The Collection Magazine vol. 30

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Photo credit: Marija Nišić, OC Jahorina | Complimentary copy




Volume 30 | Autumn & Winter 2021/22






Your magical winter palace


Discover a nautical playground on the wild and beautiful shores of Montenegro

LUXURY HOMES AVAILABLE FOR SALE Invest in one of the world’s fastest-growing luxury destinations Portonovi, an idyllic Mediterranean-style village on Montenegro’s spectacular Boka Bay. With a range of luxurious waterfront residences offering high rental yields, access to a world-class D-Marin Portonovi marina, and the very first One&Only resort in Europe, there’s never been a better time to invest in the Adriatic’s New Riviera. To arrange an individual property viewing, reach us via +382 31 355 375 | [email protected] PORTONOVI.COM


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IMPRESSUM THE COLLECTION UREĐUJE I IZDAJE / EDITING AND PUBLISHING The Collection d.o.o. Podgorica Ulica Vukice Mitrović 16B 81000 Podgorica T: +382 20 655 717 [email protected] GLAVNI UREDNIK / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sandra Vlatković DIZAJN, PRIPREMA ZA ŠTAMPU / DESIGN, PREPRESS TEKSTOVI / TEXTS Zorana Vojinović, George Roberts, Miodrag Spahić, Miloš Duletić, Marija Crnjak, Sofija Aćimović, Sandra Vlahović, Lara Ham ART DIREKTOR / ART DIRECTOR Jadranka Simonović TEHNIČKI UREDNIK / TECHNICAL EDITOR Miodrag Spahić FOTOGRAFIJA / PHOTO U magazinu su korišćene fotografije institucija i kompanija oglašivača NASLOVNA STRANA / COVER PAGE Cover image: Jahorina Olympic Centre Photo credit: Marija Nišić OGLAŠAVANJE / ADVERTISING Miodrag Spahić +382 67 305 035, [email protected] Miloš Duletić +382 67 261 817, [email protected] PREVODIOCI / TRANSLATORS Porta Aperta, Zorana Vojinović LEKTORI / PROOFREADERS Matt Whiffen ŠTAMPA / PRINTING BY DPC - Grafotisak, Grude TIRA Ž/ COPIES 8.000 Rješenjem Ministarstva kulture Crne Gore list je upisan u Evidenciju medija pod rednim brojem 693. Copyright@2021, RLC Montenegro CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Централна народна библиотека Црне Горе, Цетиње 338 . 48 (497 . 16) (05) The Collection / urednik Sandra Vlatković . - Vol. 30 (2021) - . - Podgorica (Vukice Mitrović 16 B) : RLC Montenegro, 2011. - 33.5 cm Kvartalno. - Tekst na engleskom, crnogorskom, srpskom, hrvatskom, bosanskom i slovenačkom jeziku. ISSN 1800-9077 = The Collection, Montenegro (Podgorica) COBISS.CG-ID 18421264 All material is copyright, and all rights are reserved, and no parts of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and can not be related to publisher. The publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content.

Photo credit: Damjanić Wines, Croatia

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Sandra Vlatković, Editor in Chief, The Collection Magazine

Dear Readers, We are delighted to welcome you to the new regional edition of The Collection. As we approach the most romantic and festive period of the year, but also the time when we collect impressions, make plans, and calculate the balance of year-round business, it seems that the optimism that prevails in most sectors in the region is justified, despite the pandemic. From this issue onward, the magazine has expanded its presence to one more market, so you can now find us in the most elite and luxury facilities in Slovenia, but also find out the news about what awaits guests and investors there in the coming period. In moving towards the beginning of the winter season, the region has responded with a range of new approaches to tempt even the most demanding guest. Recent months have been marked by significant investment in the capacities of ski resorts, both at the beautiful Olympic venue near Sarajevo - Jahorina, and at ski resorts in Serbia and Montenegro. In conversations with our partners, it is clear that many are already ready for the winter, while some are largely preparing for the summer season in 2022. This part of Europe is widely known and recognised for its authentic and diverse cuisine. We tend to be proud, and with good reason, since we know our gastronomy is able to tickle even the most delicate palates. The proof of the quality of our cuisine is demonstrated

by the recognition of some of the most influential gastronomic authorities, with new restaurants in Croatia and Slovenia being awarded Michelin stars. Despite the great shifts that are visible in the hospitality industry, and the fact that there are brilliant individuals and ideas all across the region, this sector still faces a challenge when it comes to retaining a high-quality, skilled workforce. We believe that, by recognising the importance and undoubted strength that the region draws from this increasingly strong and highly-regarded sector, governments will take certain measures to try to regulate to help the sector overcome this obstacle. The region is also following global trends in the field of innovative approaches and concepts when it comes to where to stay. The range of accommodation has now been enriched by several glamping resorts – offering luxury camping that goes beyond the traditional attitudes to sleeping under canvas, and where the needs of both tourists and environmental protection are brought into synergy. A number of fascinating projects in the hotel industry and the interest of investment funds in investing in real estate, as well as continuous investment in transport infrastructure, which is necessary to increase the competitiveness of the entire region, are also encouraging signs. Moreover, advances in IT technologies, led by innovation, growth, and globalization, are redefining the entire industry, including travel in general. Digitalization has "conquered" every segment of life and business, but good old print has not been entirely neglected; indeed, it has retained the charm of exclusivity and attractiveness, something which is best seen in the quality of our magazine and the ways in which we are able to highlight the best brands from the region. The Collection is also introducing another novelty for you - from mid-December, the portal will be live, offering the ultimate guide to everyone of refined taste, who needs readily available, up-to-date news and information in the fields of tourism, investment, and innovation. We will follow the latest trends for you and visit all those destinations that are attracting the most attention, but also aim to discover the hidden gems of the region. We are convinced that you will enjoy what follows in this edition. The Collection wishes you happy holidays and a successful and above all a healthy 2022.











Miodrag Spahić, Director, The Collection Magazine

Dragi čitaoci, Želimo vam dobrodošlicu na stranice novog regionalnog izdanja “The Collection”. U susret najromantičnijem periodu godine, ali i vremenu kad sabiramo utiske, pravimo planove i kalkulacije, računamo preseke celogodišnjeg poslovanja, čini se da optimizam koji vlada u većini sektora uprkos pandemiji nije bez osnova. Magazin je od ovog broja svoje prisustvo proširio na još jedno tržište, te nas možete naći i u najelitijim objektima u Sloveniji, ali i saznati novosti o tome šta sve očekuje goste i investitore u narednom periodu. Na pragu zimskih odmora, region odgovara spremnim ponudama i za najzahtevnijeg gosta. Prethodni meseci obeleženi su značajnim investicijama u kapacitete skijališta kako olimpijske lepotice nadomak Sarajeva - Jahorine, tako skijališta u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. U razgovorima sa partnerima vidimo da su mnogi spremni za zimsku, a i pojedini se uveliko pripremaju i za letnju sezonu. Ovaj deo Evrope je nadaleko čuven i prepoznatljiv po autentičnoj i raznolikoj gastronomiji. Skloni smo da


se, i to sa konkretnim razlogom, ponosimo onim što itekako zna da zagolica najistančanija nepca. Potvrda kvaliteta stigla je i od vrsnih stručnjaka iz najprestižnijeg gastronomskog autoriteta, tako što su se novi restorani u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji okitili Michelin zvezdicama. Uprkos velikim pomacima koji su vidljivi u ugostiteljstvu, i činjenici da ima briljantnih pojedinaca i ideja, ova privredna grana suočava se sa izazovom kad je u pitanju radna snaga. Verujemo da će uvidevši značaj i nesumnjivu snagu koju region crpi iz ove sve jače i priznatije oblasti, i Vlade određenim merama učiniti napor da regulišu i pomognu sektoru da prevaziđe ovu prepreku. Region prati svetske trendove i u sferi inovativnih pristupa i koncepta kad su u pitanju smeštajni kapaciteti. Ponuda je bogatija za nekoliko glamping rizorta luksuznih vidova kampovanja koji prevazilaze tradicionalni stav o ovoj vrsti smeštaja, gde su potrebe turista i zaštita životne sredine dovodene u sinergiju. Ohrabruju i brojni zanimljivi projekti u sferi hotelijerstva i interesovanje investicionih fondova za ulaganje u nekretnine, kao i kontinuirano ulaganje u saobraćajnu infrastrukturu koja je neophodna za povećanje konkurentnosti celog regiona. Napredak u IT tehnologijama, predvođen inovacijama, rastom i globalizacijom, redefiniše celu industriju, pa i putovanja generalno. Digitalizacija jeste “osvojila” svaki segment života i poslovanja, ali dobri stari print nije zanemaren, već je zadržao šarm ekskluzivnosti i atraktivnost – to se najbolje vidi po kvalitetu našeg magazina i prisustvu najboljih brendova iz regiona. Za vas The Collection uvodi još jednu novinu – od sredine decembra portal, ultimativni vodič namenjen savremenom čoveku istančanog ukusa, kome su potrebne brze, aktuelne novosti i informacije iz sfera turizma, investicija i inovacija. Pratićemo za vas trendove, posetićemo sve one destinacije koje izazivaju najveću pažnju, ali otkriti i skrivene dragulje regiona. Uvereni da ćete uživati u narednim stranicama, The Collection vam želi srećne praznike, uspešnu i pre svega zdravu 2022. godinu. Sandra Vlatković, urednica - The Collection Magazine






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A glittering village infused with unexpected discovery and salt-kissed air, Porto Montenegro seduces people from all corners of the globe. The new gateway to this splendour is a vibrant and eclectic urban enclave of opportunity, friendship and verve.



Porto Montenegro’s newest neighbourhood is alive with activity, a friendly spirit and transformative wellness at its core. A collection of spaces to eat, shop, stay and recharge, this is home to a diverse community founded on a desire to connect and to share. Boka Place welcomes, energises, comforts and inspires - it is open for all to enjoy. Designed to offer the best in urban-living, this is a dynamic hub where modern lifestyles thrive - a concept that enriches the whole waterfront experience at Porto Montenegro.

To satisfy the growing desire for organic living, Boka Place has been designed to harmonise with its wider surroundings and foster a deep-rooted sense of community. Whilst the buildings blend respectfully into the earth, inspiration has been drawn from the natural elements of the sun and the wind to name them. From Alba to Sirocco, there is always something fresh to discover and experiences to enjoy – hidden garden nooks for reading, private pools in which to swim, pop-up areas of trade and craft, and new friends that live next door.

A HAVE N OF P U RE , UNINTERRU P T E D WELLBE I NG Boka Place is a new urban quarter in Porto Montenegro built with conviviality and wellness at its core. Here, the spirit of community is underpinned by a collective desire to live an active lifestyle among a warm coastal setting and great friends. With busy shops and cafés, a fitness hotel and wellness hub, green outdoor areas and new discoveries at every turn, this is a place where children play, revellers meet and laughter flows. At the heart of Boka Place, bright and spacious residences of natural simplicity beckon you inside. Nestle among their light-filled interiors and indulge in these sanctuaries that have been designed to revitalise mind, body and soul.

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D O U B L E T R E E B Y H I LTO N Z A G R E B z a g r e b . r e s e r v a t i o n s @ h i lt o n . c o m Photo © Hrvoje Serdar - HTZ






Vila Fabiani, Kobdilj 39, Štanjel, photo credit: @Jošt Gantar / Ana Rojc




BioSing, Gorenjska cesta 59, Ribnica

BioSing products cannot be found in ordinary stores, and their tasting menu offers a very special experience. The owner, David, is himself one of the greatest masters of his craft.

Our members value their time greatly, so they appreciate a reliable partner who takes care of organizing their daily routine, vacation, gifts for family members and business partners, someone who will always direct them towards the best restaurants, the latest offerings in the field of wine culture, and who will be able to advise them on their medical or educational needs.


ver the past year, we have seen a growing demand for various experiences, both for members themselves or for their closed-knit circle of family and friends. The main focus is on active leisure, health and well-being. The global pandemic of COVID-19 has only accelerated these trends, and the new rule is that activities can also be carried out in the virtual world, from the comfort of your own home. On the other hand, a significant share of inquires still refer to the organisation of travel, access to curated events, shopping for prestigious items such as Hermès handbags, gaining membership of various elite clubs such as Annabel's London Club, Vogue 100, 1880, Grace Belgravia, 5 Hertford Street, and so on. With the "New normal", the world of luxury has narrowed - there are fewer flights, lower passenger occupancy on planes and fewer spectators at sporting events like Wimbledon, Roland Garros and the Champions League, as well as at concerts and operas. Where and how members want to spend their holidays has also changed, as there has been a significant increase in villa and yacht rentals, as cleanliness and isolation has become more important, in


Slovenija skozi oči edinega globalnega Lifestyle kluba Quintessentially Naši člani izjemno cenijo svoj čas, zato želijo imeti zanesljivega partnerja, ki skrbi za organizacijo njihovo vsakdanjika, dopusta, darila za družinske člane in poslovne partnerje, nekoga, ki jih bo vedno seznanil z najboljšimi restavracijami, novostmi na področju vinske kulture, ki jim bo znal svetovati, kje poiskati drugo mnenje, v primeru zdravstvenih težav, svetovati pri vpisu otrok na fakultet v tujini... V zadnjem letu opažamo naraščajoče povpraševanje po različnih doživetjih, ki si jih člani želijo zase ali za svoje bližnje. Pri tem je največji poudarek na aktivnem preživljanju prostega časa, zdravju in dobrem počutju. Globalna pandemija COVID-19 je te trende le še pospešila, novo pravilo pa je, da se lahko aktivnosti izvajajo tudi preko spleta v zavetju svojega doma. Na drugi stran pa zajeten delež želja še vedno zajemajo organizacija potovanj, ogled različnih dogodkov, nakupovanje prestižnih izdelkov, kot so npr. ženske torbice Hermès, članstvo v različnih elitnih klubih, kot so npr. londonski klub Annabel’s, Vogue 100, 1880, Grace Belgravia, 5 Hertford Street,...


Hiša Torkla, Korte 44b, Isola

addition to privacy. However, there is also increasing interest in membership of the most exclusive business clubs in Milan, London, and elsewhere. The pandemic has also changed educational trends. There is now increased interest in enrolment at the world’s best universities and in other educational programmes, such as music courses with the best foreign mentors. The same applies to various culinary workshops. Shopping habits have also changed, with members today asking not only for luxury items created by prestigious brands, but increasingly focusing on the products of young designers, home fitness equipment and other products or services that beneficially affect their health. There has also been an increase in demand for nutritionists and other medical services. Given all of the above, Quitessentially Adriatic has shifted its focus in Slovenia to boutique locations where people can escape urban life and avoid mass tourism. The first such destination is Goriška Hills (Goriška brda), which is certainly best known for its centuries long history of the production of excellent wines. They offer their visitors beautiful scenery, the opportunity to visit many renowned wine cellars, taste excellent wine, meet friendly and very hospitable people, and enjoy beautiful accommodation. A villa with a pool is a great choice for everyone who cherishes the quality and privacy of the property. In a villa like this, you will experience Goriška Hills in its true and traditional colours. Vila Vita, located in the village of Vipolže, in the wine-growing heart of Goriška Hills is an excellent starting point for exploring the area. Take a moment to relax in the outdoor massage pool, with its million-dollar view of the wine-growing district SLOVENIA

V »novi normalnosti« se svet luksuza oži; manj je letov, manjše število potnikov je na letalih, manjše število ljudi si lahko ogledalo športne dogodke kot so Wibeldon, Roland garos, finale Lige prvakov, videli bomo, kaj se bo zgodilo s koncerti, operami, ... Spremenile so se destinacije, kjer člani želijo preživeti oddih, saj se je precej povečalo število povpraševanj po najem vil in najem jaht, saj je poleg zasebnosti postala pomembna tudi varnost pred okužbami. Se pa ob tem povečuje zanimanje za članstva v najbolj ekskluzivnih poslovnih klubih v Milanu, Londonu,... Pandemija je spremenila tudi trende izobraževanju. Povečuje zanimanje za vpise na najboljše fakultete ne svetu ter druge izobraževalne programe, kot so npr. tudi tečaj igranja različnih glasbil pri najboljših tujih mentorjih. Enako velja tudi za različne tečaje kulinarične delavnice. Spremenile so se tudi nakupne navade, člani danes povprašujejo več samo po luksuznih modnih artiklih prestižnih blagovnih znamk, ampak se vedno bolj fokusirajo na izdelke mladih kreatorjev, fitnes opremo za dom in druge izdelke oziroma storitve, ki vračajo naravno moč oziroma blagodejno vplivajo na njihovo počutje. Povečalo se je povpraševanje po nutricionistih in drugih zdravstvenih pregledih. Prav zaradi vsega naštetega smo se pri Quitessentially Adriatic v Sloveniji osredotočili predvsem na butične lokacije, kjer se ljudje lahko odmaknejo in kjer ni množičnega turizma. Prva taka destinacija so Goriška brda, ki so zagotovo najbolje poznana po svojih odličnih vinih, ki jih tamkajšnji vinarji proizvajajo že stoletja. Svojim obiskovalcem ponujajo prekrasno pokrajino, priložnost za obisk številnih priznanih vinskih kleti, degustacije odličnega


Na južnem delu Primorske je obvezen obisk sečoveljskih solin, za kosilo ali večerjo pa priporočimo restavracijo v Kortah. V nekaj letih je Hiša Torkla postala ena od najboljših gostiln v Sloveniji in zagotovo ena najlepših restavracij v slovenski Istri.

Gostilna Vovko, Ratež 48, Brusnice Photo credit @ Sašo Barantin

The Vovko Inn, which has already established itself as one of the best restaurants in the region, focuses mainly on seasonal dishes, while vegetables from the home garden are also enriched by the produce of the nearby forests, such as Porcini mushrooms and chestnuts.

and mandarin grove. Like some of the world’s most ambitious restaurateurs, Tomaž Kavčić, the master chef from the Zemono Mansion (dvorac Zemono), decided to open another establishment - the simpler, but no less excellent, boutique restaurant in the Villa Vipolže. Hotel Gredič, located in a renovated 16th-century castle in Ceglem, the centre of the Goriška Hills wine-growing area, and only 250 metres from the Italian border, is also worth mentioning. To fully experience the Hills, one night is just not enough. Take your time and try the bubbles of the Slovenian wine rebula, which has been matured in the most beautiful cellar of the Hills, served in spectacular thin-stemmed flutes, while you lounge in the ambience of padded pastel blue coulored chairs and beuatifully set traditonally tables. You should not leave Goriška Hills without visiting the Klinec Inn in Medana, which combines the traditional local hospitality of Aleksa and Simone, with the offer of a modern family restaurant - organic wines from their own cellar, the gourmet enjoyment of seasonal, locally produced food and the chance to experience the picturesque and rich landscape of Goriška Hills. In addition to all that pampering, there are also a wide range of activities available to guests. One of them is fly fishing. The Soča Valley, one of the most famous fly fishing areas in the world, is home to the elusive Soda trout. The River Soča originates from under the mountains in the heart of Triglav National Park and creates one of the most picturesque landscapes in all of Slovenia. It is best known for its emerald colour and deep pools, in which the elusive Soda trout is hidden. The tributaries of the River Soča also offer excellent opportunities for


vina, prav tako boste v teh krajih srečali prijazne in zelo gostoljubne ljudi, navsezadnje pa boste lahko prespali v prekrasnih apartmajih ali vilah. Vila z bazenom bo super izbira za vse, ki vam nekaj pomeni kakovost in zasebnost nastanitve. V taki hiši boste Goriška brda doživeli res v tisti pravi, tradicionalni luči. Vila Vita, ki se nahaja v vasi Vipolže, v vinorodnem osrčju Goriških brd je odlično izhodišče za raziskovanje Brd. Če pa vam bolj prija zasebnost vile, vas tam čaka tudi biljardna miza, telovadnica s plezalno steno ter finska in infrardeča savna. S pogledom za milijon dolarjev na vinorodni okoliš in nasad mandarin, pa se boste lahko sproščali v zunanjem masažnem bazenu. Podobno kot nekateri drugi ambicioznejši gostinci pri nas in v svetu se je tudi Tomaž Kavčič, mojster z dvorca Zemono, odločil, da bo odprl še en obrat - preprostejši, a nič manj prijazen butični lokal v vili Vipolže. Omeniti bi veljalo še hotel Gredič, ki se nahaja v obnovljenem gradu iz 16. stoletja, v Ceglem, središču vinorodnega področja Goriška Brda, in 250 m od italijanske meje. Za žlahtno zgodbo sredi Brd ni dovolj le prenočiti temveč tudi poizkusiti mehurčke rebule, ki je zorela v najlepši kleti Brd, kozarci imajo kot dih tanke peclje, oblazinjeni stoli pastelno-sinjih barv so široko-udobni, mize so do tal nabrano pogrnjene. Brd pa nikakor ne pustimo zapustiti nikomur brez obiska gostilne Klinec v Medani, ki združuje tradicionalno briško gostoljubje Aleksa in Simone, s ponudbo sodobne družinske restavracije: ekološko pridelana vina iz lastne kleti, gurmansko uživanje v sezonski, lokalno pridelani domači hrani in doživetje slikovite, z naravnimi in kulturnimi znaTHE COLLECTION

The Klinec Inn, Medana 20, Goriška Brda

fly fishing, and each of them has its own character and peculiarities. We offer our members a variety of fly fishing experiences, tailored to every desire and every need. Whether it's a classic half-day fly trip or an all-day adventure in a pristine canyon, whatever you choose will certainly refresh your fly fishing skills. After a morning of fly fishing, head for a great lunch in the town of Most na Soča, or opt for a more elegant evening at the Pikol Lake Village, which lies right next to the natural lake at the very bottom of the Vipava Valley. Pikol is also an excellent starting point for exploring other tourist attractions. Pikol Lake is really something extraordinary. In Goriški Museum, Pikol is described as the ultimate carefree destination. The water fairies around the lake are thought to have created this romantic setting. The Gašparin family has offered the very best in seafood for decades, and Pikol remains one of the best restaurants in Slovenia. The next destination is Kobarid. Far from the hubbub of the modern world, in a quiet location on the slopes of Mount Kuk, heaven awaits you, where you will forget about everyday life and become one with nature. Members are recommended to visit Nebesa, as it boasts luxurious views of the Krna and Kanina mountain ranges, the Soča Valley and Friuli as far as the sea. In winter, you can observe the snowy landscape from the warm shelter of the cottage, through panoramic windows that extend from floor to ceiling. In the southern part of Primorska, a visit to the Sečavel salts pans is mandatory, and for lunch or dinner we recommend one particular restaurant in Korta. In only a few years, Hiša Torkla has become one of the best inns in Slovenia and certainly one of SLOVENIA

menitostmi bogate pokrajine Goriških Brd. Poleg vsega naštetega razvajanja pa je gostom na voljo široka paleta različnih aktivnosti. Ena od teh je tudi muharjenje. V Soški dolini se nahaja ena izmed najbolj znanih rek za muharjenje na svetu, kjer domuje izmuzljiva soška postrv. Reka Soča izvira izpod gora v osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka in se vije po eni najbolj slikovitih pokrajin v Sloveniji. Znana je po svoji smaragdni barvi in tolmunih v katerih se skriva izmuzljiva soška postrv. Za muharjenje so zanimivi tudi pritoki reke Soče, vsak od njih ima svoj značaj in posebnosti. Članom ponujamo raznolika muharska doživetja, prilagojena za vsako željo in vsako potrebo. Naj si bo klasičen poldnevni muharski izlet ali celodnevna avantura v neokrnjenem kanjonu, osvežitev muharskega znanja. Po celodnevnem muharjenju se prileže odlično kosilo v Mostu na Soči, če pa si za zaključek večera zaželite bolj elegantne ponudbe, vam priporočamo, da obiščejo jezersko vasico Pikol, ki se skriva tik ob naravnem jezeru na samem repu Vipavske Doline. Pikol je tudi odlična izhodiščna točka za raziskovanje drugih turističnih znamenitosti. Jezero ob Pikolu je res nekaj izjemnega. V goriškem muzeju je takratni Pikol opisan kot lokacija »Sans Soucibrezskrbnost«. Vodne vile okoli njega prevzemajo takratno vlogo o romantičnosti na jezeru. Družina Gašparin že desetletja obvladuje dobrote iz morja in Pikol ostaja ena najboljših restavracij v Sloveniji. Naslednja destinacija je Kobarid, daleč stran od ponorelega sveta vas na mirni lokaciji na pobočju gore Kuk čaka nastanitev Nebesa, kjer boste pozabili na vsakdanjik in se zlili z naravo. Članom priporočamo obisk Nebes, saj se ponašajo z razkošnimi razgledi na pogorji Krna in Kanina, dolino Soče in Furlanijo vse do morja. Pozimi lahko zasneženo


Brd pa nikakor ne pustimo zapustiti nikomur brez obiska gostilne Klinec v Medani, ki združuje tradicionalno briško gostoljubje Aleksa in Simone, s ponudbo sodobne družinske restavracije: ekološko pridelana vina iz lastne kleti, gurmansko uživanje v sezonski, lokalno pridelani domači hrani in doživetje slikovite, z naravnimi in kulturnimi znamenitostmi bogate pokrajine Goriških Brd.

Špacapanova Hiša, Komen 85

We suggest visiting Špacapan's house in Komno, which can confidently be counted among the best family restaurants in the region. Its charm lies in its combination of modern and traditional Karst dishes derived from family recipes, while at the same time the menu flirts with modern cuisine.

the most beautiful restaurants in Slovenian Istria. The pandemic has freed up some time for Andreja, which she has used to elevate her knowledge as a sommelier, while Sebastjan has thrown himself fully into the baking of bread following traditional recipes, as well as ensuring a focus on preparing and selecting the best meat, which he cooks over the fireplace. If time allows, a tour of the Karst region is not to be missed, which may not seem to promise many diverse attractions at first glance; however, once there, you will quickly change your mind. We suggest visiting the various underground caves, among which are the famous Postojna Cave and Škocjanska Cave. A guided tour of the river canyon impresses every visitor, which, of course, boasts one of the largest underground canyons in the world, as recognized by UNESCO. This is followed by a tour of Lipica and an insight into its long tradition of horse breeding. Seeing up close the white beauty of these thoroughbreds is really special, proving why a trip to Karst is always a good idea. Karst offers a lot and it is up to you what you want to exprience – from the classic and simple, to the luxury and modern. We sugest visiting Špacapan's house in Komno, which can confidently be counted among the best family restaurants in the region. Its charm lies in its combination of modern and traditional Karst dishes derived from family recipes, while at the same time the menu flirts with modern cuisine. The food here is accompanied by top-notch “noble drops” and wines from other nearby wine-growing districts. Villa Fabiani in Štanjel, one of the oldest settlements in the Karst region, was first mentioned in 1402. It is a prestigious mansion, a charming Italian


pokrajino opazuješ iz toplega zavetja hišk, skozi panoramska okna, ki segajo od tal do stropa. Poletje v Kobaridu je primerno za vse, ki iščejo oddih v naravi. Na južnem delu Primorske je obvezen obisk sečoveljskih solin, za kosilo ali večerjo pa priporočimo restavracijo v Kortah. V nekaj letih je Hiša Torkla postala ena od najboljših gostiln v Sloveniji in zagotovo ena najlepših restavracij v slovenski Istri. Covid je pripomogel, da je Andreja imela na enkrat ogromno časa in zato je v tem času še nadgradila svoje sommeliejsko znanje, Sebastjan pa se je izpilil v peki kruha po starodavnih receptih in se fokusiral na pripravo in izbor najboljšega mesa, in njegovi pripravi v kaminu. Če čas dopušča je obvezen ogled Krasa, ki morda na prvi pogled morda ne obeta veliko raznolikih znamenitosti, ki bi gostu omogočile več dnevni izlet, a to ko ga boste videli boste spremenili mnenje. Predlagamo vam obisk podzemnih jam, med katerimi so najbolj znane Postojnska jame in Škocjanske jame. Vodeni ogled po kanjonu reke Reka navduši vsakega obiskovalca, navsezadnje se lahko pohvalijo z enim največjih podzemnih kanjonov na svetu, kot tudi z vpisom na Unesco seznam. Sledi ogled Lipice in dolgoletne tradicije vzrejanja konj. Videti od blizu te bele lepotce je res nekaj posebnega. Eden boljših in lepših razlogov, zakaj je izlet na Kras vedno dobra ideja, so tudi tamkajšnje turistične kmetije. Ponudbe na Krasu res ne manjka in od vas je odvisno kaj iščete – od klasične preproste, do luksuzne in moderne. Če se le da svetujemo obisk Špacapanove hiše v Komnu, ki je umeščamo na seznam na listo najboljših družinskih restavracij. Njen čar se skriva v kombinaciji modernih in tradicionalnih kraških jedi, ki izhajajo iz prastarih kraTHE COLLECTION

Vila Fabiani, Kobdilj 39, Štanjel Photo credit: @Jošt Gantar / Ana Rojc

villa that was described in the novel Murva Fabianijanijevih, and which owes its ambience not only to the design by the architect, Fabiani, but also to the centuries-old protected muberry tree, the rose gardens and Pikolita vineyard. It is Mediterranean, but Karst. Laid back but active. At the other end of Slovenia, in Dreče Vrh in Dolenjska, Posestvo Pule makes for a memorable gourmet trip. On the estate, they take advantage of the natural features and follow the concept of "farm to fork". Everything you eat will be of fresh and of the highest quality. There are nine exclusive wooden houses bearing the names of some of the women who have marked the history of the Anderlič family. All the suites feature natural materials and a unique fabrication process, giving each of the houses their own personal touch. For a cozy feeling, the fireplace is always stocked with fragrant wood and sweet surprises, while the beauty of nature awaits you. All those visiting Dolenjsko must also stop at Otočec and have lunch or dinner at Manca and Rok Vovko’s restaurant. The Vovko Inn, which has already established itself as one of the best restaurants in the region, focuses mainly on seasonal dishes, while vegetables from the home garden are also enriched by the produce of the nearby forests, such as Porcini mushrooms and chestnuts. Finally, we cannot fail to mention the very special experience offered by the boutique butcher's shop BioSing in Ribnica. Their products cannot be found in ordinary stores, and their tasting menu offers a very special experience. The owner, David, is himself one of the greatest masters of his craft.


ških receptov, hkrati pa se spogledujejo s sodobno kulinariko. Spremlja jih vrhunska kraška žlahtna kapljica in vina iz drugih bližnjih vinorodnih okolišev. Vila Fabiani v Štanjelu, ki je eno najstarejših naselij na Krasu, je bila prvič omenja leta 1402. Gre za prestižen dvorec, šarmantno italijansko vilo iz romana Murva Fabianijevih, ki ji karizmo poleg arhitekta Fabianija dajejo še večstoletno zaščiteno drevo Murva Fabianijevih, rožni vrtovi in park posestva z vinogradom Pikolita. Mediteransko in kraško. Ležerno ali aktivno. Na drugem koncu Slovenije, v Drečjem vrhu na Dolenjskem pa na vas čaka Posestvo Pule, ki bo zagotovo nepozabni gurmanski izlet. Na posestvu s pridom izkoriščajo naravne danosti in se ravnajo po konceptu »z njive na mizo«. Vse, kar boste jedli, bo sveže in vrhunske kvalitete. Na Posestvu Pule je devet ekskluzivnih lesenih hiš, ki nosijo imena žensk, ki so zaznamovale rod družine Anderlič. Vse suite so opremljene z naravni materiali in unikatna izdelava daje hišam osebni pečat. Za prijetno počutje poskrbijo kamin, ki je vedno založen z dišečim brezovim lesom, sladka presenečenja in čudovita narava. Vsi, ki obiščete Dolenjsko, se morate obvezno ustaviti še na Otočcu ter na kosilu ali večerji pri Manci in Roku Vovko. V gostilni Vovko, ki se je že uveljavila kot ena najboljših restavracij, so usmerjeni predvsem k sezonskim jedem, zelenjavo z domačega vrta pa popestrijo tudi dobrote iz bližnjih gozdov, na primer jurčki in kostanj. Čisto na koncu ne smemo izpustiti prav posebne izkušnje, katero ponujajo butični bio suhomesnati izdelki ribniškega Bio Sing. Teh izdelkov ni v na-


Vila Fabiani v Štanjelu, ki je eno najstarejših naselij na Krasu, je bila prvič omenja leta 1402. Gre za prestižen dvorec, šarmantno italijansko vilo iz romana Murva Fabianijevih, ki ji karizmo poleg arhitekta Fabianija dajejo še večstoletno zaščiteno drevo Murva Fabianijevih, rožni vrtovi in park posestva z vinogradom Pikolita. Mediteransko in kraško. Ležerno ali aktivno.

Vila Vita, Vipolže 86, Goriška Brda

Vila Vita, located in the village of Vipolže, in the wine-growing heart of Goriška Hills is an excellent starting point for exploring the area. Take a moment to relax in the outdoor massage pool, with its million-dollar view of the winegrowing district and mandarin grove.

We could go on and on listing all the beautiful destinations that await you in Slovenia; we are certain that you will find the most beautiful stories that this wonderful country has to offer precisely where you least expect them.


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vadnih trgovinah, njihovo okušanje je posebno doživetje. David sam je posebnost in eden največjih mojstrov svoje obrti. Lahko bi vam še dolgo naštevali odlične destinacije v Sloveniji, vendar, ker je vas čas omejen vam zaupamo samo še to, da boste najlepše zgodbe našli le, če boste znali dobro prisluhniti biseru, ki ga boste obiskali.


Lara Ham Founder and CEO at Quintessentially South East Europe

Quintessentially je vodilna svetovna skupina za luksuzni življenjski slog. Začetki segajo v leto 2000, ko je majhna Londonska pisarna ponudila concierge storitve, od takrat pa je podjetje zraslo v globalno skupino s pisarnami v več kot 40 krajih širom sveta. Usluge, ki jih ponujamo svojim »high-net worth individuals« so proaktivne in zadovoljijo še tako izbran okus, mednje pa sodijo rezervacija miz v restavracijah v zadnji minuti, ureditev potovalnih aranžmajev, dostop do zasebnih zabav, najem privatnega letala, savetovanje pri nakupu umetniških del, prodaja in dostava luksuznih izdelkov in vin ter do uresničitve najbolj nenavadnih želja naših članov. Quintessentially Lifestyle lahko ponudi dostop do nedostopnega in navidezno nemogoče spremeni v mogoče. [email protected] or +385 1 7776164

Copyright: Romeo_ibrisevicc



Posestvo Pule – Pule Estate Drečji Vrh 16, Trebelno



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Hotel Indigo® Belgrade -




Delta Holding has opened a new boutique hotel in Belgrade, Hotel Indigo® Belgrade, an attractive brand of the Intercontinental Group, located between Knez Mihailo Street and Čika Ljubina Street, the main pedestrian zone of the city. This new tourist gem of the capital opened its doors to its first guests on September 30, 2021.

