Tattoo Marque Nov/December

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Hello and welcome back to our third and best issue yet of Tattoo Marque Magazine! In our last issue we traveled down the West Coast where we had the honor of talking to Tahiti Felix Master Tattoo, which is definitely a piece of tattoo history. From there we traveled up to Los Angeles where we had the pleasure of covering Antonio Pelayo and the legendary Freddy Negrete where together they put on a major art show called TATUAJE: A Tattoo Event. Finally, we interviewed tattoo collector Rubin Chavez whose collection includes artists such as The Dutchman, Eddie Deutsche, Mr Went, Joel Long and Brian Everett. So a huge thanks to all of the people I mentioned and the many artists and talent that were in our last issue from the TM Family. Now on to this issue! For this issue, we are packed from cover to cover with quality tattoos, articles, artists and collectors. First off, we had the chance to visit one of the Black and Greys finest, Josh Duffy out of Phoe-

nix Arizona!! If you love large scale black and grey, this is a great section to check out as we sit in and talk with him as he tattoos. He also takes us for a tour of this beautiful shop Black Castle Art Co.! Next we take a trip down the road where we have the honor of visiting and talking to the guys at the famous Immaculate Tattoo. Check it out as we get the chance to catch up with Aaron Coleman and Jason Kralovets as they give us the rundown on how they got started and what they think of tattooing today. Additionally, check out the pictures from inside their shop which just so happens to be one of my personal favorites!! In this issue we lucked out as the talented Marie Sena from Electric Eye Tattoo came down to New Mexico from Dallas and gave us a great interview as she tattooed one of our staff Julio!! Marie is an amazing, well rounded artist and a definite must see!

2 Nov/December

Moving on we cover Jesus Gallas with a collection worth checking out and we talk a little about music with a local tattoo collector and recording artist as he gives us his story on his music and tattoos. We reach out to Berlin’s street graffiti artist Raws. Finally. The tattoo world lost a true pioneer and a piece of tattoo history with the passing of Crazy Philadelphia Eddie. We take a look at his life and his impact on the world of tattoos. R.I.P. Eddie! And as always, we bring you tons of tattoo galleries and much much more. So sit back and enjoy this issue of Tattoo Marque Magazine! I hope you enjoy this and thank you for reading!

President Bale Sisneros Publisher Kevin Baca Communications Helm Sisneros Media Relations Richard Nava Creative Director Michael Harrison Account Executive Monica Frésquez Contributor Ryan Duran Contributor Shannon Cole Photo Editor Kyle Treadwell

“Ritual” Johnny Quintana

Photographer Travis Ruiz

Special Thanks Jaclyn Harrison, Emily Stewart, Kevin Urban, Jesus Galaz, Josh Duffy, Cyrus Harrison, Eric Foemmel, Mr Went Cover: Marie Sena | Electric Eye Tattoo

Interested in advertising your business or event in Tattoo Marque Magazine? Contact our sales dept today!

Monica Frésquez Email: [email protected] ph: (505) 489-3285 Nov/December 3

Aaron Coleman Josh Duffy

Featured Artists Aaron Coleman 6 Marie Sena 12 Jason Kralovets 16 Josh Duffy 18 Tattoo In Time Crazy Philadelphia Eddie 26 Art & Entertainment Southbound Hustlas 30 Graffiti Artist: Raws 34

Jesus Galaz

Conventions & Recap DC Tattoo Expo 40 Tattoo Gallery 44 Collectors Jesus Galaz 70 Lifestyle Tips for the Collector 76

4 Nov/December

Advertise with us & get your business seen [email protected] Nov/December 5

We at Tattoo Marque had the opportunity to sit down with Aaron Coleman, owner of Immaculate Tattoo in Mesa Arizona Since 1998. We asked him a few questions while he tattooed and here is what he had to say: Helm: When did you know you were going to be a tattoo artist?

some equipment. I started marking up all my friends and taking pictures. I probably did that for three or four months and then I met my first boss, Jim Watson and he gave me my first job. I worked for him the first four or five years and then met some other people like Tim Lehi and Grime and those guys and kinda jumped around. I worked at the Crawling Squid and then they offered me this place and I’ve been here ever since.

