?

I've always believed that the greatest lessons lie within the stories we tell, and mythology is a treasure trove of wisdom waiting to be rediscovered The idea for The Asura Way came to me during a particularly challenging period in my own life, when I found myself questioning the traditional paths to fulfillment and success In the midst of this introspection, I stumbled upon the concept of the Asuras, often portrayed as the antagonists in Hindu mythology

But as I delved deeper into their stories, I realized that the Asuras represented something more complex and intriguing They embodied qualities like passion, ambition, and desire - traits that are often vilified in our society, but which I believe contain immense potential for growth and self-actualization.

I began to see the Asura way as a contrarian path, a different way of looking at the world and our place within it. It challenged the conventional notions of good versus evil, dharma versus adharma, and offered a refreshing perspective on the pursuit of success and happiness

The more I explored this concept, the more I became convinced that the Asura way had something valuable to offer us in the modern world In an age characterized by rapid change, uncertainty, and intense competition, we need to think differently about success, fulfillment, and the meaning of life itself

The Asura way is not about blindly following ancient rules or adopting a specific set of beliefs Instead, it's about embracing our natural instincts, recognizing the power of our desires, and using them as fuel for personal growth and transformation. It's about living a life of authenticity, purpose, and unwavering determination, even in the face of adversity.

Through the stories and principles outlined in The Asura Way, I hope to inspire readers to challenge their own assumptions, break free of limiting beliefs, and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and successful life. The Asura way is not an easy path, but it is one that promises great rewards for those who are willing to embrace it

Pic: Anand Neelakantan, Author: The Asura Way

In the book, I explore a wide range of topics, from the nature of desire and ambition to the importance of self-belief and perseverance I draw on ancient wisdom, modern psychology, and my own personal experiences to provide practical advice and actionable insights that readers can apply to their own lives.

One of the key themes in The Asura Way is the importance of embracing our emotions, including those that are often seen as negative. Anger, jealousy, and greed can be powerful forces for good when channeled in the right way. Rather than suppressing these emotions, we need to learn how to manage them and use them as fuel for our success

Another important aspect of the Asura way is the concept of self-reliance Asuras are not afraid to challenge the status quo, question authority, and forge their own path in life They believe in their own abilities and are willing to take risks to achieve their goals

Of course, the Asura way is not without its challenges Asuras often face opposition and criticism from those who are more comfortable with the traditional ways of doing things But by staying true to their beliefs and values, Asuras can overcome these obstacles and achieve great things.

The Asura Way is a book that I wrote for anyone who is looking for a different path, a way to live a life of purpose, passion, and success. If you are ready to embrace your inner Asura and unleash your full potential, then I invite you to join me on this journey

The book primarily talks about the ways the misconceptions and prevalent myths shape our views on achieving success.What perspectives or beliefs have you challenged with this work? Similarly, how challenging was it to explain these?

In The Asura Way, I challenge many of the misconceptions and prevalent myths that shape our views on achieving success One of the biggest myths is that success is something that is only achieved by a select few, the lucky ones who are

born with special talents or advantages. I believe that success is something that is available to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances All it takes is the willingness to work hard, to never give up on your dreams, and to embrace your inner Asura

Another myth that I challenge in this book is the idea that we need to suppress our emotions in order to be successful We are often told that anger, jealousy, and greed are negative emotions that we should avoid at all costs But I believe that these emotions can be powerful forces for good when channeled in the right way Rather than suppressing these emotions, we need to learn how to manage them and use them as fuel for our success.

Of course, challenging these misconceptions and prevalent myths can be difficult. It requires us to question our own beliefs and assumptions and to be open to new ways of thinking. But I believe that it is worth it. By challenging these myths, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and achieve greater success in all areas of our lives

One of the most challenging aspects of writing The Asura Way was explaining these concepts in a way that is clear and accessible to readers I wanted to make sure that the book was not just an academic treatise, but something that could be read and enjoyed by anyone who is interested in personal growth and development I hope that I have succeeded in this goal and that The Asura Way will inspire readers to challenge their own assumptions and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and successful life

From an Indian perspective, concerning the influence of certain religious classes on Sanatan Dharma, can revisiting Indian scriptures revive Indian confidence, contrasting with the influence of foreign ideas emphasizing pragmatism and objectivism?

As an Indian author, I've often been struck by the way the West perceives India as a spiritual civilization and our people as 'otherworldly' This is a myth perpetuated by the West, and it's a myth that needs to be challenged


India has always had a materialistic approach to life Our ancient scriptures are full of stories about wealth, power, and ambition Our people have always been entrepreneurial and innovative We have a long history of trade and commerce And we have always been interested in the arts and sciences.

Spirituality is just one part of our complex civilization. It's not the only part, and it's not the most important part. India is a land of many cultures and traditions. We are a diverse people, with a rich and varied history. We are not simply a spiritual people. We are also a materialistic people.

We are people who are interested in the world around us We are a people who are ambitious and driven We are a people who are creative and innovative Over the years, the overemphasis on spirituality has led to the downfall of India in the field of critical thinking and scientific approach

It's time for the West to wake up to the real India It is also time for us to wake up to the real India and not just live the lives that the West wants us to live We are not just about Bhagwad Gita We are not a land of snake charmers and yogis We are a modern, progressive nation with a rich heritage of critical thinking. We are a rich and diverse culture.

Rationality has always been the hallmark of even our spiritualism. It is important to approach our scriptures with a critical mind. We should not blindly accept everything that is written in them but rather use our own intelligence and reason to discern what is true and relevant to our lives. By doing so, we can extract the best from our scriptures and apply it to our modern lives

I believe that revisiting Indian scriptures, especially the materialistic and rational part of it, can be a powerful way to revive Indian confidence and counter the influence of foreign ideas that are not in line with our traditional values By studying these scriptures, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world, and develop a stronger sense of national pride

The book challenges conventional thinking and guides readers through an exploration of Asura's world, offering insights into

contentment amidst the chaos of modern life, and delving into the various rivals of the human mind and success. Why is it that the author inside Anand Neelakantan's mind likes the concept of Asura?

I am always drawn to stories that challenge conventional thinking and offer a fresh perspective on the world The Asura Way is one such story It is a story about a group of beings who are often seen as the antagonists in Hindu mythology, but who also embody qualities that I find admirable, such as passion, ambition, and a willingness to challenge the status quo

I believe that the Asura way has a lot to teach us about how to live a successful and fulfilling life in the modern world. In a world that is increasingly complex and uncertain, we need to be able to think for ourselves, to question authority, and be willing to take risks. We need to be able to embrace our emotions, both positive and negative, and use them as fuel for our success.

The Asura way is not an easy path, but it is one that is worth taking It is a path that leads to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and ultimately, to a more fulfilling and successful life

I am excited to share the Asura way with readers, and I hope that it will inspire them to challenge their own assumptions and to embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and successful life I have been trained from my childhood on Indian Puranas and Shastras and the emphasis of my Gurus including my parents has always been to think rationally and from every side That is how our Knowledge system always was until we lost it to irrational belief without understanding the context of each scripture.

Of all the characters in Indian mythology, Ravana is my favorite. He is a complex and fascinating character, both good and evil, wise and foolish, powerful and vulnerable.

I am drawn to Ravana's passion and ambition He was not content to be just another demon king He wanted to be the greatest king in the world, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals


I also admire Ravana's intelligence and creativity He was a skilled musician, architect, and scholar He was also a master of illusion and deception

Of course, Ravana was also a flawed character He was arrogant, egotistical, and quick to anger But even in his flaws, I find something to admire.

Ravana was a man who lived life on his own terms. He was not afraid to challenge the gods or to follow his own path.

I believe that Ravana's story has a lot to teach us about the human condition. We are all capable of great good and great evil We are all capable of great passion and great ambition But it is up to us to choose which path we will take

Ravana chose the path of darkness, but he could have just as easily chosen the path of light He had the potential to be a great king, a great hero, or even a great god But he let his ambition and his anger get the better of him

I believe that we can learn from Ravana's mistakes We can learn to control our anger and our ambition We can learn to choose the path of light, even when it is difficult

Ravana's story is a reminder that we all have the potential for both good and evil. It is up to us to choose which path we will take.

If you had the opportunity to spend a day with one of your characters from either The Asura Way: The Contrarian Path to Success or your other books, who would you pick?

The answer is Ravana Another character I would love to spend time is Krishna I would love to know how Krishna could get away with most things that challenge the conventions

If you were to select a mascot, avatar, or spirit animal as a writer, what would it be?

My favorite animal is the Elephant My latest children's book – Mahi – the elephant who flew over the Blue Mountains, is inspired my two great loves

The dream of flying and the dream of being an elephant. Ganesha, obviously, is my mascot.

My mascot would be Ganesha, the elephantheaded god of wisdom and remover of obstacles Ganesha's unique features each symbolize important qualities for a writer:

His large ears represent the importance of listening As a writer, it's essential to listen to the world around you, to pay attention to the stories and experiences of others Only by listening can we truly understand the human condition and write stories that resonate with readers

His long trunk represents curiosity A writer must always be curious, always exploring new ideas and perspectives. Curiosity is what drives us to learn and grow, and it's what makes writing so exciting.

His sharp eyes represent attention to detail. A writer must be able to observe the world around them with a keen eye, to notice the small details that others might miss. It's these details that bring our stories to life and make them believable

His big belly and the modak in his hand represent the importance of enjoying life to the hilt Writing should be a joyful experience, and it's important to take time to enjoy the process The modak also represents the sweetness of success, and it's a reminder that all the hard work is worth it in the end

Finally, his mouse represents being friends with all, despite their status or size Ganesha reminds us that we should never take ourselves too seriously and the pursuit of knowledge shouldn't be devoid of fun. The big belly is to laugh a lot. And the broken tusk is a reminder that a writer shouldn't mind sacrificing something so personal if one could write and read a piece of literature like Mahabharata. Ganesha is the first reader and scribe of the epic and what could be a greater honor. So Ganesha remains my mascot.


How did my friends, readers and publishers react when I told them that this time it is a non-fiction book?

Well, let's just say that the reactions were mixed My friends were mostly supportive They knew that I had always been interested in Indian mythology and history, and they were curious to see what I would do with a non-fiction book on the subject

My readers were a bit more divided Some of them were excited to read a non-fiction book from me, while others were disappointed that it wasn't another novel.

My publishers were the most skeptical of all. They were worried that a non-fiction book wouldn't sell as well as my novels. But I was confident that I had something unique to say, and I was determined to prove them wrong. After all, I am an Asura and an Asura doesn't back away from what others say is impossible The world is a Modak to enjoy

Whom do you trust for objective and constructive criticism of your work?

My wife Aparna She is always my first critic and it is not just restricted to my books, but everything I do

Buy The Asura Way by Anand Neelakantan onlineJaico Publishing House (jaicobooks com)

About Pria - Young mesmerizing freelance blogger, social enthusiast, and an economics graduate from Jharkhand University with a Master's in Child Psychology She is hardworking yet crazy, a passionate reader, an ardent music fanatic, an avid caffeine lover, and a maniacal animal lover too She has been a part of numerous anthologies, articles, and write-ups for newspapers and magazines which are multi-linguistic She has also written screenplays for YouTube series.

Contact: pria@storizen com

Swapna Peri is a Freelance blogger, book reviewer, narrator, and copy editor.

Contact: swapna peri@storizen com


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A Feeling Called Home

n the summer of 2013, I left my ancestral house a mid-nineteenth-century, one-storeyed building in South Kolkata where I had lived my entire childhood and adolescent days.

Standing in front of the house that seemed like a burnt, over-baked biscuit, ready to crumble at the slightest touch it felt strange, emptied of the life that its inhabitants once brought in the uproarious laughter, the delectable excitement, the delicious joys and occasional, brief sorrows of yesteryear

I moved to Bangalore for better job prospects Though the change was for positive aims, the deep loss I felt every day of my life was totally unforeseen as if I had left behind a portion or probably the whole of myself in that ancient house that had become a part of my self-identity

I could never call another place my home other than this familial house of mine where I found my usual, accustomed sources of aid and comfort A sense of deprivation saturating dissatisfaction chased me throughout the past decade that I had been in a different city A home is more than a scrumptious meal to satisfy our appetite for hunger and a cozy bed to relax and rejuvenate

A busy life and my demanding job prevented me from making frequent visits to this house and after the pandemic hit the world, I hadn’t stepped on that premises. I wouldn’t have returned now if I hadn’t received the message from my elder brother and younger sister “Brother, we’re getting the house demolished.”They had left the house long before me. Other than me, the older generation had held the house close to their hearts, but they, along with their longing and affection for their dwelling, were lost in the due course of time.

I unlocked the iron gates and stepped inside the lush, unattended garden I stood beneath the guava tree that hadn’t ceased to give comfort under its shade the main center of attraction during my childhood days when we plucked juicy fruits from it At the time the beautiful array of roses, chrysanthemums, and jasmine flowers wafted their sweet fragrance into the air Though they still flowered, they were wild, untamed, and not the same as before

A familiar tune of a Rabindrasangeet Purano sei diner kotha my mind kept humming, as it wandered around the well-acquainted alleys of the former tranquil days spent in that house

Memories of the bygone days can one ever forget?

Oh, those which were perceived through our eyes, our soulful conversations, can anybody forget?