The hotel’s design is artistically inspiring, full of details that make the interior unique by reflecting the city that hosts it. The charm, soul and local story of Dorćol, one of the oldest parts of Belgrade, can be felt in every corner.


otel Indigo® Belgrade is a unique facility in Belgrade, conceptualised, decorated and adapted to reflect the local tradition and culture. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade is tucked away in the centre of Belgrade between Knez Mihailo Street and Čika Ljubina Street, the main pedestrian zone of the city. The hotel’s design is artistically inspiring, full of details that make the interior unique by reflecting the city that hosts it. The charm, soul and local story of Dorćol, one of the oldest parts of Belgrade, can be felt in every corner. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade emphasises the sensibility of the city, its rich history, food culture and the unique details of the sumptuous architectural beauty. The hotel is housed in a building that has its own story to tell, with a rustic façade and a secluded inner courtyard - atrium. The hotel building was designed by the architect Milan Antonović’s and it has been declared a cultural asset of exceptional importance for the Republic of Serbia. In the post-war period, the façade on both sides of the building, which was robbed of its original decoration and style, was later transformed with a modernist style. The Institute for the Protection of Monuments, whose main idea was to revitalise the authentic façade, restored the original


Hotel Indigo® Belgrade – nov šarm ušuškan u strogom centru Beograda Delta Holding je otvorio novi butik hotel u Beogradu, Hotel Indigo® Belgrade, atraktivni brend Inter Continental Grupe, smešten u glavnoj pešačkoj zoni grada, između ulica Kneza Mihaila i Čika Ljubine. Ovaj novi turistički dragulj prestonice je vrata svojim gostima otvorio 30. septembra 2021. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade je jedinstveni objekat u Beogradu, koncipiran, uređen i prilagođen tako da oslikava lokalnu tradiciju i kulturu. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade ušuškan je u najstrožijem centru Beograda, u glavnoj pešačkoj zoni grada, između ulica Kneza Mihaila i Čika Ljubine. Dizajn hotela je umetnički inspirativan, prepun detalja koji enterijer čine posebnim i karakterističnim za grad u kome se nalazi. U svakom segmentu se oseća šarm, puls i lokalni duh Dorćola, jednog od najstarijih delova Beograda. Hotel Indigo® Beograd prikazuje atmosferu karakterističnog beogradskog senzibiliteta, bogatu istoriju grada, kulturu gastronomije i jedinstvene detalje veličanstvene arhitektonske lepote. Hotel se nalazi u zgradi koja ima svoju istoriju, rustičnu fasadu i skrovito unutrašnje dvorište-atrijum. Zgrada hotela sagrađena je prema projektu arhitekte Milana Antonovića i proglašena je kulTHE COLLECTION

appearance and character of the period when the building was constructed. The organisation of the hotel is unconventionalthe entrance is located in the atrium, while a panoramic lift takes you to the second floor which is home to the reception and the restaurant. The upper floors of both buildings are reserved for rooms, while the ground and the first-floor host exclusive retail brands. The authentic decorative façade is the first thing that visitors notice about the building. The passage between the two streets that takes guests to the hotel has been modernized, removing the superfluous elements yet keeping the authentic gate and the original but reimagined ceiling covering part of the passage near Knez Mihailova Street. The decorative approach to the design was applied only on the mosaic-like floor tiles, which represent a kind of homage to the original passage, where the ceiling and murals complement the space. At the entrance, the reception’s design provides visitors with the answer to the main question What defines Belgrade? – clearly showing that the best answer is its people, because people make the city, and the city is its people. This is exactly the message of the abstract interpretation of human figures found at the reception, whose form is inspired by the monument of Prince Mihailo - a prominent feature of Republic Square. The basic concept of the living room is the intertwining of styles placed in the context of the salon-like apartments. The combination of floor lamps from the 60s and 70s, retro pieces of furniture, Serbian carpets, and works by contemporary


turnim dobrom od izuzetnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju. U posleratnom periodu fasade sa obe strane objekata su osiromašene od svojih izvornih ukrasa i stilova, a zatim nadograđene u modernističkom stilu. Originalni izgled i karakter vremena u kojem je zgrada izgrađena vraćeni su uz pomoć Zavoda za zaštitu spomenika, a glavni cilj autora bio je revitalizacija autentične fasade. Organizacija hotela je specifična: ulaz se nalazi u atrijumu, a recepcija i restoran su locirani na drugom spratu objekta do kojih se dolazi panoramskim liftom. Smeštajni kapaciteti zauzimaju više spratove oba objekta, dok se u prizemlju i na prvom spratu nalaze ekskluzivni retail brendovi. Autentične dekorativne fasade prvi su susret posetilaca sa objektom. Prolaz između dve ulice, koji navodi posetioca u hotel, osavremenjen je i suvišni elementi su uklonjeni, ali zadržana je autentična kapija i reinterpretiran je originalni plafon u delu prolaza kod Knez Mihailove ulice. Dekorativni pristup dizajnu primenjen je samo na podnim pločicama, složenim u mozaik, koje predstavljaju svojevrsni omaž originalnom pasažu, dok je prostor upotpunjen plafonskim i zidnim muralima. Već na samom ulazu dizajn recepcije posetiocima pruža odgovor na glavno pitanje „Šta definiše Beograd?“ sa jasnom porukom da su to Beograđani i da su „ljudi grad, a grad ljudi“. Upravo je to poruka apstraktne interpretacije ljudskih figura na recepciji koja je formom inspirisana spomenikom Kneza Mihaila – najznačajnijom tačkom Trga Republike. Osnovni koncept living room-a čini preplitanje stilova smeštenih u kontekst salonskog tipa stanova. Kombinacija podnih lampi iz 60-ih i 70-ih go-


Hotel Indigo® Belgrade je jedinstveni objekat u Beogradu, koncipiran, uređen i prilagođen tako da oslikava lokalnu tradiciju i kulturu. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade ušuškan je u najstrožijem centru Beograda, u glavnoj pešačkoj zoni grada, između ulica Kneza Mihaila i Čika Ljubine.

Hotel Indigo® Belgrade has 46 rooms and suites, a restaurant with a private dining and meeting area, and a state-of-theart exercise space. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade is excited to welcome the people of Belgrade, their guests and all world travellers to enjoy everything it has to offer.

Belgrade artists placed side-by-side with historical photographs, create a distinctive atmosphere of old Belgrade but in a modern, contemporary setting. The hotel has two different types of rooms. One is inspired by the Yugoslav brutalist tradition and abounds in modern interpretations of furniture and details characteristic of this period. The recognisable concrete technique, designer dressers, a typical 70s chair and the terrazzo pattern in the bathroom, have all been refreshed with a modern interpretation of the Pirot-made carpet and vibrant decorations selected and designed specifically for this room. The other room style is inspired by Art Deco, with high ceilings, distinctive wallpapers and elegant bathrooms. The lifts for guests are decorated with letters that resemble the famous letters from Miroslav's Gospel, the most significant literary work and the oldest proof of Serbian literacy from the 12th century, which is exhibited in the National Museum. By adding the Latin alphabet, a new version emerged with seemingly randomly written letters that form the word puzzle, hiding as it does the words Lament over Belgrade, the name of a poem by Miloš Crnjanski. In this way, we have brought the richness and beauty of our history closer to our foreign guests. The idea behind this is to narrate the history of this city through a combination of subtle references, original ideas, and witty moves. The hotel features Duke- an outstanding restaurant where authentic Serbian finger food is served alongside the most inspiring cocktails you have ever tasted. What makes this restaurant unique is that it breaks the prejudice that restaurants in hotels


dina, retro komada nameštaja, srpskih ćilima i dela savremenih beogradskih umetnika koja su svoje mesto našle pored istorijskih fotografija, stvaraju karakterističnu atmosferu “starog Beograda” ali u savremenom ruhu. Hotel ima dva dizajnerski različita tipa soba. Jedan tip inspirisan je jugoslovenskim brutalizmom i obiluje savremenim interpretacijama nameštaja i detalja koji su karakteristični za ovaj period. Prepoznatljiva “beton tehnika”, dizajnirane komode, tipična stolica iz 70-ih godina i teraco dezen u kupatilu, osveženi su savremenom interpretacijom pirotskog ćilima i živahnim dekoracijama odabranim i dizajniranim za ovu sobu. Drugi tip sobe je podstaknut Art deco stilom, sa visokim plafonima, karakterističnim tapetama i elegantnim kupatilima. Liftovi za posetioce ukrašeni su slovima koja su nadahnuta čuvenim slovima iz Miroslavljevog jevanđelja, najznačajnijeg dela i najstarijeg dokaza srpske pismenosti iz XII veka, koje je izloženo u Narodnom muzeju. Dopunjavanjem latiničnim slovima stvorena je nova verzija tog pisma, a naizgled nasumično napisana slova predstavljaju osmosmerku koja krije “Lament nad Beogradom”, poemu Miloša Crnjanskog. Na taj način stranim gostima na još jedan način približili smo bogatstvo i lepotu naše istorije. Ideja autora bila je da pripoveda istoriju i značajne trenutke ovog grada, kombinujući suptilne reference, originalne ideje i duhovite poteze. U okviru hotela radi Duke, veličanstveni restoran i mesto gde se služi autentični srpski tapas i poslužuju apsolutno najinspirativniji kokteli koje ste ikad probali. Ono što ovaj restoran čini specifičnim je to što ćete u njemu pobediti predrasTHE COLLECTION

are unaffordable. In Duke, you may eat delectable Serbian dishes served in small plate portions, start your day with a phenomenal breakfast or have a business lunch, all at affordable prices. Duke is an artistically designed, charming, pleasant and relaxing space with a beautiful garden where you can enjoy the food, the ambience and the people. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade has 46 rooms and suites, a restaurant with a private dining and meeting area, and a state-of-the-art exercise space. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade is excited to welcome the people of Belgrade, their guests and all world travellers to enjoy everything it has to offer. Veljko Antonić, General Manager of the Hotel: Our passion is providing excellent and diligent service; our responsibility is your smile, your safety, and your unique experience.

ude da su restorani u hotelima cenovno nedostupni. U Duke restoranu možete probati najlepša srpska jela poslužena u malim tapas porcijama, dan početi fenomenalnim doručkom, imati poslovni ručak, a sve to po pristupačnim cenama. Duke je umetnički dizajniran, šarmantan, prijatan i opušten prostor sa prekrasnom baštom gde ćete uživati u hrani, ambijentu i ljudima. Hotel Indigo® Beograd ima 46 soba i apartmana, restoran sa privatnim delom za ručavanje i sastanke i najmoderniji prostor za vežbanje. Hotel Indigo® Belgrade sa velikim zadovoljstvom očekuje Beograđane, njihove goste i sve svetske putnike da uživaju u svemu što može da ponudi. Veljko Antonić, generalni direktor hotela: “Pružanje odlične i marljive usluge je naša strast, a vaš osmeh, bezbednost i jedinstveno iskustvo su naša odgovornost”



Jedan tip inspirisan je jugoslovenskim brutalizmom i obiluje savremenim interpretacijama nameštaja i detalja koji su karakteristični za ovaj period. Prepoznatljiva “beton tehnika”, dizajnirane komode, tipična stolica iz 70-ih godina i teraco dezen u kupatilu, osveženi su savremenom interpretacijom pirotskog ćilima i živahnim dekoracijama odabranim i dizajniranim za ovu sobu.

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Damjanic Wines




International Wine Challenge awarded Damjanić Malvasia from 2016, and Damjanić Clemente Blanc from 2015, which managed to impress three different jury combinations – which is customary for this competition – with their specific aromas and unique characteristics.

During the wine competition season contests are being held everywhere, but the most important ones are surely the two most influential and largest world competitions, both based in London: DWWA - Decanter World Wine Awards and IWC - International Wine Challenge.


ecanter and International Wine Challenge are the two supreme authorities when it comes to prestigious wine competitions with a long tradition and high demands. However, prestigious does not always mean unattainable, as was proven by Istrian winemakers who return from London time and again with valuable recognitions, awards and medals. For Damjanić Wines, this is an impressive success, particularly because the result was achieved at a competition that follows the strictest criteria. The International Wine Challenge is held twice a year, once in spring and once in autumn, and it was the autumn edition that brought joy to many Istrian winemakers, particularly the family winery Damjanić which won two gold medals. The medals were awarded to Damjanić Malvasia from 2016, and Damjanić Clemente Blanc from 2015, which managed to impress three different jury combinations – which is customary for this competition – with their specific aromas and unique characteristics. In order for a wine to win a gold medal, it must meet the strict criteria and win at least 95 out of 100 points, awarded by three different jury compositions, which is why the International Wine Challenge is considered to be one of the most rigorous wine competitions worldwide, and this gives


Svjetsko zlato za istarski nektar Bogova VINA DAMJANIC osvojila dvije zlatne medalje i Regional Trophy na prestižnom natjecanju u Londonu U tijeku sezona vinskih natjecanja kada rezultati pristižu sa svih strana, posebice su bitni oni sa dva najutjecajnija i najveća svjetska ocjenjivanja, oba iz Londona: DWWA - Decanter World Wine Awards i IWC - International Wine Challange.


ecanter i International Wine Challenge, dva su najveća autoriteta kada su u pitanju prestižna vinska natjecanja s dugom tradicijom i visoko postavljenom ljestvicom standarda, no prestižna ne znači nužno i nedostižna, a to su najbolje dokazali istarski vinari koji se iznova iz Londona vraćaju s vrijednim priznanjima, nagradama i odličjima. Za vina Damjanić ovo je impresivan uspjeh posebice što dolazi sa natjecanja pod najstrožijim kriterijumima. International Wine Challenge održava se dva puta godišnje, jednom u proljeće, drugi puta u jesen, a upravo je jedno jesensko izdanje pružilo najviše razloga za zadovoljstvo za brojne istarske vinare, a osobito obiteljsku vinariju Damjanić koja se okitila s čak dvije zlatne medalje. Riječ je o DaTHE COLLECTION

additional weight to the gold medals won by winemaker Ivan Damjanić and his family winery from Fuškulin. The sky-high targets of 95 points for gold and 90 points for silver speaks volumes about the criteria that the judges apply at these competitions, whereas the number of wines that are submitted for evaluation from around the world is well above 14,000 samples, which proves how tough the competition is. The gold medal winner and the Regional Trophy Winner, the Malvasia from the Damjanić Istrian winery from the Poreč area, is marked by rich fruit aromas and pleasant flower fragrances as well as an appealing freshness and harmony. The Clemente Blanc, aged blend of Malvasia, Chardonnay and White Pinot, stands out with its well-rounded and rich taste, perfect texture and pleasant finish, and also won a gold medal with 95 points. The international competitions such as DWWA and IWC are organised by independent companies that follow market principles and understand that only the preservation of high criteria guarantees credibility and long-term survival. The London competitions are famous for the remarkable strictness and do not shy away from withholding gold medals if they were unimpressed by wines from a particular region. With these results, the Damjanić Winery, which owns seven hectares of vineyards where they grow a host of local and international varieties, became the absolute Croatian champion of this year’s International Wine Challenge. Some Croatian wine critics have for years been pointing out the specific character and high quality of Damjanić wines, and this was confirmed at the highest international level. In addition to the gold medals won by Damjanić, several other Croatian wine producers can also boast valuable prizes won at these competitions. The ten gold medals won at DWWA and two at IWC truly represent a remarkable success of Croatian winemakers. The golden medal winners in London include: Ivan Damjanić who won gold med-


mjanić Malvaziji iz 2016., te Damjanić Clemente Blanc vinu berbe 2015, koja su svojim specifičnim aromama i jedinstvenim karakteristikama uspjela impresionirati čak tri različite postave ocjenjivačkog žirija, što je pak uobičajeno pravilo ovog natjecanja. Kako bi vino dobilo oznaku zlatne medalje mora zadovoljiti stroge kriterije i osvojiti najmanje 95 od mogućih 100 bodova i to od tri različite komisije, stoga se upravo International Wine Challenge smatra jednim od najrigoroznijih natjecanja vina u svijetu, što također dodatno daje na težini ovih zlatnih medalja za vinara Ivana Damjanića i njegovu obiteljsku vinariju iz Fuškulina. Sama granica od nebesko visokih 95 bodova za zlatnu medalju i 90 bodova za srebrnu dovoljno govori o kriterijima sudaca na tim natjecanjima, dok broj vina koji pristiže na ocjenjivanje iz cijelog svijeta i dobrano prelazi 14.000 uzoraka sve govori o kakvoj se žestokoj konkurenciji radi. Nagrađenu zlatnom medaljom i titulom Regional Trophy Winner malvaziju istarske vinarije Damjanić iz okoline Poreča krase bogate voćne arome te ugodni cvjetni mirisi, kao i dopadljiva svježina i harmoničnost, dok se Clemente Blanc, odležana kupaža malvazije, chardonnaya i bijelog pinota, ističe zaokruženim i bogatim okusom, savršenom teksturom i ugodnim finišem, i također je osvojila zlatnu medalju i 95 bodova. Internacionalna poput DWWA i IWC organiziraju nezavisne tvrtke koje egzistiraju isključivo na tržišnim principima i svjesne su da im jedino očuvanje visokih kriterija jamči vjerodostojnost i dugoročan opstanak. Londonska su natjecanja poznata po izvanrednoj strogosti i nimalo se ne krzmaju ne dodijeliti zlatna odličja ako ih vina iz pojedine regije nisu impresionirala. Ovim je rezultatima vinarija Damjanić, koja posjeduje sedam hektara vinograda u kojima uzgajaju čitav niz lokalnih i međunarodnih sorti, postala apsolutni hrvatski šampion ovogodišnjeg International Wine Challengea. Pojedini hrvatski vinski kritičari već godinama upozoravaju na specifičan karakter i visoku kvalitetu Damjani-


Nagrađenu zlatnom medaljom i titulom Regional Trophy Winner malvaziju istarske vinarije Damjanić iz okoline Poreča krase bogate voćne arome te ugodni cvjetni mirisi, kao i dopadljiva svježina i harmoničnost, dok se Clemente Blanc, odležana kupaža malvazije, chardonnaya i bijelog pinota, ističe zaokruženim i bogatim okusom, savršenom teksturom i ugodnim finišem, i također je osvojila zlatnu medalju i 95 bodova.

The family plans to develop more winegrowing surfaces focusing on the Istrian Malvasia as the leading variety in this area and the Borgogna, an old traditional Istrian variety that has until recently been almost forgotten due to the arrival of new varieties.

als at IWC for Malvasia 2016 and Clemente 2015, whereas Malvasia also won the National Trophy title (which is equal to Decanter’s platinum medal). All in all, of the 14 Croatian wines that won awards, 11 are from Istria, which is a great acknowledgement for winemakers of Istria whose results have been steadily improving over the past years.


This wine was the most successful at the IWC, since it won the gold medal and also the regional trophy, as it was declared best among other gold medal winners in the region. This means that the Damjanić winery has firmly taken its place among the most prestigious names of the rich Istrian wine scene.


Clemente Blanc belongs to that small group of unusual Istrian white wines which still mature in the barrique. It is extremely attractive for its combination of creaminess, freshness and balance that result in elegance. This is a beautiful, full, slightly herbal, slightly buttery wine that goes remarkably well with whitefish and large crustaceans. Clemente Blanc is another Istrian wine that is helping shift the somewhat dull paradigm of clean and fresh. Istria is still capable of providing much more demanding white wines than those just easy to drink in the summer heat.


ćevih vina, što je potvrđeno na najvišoj međunarodnoj razini. Uz zlatna odličja za Damjanića, još nekoliko hrvatskih proizvođača vina mogu se pohvaliti vrijednim nagradama na ovim natjecanjima. Deset zlatnih medalja osvojenih na DWWA i dvije na IWC zaista su impresivan uspjeh hrvatskih vinara. Osvajači zlatnih medalja u Londonu su redom: Ivan Damjanić osvojio je zlata na IWC-u za Malvaziju 2016. i Clemente 2015., a Malvazija je osvojila i titulu Nacionalni trofej (što bi bio pandan Decanterovoj platinastoj medalji). Sveukupno od 14 nagrađenih hrvatskih vina, njih čak 11 dolazi iz istarske regije što je itekako veliko priznanje vinarima na području Istre koji svake godine na ovakvim natjecanjima postižu sve bolje rezultate.


Regionalni trofej IWC Vino koje je polučilo najveći uspjeh jer je uz zlatnu medalju osvojilo i regionalni trofej, dakle u pripetavanju s drugim zlatnim medaljama iz regije je ocijenjeno kao najbolje. Vinarija Damjanić je na ovaj način zasigurno čvrsto i trajno zakoračila u grupu najprestižnijih imena bogate istarske vinske scene.


Clemente Blanc spada u onu malu skupinu neobičnih istarskih bijelih vina, koja još uvijek dozrijevaju u barriqueu. Iznimno privlačan zbog kombinacije kremoznosti, svježine i balansa koji vodi do elegancije. Riječ je o lijepom, punom, pomalo herbalnom, pomalo putrastom vinu koje se izvrsno THE COLLECTION

The story started in early 18th century when the Jurković family started planting vineyards in the area of Fuškulin near Poreč. After years of hard work, they grew to become one of the leading winemakers in the region, and during the 1930s they won prizes in different international wine exhibitions such as EXPOSITION DU BIEN-ETRE, PARIS 1928, where in 1928 they won the Grand Prix and gold medal for their red wine. At that time, they exported most of their wine to Trieste as its quality made it very popular on the market. Until the end of World War II, the family worked 30 ha of agricultural land, 20 of which were covered by vineyards. The political turmoil in the region after the war meant that there was no tolerance for entrepreneurship and the family was decimated and destroyed under the guise of nationalisation, which interrupted the century-old winegrowing and winemaking tradition. Following a break of 50 years, at the start of the new millennium, the descendants, namely the Damjanić family, started rebuilding the vineyards on the same fertile surfaces. After 15 years of hard work, the Damjanić family now has 10.5 ha of vineyards at their disposal and a state-of-the-art vineyard, where the young enologist Ivan Damjanić applies his knowledge and love of winemaking. The current Damjanić family’s assortment includes the Istrian Malvasia, “Akacija” Istrian Malvasia, “Classic” Istrian Malvasia, Chardonnay, “Penelope” Rose, “Sincerus” Istrian Malvasia, Borgogna, Duro Istriano, Clemente Blanc and Clemente. The family plans to develop more winegrowing surfaces focusing on the Istrian Malvasia as the leading variety in this area and the Borgogna, an old traditional Istrian variety that has until recently been almost forgotten due to the arrival of new varieties. Focusing on quality, the Damjanić family uses the latest technology in wine production and the results are obvious from the medals won at the domestic and international competitions and wine exhibitions. The purpose and strategy of their development is mostly based on the traditionally unique approach both in the vineyard and in the wine cellar. DAMJANIĆ WINES A: FUŠKULIN 50, 52440 - Poreč-Parenzo, Croatia T : +385(0)52 654 120 E : [email protected] W: Instagram: @damjanic_wine


slaže s bijelom ribom i velikim rakovima. Clemente Blanc još je jedno od istarskih vina koja mijenjaju već pomalo dosadnu paradigmu clean and fresh. Istra je ipak kadra dati puno zahtjevnija bijela vina od onih lako pitkih za ljetne vrućine.


Priča započinje početkom 18. stoljeća kada je obitelj Jurković počela podizati nasade vinograda na području Fuškulina pokraj Poreča. Godinama upornog rada prerasli su u jednu od vodećih vinskih kuća u regiji, da bi 30-tih godina prošloga stoljeća bili nagrađivani na svjetskim vinskim izložbama kao što je EXPOSITION DU BIEN-ETRE, PARIS 1928 u Parizu, gdje su 1928. godine za crno vino pobijedili Grand prix s zlatnom medaljom. U to doba većinu su proizvedenog vina izvozili u Trst jer im je vino radi visoke kvalitete bilo dobro prihvaćeno na tržištu. Sve do kraja 2. svjetskog rata obitelj je obrađivala 30 ha poljoprivrednog zemljišta od čega je 20 ha bilo pod vinogradom. Poslijeratne političke struje na ovim područjima nisu tolerirale poduzetnički način privređivanja, pa je obitelj pod krikom nacionalizacije desetkovana i uništena, čime je zaustavljena njena stoljetna vinogradarska i vinarska tradicija. Nakon 50-tak godina stanke, početkom novog tisućljeća potomci, točnije obitelj Damjanić, započinju sa ponovnim podizanjem nasada vinograda na istim plodorodnim površinama. Upornim radom nakon 15-tak godina obitelj Damjanić raspolaže sa 10,5 ha vinograda i moderno opremljenim podrumom, gdje stečeno znanje i ljubav prema vinarstvu primjenjuje mladi enolog Ivan Damjanić. Trenutni asortiman kojim raspolaže obitelj Damjanić obuhvaća Malvaziju Istarsku, Malvaziju Istarsku "Akaciju", Malvaziju Istarsku "Classic˝Chardonnay, Rose ˝Penelope˝Muškat, Malvaziju Istarsku ˝Sincerus˝, Borgonju, Duro Istriano, Clemente blanc i Clemente. Obiteljski planovi su podizanje još vinogradarskih površina sa naglaskom na Malvaziju Istarsku kao vodeću sortu na ovom području i na Borgonju, kao jedu tradicijsku istarsku sortu koja je u posljednjem razdoblju zbog nadolaska novih sorata potisnuta na marginu uzgoja. Naglaskom na što bolju kvalitetu, obitelj Damjanić koristi se najmodernijom tehnologijom u proizvodnji vina, a rezultati se vide iz dobivenih medalja na domaćim i međunarodnom natjecanjima - izložbama vina. Cilj i strategija razvoja prvenstveno se temelji na tradicijski kvalitetnom pristupu, kako u vinogradu, tako i u podrumu.


One Blackfriars, London - photo by Bruno Rondinelli


Trenutni asortiman kojim raspolaže obitelj Damjanić obuhvaća Malvaziju Istarsku, Malvaziju Istarsku "Akaciju", Malvaziju Istarsku "Classic" Chardonnay, Rose ˝Penelope˝Muškat, Malvaziju Istarsku ˝Sincerus˝, Borgonju, Duro Istriano, Clemente blanc i Clemente.




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Grand Experience



This winter, for its 40th anniversary, Hotel Grand Kopaonik will open its doors with a completely fresh appearance and new high-class amenities offering an additional premium touch.

Over the past four decades, Hotel Grand Kopaonik has been constantly updating its look, making sure guests leave with brandnew memories after every visit. Here, everything is dedicated to well-being and the enjoyment of each day. Hotel Grand is a gathering place for sophisticated individuals living in sync with the ideals that define contemporary luxury and is proud to be one of the most recognisable symbols of Kopaonik. This winter, for its 40th anniversary, Hotel Grand Kopaonik will open its doors with a completely fresh appearance and new high-class amenities offering an additional premium touch.


ucked away in the beautiful environment of the National Park, in the most prestigious location on Kopaonik, the hotel offers an experience to be retold by generations to come, with the help of its famously dedicated staff. Skilfully combining the local tradition of generosity with contemporary trends in tourism and hospitality, it boldly offers new and attractive ski slopes – the setting for the finest personal expeditions. The personalized deluxe offer is evidence of the Grand mission to show every guest the time of his/ her life. Lavish and long-lasting, Hotel Grand offers a peerless mountain experience enriched by many relaxing amenities throughout the year. The firstclass Spa & Wellness Centre treatments, unique retreat packages, all-day concierge programme, and various outdoor activities are just some of the amenities that will take guests on unforgettable ad-


ŽIVOT NA VRHU Dobro došli u novu eru Grand iskustva Već četiri decenije hotel Grand Kopaonik je istrajan u tome da svoje goste nikada ne dočeka u istom izdanju, niti ih isprati sa istim uspomenama. Ovde je sve podređeno dobrom osećaju i svakodnevnom uživanju. Grand je mesto okupljanja iskusnih pojedinaca koji žive dosledno idealima koji definišu moderan luksuz, i kao takav, je ponosni nosilac epiteta jednog od najprepoznatljivijih simbola Kopaonika. U godini kada slavi 40 godina od otvaranja, hotel Grand Kopaonik će ove zime otvoriti svoja vrata u potpuno novom izdanju sa novim luksuznim sadržajima pružajući dodatnu notu premium iskustva. Ušuškan u prelepom okruženju Nacionalnog parka, na najprestižnijoj lokaciji na Kopaoniku, svojim gostima nudi iskustvo koje se generacijama prepričava uz legendarno posvećenu uslugu. Vešto kombinujući tradiciju lokalnog gostoprimstva sa savremenim trendovima turizma i ugostiteljstva, sa odvažnošću nudi nove, atraktivne staze od kojih nastaju najlepše lične ekspedicije. Personalizovana ponuda i njen najviši kvalitet, potvrda su grandiozne misije da se svaki gost ovde upozna sa najlepšim epizodama svog života. Raskošan i istrajan, hotel Grand nudi nenadmašan THE COLLECTION

ventures and unveil the most beautiful secrets of Kopaonik.


Inspired by Kopaonik’s nature and the rich essences hiding in the diverse world of plants, the new spa concept exudes refreshment, beauty, tranquillity and an overall dedication to the care of body and mind. The signature spa rituals are the work of some of the most prestigious French spa brands, while local natural resources are used in the authentic luxury treatments, produced for this purpose in a limited series.


Through the use of the various plants and gorgeous flowers decorating the slopes of Kopaonik, guests will be able to learn the basics of aromatherapy. To make the experience exclusive, it will be possible to harmonise the miscellaneous notes of essential oils and body peelings with the persons’ individual needs, thus creating a personalised product. For a complete experience, it is possible to swim under the starry sky and enjoy the stunning outdoor swimming pool with a view of the peaks of Kopaonik.


When your lifestyle is matched by the exquisite dishes made using only the finest ingredients, that is when a true experience for all the senses comes SERBIA

planinski doživljaj obogaćen brojnim sadržajima za opuštanje i uživanje tokom cele godine. Prvoklasni tretmani Spa & Wellness centra, jedinstveno osmišljeni retreat paketi, celodnevni Concierge program, kao i brojne aktivnosti na otvorenom, samo su neki od sadržaja koji će svoje goste sprovesti kroz nezaboravne avanture i otkriti im najlepše tajne Kopaonika.


Inspirisan prirodom Kopaonika i njegovim bogatim esencijama koje se kriju u raznovrsnom biljnom svetu, novi spa koncept odiše relaksacijom, lepotom, mirom i potpunom posvećenošću nezi tela i duha. Signature spa rituale potpisuju neki od najprestižnijih francuskih spa brendova, dok će se za autentične luksuzne tretmane koristiti lokalne prirodne sirovine i originalni proizvodi koji se za ove potrebe proizvode u limitiranim serijama.


Služeći se raznovrsnim biljkama i najlepšim cvećem koje krasi obronke Kopaonika, gosti će imati priliku da nauče osnove aromaterapije. Kako bi ugođaj bio ekskluzivan, raznovrsne note esencijalnih ulja i pilinga za telo moći će da se usklade sa individualnim potrebama, kreirajući tako lični proizvod. Za potpuni užitak nudi se plivanje pod zvezdanim nebom i uživanje u najlepšem bazenu na otvorenom sa pogledom na vrhove Kopaonika.


Inspirisan prirodom Kopaonika i njegovim bogatim esencijama koje se kriju u raznovrsnom biljnom svetu, novi spa koncept odiše relaksacijom, lepotom, mirom i potpunom posvećenošću nezi tela i duha. Signature spa rituale potpisuju neki od najprestižnijih francuskih spa brendova, dok će se za autentične luksuzne tretmane koristiti lokalne prirodne sirovine i originalni proizvodi koji se za ove potrebe proizvode u limitiranim serijama.

The surprise of the season is the good old Garden Gastro Bar, with a new look and superb offer of homemade specialties wrapped in a new format, which now also boasts a matchless evening programme introducing a brand-new experience to Kopaonik.

to life. The careful selection of culinary specialties will make every bite taste like perfection. The brand-new restaurant and bar concepts will make every holiday a special experience due to the daily surprises on offer. Refined and dignified, with a charm that is sure to bring a smile to peoples’ faces, the Grand Salon demonstrates a heritage of style, grandiosity and consistence, while Bacco is a place worthy of connoisseurs and lovers of ultimate gastronomic specialties, being at once luxurious and unimposing. The favourite spot for wine enthusiasts is the private cellar with a supreme selection and maturation technology that gives certain labels additional value over time, and which is an integral part of an unforgettable fine dining experience. The surprise of the season is the good old Garden Gastro Bar, with a new look and superb offer of homemade specialties wrapped in a new format, which now also boasts a matchless evening programme introducing a brand-new experience to Kopaonik. Be sure to catch the most exclusive view of the peaks of Kopaonik from the unique Grand Terrace Bar, while sipping the finest champagne.


The harmonious and cosy ambience of Hotel Grand Kopaonik skilfully creates a dynamic dialogue with its surroundings. The interior exudes natural and tasteful beauty and is a place where comfort is the highest priority. The carefully selected interior details and the 24/7 concierge make it clear that nothing is more important than the art of living.



Kada se tonovi života usaglase sa izvrsnim jelima sačinjenim od najfinijih sastojaka, nastaje ugođaj koji zadovoljava sva čula. Pažljivo formirana selekcija kulinarskih specijaliteta učiniće da svaki zalogaj ima ukus savršenstva. Potpuno novi koncepti restorana i barova uz svakodnevna iznenađenja učiniće odmor posebnim iskustvom. Otmen i odmeren, a podjednako šarmantan da svakome izmami osmeh i ulepša dan, Grand Salon predstavlja nasleđe stila, grandioznosti i istrajnosti, dok je restoran Bacco mesto dostojno poznavalaca i uživalaca u vrhunskim gastronomskim specijalitetima, luksuznog i nenametljivog karaktera. Omiljeni kutak za ljubitelje vina je privatni podrum sa vrhunskom selekcijom i sa tehnologijom sazrevanja koja određenim etiketama daje dodatnu vrednost nakon izvesnog vremena i predstavlja neizostavan deo nezaboravnog fine dining iskustva. Kao iznenađenje sezone ostavljen je stari dobri gastro bar Garden koji je pored novog lica i vrhunske ponude domaćih specijaliteta upakovanih u novu formu, dobio i nenadmašan večernji program koji na Kopaonik donosi potpuno novo iskustvo. Ne propustite najekskluzivniji pogled na vrhove Kopaonika sa jedinstvene Grand Terrace bara, koji će upotpuniti po koji gutljaj vrhunskog šampanjca.



Be sure to go with the flow, feel the warmth of the mountain atmosphere and a touch of timeless elegance. Explore the charms of this one-of-a-kind mountain experience in tune with the needs of sophisticated individuals living life in style! T: +381 36 5471 246 E-mail: [email protected]


Harmoničan i ušuškan ambijent hotela Grand Kopaonik vešto stvara dinamičan dijalog sa prirodom. Enterijer koji odiše lepotom prirodnosti i svedenosti, mesto gde je komfor kriterijum najvišeg prioriteta. Pažljivo odabrani detalji enterijera i celodnevni Concierge program svojim gostima na odmoru vešto pokazuje da ništa nije važnije od umeća življenja.


Otmen i odmeren, a podjednako šarmantan da svakome izmami osmeh i ulepša dan, Grand Salon predstavlja nasleđe stila, grandioznosti i istrajnosti, dok je restoran Bacco mesto dostojno poznavalaca i uživalaca u vrhunskim gastronomskim specijalitetima. SERBIA

U potpunosti se prepustite ugođaju, osetite toplinu planinske atmosfere i dodir elegancije koja ne poznaje vreme. Istražite čari jedistvenog planinskog iskustva prilagođenog potrebama iskusnih pojedinaca koji žive život sa stilom!


Omiljeni kutak za ljubitelje vina je privatni podrum sa vrhunskom selekcijom i sa tehnologijom sazrevanja koja određenim etiketama daje dodatnu vrednost nakon izvesnog vremena i predstavlja neizostavan deo nezaboravnog fine dining iskustva.





+382 (0)69 330 006 / / [email protected] / Reževići bb, 85315 Budva / Montenegro













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The team at Portonovi have spared no expense this Festive Season to create a home away from home, making December the perfect time to invest in a property within the stunning UNESCO World Heritage site of Boka Bay and celebrate the New Year in undeniable luxury.

This winter will see the beautiful waterfront resort, Portonovi in Montenegro transform into a festive wonderland. With numerous lanterns, lights and decorations adorning the tree lined promenades, embellishing resort from top to toe, holiday cheer will be found in every corner of Portonovi throughout December.


s the days get cooler and the nights a little longer, residents and visitors of Portonovi alike will enjoy a number of seasonal events, from Festive market with a wide range of delicacies to fun activities designed to enchant children. Holiday Season at Portonovi is a magical experience, creating memories under the sparkling lights of the village that will last a lifetime. The team at Portonovi have spared no expense this Festive Season to create a home away from home, making December the perfect time to invest in a property within the stunning UNESCO World Heritage site of Boka Bay and celebrate the New Year in undeniable luxury. Rashad Aliyev, CEO of Azmont Investments, comments: “Portonovi comes alive at this time of year, with festive decorations, music and markets taking over the resort. Whether you are visiting with your family, friends or as a couple, you are guaranteed to feel the Holiday magic, and there is no better time to invest in one of the quality homes within our resort and start the New Year by calling Portonovi home.”