Aaron: I never really planned it. I always knew I wanted to do something in art. There was a girl that I grew up 6with Nov/December that was doing it. She gave me

Helm: What is your tattoo style? Aaron: I like Traditional American. I like cartoons a lot too, I think they make really good tattoos. I try to do whatever people want. Whatever they ask for. Try to be kind of diverse. Helm: Where do you like to travel? Aaron: I like to go to new places. I love going to Italy, they have a really cool scene. We went to Amsterdam a couple of years ago and did the

convention. It was in an old prison and they gave everyone a cell and it was a music festival too, called Jail Break. Amsterdam was really cool because it was a lot cheaper there and it wasn’t as fancy.

Aaron Coleman

Helm: Did you have a formal apprentice? Aaron: I didn’t really do it the right way. I just started tattooing and all those people helped me out a lot. This girl Colleen helped me out a lot, Jim Watson helped by letting me work in his shop and then I met Tim Lehi at artistic and he helped me out a lot and just meeting a lot of good artists along the way. I think I would have been a lot better tattooer a lot quicker along the way if someone would have just taught me but I was a poor ass punk kid and I already had a kid. I just went about it the wrong way. Helm: What advice would you give a tattoo collector? Aaron: Look at portfolios, look at tattoos. Research the People you are going to. I think it’s better to see the tattoos in person, since so many people look at the internet now. A lot of times they don’t look the same in real life. The internet can be kinda misleading. Helm: What tattoo conventions do you recommend? Aaron: I think the New Mexico tattoo fiesta is fucking great. The only ones I do now are in Europe so I can see all the shit. The only ones I do in the states are NM and Texas too. I love going to places I’ve never been. I did one in Columbia a couple of years ago and it was fucking cool. Follow Aaron Coleman: @clam13 Nov/December 7

Aaron Coleman @clam13 8 Nov/December Nov/December 9

10 Nov/December

Aaron Coleman Nov/December 11

Marie Sena We caught up recently with Marie Sena during her visit from Dallas where she tattoos out of Electric Eye Tattoo. Here is what Marie had to say: Where are you from and how long have you been tattooing? I was born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I’ve been tattooing now for 11 years. What was your first tattoo and how did you discover your love for tattoo culture? I got my first tattoo when I was 15 years old. My best friend’s brother’s cousin’s friend had a little tattoo outfit out of his Suzuki Sidekick- R&R Tattooing. Somehow he agreed to give me my first tattoo, so I met up with him in his doublewide and I chose my first tattoo, a tree frog, out of the Spaulding and Rogers flash book. Richie Rich- he looked just like Cheech Marin and he was hilarious. We actually ended up becoming pretty good friends- he did several other tattoos on me and we used to go to lowrider car shows together. I had always been drawn to the outlaw mystique of tattoos, and now that I had a few, I was undoubtedly hooked. How did you find tattooing? Well, it’s sort of a convoluted story, but I chalk it up to mostly being in the right place at the right time. After I started getting tattooed, I knew I wanted to be one of “the tattooed people”, so I kept getting them and hanging around tattoo shops. At this point I was a wreckjust trying to figure my life out and failing pretty miserably to do so. Somehow I got a scholarship to go to college out of state in the middle of nowhere, Iowa. I was less than excited about that prospect, but something told me that I needed to get out of my home state for a while, so I went. When I got there, I met Dean Biechler, who headed up a program called Biological Illustration. I couldn’t believe it- a path that combined my love of art and my love of science. It was magic- we used to go on these epic camping trips where we would draw arrowheads and plants and birds. It was Dean who really taught me to be a good observer- he was an instrumental force for me. After I graduated, I was accepted into the graduate program