Oh, come once again, my friend, come onto the warmth of my beating heart We will exchange our joys and sorrows to our heart’s content, comforting our souls *

The reminiscences of the past still shone in my mind like a sparkling ornament, but the reality was devoted to hounding me out of the abode of that precious possession From outside, the house appeared naked, ravaged, and plundered of its emotions and dreams, or perhaps with our exit they left like solitary night’s dreams that one forgets at the advent of daylight My mere presence no longer warmed its shivering fits Perhaps all physical things had expiry dates, even though in our minds they were capable of prolonging their existence indefinitely, evincing a never-ending desire to experience them in flesh and spirit

Surprisingly, the memories created around them were eternal at the spiritual level and could be summoned effortlessly much like a power switch that could be turned on and off at will

I roamed around in the front garden for a while, recollecting my days spent with friends and family, then moved toward the house I reached the on-the-verge-of-collapsing front porch where elders used to sit, socialize, and have chit-chats with friends and family, accompanied by tea, snacks.

As I unlocked the main door and went in, I felt the house unwelcoming, hesitant, shut from the rest of the world, acquiring a sinister character, like a shy child unsure of the appropriate response to be shown to someone he is meeting after a long time. Coughing uncontrollably adjusting to the decade-old dust, cobwebs I stepped inside where once the air breathed music. Reaching the living area was like communicating with the inner recognition, sensibility, where the plasters of the walls blackened, damp, with foul smell were falling off; the old, moldering furniture unusable The kitchen witnessed the preparation of delicious, mouthwatering food aloo–potol posto (potatoes and pointed gourd cooked with lightly spiced poppy seeds), illish macher jhol (Hilsa fish broth), shukto (vegetables like bitter gourd, green banana, sweet potato, eggplants, drumsticks, along with ginger, five-spice mix, a hint of clarified butter and milk), mutton biryani, luchi–alur dom (deep-fried flour bread with rich, aromatic flavors of baby potatoes), mochar ghonto (banana flower with spices, flavored with the sweetness of coconut), kosha mangsho(delicious curry where mutton pieces are fried until tender in mustard oil and a mélange of spices), payesh (sweet pudding), patishapta (flour crepe filled with coconut and jaggery), rasgulla(sweet syrup-filled balls made of cottage cheese) all wrapped with love, affection


from the womenfolk, whose aroma set the house grinning with delight, but now the exposed bricks, halfbroken windows, doors depicted the remains of a onceprosperous household

The study room now a major part of the ceiling had crashed on its own, as if an aged figure had succumbed to its weight and fatigue staring at the somewhat gloomy, overcast sky, was where all the bright ideas were conceived, realized in the form of knowledge, consciousness The corridor though in a derelict state reminded me of the joyful memories of roaming from one room to the other, with or without any purpose, and the transition of the possibilities of reaching a stage of fulfillment Our bedrooms were the places where we rested in peace, without the fear of an unpredictable future, dreaming of a life that the subconscious mind was preoccupied with, perhaps a desire of growing old in that house

Rummaging through the accumulated rubble, I reached the back door. As I struggled to open the jammed door to the small backyard with high walls, it gave in to my strength and fell on the floor with a thud, as if an inflated balloon of expectations suddenly popped, deprived of air, lost its very meaning of existence. Although the impressions of the bygone days spent in that tranquil abode were vivid in my memory, the signs of their survival were starting to grow faint, as if a love affair was slowly losing its charm

I had these tall thoughts about renovating the house, thus renewing its lost glory like the absurdity of Vindhya mountain that kept growing in size to attain the status of the tallest mountain with a wish that the Sun god would circumbulate it

Being stripped off the world that I weaved around the house, I faced a major life change, triggering a psychic upheaval Unable to reach a consensus about the construction of a multi-storeyed building in its place, so long I created a setback for my siblings like the Vindhya mountain that kept on increasing the height, establishing an imbalance and obstructing the view of the sun from the earth Sage Agasthya asked the gigantic mountain to bow down, allowing him to cross the mountain, and remain in that position till he returned from the South to which the mountain concurred Till date the mountain has maintained the same position and awaits the return of the sage On realizing that the house was on-theshelf, barren of vitality in an irretrievable condition, and restoring, renewing prosperity to it would be a costly, arduous task, I took out the legal documents from my bag and signed my consent

My growth, self-transformational journey from the archetypical life that I had spent in the house to the


modern one had already begun, acclaiming a new identity, a metamorphosis laden with new-found knowledge and maturity On turning around to catch a glimpse of the house for the last time, I could visualize the house disintegrating into dust and nothingness

*Original song “Purano sei diner kotha” (in Bengali) by Rabindranath Tagore, few lines have been translated by the author

Sreelekha Chatterjee’s short stories have been published in various national, and international magazines and journals like Indian Periodical, Femina, Indian Short Fiction, eFiction India, The Criterion, The Literary Voyage, World of Words, Writer’s Ezine, and Estuary, and have been included in numerous print and online anthologies such as Chicken Soup for the Indian Soul series (Westland Ltd, India), Wisdom of Our Mothers (Familia Books, USA), and several others She lives in New Delhi, India

You can connect with her on Facebook at facebook com/sreelekha chatterjee 1/,

Twitter -@sreelekha001, and Instagram @sreelekha2023


REMEMBERED You Will Always Be

was enjoying my sleep when I woke up hearing the chirping birds outside my bedroom window. I knew if I opened the window right now, birds would fly away. I slowly walked near the window and heard the beautiful birds who were chirping, rather than talking to each other As I was engrossed in listening to this soothing voice, my mother called from the living room to have breakfast

I freshened up and walked to the living room to wish "Good Morning" to my mom and dad I joined them at the breakfast table and had hot parathas and paneer bhurji accompanying a cup of steaming tea After I enjoyed my breakfast, I decided to clean my study table and drawers which were messed up If I had to get a pen, I had to search the entire drawer Everything was so messy that it may take many hours The thoughts drained my energy But, I was determined to clean my study table and drawers even if it takes half of the day As it was Saturday and I had an off from my office, I decided to make my day productive I was thinking of cleaning the table and drawers for the last many weeks But, laziness crept in me and the task was postponed

I started with a drawer first which had a few old books and some stationery items When I was cleaning the mess, my eyes caught the sight of a slam book which was from my college days It was a trend that before leaving school, students used to make or buy a slam book in which other students and teachers used to write their favorite food, place, their contact numbers, a suggestion, and some encouraging words for a student. I kept all my books aside and started glancing through the slam book. Many of my friends who were no longer in touch with me came to my mind and I happened to see their numbers. As I was flipping through the pages, I came across a page where my favorite teacher had written a few words about me My mind flew back to my school days when my favorite teacher, Mrs Rai, wrote a note about me She was one of the best teachers we had in our school As I was glancing through some pages of the slam book written by my friends, I felt I wished I could go back to the school days again As I came to the page which was written by my most loved teacher, I felt extremely upset but I was happy to read the lines written for me by my teacher whom I adored so much

"Aim for high and be a successful person. My blessings are always with you."


These words made my eyes moist I thought of calling my favorite teacher and saying to her, "Ma'am, your blessings worked for me I made my way as a Writer and Author I do not know whether I am successful or not, but I am on the right path "

All of a sudden, I recalled she had left us long ago This time, tears welled up in my eyes and tears started rolling down my cheeks I know her blessings are still with me That small note in the slam book was indeed nostalgic for me At the same time, I was happy to feel that I was fortunate to have the world's most wonderful teacher I kept the slam book and the note inside in my diary

In a few words, Aparna defines a woman who beholds high aspirations and firmly believes in expanding her horizon She holds a Master's degree in English Literature from Mumbai University By profession, she is an Executive Content Creator Her poems got published on the Indian Literature website named Facestory Currently, her stories and poems get published in various anthologies published by the eminent Reflection Magazine and in the renowned digital magazine, Storizen She has received many certificates in the field of writing She is bestowed with Indian Global Award 2022 and has been felicited with a medal in the Tagore Literature Festival 2022 by Literoma Her poem got published in the Romance And Compendium book at the Tagore Literature Festival. In 2022, she is again bestowed with the Women Achiever Award by Literoma. In 2023, she is again conferred with the prestigious award, Tagore Literature Award 2023, where she is bestowed with a trophy and a certificate. Her world revolves around creativity and writing. She wishes to make her mark in the literary world, hoping to leave an indelible imprint on the readers' minds.

We are Sure
got a brilliant idea for a story Let us know when you write it and publish it. We'll help you
spread the good word.

istantly, what caught their breadth was the seraphic view of snow-capped Himalayas at the backdrops, partially covered in the thin blanket of white clouds. The air was crisp with a hint of Nostalgia as the sound of the nearby streams whispered tales of their past.

It's still the same, says Riya to her husband, admiring the empyrean landscape from the taxi's window, slowly moving on the highway to Manali

Hmmm not precisely, grumbled Aryan, looking at the trail of vehicles on the road

Uff you are still grumpy about the traffic jam Why don't we leave the car until traffic clears? Let's enjoy the sanctity of these Himalayas, once the witness of our love that blossomed in this valley, she suggested

Nope I am not in the mood to step out, and you also don't It's cold, mumbled Aryan, sinking deeply into the car seat and tightly wrapping a shawl around him with eyes glued on the phone screen

Riya rolled her eyes in despair and said, there was a time when you used to rush to take such offers to spend time with me

Oh, come on, it's been a long, say, twenty years Since we last visited here, quipped Aryan Twenty-two years, to be precise Twenty years of our marriage plus two years of our courtship, Riya snubbed sarcastically

Ya, whatever, he nodded vaguely It was a phase that was appropriate for the age I still spend time with you, and we are always beside each other. Aryan shrugged his shoulder in a disinterested way.

Urgh, you call this spending time together she pointed to his phone in hand. She chided in a disappointed tone how unromantic you have gone with time.

Aryan looked at her perplexedly and wondered why she was upset about such a petty thing. Usually, she was a silent and contented self. But since their taxi had started maneuvering on the way to Manali, she has been behaving in unpredictable moods; sometimes, unusually chirpy or irritated

Luckily, the traffic cleared, and soon, their taxi swirled through the hilly roads to reach their guesthouse that was nestled amidst the stunning natural beauty, exuding an aura of tranquillity The following two days were spent at their relatives' weddings

On the last day of their stay, they stepped into Manali's street for an evening stroll

Riya looks around anxiously and says; Oh, this place is no more the same, she mumbled with a tinge of

sadness. The essence of old local handicrafts and food was now missing out with branded showrooms. I told you so, snubbed Aryan, though he, too, felt the same way. Since he had stepped foot in Manali, he had felt a strong wave of Nostalgia wash over him, carrying him back to the memories of their courtship.

Whether it was the old pines, majestic Himalayas, old houses, or a secluded corner in the woods, both Riya and Aryan felt the imprints of their love everywhere An undefined emotion had been rushing through their hearts for the last two days that they could not share Silently moving into the streets, their eager eyes searched for another familiar spot that reminded them of their youthful days

Aha, there it is, finally spoke Riya with a broad smile Aryan, do you remember this place?

Aryan, lost in his thoughts, looked at the side where his wife had pointed Instantly, his eyes softened, and a faint smile adorned his face

Yes, he says instantaneously This is where you trapped me with your enchantress talks and then he winked at her mischievously

Riya responded with a smile, it's not me You placed a silent trap for me with your charismatic charm

Both then laughed and simultaneously entered the café, thinking where those talks and teasing had been lost in tides of time

At the café, they were greeted by the familiar aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft melodies playing in the background.

Aryan spotted their favorite corner table and said with child-like excitement. Riya, you remember we used to sit in the corner and spend time as if the world didn't exist... and remember how I bribed that restaurant boy to reserve this corner for us …... He kept talking in rows of breadth and then abruptly stopped.

A tinge of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he wondered What just happened to me? Why am I behaving like a 24-year-old lad with no control over his emotions? He then looked at his wife's bemused face and frowned

Eh I just caught a glimpse of a young Aryan, she simply stated with a faint teasing smile

Oh, don't be silly, let's order our favorite coffee with our usual Sweet Butter Bun, he says, waving off the entire conversation

The reel of memories began to flood, tickling their hearts as they sipped their favorite coffee

Riya smiled as she remembered how they sipped from the same cup, and she left a mark of her lipstick on it The mischievous glint twinkled in her eyes as she


thought of doing the same She placed her cup down but then hesitated

Oh, come on, I am no more a love-struck lass, she chided herself softly She then quietly drank from her cup wondering about the boundaries of hesitation surrounding their relationship

Aryan, too, wanted to relive that moment, but the lack of response from his wife dampened his mood He looked around the cafe, and his glance fell on its staircases Reels of flashbacks began to roll, and he felt the time had just frozen at a point when he was 24 years old He saw a girl walking down those staircases She was not a drop-dead gorgeous, but something very appealing about her caught his attention She wore a purple dress, and his heart instantly dropped on her feet as she smiled

Aryan chuckled softly, remembering those moments, but it faded as his glance fell on Riya, who was busy drinking her coffee.

She still looked beautiful, Aryan muttered, eyeing her oddly. But where is her gorgeous smile? He mumbled and couldn't recollect the last time he saw that smile.