Proslavite praznike u svom novom domu u Portonovom Ove zime će se predivni rizort na obali jadranskog mora u Crnoj Gori, Portonovi, pretvoriti u prazničnu zemlju čuda. Bezbroj lampiona, sijalica i dekoracija će krasiti drveće pokraj šetališta i uljepšati svaki kutak naselja, koje će odisati prazničnim raspoloženjem od 4.decembra do 9.januara. Sa dolaskom hladnijeg vremena i dužih noći, stanari i posjetioci Portonovog će zajedno uživati u brojnim sezonskim događajima, od Prazničnog bazara, gdje će se naći razne đakonije, do zabavnih aktivnosti koje će očarati djecu. Praznična sezona u Portonovom je čarobno iskustvo, gdje pod treperavim svjetlima naselja nastaju uspomene koje će trajatu večno. Tim Portonovog se nije štedio u namjeri da ove praznične sezone učini naselje drugim domom za sve svoje posjetioce , a time i decembar savršenim periodom za investiranje u nekretninu u veličanstvenom Bokokotorskom zalivu, koji je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, gdje se Nova godina dočekuje u luksuzu bez premca. Rashad Aliyev, izvršni direktor kompanije Azmont Investments, kaže: „Portonovi se u ovo doba godine budi, a veseli ukrasi, zvuci muzike i bazara prevladavaju u cijelom naselju. Bilo da ste u posjeti sa porodicom, prijateljima, ili ste u paru, nesumnjivo ćete osjetiti prazničnu magiju i stoga je ovo THE COLLECTION


Spread across 26 hectares, with 1.8km of coastline, Portonovi is a diverse resort with a full 365 offering, from nearby skiing opportunities, to in resort world class restaurants and wellness, there truly is something for adrenaline lovers, culinary connoisseurs, and wellness enthusiasts alike. 2021 marked the opening of One&Only Portonovi, further diversifying the year-round offering of the village: The hotel brought with it a multitude of exceptional culinary experiences, all priding themselves on using only the freshest produce from land and sea, creating seasonal dishes designed to showcase the best Montenegrin ingredients available throughout the year. The broad selection of restaurants each with their unique style, means there truly is something to cater for every palate and occasion. From Tapasake Club, a contemporary Asian fusion restaurant and pool club to Caminetti, a cocktail lounge with views over a Palazzo terrace offering one of the most extensive cocktail menus in Montenegro and La Veranda a relaxed restaurant serving authentic Montenegrin cuisine and local delicacies - residents can spend the year exploring each restaurant and their ever-developing menus. In addition to the multitude of restaurants, residents and indeed guests at Portonovi enjoy access to Chenot Espace, a pioneering health and wellness spa. With a renewed focus placed on health and wellbeing in the last year, the Chenot Espace is one of the most noteworthy, and popular amenities of One&Only Portonovi. The wellness centre offers a transformative journey of detoxing and resetting the body based on the renowned and MONTENEGRO

idealan trenutak da se investira u vaš budući dom u našem rizortu i da se započne Nova godina u Portonovom, kojeg s pravom onda možete nazivati vašim novim domom“


Na površini od 26 hektara, sa obalom dugom 1,8 kilometara, Portonovi je raznolik kompleks sa bogatom ponudom za svih 365 dana u godini, od mogućnosti skijanja u relativnoj blizini, do vrhunskih restorana i wellness centara svjetskog nivoa u samom naselju. Portonovi zaista može ponuditi ponešto za svakog, kako ljubitelje adrenalina, tako i poznavaoce kulinarstva ili zaljubljenike u zdrav stil života. Godinu 2021. je obilježilo otvaranje hotela One&Only Portonovi, što je dodatno unaprijedilo cjelogodišnju ponudu u naselju i učinilo je raznovrsnijom. One&Only Portonovi je sa sobom donio mnoštvo izuzetnih kulinarskih iskustava, u koja su sa ponosom utkane isključivo najsvježije namirnice kako sa kopna tako i iz mora. Kroz takav gastronomski pristup kreiraju se sezonska jela osmišljena da u najboljem svjetlu gostu predstave kvalitet crnogorskih sastojaka dostupnih tokom cijele godine.. Široka selekcija restorana jedinstvenih ponuda i stilova, učiniće našim gostima i stanarima svaku priliku posebnom. Od savremenog azijskog fusion restorana i kluba uz bazen – Tapasake Club-a,koktel bara Caminetti sa kojeg se pruža predivan pogled na terasu Palazzo, koja važi za jednu od najboljih u Crnoj Gori kad je uživanje u vrhunskim koktelima u pitanju, do La Verande, opuštenog restorana u kom se služe autentična jela iz crnogorske kuhinje –


Na površini od 26 hektara, sa obalom dugom 1,8 kilometara, Portonovi je raznolik kompleks sa bogatom ponudom za svih 365 dana u godini, od mogućnosti skijanja u relativnoj blizini, do vrhunskih restorana i wellness centara svjetskog nivoa u samom naselju. Portonovi zaista može ponuditi ponešto za svakog, kako ljubitelje adrenalina, tako i poznavaoce kulinarstva ili zaljubljenike u zdrav stil života.

Just metres from the Marina and close to the central square, Portonovi’s social hub, sit the Marina Residences, two five- storey buildings which epitomise the very best in marine style living.

established Chenot Method. Chenot’s pioneering approach to wellness combines the latest scientific advances with the best in Chinese and traditional medicines. Chenot Espace at One&Only Portonovi enables guests to understand what is ageing their body and how to set new pathways to positively improve performance and wellbeing, resulting in increased vitality. Following an initial stage of consultation and advanced diagnostic tests by medical professionals, guests receive a bespoke programme involving nutritional consultations, detox menus, fitness schedules, targeted spa treatments, stressrelieving activities and more. The spa includes hydrotherapy and cryotherapy facilities, sauna, steam room, indoor pool, and relaxation areas. In addition, the year-round resort also offers an Oriental Hamman, a hair salon and the men’s grooming salon, Barber&Blade. In the spring and summer months, Beach Club living, and the coastal way of life is integral to Montenegro, and those living at Portonovi can take full advantage of the unique Portonovi Beach Club. Here, chic clientele recline and sunbathe on pristine white sun-loungers and hammocks perched on the natural sandy beach whilst ordering skilfully mixed cocktails, refreshing juices and delicious light lunches. During the evening, the catch of the day is served with expertly paired local wine while the sun goes down.


The luxury maritime offering continues with Portonovi Marina. The entry port into Montenegro, the vast marina boasts capacity for 238 berths for yachts up to 120m long. Offering a choice of entry


stanarima naselja pružaju mogućnost dačitavu godinu provedu istražujući raznovrsne gastro ponude i njihove jelovnike koji se kontinuirano dopunjuju. Pored mnoštva restorana, stanari i gosti Portonovog imaju pristup Chenot Espace-u, revolucionarnom zdravstvenom i wellness spa centru. Zahvaljujući sve prisutnijem trendu zdravog života, Chenot Espace postaje jedan od najpopularnijih sadržaja u rizortu One&Only Portonovi. Ovaj wellness centar nudi transformacijsko putovanje ka detoksikaciji i resetovanju tijela uz korišćenje renomirane Chenot metode. U pionirskom pristupu wellnessu kompanije Chenot kombinuju se najnovija naučna postignuća sa najboljom kineskom i tradicionalnom medicinom Chenot Espace u rizortu One&Only Portonovi pruža mogućnost gostima da razumiju zbog čega njihovo tijelo stari, odnosno kako mogu izabrati pravi put da unaprijede svoje funkcionisanje i osjećaj blagostanja, i dostignu veću vitalnost. Nakon inicijalnih konsultacija i naprednih dijagnostičkih testiranja, koje vrše medicinski profesionalci, gosti dobijaju program po mjeri koji sadrži konsultacije sa nutricionistom, menije za detoksikaciju, raspored za vježbanje, ciljane spa tretmane, aktivnosti za oslobađanje od stresa i još mnogo toga. Spa centar sadrži objekte za hidroterapiju i krioterapiju, saunu, parno kupatilo, zatvoreni bazen i prostore za opuštanje. Štaviše, ovaj cjelogodišnji rizort nudi i Orijentalni hamam, frizerski salon, kao i muški salon za njegu, Barber&Blade. Tokom proljećnih i ljetnjih mjeseci, oni koji borave u Portonovom mogu u potpunosti da dožive karakterističan primorski način života i iskoriste svaki segment jedinstvene ponude Portonovi Beach Club-a. Samo ovdje otmena klijentela može da uživa i sunča se na besprekorno bijelim ležaljkama na prirodno pjeskovitoj plaži, dok uživa u majstorski pripremljenim koktelima, osvježavajućim sokoviTHE COLLECTION

points and a sheltered position at the entrance to Boka Bay, the marina serves as an inviting stop-off point and a safe haven for superyachts and those wishing to explore the Mediterranean and the Dalmatian Islands. While the Marina offers a relaxing entry route via the water, during the warmer months, no matter where you are in the world Portonovi can be easily accessed. The resort is less than an hour drive from international airports Dubrovnik and Tivat, which offer direct flights from Dubai, Germany, the UK and Russia in season and throughout the year connecting flights from the US, Europe, and the Middle East. The resort also has a helipad for those preferring private charter.


For those looking to own a piece of this exceptional, year-round resort, the real estate offering at Portonovi is world class, from the Village Residences which celebrate the heritage of Boka Bay, to the beautiful Marina Residences overlooking the water, to The Sky Villas, the jewel in the crown of Portonovi, each offering is as diverse as it is luxurious. Just metres from the Marina and close to the central square, Portonovi’s social hub, sit the Marina Residences, two five- storey buildings which epitomise the very best in marine style living. These finely crafted studios, one, two, three and fourbedroom apartments incorporate modern touches while staying true to the surrounding heritage architecture of Herceg Novi. What ultimately brings these residences to life is their connection with water; each balcony and terrace provides vistas toMONTENEGRO

ma i izvrsnim laganim obrocima. Po zalasku sunca i tokom večeri, užitak može biti upotpunjen „ulovom dana“ uz čašu stručno predloženog i uparenog lokalnog vina.


Luksuzna pomorska ponuda nastavlja se sa Portonovi Marinom. Ova marina je ulazna luka u Crnu Goru i može se podičiti kapacitetom od 238 vezova za jahte dužine do 120 metara. Uz nekoliko ulaznih tačaka i zaštićeni položaj na ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv, ova marina služi kao privlačna prolazna stanica i sigurno utočište za superjahte i one koji žele da dalje istražuju Mediteran i dalmatinska ostrva. I dok Marina pruža jednostavan prilaz jadranskoj morskoj ruti, tokom toplijih mjeseci do Portonovog možete lako doćigdje god se nalazili u svijetu. Ovaj rizort je udaljen manje od jednog sata vožnje od međunarodnih aerodroma u Dubrovniku i Tivtu, koji tokom sezone nude direktne letove iz/do Dubaija, Nemačke, Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Rusije, a tokom godine postoje letovi sa presjedanjem koji pristižu iz/do SAD, Evrope i sa Bliskog istoka. Naselje ima i heliodrom za one koji preferiraju privatne čarter letove.


Oni koji žele da posjeduju dio ovog izuzetnog rizorta, koji radi tokom cijele godine, naći će prvoklasnu ponudu, od Rezidencija u naselju, koje su odraz bokokotorskog nasljeđa, do Sky vila koje su dijamant u kruni Portonovog. Svaka ponuda je jednako različita i bez premca luksuzna. Samo nekoliko metara od Marine, u blizini cen-


Rashad Aliyev, izvršni direktor kompanije Azmont Investments, kaže: „Portonovi se u ovo doba godine budi, a veseli ukrasi, zvuci muzike i bazara prevladavaju u cijelom naselju. Bilo da ste u posjeti sa porodicom, prijateljima, ili ste u paru, nesumnjivo ćete osjetiti prazničnu magiju i stoga je ovo idealan trenutak da se investira u vaš budući dom u našem rizortu i da se započne Nova godina u Portonovom, kojeg s pravom onda možete nazivati vašim novim domom“

Perhaps the most unique real estate offering in Portonovi is the exclusive collection of 1o One&Only Portonovi Private Homes. The first ever branded residences in Montenegro, the recently launched, limited-edition Private Homes provide a gateway into the elite world of One&Only.

wards the sea while inside, natural materials from wood to metal combine to create a sleek yet inviting aesthetic. For investors looking for the ultimate privacy, the striking Sky Villas, three- and four-bedroom duplex penthouses spread across two floors come complete with private elevator access and private 26-32m2 elevated infinity pools. Enjoying an enviable marina-front location, Sky Villas offer spell binding views across the bay from the large outdoor terraces, along with easy access to the area’s bars, restaurants, and boutiques. Priced from €7.95m, each property is unique, serving as a piece of architectural art to offer the highest level of elegance and comfort.


Perhaps the most unique real estate offering in Portonovi is the exclusive collection of 1o One&Only Portonovi Private Homes. The first ever branded residences in Montenegro, the recently launched, limited-edition Private Homes provide a gateway into the elite world of One&Only. The Private Homes boast exceptional views across a dramatic coastline of mountains and the still, soothing waters. Offering the best of indooroutdoor living, each of the homes’ exceptional interiors, by leading global design firm Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA), are complimented by their own individual jetty, swimming pool and private beach. Taking inspiration from Montenegro’s natural beauty scenery, and monastic architecture, HBA have deftly designed One&Only Portonovi to effortlessly celebrate the sweeping vistas of the sur-


tralnog trga, društvenog žarišta Portonovog, smještene su Marina rezidencije, dvije petospratnice, koje su oličenje onog najboljeg što život u marini može da ponudi. Ove savršeno dizajnirane garsonjere, jednosobni, dvosobni, trosobni i četvorosobni stanovi predstavljaju kombinaciju savremenih elemenata, ostajući pritom vjerni susjednom arhitektonskom nasljeđu Herceg Novog. Ono što iznad svega udahnjuje život ovim rezidencijama jeste njihova povezanost sa vodom: sa svakog balkona i terase pruža se pogled na more, a u unutrašnjosti se kombinuju prirodni materijali, od drveta do metala, kako bi se stvorila elegantna, a privlačna estetika. Za investitore koji traže vrhunsku privatnost, tu su prepoznatljive Sky vile, trosobni i četvorosobni dupleks apartmani u potkrovlju na dva nivoa koji dolaze zajedno sa privatnim pristupom liftom i privatnim izdignutim bazenima sa infinity efektom, površine od 26 do 32 m2. Smješteni na zavidnoj lokaciji na obali uz marinu, Sky vile imaju očaravajući pogled na cijeli zaliv sa velikih otvorenih terasa, kao i lak pristup barovima u ovoj oblasti, te restoranima i buticima. Sa cijenama koje počinju od 7,95 miliona eura, svaka od ovih nekretnina je jedinstvena i služi kao arhitektonsko umjetničko djelo i nudi najviši nivo elegancije i komfora.


Možda i najjedinstveniji dio ponude nekretnina u Portonovom jeste ekskluzivna kolekcija od 10 One&Only Portonovi privatnih domova. Prve brendirane rezidencije u Crnoj Gori, ovi nedavno završeni privatni domovi u ograničenom broju, predstavljaju privilegovan ulaz u elitni svijet brenda One&Only. Privatni domovi se mogu podičiti izuzetnim pogledima na unikatno okruženje koje čini sinergija


rounding Boka Bay. When investing in a One&Only Portonovi Private Home, you will not only have access to enjoy the multitude of amenities within Portonovi itself - including the Chenot Espace Wellness Centre – but you also benefit from a network of privileges exclusive to the One&Only lifestyle. From VIP invitations to exclusive events around the world, to priority bookings at the other resorts within the One&Only portfolio, purchasing a One&Only Portonovi Private Home is a rare opportunity to own a slice of the internationally renowned One&Only brand. For those with visitors and extended family, the 113 hotel rooms at One&Only Portonovi serve as the perfect short term accommodation solution. Each individual room within the hotel has been designed to maximise the mesmerising views of the surrounding bay, gardens, and mountain, ensuring Portonovi’s Christmas lights can also be enjoyed from the comfort of the hotel. Follow in the footsteps of those in the know and invest in your very own 365 seasonal home this winter. Prices at Portonovi start from EUR345,000, with One&Only Private Homes on the market from EUR9.85 million. To find out more visit or call +382 31 355 375.

planina i mirne, opuštajuće voda. Pružajući ono najbolje za život, kako u enterijeru, tako i eksterijeru, svaki od izuzetno osmišljenih rešenja ovih domova, koji su djelo vodeće svetske dizajnerske kompanije Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA), upotpunjeno je sopstvenim pristaništem, bazenom i privatnom plažom. Inspirisani crnogorskim pejzažima ispunjenim prirodnim ljepotama kao i manastirskom arhitekturom, zaposleni u kompaniji HBA su vješto projektovali One&Only Portonovi kako bi nenametljivo odali počast pogledu koji puca na Bokokotorski zaliv koji ga okružuje. Kada budete investirali u One&Only Portonovi privatni dom, ne samo što ćete imati mogućnost da uživate u mnoštvu sadržaja u samom Portonovom – uključujući Chenot Espace Wellness centar – već ćete imati na raspolaganju i čitavu mrežu privilegija, ekskluzivno dostupnih u One&Only ponudi. Od VIP pozivnica na ekskluzivne događaje širom svijeta, do prioritetnih rezervacija u drugim rizortima u sklopu portfolija One&Only. Kupovina One&Only privatnog doma u Portonovom je rijetka prilika da se posjeduje djelić međunarodno poznatog brenda One&Only. Za one kojima dolaze gosti i porodica, 113 soba u hotelu One&Only Portonovi predstavlja savršeno rješenje za kratkoročni boravak. Svaka soba u hotelu je dizajnirana tako da se svakom gostu obezbedi maksimalno uživanje u očaravajućem pogledu na zaliv, vrtove i planine u okolini, što garantuje i neprikosnoven užitak i u božićnoj rasvjeti Portonovog iz udobnosti hotela. Krenite stopama onih koji su dobro obaviješteni i investirajte u svoj dom za 365 dana u godini, već ove zime. Cijene u Portonovom se kreću od 345,000 EUR, a cijene One&Only privatnih domova na tržištu kreću od 9,85 miliona EUR. Za više informacija posjetite ili pozovite +382 31 355 375.



Za one kojima dolaze gosti i porodica, 113 soba u hotelu One&Only Portonovi predstavlja savršeno rješenje za kratkoročni boravak. Svaka soba u hotelu je dizajnirana tako da se svakom gostu obezbedi maksimalno uživanje u očaravajućem pogledu na zaliv, vrtove i planine u okolini, što garantuje i neprikosnoven užitak i u božićnoj rasvjeti Portonovog iz udobnosti hotela.

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Bluesun Hotel Berulia C R O AT I A


Valamar Riviera, Hvar

Valamar Riviera was the first large tourism company in Croatia to start seriously dealing with direct sales and distribution, which has become crucial in this business, especially during the ongoing pandemic. Valamar strategically embarked on the digital transformation journey three years ago...

If we were to choose which trend in the tourism industry has been accelerated most dramatically by the COVID-19 pandemic - and one which is expected to continue to accelerate after the crisis - then certainly it would be digital transformation. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and automation represent the next stage after digitization, which will help to improve business efficiency and profitability, allow employees to ultimately focus on content creation instead of paperwork and processes, as well as enhancing the experience of guests, who will no longer be forced to wait in line at hotel reception, with their favorite cocktail already awaiting them at the bar, and where the search for their next vacation is a piece of cake, because the algorithms already know what you are dreaming about.


oncurrently, the tourism industry, including the hotel sector, is lagging behind some other sectors, such as finance, in the process of digital transformation at the global level. As it turns out, there will be a great deal of work in Croatia not only for digital technology consultants and corporate IT specialists but also for most tourism professionals who are increasingly part of the development team, because this phase of development means that the IT sector no longer sits in a single room and smartphones are no longer used only by Generations X,


Go digital - više nije trend nego ključ opstanka hrvatskog turizma Ako ćemo birati koji je to trend u turističkom biznisu pandemija koronavirusa dramatično ubrzala, a zadržat će se i nakon ove krize, onda je to svakako digitalna transformacija. Tehnologije kao što su umjetna inteligencija (AI), Internet stvari ili automatizacija, predstavljaju daljnji korak nakon digitalizacije, koji povećava učinkovitost i profitabilnost poslovanja, omogućuje zaposlenicima da se umjesto papirima i procesima konačno posvete kreiranju sadržaja i gostima, koji pak više ne trebaju čekati u redu na recepciji, u baru ih već čeka omiljeni koktel, a potraga za idućim godišnjim odmorom je prava šala, jer algoritam već zna o čemu sanjate. Turistički sektor pritom, uključujući hotelski, u procesu digitalne transformacije na globalnoj razini kaska za nekim drugim sektorima kao što je financijski. Kako se pokazalo na terenu, i u Hrvatskoj će biti puno posla ne samo za konzultante u digitalnim tehnologijama i korporacijske informatičare, već za većinu turističkih radnika koji postaju dio razvojnog tima, jer ova faza znači da IT sektor više nije u jednoj sobi, a smartphone više ne koriste samo generacije X i Z, nego i njihove bake. Posla ima i THE COLLECTION

Valamar Riviera, Hvar

Y and Z, but also by their grandmothers. The public sector also has much work to do because the existing legislation has not yet created an ecosystem that will facilitate digital transformation, and the IT sector has repeatedly warned that the current internet infrastructure in Croatia is not yet sufficiently developed. The leading regional business consulting firm, Apsolon, conducted a survey of the digital readiness of hotels in Croatia, with the aim of gaining insight into the level of digitalization across the hotel industry and the plans for its transformation. The findings of the survey were presented by the Executive Director, Andrijana Parić, at the recent Croatian Tourism Days event (CTD). “Customers today want their problems solved in the shortest possible time and expect companies to be available through a variety of applications. They want more comfort, control and personalization. Predictive analytics allows hotels to anticipate their guests’ needs and to adjust their offer accordingly. However, the availability and application of technology are not sufficient for a successful digital transformation. In order to achieve concrete results, this must be integrated into business processes and strategy,” Parić explained. She also noted that digital transformation in the tourism industry correlates with the European Recovery and Resilience Plan and the new programming period, which focuses on the Green and Digital transition. Of the 2.2 billion Kuna from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which is allocated to tourism, as much as 1.3 billion will be directed towards strengthening sustainability and encouraging the

javni sektor, jer zakonska regulativa još nije stvorila ekosustav koji će olakšati digitalnu transformaciju, a i internet infrastruktura u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije dovoljno razvijena, upozorava struka. Vodeća regionalna tvrtka za poslovno savjetovanje Apsolon provela je istraživanje o digitalnoj spremnosti hotela u Hrvatskoj, s ciljem uvida u razinu digitalizacije hotelske industrije i planova za njenu transformaciju. Rezultate istraživanja na nedavno održanoj manifestaciji Dani Hrvatskog turizma (DHT) predstavila je izvršna direktorica Andrijana Parić. "Današnji korisnici žele rješavanje problema u kratkom roku i očekuju da tvrtke budu dostupne putem različitih aplikacija. Žele veću udobnost, kontrolu i prilagodbu. Hoteli putem prediktivne analitike mogu predvidjeti potrebe gostiju i prema tome prilagoditi svoju ponudu. No, dostupnost i primjena tehnologije nisu dovoljni za kvalitetnu digitalnu transformaciju. Važno je to integrirati u poslovne procese i strategiju kako bi se ostvario konkretan rezultat", pojašnjava Parić. Podsjetila je i kako je digitalna transformacija turizma u korelaciji s europskim Planom oporavka i otpornosti i novim programskim razdobljem u čijem su fokusu upravo zelena i digitalna tranzicija. Od 2,2 milijarde kuna iz Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti, koliko se usmjerava u turizam, čak 1,3 milijarde usmjereno je na jačanje održivosti te poticanje zelene i digitalne tranzicije poduzetnika u sektoru turizma. U anketi Apsolona 62 posto ispitanika u industriji turizma potvrdilo je da provode digitalnu transformaciju u svom hotelu. Njih 72 posto ocijenilo je trenutno stanje digitalne transformacije hrvatskog

Valamar Riviera prva je velika turistička kompanija u Hrvatskoj koja se počela ozbiljno baviti direktnom prodajom i distribucijom, što je pogotovo u pandemiji postalo ključno u ovom biznisu. Valamar je strateški krenuo u digitalnu transformaciju prije 3 godine, a čitav proces opisao je njihov direktor digitalizacije Roberto Gobo, na DHT-ovu panelu o novim tehnologijama u organizaciji Hrvatske gospodarske komore.

Valamar Riviera, Hvar C R O AT I A


Bluesun Hotel Berulia

“Customers today want their problems solved in the shortest possible time and expect companies to be available through a variety of applications. They want more comfort, control and personalization" Andrijana Parić, CEO, Apsolon

Green and Digital transition of entrepreneurs in the tourism industry. In the Apsolon survey, 62% of respondents in the tourism industry confirmed that they have been working on digital transformation at their hotels; 72% of respondents rated the current state of digital transformation in the Croatian hotel industry as a mediocre 3, and nearly 20% rated it as only 2. Slightly under half of the respondents, 44% of them, believe that their hotel/company will see the benefits of a successful digital transformation over the next 1-3 years. The companies polled who have made some progress towards digital transformation mostly reported the use of new technologies or market trends, and the digitalization of business processes; 50% cited user experience optimization, and as many as 45% of respondents reported an increase in revenue as a result of digital transformation. The portion of investment in IT in the future remains relatively low and accounts for only 4% of total revenue, while the major area of investment is planned to be security; 62% of hotel plans to boost digital customer engagement, 57% plan to strengthen the existing network infrastructure, 50% of hotels plan to further invest in analytics, and 25% plan to allocate funds for investing in the Internet of Things (IoT). Fortunately, there are some examples of good practice to learn from, as well as the initiative of Smart Tourism Development that will also help us as a destination. Valamar Riviera was the first large tourism company in Croatia to start seriously dealing with direct sales and distribution, which has become cru-


hotelijerstva osrednjom trojkom, a gotovo 20 posto dalo je dvojku. Nešto manje od polovice ispitanika, njih 44 posto smatra da će njihov hotel/tvrtka osjetiti posljedice uspješne digitalne transformacije kroz 1-3 godine. Oni koji su nešto napredovali u digitalnoj transformaciji, u najvećoj mjeri prijavili su korištenje novih tehnologija ili trendova tržišta, te digitalizaciju poslovnih procesa, 50 posto navelo je optimizaciju korisničkog iskustva, a čak 45 posto ispitanika ističe porast prihoda kao rezultat digitalne transformacije. Udjel ulaganja u IT u budućnosti ostaje relativno nizak i čini tek 4 posto ukupnog prihoda, a najviše se planira ulagati u u sigurnost, 62 posto planira uložiti u osnaživanje digitalnog angažmana gostiju, 57 posto planira učvršćivanje postojeće mrežne infrastrukture, 50 posto hotela planira uložiti dodatno u analitiku, a 25 posto hotela planira izdvojiti sredstava za ulaganja u Internet stvari (IoT). Srećom, ima primjera dobre prakse iz kojih se može učiti, kao i inicijativa razvoja pametnog turizma koji će nam pomoći i kao destinaciji. Valamar Riviera prva je velika turistička kompanija u Hrvatskoj koja se počela ozbiljno baviti direktnom prodajom i distribucijom, što je pogotovo u pandemiji postalo ključno u ovom biznisu. Valamar je strateški krenuo u digitalnu transformaciju prije 3 godine, a čitav proces opisao je njihov direktor digitalizacije Roberto Gobo, na DHT-ovu panelu o novim tehnologijama u organizaciji Hrvatske gospodarske komore . "To je proces koji mora imati široku potporu, od uprave, menadžmenta, zaposlenika i partnera. To THE COLLECTION

Bluesun Hotel Berulia

cial in this business, especially during the ongoing pandemic. Valamar strategically embarked on the digital transformation journey three years ago, and the whole process was described by their Director of Digitalization, Roberto Gobo, at the CTD’s panel on New Technologies organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. “It is a process that must have broad support, from the management, administration, employees and partners. It is the only way to successfully achieve transformation within the company. Valamar has aligned the digital strategy and the company’s strategy. We identified our main goals and tried to set 4 strategic topics which we will address over the next three years, from 2019 to 2021, such as attracting guests and ensuring their loyalty, guest engagement, business processes and IT, and organizational culture,” Gobo said. In the context of these strategic topics, Valamar has carried out various projects over the year, either those that transform the company and bring a certain new value or regular projects, such as Wi-Fi as part of the infrastructure. They have invested over 70 million Kuna in Wi-Fi infrastructure alone over a period of five years, because this was a precondition for their digital transformation. Currently, the revenue from Valamar’s direct channels in relation to the total revenue amounts to 60 percent, most of which is accounted for by digital channels, the Internet and Valamar's reservation center. “We enabled our guests to do digital check-in, self-check-in and provided an electronic registration card at our front desks even before the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2019. We were prompted by the fact that it is important to ensure complete guest satisfaction immediately upon arrival. We can describe digital transformation through a specific example: I arrived yesterday at the hotel by car and found that the check-in was quick, the rooms spacious, the breakfast excellent and the staff friendly, which all signify that it is a top hotel. If we looked at it from the perspective of digital transformation, from the moment a reservation was made for me I would expect to receive a text message on the phone informing me that I could do online checkin. When I got the room key and wanted to park C R O AT I A

je jedini način da transformacija unutar kompanije uspije. Valamar je uskladio digitalnu strategiju i strategiju tvrtke, identificrali smo glavne ciljeve i pokušali postaviti 4 strateške teme kojima ćemo se baviti u sljedeće tri godine, od 2019. do 2021. To su privlačenje gostiju i njihova lojalnost, uključenost gostiju, poslovni procesi i IT i organizacijska kultura", kaže Gobo. Unutar tih strateških tema Valamar izvodi različite projekte unutar godine, bilo one koji transformiraju tvrtku i donose neku novu vrijednost, ili regularne projekte kao primjerice wifi kao dio infrastrukture. Samo u wifi infrastrukturu u 5 godina su investirali preko 70 milijuna kuna, jer im je to bilo neophodno za digitalnu transformaciju. Trenutno prihod od direktnih kanala u Valamaru u odnosu na cjelokupni prihod je 60 posto, a od toga su većina digitalni kanali, web i Valamarov rezervacijski centar. "Već 2019. smo našim gostima omogućili digitalni check in, self check in i elektronsku registracijsku karticu na recepcijama, i prije covida. Krenuli smo od toga što je važno da zadovoljstvo gosta odmah prilikom dolaska bude potpuno. Možemo digitalnu transformaciju opisati konkretnim primjerom: ja sam u hotel stigao jučer automobilom, check in je bio jako brz, sobe prostrane, osoblje ljubazno, doručak izvrstan, znači top hotel. Ako bismo to pogledali iz perspetive digitalne transformacije, onog trenutka kad je za mene napravljena rezervacija, očekivao bih poruku na telefonu da mogu napraviti online check in. Kad sam dobio ključ sobe i želio parkirati auto, ključ od sobe nije otvarao moju rampu. Da su moju registraciju unijeli prilikom check ina, rampa bi se sama otvorila. Takve stvari mi radimo u našim objektima i pokazuje kako je digitalna transformacija jednostavna stvar ako se fokusiramo na iskustvo gosta, zaposlenika, ili na poboljšanje poslovnog procesa. To izgleda kao sitnica, ali u kontekstu zadovoljstva gosta i tog nekog "unbelievable" iskustva izuzetno je važno", pojašnjava Gobo. Kad je u pitanju digitalizacija poslovnih procesa, Valamar je primjerice uveo online kolaboraciju, tako da se svaki dokument, prezentacija, tablica ispravlja online, te svatko ima pristup zadnjem stanju. Val-


"Naposljetku, Self check in aplikaciju smo uveli 2021. godine kako bi gostima omogućili beskontaktni check in već prije samog dolaska u hotel. Ona mogućuje gostima da kompletnu prijavu naprave 24 sata prije dolaska te prilikom dolaska u hotel na recepciji preuzmu samo ključeve soba i da isto tako, putem maila, najave točno vrijeme dolaska te iskažu eventualne želje", ističe Ivana Kralj.

Ivana Kralj, voditeljica upravljanja kvalitetom, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts.

“We introduced the Self-CheckIn application in 2021 to enable guests to do contactless checkin before arriving at the hotel.

Bluesun Hotel Berulia

This app allows guests to make a complete check-in 24 hours before arrival, so that all they need to do is pick up their room key at the reception desk, as well as to send an email about the exact time of arrival and express any special requests,” Ivana Kralj, said (Bluesun Hotels & Resorts).

the car, the key could not open the ramp. If they had entered my registration during the check-in, the ramp would have opened automatically. We do such things in our facilities which shows that digital transformation is a simple matter if we focus on the experience of our guests, employees, or on improving the business process. This may seem like a trifle, but it is extremely important in the context of guest satisfaction and their desire for an ‘incredible’ experience,” Gobo explained. When it comes to the digitization of business processes, for example, Valamar has introduced online collaboration, so that each document, presentation and table, is corrected online, and everyone has access to the latest status in real time. Valamar has at least 15 mutually integrated platforms working with guests. Bluesun Hotels & Resorts started working on their digital transformation even earlier. Ivana Kralj, Head of Quality Management, explained to us exactly how it works. “The mOperation application was introduced in 2014 and operates as one of the best innovative solutions of the Group. It is a tool that serves the housekeeping department, the reception desk, the technical service, the minibar and the kitchen. The app includes quick and easy planning of daily hotel housekeeping schedules. Housekeepers receive their room schedule on their mobile devices, mark the room as cleaned once they’re done, report possible maintenance issues in the rooms, track the use of the minibar, and can note lost and found items. The registration of each issue lands in the mobile phone app of the technical service. Each time a guest uses the minibar, it gets marked on the mobile phone of the person in charge, so that they restock only the rooms they need to, thus avoiding the need to enter all the rooms. Lost and found items are also reported through the app and the reception staff can track them in real time on their screens. This app allows the kitchen department to file complaints regarding produce delivered by suppliers. The system records both a picture and a description of the complaint, which is automatically visible to the central purchasing department. They in turn forward them to the supplier meaning that everything takes place in real time. At the same time, through the mOperation system, we get very valuable statistics and comparisons between hotels, such as the average time of room cleaning, the amount of daily and general cleaning, the average time taken by housekeepers, the number of checks, and so on,” Kralj pointed out. Two years later, the company introduced the mDining app, which serves to keep track of guests in the hotel restaurant, allowing staff to have the exact status of meal orders at all times. In addition, this system enables automatic payment for meals through a guest’s electronic signature. The gastro project is a system that was introduced by Bluesun ten years ago. It is the company’s own IT solution that enables them to carry out a number of operations across kitchen management, from the automatic ordering of raw produce to the return of an unconsumed meal. The system takes care of ordering the necessary produce, creates work orders outlining the list of required activities, and keeps an electronic record of all material movements. There is also the mStock application for managing supplies in the kitchens via tablets, where the supplier's purchase orders are visible, and the stock status is immediately updated. The latest Bluesun solutions relate to customer


amar ima bar 15-tak platformi koje rade s gostima i svaka je integrirana sa svakom. Turistička kompanija Bluesun Hotels&Resorts s digitalnom transformacijom krenula je još ranije, a kako konkretno to funkcionira pojasnila nam je Ivana Kralj, voditeljica upravljanja kvalitetom, Bluesun Hotels & Resorts. "Aplikacija mOperation uvedena je 2014. godine i djeluje kao jedno od najboljih inovativnih rješenja grupacije, a predstavlja alat koji služi odjelu domaćinstva, recepcije, tehničke službe, minibaru i kuhinji. Uključuje brzo i jednostavno planiranje dnevnih rasporeda sobarica, koje na mobitelu dobivaju svoj raspored soba, putem aplikacije evidentiraju završetak čišćenja soba, eventualne kvarove u sobama, korištenje minibara, izgubljenonađeno. Prijava svakog kvara dolazi u aplikaciju na mobitelu tehničke službe. Svako korištenje minibara se evidentira u mobitelu osobe zadužene za minibar te se nadopunjavaju samo sobe gdje je potrebno, te se tako izbjegava ulazak u sve sobe. Izgubljeno-nađeno se također prijavljuje kroz aplikaciju te je u realnom vremenu dostupno osoblju recepcije na njihovim ekranima. Ova aplikacija odjelu kuhinje služi za reklamacije određenih sirovina od dobavljača - sustav bilježi sliku i opis reklamacije koja je automatski vidljiva centralnom odjelu nabave, koji dalje prosljeđuju na dobavljača, a sve se odvija u realnom vremenu. Ujedno, kroz sustav mOperation dobivamo vrlo vrijedne statistike i usporedbe između hotela, kao što je prosječno vrijeme čišćenja soba, količina dnevnih i generalnih čišćenja, prosječna vremena sobarica, broj nadzora", ističe Kralj. Aplikaciju mDining tvrtka je uvela dvije godine kasnije, a služi za evidenciju gostiju u hotelskom restoranu, te omogućuje da osoblje u svakom trenutku ima točno stanje obroka, izdanih i preostalih jela. Također, taj sustav omogućuje i automatsku naplatu obroka uz elektronički potpis gosta. Gastro projekt sustav je kojeg je Bluesun uveo prije desetak godina, te predstavlja vlastito informatičko rješenje koje im omogućuje niz operacija u gastro segmentu, od automatskog naručivanja sirovina do povrata nekonzumiranog jela. Sustav tako vodi brigu o naručivanju potrebnih sirovina, kreira radne naloge iz kojih proizlazi lista potreba te stvara elektronički zapis svih materijalnih kretanja. Tu je i aplikacija mStock za zaprimanje robe u kuhinjama putem tableta, gdje su vidljive narudžbenice dobavljača, te se odmah i ažurira stanje skladišta. Najnovija Bluesunova rješenja odnose se na odnose s gostima. Tako je 2020. uvedena aplikacija mCheck in/mAnkete, kako bi se gostima omogućilo brzo i jednostavno davanje GDPR privole te uspostavili mAnkete o korisničkom iskustvu, a sudjelovanjem u anketi gosti imaju mogućnost sudjelovanja u nagradnoj igri. "Naposljetku, Self check in aplikaciju smo uveli 2021. godine kako bi gostima omogućili beskontaktni check in već prije samog dolaska u hotel. Ona mogućuje gostima da kompletnu prijavu naprave 24 sata prije dolaska te prilikom dolaska u hotel na recepciji preuzmu samo ključeve soba i da isto tako, putem maila, najave točno vrijeme dolaska te iskažu eventualne želje", ističe Ivana Kralj. Novigradskoj tvrtki Aminess hoteli i kampovi korona je također ubrzala sve procese digitalizacije, koje su posljednjih godina pojačano pokrenuli kako bi bili učinkovitiji, od CRM sustava i Loyalty programa nadalje. THE COLLECTION

Bluesun Hotel Berulia

relationship management. The mCheck in/mAnkete application was introduced in 2020 so as to enable guests to quickly and easily give their GDPR consent and set up user experience surveys. By completing the survey, guests are offered the opportunity to participate in a prize draw. “Lastly, we introduced the Self-Check-In application in 2021 to enable guests to do contactless check-in before arriving at the hotel. This app allows guests to make a complete check-in 24 hours before arrival, so that all they need to do is pick up their room key at the reception desk, as well as to send an email about the exact time of arrival and express any special requests,” Ivana Kralj said. The pandemic has also accelerated all the digitization processes affecting the Novigrad-based company Aminess Hotels and Camps, which have been intensified in recent years with the aim of becoming more efficient, from the CRM system and the Loyalty Programme onwards. “Tracking trends and guests’ needs are the motives for our increased and continuous investment in digitized processes through all the departments of Aminess Hotels and Campsites. The focus here is on further improving the guest experience on our website, integrating all our communication channels and further developing all the business processes of the company. This includes the most advanced technologies and ideas, such as constant UX/UI innovations, setting up multichannel communication and constant improvements in profiling our guests in order to achieve the highest levels of satisfaction,” said Mladen Knežević, Sales and Marketing Director at Aminess


"Praćenje trendova i potreba gostiju su motivi jačeg i kontinuiranog ulaganja sredstava u digitalizirane procese kroz sve odjele Aminess hotela i kampova. Fokus je na daljnjem unaprijeđenu iskustva gosta na našim web stranicama, konsolidaciji svih kanala komunikacije te dodatnoj razradi svih poslovnih procesa kompanije. To uključuje najnaprednije tehnologije i ideje, kao što su stalne UX/UI inovacije, orkestriranje više kanalne komunikacije i stalna unapređenja u profiliranju naših gostiju s ciljem postizanja najviše razine njihovog zadovoljstva,“ izjavio je Mladen Knežević, direktor prodaje i marketinga u Aminess hotelima i kampovima Za Aminess, „Customer journey“ ključni je korak daljnjeg razvoja. U suradnji s partnerima ostvarili su potpuni UX/UI redizajn Aminess web stranica. Naime, javno dostupni statistički pokazatelji i interne analize ukazuju da web lokacije iz kategorije turizma i hotelijerstva najveći broj pregleda dobivaju putem mobilnih uređaja, no najveći dio korisnika i dalje samu rezervaciju čini koristeći desktop. UX/UI redizajnom Aminess web lokacija je prvenstveno postignuto pregledno i brzo mobilno korisničko sučelje unutar kojeg se krajnji gost osjeća dovoljno sigurno da napravi svoju rezervaciju „on the go“ putem mobilnog uređaja. Integrirajući sustav za rezervacije i aplikaciju Aminess programa vjernosti s izrađenim Aminess web lokacijama optimizirali su i u određenom dijelu personalizirali korisničko kretanje od prvog dolaska na stranicu do samog kraja tog putovanja u vidu rezervacije, uz poseban fokus na građenju digitalne vjernosti svakog pojedinog gosta.