12 Nov/December

for Medical Illustration in Dallas, Texas. Again, not super stoked to go there, but I really did feel like something was calling me there. Those two years were brutal- taking classes with the medical students for the first part of the day and then taking grueling art studio sessions for the last part. Every Friday we would have a 3 hour critique of our week’s work, and inevitably

someone would leave in tears. It was tough, but it helped me develop a thick skin. So while I was in school, I met my now boyfriend Caleb Barnard, who tattooed at Hold Fast in the upper Greenville neighborhood. I really liked his super weird tattoo style- like a Richard Stell/ Dan Higgs fusion with lots of eyes and weird appendages. We became friends immediately, and Nov/December 13

he did a bunch of tattoos on me. I had had an art show at a gallery/private tattoo studio called Nine Eyes, and the owner called me up and asked me if I would like to apprentice to tattoo with him. I was so over the moon that I immediately said yes- and although it would prove to be a bullshit apprenticeship with a sociopathic teacher, I did learn some valuable things, and it helped me get my hands on some tattoo gear. Most importantly, when my apprenticeship fell apart, it was Caleb who encouraged me not to give up and to keep practicing on my broke ass friends. It was his encouragement that helped me pull myself up by my bootstraps and say “Fuck it, I’m doing this.” I moved back to Santa Fe and got my first job at a busy street shop, and that was it. I really learned that nobody was going to hand this to me, that I had to work for it. It was mostly trial and error for me- I didn’t get a lot of instruction, so I had to learn the hard way. I remember getting tattooed by Dawn Purnell and seeing a plaque she had above her station that said “A woman has to work twice as hard as a man to be considered half as good”. That saying has really stuck with me over the years. Do you feel like your medical illustration background influences your tattooing?

Marie Sena @mariesena

14 Nov/December

All the time. I had to take extensive anatomy classes as well as a ton of figure drawing, so I feel like all that practice really helps me when I’m drawing the human form or a face. There are so many nuances in the human form that you can miss if you’re not paying attention, and being made to become meticulous about those details teaches you to be a better observer. I’m not an ultra realistic tattooer by any means, but I do try to bring elements of realism into whatever I’m working on. Like, I wouldn’t want to give a wolf tiger’s paws, or give a woman’s face a man’s jawline, you know?

Do you draw and paint outside of tattooing? I try to stay creative outside of tattooing as much as I can. I really enjoy painting in watercolor and gouache, and I also like working in quill pen and ink. I’m just starting to paint with oils, so we’ll see how that goes! Name some of your artistic influences, past and present. Oh man, there are so many. I’m forever inspired by the old world engravings of Albrecht Durer and Gustav Dore. Whenever I need something esoteric and dark, those are the first artists that I dig into. I love old medical illustrations and religious art from Latin America. Bob Wicks painted some of the most beautiful tattoo flash I’ve ever seen. I have many tattooers who I admire, but I especially love the energy of Timothy Hoyer’s work, the finesse of Chris Conn’s and the weirdness of Richard Stell’s. Any pet peeves about tattooing nowadays? It really pains me when someone comes in to set up an appointment, and they show me a really bad tattoo as their inspiration. It does something to me, physically! Like, why did you choose that horrible tattoo to show me? But then I have to take a step back and remember that most of the tattoo images on the internet are absolute garbage, so when someone’s searching around on Google, they’re wading through a whole ocean of shit, hoping to find a pearl. But I really do feel that it’s part of our job as tattooers to educate people, not to be condescending to them. With all the Photoshopping and filters and whatnot, it’s no wonder people sometimes come in with unrealistic ideas. We can all get blinded by bullshit, so I’ll gladly take the time to explain why