A profound silence broke down between them. Both wished this moment not to pass, without realizing they were having the same gesture, one hand on the cup and another clasping each other. They both can feel the soft tingling sensation in their hearts like they felt in their young courtship days

It's so weird, murmured both of them, startled about why they were so excited It's not the first time they've held hands and sat together They were happily married couples But indeed, what they were feeling today, they had not experienced for a long time for each other

As they stepped out of the cafe, Aryan held Riya's hand tightly as he used to long time back to walk down the street Riya kept looking at her husband, catching up on the glimpses of the old Aryan she had known once She mumbled in a perplexed voice Is it the effect of the place? Are we in the grip of nostalgic memories hinting at the faded sparkle in our relationship?

Their walk eventually led them near the Beas River, where Aryan had first mustered the courage to express his love for Riya

With twinkling eyes, he turned to her and asked, Riya, do you remember this place?

Her smile widened as she nodded, and her heart fluttered with anticipation She nodded coyly How could I forget? She muttered This place holds a piece of our hearts It's where we had our first Kiss and discovered the magic of love. The reminiscence of those moments split her face into a gorgeous smile that had once taken Aryan's heart away.


She then stood near Aryan, who cradled her in his arms and whispered. Do you remember how our hearts raced as we stood here? The world faded away, and it was just you and me.

True, she mumbled as a tear of joy escaped her eye as she dropped her head on his shoulder. A wave of Nostalgia again carried them back to their old times. The air, too, was infused with the scent of pine trees and the promise of rediscovery

They watched the setting sun for a long time, recollecting such moments with each other

In the past twenty years together, they have weathered many storms and cared for each other as truthful companions But as soulmates, they forgot their promise to keep a sparkle in their relationship

Riya and Aryan sat for a couple of hours, holding hands

Nobody spoke except their eyes,stuck at the horizon andconstantly rewinding the moments of their lost past

As the icy breeze brushed against their cheeks, they cradled each other tightly, feeling the warmth and strength of their connection

At that moment, they both realized how much they had missed spending time with each other Without any thought, as both were longing for it, they bent down to kiss each other, sealing this moment with a promise A promise not to stand as mute spectators and allow the challenges of life to wash away their love and companionship

Hand in hand, they walked back into their lives, carrying the memories of Manali, and the rekindled romance they sealed would forever be etched in their hearts. Perhaps a silent promise with each other to never lose the novel spark they have re-discovered while wandering into the lane of Nostalgia.

Ankur R Gupta - Ankur R Gupta is a multifaceted individual with a passion for storytelling and a deep understanding of human psychology

As an author, writer, and cybercrime intervention officer, her articles and stories delve into the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and the pursuit of personal well-being

Through her captivating narratives, she invites readers to embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery

In addition to her writing pursuits, Ankur is an avid traveler She is particularly drawn to historical and adventurous destinations, where she immerses herself in diverse cultures, traditions, and histories These experiences serve as a wellspring of inspiration for her work, adding depth and authenticity to her stories and articles.


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Ajit Menon and Anil Verma, Authors of ‘The Puppeteer’

Could you provide a brief overview of your background and what inspired you to write this book?

Ajit Menon, an engineer turned Hotelier turned Media professional, was an extremely successful CXO before he quit and decided to follow his passion for writing Today, as an author, Ajit Menon is rated in the ‘Top 12 inspiring writers of 2023’ Co-author Anil Verma was an advertising professional for over 24 years with TBWA, Rediffusion, Contract, Ogilvy, and DDB Mudra had already made his name in Bollywood as a well-known Lyricist before he met Ajit and decided to join him in writing Voracious readers Ajit and Anil wanted to inspire the young generation to start reading again and came up with the concept of writing stories in a cinematic manner using simple English so that the readers could visualize scenes while reading

The story of "The Puppeteer" spans across multiple countries, including Albania, China, and India How did you approach researching and weaving the various cultural and political landscapes to create a cohesive storyline?

Real events inspire the entire Panthers Ghosts series, hence understanding the current geo politics and then predicting what the future outcome comes with deep research on India’s defense doctrine and its impact on the world. Months of research and discussions with well-known defense analysts is what paved the way to create a fictionalized reality called the Puppeteer

Could you elaborate on the significance of the title of the book, and did you consider any alternative titles during the process of choosing one?

The Panther’s Ghosts (like Mission Impossible) is a series that talks of proactive Indian covert False flag operations in enemy countries The missions executed in the book are done with so much secrecy that it is difficult to guess who is pulling the strings from where Hence the only possible title that could do justice to the string puller was ‘The Puppeteer’

'The Panther Ghosts series' seems to delve deeply into the world of espionage and international politics. What inspired you to explore these themes, and how do you ensure authenticity in your portrayal of such intricate scenarios?

The theme was inspired by India’s defense doctrineDefensive Offense, which is being executed by unsung heroes Ajit’s father was a retired officer of the RAW, and he grew up listening to stories from him The intent was to pay homage to these unsung Heroes who live and die to protect our nation without any glory If you read the book, you will realize that we have used present-day characters who are easily recognizable by their names We have stuck our neck out to bring that much authenticity

The characters in "The Puppeteer" are diverse and complex, each playing a pivotal role in the unfolding drama Can you elaborate on your process for developing these characters, and do you have any personal favorites among them?

The characters are inspired by members of India's elite special forces who lived and worked with Ajit’s father. The personalities were taken from real persons who played covert roles in various missions. Our favorite character is Prime Minister Damodar Das, who risks everything to run a team like this the sheer courage and conviction he has in his men and himself is inspiring.

There is a heavy reliance on dialogue in "The Puppeteer" due to Anil's background in screenplay writing. How does this writing style contribute to the novel's fast-paced nature and overall reading experience?

The ‘dialogue’ route comes from the writing category we have chosen We call our books ‘Real Reel Books, where the plot is inspired by real events and the narration is in a Reel or cinematic form This requires us to write the book scene by scene hence heavy on dialogue

Pic: Anil Verma, Author - The Puppeteer

The titles of the upcoming parts in 'The Panther Ghosts series', "The Dragon’s Fall" and "The Retribution," suggest escalating tension and the pursuit of justice. Can you provide some insights into what readers can expect from these installments, particularly in terms of character development and plot twists?

"The Dragon’s Fall" and "The Retribution," are two parts of the Puppeteer in this book itself These are not new books

Could you discuss a character or scene from your early drafts that didn't make it into the final version of the book? And why?

In the first draft, we decided to explain the defense doctrine to the reader in the prologue section But we binned it because it did not fit with the cinematic approach we wanted Hence we decided to go with action in the Prologue

How do you maintain the momentum and ensure that your narrative remains compelling without losing pace? And how do you decide the length of the story? Is it intuitive or planned?

Once we have agreed on the plot, we don’t bother bout anything initially. We focus on the story. Once we have written the story we read it to see which parts are making it boring or which parts we feel like skipping. Then we eliminate them or rewrite them to keep the story tight. The next step is to read it again to see whether we are missing the speed and the action Those parts are rewritten to ensure the adrenalin rush

What are your thoughts on the future of literature as we continue to move into a more digital and AIdriven era?

I think the future is AI-generated visual books with a touch-and-feel experience I feel the world will move to a level where readers are kept engrossed by giving them an opportunity to edit endings and plot the way they feel and save them in their library as their own creations

Awards 2024 Shortlisted Books
to Read Fiction Non
Children’s Debut

As you turn the page, let the adventure begin –our book reviews await, promising literary delights and captivating tales!

Pic: Swapna Peri

Debarati Mukhopadhyay's recent book, "7 Deadly Sinners: India's Most Feared Murderers," published by Rupa Publications, delves into the murky depths of India's criminal past in an intriguing and terrifying collection From the story of the first known female serial murderer to the tale of India's

Robinhood, Mukhopadhyay takes readers on a captivating trip through the genuine crime stories that have defined India's historical environment. Her ability to create such a voyage demonstrates a distinct combination of suspense and historical accuracy, making this work an important investigation of India's darkest periods. Mukhopadhyay goes deep into the psyches of India's most notorious killers, providing more than simply a record of their crimes. She delves into the complex web of human emotions, motivations, and chutzpah that propelled these figures to notoriety This investigation is not restricted to criminal activities but also to the societal institutions that enabled the formation of such dark elements of human behavior

The use of evocative images and original newspaper clippings throughout the text not only enriches the story but also ties readers directly with the past, putting the book's shocking incidents into a tactile context The book weaves together seven thoroughly researched anecdotes, ranging from the terrible story of Elokeshi, who was ruthlessly murdered by her husband, to the complex life of Khada Goonda, demonstrating the multiple natures of treachery, injustice, and, at times, misplaced courage

These stories reveal the depths of human pain and depravity, offering a window into the intricacies and problems of historical criminality in India. "7 Deadly Sinners" not only captivates readers with its criminal stories but also pushes them to consider the consequences of these storylines. The stories will startle, upset, and provoke. Mukhopadhyay's collection of historical crime stories, enriched with cultural insights and supported by archival data, ensures a powerful impact on its readers Mukhopadhyay's work, which originally received recognition in Bengali literature, has been expertly translated to reach a larger audience, supplementing the book with insights from her extensive study at the National Library in Kolkata

This book is a must-read for anybody intrigued by the complexities of crime and the ongoing mysteries of India's criminal past, providing a thorough examination of the darker aspects of human nature against the backdrop of societal growth.

Inder Mohan Lall, a former judge, was the first subject to win a case against the British Empire in 1948 He was fired from the Indian Civil Service due to colonial bias and without due process of law The Privy Council, the highest court of appeals, overturned his dismissal and reinstated him in service Lall's story is recounted in "At the Pleasure of His Majesty: I M Lall and the Case that Shook the Crown," which significantly created Article 311 of India's Constitution The book's premiere attracted legal luminaries and top authorities Chander M Lall, a senior counsel with strong roots in the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court, uses rigorous research and personal experiences to bring his grandfather's legacy alive Growing up hearing stories of his grandfather's valour and resolve, Lall set out on a mission to convey this important piece of legal history, despite the human cost of never having his father see the publishing I M Lall's narrative is more than simply a legal struggle; it is a tribute to standing up for justice and righteousness, even in the face of the British Empire's overwhelming strength I M Lall's case against the British Crown was momentous, as it was the first time a public servant successfully challenged the Empire. This win established the framework for Article 311, which protects government personnel from arbitrary removal or demotion. The book exhaustively covers the circumstances leading up to the momentous ruling, emphasising I.M. Lall's unshakable will and the natural justice principles that currently serve as the foundation of civil service law in India. The turbulent periods surrounding India's war for independence and the heartbreaking partition deepen the tale, bringing depth and perspective to the judicial battle "At the Pleasure of His Majesty" goes beyond the bounds of a judicial win, delving into personal sacrifices as well as the broader sociopolitical turbulence of the moment The sorrow of division and the personal losses suffered by the Lall family highlight the tremendous stakes involved The book connects the professional and personal, providing a comprehensive overview of I M Lall's life and legacy This technique not only humanizes legal language but also offers a vivid image of the times, making the story more accessible and captivating to a wider audience Chander M Lall's work is an important contribution to the study of Indian legal and constitutional history It not only honors the memory of a man who dared to oppose the Crown, but it also serves as a reminder of the value of justice and the significance of standing up for one's rights. The book has justifiably received appreciation from every creative field for its adapting excellence. Lall has written a tale that is both instructive and emotionally touching, providing readers with insight into a watershed point in India's legal legacy as well as the longlasting consequences of one man's heroism against the colonial power.


"Banker by Chance, Leader by Choice" takes readers on an inspirational journey through the career of Shiv B Singh, a seasoned banker whose climb from junior officer to Chief General Manager exemplifies timeless ideas and proactive leadership Singh's story not only discusses his personal development, but it also provides everlasting lessons for young corporate leaders looking to make a longterm influence in their areas. Singh's journey from humble origins in a tiny town to directing Treasury operations amid a global financial crisis is one of perseverance, honesty, and lifelong learning. Readers are given Singh's unique viewpoint on leadership in the banking business as he reflects on his experiences and the essential lessons he learned throughout his 35-year career His insights regarding managerial methods, decision-making, ethics, and empathy are useful for professionals at all levels of their careers Furthermore, his expertise in rural banking and banking diversity gives significant insights into the industry's issues and potential Singh's dedication to mentorship and talent development is evident throughout his narrative, emphasizing the significance of cultivating the next generation of banking professionals By building a culture of constant learning and empowerment, he has left a legacy that goes well beyond his own career "Banker by Chance, Leader by Choice" is more than simply a memoir; it demonstrates the transforming potential of true leadership and provides vital lessons for both seasoned executives and new professionals This autobiography has a fundamental message: chances abound in life, but we must choose to accept leadership and strive for greatness in all positions. Singh's rise from a rural background to run a major Indian bank exemplifies the power of persistence and hard work. Whether you're a current banker, an aspiring leader, or just looking for inspiration, "Banker by Chance, Leader by Choice" is an engaging book that provides practical advice and useful insights into the banking industry's struggles and accomplishments "Banker by Chance, Leader by Choice" takes readers on a gripping trip through Shiv B Singh's distinguished career, covering 230 pages of compelling story delivered in a reader-friendly font size with perfect language and syntax The book is divided into ten fascinating parts that smoothly weave together personal experiences, leadership ideas, and career milestones Some chapters include tabular statistics, facts, and references, which add depth and validity to Singh's tale Readers will also discover helpful notes and references throughout the text, offering further context and supporting evidence for Singh's experiences and lessons learned

Whether digging into Singh's early days in a remote hamlet or negotiating the complexity of the banking business, each chapter provides a wealth of knowledge and motivation for professionals looking to further their careers and make a meaningful difference.