„U Hrvatskoj imamo puno kompanija koja rade kvalitetna rješenja za industriju, ona imaju svoju vrijednost same za sebe, no najveća vrijednost će biti njihova povezanost, koja će gostima omogućiti da imaju jedinstven doživljaj, a turistička industrija da ne mora u više sustava ubacivati više informacija, ne bi li one bile ažurirane."

Goran Mrvoš, predsjednik Udruženja za IT HGK i direktor tvrtke Infosit

Aminess Port9 Hotel

Aminess monitors guest satisfaction through personalized questionnaires. In this way, guests are only asked relevant questions, depending on the type of accommodation and facility in which they stayed, and the services they used during their stay, with automatic notifications to hotel staff when needed.

Hotels and Camps. For Aminess, the “Customer journey” is a key step in their further development. In collaboration with their partners, they have achieved a complete UX/UI redesign of the Aminess website. In particular, their publicly available statistical indicators and internal analyses indicated that websites in the tourism and hospitality sector receive the largest number of views via mobile devices, but most users still make reservations using desktop computers. The UX/UI redesign of the Aminess websites primarily produced a user-friendly and fast mobile interface within which guests feels safe enough to make their reservation “on the go” via their mobile device. Integrating the reservation system with the Aminess Loyalty Programme application together with the Aminess websites, they optimized, and to some extent personalized, user movement from their first arrival on the website through to the very end of the process, which results in a reservation, with a special focus on building digital loyalty for each guest. Furthermore, the newly established processes for smart marketing communication automation, which engages with guests based on their previous experiences, expressed interests and selected preferences, has been integrated into the Customer Relationship Management System, allow Aminess to regularly communicate with guests, subscribers and members of the Aminess Loyalty Programme, in accordance with the GDPR regulations, and to provide them with the information they want, when they want it and in the way they want it. Aminess monitors guest satisfaction through


Nadalje, novo-uspostavljeni procesi za pametnu marketinšku automatizaciju komunikacije s gostima na temelju njihovih prethodnih iskustava, iskazanih interesa te odabranih preferencija koji su integrirani u Sustavu za upravljanje odnosima s klijentima, Aminessu omogućuju da, u skladu s GDPR uredbom, redovno komuniciraju s gostima, pretplatnicima i članovima Aminess programa vjernosti informacije kakve žele, kada to žele i na način na koji to žele. Zadovoljstvo gostiju Aminess prati uz pomoć personaliziranih upitnika, tako da se gostu postavljaju samo relevantna pitanja ovisno o vrsti smještaja i objektu u kojem je boravio, te uslugama koje je koristio za vrijeme svog boravka, uz automatske notifikacije osoblju hotela kada se za to ukaže potreba. I Aminess je uveo online check in, a za one koji su već stigli u hotel ili kamp pripremili su Self-order opciju, koja olakšava svaku narudžbu pića ili jela po izboru i želji gosta, uz uključenu dostavu. U pripremi je mobilna i web aplikacija koja je u planu za 2022. godinu kroz koju ćemo imati priliku segmentirano komunicirati korisne informacije. „Suradnja sa stručnjacima iz područja digitalizacije bila je neophodna kako bi postigli željene rezultate i pružali našim zaposlenicima nove alate za što bolje praćenje potreba gostiju koji su to i prepoznali. Ciljano ulaganje u ono što nam trendovi i naše potrebe nalažu je ključan korak prema uspjehu", ističe Neven Cvitković, voditelj IT odjela u Aminess hotelima i kampovima. Doduše, nije sve na odgovornosti pojedinih tvrtki ili vlasnika kompanija. Goran Mrvoš, predsjednik Udruženja za IT HGK i direktor tvrtke InTHE COLLECTION

Aminess Port9 Hotel

personalized questionnaires. In this way, guests are only asked relevant questions, depending on the type of accommodation and facility in which they stayed, and the services they used during their stay, with automatic notifications to hotel staff when needed. Aminess has also introduced online check-in, and for those who have already arrived at their hotel or camp, they have prepared a Self-order option which facilitates the ordering of drinks or meals, including delivery. A mobile and web app is planned for 2022, which will enable the group to communicate useful information in segments. “Cooperation with digitalization experts was necessary in order to achieve the desired results and provide our employees with new tools allowing them to better anticipate the guests’ needs, who also appreciate this change. Targeted investment in what both trends and our needs dictate is a key step towards success,” stated Neven Cvitković, Head of IT at Aminess Hotels and Camps. Admittedly, not everything is the responsibility of individual companies or company owners. Goran Mrvoš, the President of the IT Association of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Director of Infosit, explained that the legislation in Croatia must be changed in order to create an ecosystem conducive to these processes. “We have certain obligations stemming from the past, which are no longer applicable and which prevent digital transformation, meaning that we still need to have signatures and scan IDs; while the rest of the world allows people to open bank accounts online, we still have to come in person to the office,” Mrvoš said. Precisely for the purpose of accelerating all these processes, at the end of last year, Infosit launched the Smart Tourism initiative, which aims to combine and connect several existing solutions. It is a network of companies specializing in tourism, which are jointly developing innovative digital solutions, with the aim of ensuring smart and strategic management in tourism. The long-term goal of the Smart Tourism initiative is to encourage destinations to embrace digital trends and to be ready to implement them in long-term strategies on which they will actively work. “In Croatia, we have a number of companies that create quality solutions for the industry, which have their own standalone value, but the greatest value will be their interconnectedness, which will allow guests to have a unique experience, and mean that the tourism industry does not have to input more information to keep them updated. We can be innovative in terms of process, but we do not have time to reinvent the wheel and create something completely new. We are going to connect in order to provide more value,” Mrvoš said.


fosit pojašnjava kako se u Hrvatskoj mora mijenjati i zakonska regulativa kako bi se stvorio ekosustav pogodan za ove procese. "Imamo neke obveze koje su preostale iz prošlih vremena, koje više nisu primijenjive i sprečavaju digitalnu transformaciju, pa još uvijek treba potpis, treba skenirati osobnu, dok svijet dozvoljava otvaranje računa online, mi još uvijek moramo doći osobno u ured", ističe Mrvoš. Upravo s ciljem ubrzavanja svih ovih procesa, tvrtka Infosit krajem prošle godine pokrenula je inicijativu Pametnog turizma, čiji je cilj kombinirati i povezati više postojećih rješenja. Radi se o mreži tvrtki specijaliziranih za turizam, a koje udružene razvijaju inovativna digitalna rješenja s ciljem pametnog i strateškog upravljanja u turizmu. Dugoročni cilj inicijative Pametni turizam je poticati destinacije da prihvaćaju digitalne trendove te da su ih spremne implementirati u dugoročne strategije na kojima će aktivno raditi. „U Hrvatskoj imamo puno kompanija koja rade kvalitetna rješenja za industriju, ona imaju svoju vrijednost same za sebe, no najveća vrijednost će biti njihova povezanost, koja će gostima omogućiti da imaju jedinstven doživljaj, a turistička industrija da ne mora u više sustava ubacivati više informacija, ne bi li one bile ažurirane. Možemo biti inovativni u procesnom smislu, ali nemamo vremena za izmišljanje tople vode i nečeg potpuno novog. Idemo se povezati da pružimo veću vrijednost,“ kaže Mrvoš.


Zadovoljstvo gostiju Aminess prati uz pomoć personaliziranih upitnika, tako da se gostu postavljaju samo relevantna pitanja ovisno o vrsti smještaja i objektu u kojem je boravio, te uslugama koje je koristio za vrijeme svog boravka, uz automatske notifikacije osoblju hotela kada se za to ukaže potreba. „Suradnja sa stručnjacima iz područja digitalizacije bila je neophodna kako bi postigli željene rezultate i pružali našim zaposlenicima nove alate za što bolje praćenje potreba gostiju koji su to i prepoznali. Ciljano ulaganje u ono što nam trendovi i naše potrebe nalažu je ključan korak prema uspjehu", ističe Neven Cvitković, voditelj IT odjela u Aminess hotelima i kampovima.

100 % natural origin fragrance

the new eau de parfum naturelle








Two completely new six-seat chairlifts and two new ski lifts round out the offer of this ski centre with a total of 24 ski slopes that are 47 km long, which are mutually connected to form a single system with 16 vertical transport installations and a total capacity of 28,800 skiers per hour.

Jahorina, the Winter Olympic queen, welcomes the coming winter as the most modern ski centre in this part of Europe. The new gondola lift Poljice, a regional innovation created by the Italian designers Pininfarina, is the most important investment in a string of new innovative concepts. The gondola has a capacity of 3,600 skiers per hour, and its light effects and heated tunnel that leads to the Olympic Bar, are what makes it suitable for both daytime and night skiing, and for panoramic rides. Two completely new six-seat chairlifts and two new ski lifts round out the facilities offered by this ski centre with a total of 24 ski slopes that are 47 km long, which are mutually connected to form a single system with 16 vertical transport installations and a total capacity of 28,800 skiers per hour. In addition to the 47 kilometres of alpine ski runs that are perfectly prepared in line with the highest international standards, Jahorina also boasts 10 km of tracks for Nordic skiing.


ith its highest peak, Ogorjelica, sitting at the altitude of 1916 metres above sea level, this magnificent mountain of the Dinaric range is located at the border between the cold continental and warm Mediterranean climates. Such a climate is suitable for plenty of snowfall, and the average number of days with snow cover annually is more


IZNOVA OTKRIJ JAHORINU Potpuno novo skijalište u istom zadivljujućem planinskom pejzažu Jahorina, olimpijska kraljica zimskih sportova, novu zimu dočekuje kao najmoderniji ski centar u ovom dijelu Evrope. Nova kabinska gondola Poljice, do sada neviđena na našim prostorima, čiji dizajn potpisuje italijanska dizajnerska kuća Pininfarina, predstavlja najznačajniju investiciju u nizu noviteta. Sa povećanim kapacitetom na 3.600 skijaša na sat, svjetlosnim efektima i toplom vezom koja je povezuje sa Olimpijskim barom, gondola je dostupna za dnevno i noćno skijanje kao i za panoramsko razgledanje. Dvije potpuno nove šestosjedne žičare i dva nova ski lifta zaokružuju ponudu ovog ski centra na ukupno 24 ski staze dužine 47 km ski staza povezanih u jedinstvenu cjelinu, sa 16 instalacija vertikalnog transporta ukupnog kapaciteta 28.800 skijaša na sat. Uz 47 km idealno pripremljenih alpskih ski staza, po najvišim svjetskim standardima Jahorina raspolaže i sa 10 km staza za nordijsko skijanje.


than 145, with the snow cover reaching as much as 5 metres in height. Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is the nearest major town. There are two ways to get to Jahorina from Sarajevo Airport. The first one takes you through East Sarajevo and is 31 km long, and the other passes through Pale (37 km). The distance from Jahorina to Banja Luka is 210 km, to Ljubljana it is 540 km, to Podgorica 260 km, to Zagreb it is 400 km, and to Belgrade 320 km. Back in 1984, Jahorina was one of the venues for the Winter Olympics, held that February in Sarajevo. The top skiers of the time competed on the slopes of Jahorina. That year, Jahorina was the symbol of friendship and peace, promoting all religions, cultures and traditions, all of which still holds true. The rich history, which we cherish and promote, coupled with the state-of-the-art skiing infrastructure, are what keeps this Olympic mountain at the very top of the list of excellent skiing destinations in the region and elsewhere. Professional skiers still choose Jahorina as the ideal destination for boot camps and training, and the 11 homologated ski runs allow the mountain to continue to organise the largest international competitions. This is the only mountain in the world that can boast runs that bear the name of Novak Đoković, the world’s best-known tennis player, and it is unique in that it has as much as 5 kilometres of ski runs ready for night skiing. The cult ski run, the Olympic Downhill, has been made available for skiing and the testing of Olympic ski records once again, after more than 30 years. While experienced skiers choose the Black runs and enjoy the rush that this mountain can give,


Sa najvišim vrhom Ogorjelica smještenim na 1916m iznad nivoa mora, ova moćna planina dinarskog planinskog masiva, nalazi se na spoju hladne kontinentalne i tople mediteranske klime. Takva klima pogoduje velikim količinama snježnih padavina, pa je na Jahorini prosječan broj dana sa snježnim pokrivačem preko 145, a visina snježnog pokrivača može narasti i do 5m. Sarajevo glavni grad BiH, ujedno je i najbliži veliki grad, od čijeg aerodroma se do Jahorine može doći na dva načina. Prvi vodi preko Istočnog Sarajeva (put dug 31 km) a drugi preko Pala (put dug 37 km). Jahorina je od Banja Luke udaljena 210 km, Ljubljane 540 km, Podgorice 260 km, Zagreba 400 km, a od Beograda 320 km. Davne 1984. godine Jahorina je bila jedna od pozornica zimskih Olimpijskih igara koje su se tog februara održavale u Sarajevu. Na jahorinskim stazama takmičila su se tada najpoznatija skijaška imena. Jahorina je te godine bila simbol prijateljstva i mira, planina koja je promovisala sve vjere, kulture i tradicije, što i danas radi. Bogata istorija koja se neguje i promoviše, nadograđena najmodernijom skijaškom infrastrukturom plasirala je ovu olimpijsku planinu na sami vrh skijaških destinacija šireg regiona. Profesionalni skijaši i danas biraju Jahorinu kao idealnu destinaciju za pripreme i treninge, dok je čak 11 homologovanih ski staza čini spremnom za ponovnu organizaciju najvećih takmičenja svjetskog ranga. Jedina planina na svijetu sa privilegijom da njene staze nose ime najpoznatijeg tenisera Novaka Đokovića, jedinstvena je i po čak 5 km ski staza pripremljenih za noćno skijanje. Kultna ski


"Saradnja s Kinom započela je prije četiri godine. Naime, skijanje kao buržoaski sport kroz istoriju nije bio popularan među Kinezima. Međutim, kada su dobili organizaciju Olimpijade i kada je najavljeno da će Peking biti domaćin Zimskih olimpijskih igara odlučili su da do 2022. godine moraju izgraditi skijališta, stvoriti 200 miliona skijaša, te privući stanovništvo na bavljenje ovim sportom."

Back in 1984, Jahorina was one of the stages for the Winter Olympics, held that February in Sarajevo. The top skiers of the time competed on the slopes of Jahorina. That year, Jahorina was the symbol of friendship and peace, promoting all religions, cultures and traditions, which all still holds true.

beginners have at their disposal three state-of-theart ski slopes. With professional trainers from the Olympic Centre Ski and Snowboard School, you are bound to consider skiing and snowboarding your new favourite sports and will be able to successfully and bravely conquer even the Black run much sooner than you might expect. Jahorina is a famous entertainment hub among ski centres and is known for its large concerts featuring the most popular regional stars, as well as music festivals and theatre shows. The fun and friendly atmosphere, as well as the excellent dining and wellness offers, are typical of this mountain and mean that visitors return home with tonnes of new experiences, charmed by everything Jahorina has to offer, and already looking forward to coming back again.


At the Olympic Bar at the very top of Jahorina, an extraordinary view of the large lake and nearby mountains awaits. Comfortably tucked into an area of more than 700 square metres, the Olympic Bar is the mountain spot with the best dining experience. Pushing the limits of enjoyment, you will be able to satisfy your senses with the finest food made from domestic ingredients that are typical of the region and with the sublime offer of beverages, including both refreshing soft and alcoholic drinks. A special heated tunnel will take you from the new gondola to an even warmer environment where the kind staff await. In the evenings, the bar turns into the best place for entertainment, giving you the unique feeling of being on top of the world. It is particu-


staza, Olimpijski Spust, je nakon više od 30 godina ponovo dostupna za skijanje i testiranje olimpijskih skijaških rekorda. Dok iskusni skijaši biraju crne staze i uživaju u adrenalinu koji pruža ova planina, početnicima su na raspolaganju tri moderno opremljena ski poligona. Uz profesionalne učitelje ski i snoubord škole „Olimpijski centar“ ćete skijanje i bordanje definitivno uvrstiti u omiljeni sport i brže nego što mislite da je moguće uspješno i hrabro osvojiti čak i crne staze. Jahorina je ski centar poznat po dobroj zabavi, velikim koncertima najvećih muzičkih zvijezda regiona, muzičkim festivalima i predstavama. Dobar provod i domaćinski pristup gostima, odlična gastro i wellness ponuda je karakteristična za ovu planinu, omogućava posjetiocima da se sa planine vrate puni utisaka i gotovo uvijek, očarani svim što Jahorina nudi, sa radošću i nestrpljenjem ponavljaju svoju posjetu.


U Olimpijskom baru na samom vrhu Jahorine očekuje vas nesvakidašnji pogled na veliko jezero i okolne planine. Toplo ušuškan u više od 700 kvadratnih metara prostora, Olimpijski bar je planinski kutak sa najboljom gastronomskom ponudom. Pomjerajući granice uživanja možete zadovoljiti sva čula uz izvrsnu hranu zasnovanu na domaćim proizvodima ove regije i vrhunskoj ponudi napitaka, osvježavajućih i alkoholnih pića. Posebnim toplim tunelom od nove gondole ulazite u još topliji ambijent u kojem vas očekuje ljubazno osoblje. U večernjem terminu bar se pretvara THE COLLECTION

K1450 Grand Chalet Kolasin/3D1-objekat E.

larly enjoyable to observe the mountain at night, when it exudes might and serenity, and ride the cabin gondola or the powerful snow groomer in the late evening while going home. Be ready to create new and unforgettable memories...


At the summit of Mount Jahorina, at the very entrance to the Olympic Bar, there is the conceptual giftshop, featuring both an atmosphere and merchandise that fully complement the ambience of Jahorina, in harmony with local traditions and heritage. A souvenir is a special part of the tourist experience that emotionally binds the visitors and reminds them of the time they spent at a particular destination. Each souvenir is also an ambassador of tourism promotion, an object of memory and we often buy them with the intention of giving them to a person we love, to somebody dear, to somebody we wish to cheer up, or else we simply buy them as a reminder of our stay in a particular place. The giftshop is a special part of the Jahorina OC and its appearance and the products it offers strike a chord with our visitors. The space of the giftshop is picturesque, intriguing, warm, welcoming and somehow different. It takes just a glance to notice that the atmosphere is quite complementary to the tourist experience of Jahorina, based on our traditional stories, our heritage, and various ecological and ethnological motifs.


u najbolje mjesto za provod uz jedinstven osjećaj kao da ste na krovu svijeta. Poseban ugođaj je posmatrati planinu noću koja odiše snagom i mirom i u kasnim večernjim satima za povratak u svoj smještaj voziti se kabinskom gondolom ili moćnim snježnim tabačem. Budite spremni za stvaranje novih nezaboravnih uspomena...


Na vrhu Jahorine, na samom ulasku u Olimpijski bar, nalazi se konceptualna suvenirnica čiji ambijent i sadržaj u potpunosti prati turističku ponudu Jahorine baziranu na lokalnoj tradiciji i baštini. Suvenir je poseban djelić turističke ponude koji posjetitelja emotivno veže i podsjeća na vrijeme provedeno u destinaciji. On je ambasador turističke promocije, predmet sjećanja i vrlo često ga kupujemo s namjerom da ga darujemo nekome koga volimo, nekome ko nam je drag, koga želimo razveseliti ili ga kupujemo kao znak sjećanja na boravak u određenom mjestu. Suvenirnica “poseban” je kutak u OC Jahorina, izgledom i sadržajem u potpunosti je prilagođen posjetitelju. Prostor suvenirnice živopisan je, sadržajan, topao, domaćinski i nekako drugačiji. Samo jednim pregledom može se uočiti da njegov ambijent i sadržaj u potpunosti prate turističku ponudu Jahorine, baziranu na brojnim tradicionalnim pričama, baštini, te eko-etno motivima.


Dvije potpuno nove šestosjedne žičare i dva nova ski lifta zaokružuju ponudu ovog ski centra na ukupno 24 ski staze dužine 47 km ski staza povezanih u jedinstvenu cjelinu, sa 16 instalacija vertikalnog transporta ukupnog kapaciteta 28.800 skijaša na sat. Uz 47 km idealno pripremljenih alpskih ski staza, po najvišim svjetskim standardima Jahorina raspolaže i sa 10 km staza za nordijsko skijanje.

Dejan Ljevnaić, Director of Jahorina Olympic Centre

"Now, after 15 years of work and gaining of knowledge and experience in the world of ski tourism, I was engaged to participate in the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games in China, where, together with my partners, I design ski courses, plan and construct systems for snowmaking, and educate and train Chinese skiers."


Be sure to take the opportunity to enjoy a ride on the snow groomer and feel the magic of the mountain at night. Choose an unforgettable ride to the top of the mountain from the Poljica starting point between 5 pm and 9 pm or book a private 20-minute ride via e-mail at: [email protected]. If you decide to book a seat in a VIP cabin on the Poljice or Partizan gondolas, this special experience will be recorded in a memorable way. Enjoy a romantic ride for two or celebrate an important event with your friends, get comfortable, and savour various mountain delicacies and champagne on this glamorous ride.


DIRECTOR OF JAHORINA OLYMPIC CENTRE Together with the members of his team, the person who is most responsible for the flourishing success of Jahorina is the manager, skier and visionary, Dejan Ljevnaić, who explained to The Collection what it is like to create the future of skiing in the Balkans and how his ski journey has even taken him as far as China. Where and when did you first feel the love for skiing, which has guided you to success you’re your remarkable achievements over the past 15 years? It all started in Rijeka, the town where I was born



Ne propustite priliku da uživate u vožnji tabačem i osjetite magiju planine u noćnim satima. Izaberite nezaboravnu vožnju do vrha planine sa polaza Poljica u terminu od 17:00 do 21:00 čas ili rezervišite privatnu vožnju u trajanju od 20 minuta putem maila [email protected] Ukoliko odlučite zauzeti mjesto u nekoj od VIP kabina gondole Poljice ili gondole Partizan vaši bitni životni momenti će biti zabilježeni na poseban način. Uživajte u romantičnoj vožnji za dvoje ili proslavite značajan događaj sa svojim društvom, udobno ušuškani ovu glamuroznu vožnju možete upotpuniti planinskim specijalitetima i šampanjcem.


Zajedno sa svojim timom, najzaslužniji za procvat Jahorine je menadžer, skijaš i vizionar Dejan Ljevnaić koji će za The Collection ispričati kako je to kreirati budućnost skijanja na Balkanu i kako ga je skijaški put odveo u daleku Kinu. Gdje se i kada rodila ljubav prema skijanju koju posljednjih 15 godina uspješno pretvarate u uspjehe i velika dostignuća? Sve je počelo u Rijeci, gradu u kojem sam se rodio i živio, a nakon kojeg me je put odnio u Beograd gdje sam nastavio školovanje, studije, te ušao u skijaške poslovne vode i upravljao Skijalištima THE COLLECTION

and where I used to live. Then, I ended up in Belgrade where I continued my education, attended the University there, and after that I started my professional career in ski resorts by first managing the ski resorts of Kopaonik, before finally ending up in Jahorina. My first ski trip was to Platak where I took my first steps in the snow and stood on skis for the very first time. I remember going to Platak for a school trip as a pupil of Vladimir Gortan Primary School and this is where this infatuation with both mountains and skiing was born. In time I was able to turn this love into my profession, which is something I truly enjoy. Before I became the Director of the Jahorina Olympic Centre, for 10 full years I worked on the development of ski centres in Serbia, where I can honestly say I honed my craft. I adapted my previous experience together with my team and applied it to Jahorina, and now we can proudly state that we are managing the most modern ski centre in the whole of the wider region. Of course, we invested a lot in the know-how and engineers since this is, after all, a specific line of work that not many people have the necessary experience or knowledge. At Kopaonik in Serbia we built more than 17 new ski lifts, and we also built the entire Stara Planina ski centre, the Tornik ski centre on Zlatibor, and also Brezovica ski centre, which we redeveloped, and Divčibare ski centre. We are currently working across the entire region, in North Macedonia near Popova Šapka, in Montenegro we have a presence at almost all of the major centres,, in Mavrovo, Žabljak, Kolašin, Cmiljača and Mojkovac; in Bosnia and Herzegovina we have worked at BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA

Srbije, pa sve do Jahorine. Moje prvo skijanje bilo je na Platku, gdje sam napravio svoje prve korake u snijegu i prvi put stao na skije. Sjećam se da smo na Platak išli organizovano sa Osnovnom školom Vladimir Gortan i tu se rodila velika ljubav i strast prema planini i skijanju. S vrijemenom sam tu ljubav usmjerio u posao od kog živim i u kojem istinski uživam. Prije nego što sam postao direktor Olimpijskog centra Jahorina, punih deset godina radio sam na razvoju ski centara u Srbiji, gdje sam mogu reći „ispekao zanat“. Stečeno iskustvo sam zajedno sa svojim timom prilagodio i primijenio na Jahorini i sada se možemo pohvaliti da upravljamo najmodernijim ski centrom šireg regiona. Naravno, uložili smo puno u znanja i inženjere jer, ipak je ovo specifična djelatnost kojom se ne bavi puno ljudi i iz koje rijetko ko ima znanje. Na Kopaoniku u Srbiji izgradili smo preko 17 novih žičara, cijeli ski centar Stara Planina, ski centar Tornik na Zlatiboru, ski centar Brezovica gdje smo radili rekonstrukciju, ski centar Divčibare. Trenutno radimo u cijeloj regiji, u Makedoniji kod Popove šapke, u Crnoj Gori prisutni smo u gotovo svim ski centrima, od Mavrova, Žabljaka, Kolašina, Cmiljače, Mojkovca, u Bosni i Hercegovini radili smo na Bjelašnici, u Hrvatskoj na Sljemenu, dok u Sloveniji radimo skoro sa svim ski centrima. Kroz godine provedene u skijaškom poslu te, puno vrijemena i napora uloženog u sticanje znanja, vašu karijeru obogatilo je izgradnja mnogo ski centara u cijeloj Evropi. Da li je tačno da ste sada svoje aktivnosti proširili i na tržište Kine?


Jahorina, olimpijska kraljica zimskih sportova, novu zimu dočekuje kao najmoderniji ski centar u ovom dijelu Evrope. Nova kabinska gondola Poljice, do sada neviđena na našim prostorima, čiji dizajn potpisuje italijanska dizajnerska kuća Pininfarina, predstavlja najznačajniju investiciju u nizu noviteta.

At the Olympic Bar at the very top of Jahorina, an extraordinary view of the large lake and nearby mountains awaits. Comfortably tucked into an area of more than 700 square metres, the Olympic Bar is the mountain spot with the best dining experience.

Bjelašnica, and in Croatia at Sljeme, while in Slovenia we work with almost all the major ski centres Throughout your years spent in the ski business, and after much time and effort invested in knowledge building, your career has been marked by the construction of many ski centres across Europe. Is it true that you are now expanding your activities to encompass the Chinese market? Now, after 15 years of work and gaining knowledge and experience in the world of ski tourism, I was engaged to participate in the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games in China, where, together with my partners, I designed ski runs, planned and constructed systems for snowmaking, and educated and trained Chinese skiers. Our cooperation with China started four years ago. To be honest, skiing, as a bourgeoise “middle class” sport has historically been unpopular among the Chinese. However, after they were awarded the rights to organise the Winter Olympics and after it was announced that Beijing would host the Winter Olympic Games, they decided that by 2022 they would have to construct ski resorts, with the aim of developing facilities for up to 200 million skiers and bringing this sport closer to the wider population. In China, 47 ski centres are being built ahead of the Games, and in addition to the investment in infrastructure, they are also investing significant resources in the development and promotion of skiing as a sport, and their athletes train all over the world. Some of them have even trained at Jahorina and Bjelašnica. Until recently, there were no snowmaking systems or ski lifts in China, and they are now building all of the necessary infrastructure,


Sada, nakon 15 godina rada i sticanja znanja i iskustva u svijetu skijaškog turizma, angažovan sam na pripremi Zimskih olimpijskih igara u Kini u sklopu kojih, zajedno s partnerima, obavljam poslove projektovanja ski staza, planiranja i izgradnje sistema za osnježavanje, te edukacije i treninga kineskih skijaša. Saradnja s Kinom započela je prije četiri godine. Naime, skijanje kao buržoaski sport kroz istoriju nije bio popularan među Kinezima. Međutim, kada su dobili organizaciju Olimpijade i kada je najavljeno da će Peking biti domaćin Zimskih olimpijskih igara odlučili su da do 2022. godine moraju izgraditi skijališta, stvoriti 200 miliona skijaša, te privući stanovništvo na bavljenje ovim sportom. U Kini se uoči igara trenutno gradi 47 skijaških centara, te se osim u infrastrukturu velika sredstva ulažu u razvoj i promociju skijanja kao sporta, a njihovi sportisti pripremaju se širom svijeta. Pojedini su se pripremali i na Jahorini i Bjelašnici. U Kini do sada nisu imali sistem za vještačko osnježavanje ni žičare, pa sada grade kompletnu infrastrukturu, što je velika stvar za njih i za razvoj skijanja u zemlji koja je zbog broja stanovnika najveće tržište u svijetu. Skijanje se u Kini brzo razvija, a osim što Kinezi ulažu velika sredstva u skijašku infrastrukturu, ulažu i u pripremu profesionalnih skijaša. Tako je prije dvije godine više od 150 skijaša u smjenama boravilo na Jahorini i Bjelašnici gdje su trenirali i pripremali se za Olimpijske igre. I više nego zadovoljni uslovima izrazili su želju ponovo posjetiti Jahorini, a nama je ta posjeta pružila priliku da prezentujemo naše nove investicije koje su sada uspješno realizovane. THE COLLECTION

which is a big deal for the development of skiing in a country which is the largest potential market in the world given the size of their population. Skiing in China is developing rapidly, and in addition to investing significant resources into skiing infrastructure, the Chinese are also investing in the training of professional skiers. That is how two years ago more than 150 professional skiers successively spent time at Jahorina and Bjelašnica, where they trained and prepared for the Olympics. They were more than happy with the conditions and they expressed the desire to return to Jahorina, which gave us the opportunity to present our new investment opportunities, which have been successfully implemented. Another major recognition for me is the fact that I was proposed as a member of the Shanghai Ski Club, which was founded before the Olympic Games, aiming to connect the Alps and China. Some of the members of this prestigious club include the most renowned names in skiing such as Erich Gummerer, the owner of TehnoAlpin, who invented and developed the most widely used snowmaking system, as well as various Austrian Olympic skiers, such as Herman Maier and Marc Girardelli, and Michael Doppelmayr, the owner of Doppelmayr, the company which is the world’s leading producer of ski lifts.