this design won’t hold up over time, or why this placement doesn’t make sense, etc. I also get really bummed out when I see some tattooers develop a god complex. I mean, we’re not doctors, and we’re not rocket scientists, but we get to be the guides who initiate people into the cult of tattoo, which is pretty damn cool. So I’ll never understand tattooers who are full of attitude. What ever happened to trying to be a well-rounded tattooer who is nice to their customers? I feel really fortunate to be friends with a good number of really talented tattooers who have the same outlook on this issue, so I just don’t have time or energy to deal with “cool guys”. How do you stay inspired and keep pushing yourself artistically? Sometimes it’s really hard to stay motivated to keep producing, but it’s weird, I really do get almost depressed if I haven’t drawn or painted in a while. I feel good when I’m productive- it’s almost like therapy. Not saying that I don’t get “artist’s block” every once in a while, but I always end up finding inspiration in old books, like Man, Myth and Magic- that’s a treasure trove of ideas! Any plans on returning to New Mexico? New Mexico will always be home for me- there’s no place on earth like it. I’ll absolutely return.

Anybody that has recognized or helped me get where I’m at now, I thank you.

Anything else you want to say?

You can follow Marie by going to: instagram: @mariesena

I’m grateful as hell everyday that there’s people who trust me to put my drawings on them forever. Nov/December 15

Jason Kralovetz Jason Kralovetz is an amazing artist out of Immaculate Tattoo located in Mesa, Arizona. Having been a tattooer for 20 years, his focus is mainly with American traditional and lettering, which allows him to fit right in at his shop which primarily focuses on American traditional and Japanese. His work is astounding with crisp lines and wonderful saturation. Jason become attracted to the world of tattoos at the young age of 18 when he went in to get his first tattoo from as he puts it “a bad ass biker”. At that very moment he was hooked on ink and wanted to receive more. This would eventually mark his first steps into the tattooer world. It wasn’t until a few years later, after his third tattoo that he

would step into the seat of an apprenticeship. When asked about his advice to any upcoming artists, he said, “Don’t teach yourself, pay attention and go for a formal apprenticeship”. The formal teaching is a much better method then “fucking up friends for years” while scratching in one’s own kitchen. Remembering back to his first tattoo as a defining point of his fascination with the tattoo world he keeps his first one as a fond memory. Getting the tattoo as a young man, he had something that signified the time and age which was a joker and skull, a logo of a bong company at the time. As for advice to collectors, “ be picky!” The open real estate that one has for

16 Nov/December

their body can fill up fast. This also transitions into the concept of youth and his apprehension to tattooing certain types of tattoos. Such as being iffy on band logos for the fact of age and to keep the skin open for wonderful artists who are popping up. A wonderful artist with a recognizable american traditional style is what makes Jason’s work memorable. The clear lines and work are phenomenal and make him a great person to look into as a collector. Follow Jason at: - Ryan Duran

Jason Kralovetz @jkralovetz Nov/December 17

Josh Duffy 18 Nov/December

Black Castle Art Co. Nov/December 19

Owner of Black Castle Art Co. in Peoria Az, Josh Duffy is making his name as a legend in the tattoo world. Before starting his own business, Josh worked out of Timeline Gallery in San Pedro California, alongside Carlos Torres and Alan Padilla, who are no strangers to quality tattoos. Josh has a style all his own. Focusing on dark, horror style, a theme that carries over into his oil paintings as well. Josh has been tattooing for over 12 years and first started getting tattooed at 21. Josh says his favorite tattoo, located on his torso, is a work in progress by some of his favorite tattooers. His collection includes, Alan Padilla, Carlos Rojas, Mike DeVries and Carlos Torres. Tattoo Marque’s Helm, recently sat down with Josh at his shop to ask him a few questions. Here is what he had to say: Helm: So when did you know you were going to be a tattoo artist? JD: HAHA I didn’t! I was a musician. Everyone in my family was an artist, everybody does it for a living. At the end of the day, when you are raised around something, you always want to be different. You want to stand out, so I didn’t want to be an artist or paint, I wanted to be a musician. Then I started painting on the side with my mom, doing mural work for private homes

20 Nov/December

Reaper on Horse by Mikey O’Neal, artist at Black Castle Art Co.