Embark on an intriguing voyage through the life of Biju Patnaik, a renowned politician regarded as a symbol of rebirth in opposition politics, in the pages of "Biju Patnaik: The Rainmaker of Opposition Politics." This engrossing history follows Patnaik's journey from pilot to freedom fighter and then from a wealthy businessman to renowned politician, demonstrating his incredible capacity to adapt and succeed in the unpredictable realm of politics Whether as a chief minister or an opposition leader, Patnaik's steadfast connection with the people of Odisha transcends traditional political lines, leaving an everlasting imprint on the state's fate. Patnaik has shown unrivaled political acumen by expertly navigating from the state secretariat to the halls of power in Delhi, forging partnerships, and emphasizing the critical significance of unity in India's democratic structure. The book goes deeply into his visionary leadership and persistent commitment to the critical role of opposition unity in preserving democracy, providing readers with a thorough understanding of his lasting influence With an evocative narrative, readers are carried into the heart of Patnaik's political odyssey, seeing firsthand his significant effect on Odisha's political scene and beyond While glorifying Patnaik's political prowess, the biography also highlights his exceptional exploits as a pilot, including daring rescue flights and critical services during times of crisis It also emphasizes his important role in modernizing Odisha's industrial sector, setting the framework for the state's overall prosperity The biography, written with clarity and objectivity, captivates readers from all backgrounds by providing a complete analysis of Patnaik's life and achievements as a great statesman The writing style in the book is interesting and instructive, successfully conveying the core of Biju Patnaik's incredible life experience. The story flawlessly integrates historical facts with personal tales, giving readers a comprehensive knowledge of Patnaik's personality and accomplishments. The language employed is simple and concise, making the material suitable for a wide variety of readers.

Overall, the writing style and storytelling successfully depict Patnaik's political and social efforts.


In "Chase the Change," Sandeep Jain, a seasoned strategy consultant and leadership coach, delivers vital lessons gleaned from his broad experience in numerous leadership capacities across many nations Jain's entertaining storytelling captures the heart of his approach to promoting long-term

transformation in both the personal and professional realms. Jain proposes the WONDER code, a complete framework meant to promote substantial improvements in people's lives, with a focus on practicality and research support. Jain's book is a light for individuals traversing the often difficult route of change. By analyzing the complexity of behavioral changes and habit development, Jain provides readers with a road map for overcoming obstacles and capitalizing on chances for progress Through relatable experiences and thought-provoking statements, "Chase the Change" urges readers to face their anxieties and accept the discomfort that comes with change, eventually leading to personal fulfillment and success Jain's WONDER code connects powerfully with readers who want to break free from the chains of immobility and reach their full potential Drawing on his extensive expertise as a leadership coach and consultant, Jain offers tangible solutions for closing the gap between desire and achievement Whether you're a seasoned professional or a budding entrepreneur, "Chase the Change" equips you with the tools and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world Combining motivating thoughts with practical advice, Jain's book is a timely reminder of the transformational potential of change. Jain encourages readers to accept change as a driving force for both professional and personal development through his realistic storytelling and thoughtful approach.

"Chase the Change" is a call to action for those who are prepared to go out on a path of self-discovery and fulfillment rather than merely a book.

“Maker of Modern Goa: The Untold Story of Pratapsingh Rane" takes readers on an in-depth tour through the life and legacy of Pratapsingh Rane, Goa's first and longest-serving Chief Minister This biography, written by Vijayadevi Rane, details Rane's significant achievements

in defining Goa's political scene, ensuring stability, and promoting growth during his reign. The book provides a clear examination of Rane's crucial role during the transformational period of 1980–1990, popularly referred to as Goa's Golden Age, when he pushed various infrastructural projects and programs that laid the groundwork for the state's prosperity The book digs into Rane's unprecedented track record of 11 consecutive election victories over five decades, demonstrating his unrelenting dedication to public service and administration It reveals his imaginative leadership style and long-term influence on modernizing Goa's infrastructure, education system, and cultural institutions Rane's emphasis on planned development, the foundation of Goa University, and the promotion of tourism established Goa as a model state and booming tourist destination, leaving a legacy that continues to determine the state's destiny Through an examination of Rane's transition from business CEO to political heavyweight, the book provides insightful information about his idealism, morality, and commitment to improving the lot of the Goan people. In the current period of political instability and short-termism, Rane's moral approach to politics, marked by an emphasis on development and change, serves as a light. Anecdotes and first-hand testimonies are used in the biography to create a vivid picture of Rane's character. He is portrayed as a leader who is well respected by both constituents and colleagues for his honesty and humility The book "Maker of Modern Goa" honors Rane's significant accomplishments while highlighting the governance model's ongoing applicability to the problems that modern-day Goa faces Rane's legacy provides guidance and important lessons on successful leadership and governance, particularly at a time when the state is struggling with challenges of young unemployment, environmental protection, and development

Essentially, this book tells the gripping story of a visionary leader who left a lasting legacy that continues to influence Goa's socioeconomic landscape and encourages the next generation to pursue greatness and public service


Tuhin Sinha and Aditya Pittie's combined work, "Modi's Northeast Story," presents a fascinating tale that sheds light on the astonishing makeover of India's northeastern provinces under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The book commemorates the region's holistic development via a collection of incisive writings from leaders and intellectuals, which had been long overlooked by past governments Sinha and Pittie eloquently demonstrate how the Modi government's concentration on peace and development has resulted in unparalleled infrastructural expansion and connectivity, profoundly changing the quality of life in the Northeast The book goes into the region's historical setting, beginning with the aftermath of the 1962 conflict with China and continuing with the Northeast's estrangement as a result of neglect from successive central administrations. Prime Minister Modi's innovative Act East Policy emerges as a watershed moment, defined by a genuine effort to close the divide between the Northeast and the rest of India. Over the past decade, the region has witnessed a tremendous transformation, as evidenced by demonstrable improvements in infrastructure, tourism, and general socioeconomic indices. The authors emphasize the physical impact of transformational projects such as seamless road connections, the construction of new airports, and the extension of railway networks, all of which have transformed travel in the Northeast Furthermore, the major drop in insurgency and the resolution of inter-state disputes have created an atmosphere of peace and stability, resulting in an increase in tourism and local economic growth Through detailed data and firsthand testimonies, Sinha and Pittie provide readers with a thorough knowledge of the strength of political will in achieving extensive regional development "Modi's Northeast Story" has comments from major players such as Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, Union Minister Kiren Rijiju, and Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu, providing an insider's view on the region's revolutionary path. The inclusion of a preface from BJP President J.P. Nadda emphasizes the narrative's political backing, reaffirming the significance of the Northeast's progress under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sinha and Pittie's cooperation stands out as a significant literary work, providing unique insights into North East India's socioeconomic revival and the visionary administration that is driving it forward. In short, "Modi's Northeast Story" is a monument to the Northeastern people's ongoing perseverance and good attitude, as well as a celebration of their rich cultural history This collection, positioned as a vital resource for researchers, politicians, and everyone interested in understanding India's regional dynamics, captures a story of optimism, growth, and transformation, pushed by visionary leadership and collective commitment.

Mathi Vathanan's book "People First: How Odisha’s Drink from Tap Mission Quenched Every Thirst" is a riveting account of his experiences and contributions to the transformation of Odisha's water supply. With an emphasis on obtaining universal access to safe

drinking water, the book emphasises WATCO's launch of the 'Drink from Tap Mission' in August 2019, which represents a key milestone in the state's water management efforts. The objective focuses on supplying high-quality water to urban disadvantaged neighbourhoods to gradually cover all slum populations Pilot implementations in important locations such as Bhubaneswar and Puri show a commitment to inclusion and alignment with current government programmes, resulting in increased outreach and efficacy Vathanan's book details the obstacles and triumphs of executing large-scale water programmes, as well as insights into leadership methods and community relationships Through examples of overcoming obstacles like the COVID-19 epidemic and bureaucratic complexity, the book emphasises the crucial need to guarantee access to safe drinking water, especially for vulnerable people such as children With a larger perspective on the global importance of public sector-led water management, Vathanan's work emerges as a paradigm not only for India but also for other countries facing water access difficulties. As climate change worsens and urban populations rise, the need for sustainable and equitable water management techniques grows more pressing, making Vathanan's thoughts and experiences an invaluable resource for policymakers and practitioners alike. The writing style of "People First: How Odisha’s Drink from Tap Mission Quenched Every Thirst" is both interesting and educational G Mathi Vathanan successfully explains difficult concepts and experiences in a simple and accessible way, making the book appropriate for both professionals and ordinary readers interested in water management challenges Vathanan's analysis of facts and events in the water sector is comprehensive and well-researched He gives deep insights into the obstacles encountered and the techniques used to overcome them, giving readers a thorough knowledge of the complexities involved in executing large-scale water programmes Furthermore, the inclusion of real-life examples and case studies deepens the conversation, helping readers to understand the actual consequences of policy decisions and actions Overall, the book's contents are commendable, and it can be read for its clarity and coherence, while the factual discussion is rigorous and insightful, making "People First: How Odisha’s Drink from Tap Mission Quenched Every Thirst" an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of water management, policy, and governance.


"Roar of the Dark" by Aastha Rathod Naad is more than just a story told via words; it is a captivating trip through the harsh realities that women face on a daily basis, wrapped in a sensual and intriguing tale Rathod Naad goes deep beyond the polished surface of society's discourses about

women's empowerment, asking the reader to confront the difference between the idealized picture of femininity and the harsh reality that women experience in their daily lives Rathod Naad's work serves as a heartbreaking reminder that cosmetic measures are insufficient in a world eager to advocate the cause of Nari Shakti, particularly in India, where attempts are being made to educate and empower women from all walks of life She argues that true empowerment begins with addressing the root causes of women's insecurities and societal expectations, rather than just the symptoms Through "Roar of the Dark," Rathod Naad asks readers to question the traditional roles allocated to women whether they are restricted to being homemakers, sexual objects, or something more sinister created by society's ever-changing norms As modernization moves the globe ahead, Rathod Naad notices a troubling trend: although men are recognized for their brains and abilities, women are still regarded largely for their physical labor and sexuality. The author criticizes this retreat, pointing out a change in role models from people of strength and success to those lauded for their beauty and sexual allure. This shift, she argues, reflects a deeper societal failure to value women for their abilities and contributions beyond their physical attributes. Aastha Rathod Naad's "Roar of the Dark" is characterized by a rich, introspective writing style, a nuanced and deeply personal narrative approach, and multilayered storytelling that engages with complex themes Her background in visual storytelling might contribute to the vivid and immersive descriptions, while her personal convictions and experiences infuse the narrative with authenticity and emotional depth Rathod Naad's story is more than a critique; it is a very intimate investigation of how cultural conventions have influenced women's lives, based on her own experiences and feelings She addresses complicated problems such as social pressure on women to retain their purity and the objectification of women in mythology, bringing important concerns about women's identity and value beyond their physical bodies

Rathod Naad's thought-provoking language and vivid storytelling inspire the reader to evaluate the engrained conventions and expectations that define and frequently constrain women's positions in society.

Dr Shuvendu Sen's "The Fight Against Alzheimer’s: How to Prevent, Cure, Care, and Find Hope," published by Rupa Publications, delves into the heartbreaking reality of Alzheimer's disease At a recent book launch event, Dr. Sen, a globally recognised physician and award-winning author, presented his

comprehensive guide to tackling this looming pandemic. Through a panel discussion moderated by Piya Chakrabarty, attendees gained insights into the multifaceted challenges posed by Alzheimer's, as well as strategies for prevention, care, and finding hope in the face of this devastating illness Drawing from over two decades of experience and international acclaim, Dr Sen offers a poignant exploration of Alzheimer's disease, addressing critical questions about its prevention, management, and the profound impact it has on both patients and caregivers With accolades from esteemed institutions such as the United Nations and the American College of Physicians, Dr Sen's expertise shines through as he navigates the complexities of this widespread yet poorly understood condition In "The Fight Against Alzheimer’s," Dr Sen presents a compelling argument for increased awareness and proactive measures against this insidious disease Through lucid prose and compassionate insight, he guides readers through the labyrinth of Alzheimer's, offering practical advice for carers and strategies to potentially slow or reverse its progression. This book serves as a beacon of hope in the face of an increasingly prevalent and challenging health crisis. With its accessible writing style and profound empathy, "The Fight Against Alzheimer’s" is a must-read for anyone seeking understanding and empowerment in the battle against this relentless affliction.

Dr. Sen's compassionate approach and wealth of knowledge make this book an invaluable resource for carers, patients, and anyone touched by the farreaching effects of Alzheimer's disease.