Osim toga, jedno od najvećih priznanja je to da su me predložili za člana Shanghai Ski Cluba koji je osnovan u susret Olimpijskih igara s ciljem povezivanja Alpi i Kine. Svoje mjesto u ovom prestižnom klubu pronašao sam uz neka od najvećih imena skijaškog svijeta poput Ericha Gummerera, vlasnika kompanije TehnoAlpin, koji je izmislio i pokrenuo sistem vještačkog osnježavanja, austrijskih skijaških olimpijaca kao što su Herman Maier i Marc Girarldelli, te Michael Doppelmayr, vlasnik kompanije Doppelmayr, koja je najveći proizvođač žičara na svijetu. [email protected] [email protected] T. +387 57 270 003

Dok iskusni skijaši biraju crne staze i uživaju u adrenalinu koji pruža ova planina, početnicima su na raspolaganju tri moderno opremljena ski poligona. Uz profesionalne učitelje ski i snoubord škole „Olimpijski centar“ ćete skijanje i bordanje definitivno uvrstiti u omiljeni sport i brže nego što mislite da je moguće uspješno i hrabro osvojiti čak i crne staze. BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA


Leave the everyday world behind and set out on a Igman (Sarajevo), Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 33 744 700 [email protected]


Hotel Moskva still stands out from the Belgrade landscape, woven into its history, on the corner of Terazije and Balkanska Streets.


uilt in the Russian Art nouveau style, it is one of the most significant architectural gems of the Serbian capital. It has been under state protection since 1968 as a cultural monument, and since 1979 as a cultural asset of great importance. Hotel Moskva has changed owners, names and appearance throughout history. In the beginning, the “Velika Srbija” inn stood where Hotel Moskva is today. In its place the "Rossia" palace was built, which today is the location of the grandiose Hotel Moskva. The construction of the palace began in the spring of 1905, and its grand opening in January of 1908 was inaugurated by King Petar I Karadjordjevic personally, accompanied by a court orchestra. Hotel Moskva has attracted and delighted hundreds of celebrities who, over time, have formed part of the hotel’s historical fabric. Among the first famous guests were Leon Trotsky and Russian prince Leo Lobanov Rostovsky. Many important names and world history game-changers followed: Maxim Gorky, Rebecca West, Albert Einstein, Yasser Arafat and Indira Gandhi. Other notable guests include: John Reid, Alfred Hitchcock, Robert De Niro, Kirk Douglas, Jack Nicholson, Richard Nixon, Yves Montand, Ray Charles, Orson Welles, Luciano Pavarotti, Brad Pitt, Mila Jovovich… and many, many others. The biggest names of Serbian and Yugoslav literature from the beginning of the 20th century would meet in the "Moskva" tavern: Bogdan Popović, Ivo Ćipiko, Veljko Petrović, Stanislav Vinaver, Miloš Crnjanski, Ivo Andrić, Vasko Popa, Tin Ujević and many others. The fact that mailmen carried most letters and books

to famous writers directly to the tavern, and not to their homes, tells us how popular the tavern was among writers. Hotel "Moskva" became the epicenter of Belgrade's social and cultural life and from here, many modern trends emerged and spread to the rest of Serbia. Kafana Moskva” also completely changed the gastronomic culture of Belgrade within the first few years of opening. It was the trendsetter for the concept of outdoor terraces with sun umbrellas and with live orchestras playing a classical music repertoire. It introduced, among other delicacies, French wines, desserts, foie gras, Czech beer and fish with mayonnaise to the Serbian capital. Today, inside the utter coziness of the Moskva hotel, you will find the Tchaikovsky Restaurant, formerly known as "Kafana Moskva", a place full of colorful stories, footsteps of famous people and their artwork, a place where persistent and dignified Belgrade rises, over and over again. The moment you step into this magical space, you can hear the melodic sounds of the piano, which invite you to take a sip of history and enjoy gastronomic stories mixed with the urban vibes of Belgrade. The charming interior of the restaurant with its spacious garden is not just a place to take a break from the city noise. It is an oasis where you renew energy while the soul rests. The creations of the executive chef Đorđe Klipić are the most melodic compositions of Serbian cuisine, combined with elements of curiosity and passion (that he also found outside the borders of Serbia), in the constant search for innovation! Our chef chose the Moskva Hotel because of his love for tradition and old values. He says that as a child, he often walked past the hotel with his parents and that even then he thought how nice it would be to

work there one day. Today, Đorđe Klipić is another affirmation of the restaurant's quality within the Hotel Moskva. For his dishes, he sources ingredients across the country from proven, top quality suppliers. Therefore, in the menu of the Tchaikovsky restaurant, guests will find ingredients with a geographical origin, from specific regions of Serbia. He believes that this is what should be brought closer to international guests, reminding at the same time, our local guests what kind of treasures can be found throughout Serbia. At the Tchaikovsky Restaurant, his goal is to glorify the tradition of the Moskva Hotel itself, through an innovative interpretation of wellknown dishes. He selects his team based on genuine personality, because his stance is that with hard work, anyone can become a good cook, but not the other way around. Chef Đorđe Klipić's courage, a deep passion and a love for tradition are what make the menu of the Tchaikovsky restaurant so special. An explosion of taste and unlimited creativity can be found on the restaurant's menu, along with the aesthetics of the final product, as an imperative. Cheeses from Pirot, Stara Planina, Zlatar, Vojvodina, Sjenica; Kopaonik ajvar, trout from the river Tara, lamb from Pešter, Srem sausages and many other are the proud guardians of dishes with geographical origin. By combining culinary elements and techniques, the Tchaikovsky restaurant offers new creative solutions on a plate, while the restaurant's menu is enriched with a fusion of different cultural heritages and flavors. Definitely worth a try for all the lovers of a good bite!

Photo credit: Damir Vujković

Homemade Urnebes with Black Truffles

Grilled Goat Cheese Served on Crusty Bread

Photo credit: Damir Vujković

Bujurdi - Warm Greek Salad

Restoran Tchaikovsky Hotel Moskva Belgrade Balkanska 1, 1100 Belgrade, Serbia T. +381 11 3642 007 M. +381 69 84 20 436 [email protected] Instagram: @tchaikovsky_belgrade Facebook: Tchaikovsky Restaurant Belgrade

Chef Đorđe Klipić's courage, a deep passion and a love for tradition are what make the menu of the Tchaikovsky restaurant so special. An explosion of taste and unlimited creativity can be found on the restaurant's menu, along with the aesthetics of the final product, as an imperative. Cheeses from Pirot, Stara Planina, Zlatar, Vojvodina, Sjenica; Kopaonik ajvar, trout from the river Tara, lamb from Pešter, Srem sausages and many other are the proud guardians of dishes with geographical origin.

Roe Dear Stew








“Each of our glamping accommodation types exudes charm, for a chic holiday as a couple or with the whole family. You can choose from two types of tents: Smaller romantic tents, intended for two people and larger tents, suitable for up to four people."

The sound of birdsong, rippling water, a gentle breeze through the treetops, views of the vineyards while sipping a fine wine… all this and so much more can be found at Chateau Ramšak Glamping Resort in Slovenia. The beautiful lodgings are surrounded by green nature and nothing is left to be desired when it comes to comfort. True indulgence in a green glamping paradise.


iscover the luxury glamping resort of Chateau Ramšak in the wine-growing region of Styria, surrounded by green rolling hills full of vineyards. And, as any Glamping Resort surrounded by vineyards should, Chateau Ramšak also offers wine from its own estate which you’ll definitely want to sample. Upon arrival at this green glamping paradise, you’ll naturally want to check out your room first. Choose from three different, sustainably built accommodation types, each with its own wow-factor. Špela Dolinar from Chateau Ramšak proudly explains the choices on offer: Dreamy Tree Houses, Glamorous Family Tents and Romantic Tents for two. “Each of our glamping accommodation types exudes charm, for a chic holiday as a couple or with the whole family. You can choose from two types of tents: Smaller romantic tents, intended for two people and larger tents, suitable for up to four people. Our glamping tents are fully equipped with a bathroom with toilet, organic care products, beds, linens, towels, bathrobes, coffee machine with bio capsules, water heater with tea, TV, WiFi, safe, AC/ heating, minibar, plus each tent has a terrace with


Glamping resort Chateau Ramšak Luksuzni glamping resort v osrčju vinogradov slikovite vinske pokrajine Štajerske Ptičje petje, žuborenje vode, pozibavanje drevesnih krošenj v vetru, pogled na vinograde med okušanjem odličnega vina … vse to in veliko več boste doživeli v glamping resortu Chateau Ramšak v Sloveniji. Čudovita nastanitev v zelenem zavetju narave preseže vsa pričakovanja, ko si zaželite takšne vrste udobja. Pravo razvajanje v zeleni oazi miru. Odkrijte prestižni glamping resort Chateau Ramšak sredi vinske pokrajine Štajerske, kjer se zeleni griči prepletajo z vinogradi. Kot se za glamping resort v osrčju vinogradov spodobi, boste v ponudbi Chateau Ramšak našli tudi vino, ki ga pridelujejo na posestvu Ramšak in ga vsekakor velja poskusiti. Ob prihodu v zeleni glamping raj vam najprej pokažejo, kje boste preživeli svoj nepozabni oddih. Izbirate lahko med tremi različnimi trajnostnimi tipi nastanitve, ki vas bodo navdušili vsak na svoj način. Špela Dolinar iz Chateau Ramšak ponosno predstavi izbiro iz ponudbe: pravljična drevesna hiška, glamurozni družinski šotori in romantični šotori za dva. “Vsak od naših glamping nastanitvenih tipov ima svojevrsten čar za preživljanje mondenih počitnic v dvoje, s prijatelji ali v družinskem krogu. THE COLLECTION

a beautiful view and a private hot tub. The outdoor hot tub can be enjoyed anytime - even under the starry night sky.”


The so-called Dreamy Tree House is a beautiful tree house built in the branches of a lime tree. “This accommodation is also equipped with luxury home comforts and has a private bathroom between the treetops with toilet, shower, organic body care products, towels, linen and bathrobes. A special treat awaits you on the terrace: the hot tub. Enjoy the view over the vineyards while you soak,” says Špela. The attractive tree house and tents all have a nice terrace with a hot tub. Breakfast is served on this terrace every morning, so you can choose whether to dine in bed or enjoy the delicious food outside in the sun. Breakfast at Chateau Ramšak is far from average; it is luxury at its finest, with fresh, organic and preferably local products. You can choose from classic, vegetarian, vegan or glutenfree breakfast options and each breakfast is made with love. Our fruit, for example, is cut into a heart shape… a wonderful start to the day!


Waking up to the sound of birdsong and rippling water is the ultimate feeling of relaxation. Follow up with a tasty breakfast for the perfect start to the day. Walk along wooden paths and stones through the green nature of the resort, past a heart-shaped pond and babbling streams. A paradise of peace and quiet. Find the perfect place to sit and relax with comfortable chairs under a sun shade and admire views SLOVENIA

Lahko se odločite za enega od dveh vrst šotorov: za manjši romantični šotor, ki je namenjen dvema gostoma, ali za večji šotor, v katerem se lahko nastanijo štirje gostje z možnostjo dodatne postelje ob doplačilu, torej skupaj ta namestitev lahko sprejme 5 oseb. Naši glamping šotori so popolnoma opremljeni s kopalnico in toaleto, nadvse udobnimi posteljami, posteljnino, brisačami, kopalnimi plašči, organskimi izdelki za osebno higieno, kavnim aparatom in bio kapsulami, grelnikom za vodo in čaji, televizijo, brezžično povezavo, sefom, klimatsko napravo/ogrevanjem in mini barom, poleg naštetega pa ima vsak šotor tudi teraso z zasebnim jacuzzijem in prelepim razgledom. V zunanji masažni kadi lahko uživate kadarkoli – tudi pod zvezdnatim nebom.”


Tako imenovana “Pravljična drevesna hiška” je čudovita hišica ob mogočni krošnji stare lipe. “Tudi ta nastanitev je opremljena z luksuznimi bivanjskimi pripomočki in ima zasebno kopalnico s toaleto v drevesni krošnji, prho, organske izdelke za nego telesa, brisače, posteljnino in kopalne plašče. Posebnost vas čaka na prostorni terasi, kjer najdete jacuzzi. V pogledu na vinograde in s kozarčkom vina boste lahko uživali v vseh letnih časih,” doda Špela. Privljična drevesna hišica in vsi šotori imajo namreč prelepo teraso z masažno kadjo. Vsako jutro vam na terasi postrežejo zajtrk, vi pa se odločite, ali boste obedovali v postelji ali uživali v okusni hrani lokalnega izvora zunaj na zasebni terasi. Zajtrk v Chateau Ramšak presega vsa pričakovanja; je razred zase in je sestavljen iz svežih, predvsem


Tako imenovana “Pravljična drevesna hiška” je čudovita hišica ob mogočni krošnji stare lipe. “Tudi ta nastanitev je opremljena z luksuznimi bivanjskimi pripomočki in ima zasebno kopalnico s toaleto v drevesni krošnji, prho, organske izdelke za nego telesa, brisače, posteljnino in kopalne plašče.

“Most of our guests come from Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, but we also welcome guests from all over the World like Japan, China, South Africa, Israel, Morocco and more.”

over the vineyard. Now is the perfect time to taste the quality wines of the Ramšak estate. Experience what the grapes of this region taste like with a good glass of wine. “We organise wine tasting sessions on our Glamp Island by the fireplace, where our guests can taste our homemade Ramšak wines. We look forward to telling you all about them. Chateau Ramšak features its own wine cellar with one of the largest wine press in Europe and a graft of the world's oldest vine. Totally unique! The wine cellar hosts a selection of wine: Muscat, Sylvaner, Pinot Gris, Welschriesling, Chardonnay and Sauvignon. You’ll hear more about these and see the traditional craft of the oldest wine in the world,” explains Špela. Be sure to experience another way of using grapes at Chateau Ramšak Glamping Resort - namely with a prestige wine massage. Špela says, “Our special wine massage and exfoliation treatment with grapes provides the perfect form of relaxation.” She adds that they hope to build a spa with a sauna for the 2022 season.


There is a serene calm at the resort, where everyday life seems half a world away – which is sometimes true since the glamping resort receives guests from all over the world. “Most of our guests come from Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Germany and the Scandinavian countries, but we also welcome guests from all over the World like Japan, China, South Africa, Israel, Morocco and more.” What is striking is the large number of returning guests and glowing reviews, which is understandable, as those


organskih in lokalnih proizvodov. Lahko izbirate med klasičnim, vegeterijanskim, veganskim ali brezglutenskim zajtrkom, ki ga vedno pripravijo z veliko mero ljubezni. Sadje vam na primer narežejo v obliki src, pečejo kruh in pecivo … kako čudovit začetek dneva!


Prebudite se ob ptičjem petju in žuborečem potoku ter doživite najvišji občutek sproščenosti. Sledi okusen zajtrk za popoln pričetek dneva. Sprehodite se po lesenih stezah in kamnih skozi zeleno naravo resorta, ob ribniku v obliki srca na Glamp otočku in šumečem potoku. Prava oaza miru in tišine, kjer lahko srečate tudi kakšno srnico, srnjačka ali bambija. Poiščite popoln kotiček na resortu, občudujte vinograde ter se preprosto prepustite objemu narave. Tedaj je pravi čas za pokušino kakovostnih vin posestva Ramšak. “Organiziramo namreč tudi vinske degustacije ob kaminu na glamp otočku, kjer naši gostje lahko okušajo domača vina iz kleti Ramšak. Iz otočka boste lahko uživali ob pogledu na potomko najstarejše vinske trte na svetu. Kako edinstveno! Vinska klet nudi široko paleto vin, med katerimi so Rumeni Muškat, Zeleni Silvanec, Sivi Pinot, Laški rizling, Chardonnay in Sauvignon. Za vse goste, ki jih zanima še več, organiziramo vinske degustacije tudi v bližini resorta. Eno prav posebno doživetje se nahaja na najlepši vinski cesti v obliki srca, pojasni Špela. Ne izpustite priložnosti in spoznajte, na kakšen način še uporabljajo grozdje ter grozdne peške v glamping resortu Chateau Ramšak – izkusite preTHE COLLECTION

“Organiziramo namreč tudi vinske degustacije ob kaminu na glamp otočku, kjer naši gostje lahko okušajo domača vina iz kleti Ramšak. Iz otočka boste lahko uživali ob pogledu na potomko najstarejše vinske trte na svetu. Kako edinstveno! Vinska klet nudi široko paleto vin, med katerimi so Rumeni Muškat, Zeleni Silvanec, Sivi Pinot, Laški rizling, Chardonnay in Sauvignon.”

who enjoy nature, wine and relaxation are sure to love this glamping paradise. “Bon appétit and welcome to our glamping paradise.” T: +386 40 628 303 Pocehova 35, Maribor, Slovenia [email protected] Instagram:chateauramsak Facebook: @Chateau Ramšak Glamping resort

stižno vinsko masažo z oljem grozdnih pešk. Kot pove Špela, sta njihova “edinstvena vinska masaža in piling nega kože z grozdnimi peškami popolni obliki sproščanja za vas.” Temu doda, da upajo, da bodo v sezoni 2022 zgradili tudi prav poseben vinsko obarvan spa s savno.


V resortu je takšen mir, da se vam zdi, da ste v drugem svetu – kar je deloma res, saj glamping resort sprejema goste iz celega sveta. “Večina naših gostov prihaja iz Belgije, Avstrije, Nizozemske, Nemčije in skandinavskih držav, vendar smo gostili tudi ljudi iz preostalega sveta, npr. iz Japonske, Kitajske, Južne Afrike, Izraela, Maroka in drugod.” Ponosni so na to, da se gostje v velikem številu vračajo, in na izjemne ocene njihovega glamping resorta, ki navadno navduši prav ljubitelje narave, vina in prestiža. “Dober tek in dobrodošli v našem glamping raju.” T: +386 40 628 303 Pocehova 35, Maribor, Slovenia [email protected] Instagram: @chateauramsak Facebook: @Chateau Ramšak Glamping resort



Ne izpustite priložnosti in spoznajte, na kakšen način še uporabljajo grozdje ter grozdne peške v glamping resortu Chateau Ramšak – izkusite prestižno vinsko masažo z oljem grozdnih pešk. Kot pove Špela, sta njihova “edinstvena vinska masaža in piling nega kože z grozdnimi peškami popolni obliki sproščanja za vas.”


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Ski Resorts of Serbia



The Kopaonik Ski Centre continues to grow in popularity and facilities and offers countless opportunities to visitors. The Mountain of the Sun, as it is also known, offers ideal conditions for a holiday on the snow with more than 200 sunny days a year.

The fresh mountain air is certainly good for the body, and there is plenty of fresh air on the beautiful mountains of Serbia, guaranteeing a refreshing and rejuvenating vacation. An active holiday, with time spent outdoors in the crisp mountain air, combined with a peerless range of facilities guarantees fun times that will make guests want to return to a different ski resort of Serbia for their next winter holiday. No one ever dreamed that in the 21st century one single event would affect absolutely every aspect of the economy and society, and that it would force us to keep so much distance from each other. However, there are still some places which have managed to do what seemed impossible and offer activities that make us feel as if everything is in its right place.


inter holidays will definitely happen this year, which means that this is the right time to consider where we might go and still feel completely safe. The new normal circumstances have forced us to think about masks first, and only then to choose the place where we have the chance sneak a breath of fresh air. Skiing and snowboarding are the only sports in the world that provide maximum security. Once you hit the slopes, you are fully equipped, meaning that you are wearing a bandana, a face mask that protects you from the cold air and snow, while also protecting you from contracting any viruses, while gloves are also man-


Vrhunsko skijanje, nezaboravan provod i bezbedan odmor u ski centrima Srbije Planinski vazduh nesumnjivo prija organizmu, a na planinskim lepoticama Srbije ga ima za svakog svog posetioca dovoljno, da se sa odmora vrati potpuno svež i preporođen. Aktivan odmor, boravak na svežem planinskom vazduhu u kombinaciji sa neprikosnovenom turističkom ponudom i zagarantovanim provodom, učiniće da svaki gost iznova bira neko od Skijališta Srbije kao destinaciju za svoje sledeće zimovanje. Niko nije sanjao da će se u 21.veku desiti nešto što će na duži vremenski period pogoditi apsolutno sve oblasti ekonomije i društva, i da će nas u tolikoj meri primorati na „otuđenje“. Ipak, postoje neka mesta koja spajaju nespojivo i neke aktivnosti koje nas čine da se osećamo kao da je sve baš onako kako bi trebalo da bude. Zimovanje će definitivno biti moguće i ove godine, pa je pravo vreme da razmišljamo gde bismo to mogli da odemo, a da je destinacija potpuno bezbedna. „Nove normalne“ okolnosti su nas naterale da prvo pomislimo na masku, pa tek onda da biramo mesto gde ćemo moći bar na kratko da udahnemo malo svežeg vazduha. Skijanje i snowbording su jedini sportovi na svetu koju pružaju maksiTHE COLLECTION

datory, as well as googles, and a helmet. Currently there is no better place for having a safe tourist experience than the ski resorts in Serbia – Kopaonik, Tornik (Zlatibor), and Stara Planina.


Kopaonik is an ideal tourist destination that allows you to take deep breaths, try out popular winter activities and enjoy a holiday for the body and the soul. The ski slopes that offer more than 60 km of perfectly groomed runs are perfect for enjoying your favourite winter activities. The Kopaonik Ski Centre continues to grow in popularity and facilities and offers countless opportunities to visitors. The Mountain of the Sun, as it is also known, offers ideal conditions for a holiday on the snow with more than 200 sunny days a year. If you like to feel the snow glide under your feet or you are more interested in a crazy adventure, this place is ideal for you. And it is constantly developing. Over the past two years, as many as four new runs have been established and the state-of-the-art gondola is now in place which connects the foot of the mountain with the centre of the ski resort, as well as other amenities, such as a helipad, and a snowmaking facility for the Bela Reka run. Passionate skiers can be sure that this destination will provide everything they dream of when they think of winter and skiing because, in addition to all the fun daily activities, the magic continues on the night ski trails. Kopaonik is one of the safest and most attractive ski centres, and this is why it hosted one of the most prestigious competitions in early 2021. The World Ski Federation recognised the potential of the largest ski resort in Serbia and awarded SERBIA

malnu bezbednost. Kada krenete na stazu, idete pod punom opremom, što podrazumeva bandanu, zaštitnu masku za lice koja vas štiti od hladnoće i snega, a ujedno štiti i od prenošenja virusa, zatim tu su rukavice kao nezaobilazni rekvizit, naočare za skijanje i kaciga. Trenutno ne postoji bolje mesto za bezbedan ali i maksimalan turistički doživljaj od ski centra centara u Srbiji – Kopaonik, Tornik (Zlatibor), Stara Planina.


Idealna turistička destinacija koja nam dozvoljava da dišemo punim plućima i da uz omiljene zimske aktivnosti pružimo sebi odmor za dušu i telo. Skijaško prostranstvo na više od 60 kilometara perfektno uređenih staza, pružaju mogućnost da uživate u omiljenim zimskim aktivnostima. Ski centar Kopaonik iz godine u godinu raste i posetiocima pruža bezbroj mogućnosti. Planina Sunca, kako je inače zovu, nudi idealne uslove za odmor na snegu sa više od 200 sunčanih dana godišnje. Ukoliko volite da osetite škripu snega pod nogama ili ste pak za neku ludu avanturu, ovo mesto je kao stvoreno za vas. Kopaonik predstavlja najveći i najmoderniji ski centar u Jugoistočnoj Evropi. I neprestano se razvija. Samo poslednje dve godine, dobio je čak četiri nove staze, ali i najsavremeniju gondolu koja povezuje podnožje planine sa samim centrom skijališta, heliodrom kao i proširenje veštačkog osnežavanja i na stazu Bela reka. Strastveni skijaši mogu da budu sigurni da će im ova destinacija pružiti sve ono o čemu maštaju kada pomisle na zimu i skijanje, jer pored svih dnevnih čarolija, magija se nastavlja i na noćnim


Skijanje i snowbording su jedini sportovi na svetu koju pružaju maksimalnu bezbednost. Kada krenete na stazu, idete pod punom opremom, što podrazumeva bandanu, zaštitnu masku za lice koja vas štiti od hladnoće i snega, a ujedno štiti i od prenošenja virusa, zatim tu su rukavice kao nezaobilazni rekvizit, naočare za skijanje i kaciga.

The Tornik Ski Centre is located at the altitude of 1,110 – 1,490 metres above sea level, 9 km from the tourist centre of Zlatibor. Tornik offers top quality ski runs which are also serviced by a snowmaking system, meaning that this ski centre is no longer weather dependant.

the organisation the European Cup for Women, which was held between 22 and 26 February 2021. On Kopaonik, investment was made in the development of new runs, including lighting them, expanding the snowmaking system, the garage, the double ski lift at Marijine Vode, and the installation of an adventure park, an artificial slope, a heliport, and other projects. Activities on the snow are very important for the preservation of a healthy body and a happy mind, but Kopaonik also offers a wide range of entertainment opportunities. Adrenaline-rush activities, snow groomer tours, night skiing and sledging, and an unforgettable night out after working on your muscles are just some of the reasons why you will always want to come back to this snow-covered beauty.


If you decide to treat yourself to a true winter holiday, Mount Zlatibor and the modern ski resort of Tornik is the way to go. This mountain offers everything that the modern-day guest expects, and the most sought-after advantages of the destination in the new normal include the colourful winter terrains and runs, the healthy environment with a wind rose over a sun-washed plateau, premium accommodation with all the expected safety measures for guests and services in modern facilities at reasonable prices. You will find all of this here, on what is officially the most popular mountain in Serbia, at the summit of enjoyment and Serbian tourism. This beautiful mountain, the capital of Serbian tourism, is one of the most visited locations in the country, both during the summer and the winter.


stazama. Da je Kopaonik jedan od najbezbednijih i najatraktivnijih ski centara svedoči i to da će baš ovaj ski centar biti domaćin jednom od prestižnih takmičenja i to početkom 2022.godine. Svetska skijaška federacija je prepoznala potencijal srpskog najvećeg skijališta i dodelila mu organizaciju Evropa kupa za skijašice, koji je će se održati u februaru 2022. godine. Pored toga, svi najznačajniji turistički subjekti iz oblasti planinskog turizma biće doe konferencije „Moresce“ koja će se na Kopaoniku održati krajem marta 2022. godine. Kad je Kopaonik u pitanju, ulagano je u izgradnju gondole Brzeće-Mali Karaman, izgradnju novih staza, osvetljenje staza, proširenje sistema za veštačko osnežavanje, garažu, dupli ski lift u Marinim vodama, avantura park, veštačku stazu, heliodrom i druge projekte.. Kad je Kopaonik u pitanju, ulagano je u izgradnju gondole Brzeće-Mali Karaman, izgradnju novih staza, osvetljenje staza, proširenje sistema za veštačko osnežavanje, garažu, dupli ski lift u Marinim vodama, avantura park, veštačku stazu, heliodrom i druge projekte. I pored toga što su aktivnosti na snegu veoma važne za očuvanje zdravog tela i vedrog duha, Kopaonik nudi širok spektar uživanja i zabave. Adrenalinski sadržaji, razgledanje planine taksi tabačem, noćno skijanje i sankanje i nezaboravan provod nakon jačanja mišića još jednom će potvrditi zašto se ovoj snežnoj lepotici uvek vraćamo.


Owing to its exceptional beauty, featuring extensive mountain meadows interspersed with mountain springs, its typical climate and its native air currents, its harmonious connection between forests and vast meadows and its numerous sunny days per year, not to mention beautiful ski slopes, Zlatibor has grown into a famous mountain tourist centre with the longest tradition in Serbia. The Tornik Ski Centre is located at the altitude of 1,110 – 1,490 metres above sea level, 9 km from the tourist centre of Zlatibor. Tornik offers top quality ski runs which are also serviced by a snowmaking system, meaning that this ski centre is no longer weather dependant. Tornik Ski Centre also offers adrenaline-rush activities, which, just like the cable car, can be used in both the summer and the winter, and provides immense fun and excitement to all who decide to try it out.


The fascinating beauty of its pristine nature makes Stara Planina the most beautiful mountain in east Serbia and is one of its most valuable tourist sites. It is area of natural heritage of extraordinary importance and is a protected national park. One of the most beautiful Serbian mountains hides many curiosities that make it a favourite winter destination, since it has a snow cover for nearly five months of every year. With the construction of the cable car system and ski trails, and other infrastructure, Stara Planina has quickly become one of the most popular ski centres in Serbia, particularly among those ski enthusiasts who enjoy high-quality skiing in an environment of immense beauty and spectacular SERBIA


Ako se odlučite da ove zime vašem organizmu pružite istinski zimski odmor, planina Zlatibor sa modernim skijalištem Tornik je pravo rešenje. Ova planina spojila je sve ono što savremeni gost očekuje, a što su u „novoj normalnosti“ najtraženiji aduti destinacije: sadržajne zimske terene i staze, zdravu prirodu s “ružom vetrova” na osunčanoj visoravni, vrhunski smeštaj sa svim merama bezbednosti za svoje goste i usluge u moderno uređenim objektima uz prihvatljive cene. Sve to na jednom mestu, zvanično najposećenijoj planini Srbije, na vrhu uživanja i srpskog turizma. Ova planinska lepotica, prestonica srpskog turizma, jedna je od najposećenih kako tokom leta, tako i tokom zime. Zahvaljujući izuzetnoj lepoti, prostranim proplancima ispresecanim planinskim potocima, karakterističnoj klimi i vazdušnim strujanjima koja se mogu naći samo ovde, harmoničnom odnosu između pošumljenih predela i prostranih livada, velikom broju sunčanih dana u godini i prelepim skijaškim terenima, Zlatibor se razvio u čuveni planinski turistički centar sa najdužom tradicijom u Srbiji. Ski centar „Tornik" nalazi se na nadmorskoj visini od 1.110 - 1.490m, 9 km od turističkog centra Zlatibor. Tornik poseduje ski staze vrhunskog kvaliteta, koje su pokrivene i sistemom za veštačko osnežavanje, tako da ovaj ski centar više ne zavisi od vremenskih uslova. U ski centru Tornik nalaze se i adrenalinske atrakcije koje, kao i sama žičara, mogu da se koriste i u letnjem i u zimskom periodu godine i pruža neizmerno zadovoljstvo i uzbuđenje svima koji odluče da ih isprobaju.


Na nadmorskoj visini od 1.758 m skijaše i ljubitelje zimskih sportova oduševiće jedan od najlepših krajolika Stare planine -“Babin zub”. Markantne stene Babinog zuba završavaju se jugozapadno Midžora (nadmorske visine 2.169 m), najvišeg vrha Stare planine i Srbije.

At an altitude of 1,758 metres above sea level, skiers and winter sports enthusiasts will be delighted by one of the most beautiful landscapes of Stara Planina – the mountain peak of Babin Zub. The striking rock formations of Babin Zub end southwest of Midžor (2,169 metres above sea level)…

scenery. At an altitude of 1,758 metres above sea level, skiers and winter sports enthusiasts will be delighted by one of the most beautiful landscapes of Stara Planina – the mountain peak of Babin Zub. The striking rock formations of Babin Zub end southwest of Midžor (2,169 metres above sea level), the highest peak in both Stara Planina and in Serbia. The ski centre offers 13 kilometres of slopes adapted to all categories of skiers, as well as special training slopes for beginners and kids. Stara Planina also has a snowmaking system so that the visitors can enjoy winter sports even in the absence of natural snow. Winter hedonists will particularly enjoy the endless white slopes and landscapes, the fresh and crisp air, and the peace that the snow-covered and sunbathed mountains provide. This is exactly what the Serbian mountains offer everyone who decides to finally spend their holiday in one of the most magical and romantic environments in Europe. We will do all we can to make sure you are both safe and relaxed during your stay. @skijalistasrbije



Fascinantna lepota netaknute prirode čini Staru planinu najlepšom planinom istočnog dela Srbije i jednim od njenih najvrednijih turističkih prostora. Ona predstavlja prirodno bogatstvo izvanrednog značaja i zaštićeni je park prirode. Jedna od najlepših srpskih planina krije brojne zanimljivosti koje je svrstavaju u omiljene zimske destinacije s obzirom da je skoro pet meseci godišnje pod snegom. Izgradnjom sistema žičara i ski staza, smeštajnih kapaciteta kao i druge infrastrukture, Stara planina je veoma brzo postala jedan od rado biranih skijaških centara u Srbiji, posebno namenjen ljubiteljima skijaških sportova i kvalitetnog skijanja u okruženju neizmerne lepote i netaknute prirode. Na nadmorskoj visini od 1.758 m skijaše i ljubitelje zimskih sportova oduševiće jedan od najlepših krajolika Stare planine -“Babin zub”. Markantne stene Babinog zuba završavaju se jugozapadno Midžora (nadmorske visine 2.169 m), najvišeg vrha Stare planine i Srbije. Sadržaj skijaškog centra čini 13 kilometara staza prilagođenih za sve kategorije skijaša, a tu su i posebne staze za obuku skijaša početnika i dece. Pored toga, u ski centru Stara planina postoji sistem za veštačko osnežavanje, kako bi, i u slučaju nedostatka prirodnog snega, posetioci centra mogli da uživaju u zimskim sportovima. Zimski hedonisti vole da uživaju u beskrajnim belim stazama i pejzažima, svežem i oštrom vazduhu i u miru koje planina okovana snegom i obasjana blagim suncem pruža. Upravo je to ono što srpske planine nude svima koji ove zime odluče da konačno provedu svoj odmor u jednom od najdivnijih i najromantičnijih ambijenta u Evropi. Mi ćemo se potruditi da budete bezbedni i spokojni. THE COLLECTION

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Kolašin Ski Resorts Becoming One



Ski Center Kolašin 1450, with 19 kilometres of slopes, is just the first stop on your trip. At an altitude of 1600 metres above sea level sits Ski Centre Kolašin 1600, which currently offers 20 kilometres of active slopes, and as of the 2021/2022 season, these two ski centres will be connected and skiers will have about 40km of ski slopes.

At an altitude of nearly a thousand metres above sea level, set between the mountain ranges of Bjelasica, Lake Biograd, and the last surviving virgin forest in Europe, stands the town of Kolašin. The town is home to only nine thousand inhabitants, but is visited by more than fifty thousand tourists a year.


olašin is a town that is a perfect year-round destination – in the summer, the Biogradska Gora National Park is particularly attractive, located just outside Kolašin, as are the mountaineering or hiking tours on the peaks of Mount Bjelasica. In the wintertime, Kolašin turns into a ski centre. It has two ski resorts that were named after the altitudes they were built at. Ski Center Kolašin 1450, with 19 kilometres of slopes, is just the first stop on your trip. At an altitude of 1600 metres above sea level sits Ski Centre Kolašin 1600, which currently offers 20 kilometres of active slopes, and as of the 2021/2022 season, these two ski centres will be connected and skiers will have about 40km of ski slopes. It is planned to connect the two Kolašin Ski Centers with the Jelovica – Berane Ski Center in the coming years, which when combined, will provide more than 125 kilometres of accessible slopes. Over the next 10 years, three more ski resorts will be developed and connected on Mount Bjelasica: Žarski in Mojkovac, and Cmiljača and Torine in Bijelo Polje, with around 120 km of additional slopes; this will result in combined total accessible slopes of more than 250 km on Mount Bjelasica.


Doživite Bjelasicu Proces integracije kolašinskih skijališta završen Na skoro hiljadu metara nadmorske visine, između planinskih lanaca Bjelasice, Biogradskog jezera i posljednje očuvane prašume u Evropi, nalazi se Kolašin. Grad koji broji svega 9 hiljada stanovnika, ali preko 50 hiljada turista godišnje. Kolašin je grad koji se može pohvaliti cjelogodišnjom turističkom ponudom – ljeti je posebno atraktivno posjetiti Nacionalni park Biogradska gora, koji se nalazi nadomak Kolašina, otići na planinarske ili hiking ture po vrhovima Bjelasice. Zimi, Kolašin postaje skijaški centar. Raspolaže sa dva skijališta koja su nazive dobila po nadmorskim visinama na kojima se nalaze. Skijalište Kolašin 1450, koje posjeduje 19 km skijaških staza, samo je prva stanica na vašem putovanju. Na visini od 1600 m nalazi se Ski centar Kolašin 1600, koji u ovom trenutku broji 20 km spremnih staza, a od 2021/2022 sezone, ova dva skijališta će biti povezana i skijaši će na raspolaganju imati oko 40 km staza. Planirano je da se u narednim godinama kolašinska skijališta povezu sa skijalištem Jelovica - Berane i zajedno će raspolagati sa više od 120km uređenih staza. U narednih 10 godina, planiran je razvoj još tri THE COLLECTION

All of this, along with continuous investment in infrastructure and the development of new amenities and attractions will make Bjelasica and Kolašin highly ranked on the map of European skiing destinations. The attractiveness of the resorts is further enhanced by the fact that these locations have been recording more than one hundred skiing days annually for the past several years. The rapid development of Bjelasica and Kolašin started with the development of the master-plan for the entire mountain resort planned on Bjelasica, which was created by the renowned Canadian company Ecosign. Ecosign Mountain Resort Planners Ltd (“ecological design”) is one of the most innovative and experienced companies that plan mountain resorts all over the world that has worked on more than 400 different mountain resort projects in 42 countries around the globe and they have a reputation of being successful in the design of new resorts and redesign and renovation of some of the oldest and best-known ski resorts in Europe such as Zermatt in Switzerland; Courchevel in France, and St. Anton in Austria. The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate all the potential locations for the development of year-round mountain resorts, and to stimulate investment by strengthening and preserving the unique character of the area. And this was a success. With the construction of new hotels and luxury resorts in Kolašin, offering accommodation provided by existing and worldrenowned brands, we believe that the demand for skiing in this part of Europe will be significantly MONTENEGRO

skijališta na Bjelasici, koja će biti međusobno povezana i to Žarski u Mojkovcu, Cmiljača i Torine u Bijelom Polju i koja će brojati oko 120 km staza, što će rezultirati kombinovanom dužinom skijaških staza na Bjelasici od preko 250 km. Sve navedeno, uz kontinuirane investicije u infrastrukturu i unaprjeđenje ponude, čini da Bjelasica i Kolašin budu visoko kotirani na mapi ski centara Evrope. A u prilog tome govore i podaci da ova skijališta već nekoliko godina bilježe i preko stotinu skijaških dana. Ubrzani razvoj Bjelasice i Kolašina krenuo je sa izradom glavnog master-plana za cijelo planinsko naselje planirano na Bjelasici, koji je uradila renomirana kanadska kompanija Ecosign. Ecosign Mountain Resort Planners Ltd (“ecological design”) važi za jednu od najinovativnijih i najiskusnijih kompanija za planiranje planinskih rizorta širom svijeta koja je radila na više od 400 različitih projekata planinskih rizorta u 42 zemlje svijeta i stekla je reputaciju uspješne u dizajnu novih rizorta kao i za redizajn i renoviranje nekih od najstarijih i najpoznatijih ski rizorta u Europi, kao što su Zermatt, Švajcarska; Courchevel, Francuska i St. Anton u Austriji. Cilj ove studije bio je da se identifikuju i procijene sve potencijalne lokacije za razvoj cjelogodišnjih planinskih rizorta, te da se kroz jačanje i očuvanje jedinstvenog karaktera prostora, stimulišu investicije. I to je urodilo plodom. Izgradnjom novih hotela i rizorta visoke kategorije u Kolašinu, uz postojeće i dobro poznate brendove vjerujemo da će se po-


Zimi, Kolašin postaje skijaški centar. Raspolaže sa dva skijališta koja su nazive dobila po nadmorskim visinama na kojima se nalaze. Skijalište Kolašin 1450, koje posjeduje 19 km skijaških staza, samo je prva stanica na vašem putovanju. Na visini od 1600 m nalazi se Ski centar Kolašin 1600, koji u ovom trenutku broji 20 km spremnih staza, a od 2021/2022 sezone, ova dva skijališta će biti povezana i skijaši će na raspolaganju imati oko 40 km staza.