22 Nov/December

and businesses, and my buddies were like, “hey man, why don’t you tattoo?” I eventually bought a kit and started to tattoo.

inspirational. But if I had to say, for me, Richard Schmid, Sean Barber, my mom more than anybody. I have huge shoes to fill.

Helm: What do you say your style of tattoo is?

Helm: Who influenced you as an artist?

JD: I don’t even know, Black and Grey, realistic surrealism?

JD: Just the people I worked around. I went to a whole slew of other shops. Then I met Mario Vasquez, who owned Modern Ink, super rad guy and took me right in.

Helm: Do you like to travel a lot? JD: I do like to travel but I hate to travel without my family. Everytime I travel alone, I get homesick. Helm: Who is your favorite artist outside the tattoo world? JD: From oil painters and comic book artists, I love them all, everybody is

Helm: What tattoo artist inspires you? JD: I’ve been inspired by so many artists over the years. Adan Padilla, David Joe Garriga, came out of nowhere.

Helm: What conventions do you enjoy going to? JD: I love hell city, it’s always been my favorite convention because of the level of detail they put into it. Helm: What would be your advice to a tattoo collector? JD: How long has your artist been tattooing. Don’t find an artist based on his following on social media. At the end of the day, you want to see a tattoo that lasts, that is beautiful, and doesn’t heal washed out. Experience plays a huge factor in quality tattoos that will stand the test of time. You can follow Josh: instagram @josh_duffy

Josh Duffy @josh_duffy Nov/December 23

Josh’s collection includes: Alan Padilla, Carlos Rojas, Mike DeVries, and Carlos Torres

Josh Duffy’s Tattoos

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Crazy Philadelphia Eddie “I didn’t give a fuck” And he didn’t. Tattoo legend Eddie Funk, or better known as ‘Crazy Philadelphia Eddie’, passed away last month at the age of 80. Eddie was a true, rebellious pioneer in the tattoo world, delivering American traditional tattoos with the same flair and badass attitude he was and will always be known for. For more than half of a century, Eddie led a very exciting, and yes, crazy life, and completely blew up the tattoo world with his rawness, talent, and his devotion to tattooing as an art form. For 50 plus years, Eddie owned many tattoo establishments while living up to the name of ‘Crazy’ Philadelphia Eddie, though he would admit he wasn’t THAT crazy—his notorious, harsh chuckle would tell you otherwise. He was given that name as a kid, and it stuck. You could say his craziness escalated as he entered the tattoo industry back in 1952, when he was immediately hooked after getting his first tattoo as a teenager on Coney Island; he was so hooked, in fact, he went back and paid for his second tattoo on the same day.

26 Nov/December

His artist, Max, who soonafter became his mentor, gave him a skull and cross bones as requested by Eddie, who believed he was a pirate in a past life. After paying Max $2.50 for the tattoo, he

washed it two hours later and came back requesting the snake drawing he saw on the wall. Eddie idolized the life of Max, a hefty former prize fighter, who spent his days enjoying the cool Coney Island breeze while doing what he did best. Eddie wanted to learn. Eddie practiced on kids in the neighborhood, and would later drive them over to Coney Island to receive some pointers and have Max fix them up a little. Most of them came out a little scratchy, Eddie admitted, but kept on working at it, even going so far as tattooing flowers on his own wrists—with his mother’s disapproval. Though with his dad on board with his new endeavor, Eddie advertised his new business by dropping off business cards throughout the city, and eventually transformed into what he called himself as the ‘Tattoo Man’. Tattoos were once restricted to select groups of people, people who didn’t go to college or have nice jobs. Think more along the lines of gangsters, motorcycle riders, bad people, sailors, and “ladies of the evening.” Tattoos were simpler, with Eddie working in a time when there were only three colors: black, green, and red. Eddie enjoyed being a “tattoo man, like a pirate,” and eventually started working with a chemist to develop a

broader range of colors that were safe for skin. The industry has certainly industrialized since, with tattoos being a little too upscale for Eddie’s taste. It used to be a tough business, not like how it is today with tattoo shops affluent all over the country. Tattooing was cheap, but you had to fight. And Eddie did, learning as he went and gaining insanely wild and just as rugged friends along the way. One of his earliest memories was back when he entered a shop owned by two brothers in New York, and wanted two blue birds on his chest. Each bird was