Recognizing the link between personal and professional well-being is more important in today's competitive corporate environment. Ancient wisdom has unique ideas that may be applied to contemporary organizational methods. In "7 Chakras of Management: Wisdom From Indic Scriptures," Ashutosh Garg, a renowned management expert and popular book, draws analogies between our bodies' seven energy centres, known as chakras, and the vital components of successful business organisations. Similar to how chakras are important for our physical and mental health, these organisational chakras are critical for corporate success, wealth, and harmony. The book explores the seven chakras, which are essential for organisational management. The root chakra symbolises stability, while the sacral chakra promotes social integration and creativity. The Solar Plexus Chakra influences decision-making and confidence The heart chakra promotes emotional intelligence and compassion The Throat Chakra facilitates communication and stakeholder engagement The Crown Chakra emphasises universal consciousness To achieve chakra balance, meditation, workshops, and team-building activities can be implemented Collaboration between leadership, human resources, wellness programmes, and employees is crucial Part two talks about the Vedas, the foundational texts for Hinduism, that offer profound philosophical and spiritual teachings It is then continued with the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred dialogue that teaches duty, righteousness, and spiritual liberation The Ramayana, an epic narrative that symbolises virtue triumph and the ancient wisdom passed down through generations, offers guidance for navigating life's challenges and attaining inner fulfilment, rooted in timeless truths and universal principles. Recognizing the significance and influence of the seven chakras in both our personal and professional spheres is essential for attaining fulfilment and fostering supportive workplace cultures, even within startups. The author’s writing style appears clear, concise, and articulate. It effectively conveys the message with a professional tone while maintaining readability The sentences flow smoothly, and the ideas are well-structured, making it easy for the reader to understand the content

This book serves as a guide not only for staying abreast and effective in today's work environment using time-honored techniques but also for tapping into the energy of the chakras to accelerate the journey toward success and happiness.

Celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) takes on a new dimension with the poignant narrative of Gita Balakrishnan's remarkable journey chronicled in "1700 in 70 – A walk for a cause " As the world honors the achievements of women past and

present, delving into this book becomes a powerful act of empowerment. It not only pays homage to Balakrishnan's extraordinary expedition but also serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges women face globally, echoing the spirit of IWD by inspiring commitment to overcoming future obstacles At the age of fifty-three, Gita Balakrishnan, an architect by profession, embarked on a transformative quest to explore the intricate design sensibilities woven into the tapestry of Indian society "1700 in 70" vividly portrays her journey of discovery, resilience, and spiritual growth across India's diverse landscapes and architectural heritage Through engaging prose, Balakrishnan shares her experiences, weaving a compelling narrative that immerses readers in her encounters with local communities and their traditional construction practices Traversing 1,700 kilometers in 70 days, from Kolkata to Delhi, Balakrishnan's expedition unveils the profound impact of design on every aspect of life. She invites readers to contemplate the power of design in shaping dwellings, lifestyles, communities, and identities. The book's evocative storytelling not only captivates the imagination but also prompts introspection, urging readers to discover purpose in their journeys. "1700 in 70" goes beyond the scope of a typical travelogue, providing a truly immersive experience that wakes the senses and provokes introspection. Readers follow Gita Balakrishnan on her astonishing trek, witnessing not just India's rich mosaic but also embarking on a profound voyage of self-discovery

This book is a monument to the human spirit's persistence and the transformational power of accepting new ideas, making it an engaging read for anybody looking for inspiration and connection with both their surroundings and their inner selves.


"Airplane Mode: A Passive-Aggressive History of Travel"

by Shahnaz Habib is a thought-provoking investigation of the intricacies of travel and tourism, as seen through the eyes of a South Indian writer and translator. With a great eye for detail and a politically aware viewpoint, Habib navigates travel's history and culture, mixing personal experiences with bigger societal insights In this nine-chapter book, Habib investigates the privilege inherent in travel, contrasting her personal experiences as a traveler and immigrant with social expectations She explores the connections between race, identity, and privilege in the world of travel, from encountering preconceptions to managing bureaucratic impediments. She questions conventional wisdom and provides new perspectives on the dynamics of modern travel through funny observations and compelling anecdotes. Habib's work is distinguished by its combination of academic research and personal introspection. She flawlessly blends historical insight with emotive experiences, encouraging readers to reassess their views on travel and its ramifications. Whether deconstructing guidebooks or criticizing travel authors, she tackles her themes with a critical yet empathic eye, pushing readers to question their beliefs about the world around them This book exceeds the readers' expectations and is completely enthralling in its fascinating investigation of travel history, reinforced by the author's tales that had me turning the pages Shahnaz Habib's unique perspective, which spans America and India, is a deep commentary on the perspectives of the First World vs the Third World, delivering acute views on racism, colonization, misogyny, climate change, and a slew of other urgent topics It's amazing how flawlessly she utilizes the notion of 'travel' as a lens to probe into such significant societal issues, resulting in an extremely fascinating and thought-provoking book "Airplane Mode: A Passive-Aggressive History of Travel" is more than just a travel critique; it is a contemplation of the human condition and how travel influences our perception of ourselves and the world.

With humor, intellect, and honesty, Shahnaz Habib welcomes readers on a voyage of self-discovery and introspection, pushing us to reconsider our relationship with travel in an increasingly linked world. Highly recommended due to its readability and depth!

Published by Rupa Publications, "Because India Comes First: Reflections on Nationalism, Identity and Culture" by Ram Madhav offers 53 chapters, examining themes such as democracy, culture, and foreign policy, and addressing India's past,

present, and future. Ram Madhav, a prominent figure within the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and a think tank, provides a unique perspective on India's socio-political evolution. Madhav's writing stands out for its clarity, depth, and adept weaving of India’s rich cultural heritage with contemporary issues. He explores the intersection of traditional values with modern challenges, striking a balance that resonates with Gandhi’s vision of open windows in a sturdy house Through engaging narratives and analyses, Madhav examines the role of key figures in Indian history and politics while also addressing current debates on national policies and their implications His essays on the feminization of strength and courage and the critical examination of India's strategic culture and constitutional awareness underscore the enduring relevance of India’s civilizational ethos in shaping a modern, progressive society In dissecting the political landscape, Madhav candidly navigates the BJP's ideological moorings and its governance ethos under Prime Minister Narendra Modi The essays elucidate the party's stance on various national issues, including the contentious debates surrounding the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the abrogation of Article 370, and the concept of Akhand Bharat. Madhav’s critique of oppositional politics, coupled with his insights into India’s foreign policy and strategic imperatives, reveal a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics at play in shaping India’s path on the global stage. "Because India Comes First: Reflections on Nationalism, Identity and Culture" emerges as a seminal work for anyone keen on understanding the intricate web of India’s political, cultural, and societal fabric Ram Madhav, with his erudite commentary and analytical prowess, invites readers to explore the depths of India's identity and aspirations This collection is not just an academic or political exploration; it is a narrative of India’s journey towards realizing its potential in an ever-changing world

It is a compelling read, offering a mosaic of perspectives that challenge, inform, and inspire, making it a crucial addition to the discourse on India's future direction. Whether one aligns with Madhav’s views or not, the book opens a window to engaging with the diverse and dynamic dialogues shaping India


"In Search of the Indian Village: Stories and Reports," published by Aleph Book Company and edited by Mamang Dai, an accomplished former civil servant, journalist, and poet from Arunachal Pradesh, offers readers a rare and profound glimpse into the heart of rural India Through her carefully curated collection, Dai transports us to a world far removed from the hustle and bustle of urban life, revealing the intricate beauty and struggles of life in India's villages The anthology stands out not just for its subject matter but also for its unique perspectives, showcasing a part of India that remains largely unseen and unexplored by the wider world The cover page of the book represents the famous Jallikattu of Tamil Nadu This anthology emerges as a perfect companion for summer reading, weaving together stories that capture the essence of innocence, simplicity, and the profound connection to nature that defines rural life The collection comprises both fiction and non-fiction, featuring heart-stirring works by celebrated authors such as Ruskin Bond, Mahasweta Devi, and Vijayadan Detha Their stories explore the richness of village life, with themes ranging from friendship and caste hierarchies to power struggles, all set against the backdrop of India's diverse and vibrant rural landscapes. The non-fiction segment of the book includes insightful reports by notable writers like P. Sainath and Amitava Kumar, offering readers a clear-eyed view of the complexities and challenges facing India's villages. These pieces delve into the lives of extraordinary characters, from man-eating landlords to illicit distillers, presenting a multifaceted portrait of rural existence For those typically less inclined towards non-fiction, this anthology presents a wonderful opportunity to explore some of the country's finest short non-fiction writings, potentially broadening one's literary horizons "In Search of the Indian Village" is more than just a collection of stories and reports; it is an invitation to experience the rich mirage of Indian village life From the heartwarming to the heartbreaking, each piece contributes to a larger narrative that celebrates the enduring spirit and complexity of rural India

Whether through the imaginative landscapes of fiction or the compelling truths of non-fiction, this anthology promises to captivate readers, offering a deeply immersive journey into the soul of the Indian village.

Somnath Batabyal's "Red River" is a moving and captivating story of three boys growing up in Assam during the chaotic early militant years. Somnath Batabyal is the author of two books: The Price You Pay, a political thriller set in Delhi, and Making News in India, a study of television news techniques in Rupert Murdoch's Indian endeavors He

resides in London and teaches at the School of Oriental and African Studies "Red River," Somnath Batabyal's latest novel, tells the narrative of three families whose lives are upended by the turbulent forces of history and violence in Assam. Batabyal dives into important concerns of identity, migration, nationalism, and separatism via their interwoven destiny, creating a vivid portrayal of a place contending with complicated sociopolitical forces. As the story progresses, deeper themes emerge, prompting readers to reflect on the lingering legacies of conflict and the human experience among ever-changing landscapes of identity and belonging. Batabyal dives into issues of friendship, love, and identity in an area riven by migration, displacement, and separatism What begins as a snapshot of a little town between election cycles evolves into a grand tale transcending borders and generations The novel is divided into two volumes, the first having eleven chapters and the second having four The characters strike a deep chord, eliciting powerful emotions that remain long beyond the last page Geeta Mashi's presence stands out above the others The novel follows the lives of three families shaped by historical events and human decisions Batabyal expertly explores the nuances of their lives, from childhood innocence to adult reality, while the threat of violence pervades their existence Set in Assam, Bhutan, Bengal, and Bangladesh, the story explores love and loyalty in a world of turmoil. Batabyal's vividly sketched protagonists and evocative surroundings transport readers on an epic journey through the complexities of human connections and the long-term influence of history. "Red River" highlights Batabyal's narrative prowess, delivering a profound reflection on the long-term consequences of violence and the possibility of atonement.

With its highly complex plot and universal themes, this novel is a riveting investigation of the human condition, as well as a strong reminder of the value of empathy and understanding in a fragmented world.


"Rising 2 0: 20 More Women Who Changed India" is a captivating anthology that delves into the extraordinary lives of Indian women who defied societal norms and left an indelible mark across various fields.

Authored by Kiran Manral, this book serves as a poignant tribute to the resilience and

brilliance of these trailblazing women, highlighting their significant contributions to Indian history and culture Manral's writing style is both compelling and insightful, weaving together narratives that shed light on the oftenoverlooked struggles and triumphs of Indian women throughout history Through meticulous research and exclusive interviews, the author provides readers with fascinating accounts of women who dared to challenge the status quo and pave the way for future generations. The book's grammar, vocabulary, and narration are exemplary, offering readers a seamless reading experience while immersing them in the captivating stories of these remarkable individuals. Manral's empathetic and objective approach to chronicling the lives of these women is commendable, ensuring that their monumental achievements are portrayed with the respect and admiration they deserve "Rising 2 0" features a diverse array of women from various professions and backgrounds, including politicians, chefs, athletes, activists, and artists From the pre-Independence era to the present day, each story exemplifies the unwavering determination and courage of these women as they overcame formidable obstacles to pursue their dreams and effect change in society

Overall, "Rising 2.0: 20 More Women Who Changed India" is a compelling and inspiring read that celebrates the extraordinary achievements of Indian women. Through these captivating narratives, readers are encouraged to reflect on the legacy of these trailblazers and draw inspiration from their resilience, tenacity, and unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world.

"She Storms the Norms" by authors

Anisha Motwani and Priyadarshini

Narendra serves as a compelling followup to the bestselling book "Storm the Norm," offering a collection of inspiring narratives that showcase the resilience and triumphs of women who have

overcome societal barriers and self-doubt. Anisha Motwani is a renowned business leader, author, speaker, and podcaster. She has been voted one of the '50 Most Powerful Women in Indian Business' by Business Today. Priyadarshini Narendra is a marketing, communications, and strategy expert with over three decades of experience She is a TEDx speaker and has written two books and contributed to a pandemic-inspired short story anthology The book encompasses a diverse group of women from various sectors and backgrounds This book presents a powerful testament to the strength and determination of women in the face of adversity The book sheds light on the triple challenges that women often encounter societal beliefs, structural barriers, and self-doubt and highlights the experiences of individuals who have navigated these challenges with courage and perseverance Through their stories, readers gain insight into the struggles and triumphs of women who have defied patriarchy at home, at work, and within their minds, inspiring countless others to break barriers and pursue their dreams. In a society where women still face significant obstacles in the workforce, "She Storms the Norms" serves as a beacon of inspiration for young women striving to make a difference in their professional and personal lives. By encouraging readers to challenge norms and become agents of change, the book empowers individuals to embrace their potential and forge their own paths toward success and fulfillment With a focus on storytelling as a powerful tool for learning and understanding, the authors have skillfully brought to life the struggles and triumphs of each woman featured in the book

Through relatable narratives and insightful reflections, readers are invited to find strength and inspiration in the journeys of these remarkable women, offering guidance and support as they navigate their paths and storm the norms.