Grand Chalet

Grand Chalet Hotel, with its Annex will be a 4* hotel, located right next to the ski slope, with a total capacity of 116 accommodation units. It is expected that the construction of this condo hotel will be completed by the summer of 2023.

boosted. And with development of infrastructure, and opening of section of hightway between Kolašin and Podgorica by beginning of 2022, the resorts in Kolašin will become the nearest ski resorts in Europe to an international airport, since Podgorica Airport will be reachable by car in just 35 minutes, instead of the current 90 minutes. We are certain that a significant share of the market, which used to be focused on other mountain centres, will therefore turn its attention to Kolašin.

tražnja za ovim dijelom Evrope višestruko povećati. A uz razvoj infrastrukture, i otvaranje dionice autoputa Kolašin – Podgorica početkom 2022. godine Ski rizorti u Kolašinu postaju jedini u Evropi koji imaju tako brzu konekciju sa internacionalnim aerodromom u Podgorici do kojeg će se automobilom stići za svega 35 minuta, umjesto dosadašnjih 90 minuta. Uvjereni smo da će se značajan dio tržišta, koji je do sada bio orjentisan ka drugim planinskim centrima, fokusirati na Kolašin.



Ski Centre Kolašin 1450 is the first developed ski centre in Montenegro and offers a broad range of services including the latest ski lifts, ski rental services, a ski depot, a skiing school, and so on. The ski center, named after the altitude of its base station (1450 m above sea level), is just 15 minutes away from the centre of Kolašin. Thanks to its altitude, the ski center area is considered to be a clean air spa and a remarkable year-round holiday destination. In Kolašin 1450, it is envisaged to build five hotels, five residential buildings with apartments, 45 family villas, along with restaurants, maintenance facilities, rental of ski equipment, etc. and by 2023, it is planned to open 3 hotels and 4 family villas.


Grand Chalet Hotel with its Annex will be a 4* hotel, located right next to the ski slope, with a total capacity of 116 accommodation units. It is expected that the construction of this condo hotel will be completed by the summer of 2023.


Skijalište Kolašin 1450 je prvi razvijeni ski centar u Crnoj Gori i nudi širok spektar usluga uključujući najnovije ski liftove, iznajmljivanje ski opreme, ski depo, ski školu i drugo. Skijalište, koje je dobilo ime po svojoj baznoj stanici (1450mnv), udaljeno je svega 15 minuta od grada Kolašina. Zahvaljujući nadmorskoj visini, područje skijališta je vazdušna banja i izvanredna turistička destinacija za odmor tokom cijele godine. U naselju Kolašin 1450 planirana je izgradnja pet hotela, pet stambenih zgrada sa apartmanima, 45 porodičnih vila, te restorani, objekti za održavanje, iznajmljivanje skijaške opreme itd, a do 2023. godine predviđeno je otvaranje 3 hotela i 4 porodične vile.


U neposrednoj blizini skijaške staze, nalaziće se Grand Chalet Hotel sa svojim depadansom, koji će biti kategorije 4*, sa ukupnim kapacitetom od 116 smještajnih jedinica. Završetak izgradnje ovog hotela, koji će poslovati po kondo modelu, planiran je THE COLLECTION

Grand Chalet

In accordance with Montenegrin law, the units which are part of a condo hotel could be sold to individuals and investors. In addition to the accommodation capacities, the hotel will feature a restaurant, two commercial areas, an aperitif bar, ski rental services, and other amenities. The hotel will also be suitable for the organisation of various MICE events. The main hotel building will have 65 accommodation units, with surface areas ranging from 37.36 sqm to 83.92sqm, whereas the annex will consist of 51 accommodation units, ranging from 31.43sqm to 143.25sqm. Considering the hotel’s natural surroundings, special attention has been paid to its appearance and the materials used in its construction, focusing on blending the exterior in with the natural environment. The investor is still negotiating with a renowned hotel group about the choice of the appropriate hotel brand for this hotel. The construction of the hotel is progressing according to plan. It is our pleasure to announce that sales are going well, and that many accommodation units have already been sold. With the selection of the hotel operator, our goal is to an impact not only the promotion of our hotel, but to put Kolašin and Bjelasica on the map of ski centres and luxury destinations in the region and in Europe as a whole, says the Director of Ski Resort Kolašin 1450, Milica Šćepanović.

za ljeto 2023. godine. Shodno crnogorskom zakonu, jedinice koje su dio hotela koji posluje po kondo modelu, mogu se prodavati pojedincima i investitorima. Pored smještajnih kapaciteta, hotel će sadržati restoran, dva prodajna prostora, aperitiv bar, skijašnicu itd. Hotel će biti pogodan i za organizaciju različitih MICE događaja. Glavna zgrada hotela imaće 65 smještajnih jedinica, čije se površine kreću od 37,36 m2 do 83,92m2, dok će se depadans sastojati od 51 stambene jedinice, veličine od 31,43m2 do 143,25m2. Vodeći računa o prirodnom ambijentu u kojem se hotel nalazi, posebna pažnja posvećena je izgledu i materijalima koji se koriste prilikom izgradnje ovog objekta, sa akcentom da njegov spoljašnji izgled bude uklopljen u prirodno okruženje. Investitor je još uvijek u fazi pregovora sa poznatom hotelskom grupom u vezi sa odabirom odgovarajućeg hotelskog brenda za ovaj hotel. Radovi na izgradnji hotela napreduju planiranom dinamikom. Zadovoljstvo nam je što možemo naglasiti da prodaja ide izuzetno dobro, te da je prodat veliki broj smještajnih jedinica. Cilj nam je da izborom operatera utičemo ne samo na promociju našeg hotela, već i da pozicioniramo Kolašin i Bjelasicu na mapi ski centara i luksuznih destinacija kako regiona tako i Evrope, istakla je direktorka Ski Resort Kolašin 1450, Milica Šćepanović.

Za više informacija pozovite +382 68 586 650 ili posjetite

For more info contact us +382 68 586 650 or visit MONTENEGRO


Ski Center Kolašin 1450 is the first developed ski centre in Montenegro and offers a broad range of services including the latest ski lifts, ski rental services, a ski depot, a skiing school, and so on. The ski resort, named after the altitude of its base station (1450 m above sea level), is just 15 minutes away from the centre of Kolašin.

Swissotel Resort Kolašin

Swissotel Resort Kolasin located at the highest settlement of Bjelasica will welcome first guests by the end of year 2022. The newly built facility will offer 116 modern, outstanding and comfortable rooms providing a truly astonishing experience.


Ski Resort Kolašin 1600 will be located across the northern part of Mount Bjelasica, in the heart of an unspoilt wilderness, at 1600 metres above sea level. The resort will include 10 facilities with a total of 951 units, and 28 family villas, with construction being implemented in four stages. SWISSÔTEL RESORT KOLAŠIN set to open in winter 2022, will be located at the highest settlement on Bjelasica. The newly built facility will offer 116 modern, outstanding and comfortable rooms providing a truly astonishing experience. Guests will be able to enjoy the sophisticated restaurant, the aperitif bar, a spa area, a business space and a ski room. Located at 1600m above sea level, right next to the ski slope, Swissôtel Resort Kolasin will perfectly blend in with the spectacular surrounding landscape. The hotel's design completely integrates it into the natural environment, ensuring the luxurious atmosphere of the resort and demonstrating the essence of Swissotel’s natural vitality.


South East Europe is full of hidden tourist gems and natural treasures that we are proud to help unveil to international tourists from all over the world. Thanks to this great partnership, we are delighted to bring our premium Swissôtel brand to the fairy-tale destination of Montenegro. Swissôtel Resort Kolašin will provide guests with a truly



Ski Resort Kolašin 1600 će se nalaziti u sjevernom dijelu planine Bjelasice, u srcu netaknute divljine, na 1600 metara nadmorske visine. Resort će obuhvatati 10 objekata sa ukupno 951 jedinicom, kao i 28 porodičnih vila i biće realizovan kroz četiri faze. SWISSÔTEL RESORT KOLAŠIN koji će biti otvoren u zimskoj sezoni 2022, nalazi se na najvišem naselju na Bjelasici. Novoizgrađeni objekat će ponuditi 116 modernih, izvanrednih i komfornih soba koje pružaju istinski zadivljujući doživljaj. Gosti će moći da uživaju u prefinjenom restoranu, aperitiv baru, spa centru, poslovnom prostoru i skijašnici. Smješten na 1600m nadmorske visine, pored ski staze, Swissôtel Resort Kolašin će biti savršeno uklopljen u spektakularni pejzaž. Dizajn hotela se u potpunosti nadovezuje na prirodni ambijent obezbjeđujući rizortu atmosferu luksuza i suštinu prirodne vitalnosti Swissotela.


Jugoistočna Europa puna je skrivenih turističkih dragulja i prirodnog blaga i mi sa ponosom pomažemo da se oni otkriju turistima iz cijelog svijeta. Zahvaljujući ovom izvanrednom partnerstvu, sa velikim zadovoljstvom dovodimo naš vrhunski brend Swissôtel na bajkovitu destinaciju Crnu Goru. Swissôtel Resort Kolašin pružiće gostima zaista vrhunski ugođaj zahvaljujući svojoj lokaciji, luksuznom dizajnu i predanosti spektakularnom prirodnom okruženju. Planine će definisati ugođaj u hotelu i njegovo uređenje, omogućavajući gostima da prigrle prirodnu vitalnost Swissôtela - kaže Dilek Sezer, direktor razvoja u Accoru za jugoistočTHE COLLECTION

Swissotel Resort Kolašin

premium experience thanks to its location, luxurious design, and its commitment to its spectacular natural environment. The mountains will define the hotel’s experience and its design, enabling guest to embrace the natural vitality of Swissôtel - says Dilek Sezer, Development Director – South Eastern Europe Accor. Due to the great interest and sale of the first hotel, we started with the construction of a new facility, the annex of this hotel, which will have 85 units. The construction of this facility started in October 2021, and is expected to be finalised in time for the 2023/24 season. Hotel Q will feature a set of amenities that will contribute to a higher occupancy rate and the successful positioning of the hotel on the market, while providing different opportunities to the hotel guests, so as to make their stay here comfortable and the experience in the hotel as pleasant as possible. The hotel will also follow the condo model, and the sale of units has already started. The available units include studios, one bedroom, and two bedroom apartments with surface areas of between 27.40 sqm and 65.35 sqm. The most interesting aspect of the hotels is their premium location – staying at 1600 metres above sea level, next to the ski slope, which is a rare opportunity. Guests will be able to get to the ski slope in just a few minutes and join other skiers or to simply enjoy the view from their balconies.

nu Evropu. Zbog velikog interesovanja i prodaje prvog hotela, otpočeli smo sa gradnjom novog objekta, depadansa ovog hotela, koji će raspolagati sa 85 jedinica. Izgradnja ovog objekta započela je u oktobru 2021. godine, a njegov završetak je planiran u sezoni 2023/24. Hotel Q će uključivati i set pratećih sadržaja koji bi trebalo da doprinesu boljoj popunjenosti kapaciteta i uspješnom pozicioniranju ovog objekta na tržištu, uz istovremeno pružanje različitih mogućnosti gostima hotela, kako bi njihov boravak u ovom objektu bio što udobniji, a iskustvo u vezi sa hotelom bilo što prijatnije i potpunije. Objekat će takođe poslovati po condo modelu, a prodaja jedinica je već uveliko otpočela. U ponudi se nalaze studio, jednosobni i dvosobni apartmani sa površinama od 27,40 m2 do 65,35 m2. Najzanimljivija činjenica o pomenutim hotelima je njihova premium lokacija – na 1600 m nadmorske visine, pored ski staze, što je i sama rijetkost. Gosti će imati priliku da pri samom izlasku iz hotela pristupe ski stazi i pridruže se ostalim skijašima ili jednostavno uživaju u pogledu sa svojih balkona.

Za više informacija kontaktirajte +382 67 712 333 [email protected] ili posjetite

For more info contact us via [email protected] and +382 67 712 333 or visit MONTENEGRO


Swissôtel Resort Kolašin koji se nalazi na najvišem naselju na Bjelasici, će prve goste primiti do kraja 2022. godine. Novoizgrađeni objekat će ponuditi 116 modernih, izvanrednih i komfornih soba koje pružaju istinski zadivljujući doživljaj.


One step closer to the heights without limits! Experience an adventure on Mount Bjelasica! Get in touch with your free spirit while skiing or boarding at the one of the coolest ski centres in the region! Ski Centre Kolašin 1600 offers 2 state-of-the-art six-seaters, and together with neighbouring Ski Center Kolašin 1450, starting this season, offers a network of 45 kilometres of magnificent ski slopes, a 5-star restaurant, café bar, ski rental, ski school and, most important, excellent vibes.

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Accommodation services Transfers within Montenegro for individuals and groups Outdoor activities on Bjelasica Mountain and the UNESCO protected Durmitor Mountain (skiing, snowboarding, touring, winter hiking, snowshoeing, snowmobiling…) Daily trips Team building activities MICE

Ski Resorts of Montenegro can offer full services from the moment the guest arrives in Montenegro until the guest’s departure. We can provide and organise:

Find me at my happy place! Ski Center Kolašin 1600 Tel: +382 63 444 555 instagram/skijalistacrnegore facebook/skicg YouTube · Skijalista Crne Gore

Always more to uncover.

Montenegro Wild Beauty



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The Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program has seen a considerable number of applications from dynamic, successful U.S. citizens, many of whom are high-powered Generation Xers, as reported by Henley & Partners, the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. In recent years, Montenegro has become an emergent economic hub, and its citizenship by investment program grants investors access to the European market as well as providing European citizenship in return for making a defined economic contribution to the country.



ontenegro’s highly sought-after program has an inbuilt real estate development requirement, providing an attractive add-on to the usual benefits of an additional citizenship — investors are likely to see excellent returns on their real estate investment due to the current property boom. The fact that Montenegro offers one of Europe’s most favorable tax regimes adds to its appeal to foreign business investors, who are not restricted on foreign ownership in the country. With its ease of access to major EU metropolises,


Američki tehnološki inovatori biraju Posebni program ulaganja Crne Gore za diversifikaciju svog državljanstva Crnogorski program sticanja državljanstva po osnovu ulaganja ima zavidan broj aplikacija dinamičnih, uspješnih državljana S.A.D. koji uglavnom pripadaju visoko osnaženoj Generaciji X, kako izvještava kompanija Henley & Partners, svjetski lider u oblasti sticanja prebivališta i državljanstva putem ulaganja. Poslednjih godina, Crna Gora postaje sve jači ekonomski centar, a crnogorski program sticanja državljanstva investitorima, uz evropsko državljanstvo, pruža i pristup evropskom tržištu, u zamjenu za definisan ekonomski doprinos u korist države.


Veoma traženi program sticanja državljanstva po osnovu ulaganja Crne Gore uključuje ulaganje u razvojni projekat. Uz sve uobičajene prednosti THE COLLECTION

Skadar Lake – just one example of the postcard perfect beauty of Montenegro

investors see Montenegro as an ideal, well-priced gateway to Europe and all the associated networking and business opportunities throughout the region. Montenegro is a recognized candidate for future membership of the EU, with 2025 as the target timeline for Montenegrin accession. According to the Henley Passport Index, Montenegro’s passport holders enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 123 destinations worldwide, including the countries in Europe’s Schengen Area, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, and the UAE.


Applicants to the Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program must make a minimum financial contribution of EUR 350,000 (minimum investment of EUR 250,000 and a donation of EUR 100,000 to the country), and in exchange, and subject to a stringent vetting and due diligence process including thorough background checks, they and their families are granted Montenegrin citizenship within three to five months. Rade Ljumović, Managing Partner at Henley & Partners in Montenegro, explains why the Montenegro Citizenship-by-Investment Program is an ideal investment opportunity. “When investors are weighing up their options, along with the financial MONTENEGRO

dodatnog državljanstva, procvat nekretnina znači da će investitori vjerovatno vidjeti odličan povrat ulaganja u hotele. Crna Gora nudi jedan od najpovoljnijih poreskih režima u Evropi, što doprinosi njenoj atraktivnosti u pogledu stranih investitora, s obzirom da nema ograničenja u pogledu stranog vlasništva. Zbog lakoće pristupa velikim metropolama EU, investitori vide Crnu Goru kao idealnu kapiju prema Evropi i pratećim prilikama za umrežavanje i biznis u cijelom regionu po pristupačnim cijenama. Crna Gora je prepoznat kandidat za buduće članstvo u Evropskoj Uniji, dok se 2025. godina navodi kao ciljni rok za crnogorsko pristupanje. Prema Henlijevom indeksu za pasoše, crnogorski pasoš omogućava svojim nosiocima bezvizni pristup ili vizu po prispjeću na 123 destinacije širom svijeta, uključujući zemlje evropske Šengen zone, kao i Hong Kong, Rusiju, Singapur, Tursku i UAE.


Aplikanti po Posebnom programu ulaganja od posebnog interesa za Crnu Goru dužni su da uplate finansijski doprinos u korist države, u iznosu od najmanje EUR 350,000 (investicija od najmanje EUR 250,000 u razvojni projekat i doprinos u izno-


Crna Gora je prepoznat kandidat za buduće članstvo u Evropskoj Uniji, dok se 2025. godina navodi kao ciljni rok za crnogorsko pristupanje. Prema Henlijevom indeksu za pasoše, crnogorski pasoš omogućava svojim nosiocima bezvizni pristup ili vizu po prispjeću na 123 destinacije širom svijeta, uključujući zemlje evropske Šengen zone, kao i Hong Kong, Rusiju, Singapur, Tursku i UAE.

A view over magnificient Old Town of Kotor, Boka Bay

Over the past 15 years, Montenegro has emerged as a key second-home and property-investor market in the Mediterranean. As a testament to this, in 2021 the mixed-use projects of Porto Montenegro and Luštica Bay recorded the strongest sales-absorption rates in the region. Montenegro is punching well above its weight, and successfully so. One of the reasons for this is Montenegro’s ability to cater to everyone.

requirements, passport strength, and processing time, they consider numerous other vital factors. They take into account the business environment and taxes, and if investing in real estate, the buoyancy of the property market. The state has, in the long run, created a strong and sustainable environment to accelerate the economy and digital society — an important factor for leading US innovators in the tech sphere, who are increasingly interested in Montenegro and whose real estate investment is just the start. More and more investors are choosing Montenegro because the country meets all these requirements and much more.” Over the past 15 years, Montenegro has emerged as a key second-home and property-investor market in the Mediterranean. As a testament to this, in 2021 the mixed-use projects of Porto Montenegro and Luštica Bay recorded the strongest sales-absorption rates in the region. Montenegro is punching well above its weight, and successfully so. One of the reasons for this is Montenegro’s ability to cater to everyone. Investors can choose from glamorous seaside resorts to new hotels in the north. For those who prefer the coast, the spectacular bays are being transformed into a high-end destination that is attracting ultra-high-net-worth individuals seeking primary and second homes — discerning investors with sharp eyes for potential.


su od EUR 100,000 Vladi Crne Gore). U zamjenu za to, nakon prolaska kroz strogi postupak odobravanja i međunarodne provjere, koja uključuje temeljnu pozadinsku provjeru, aplikanti i njihove porodice dobijaju crnogorsko državljanstvo u roku od tri do pet mjeseci. Rade Ljumović, partner direktor u kompaniji Henley & Partners u Crnoj Gori, objašnjava zašto crnogorski program predstavlja idealnu priliku za investiciju. „Pored finansijskih uslova, jačine pasoša, i trajanje procesa apliciranja, investitori sagledaju i brojne druge važne faktore prilikom razmatranja opcija za investicije. Uzimaju u obzir poslovno okruženje i poreze, a ako investiraju u nepokretnost, aktivnost i rast tržišta nekretnina. Država je dugoročno kreirala snažno i održivo okruženje za ubrzanje ekonomije i digitalnog društva — važan faktor za vodeće američke inovatore u tehnološkoj sferi, koji se sve više interesuju za Crnu Goru i čija su ulaganja u nekretnine tek početak. Investitori sve češće biraju Crnu Goru jer država ispunjava ove uslove.“ U poslednjih 15 godina, Crna Gora se pojavljuje kao novo ključno tržište za ulaganje u nekretnine i drugi dom na Mediteranu. Tokom 2021. godine, projekti Porto Montenegro i Luštica Bay, koji posluju po mješovitom modelu, zabilježili su najveću stopu prodaje i apsorpcije u regionu. Crna Gora uspješno prevazilazi svoje mogućnosti. Jedan od razloga koji to omogućavaju je sposobnost Crne Gore da pruži adekvatnu ponudu svima. Investitori mogu da biraju između glamuroznih rizorta na moru, do THE COLLECTION


The Montenegro Citizenship by Investment Program was developed by the Government of Montenegro and was launched in October 2019 as part of its ongoing efforts to attract foreign direct investment and increase economic activity in the country. The positive impact of the resulting boost in sovereign equity and investment inflows are already evident. In addition to boosting fiscal health and economic growth, the debt-free liquidity will enable the country to become more competitive and its economy to become more sustainable, which will result in greater autonomy. This enhanced sovereign equity will result in Montenegro being less dependent on foreign lending and better able to drive national resources to where they are needed most. For ordinary citizens, the benefits will be felt in greater employment opportunities, better social services, and improved infrastructure and education. Investors are looking keenly to the future, anticipating how Montenegro will evolve over the next five or so years to produce increasingly attractive yields.


With over 35 offices worldwide and a local office in Montenegro, Henley & Partners’ experienced global team is best placed to guide you through your citizenship journey. Visit to find out more, or contact the firm’s expert advisors on +382 20 674 074, or e-mail [email protected]

“ Država je dugoročno kreirala snažno i održivo okruženje za ubrzanje ekonomije i digitalnog društva — važan faktor za vodeće američke inovatore u tehnološkoj sferi, koji se sve više interesuju za Crnu Goru i čija su ulaganja u nekretnine tek početak. "


novih hotela na sjeveru, čija popularnost raste. Za one koji preferiraju morsku obalu, spektakularni zalivi se transformišu u vrhunske destinacije i privlače ličnosti ultra visoke neto vrijednosti koji su u potrazi za primarnom i sekundarnom bazom – razborite investitore koji prepoznaju potencijal.


U oktobru 2019. godine, crnogorska Vlada je uvela program sticanja državljanstva po osnovu ulaganja u sastavu svojih kontinuiranih napora da privuče strane direktne investicije i poveća ekonomsku aktivnost unutar države. Pozitivni uticaj rezultirajućeg porasta slobodnog kapitala i investicionih prihoda su već osjetni. Uz podizanje finansijske stabilnosti i ekonomskog rasta, likvidnost bez zaduživanja će omogućiti državi da postane konkurentnija i njenoj ekonomiji da postane održivija, što će rezultirati u značajnijoj autonomiji. Porast slobodnog kapitala će rezultirati u manjoj zavisnosti Crne Gore od stranih pozajmica i pružiti joj mogućnost da bolje usmjeri državne resurse tamo gdje su najpotrebniji. Za državljane, prednosti će biti proširenje opcija zaposlenja, boljim društvenim uslugama, kao i poboljšana infrastruktura i obrazovanje. Investitori gledaju ka budućnosti, iščekujući kako će se Crna Gora razvijati tokom sledećih 5 godina i dalje da bi proizvela uslove za sve privlačnije povrate.


Sa preko 35 kancelarija širom svijeta i lokalnom kancelarijom u Crnoj Gori, Henley & Partners tim visoko kvalifikovanih profesionalaca je u najboljoj poziciji da Vas vodi na putu ka državljanstvu. Posjetite da biste saznali više, ili kontaktirajte stručne savjetnike naše kompanije putem broja telefona +382 20 674 074, ili e-mail adrese [email protected]






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Lala Vineyard Glamping Resort THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN SERBIA



Located in Sremski Karlovci, Lala Vineyard glamping resort is just 45 minutes from Serbia’s Nikola Tesla International Airport, 50 minutes from Belgrade and only 20 minutes away from Novi Sad.

Overlooking the Danube, amongst vineyards and orchards and minutes away from Fruska Gora National Park, the firstever Glamping Resort in Serbia opened its doors this year to its first guests.


ocated in Sremski Karlovci, Lala Vineyard Glamping Resort is just 45 minutes from Serbia’s Nikola Tesla International Airport, 50 minutes from Belgrade and only 20 minutes away from Novi Sad. Nestled between vines and fruit trees, four beautifully designed safari tents provide a unique retreat experience. Their architecture and earthy tones blend gently with the surrounding colours leaving a minimal impact on the environment. Each tent is equipped with central heating and air conditioning, a king size bed, a private bathroom with a shower, biodegradable cosmetics, a kettle and a Nespresso coffee-machine, a fridge and a mini bar. The private covered terraces extend the guests’ living space outside, providing a connection with nature and an opportunity to de-stress while enjoying the breathtaking view that changes throughout the seasons.


Set in its own vineyard and overlooking the famous neighbouring vineyards of Sremski Karlovci, Lala Vineyard’s guests can experience and enjoy the 18 centuries old traditions of winemaking at the nearby wineries. A favourite site of the Roman Em-


Lala Vineyard Glamping Resort – prvo ove vrste u Srbiji

Udaljeno samo nekoliko minuta od Nacionalnog parka Fruška gora, ušuškano u vinograde i voćnjake i sa pogledom ka Dunavu, prvog glamping rizorta u Srbiji je ove godine otvorilo vrata prvim gostima. Lala Vineyard Glamping Resort se nalazi u Sremskim Karlovcima i udaljeno je samo 45 minuta od međunarodnog aerodroma Nikola Tesla, 50 minuta od Beograda i samo 20 minuta od Novog Sada. Četiri luksuzno dizajnirana safari šatora, smeštena usred vinograda i voćnjaka, pružaju jedinstveno iskustvo za odmor. Njihova arhitektonska forma i zemljani tonovi suptilno se stapaju sa okolnim bojama, sa minimalnim uticajem na prirodno okruženje. Svaki šator je opremljen centralnim grejanjem i klima uređajem, francuskim ležajem, sopstvenim kupatilom sa tušem, biorazgradivom kozmetikom, kuvalom za čaj, Nespresso aparatom za kafu, frižiderom i mini barom. Privatne natkrivene terase, preko kojih životni prostor ostvaruje vezu sa prirodom, omogućavaju gostima da se oslobode stresa dok uživaju u zadivljujućem pogledu koji se menja prema godišnjim dobima.


Smešteno u sopstvenom vinogradu i sa pogledom koji se pruža na čuvene susedne vinograde THE COLLECTION

peror Marcus Aurelius Probus in the third century, Alma Mons (nowadays Fruška Gora) became one of the first regions in the world where Roman soldiers planted vineyards outside of Italy and started the foundations of viticulture. Its tradition was preserved by monks under the Ottoman Empire and continues through to the modern day. Today, some of the most famous wine labels in Serbia come from this region, such as Trianon, Misterija, Rosa Nostra and Probus, and these have all earned a place on Lala’s exceptional wine list.


The heated, saltwater infinity pool overlooking the River Danube is, as one guest described it, “unlike anything I’ve ever seen in Serbia.” Niklas from Germany said “A truly amazing and unique place in the middle of Serbia’s beautiful landscape with probably the best view from a pool Serbia has to offer!” Scott from Australia shared his experience: “This place is just Heaven. The glamping tents are incredible with everything you could need for a luxury stay and an amazing night's sleep. They are hyper comfortable and clean with a beautiful view across the vineyard and into the valley. Waking up in the morning and sitting in bed looking out over the view was amazing ... and then a leisurely move to the balcony to have a delicious locally inspired breakfast. And then there's the Infinity pool… what a pool! We spent most of the day poolside enjoying the peace and quiet with a glass of local wine. We will be back!’


Sremskih Karlovaca, Lala Vineyard Glamping rizort gostima nudi mogućnost da dožive i uživaju u 18-vekovnoj tradiciji vinarstva u obližnjim vinarijama. Odabrano od rimskog cara Marka Aurelija Proba u trećem veku, Alma Mons (današnja Fruška gora) postalo je jedno od prvih područja u svetu gde su rimski vojnici zasadili vinograde van Italije i postavili temelje vinogradarstva. Ovu tradiciju su očuvali monasi tokom Osmanskog carstva i nastavlja se do današnjih dana. Danas se na ovim prostorima proizvode neke od najpoznatijih vinskih etiketa u Srbiji, kao što su Trianon, Misterija, Rosa Nostra, Probus, koje su zauzele mesto na izvrsnoj vinskoj karti Lala Vineyard-a.


Infinity bazen sa zagrejanom slanom vodom i pogledom prema Dunavu je, po opisu jednog gosta: „sasvim drugačije od svega što sam do sada imao prilike da vidim u Srbiji“. Niklas iz Njemačke je rekao: „Zaista neverovatno i jedinstveno mesto usred predivnog pejzaža Srbije sa verovatno najboljim pogledom sa bazena koji Srbija može da ponudi!“ Skot iz Australije je ovako podelio svoje iskustvo: „Ovo mesto je pravi raj. Glamping šatori su fenomenalni i nude sve ono što vam može zatrebati za luksuzan boravak i okrepljujući noćni san. Savršeno su udobni i čisti, sa prekrasnim pogledom na vinograd i dolinu. Buditi se ujutru i uživati u pogledu iz kreveta bilo je neverovatno iskustvo... a zatim se opušteno premestiti na balkon i uživati u izvrsnom doručku sa lokalnim specijalitetima. A tu je i infinity bazen … i to kakav bazen! Proveli smo


Skot iz Australije je ovako podelio svoje iskustvo: „Ovo mesto je pravi raj. Glamping šatori su fenomenalni i nude sve ono što vam može zatrebati za luksuzan boravak i okrepljujući noćni san. Savršeno su udobni i čisti, sa prekrasnim pogledom na vinograd i dolinu. Buditi se ujutru i uživati u pogledu iz kreveta bilo je neverovatno iskustvo... a zatim se opušteno premestiti na balkon i uživati u izvrsnom doručku sa lokalnim specijalitetima. A tu je i infinity bazen … i to kakav bazen!"

Each tent is equipped with central heating and air conditioning, a King size bed, a private bathroom with a shower, biodegradable cosmetics, a kettle and Nespresso coffee-machine, a fridge and a mini bar.

Designed as one of the few adults-only resorts in the country, Lala Vineyard operates as a Bed and Breakfast, with a pool bar offering snacks and a variety of carefully selected local wines from the Fruska Gora wine region. Lala’s breakfast awakens all of your senses with its selection of local, high-quality cold cuts and cheese, accompanied by locally sourced butter and jam and granola with fresh fruit from Lala’s own orchard. Vegetarian and vegan options are also available. Located in multicultural Vojvodina, famous for its blend of cuisines and local delicacies, there are plenty of restaurants for guests to choose from within 10-15 minutes of the resort. Purposely not designed to be ‘all-inclusive’, Lala Vineyard is the perfect location for further exploration. It is located on EuroVelo Route 6 with plenty of routes for cyclists of all categories; Fruska Gora National Park has numerous signposted hiking trails and picnic locations perfect for a calm and relaxing day out; or, for the more adventurous, hack out in the saddle on a variety of horse rides. Being so close to the Danube opens up the opportunity for water sports in the summer months – a boat trip, kayaking, swimming or just lazing on the beach. Only 15 minutes drive from the resort, take time to explore Petrovaradin Fortress and visit the museums, bars, restaurants and shops in the city of Novi Sad, before returning to the tranquillity of Lala to relax, recharge your batteries, dream under a million stars and wake up to the most beautiful sunrise in the morning.


veći deo dana pored bazena uživajući u miru i tišini uz čašu lokalnog vina. Dolazimo opet!“ Dizajnirano kao jedno od retkih rizorta u zemlji namenjeno samo odraslima, Lala Vineyard posluje kao Bed&Breakfast, sa vinskim barom pored bazena koji nudi grickalice i raznovrsna pažljivo odabrana lokalna vina iz fruškogorskog vinskog regiona. Doručak u Lala Vineyard-u budi sva vaša čula izborom lokalnih, visokokvalitetnih delikatesnih proizvoda i sireva, uz lokalni puter, džem i granolu sa svežim voćem iz sopstvenog voćnjaka. U ponudi su i vegetarijanske i veganske opcije. Smešten u multikulturalnoj Vojvodini, poznatoj po spoju raznih kuhinja i lokalnih specijaliteta, na 10-15 minuta od rizorta gosti imaju na raspolaganju bogatu ponudu restorana. Namerno nije dizajniran po sistemu „sve uključeno“, Lala Vineyard je savršena lokacija za dalja istraživanja. Nalazi se na EuroVelo ruti 6 sa dosta staza za bicikliste svih kategorija. Nacionalni park Fruška gora nudi brojne obeležene pešačke staze i mesta za piknik savršena za miran i opuštajući dan, a gosti koji žele više avanture mogu uživati u jahanju u prirodi. Blizina Dunava nudi mogućnost za sportove na vodi u letnjim mesecima – izlete brodom, vožnju kajakom, plivanje ili opuštanje na plaži. Na samo 15 minuta vožnje od rizorta, odvojite vreme za obilazak Petrovaradinske tvrđave i posetu muzejima, barovima, restoranima i prodavnicama u Novom Sadu prije nego što se vratite u mirnu oazu Lala Vineyard-a da se opustite, napunite baterije, sanjate ispod beskrajnog zvezdanog neba i probudite se ujutru uz veličanstveni izlazak sunca.



When is it best to visit? From March 2022, Lala will be open all year round with the pool operating between April and October; there are a few annual events not to be missed: FEBRUARY - The vine pruning rendezvous occurs every February. Only the sunniest and warmest days are chosen for this activity, make sure to follow Lala’s updates on social media so as not to miss your introduction to vine husbandry. Put on gloves, pick up your red clippers and learn how to prune. Having mastered this new skill, you will have earned the chance to relax and sample some wines around the fire with your new best friends. APRIL - Cherry blossom season. Experience the magic of Lala’s 60 cherry trees in blossom; don’t miss this unique photo opportunity or why not enjoy a picnic in the orchard. BETWEEN JUNE AND OCTOBER - The orchard in Lala Vineyard is home to over a 100 fruit trees ripening from mid-June to the end of October. The fruit is organically grown and available for guests to pick and eat straight from the trees. Each month, Lala’s fruit basket changes from cherries in May, through apricots, peaches, plums and figs throughout the summer to apples and grapes in September. END OF SEPTEMBER – The grape harvest is the happiest time at Lala! The chance to pick grapes, drink the local wines and celebrate with a traditional feast while the sun sets over Lala.