$2.50. He questioned the artists’ placement and was retorted with a smack on the head; one was a male, one was a female, and had to be placed differently, you dummy. Brushing it off, Eddie handed him a $10 bill and expected $5 in change so he could tip him. The $5 was pocketed; tattoos on the chest were double, and Eddie was smacked yet again. Before Crazy Eddie could give him a hard time, the artists’ brother came around the corner with a hammer in one hand and a straight razor in the other asking Eddie if there were any problems. Eddie, obviously, had no issues at this point. The artist’s name was

Bowie, and in true Eddie fashion, was friends with him ever since. Bowie joined Eddie in many conventions; Eddie developed the first tattoo convention in 1979 in Denver, Colorado. Throughout his tattoo career, Eddie traveled throughout the U.S. attending one convention after another as a special guest and occasionally a judge in tattoo competitions. He went on to document his life in a series of books that will soon be converted into a documentary, which will tell the crazy story of how Eddie came to be Crazy Philadelphia Eddie. Nov/December 27

Eddie was not short on friends, and would triumph in the fact that you could never have enough of them, even though “most of them are fucking shitheads.” He lived like a pirate, insane and unrated; he “got laid every fucking day”, and he married four times, two of which were sisters, and married one of them twice. Eddie lived the rest of his days retired, doing absolutely nothing. He didn’t give a fuck. A documentary on Eddie is currently in the works. For more information on Crazy Philadelphia Eddie and his documentary, go to: DC Paul, Screwy Louie, Crazy Eddie, & Big Al | Eddie’s shop Jacksonville, NC ca. 1978

Max Peltz - Eddie’s mentor

28 Nov/December

- Shannon Cole

Eddie’s shop China Town, Philadelphia PA Nov/December 29

Southbound Hustlas Music is rooted deep within our culture here in the southwest. From Spanish to Rock, Blues to Rap, depending upon where you come from the music itself is a representation of your station in life. This is the cash for a phenomenal rapper located here in “Duke City”.

Coming from some of the roughest neighborhoods in Albuquerque, SBH grew up as a hustler and one event in his life would mark a drastic change for him. At the age of 17 he was shot 3 times, in which one of the bullets pierced his spine paralyzing him from the waist below. Where this incident might destroy some, Southbound Husltas did not let this define his own life. Taking a cue off rappers the like of Tupac and 50 Cent, he began making music and talking about the “struggle”, while feeling a kinship with these idols because of the connection of being shot.

Southbound Hustlas is a local artist who has been making his moves and wave in the world of Rap. With a style that is reminiscent of that old school hip-hop with a little of Chicano vibe SBH does not box himself in with the labeling of “Chicano” rapper. What he does is use his own life experiences Nov/December to30 turn heads and ears perk up.

Still with that hustler mentally, SBH keeps it real while not letting anything drag him down. Tricking out his wheelchair with “spinners” and Gucci seat, his goal is to inspire others to take the steps towards their dreams. Having full control of the music he makes, this artist has opened up for the likes of E-40, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Mike Jones and many more. Being the producer, engineer and everything else, is his cutting out the “middle man” as he puts it, and he shows us what someone can do when one decides to make a goal and not stop till he succeeds. Releasing music like it is going out of style, SBH is constantly uploading new singles with accompanying music videos. This man is truly a jack of all trades having just released his own line of clothing called “Fuck Love, Get Money” aiming it primarily at women. To follow this rapper you can check out his songs on: Facebook: Southbound Husltas “Smurf ” & Bryan Lee YouTube/ iTunes: Southbound Hustlas Instagram: SouthboundHusltas -Ryan Duran Nov/December 31