In "The Hindutva Paradigm: Integral Humanism and the Quest for a NonWestern Worldview," Ram Madhav embarks on an intellectual journey to explore the philosophical underpinnings introduced by Deen Dayal Upadhyay in the 1960s Madhav, seeking to transcend the narrow confines of political ideology delve deep into the essence of ‘Integral Humanism,’ a concept that promises an alternative to the prevailing Western-centric world order The book is not just an homage to Upadhyay's vision but an expansive engagement with the ideas and historical currents that have shaped not only India but the world at large. By situating Upadhyay's philosophy within a broader global context, Madhav aims to present a cohesive framework for understanding India's place in a rapidly evolving international landscape. Madhav’s narrative transcends a mere ideological treatise, offering a nuanced exploration of the diverse influences that have molded the RSS’s worldview and its pragmatic stance on contemporary issues. Through chapters that juxtapose human rights and dignity, the ideals of womanhood across cultures, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's perspectives on national and international affairs, the book offers a fresh lens to view the often-misunderstood facets of the RSS ideology The discussion on ‘Rashtram’ and its civilizational significance in the Indian context stands out, presenting a compelling case for a synthesis of the constitutional and civilizational debates that have long polarised Indian discourse The book is meticulous in its scholarship, weaving together ancient wisdom and modern challenges Madhav draws from a rich tapestry of sources, including classical Indian texts and debates from the Constituent Assembly, to articulate a vision of India that is both rooted in tradition and responsive to contemporary exigencies. The detailed bibliography invites readers to explore the intellectual foundations of the Hindutva paradigm further, offering a gateway to understanding the complex interplay of ideas that has shaped India’s ideological landscape.

"The Hindutva Paradigm" by Madhav explores the Indian intellectual tradition's diverse thought and encourages a discourse that values ideas over identities. It proposes a non-Western framework for governance, development, and global cooperation, rooted in human dignity and holistic development, reflecting India's future path.

"The Indian Reality: Changing Narratives, Shifting Perceptions" offers a comprehensive exploration of India's evolving socio-political landscape, capturing the transformative changes witnessed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond Authored by Ram Madhav, a seasoned commentator and

analyst, the book delves into the intricate dynamics shaping India's trajectory in the twenty-first century, with a keen focus on nationalism, identity, culture, and governance Published amidst the backdrop of the global health crisis, the book reflects on India's resilience and determination in combating the challenges posed by the pandemic. It underscores the monumental governmental efforts and grassroots activism that propelled the nation forward, reaffirming India's resolve to overcome adversity and emerge stronger in the face of unprecedented challenges. Through a series of insightful articles penned over the span of two years, the author offers a nuanced analysis of India's shifting geopolitical landscape, marked by the rise of China, the resurgence of multilateralism, and the growing influence of non-state actors on the global stage The book also delves into India's domestic transformation under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, exploring themes of governance, politics, and foreign policy The book is divided into six sections and 46 chapters The language used in the book review is formal and articulate, reflecting a scholarly tone appropriate for discussing complex socio-political issues

With its thought-provoking narratives and incisive commentary, "The Indian Reality" serves as a timely reflection on the multifaceted complexities of contemporary India. It offers readers a deeper understanding of the country's evolving narratives and shifting perceptions, inviting them to engage critically with the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in India's journey towards progress and prosperity.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of work in 2024 and beyond, artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT have significantly simplified writing tasks, while the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the traditional office environment "Work Made Easy" delves into the integration of digital and physical workplaces,

emphasizing the need for organizational management to adapt to these shifts in mindset During the pandemic, many businesses experienced the hybrid workplace, combining office and remote work This environment has improved work-life balance and accommodated individual employee needs Digital meetings, where participants sit behind their computers, are generally stable However, challenges like ensuring everyone's voice is heard have increased, as inperson meetings may prioritize points over online ones Improvements in this area are needed to ensure better communication and outcomes. "Work Made Easy" is a wellresearched and erudite exploration of the modern workplace's transformation amidst the challenges posed by hybrid work models, rapid technological advancements, and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Authors Parthajeet Sarma, John Hoffmire, and Raj Krishnamurthy navigate the complex landscape of contemporary work environments, offering practical insights and strategies for both organizational leaders and employees alike As the workplace evolves to accommodate the preferences and needs of millennials and Gen Z, "Work Made Easy" advocates for a shift in mindset towards creating a more relatable and harmonious work environment With a focus on bridging the gap between virtual platforms and physical offices, the book presents a five-point action plan encompassing research, recognition, ideation, piloting, and implementation Through actionable advice on navigating hybrid work structures, embracing AI technologies, and personalizing the workplace experience, the authors pave the way for true workplace transformation, fostering high employee satisfaction and enhanced efficiency Recognizing the profound impact of AI on systems and careers, the book underscores the importance of understanding and harnessing its potential to enhance workplace sustainability and efficiency. However, it also emphasizes that AI should complement rather than replace human elements in the workplace. Divided into two parts, the book explores the rationale behind making work easier in Part 1 and provides actionable steps for workplace transformation in Part 2, with each chapter offering practical guidance for implementing changes effectively While acknowledging the challenges of altering work culture and

processes, the authors aim to facilitate smoother transitions and ultimately create more conducive work environments

Overall, "Work Made Easy" serves as a valuable guide for understanding and navigating the complexities of the modern workplace, offering insights that are relevant and applicable in today's ever-changing professional landscape.

Bora Chung's "Your Utopia" is an elaborately woven garland of stories that examine the dichotomy of utopia and dystopia Through eight separate storylines, Chung digs into the complexity of human nature, society constructions, and the implications of technology growth Chung, once again collaborating with translator Anton Hur, has created a book that is both thoughtprovoking and frightening, asking readers to consider the complexities of the human condition Each story in "Your Utopia" is a mirror of modern culture, providing a look into realms where the line between truth and fantasy blurs Chung's investigation into surveillance, sophisticated technology, and the goal of immortality adds complexity to the stories, forcing readers to confront the repercussions of unrestrained advancement From the humorous portrayal of corporate bureaucracy in "The Centre for Immortality Research" to the horrific description of a society wrecked by cannibalism in "The End of the Voyage," Chung expertly navigates topics that speak to the current reader. One of the collection's highlights is Chung's ability to fluidly segue across genres, integrating humor, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Each story offers a distinct perspective, providing a diverse examination of the human experience. Chung skillfully conveys the essence of human existence in all its complexities, from the basic problems of everyday living to the existential crises triggered by technological advancement Despite the variety of subjects and genres, Chung's work consistently evokes a sense of dread Chung's use of harsh, unadorned language produces a disturbing and deep mood Whether probing the depths of the human mind or the distant reaches of space, Chung's writing resonates with a calm intensity that lasts long after the final page is turned Bora Chung's "Your Utopia" delves deeper into science fiction, focusing on internalized problems and humanity's weaknesses The novel substitutes monsters with technology-focused themes, altering humans' lives while exploring loneliness and isolation Translated by Anton Hur, it captivates readers with


haunting storylines that mirror the COVID-19 period

Chung's works span various genres, including science fiction, fantasy, thriller, satire, horror, and political thriller The book provides a fascinating insight into Chung's vast imagination, challenging readers' notions of reality and making them eager to explore her literary cosmos.

The literary landscape of 2024 has seen a notable influx of books originating from North-East India, spanning across genres and authored by both newcomers and established writers Whether fiction or nonfiction, these works delve deep into the region's unique geography and evoke a spectrum of emotions that resonate with readers, sparking thoughtful contemplation and introspection In this connection, Nikhil Alva’s impressive debut novel, "If I Have to Be a Soldier," not only offers a captivating narrative but also sheds light on a crucial yet often overlooked part of India's history the insurgency in Mizoram during the 1960s. Against the backdrop of the Mizo National Front's struggle for statehood, Alva weaves a compelling tale of love, loyalty, and the human cost of war. The story follows Indian Army Captain Sammy Rego, who finds himself entangled in the conflict when he is tasked with interrogating an MNF guerrilla leader, Sena. As circumstances force them to become fugitives, Sammy and Sena must confront their bitter pasts and navigate the treacherous landscape of insurgency-torn Mizoram Alva's narrative unfolds at a frenetic pace, immersing readers in the turbulent political and social upheaval of the era Alva's evocative prose brings the lush countryside of Mizoram to life, transporting readers to a world vibrantly depicted with historical accuracy and cultural richness The author's meticulous attention to detail lends authenticity to the narrative, drawing readers deeper into the gripping tale of friendship, betrayal, and redemption Despite its weighty historical backdrop, "If I Have to Be a Soldier" remains accessible and engaging, striking a delicate balance between informative storytelling and poignant human drama Alva's storytelling prowess is evident as he skillfully blends fact with fiction, crafting a narrative that resonates with emotional depth and narrative complexity. In summary, Nikhil Alva's debut novel is a remarkable achievement that not only entertains but also educates, offering readers a compelling glimpse into a pivotal period in India's post-independence history.

With its captivating storyline, vivid characterization, and rich historical context, "If I Have to Be a Soldier" is a must-read for anyone interested in the untold stories of India's past.

"2024: India in Free Fall," by former Congress spokesperson Sanjay Jha, confronts pressing issues gripping the nation, including the marginalization of Muslim minorities and the erosion of citizen rights and the judiciary As the General Elections approach, Jha sheds

light on the mainstream media's failure to address these critical concerns, underscoring the importance of books like his in keeping these issues at the forefront of public discourse Against the backdrop of the Election Commission's announcement of the Lok Sabha elections starting on April 19 and spanning seven phases, with results expected on June 4, the timing of reading this book adds an extra layer of excitement With the elections scheduled for April and May, alongside Assembly elections in four states, the political landscape is charged as the NDA government vies for a third term while the opposition seeks to challenge its track record Jha, a self-proclaimed "Congressi by DNA," reflects on his upbringing in India, a nation loyal to Nehruvian ideals of secularism and liberalism He analyses destabilizing factors like COVID-19, economic woes, and unemployment Jha criticizes the Congress Party's leadership style and reluctance to take a decisive stance on issues. He calls for a reevaluation of political practices and values. The narrative is one of disappointment and bitterness, reflecting lost opportunities and the nation's decline on global indices. "2024" is a crucial read for those concerned about India's trajectory, with insightful analysis and candid reflections. "2024: India in Free Fall" is a compelling read for anyone concerned about the current state and future trajectory of India. Whether you're a concerned citizen, a political observer, or simply interested in understanding the complexities of Indian politics and society, this book offers valuable insights into the nation's urgent issues

From the erosion of democratic values to the challenges of economic development and social justice, Sanjay Jha's analysis provides a thoughtprovoking exploration of India's most pressing concerns. Whether you're a seasoned political analyst or a casual reader, "2024" invites you to engage with the issues shaping India's future.


"Slip, Stitch, and Stumble: Financial Sector Reforms in India" by Rajrishi Singhal delves into the transformative impact of Manmohan Singh's 1991 Union Budget speech on the Indian economy, particularly its financial sector Over three decades later, the reforms initiated by Singh remain a work in progress,

prompting questions about their motivations and the challenges hindering their completion. The book’s author, Rajrishi Singhal, is a senior journalist, banker, and public policy analyst- and -consultant with a master's degree in economics from Jadavpur University He has served on government committees and writes a column for Mint and moneycontrol com He has served on two government committees and is currently based in Mumbai with his wife and two daughters Through a nuanced examination, Rajshri’s book sheds light on the evolution of financial sector reforms, revealing a patchwork of initiatives that have left the sector vulnerable to failure Rather than offering a comprehensive history, "Slip, Stitch, and Stumble: Financial Sector Reforms in India" focuses on the motivations driving India's financial sector reforms It explores the complexities behind major policy changes and the individuals shaping the course of these reforms Against the backdrop of India's transition from a closed economy to one of the world's fastest-growing, the book uncovers the underlying tensions and roadblocks impeding progress. Financial sector reforms are pivotal in driving economic growth and development, encompassing banking, capital markets, government debt, and foreign exchange markets. By mobilizing savings and fostering efficient utilization in productive sectors, these reforms have bolstered India's resilience, stability, and growth rate. The emergence of private sector and foreign banks has intensified competition, enhancing efficiency and performance across the banking sector As India's GDP continues to surge, fuelled by robust domestic demand and government investment, the role of financial sector reforms in sustaining this growth becomes increasingly evident With rising employment, private consumption, and exports, India is poised to become one of the top three economic powers in the next decade

"Slip, Stitch, and Stumble: Financial Sector Reforms in India" offers invaluable insights into the journey of India's financial sector reforms, highlighting their significance in shaping the nation's economic trajectory

Romulus Whitaker, affectionately known as the 'Snakeman of India', emerges as a legend in wildlife conservation through the vibrant pages of his autobiography, "Snakes, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll: My Early Years " From his unconventional upbringing in rural America to his adventurous escapades across India and beyond, Whitaker's life story unfolds with candid humor and vivid recollections, offering readers a delightful glimpse into his colorful world In this captivating memoir, Whitaker traces his lifelong fascination with snakes and the natural world, revealing pivotal moments that shaped his unconventional path From discovering a shed snakeskin as a child to pursuing his passion for reptiles despite societal expectations, Whitaker's journey is marked by a fearless pursuit of his inner calling amidst a backdrop of familial and societal influences