U kojem periodu je najbolje posetiti Lala Vineyard? Počev od marta 2022, rizort će biti otvoren tokom cele godine, a bazen će raditi između aprila i oktobra. Postoji i nekoliko godišnjih događaja koje ne smijete propustiti: FEBRUAR - okupljanje za rezidbu vinove loze se održava svakog februara. Za ovu aktivnost biraju se samo najsunčaniji i najtopliji dani, stoga obavezno pratite ažuriranje na društvenim mrežama, kako ne biste propustili uvod u uzgoj vinove loze. Navucite rukavice, uzmite crvene škare i naučite kako da orezujete lozu. Nakon što savladate ovu novu veštinu, zaslužićete priliku da se opustite oko vatre i probate vina zajedno sa svojim novim najboljim prijateljima. APRIL - sezona cvetanja trešnje. Divite se čarobnom spektaklu cvetanja 60 stabala trešnje u Lala Vineyard-u i ne propustite ovu jedinstvenu priliku za fotografisanje ili uživanje u pikniku u voćnjaku. IZMEĐU JUNA I OKTOBRA – u voćnjaku Lala Vineyard-a je zasađeno preko 100 voćki koje sazrevaju od sredine juna do kraja oktobra. Voće je organski uzgojeno i na raspolaganju je gostima da ga beru i jedu direktno sa drveta. Voćna korpa u ponudi Lala Vineyard-a se menja svakog meseca - od trešanja u maju, preko kajsija, breskvi, šljiva i smokava, do jabuka i grožđa u septembru. KRAJ SEPTEMBRA – berba grožđa je najveselija sezona u Lala Vineyard-u! Tada imate priliku da berete grožđe, ispijate lokalna vina i slavite uz tradicionalnu gozbu u smiraj dana.


Contact and reservations: [email protected] Instagram: @lalavineyard

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Hotel Jahorina

Mountain Resort & Spa



This mountain resort, the most modern in the region, will be situated in a remarkable spot for skiing, at the altitude of 1650 metres above sea level. In addition to the location, which will delight skiing aficionados, the proximity of the airport and of Sarajevo also make this hotel a perfect choice for various business events.

The Jahorina Olympic Centre is about to boast a new exclusive hotel and apartment complex – Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa – in a one-of-a-kind location, with a unique concept and features. This mountain resort, the most modern in the region, will be situated in a remarkable spot for skiing, at the altitude of 1650 metres above sea level. In addition to the location, which will delight skiing aficionados, the proximity of the airport and of Sarajevo also make this hotel a perfect choice for various business events. The facilities offered to the guests will accommodate all of the many needs of those in love with this beautiful mountain. Galens Invest has dedicated a number of apartments to those guests wishing to invest to secure a place for themselves in this complex, and these are currently on sale.


he state-of-the-art construction and exquisite interior design are what classifies this resort among the most fashionable and best furnished mountain resorts in the region. Our carefully thought out facilities and the authentic details that complement the experience will make this place a favourite holiday destination whether in the winter or at any other time of year.


JEDINSTVEN DOŽIVLJAJ JAHORINE – Hotel Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa

Olimpijski centar Jahorina uskoro će biti bogatiji za ekskluzivni hotelsko - apartmanski kompleks Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa, jedinstven po svom položaju, konceptu i sadržaju. Najmoderniji planinski rizort u regionu nalaziće se na izuzetnoj skijaškoj lokaciji, na nadmorskoj visini od 1650 metara. Osim pozicije koja oduševljava ljubitelje skijanja, blizina aerodroma i Sarajeva ovaj hotel čine savršenim izborom i za različite poslovne događaje. Sadržaji koji će gostima biti na raspolaganju zadovoljiće najrazličitije potrebe zaljubljenika u ovu planinsku lepoticu. Kompanija Galens Invest je određen broj apartmana namenila gostima koji žele da obezbede svoj prostor u ovom kompleksu i oni se trenutno nalaze u prodaji. Najsavremenija gradnja i izuzetan enterijer ovaj objekat svrstavaju među najmodernije i najopremljenije planinske rizort u okruženju. Pažljivo osmišljeni sadržaji i autentični detalji koji upotpunjuju ugođaj, ovo mesto će učiniti omiljenom destinacijom za odmor, bilo da je reč o zimskom ili nekom drugom periodu godine.


Wellness i spa centar predstavlja poseban dragulj kompleksa. Ovaj raj za ljubitelje istinskog uživanja prostiraće se na dva nivoa, na prostoru od preko 5000 kvadratnih metara. Gostima će na raspolaganju biti nekoliko bazena različite veličine i namene, a poseban užitak pružiće otvoreni bazen sa pogledom na besprekornu prirodu i padine Jahorine.


The Wellness and Spa Centre is the pearl of this complex. This haven for those who seek genuine enjoyment will be spread across two levels, covering more than 5000 square metres of surface area. Several pools of various sizes and purposes will be available to guests, and the outdoor swimming pool with a view of the pristine nature and slopes of Mount Jahorina will provide a one-of-a-kind experience. For all those wishing to fully relax after a long day on the mountain, Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa will offer different types of saunas: Russian, Finnish, a Bio sauna, and a unique sauna with a priceless view of the mountain relief. The spa centre also features specially designed massage rooms, as well as a professional fitness centre which meets the requirements of recreational and professional athletes alike. Visitors with a refined taste for relaxation will be able to enjoy the luxurious, isolated and peaceful VIP corner. A separate swimming pool, steam baths, tepidaria, and independent saunas will add to your peaceful experience and give you the dose of privacy you need.


For all those who love snow and winter sports, and enjoy carefree vacations in the mountains without complicated trips to the slopes and the renting of equipment, the Ski room of Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa will seem like Heaven on Earth. This Ski room is located at the level of the Prača slope, as


Wellness i spa centar predstavlja poseban dragulj kompleksa. Ovaj raj za ljubitelje istinskog uživanja prostiraće se na dva nivoa, na prostoru od preko 5000 kvadratnih metara. Gostima će na raspolaganju biti nekoliko bazena različite veličine i namene, a poseban užitak pružiće otvoreni bazen sa pogledom na besprekornu prirodu i padine Jahorine. Za sve one koji žele da se u potpunosti opuste nakon dugog, planinskog dana, Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa je pripremio različite tipove sauna: rusku, finsku, bio saunu, kao i jedinstvenu saunu sa neprocenjivim pogledom na obode planine. Spa centar takođe poseduje i specijalno dizajnirane sobe za masažu, kao i profesionalno opremljen fitnes centar koji može da zadovolji potrebe kako rekreativaca, tako i profesionalnih sportista. Posetioci sa istančanim ukusom za uživanje moći će da se opuste u luksuzno uređenom, odvojenom i mirnom VIP kutku. Zaseban bazen, parna kupatila, tepidarijumi i odvojene saune upotpuniće Vaš mir i pružiti dozu privatnosti koja Vam je potrebna.


Za sve ljubitelje snega, snežnih sportova i bezbrižnog boravka na planini bez komplikovanih dolazaka do staza i rentiranja opreme, skijašnica hotela Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa predstavljaće raj. Ova skijašnica je pozicionirana u nivou staze Prača, na kojoj se nalazi i sam hotel. Do nje možete da stignete liftom, direktno iz svoje sobe, nakon

Pet kongresnih sala koje se prostiru na preko 1000 kvadratnih metara, uz mogućnost primanja velikog broja posetilaca, sa vrhunskom audio i vizuelnom tehničkom opremom, biće idealan izbor za različite sastanke, konferencije i ostala korporativna okupljanja.



Those who wish to recuperate after skiing down the slope or those who wish to start their day with a cup of coffee in a natural environment will have at their disposal a Ski bar offering a broad selection of beverages and dishes.

is the hotel itself. It is reachable by lift directly from your room, and then you can get to the slope in your equipment. This concept was developed with the sole aim of providing guests with complete comfort and is a rare feat in the world of winter tourism. The Ski room will be equipped with top-quality, up-todate ski and snowboard equipment to rent or buy, to the satisfaction of all visitors. Apartment owners will have at their disposal a ski depot where they will be able to securely store their equipment. Those who wish to recuperate after skiing down the slope or those who wish to start their day with a cup of coffee in a natural environment will have at their disposal a Ski bar offering a broad selection of beverages and dishes. It will be located on a wonderful terrace which is a sun trap, next to the ski slope, with easy access to the bar. During beautiful and slightly warmer days, this charming bar will easily become your favourite spot for sunbathing and relaxing with friends or family. Inside the bar, there will be a fireplace, to perfectly complement the ideal winter atmosphere with the crackling of firewood and a cup of tea or mulled wine.


The pairing of business with pleasure is only possible in a perfect setting and with professional service. Since the resort’s favourable geographical position is quite suitable for the organisation of business events, particular attention was paid to the Congress Centre. Five Congress halls covering an area of more than 1000 square metres, with the capacity to accommodate large numbers of visitors, with top-of-the-line audio and visual technical


čega se u opremi spuštate pravo na stazu. Ovakav koncept je napravljen isključivo u službi kompletnog komfora gostiju i redak je u svetu zimskog turizma. Skijašnica će, na zadovoljstvo svih posetilaca, biti opremljena vrhunskom i najmodernijom ski i bord opremom koju možete da iznajmite ili kupite. Vlasnicima apartmana na raspolaganju će biti posebno izdvojen ski depo, u koji će bezbedno moći da odlože opremu. Oni koji žele da se okrepe nakon napornog spuštanja niz planinu ili započnu dan kafom u prirodnom okruženju, na raspolaganju će imati ski bar koji nudi širok spektar napitaka i jela. Nalaziće se na predivnoj terasi na sunčanoj strani, tik uz skijašku stazu, sa koje je veoma lako pristupiti baru. Tokom lepih i malo toplijih dana, ovaj šarmantan bar lako će postati vaš omiljeni kutak za sunčanje i uživanje sa prijateljima ili porodicom. U zatvorenom delu bara nalaziće se kamin, koji uz pucketanje vatre i šolju čaja ili kuvanog vina zimsku idilu čini potpunom.


Uparivanje posla i zadovoljstva moguće je uz savršen prostor i profesionalnu uslugu. Budući da povoljan geografski položaj izuzetno pogoduje organizaciji poslovnih događaja, posebna pažnja je posvećena kongresnom centru. Pet kongresnih sala koje se prostiru na preko 1000 kvadratnih metara, uz mogućnost primanja velikog broja posetilaca, sa vrhunskom audio i vizuelnom tehničkom opremom, biće idealan izbor za različite sastanke, konferencije i ostala korporativna okupljanja. Kada je gastronomija u pitanju, Jahorina MounTHE COLLECTION

equipment, will make this venue the ideal choice for different meetings, conferences and other corporate gatherings. When it comes to gastronomy, Jahorina Mountain Resort & Spa will feature a unique blend of both traditional and modern cuisines. The renowned restaurant Kalem by Zak from Novi Sad will be a breath of fresh air on the gastro map of Jahorina and will offer innovative cuisine to its guests. The restaurant’s concept is based on the highest quality local foodstuffs, bold combinations and avantgarde preparation methods, at the hands of some of the finest culinary experts in the region. Hotel guests will also be able to enjoy the a la carte menu at this restaurant, which is characterised by flawless customer service, pleasant staff, and an authentic environment. Those spending their vacation with their children will have at their disposal a modern, spacious, and safe playroom. It was designed so as to satisfy the demands of the youngest guests, and so, in addition to a room for birthday celebrations, there is a games room as well. The hotel staff will be in charge of providing a professional childcare service and entertaining the children while their parents are skiing, working, or simply enjoying a pleasant dinner. Those wishing to share the fun with their children will have a pool room and a bowling alley for all ages at their disposal. It is impossible to imagine a carefree vacation without a safe place to park. The hotel will feature a garage with three levels of parking, connected to the hotel’s heating system, which means that every guest or apartment owner will be able to freely park their vehicles here. For more information about apartment sales please email: [email protected] or phone: +387 66 033 222 or +381 66 033 222.


tain Resort & Spa će pružati jedinstven spoj tradicionalnog i modernog doživljaja kuhinje. Dobro poznati novosadski restoran Kalem by Zak donosi osveženje na gastronomsku mapu Jahorine i u novom okruženju gostima nudi inovativan pristup kulinarstvu. Koncept restorana se zasniva na najkvalitetnijim lokalnim namirnicama, smelim kombinacijama i najmodernijim načinima pripreme, u rukama nekih od najboljih gastronomskih stručnjaka u regionu. Gosti hotela će takođe moći da uživaju u pansionskom restoranu koji karakteriše besprekorna usluga, ljubazno osoblje i autentičan ambijent. Oni koji odluče da svoj odmor provedu sa decom, na raspolaganju će imati modernu, prostranu i sigurnu igraonicu. Dizajnirana je tako da zadovolji zahtevne standarde najmlađih, pa u sklopu igraonice pored prostora za proslavu rođendana postoji i gaming room. Osoblje hotela će biti zaduženo za profesionalnu negu i brigu o deci, dok roditelji skijaju, završavaju svoje obaveze, ili jednostavno uživaju u ugodnoj večeri. Za one koji žele da se zabave zajedno sa svojom decom, na raspolaganju će biti bilijar sala i moderna kuglana prilagođena svim uzrastima. Bezbrižan odmor nemoguće je zamisliti bez sigurnog mesta za parkiranje. U sklopu hotela, na čak tri nivoa povezanih toplom vezom sa hotelom, nalaziće se dovoljan broj garažnih parking mesta, tako da svaki gost ili vlasnik apartmana može bezbrižno da parkira svog četvorotočkaša. Sve informacije o prodaji apartmana možete dobiti putem mejla: [email protected] ili telefonom na brojeve: +387 66 033 222 i +381 66 033 222.


Oni koji odluče da svoj odmor provedu sa decom, na raspolaganju će imati modernu, prostranu i sigurnu igraonicu. Dizajnirana je tako da zadovolji zahtevne standarde najmlađih, pa u sklopu igraonice pored prostora za proslavu rođendana postoji i gaming room. Osoblje hotela će biti zaduženo za profesionalnu negu i brigu o deci, dok roditelji skijaju, završavaju svoje obaveze, ili jednostavno uživaju u ugodnoj večeri.

ORDINACIA REJUVA Ordinacija Rejuva je prestizna ordinacija estetske i antiaging medicine koja se se nalazi u mirnom elitnom delu Beograda, na Dedinju, odmah pored Belog Dvora gde cete u elegantnom ambijentu, uz maksimalnu diskreciju i privatnost uživati u svom estetskom tretmanu. Baveći se godinama vrlo uspešno estetskom medicinom i antiagingom, uvek smo insistirali na dugoročnom poverenju i zadovoljstvu nasih pacijenata. U ordinaciji Rejuva primenjujemo najprestižnije i najsavremenije metode podmlađivanja lica i tela – botox, hijaluronski fileri, PRP, plazmalifting,mezoterapije, biorevitalizacije, skinboostere , najsavremenije lasere ali i vrhunske dermokozmeticke tretmane saradjujuci samo sa premium brendovima. IMPERATIV U NASEM RADU JE PRIRODAN I NEGOVAN IZGLED. Veliki broj zadovoljnih pacijentata, kvalitetan rad i individualni pristup pacijentima garantuju sigurnost i zadovoljstvo postignutim rezultatima.

Na celu orinacije Rejuva je dr Aleksandra Markoski Smiljković Dr Aleksandra je završila Medicinski fakultet u Nišu. Osvajač je zlatne medalje iz molekularne biologije na svetskoj olimpijadi u St. Petersburgu. Nakon rada u Centru za anesteziologiju KC Niš usavršava se na polju estetske i antiageing medicine. Edukacije iz oblasti brojnih estetsko medicinskih porcedura, botoxa, hijaluronskih filera, regenerativnih i laserskih procedura pohađala je kod internacionalnih trenera vodećih svetskih kuća. Tokom višegodišnjeg rada u Švajcarskoj banci matičnih ćelija, nakon edukacija u Ženevi, Aleksandra se bavila matičnim ćelijama i regenerativnom medicinom. Nakon višegodišnjeg iskustva u esteskoj medicini, u svoju praksu uvodi i najsavremenije laserske tehnologije. Redovni je učesnik stručnih skupova i seminara u zemlji i inostranstvu. / [email protected] / +381 64 23 59 357 / Miloja Đaka 2a/15, Dedinje, Beograd instagram:rejuva_belgrade

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Photo credit: Mina Dišljenković





Mr Veselin Jevrosimovic




"In 1991, in what was then Yugoslavia, I started a company – Comtrade. I used the business contacts that I already had and managed very quickly to make the company the largest distributor of IT equipment in the country and the first distributor for HP, IBM and Microsoft."

On behalf of The Collection magazine, Sofija Acimovic spoke with Veselin Jevrosimovic, founder, owner and president of the Comtrade Group, one of the first and largest IT companies in this part of the world.


port in your heart - sport from a young age. How did it all start and where did athletics come from? We deliberately ask this question at the beginning, because the "no quitting" motto is valid in both sport and business (at least when it comes to you). I got into athletics as a boy. I remember watching the Olympics in Moscow and being thrilled when Kozakiewicz won the pole vault gold, in a discipline which the Russians dominated at the time. The very next day, I decided to start training athletics and became a member of the Red Star Athletic Club. Sport from an early age taught me an extremely important lesson: at key moments and in critical situations – quitting is not an option. Both business and individual companies are continiously evolving: over the years, we’ve learned that various circumstances can surprise you and bring down something you’ve been building for a long time. But the thing that has always kept me calm, brave and confident is the fact that no one can take away your knowledge. As long as you have that, you’ll always know how to get up and move again. Whatever I was going through, I never thought about giving up. I simply believed that, if I was persistent enough, I’d get the results that I want. In the end, it turned out that I did – and that I still do.


Upornost, vizija i kvalitetan tim – garancija uspeha Ispred The Collection magazina Sofija Aćimović razgovarala je sa Veselinom Jevrosimovićem, osnivačem, vlasnikom i predsednikom Comtrade grupacije, jedne od prvih i najvećih IT kompanija u ovom delu sveta. Sport u srcu - sport od malih nogu. Kako je sve počelo i odakle baš atletika? Namerno postavljamo ovo pitanje na početku, jer moto „nema odustajanja“ važi kako u sportu, tako i u biznisu (bar kada ste Vi u pitanju). Atletikom sam počeo da se bavim kao dečak. Gledao sam Olimpijadu u Moskvi i svidelo mi se kada je Kozakijević pobedio u disciplini u kojoj su tada Rusi dominirali. Već sledeći dan odlučio sam da počnem da treniram atletiku i postanem član Atletskog kluba Crvena Zvezda. Sport od malih nogu naučio me je izuzetno važnoj lekciji: da u ključnim momentima i kritičnim situacijama - ne odustajem. Biznis i firme su živa stvar: tokom ovih godina, naučili smo da mnoge stvari koje ne zavise od vas mogu da vas iznenade i da vam sruše nešto što ste godinama gradili. Ali, ono što me je uvek držalo pribranim, hrabrim, trezvenim, sigurnim – to je da niko ne može da vam oduzme znanje. Dok imate to znanje, vi ćete uvek znati da se dignete i krenete ponovo. Šta god da sam prolazio, nikada nisam razTHE COLLECTION

Miami, Dusseldorf, St. Petersburg ... HP, IBM, Microsoft ... $ 12.5 billion, 50 companies in 40 countries - all at the age of 30. Impressive. What did that timeline look like? Exciting - and full of challenges. I went to America when I was 19, to attend college. There, I met my business partner with whom I started my first big business with computers, which were then becoming a very sought-after commodity in America, but which were in short supply in the rest of the world. After a while, we decided to expand our business to Europe, and in Dusseldorf in 1986 we bought a computer equipment distributor who had a contract with HP. At the same time, I invested in the ownership structure of one company, which through a series of successful acquisitions became the second largest IT company in the world, with an annual turnover of 12 billion dollars. In 1991, in what was then Yugoslavia, I started a company – Comtrade. I used the business contacts that I already had and managed very quickly to make the company the largest distributor of IT equipment in the country and the first distributor for HP, IBM and Microsoft. The collapse of the single market was a great challenge - but also an opportunity, so Comtrade began a regional expansion that culminated in the largest Serbian investment in the Slovenian market, when Comtrade bought the largest Slovenian software company Hermes SoftLab in 2008 for 40 million euros. Although we were already experienced in the field of system integration, this purchase definitely ensured that software was a key direction for the future development of Comtrade Group.


mišljao da odustanem. Jednostavno, verovao sam da ako budem uporan, ako budem istrajan, to će morati da da rezultate. I to je na kraju i dalo rezultate – i daje ih i dalje. Majami, Dizeldorf, Sankt Petersburg... HP, IBM, Microsoft... 12,5 milijardi dolara, 50 kompanija u 40 zemalja - i to sve sa 30 godina. lmpresivno. Kako je izgledao taj timeline? Uzbudljivo – i sa dosta izazova. U Ameriku sam otišao sa devetnaest godina, na koledž. Tamo sam upoznao poslovnog partnera sa kojim sam otpočeo svoj prvi veliki biznis sa računarima, koji su tada u Americi postajali veoma tražena roba, a u ostatku sveta bili deficitarni. Posle nekog vremena, odlučili smo da proširimo poslovanje na Evropu, i u Dizeldorfu 1986. kupujemo distributera računarske opreme koji je imao ugovor sa HP-om. Paralelno sa time, ulagao sam u vlasničku strukturu jedne kompanije, koja serijom uspešnih akvizicija postaje druga najveća IT kompanija na svetu, sa godišnjim prometom od 12 milijardi dolara. 1991. godine, u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji, otvorio sam kompaniju Comtrade. Koristio sam već stečene poslovne kontakte i uspeo u tome da kompanija vrlo brzo postane najveći distributer IT opreme u zemlji i prvi distributer za HP, IBM i Microsoft. Raspad jedinstvenog tržišta bio je veliki izazov - ali i prilika, pa je Comtrade počeo sa regionalnom ekspanzijom koja je kulminirala najvećom srpskom investicijom na slovenačkom tržištu, kada je Comtrade 2008. za 40 miliona evra kupio najveću softversku kuću Hermes SoftLab. Iako smo već bili iskusni u oblasti sistem integracije, ova kupovina definitivno je


"Raspad jedinstvenog tržišta bio je veliki izazov ali i prilika, pa je Comtrade počeo sa regionalnom ekspanzijom koja je kulminirala najvećom srpskom investicijom na slovenačkom tržištu, kada je Comtrade 2008. za 40 miliona evra kupio najveću softversku kuću Hermes SoftLab."

"A good manager has complete trust in the people they work with: that means giving them maximum freedom within the scope of their duties. People's horizons should be constantly expanding - we are all working for the same team, and the manager is just one link that must know how to do their job well. "

You’re a member of the World Economic Forum, the winner of many awards and prizes abroad, as well as an honorary citizen of Boston. Can you describe all these awards in a little more detail? It feels good when your work is recognized by relevant people and institutions. However, I’ve always strived to do the job the best that I can, without thinking about awards or recognitions as a goal. Throughout my life, I’ve invested all my energy in endeavours that I truly believe in: that luxury is the greatest reward for me. What do you think a good manager looks like today? A good manager has complete trust in the people they work with: that means giving them maximum freedom within the scope of their duties. People's horizons should be constantly expanding - we are all working for the same team, and the manager is just one link that must know how to do their job well. Of course, a manager can’t do everything, and still less know everything. In short, a good manager should know how to work smart, and also how to work well with their team. Comtrade Group currently has more than 5,000 employees, a significant percentage of whom are software engineers who develop solutions for world's most successful companies. That's right - that's why we have the luxury of choosing our customers. However, due to the amount of work and the fact that our engineers are always actively working on projects, we constantly have vacancies.


odredila softver kao pravac budućeg razvoja Comtrade grupe. Član ste Svetskog ekonomskog foruma, dobitnik velikog broja nagrada i priznanja u inostranstvu, kao i počasni građanin Bostona. Možete Ii nam malo detaljnije opisati sve te nagrade? Dobar je osećaj kada je tvoj rad prepoznat od strane relevantnih ljudi i institucija. Ipak, ja sam uvek težio ka tome da posao uradim najbolje što mogu, ne razmišljajući o nagradama i priznanjima kao cilju. Tokom celog života, svu svoju energiju ulagao sam u poduhvate u koje istinski verujem: taj luksuz je za mene najveća nagrada. Kako po Vama danas treba da „izgleda" dobar menadžer? Dobar menadžer ima potpuno poverenje u one sa kojima radi: daje im maksimalnu širinu i slobodu u okviru njihovih zaduženja. Ljudima bi vidici trebalo stalno da se šire – svi radimo za isti tim, a menadžer je samo jedna karika koja mora dobro da zna da radi svoj posao. On ne može da radi sve, niti može sve da zna. Ukratko, dobar menadžer ne radi puno, već pametno – i odlično sarađuje sa svojim timom. Comtrade grupacija trenutno ima više od 5.000 zaposlenih, od kojih značajan procenat predstavljaju softverski inženjeri koji razvijaju rešenja za najuspešnije svetske kompanije. Tako je - upravo zbog toga, mi imamo taj luksuz da biramo kupca. Ipak, zbog količine posla i činjenice da naši inženjeri uvek aktivno rade na projektima, mi stalno imamo otvorena radna mesta. THE COLLECTION

For that reason, 10 years ago, I started an IT college - ITHS, and then the IT high school - ITS, which are the largest private educational institutions for information technology in Serbia. I believe that today we have to train our own engineering staff. You’ve also opened an office in Dublin (after Ljubljana, Boston and Belgrade). What are your plans for the future? The Irish market has proven to be very innovative and geared towards the adoption and development of new technologies, resulting in their well-developed global position in IT. Therefore, we decided to open a new office in Dublin, which will be specifically focused on data management and protection, as well as artificial intelligence. I believe that, today, the companies of the greatest value are those that offer everything under one roof - software, hardware and robotics; these are all fields that will, in the future, more often be “united” within a single product. For these reasons, Comtrade’s goal is to become more involved in developing its own products, so that it becomes less dependent on external factors. What does the term digitalization mean to you and how do you see the development of artificial intelligence in the future? Today, almost all companies are in some sense technological. Businesses need a stimulating environment, and digitalization is opening up numerous opportunities and creating the right conditions for innovation and new business processes. Robot-


Iz tog razloga, ja sam pre deset godina prvo pokrenuo fakultet - ITHS, a potom i srednju školu – ITS, najveće privatne obrazovne institucije za informacione tehnologije. Verujem da mi danas moramo da obučavamo inženjerski kadar. Otvorili ste i kancelariju u Dablinu (nakon Ljubljane, Bostona, Beograda). Kakvi su planovi za budućnost? Tržište Irske pokazalo se kao veoma inovativno i okrenuto ka prihvatanju i razvoju novih tehnologija, što za posledicu ima njihovu dobro razvijenu globalnu poziciju na polju IT tržišta. Zbog toga, odlučili smo da u Dablinu otvorimo novu kancelariju, koja će biti specijalno usmerena na upravljanje i zaštitu podataka, kao i veštačku inteligenciju. Smatram da najveću vrednost danas poseduju kompanije koje pod svojim krovom imaju sve – softver, svoj hardver, robotiku – polja koja će u budućnosti sve češće biti objedinjena u okviru jednog proizvoda. Iz ovih razloga, cilj je da se Comtrade sve više bavi razvijanjem sopstvenih proizvoda, kako bi sve manje zavisio od spoljašnjih faktora. Šta za Vas znaci pojam digitalizacija i kako vidite razvoj veštačke inteligencije u narednom periodu? Danas su danas gotovo sve kompanije tehnološke – granice delatnosti odavno su se izbrisale. Biznisima je potrebno stimulativno okruženje, a digitalizacija upravo otvara brojne mogućnosti i stvara uslove za inovacije i nove poslovne procese. Robotika i veštačka inteligencija su tu od posebne važnosti, jer im omogućavaju da budu predvodnice na tržištu.


"Dobar menadžer ima potpuno poverenje u one sa kojima radi: daje im maksimalnu širinu i slobodu u okviru njihovih zaduženja. Ljudima bi vidici trebalo stalno da se šire – svi radimo za isti tim, a menadžer je samo jedna karika koja mora dobro da zna da radi svoj posao. On ne može da radi sve, niti može sve da zna."

"In the global IT market, we are currently facing a great shortage of workers in various fields from programmers and software system architects, to engineers in charge of IT infrastructure."

ics and artificial intelligence are of particular importance here, because they enable these organizations to be leaders in the market. That’s the direction of the future - almost all of the most successful world technology companies are investing in the development of artificial intelligence, at a time when civilization is rapidly moving towards comprehensive digitalization. Successful companies in the digital age must be able to extract value from the data at their disposal, and artificial intelligence enables them to do so. How do you see the problem of hiring and retaining staff in various industries such as medicine, hospitality, transport and finally IT? It’s completely natural for the labour market to change. One occupation starts to fade out, another becomes more sought-after, and completely new forms of work begin to emerge. In the IT industry, which is dynamic and which is developing at an incredible speed, this process even more pronounced. In the global IT market, we are currently facing a great shortage of workers in various fields - from programmers and software system architects, to engineers in charge of IT infrastructure. In order to retain workers and attract the best talent in the market, companies need to adapt to market demands and offer their employees new, more flexible and agile models of working. We see that many well-known companies from the world of IT, the hotel industry, real estate, and sectors, are investing in various projects in the region. Is the ex-YU region ready to play such an important role in the global market? Yes, absolutely!


To je pravac budućnosti – gotovo sve uspešne svetske tehnološke kompanije ulažu u razvoj veštačke inteligencije, u trenutku kada se civilizacija ubrzano kreće ka sveobuhvatnoj digitalizaciji. Uspešne kompanije u digitalnom dobu moraju biti sposobne da izvuku vrednost iz podataka kojim raspolažu, a veštačka inteligencija im to i omogućava. Kako vidite problem sa kadrovima u raznim privrednim granama poput medicine, hotelijerstva i ugostiteljstva, transporta i na kraju IT-a? Potpuno je prirodno da se tržište radne snage menja. Jedna zanimanja nestaju, druga postaju traženija, a nastaju i sasvim novi oblici rada. U IT industriji, koja je dinamična i koja se razvija neverovatnom brzinom, ovo je još izraženije. Na globalnom IT tržištu suočavamo se sa velikim deficitom radnika u različitim oblastima – od programera i arhitekata softverskih sistema, do inženjera zaduženih za IT infrastrukturu. Kako bi zadržale radnike i privukle najbolje talente na tržištu, kompanije moraju da se prilagode zahtevima tržišta i svojim zaposlenima ponude nove, fleksibilnije i agilnije modele rada. Svedoci smo da u poslednje vreme mnoge poznate svetske kompanije iz sveta IT, hotelijerstva, nekretnina, i drugih, ulažu u razne projekte u regionu. Da Ii je ex-YU region spreman da odigra ovako važnu utakmicu na svetskoj sceni? Da, apsolutno! Ex-YU region dokazao je u poslednjih 15 godina da je vrlo sposoban da se prilagodi i usvoji globalne poslovne prakse i trendove, što potvrđuje i sve veći porast stranih investicija u različite industrije. THE COLLECTION

Photo credit: Mina Dišljenković

"Ex-YU region dokazao je u poslednjih 15 godina da je vrlo sposoban da se prilagodi i usvoji globalne poslovne prakse i trendove, što potvrđuje i sve veći porast stranih investicija u različite industrije."

In the last 15 years, the ex-YU region has proven that it’s very capable of adapting to and adopting global business practices and trends, which is confirmed by the growing foreign investment in various industries across the region. As someone who recognized the potential of this market a few decades ago, I know that this part of the world is a fertile ground for the development of quality business ventures and entrepreneurial ideas. That’s why I actively use the experience I’ve gained while working across several continents to contribute to the further business growth of many regional companies.


Kao neko ko je prepoznao potencijal ovog tržišta još pre par decenija, znam da je ex-YU region plodno tlo za razvoj kvalitetnih biznis poduhvata i preduzetničkih ideja. Upravo zato, iskustvo koje sam stekao tokom života radeći na više kontinenata aktivno koristim da doprinesem daljem poslovnom razvoju mnogih regionalnih kompanija.


"Na globalnom IT tržištu suočavamo se sa velikim deficitom radnika u različitim oblastima – od programera i arhitekata softverskih sistema, do inženjera zaduženih za IT infrastrukturu. Kako bi zadržale radnike i privukle najbolje talente na tržištu, kompanije moraju da se prilagode zahtevima tržišta i svojim zaposlenima ponude nove, fleksibilnije i agilnije modele rada."

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Hyatt Regency Belgrade




Mr Zafiris Lampadaridis General Manager Of Hyatt Regency Belgrade

The hotel is within walking distance of Stark Arena and just across the bridge from Belgrade Waterfront, the most exclusive business and residential district in the city, and Galerija, the city’s largest shopping mall.

Experience the modern and sophisticated spirit of the Hyatt Regency Belgrade, one of the finest five star hotels in the city. It offers 282 modern rooms and suites and constitutes the perfect option for both leisure and business travellers, as it occupies a premier address in the heart of the main business, culture and entertainment district of New Belgrade, close to the city center. The hotel is within walking distance of Stark Arena and just across the bridge from Belgrade Waterfront, the most exclusive business and residential district in the city, and Galerija, the city’s largest shopping mall.


he Collection Editor in Chief Sandra Vlatković interviewed Mr Zafiris Lampadaridis, General Manager of the iconic Hyatt Regency Belgrade hotel. Mr Lampadaridis has over 20 years of experience with Hyatt brand and is given us an opportunity to gain deeper insight into the hotel and Belgrade’s hospitality market. For over a decade you have been living and working in Belgrade. How would you describe Belgrade today, compared to when you arrived for the first time? A lot of things have changed over the past decade, I must say. The city has developed and thrived but I think the people and their lifestyles have changed the most. This is a city that never sleeps, and everyone is in a hurry. It took me a while to get used


Iskusite jedinstven, moderan, sofisticiran duh hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd Iskusite moderan i sofisticiran duh hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd, jednog od najboljih hotela sa pet zvezdica u gradu. U ponudi ima 282 savremeno opremljene sobe i apartmane i predstavlja savršen izbor kako za turiste tako i za poslovne putnike, s obzirom da se nalazi na vrhunskoj adresi u samom srcu Novog Beograda, glavne poslovne, kulturne i zabavne četvrti, u neposrednoj blizini centra grada. Dodatna pogodnost je i to što se hotel nalazi na pešačkoj udaljenosti od Štark arene, preko puta mosta koji vodi do Beograda na vodi, najekskluzivnijeg poslovnog i stambenog kvarta u gradu, kao i Galerije, najvećeg gradskog šoping centra. Sandra Vlatković iz The Collection magazina imala je tu čast i zadovoljstvo da razgovara sa gospodinom Zafirisom Lampadaridisom, Generalnim direktorom Hyatt Regency Beograd hotela i tom prilikom sazna uzbudljive novine koje očekuju ovaj hotel u narednom periodu, ali i da čuje detalje o očekivanim koracima u daljem razvoju hotelske i kongresne industrije.


to the pace of life here, but right now I could not imagine myself in any other destination. Belgrade has been one of the most sought-after conference destinations in the region for many years, and now aims to become one of the main conference centres of Europe. What is your message to all those who can contribute to raising the attractiveness of Belgrade as a conference destination? Today, the conference industry is one of the most important segments for the development of a society, and Serbia and Belgrade have great potential that has not been fully realised yet, and whose time we believe is still to come. In order for business to continue to grow, a serious, dedicated, professional and, above all, responsible approach from all of us in the conference and tourism industry is necessary, in order to place Serbia and Belgrade at the centre of the map of conference tourism. It is quite demanding to stay operational during a pandemic and achieve positive results. What has been the strategy for you? To be honest, at the beginning of the pandemic we were shocked, I believe like the whole world was. Then we focused on our biggest strengths and took action based on keeping people safe, as well as keeping our essential business functions operating. We adjusted our hotel strategy based on the ongoing situation, with more organized / coordinated efforts to stabilize operations. First and foremost, I always emphasize that caring for the safety and wellbeing of our colleagues, guests and customers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has been the top priority for Hyatt. SERBIA

Više od decenije živite i radite u Beogradu. Kako biste opisali Beograd danas u odnosu na vreme kada ste prvi put stigli ovde? Moram reći da se u protekloj deceniji promenilo mnogo toga. Grad se razvio i napredovao, ali mislim da su se najviše promenili ljudi i način života. Ovo je grad koji nikada ne spava i svima se žuri. Trebalo mi je vremena da se naviknem na ovdašnji tempo života, ali sada ne bih mogao da zamislim sebe na bilo kojoj drugoj destinaciji. Beograd je već dugi niz godina jedna od najtraženijih kongresnih destinacija u regionu, a sada teži da postane jedan od vodećih kongresnih centara Evrope. Šta biste poručili svima onima koji mogu da doprinesu podizanju atraktivnosti Beograda kao kongresne destinacije? Danas je kongresna industrija jedan od najvažnijih segmenata razvoja društva, a Srbija i Beograd poseduju ogroman potencijal koji još nije iskorišćen i čije vreme, uveren sam, tek dolazi. Da bi ovaj biznis išao uzlaznom putanjom, neophodan je ozbiljan, posvećen, profesionalan i nadasve odgovoran pristup svih nas iz kongresne i turističke privrede, kako bismo Srbiju i Beograd postavili visoko na mapi kongresnog turizma. Veliki je izazov ostati operativan tokom pandemije i postići pozitivne rezultate. Kojom ste se strategijom rukovodili? Da budem iskren, na početku pandemije smo bili šokirani, verujem kao i ceo svet, ali smo potom skupili svu snagu i odmah preduzeli akcije usmerene na to da ljudi budu bezbedni i da osnovne poslovne


Iskusite moderan i sofisticiran duh hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd, jednog od najboljih hotela sa pet zvezdica u gradu. U ponudi ima 282 savremeno opremljene sobe i apartmane i predstavlja savršen izbor kako za turiste tako i za poslovne putnike, s obzirom da se nalazi na vrhunskoj adresi u samom srcu Novog Beograda, glavne poslovne, kulturne i zabavne četvrti, u neposrednoj blizini centra grada.

"The company will continue our tradition of innovation, to care for people through empathy and always promote integrity and creativity. As stronger demand for meetings and small conventions continues, the upgrade and improvement of the facilities is a must."

Why should Hyatt Regency Belgrade be travellers’ first choice in Belgrade? Our motto is "We care for people so they can be their best” and that is something we aim to prove every day. We want to make a difference to the lives of those with whom we are in contact daily, whether they are guests, colleagues or members of the community, and that is what we are constantly working on. At Hyatt Regency Belgrade, we see people as individuals with different desires and needs, and we try to meet all their requirements whether strictly business-oriented or vacation-oriented. In recent years, we have witnessed new investment throughout the hotel. What can we expect to see in the coming years? The company will continue our tradition of innovation, to care for people through empathy and always promote integrity and creativity. As stronger demand for meetings and small conventions continues, the upgrade and improvement of the facilities is a must. Over the last three years the hotel has begun the transformation of its renowned Focaccia restaurant into Studio, a unique venue giving our guests a perfect new setting for creative meetings, formal presentations, workshops, art exhibitions and celebratory gatherings. Several major renovation projects at the end of what was a very challenging previous year included the redesign of the Tea House outlet into a caféstyle market. A home to Belgrade’s people sharing time, space, attitudes and customs, Tea House – Not Strictly Business since 1990, represents a home for not only business and high-end travellers, but also families and special moments celebrated in life. The company continues to invest in the property and


funkcije budu operativne. Hotelsku strategiju smo prilagodili trenutnoj situaciji organizovanim/koordiniranim naporima u cilju stabilizacije poslovanja. Uvek naglašavam da je i na početku i na kraju briga o bezbednosti i dobrobiti naših kolega, gostiju i klijenata tokom pandemije korona virusa glavni prioritet za Hyatt. Zašto bi Hyatt Regency Beograd trebalo da bude prvi izbor putnika u Beogradu? Naš moto je „Brigom o drugima podstičemo ono najbolje u njima“ - i to je nešto u čemu uspevamo. Želimo da napravimo razliku u životima ljudi sa kojima smo svakodnevno u kontaktu, bilo da su to gosti, kolege, članovi zajednice, i to je ono na čemu neprestano radimo. U hotelu Hyatt ljude posmatramo kao individue sa različitim željama i potrebama i trudimo se da ispunimo sve njihove zahteve, bilo da su striktno poslovno orijentisani ili usmereni na odmor. Posljednjih godina smo bili svedoci novih investicija u celom hotelu. Šta možemo očekivati u 2022. godini (u predstojećim godinama)? Kompanija će nastaviti tradiciju inovacija, brigu o ljudima kroz empatiju, neprestano promovišući integritet i kreativnost. Kako se nastavlja trend veće potražnje za sastancima i kongresima manjeg obima, neophodna je modernizacija i unapređenje objekata. U posljednje 3 godine hotel je krenuo sa transformacijom našeg renomiranog restorana „Focaccia“ u „Studio“, jedinstveno mesto koje će našim gostima pružiti izuzetni novi ambijent za kreativne sastanke, formalne prezentacije, radionice, umetničke izložbe i slavlja. THE COLLECTION

upgrade the building, so plans are also in place to renovate a further two guestroom floors. What does it take to become a successful hotel general manager? There are many factors that are interconnected, but they all start with this one: You have to deeply love what you are doing. It should not feel like you are preparing to go to work every morning; it is not a job, but rather your home. From that starting point, I would also say commitment, rapid adaptation to change, understanding the needs and desires of people and, of course, innovation, are all very important. But as the cornerstone of success, I would have to highlight my staff. They are the backbone of our hotel and without them, we wouldn’t be successful. When a relationship of trust and understanding is created, it’s a winning combination. HYATT REGENCY BELGRADE Milentija Popovića 5, Belgrade Tel. +381 11 301 1234 [email protected]


Veliki projekti renoviranja na kraju veoma izazovne prethodne godine uključivali su redizajn lokala Tea House u market u stilu kafea. Omiljeno sastajalište Beograđana u kojem mogu da dele vreme, prostor, mišljenja i navike, Tea House – Not Strictly Business since 1990, predstavlja mesto ne samo za biznis i prestiž, već i za porodice i posebne trenutke koji se slave u životu. Kompanija nastavlja da ulaže u objekat i modernizaciju zgrade, tako da su u toku i planovi za renoviranje još dva sprata gostinskih soba. Šta je potrebno da se postane uspešan generalni direktor hotela? Potrebno je mnoštvo povezanih faktora, počevši od toga da prvo morate istinski da volite ono što radite. Ne bi trebalo da se osećate kao da se svakog jutra spremate da idete na posao; to nije posao, već vaš dom. Polazeći od toga, dalje bih rekao i posvećenost, brzo prilagođavanje promenama, razumevanje potreba i želja ljudi i, naravno, inovativnost, sve je to veoma važno. Ali bih kao glavni faktor uspeha istakao svoje saradnike. Oni su okosnica našeg hotela i bez njih niko ne može biti uspešan. Kada se izgradi odnos poverenja i razumevanja, to je prava dobitna kombinacija.


Veliki projekti renoviranja na kraju veoma izazovne prethodne godine uključivali su redizajn lokala Tea House u market u stilu kafea. Omiljeno sastajalište Beograđana u kojem mogu da dele vreme, prostor, mišljenja i navike, Tea House – Not Strictly Business since 1990, predstavlja mesto ne samo za biznis i prestiž, već i mesto gde u krugu porodice možete proslavite posebne trenutke u životu


from the mountains

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to the sea

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Orvas - Managing Villas and Vessels



Orvas d.o.o. is a company based in Dalmatia in the Republic of Croatia. We have been managing villas and vessels for over 25 years. We own about 20 luxury villas with swimming pools, as well as offering over 100 others in our portfolio, some of which are under our management, while others form part of our agency offer.

Have you always dreamed of a yacht or a villa by the sea, but never made an investment because you do not have the spare time to maintain and use it? Such an investment, without time at your disposal to dedicate to it, implies both an additional burden and unnecessary costs. However, there is a solution at hand; we offer you the chance to make your dreams to come true without any additional involvement in the project, and to get a return on the investment in a couple of years, by chartering out your vessel or villa under our management. That is why we are here for you: to organize and carry through your project!


rvas d.o.o. is a company based in Dalmatia in the Republic of Croatia. We have been managing villas and vessels for over 25 years. We own about 20 luxury villas with swimming pools, as well as offering over 100 others in our portfolio, some of which are under our management, while others form part of our agency offer. Besides villas, we also own a fleet of sailboats. In addition to our own vessels, we maintain and manage vessels belonging to other owners and investors.


From the very beginning of the investment process, Orvas helps investors by advising them on what and when to buy and gives them insight into the cost and revenue plan for them to achieve a return on their investment. Being a charter company,


Želite posjedovati jahtu i vilu na Jadranu, ali nemate vremena za održavanje istih? Tu smo za Vas. Orvas - menadžment vila i plovila Oduvijek ste maštali o jahti ili vili tik uz more, ali se nikad niste upuštali u investiciju jer zapravo nemate slobodnog vremena za održavanje i korištenje istog. Takvo ulaganje uz nedostatak vremena donosi dodatno opterećenje i suvišne troškove. Međutim, postoji rješenje i mogućnost da se Vaši snovi ostvare bez Vašeg dodatnog angažmana u realizaciji projekta i da se investicija vrati kroz par godina na način da plovilo ili vilu stavite u najam kroz naš management. Zato smo tu, za Vas, da organiziramo i provedemo Vaš projekt! Orvas d.o.o. je firma sa sjedištem u RH, u Dalmaciji. Bavimo se managementom vila i plovila preko 25 godina. Vlasnici smo 20-tak luksuznih vila sa bazenom, a u portfoliu ih imamo preko 100. Neke od njih su nam u managementu, a s nekima radimo samo kao agencija. Osim vila, vlasnici smo i flote jedrilica. Uz vlastita plovila, bavimo se održavanjem i managementom plovila drugih vlasnika i investitora.


Ukoliko se radi o investitoru kojem je želja izgraditi vilu, Orvas nudi usluge savjetovanja kod odabira parcele, projektiranja vile, te uređenja vile. Ukoliko se radi o investitoru koji želi investirati u postojeći objekt, Orvas nudi usluge savjetovanja preuređenja vile, ishođenja kategorizacije te upoznaje vlasnika sa cjelokupnim procesom rada. Za vlasnika Orvas vrši usluge bukinga, prijave gostiju, čišćenje, primopredaje objekta, 24 satno dežurstvo za goste, te održavanja vile i njene okućnice.



On behalf of the investor, Orvas works on the handover from the vessel supplier - dealer, takes care of all the necessary documents and sets up the vessel with the appropriate equipment needed for chartering.

we have favorable conditions agreed with dealers and banks, thus we are able to contract the same conditions for our investors. After paying a deposit for the purchase of a vessel, our company proceeds with its booking. On behalf of the investor, Orvas works on the handover from the vessel supplier dealer, takes care of all the necessary documents and sets up the vessel with the appropriate equipment needed for chartering. During the chartering season, we take care of vessel maintenance, take bookings, meet and greet guests, and prepare all the necessary documentation.


If an investor wants to build a villa, Orvas provides consulting services for choosing a building plot as well as designing and furnishing the villa. To those who want to invest in an existing property, Orvas offers consulting services for the renovation of the villa, obtaining categorization and acquainting the owner with the entire process. On behalf of the owner, Orvas then provides booking services, guest registration, cleaning, handover of the villa, 24-hour services for guests, and villa and garden maintenance. We have been on the market for over 25 years and each of our villas/vessels has had great reviews online, which are a clear indicator of our top-quality service! Please contact us and put your trust in us!



Od početka same ideje za investicijom, Orvas pomaže savjetovanjem investitora što kupiti i kad kupiti, te im daje uvid u plan troškova i prihoda kroz godine povrata investicije. S obzirom da smo charter kompanija imamo posebne uvjete sa dilerima i bankama, te iste uvjete ugovaramo za naše investitore. Nakon plaćanja akontacije za kupnju plovila, počinje se sa bukiranjem plovila. Orvas za investitora odrađuje primopredaju plovila od strane dobavljača plovila - dilera, rješava svu potrebnu dokumentaciju te priprema plovilo sa odgovarajućom opremom potrebnom za charter iznajmljivanje. Za vrijeme charter sezone brinemo se za održavanje plovila, vršimo buking, dočekujemo goste i vršimo cjelokupnu dokumentaciju za najam.


Ukoliko se radi o investitoru kojem je želja izgraditi vilu, Orvas nudi usluge savjetovanja kod odabira parcele, projektiranja vile, te uređenja vile. Ukoliko se radi o investitoru koji želi investirati u postojeći objekt, Orvas nudi usluge savjetovanja preuređenja vile, ishođenja kategorizacije te upoznaje vlasnika sa cjelokupnim procesom rada. Za vlasnika Orvas vrši usluge bukinga, prijave gostiju, čišćenje, primopredaje objekta, 24 satno dežurstvo za goste, te održavanja vile i njene okućnice. Na tržištu smo preko 25 godina i svaka naša vila/ plovilo ima odlične recenzije online, što su pokazatelj naše vrhunske kvalitete rada! Obratite nam se s povjerenjem!


Orvas za investitora odrađuje primopredaju plovila od strane dobavljača plovila - dilera, rješava svu potrebnu dokumentaciju te priprema plovilo sa odgovarajućom opremom potrebnom za charter iznajmljivanje. Za vrijeme charter sezone brinemo se za održavanje plovila, vršimo buking, dočekujemo goste i vršimo cjelokupnu dokumentaciju za najam. T. +385 021 734 405 [email protected]



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Architectural studio Atellior



Stari Bar, Montenegro T +382 68 888 864 [email protected]









One Blackfriars, London - photo by Bruno Rondinelli

The design is the responsibility of the international architectural studio Atellior, a team of creative people that offer solutions to the leading global hotel chains all over Europe from their offices in Zagreb and London.

Innovation in the hotel business is not something we normally see very often. This used to be a traditional, conservative sector, the concept of which had not changed for decades, and hotels were mostly understood as dormitories, while hotel restaurants and bars were often halfempty and gyms were used only by sports fanatics. Fortunately, this state of play was turned upside-down by a new generation of hoteliers and guests who care less about the form and more about the content. They are looking for contact with the local culture and gastronomy, seeking out different activities and new acquaintances, and new technologies in particular have allowed them to combine business and pleasure wherever their job or quest for fun take them. This has created a new playground for investors, developers, hotel operators and hotel designers, whose final touch is necessary for an idea to be able to conquer the market.


perfect example of an innovative hotel product is the SIRO Boka Place, currently in development in the Bay of Kotor within Porto Montenegro, opening in 2023. This project is being developed by Adriatic Marinas in cooperation with the hotel company Kerzner. Kerzner is the founder of such luxury brands as One&Only, Atlantis Resorts and Residences, and Magazan Beach & Golf


Dizajn vrhunskih hotela i rezidencija nastaje u Atelliorovim uredima u Londonu i Zagrebu

Inovativnost u hotelskom biznisu nije nešto što smo ranije često viđali, bio je to tradicionalan, konzervativni sektor u kojem se desetljećima nije mijenjao koncept sadržaja, a hoteli su bili uglavnom spavaonice, hotelski restorani i barovi poluprazni, tek sportski fanatici su koristili gym. Nered su, srećom, unijele nove generacije menadžera i gostiju koji se sve manje zamaraju formom a sve više sadržajem, traže kontakt s lokalnom kulturom, gastronomijom, traže aktivnosti i nova poznanstva, a nove tehnologije omogućile su im da rade i uživaju istodobno, kamo god ih odnese posao ili zadovoljstvo. Nastalo je novo igralište za investitore, developere, hotelske operatere i dizajnere hotela, bez čijeg završnog dodira nijedna ideja ne bi osvojila tržište. Savršen primjer inovativnosti hotelskog proizvoda projekt je SIRO Boka Place, koji se upravo razvija u Bokokotorskom zaljevu u sklopu Porto Montenegro, a prve goste planira primiti 2023. godine. Projekt u suradnji s hotelskom kompanijom Kerzner razvija Adriatic Marinas. Kerzner je osnivač luksuznih brendova One&Only, Atlantis Resorts and Residences i Magazan Beach & Golf Resort, te jedan od vodećih inovativaca u ovoj industriji. Za dizajn je zadužen međunarodni arhitektonski ured Atellior, ekipa kreativaca koja iz svojih ureda u Zagrebu i Londonu donosi rješenja za vodeće globalne hotelske lance diljem Europe.


Saffron Wharf, London - photo by Bruno Rondinelli

Resort, and is among the leading innovators in this industry. The design is the responsibility of the international architectural bureau Atellior, a team of creative people that offer solutions to the leading global hotel chains all over Europe from their offices in Zagreb and London. “Just as during the pandemic there was no major drop in the number of newly constructed hotels, in spite of some expectations, the general direction of hotel design remained the same as did the modern and innovative concept of hotel amenities that had developed before the crisis. The new projects initiated during the pandemic are pursuing the trend of hotel lobbies opening up for guests to mingle, of shared tables for meetings and socialising, of borders being erased between hotel amenities and functions such as the reception desk, the restaurant and the bar. The pandemic did not impact the development of lifestyle neighbourhood hotels, and the only thing that may stick around after the epidemic ends could be the introduction of unique hygienic and security measures and the further automatization of the processes, reducing the contact between staff and guests, such as the digital checkin”, state the architects and designers Una Barac and Ante Marić, the directors of Atellior, a bureau that in less than five years since its founding has overseen a string of preeminent projects for the global chains in its portfolio. Their references include facilities in development or already existing ones under the brands of Four Seasons, Hilton, Marriott, InterContinental Hotel Group, Park Plaza, Radisson Group and Accor.


"Kao što se u pandemiji nije značajno smanjio broj novih hotelskih objekata, unatoč nekim očekivanjima nije se izmijenio smjer u kojem je krenuo hotelski dizajn, zajedno s modernim i inovativnim konceptom hotelskih sadržaja čiji je razvoj krenuo prije ove krize. I u novim projektima koji nastaju usred pandemije nastavlja se trend otvaranja hotelskih lobija za “minglanje” gostiju, ostaju zajednički veliki stolovi za upoznavanje i druženje, brišu se granice između hotelskih sadržaja i operacija kao što su recepcija, restoran i bar. Pandemija nije uzdrmala razvoj lifestyle, hotela iz susjedstva, dizajnerskih hotela, a jedino što bi se i nakon korone moglo zadržati je uvođenje jedinstvenih higijensko sigurnosnih mjera, te daljnja automatizacija procesa koja smanjuje kontakt osoblja i gostiju, kao što je digitalni check in", ističu arhitekti i dizajneri Una Barac i Ante Marić, direktori Atelliora, ureda koji je u niti pet godina od osnivanja u svoj portfelj uvrstio niz vrhunskih projekata za globalne svjetske lance. Među njihovim referencama su objekti koji se razvijaju ili već posluju pod brendovima Four Seasonsa, Hiltona, Marriotta, InterContinental Hotel Grupe, Park Plaza, Radisson Group i Accora. Njihovi aktualni projekti odvijaju se između ostalog u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj, Srbiji, a potpisuju i dizajn vodećih hotelskih projekata u Hrvatskoj, od Boutique Hotela Ikador, Sheratona, Le Meridiena i mnogih drugih. Tvrtku su 2017. godine osnovali Una Barac, arhitektica s londonskom adresom i Ante Marić, tako da je otvaranje ureda u oba grada bilo samo po sebi razumljivo. U manje od 5 godina ušli su među


Među njihovim referencama su objekti koji se razvijaju ili već posluju pod brendovima Four Seasonsa, Hiltona, Marriotta, InterContinental Hotel Grupe, Park Plaza, Carlson Rezidora i Accora. Njihovi aktualni projekti odvijaju se između ostalog u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, Njemačkoj, Nizozemskoj, Srbiji, a potpisuju i dizajn vodećih hotelskih projekata u Hrvatskoj, od Boutique Hotela Ikador, Sheratona, Le Meridiena i mnogih drugih.

Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa, Opatija - photo by Bruno Rondinelli

“Even though we have many references in Croatia and the region, London is the international hub for designers and business, and our London office gives us the broadness we require for international development”, explains Ante Marić.

Their current projects are in development in countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Serbia, and they are also behind the design of certain leading hotel projects in Croatia, including Boutique Hotel Ikador, Sheraton, Le Meridien and many more. The company was founded in 2017 by Una Barac, a London-based architect and Ante Marić from Zagreb, who felt that it made perfect sense to open offices in both cities. After less than five years, they are now ranked among the top 10 architectural studios in Croatia, and are the leading Croatian studio according to the number of references from globally renowned projects in tourism, which are developed by almost 40 people operating across both locations. “Even though we have many references in Croatia and the region, London is the international hub for designers and business, and our London office gives us the broadness we require for international development”, explains Ante Marić. Atellior’s creatives have been developing the design of the new Kerzner brand SIRO Hotels for the past two years. SIRO Boka Place, with 96 rooms and hotel suites, together with 213 apartments, will be launched in Porto Montenegro in late 2023. “This is a brand dedicated to fitness and health, recovery, physical and metal wellbeing, with a unique concept intended for professional and recreational athletes and all those who wish to dedicate themselves to regeneration and feeling better. Even though it is located at the seaside, this is not a beach facility, meaning that it will rather resemble a town hotel and will have many amenities that reflect the brand’s philosophy, including a serious


top 10 arhitektonskih ureda u Hrvatskoj, te su vodeći hrvatski ured prema broju referenci svjetski poznatih turističkih projekata koje razvija gotovo 40 ljudi na obje lokacije. “Iako u Hrvatskoj i u regiji imamo puno referenci, London je svjetsko središte dizajnera ali i svjetsko biznis središte, i ured u Londonu daje nam širinu koja nam je potrebna za međunarodni razvoj”, pojašnjava nam Ante Marić. Atelliorovi kreativci razvijaju dizajn novog Kerznerova brenda SIRO Hotels zadnje dvije godine. SIRO Boka Place, sa 96 soba i hotelskih apartmana zajedno s 213 rezidencija, lansirat će se u Porto Montenegru krajem 2023. godine. “Radi se o brendu posvećenom fitnessu i wellnessu, oporavku, tjelesnoj i mentalnoj dobrobiti, jedinstvenom konceptu namijenjenom sportašima, rekreativcima, ali i svima koji se žele posvetiti regeneraciji i bolje osjećati. Iako je na morskoj destinaciji, ovo nije plažni objekt, tako da će više izgledati kao gradski hotel, i imat će jako puno sadržaja koji odražavaju filozofiju brenda, uključuju i ozbiljan gym i bazen. Sam izraz SIRO je kratica za četiri pojma, te predstavlja četiri stupa – snage, uključivosti, refleksije i izvornosti. To su otprilike bile osnove na kojima smo u zadnje dvije godine gradili naš dizajn, praktički od nule”, pojašnjavaju nam u Atellioru. Adriatic Marinas ih je angažirao da za SIRO razviju dizajn interijera hotelskih soba, apartmana, privatnih stanova i javnih površina. Kako doznajemo od projekanata, prvi korak u svakom, pa i ovom procesu je dogovoriti temeljni konceptualni pristup s klijentom, što čini osnovu za dalji razvoj dizajna. Svaki novi projekt počinje praznim platnom, THE COLLECTION

One Blackfriars, London - photo by Bruno Rondinelli

gym and pool. The name SIRO is an acronym for four notions representing four pillars – strength, inclusion, reflection, and originality. These are essentially the cornerstones on which we have built our design over the previous two years, basically from scratch”, the Atellior directors explain. Adriatic Marinas hired them to develop the interior design for the SIRO hotel rooms, suites, private apartments, and public spaces. The designers tell us that the first step in any process, and this one was no exception, is to agree on a fundamental conceptual approach with the client, which serves as the basis for the further development of design. Every new project starts with a blank canvas, without copying previous designs. In the case of Boka Place, a new vibrant urban neighbourhood is being developed in Porto Montenegro, which will include mixed-purpose facilities (from hotels to apartments), erasing the borders between hospitality, fitness, and wellness. The guests will have at their disposal a team of in-house experts, including trainers and nutritionists, while the fitness club will have a gym, an area for yoga and meditation, an outdoor swimming pool and sports courts, and a Recovery Lab will be opened with different spa and wellness treatments for regeneration. As Philippe Zuber, the CEO of Kerzner, explained while announcing the new brand, SIRO will create a collective global community of peers living a high-performance lifestyle, who are passionate about striving to attain and realize their full potential. As for Atellior’s task, the design process is currently being finalised, following many stages and C R O AT I A

bez prepisivanja prethodnih rješenja. U slučaju Boka Place, razvija se svojevrsna nova živahna urbana četvrt u Porto Montenegru, koja će sadržavati sadržaje mješovite upotrebe (od hotela do stanova), uz brisanje granica između ugostiteljstva, fitnessa i wellnessa. Gostima će na raspolaganju biti tim internih stručnjaka, uključujući trenere i nutricioniste, fitness klub će imati teretanu, prostor za jogu i meditaciju, bazen i vanjske sportske terene, a otvorit će se i Recovery Lab s različitim spa i wellness tretmanima za regeneraciju. Kako je prilikom najave novog brenda pojasnio Philippe Zuber, glavni izvršni direktor Kerznera, SIRO će stvoriti kolektivnu globalnu zajednicu istomišljenika koji žive stilom života visokih performansi, strastveni u postizanju postignuća i ostvarivanju svog najvećeg potencijala. Kad je Atelliorov zadatak u pitanju, proces je trenutno u fazi dovršenja dizajna, no tome je prethodilo puno koraka i sastanaka kako bi se uskladile ideje dizajnera i zahtjevi Kerznerova projektnog ureda i samog vlasnika brenda. Sama hotelska soba primjerice dizajnom ponavlja glavne motive filozofije SIRO kroz primjerice švedske ljestve, regeneracija se postiže uz vrhunski odabir kreveta i madraca, jako je važan tuš, a s ciljem holističkog pristupa zdravlju postavljaju se i lampe koje imitiraju dnevno svjetlo. Jedan od najistaknutijih recentnih projekata Atelliora, Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa luksuzni je hotel s 5 zvjezdica, smješten neposredno uz šetnicu Opatijske rivijere, koja povezuje Iku i Ičiće. Pri projektiranju interijera, namjera je bila evocirati povijesni duh zlatnog razdoblja turizma u Opatiji u


Tvrtku su 2017. godine osnovali Una Barac, arhitektica s londonskom adresom i Ante Marić, tako da je otvaranje ureda u oba grada bilo samo po sebi razumljivo. U manje od 5 godina ušli su među top 10 arhitektonskih ureda u Hrvatskoj, te su vodeći hrvatski ured prema broju referenci svjetski poznatih turističkih projekata koje razvija gotovo 40 ljudi na obje lokacije.

SIRO Boka Place, Porto Montenegro

Atellior’s creatives have been developing the design of the new Kerzner brand SIRO Hotels for the past two years. SIRO Boka Place, with 96 rooms and hotel suites, together with 213 apartments, will be launched in Porto Montenegro in late 2023.

meetings held in order to harmonise the ideas of the designers with the demands of Kerzner’s design office and of the brand owner. The design of the hotel room, for example, reiterates the main motifs of SIRO’s philosophy through the use of Swedish ladders; regeneration can be achieved thanks to the supreme selection of beds and mattresses; the showers are of utmost importance, and the holistic approach to health is also reflected in the lamps that imitate daylight. One of the most prominent of Atellior’s recent projects, Ikador Luxury Boutique Hotel & Spa, is a 5-star luxury hotel, located right next to the Opatija Riviera promenade, connecting Ika and Ičići. In designing the interior, the intention was to evoke the historical spirit of the golden age of tourism in Opatija in a modern reinterpretation. The chosen colour palette is a combination of deep blue and green shades, which reference the Mediterranean landscape, with warm hues inspired by the sunlight-created effects. The selection of furniture and light fixtures gives a sense of timeless and yet contemporary hotel design. The hotel also includes a specifically designed conference area that offers a unique environment for the organisation of business meetings. The hotel complex also features an exclusive Presidential villa, which additionally accentuates the luxury in the design of all its details. The inspiration for the design came from canonical examples of contemporary architecture, and is visible in details such as the Verde Alpi marble as a dedication to the Barcelona pavilion by Mies van der Rohe. The Atellior team was also in charge of the design of the interior of Residence Inn by Marriott in the Northern Quarter in the centre of Manchester.


modernoj reinterpretaciji. Izabrana paleta boja kombinira nijanse duboke plave i zelene, kao reference na mediteranski krajolik, s toplim tonovima inspiriranim efektima koje stvaraju sunčeve zrake. Odabir namještaja i rasvjetnih tijela daje dojam bezvremenskog, a ipak suvremenog hotelskog dizajna. Dio hotela je i posebno dizajniran konferencijski prostor koji nudi jedinstveno okruženje za održavanje poslovnih sastanaka. U hotelskom kompleksu smještena je i ekskluzivna predsjednička vila, gdje je dodatno naglašen luksuz u dizajnu svakog detalja. Inspiracija pri projektu bili su kanonski primjeri suvremene arhitekture vidljivi u detaljima poput mramora Alpi Verde kao posvete Barcelona paviljonu Miesa van der Rohea. Tim Atelliora zadužen je bio i za dizajn interijera Residence Inn by Marriott u sjevernoj četvrti u centru Manchestera. To je ujedno prvi objekt Marriottova brenda za produženi boravak na sjeveru zemlje, a projekt je uključio preuređenje postojeće zgrade u aparthotel. Atellior je odradio prostornu organizaciju 155 soba za goste i svih javnih površina, recepcije i predvorja, lounge zone, restorana i dvorišta. Inspiraciju im je dala povijest Manchestera i viktorijansko nasljeđe četvrti, tako da su elementi industrijske revolucije reinterpretirani na svjež i suvremen način. U ovom projektu Atellior je imao usku suradnju i s umjetničkim konzultantima u pomnom odabiru umjetnine za sobe i javne prostore, čija je svrha bila da odražavaju povijest gradske četvrti Northern Quarter i dočaraju živost Manchestera. Posebno zanimljiv projekt za dizajnere Atelliora bilo je renoviranje hotela Park Plaza Utrecht 2017. godine, značajne godine u kojoj se obilježavala THE COLLECTION

SIRO Boka Place, Porto Montenegro

This is the first Marriott-branded building for extended stays in the north of the country, and the project included the redesign of the existing building into an aparthotel. Atellior designed the spatial organisation of 155 rooms for guests and all the public spaces, the reception desk and the lobby, the lounge zone, the restaurant and the yard. They were inspired by the history of Manchester and the Victorian heritage of the neighbourhood, meaning that elements of the industrial revolution were reinterpreted in a fresh and contemporary fashion. In this project, Atellior closely cooperated with artistic consultants in the careful selection of artworks for the rooms and public areas, the purpose of which was to reflect the history of the Northern Quarter and portray the liveliness of Manchester. One particularly interesting project for Atellior’s designers was the renovation of the Hotel Park Plaza Utrecht in 2017, for the 100th anniversary of neoplasticism, the Dutch artistic movement that emerged around De Stijl, which was founded by Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg. These artists expressed their utopian ideals of spiritual harmony and order through complete abstraction and universal design, achieved with the use of basic forms and colours. The visual compositions were reduced to horizontals and verticals and the use of the primary colour palette. In this project, the client wanted to facilitate the often-exhausting experience of business trips, by creating a space that allows for relaxing work from the comfort of your home. The design of the ground floor was inspired by Theo van Doesburg’s painting Composition I (Still Life), meaning that they used neutral colours and warm grey in combination with yellow accents. As for the interior details, C R O AT I A

stogodišnjica pokretanja neoplasticizma, nizozemskog umjetničkog pokreta De Stijl čiji su osnivači bili Piet Mondrian i Theo van Doesburg. Svoje utopističke ideale duševnog sklada i poretka ovi su umjetnici izrazili kroz potpunu apstrakciju i univerzalni dizajn, postignut korištenjem osnovnih oblika i boja. Vizualne kompozicije svedene su na horizontalne i okomite, koristeći primarnu paletu boja. Naručitelj je u ovom projektu želio olakšati često iscrpljujuće iskustvo poslovnog putovanja, stvaranjem prostora koji stvara opuštajući oblik rada iz vlastitog doma. Kao inspiracija za dizajn prizemlja dizajnerima je poslužio rad Thea van Doesburga "Kompozicija I (Mrtva priroda)", koristili su neutralne boje, tople sive u kombinaciji s plavim tonovima koji dominiraju zidovima i namještajem sa žutim akcentima. Što se tiče detalja interijera, svuda je korištena crna metalna konstrukcija, zajedno s hrastovim furnirom, radnim pločama od prirodnog kamena i detaljima od mesinga. Luksuzni materijali aplicirani su kao akcenti na mjestima gdje imaju najveći utjecaj. Namještaj po mjeri koji je dizajnirao Atellior proizvodila su zanatska stolarska poduzeća za sobe i javne prostore. Dizajn je ovom hotelu omogućio da ispriča priču o svom jedinstvenom lokalitetu. Atelliorovi dizajneri imali su priliku osmisliti rješenja za prvi Marriott u Litvi, koji je otvoren 2018. godine u sklopu novog kompleksa u centru grada Vilniusa, na mjestu nekadašnjeg stadiona Žalgiris. Hotel s 199 soba ima suvremeni a la carte restoran i opuštajući bar s prekrasnom terasom s pogledom na citadelu i šest prekrasnih


Kako je prilikom najave novog brenda pojasnio Philippe Zuber, glavni izvršni direktor Kerznera, SIRO će stvoriti kolektivnu globalnu zajednicu istomišljenika koji žive stilom života visokih performansi, strastveni u postizanju postignuća i ostvarivanju svog najvećeg potencijala.

SIRO Boka Place, Porto Montenegro

Atellior’s designers also had the opportunity to develop solutions for the first Marriott in Lithuania, opened in 2018, as part of the new complex in the centre of Vilnius, where the Žalgiris Stadium used to be.

black metal construction was used everywhere, coupled with oak veneer, natural stone worktops, and brass details. Luxurious materials were applied as accents to the places with the most significant impact. Tailor-made furniture designed by Atellior was produced by artisanal carpenters for the rooms and public spaces. The design allowed this hotel to tell the story of its unique locality. Atellior’s designers also had the opportunity to develop solutions for the first Marriott in Lithuania, opened in 2018, as part of the new complex in the centre of Vilnius, where the Žalgiris Stadium used to be. The 199-room hotel has a modern a la carte restaurant and a relaxing bar with a beautiful balcony overlooking the citadel and six gorgeous meeting rooms. Atellior’s task was to apply the Courtyard by Marriott standards, pushing the borders of design and style. The recognisable hotel exterior with sharp, slanted lines and black glass facades is facing the old town and is an astonishing expression of both the old and the new. They designed a completely free and flexible lobby which creates at once a relaxing and a business-like atmosphere. The interior of the hotel public space reflects the building’s exterior, copying the exterior façade lines that the designers incorporated in the interior elements. The usage of materials such as geometrically shaped steel and concrete, with appropriate lighting, complements the accentuated light yellow and sophisticated blue they used in the interiors of the lobby and the salon. In this project, they closely cooperated with the leading Lithuanian lighting designer Marius Mateika and designed remarkable lighting that represents himmeli, the traditional Baltic holiday decoration made from straw.


soba za sastanke. Atelliorov zadatak bio je primijeniti standarde Courtyard by Marriott, pomičući granice dizajna i stila. Prepoznatljiv eksterijer hotela s oštrim kosim linijama i fasadama od crnog stakla okrenut je prema starom gradu i zadivljujući je izraz starog i novog. Dizajnirali su potpuno slobodno fleksibilno predvorje koje je i opuštajuće i poslovno. Interijer hotelskog javnog prostora odražava vanjsku arhitekturu zgrade preslikavajući vanjske fasadne linije koje su dizajneri pokupili u elementima interijera. Korištenje materijala kao što su geometrijski brušeni čelik i beton, uz osvjetljenje po mjeri nadopunjuju naglašene boje svijetlo žute i sofisticirane plave nijanse koje su koristili u interijerima predvorja i salona. Na projektu su blisko surađivali s vodećim litavskim dizajnerom rasvjete Mariusom Mateikom, te su osmislili upečatljivu rasvjetu koja predstavlja himmeli, tradicionalni baltički blagdanski ukras napravljen od slame. LONDON +44 (0)20 7043 2057 [email protected] Atellior, 81 Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3AY ZAGREB +385 (0)1492 6516 [email protected] Atellior, Radnička cesta 39, 10 000, Zagreb, Croatia THE COLLECTION



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BIG BANG UNICO RED MAGIC Vibrantly-coloured and patented red ceramic case. In-house UNICO chronograph movement. Limited to 500 pieces.

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