Throughout the book, Whitaker paints a vivid portrait of his surroundings, from the lush wilderness of the Nilgiris to the bustling streets of Mumbai His encounters with an eclectic cast of characters, both human and animal, add depth and richness to the narrative, highlighting the enduring bond between man and nature As Whitaker reflects on his adventures, he offers candid insights into his own nature, including his penchant for hunting and the moral complexities that accompany it. Yet, amidst the exhilarating escapades and daring exploits, Whitaker remains grounded by the guiding influence of his mother, whose unwavering support and moral compass shape his journey of selfdiscovery. The cover image features vibrant colors and wildlife imagery, capturing Whitaker's fascination with reptiles The writing style is vivid, colorful, and conversational, with humor and wit The language is accessible and engaging, appealing to readers of all ages

The cover image and writing style aim to captivate readers and offer a glimpse into Whitaker's life and adventures

With its blend of humor, adventure, and introspection, this memoir is a captivating read that will resonate with readers of all ages, inviting them to embark on a thrilling journey through the eyes of a true conservation pioneer

"Snakes, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll" stands as a mirror image of Whitaker's indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to wildlife conservation


Presented as the concluding installment of the Detective Kaga series, Keigo Higashino's "The Final Curtain" (known as "Inori no Maku ga Oriru Toki" in Japan) holds dual significance, hinting at both the narrative's climax and the protagonist's journey towards closure Following swiftly on the heels of his previous work, "A Death in Tokyo," which hinted at a sense of fatigue in Higashino's portrayal of the titular Detective Kaga after over three decades of literary exploration, this latest offering delves into themes of finality and transition. In "The Final Curtain," Keigo Higashino once again demonstrates his mastery of the mystery genre, drawing readers into a complex investigation that hits close to home for Tokyo Police Detective Kyoichiro Kaga As the plot unfolds, Higashino skillfully weaves together multiple threads, leading readers through a labyrinth of dead ends and surprising connections The narrative unfolds through various perspectives and includes flashbacks, adding depth and suspense to the story Higashino's attention to detail vividly portrays the gritty realities of investigative work, highlighting the relentless pursuit of truth amidst countless obstacles At the heart of the story are characters grappling with personal dilemmas and societal pressures, adding layers of complexity to the narrative Themes of sacrifice, familial bonds, and the enigmatic phenomenon of Jōhatsu the intentional disappearance from established lives underscore the novel's exploration of human nature and Japanese society. Giles Murray's translation deserves praise for capturing the nuances of Higashino's narrative, ensuring a smooth and engaging reading experience for Englishspeaking audiences. However, frustration may arise for readers anticipating the conclusion of the series, as "The Final Curtain" is presented as the fourth volume in English despite being the tenth in Japanese.

Despite this drawback, Higashino delivers a captivating plot filled with twists and turns, offering profound insights into life's complexities.

"The Musical Maverick: The Authorised Biography of Shankar Mahadevan" is a captivating exploration into the life and legacy of one of India's musical icons Authored by Ashis Ghatak with meticulous attention to detail, this biography provides a richly detailed portrait of Shankar

Mahadevan, offers insights into his humble beginnings, rise to prominence, and multifaceted contributions to Indian and Bollywood music Through extensive research and interviews, the author skillfully navigates Mahadevan's personal and psychological realms, uncovering the fears, ambitions, and vulnerabilities that shaped his journey What sets this biography apart is its nuanced exploration of Mahadevan's inner world, revealing the layers behind the public persona From his childhood in Mumbai's Chembur to his evolution into a revered singer, musician, and composer, every facet of Mahadevan's life is explored with candor and honesty Despite his immense fame, Mahadevan remains grounded, embodying the essence of Mumbai's down-to-earth humanity a quality that resonates throughout the narrative The biography is not merely a recounting of Mahadevan's achievements but also provides valuable context, placing his life within the broader social, political, and historical landscape. Through the lens of Mahadevan's experiences, readers gain a deeper understanding of the cultural forces and events that shaped his era. From his early days of training as a veena artist to his collaboration with Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy and his enduring impact on Indian music, Mahadevan's journey is portrayed as a testament to human resilience and creativity In the book "The Musical Maverick," readers are treated to a symphony of emotions a raga of friendship, sweet notes of childhood romance, and the drumroll of success

Whether you're a longtime admirer of Mahadevan's work or new to his story, this biography offers profound insights into the human experience and leaves a lasting impression that resonates long after the final page is turned.


"The No-Waste Kitchen Cookbook: 75 Recipes to Begin Your Zero-Waste Journey" by Arina Suchde is a culinary revelation, offering 75 innovative recipes that transform kitchen scraps into delectable dishes and cocktails Suchde, a passionate advocate against food waste,

sheds light on the hidden potential of discarded ingredients, such as pea pods, carrot peels, and orange peels From hearty soups to crispy fritters, each recipe is designed to tantalize taste buds while promoting sustainable living This cookbook not only contains delicious recipes but also helpful information on cooking with fruit and vegetable scraps, revitalizing wilting greens, and creatively repurposing leftovers Suchde's practical advice for mindful purchasing, decreasing kitchen waste, and meal planning round out this book as a thorough introduction to sustainable cooking Readers are urged to start on a zerowaste path, benefiting both their eating habits and the environment. In a world where food waste is a pressing issue, "The No-Waste Kitchen Cookbook: 75 Recipes to Begin Your Zero-Waste Journey" addresses the need for mindful consumption. Suchde's book comes at a crucial time, aligning with the growing trend of eco-friendly kitchens, especially post-pandemic in India. With its focus on vegetarian recipes and practical solutions for both home and commercial kitchens, this book offers adaptable techniques for reducing food waste in any setting As a mixologist, Suchde doesn't neglect the bar, offering inventive zero-waste cocktail recipes in the "Boozy Bonus" section From banana peel syrup-infused Old Fashioneds to a corn margarita made with discarded corn silk, these cocktails showcase the potential of kitchen scraps beyond the culinary realm Additionally, the book provides practical information on starting composting units, extending its impact beyond the kitchen and into gardens and communities While the book's black-and-white sketch images may lack the visual appeal of vivid pictures, the recipes themselves stand out, pushing readers to reconsider rejected items A discussion on non-vegetarian waste and associated issues would have been beneficial as well.

"The No-Waste Kitchen Cookbook: 75 Recipes to Begin Your Zero-Waste Journey is more than simply a compilation of recipes; it's a manifesto for sustainable living, encouraging readers to embrace creativity, eliminate waste, and appreciate every dish with attentive appreciation.

Matthew Blake's debut novel, "Anna O," unfolds with a premise that promises riveting suspense: Anna Ogilvy, a young woman accused of a gruesome crime, emerges from a prolonged slumber, leaving Dr. Benedict Prince to navigate the tangled web of truth and deception surrounding her case. As Prince delves into Anna's past and the events leading up to the murders of her roommates, the narrative structure, featuring diary entries and shifting perspectives, adds layers to the mystery, inviting readers to question the reliability of the characters' recollections The novel's exploration of resignation syndrome and the complexities of human consciousness offers moments of brilliance, highlighting Blake's keen understanding of psychological depth As Prince attempts to awaken Anna from her slumber, the line between reality and illusion blurs, leaving readers to discern truth from deception While the narrative holds promise, occasional stagnation and predictability in the storyline hinder its momentum Despite its flaws, "Anna O" captivates with its exploration of psychological intrigue and the intricacies of the human mind Blake's deft handling of suspense keeps readers engaged, even as they navigate the twists and turns of the plot The novel's use of symbolism and allusion, including references to Freud's case study of "Anna O" and Greek tragedy, adds depth to the narrative, inviting readers to delve deeper into its thematic layers. The characters, particularly Dr. Prince and Anna, are rendered with complexity and nuance, drawing readers into their world as they grapple with questions of guilt, innocence, and the nature of reality. As Prince becomes increasingly entangled in Anna's case, his own motivations and desires come into question, adding further layers of intrigue to the narrative.

Ultimately, "Anna O" is a thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche, offering a blend of suspense and introspection that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned. While it may not be without its flaws, Blake's debut marks him as a writer to watch, leaving readers eagerly anticipating his future endeavors.

(This book is Reviewed by Saurabh Chawla)


Sugata Bose's intriguing and incisive book, "Asia after Europe: Imagining a Continent in the Long Twentieth Century," gives a gripping story of Asia's struggle to establish its identity against the backdrop of European colonialism and the following rise of global powers Drawing on a rich tapestry of history, Bose provides a succinct yet thorough examination of how Asian philosophers and intellectuals dealt with concepts of solidarity and universalism, challenging Eurocentric ideas Bose explains via thorough research and entertaining narrative how comprehending Asia's past is critical to visualizing its future Bose's story revolves around the idea that Asia's identity cannot be completely realized until it is free of the limits imposed by European colonial-era maps As the balance of global power changes towards Asia, there is an urgent need to reconsider what it means to be Asian and investigate the continent's rich and intertwined past Bose deftly investigates the movement of ideas and people across colonial and national borders, showing the intricate growth of Asian thinking, art, and politics. Throughout the book, Bose emphasizes the contributions of significant personalities such as Rabindranath Tagore, Okakura Tenshin, and Liang Qichao, who were instrumental in reviving the concept of Asia as a unique civilizational zone. Their attempts to oppose Western dominance and promote Asian unity paved the way for a new age of intellectual and cultural interaction By exploring the links between literature, art, and spirituality, Bose reveals the complex fabric of Asian identity and its persistent endurance in the face of colonialism and nationalism In his investigation of Asia's past, Bose faces the continent's modern difficulties and prospects in the era of globalization While China's growth has altered the balance of economic power, Bose cautions against falling prey to the hierarchical ideas of Asian leadership Instead, he emphasizes the necessity of instilling a sense of familiarity and solidarity among Asia's varied peoples, picturing a future marked by cooperation and respect

"Asia after Europe" is more than simply a historical narrative; it is a call to action, encouraging readers to reconsider their perception of Asia and embrace its unique tapestry of cultures, traditions, and ambitions.

"Being Hindu, Being Indian: Lala Lajpat Rai's Ideas of Nationhood" is a fascinating investigation of Lala Lajpat Rai's complicated nationalist ideology, which is sometimes overshadowed by his relationship with Bhagat Singh and the Hindu Right Unlike naive interpretations,

this painstakingly researched and elegantly written book reveals the complexities of Rai's worldview, forcing readers to reevaluate their views of Hinduism and Indian nationalism Through a thorough analysis of Rai's life and beliefs, author Vanya Vaidehi Bhargav invites readers to consider the intersections of history, politics, religious identity, and nationalism Vanya Vaidehi Bhargav's portrayal of Lajpat Rai deviates from standard tales, depicting him as a character whose views transcend easy categorization By diving into Rai's support for Congress-Muslim League cooperation and his rewriting of India's medieval history to emphasize HinduMuslim unity, the book demonstrates the subtle depth of his nationalist outlook. Bhargav's thesis encourages readers to analyze the fluidity and growth of political ideas, particularly in the turbulent terrain of early twentieth-century India. The book has received high recognition for its thorough approach and nuanced assessment of Rai's life and impact. Bhargav's detailed investigation of Rai's political shifts and intellectual maturation illuminates the complex processes of Indian nationalism, challenging assumed conceptions and providing new perspectives on historical conflicts With its extensive knowledge and compelling story, "Being Hindu, Being Indian" is a must-read for everyone interested in the intricate interaction of religion, politics, and identity in modern India Finally, "Being Hindu, Being Indian" is a fascinating reappraisal of Lala Lajpat Rai's intellectual and political accomplishments, providing a pertinent study of his continued importance in the current debate Vanya Vaidehi Bhargav's astute analysis and meticulous research reveal the nuances of Rai's nationalist philosophy, giving readers a better grasp of the factors that molded India's political environment

This work demonstrates Bhargav's ability as an intellectual historian and her dedication to explaining the complexities of South Asian history to a wider audience.


Arun Krishnan's trilogy takes place in 7thcentury India, with the historical Battle of Vathapi serving as the centerpiece The first novel in the trilogy, "Nandi's Charge," serves as a precursor to the approaching struggle, headed by the resolute Pallavan King, Mammalla, who wants to honor his

father's dying desires As alliances are formed and plans are created, the story takes readers on a trip through political intrigue, military preparations, and personal sacrifices, laying the groundwork for an epic battle between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas Author Arun Krishnan's rigorous attention to detail and vivid world-building takes readers to the heart of ancient India, bringing busy towns, beautiful temples, and huge landscapes to life. Despite the narrative's intricacy, which includes numerous views and a diverse cast of people, Krishnan's skilled writing delivers a smooth and entertaining reading experience rich in historical accuracy and vivid imagery. At the heart of the trilogy is a gripping study of devotion, honor, and the unwavering pursuit of justice. Readers see the complexity of friendship, duty, and sacrifice through the perspective of heroes such as Commander Paranjyothi and his allies, who live in a turbulent age defined by shifting alliances and vicious opponents Against this backdrop, themes of love, ambition, and civilizational conflict mingle, bringing depth and richness to the narrative mosaic "Nandi's Charge" is a compelling combination of reality and fiction, thoroughly researched and accomplished While the pacing can be sluggish at times, especially at the beginning, the novel's rich storytelling and convoluted storyline eventually gain speed, culminating in an exciting conclusion that leaves readers wanting for the next episode

With its vivid description of ancient India and intriguing array of characters, Krishnan's trilogy offers an extraordinary literary voyage through a watershed moment in Indian history.

Terry Hayes' The Year of the Locust’ is a compelling and sweeping thriller that captures readers' interest from the opening page Following the triumph of his debut novel, I Am Pilgrim, Hayes returns with another remarkable story, an epic that surpasses the weight and passion of classic Tom Clancy novels. However, Hayes' narrative departs dramatically from Jack Ryan's familiar territory, with CIA officer Kane serving as the story's dynamic first-person narrator. Kane is tasked with unraveling a complicated web of threats to the United States, and his mission leads him deep into the heart of danger, setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown with a reincarnated terrorist commander, Abu Muslim al-Tundra Hayes expertly balances action and suspense throughout the story's four chapters, transporting readers to an exciting series of events that transcend continents As Kane navigates dangerous territory and faces tough foes, the tension grows with each page turn However, it is the unexpected twists and disclosures that truly distinguish The Year of the Locust, compelling both Kane and readers to reassess their preconceptions and expectations Hayes' daring writing defies categorization, fusing aspects of espionage, thrillers, and speculative fiction into a unified and captivating plot The Year of the Locust is centered around a painstakingly created universe full of nuanced personalities and moral conundrums Hayes provides a complex and thought-provoking portrait of the CIA and its agents, exploring power, morality, and the effects of secrecy from a variety of angles. By following Kane's travels, Hayes explores issues of identity, agency, and the dynamic terrain of international warfare, creating a vivid and engrossing picture of a world on the verge of collapse. The book is a hefty read, reminiscent of classic spy novels but with a modern and innovative twist. Hayes incorporates elements of thriller, sci-fi, and mystery, creating a narrative that is as complex as it is captivating While some may argue for tighter editing, those willing to embrace the novel's crossgenre nature will find it to be a truly immersive and enjoyable reading experience In summary, The Year of the Locust is a masterwork of narrative that surpasses expectations and is a gripping read from beginning to end This book stands out as a noteworthy contribution to the thriller genre because of Hayes's daring narrative choices and painstaking attention to detail

Hayes's next book, The Year of the Locust, is expected to fascinate readers with its unique combination of high-stakes action, clever storytelling, and thoughtprovoking topics.


Arun Krishnan presents another compelling tale in the exciting sequel to "Nandi's Charge: Battle of Vathapi," keeping readers captivated till the finish Set in the seventh century, the drama continues the tumultuous saga of the Pallavas and Chalukyas, with youthful King Narasimhavarman struggling to carry on his father's legacy amidst political intrigue and looming bloodshed.

"Varaha's Vengeance: The Battle of Vathapi Book 2 continues where its predecessor left off, diving further into the complexities of espionage and strategic warfare. As the Pallavas undermine their opponents' preparations, emotions rise and relationships are challenged in the heat of combat. Krishnan's great attention to detail brings the story to life, painting a vivid picture of ancient India and its complicated web of loyalties and conflicts One of the story's noteworthy aspects is Krishnan's dedication to realism, as seen by his extensive research and subtle characterization From the characters' private talks to the grandeur of military tactics, every detail of the novel is masterfully designed to transport readers to the Pallava and Chalukya worlds Maps and character lists help readers navigate the narrative, offering a smooth reading experience despite the story's wide breadth Despite the epic conflicts and political machinations, the personal travels of the three spies Elango, Muthuvel, and Kannan remain at the center of the story Their unshakable dedication to duty and honor, despite the obstacles they endure, gives depth and emotional relevance to the plot In a fight against the Pallavas and their allies, King Pullikeshi must balance professionalism, moral responsibilities, and emotional responses. The story investigates the ethical issues of conflict and humanitarian action, emphasizing the fragile balance between protagonists and villains. It is an engaging read for people interested in India's civilizational history, including subjects such as governance, warfare, and moral behavior.

As the trilogy progresses, Krishnan expertly tackles themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice, encouraging readers to consider the ageless intricacies of human nature and the lingering legacy of ancient battles.

Turiya, a pen name for author Mamta, presents "The Vast Empty," a captivating collection of poems that serves as a profound trip into the depths of human feeling. Turiya's simple yet compelling command of words conveys the core of diverse sensations, from sadness to the

ecstasy of love, the heaviness of loss, and the tranquility of self-discovery. Each poem in this anthology is written with lyrical ease and simplicity, portraying vivid pictures of sensations that are frequently unsaid. Turiya's ability to tackle complicated issues with such subtlety demonstrates the power of language, bringing readers on an introspective journey across the wide landscapes of the human heart. What distinguishes "The Vast Empty" is its refreshing sense of sincerity, which invites readers to confront life's many sides while praising the fundamental beauty of being Turiya's readiness to handle the highs and lows of human experience results in a delicate balance that reflects the difficulties of everyday existence

Through this exploration, the poet encourages readers to embrace simplicity and spirituality, providing respite from the conflict of daily life and guiding them to a greater comprehension of pure awareness This collection of poetry is a lovely portrayal of the author's emotions and experiences, appealing to readers of all ages The poems, written in a simple yet profound language with mystic undertones, induce a sense of tranquility and meditation Poems such as "Happiness," gently weave through the reader's thoughts, prompting meditation and contemplation. Turiya's writing not only provides peace but also motivates readers to broaden their views and adopt a visionary attitude. "The Vast Empty" is a gripping book that delves into the depths of the soul while leaving an indelible impression on the reader's mind. The relatability of the poetries, along with their profound emotional resonance, guarantees that each piece remains in the reader's mind long after the book is closed. Turiya's thought-provoking writing style captures daily ideas and sentiments with depth and strength, enticing readers to read the poems again and again This compilation is more than just a book of poems "The Vast Empty" is a gripping book that delves into the depths of the soul while leaving an indelible impression on the reader's mind The relatability of the poetries, along with their profound emotional resonance, guarantees that each piece remains in the reader's mind long after the book is closed Turiya's thought-provoking writing style captures daily ideas and sentiments with depth and strength, enticing readers to read the poems again and again. This compilation is more than just a book of poems



Neelakshi Banerjee

Blue Eyes Cries

A leaked wall, faded cement blocks

Once firm now like flakes on the corner clock

The shine and flair gradually going flake

Just like the dust on the pane overlooking the lake

The old china sitting patiently on the greenish blue case

The mahogany table robust but unpolished holding the empty vase

A sad story weaved by the grey wools of the young maiden's hands

Blue veins sharp and bright in the otherwise pale hands

Misty eyes staring at the still blue water ahead

And to the wended path the little water led

A soft breeze slowly untangling the messy hair,

The salt drenched cheeks making a trail on the dusty layer

The sparkling blue on the water reflecting in her eyes

And shines brightly when her blue eyes cries.

My name is Neelakshi Banerjee. Recently I have developed a budding interest to delve through the subtle beauty of art and articulate my imagination with the help of words.Music holds a pivotal place in my life.Though am an engineer by profession I believe both science and arts are equally imperative to make this world a more beautiful place


Those Were The Days


Those were the days - Bittersweet

"Ravalgon candies", "Paper Boats and Monsoon" kind of days...

Sighs are all we are left with Longing, is a road we often take

Looking back, we see ourselves inside a Kaleidoscope...

The past, is the hometown of the irreplaceables

Some moments' memories irrigate our soul

Nostalgic for precious people, places, keepsakes' stories

An album of "Those were the days" we all carry in our hearts...

Kites from the terrace, Kulfi cart bells, swings on Mango trees

Post Office visits, Handwritten letters, “yearly once shopping” merrily

Chitrahaar on Solidaire, Rose Milk from Icy blue Kelvinator

Vintage voices on the radio, treasured cassettes

Bicycles for rent, roaming around streets ecstatically

Those carefree days' memories are the kinder laps

To rest our weary hearts on...

Nostalgia serves a refreshing cup of tea, like a dear friend...

Grandma's warmth, home filled with cousins' laughter

Long train journeys, window seat bliss, excursions, honeyed beautiful phase....

Teacher's pet, despite thumbs down results

Reigning at culturals, rocking the stage, oh those "designing my dreams" days...

Have you ever felt, Nostalgia smells like Petrichor?!... Memories rain, our eyes hold rivers waiting to flow...

For every Nostalgic moment, if a star would twinkle My Sky would be a canvas of light...

Nostalgic for all things that have no price tag

Longing for my effervescent Dad, who is now fragile, forgotten himself

For my Child's childhood, to inhale pure joy

For moments that have chiseled me, gifting a tapestry of my Metamorphosis...

Nostalgic for a myriad of pages from the past...

Yet it's a soothing ache

When am nostalgic of my classrooms' windows

That always knew am born to write poems

A bilingual poet-writer(Tamil, English), Madhumathi H is an ardent lover of Nature, Poetry, Photography, Music. Loves all forms of art.

Her poems are published in Anthologies of The Poetry Society(India), CPC- Chennai Poetry Circle's EFFLORESCENCE, IPC's(India Poetry Circle)

Madras Hues Myriad Views, IPC's Confluence - AGO poem, Amaravati Poetic Prism 2015, YPF's Ignite Poetry, Breathe Poetry, Dream Poetry, Winterful Whispers(Shimmering Seasons), Soul shores, that have 10 of her poems published, Soul Serenade, Soul songs, Shades of Love-AIFEST, Celebrating Womanhood - AIFEST International Poetry Contest 2023(Special Jury mention & secured A grade)

Arising from the dust, Painting Dreams, Shards of unsung Poesies, are some of the other Anthologies her poems, and write ups are part of (2020 to 2024) Madhumathi's poems and write ups are part of ezines Storizen, UGC approved Muse India, Science Shore, Positive Vibes - Literary Vibes, OPA – Our Poetry Archives, IWJ - International Writers Journal, and e-Anthologies Monsoon moods - Muse India, Green Awakenings - On Environment, by KavyaAdisakrit

Besides Poetry, Madhumathi writes on Mental health to create awareness, break the stigma, believing in the therapeutic, transformational power of words

Contact: madhumathi poetry@gmail com


https://madhumathipoetry wordpress com m=1


The Roads We Walk On, The Roads We Walk On, The Roads We Walk On,

Come Come Come


The red of the wine

Now winking, now mute yet whispering notes of beliefs we talked about. Little spice jars with flavors and colors of our different chats about layers, tastes upon tastes I hit backspace

Do I want to remember?

These lanes now winding, and unwinding among pockets of stories and the wisps of connections with you.

Now here and now gone beyond.

Sangita Kalarickal is a wordsmith, with work appearing in several journals and anthologies The poems in her first chapbook Mamina (Kavya-Adisakrit, 2023), range from free-verse poetry to haikai form She is currently an associate editor of Drifting Sands Haibun Journal and conducts the podcast Ripples in the Sand Dr Kalarickal lives in Minnesota, USA with her husband, kid, her little garden and the fantasy characters she writes about



This month Aries, you are putting extra efforts in your workplace to be appreciated and achieve success. You might be learning new skills to improve your work. Trust me, your hard work will surely give results and your goals will be fulfilled but it will take time so have patience.



This month Taurus, you will be focused on your career and use your wisdom or logic for any important decision It also indicated some help from much older woman who will advise or support you to overcome any problem


This month Leo, situation didn’t turn out as you had expected and that’s why you are sad and disappointed Instead of crying, just focus on what went wrong and how you failed and learn from it and move on It’s not the right month for a job lookout as you might get rejected


This month Virgo, you have clarity about what you wanted to do in life and calmly you will evaluate and make a positive decision This also shows that your inner calling advice you to do more than what you are currently doing


This month Gemini, you might have to face sudden or unexpected changes in your life which might shake you to the core but trust me it’s needed to make you strong Also, it can be an organizational change in your workplace which is necessary for your growth


This month Cancer, don’t take any immediate decision or action, just stay calm and give some time to yourself, go out in nature, or relax, Meditate, and then take decision. The situation demands rest now.


This month, you might get the mental clarity on a certain solution which you have been looking for a long time It also indicates a breakthrough related to new projects which you were looking for New Ideas are brimming in your mind Also, this card indicates surgery so stay healthy


This month Scorpio, the universe is in your favor to help you to reach your goals It indicates good fortune and luck It is the card of Karma ‘what goes around comes around ’ It is important to cherish the Blissful moments of life It is the week, to be optimistic



This month Sagittarians, if you are single, you might find your soulmate with mutual respect It also indicates Unity, Love, and harmony in your relationship If you are looking to work in partnership, this is the right week to work in partnership as both focused on creating relationships which is mutually beneficial for each other



This month Capricorns, you are aware of available possibilities and expand your horizon by travelling to different places to fulfil your goals It’s time to think big Be confident to achieve your goals



This month Aquarians, your hardships, and challenges are going to get over and there will be relief from troubled times It also indicates leaving your current place and moving out for a better job Also, some might be escaping from the problematic situation to a more peaceful environment



This month, you need to make a clear plan for implementing any ideas in your workplace. It is the week to step out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities It will give you confidence to step out and plan your goals It also indicates, foreign journey If you are looking for a job change, you need to have a proper study about the company and prepare for the interview

I am Himani Goyal, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Banglore Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers I have read and reviewed numerous books so far I am also a practicing Tarot consultant and would be sharing daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes for you all here

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