Graffiti Artist: Raws Born and raised in Berlin, Raws has helped universalize an art form that for many societies has deemed a messy, controversial mode of expression. But for the past 12 years, Raws’ art, which for most of his career has been influenced by other Berlin greats, such as Odem, Amok, Shek, and Bisas, has added new elements to something that was once mostly misunderstand, much like tattoos. “I think that graffiti will not be understood as its whole. Because you have to really be into it, to get the rules and

learn which graffiti is good and which is not.” His focus on graffiti erupted when he was skateboarding with his friends and noticed the writers next to the park.

After reading Odem-On The Run—a book on one of his soon-to-be influencers—he delved into a frowned upon hobby that is difficult to practice in Berlin.

“The police are very strict in Berlin. It is really hard to paint illegally in Berlin. Maybe that is one reason why I decided to paint legally. We have a lot of good illegal writers in Berlin, like 1up, Off, Bad and others. Also, a lot of tourists rock the city.” Fortunately, acceptance has grown over the past ten years, and not only are more and more galleries showcasing graffiti, it has drastically affected Raws’ work in videography and graphic design. His inspiration, which today comes a lot from abstract artists like Picasso, Kandinsky, and Richter, weaves

into his videography and graphic design and escalates what graphics in any medium can represent and make you feel. “Everything you see or feel or do, inspires you. Maybe the fast and emotional way I paint is what you can see in my other works. I don’t know. To be productive is something which is always in my works. Do, do and do.” From style writing to more abstract design, Raws has set expectations for himself professionally and artistically. In Berlin, where you are always

confronted by graffiti—normally found on walls, of course—Raws, nowadays, uses canvases and will do more murals in the future. “[I’d like to] put my graphic design and graffiti together, to create something new.” Or in his case, something imaginative, and raw. For more information on Raws’ work, follow him at: instagram @rawsofficial - Shannon Cole Nov/December 35

Graffiti Artist: Raws Nov/December 37

38 Nov/December

Advertise Here! Interested in advertising your business or event in Tattoo Marque Magazine? Contact our sales dept today!

Monica FrĂŠsquez Email: [email protected] ph: (505) 489-3285

40 Nov/December

Lucky #7, indeed! The Annual DC Tattoo Expo is back for its 7th year, January 13-15, 2017, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA and it’s bigger and better than ever. Presented by Exposed Temptations Tattoo and Baller, Inc., the best local, national and international artist will bring their talent to DC for an unforgettable weekend. Top competitors and finalist from Spike TV’s Ink Master and Tattoo Nightmares. Entertainment by The Human Knot, Miss DC Pin Up Contest and for

the first time ever, Mini Kiss. The DC Tattoo Expo is over 16,000 sq. feet of the best artist, vendors and entertainment the industry has to offer. Established in 2011 by Greg Piper, owner and operator of Exposed Temptations Tattoo in Manassas, VA and Baller, Inc., the DC Tattoo Expo has become a staple in the convention circuit. This year, he is pushing the envelope further by hosting the first ever live tattoo competition at the convention.

The inaugural “Exposed Live Tattoo Off ” features stars of Spike TV’s Ink Master, Sarah Miller, James Vaughn, Duffy, and Big Gus of Tattoo Nightmares and more. One attending convention artist will get their chance to compete live for $5,000 in cash and prove they have what it takes to beat out their celebrity counterparts! The artists will have three hours to complete the same tattoo, drawn by Piper, on Gold Star Family members as a salute to our fallen servicemen and women. Nov/December 41

Crazy Philadelphia Eddie

42 Nov/December

Tattoo Gallery Mateo Sig 44 Nov/December

Johnny Quintana @johnny_Quintana Nov/December 45

Kit Kaufman

Kit Kaufman

Sneez @sneez_PV 48 Nov/December

Steve McClintock @stevemcclintock Nov/December 49

Alexis Pendleton @lexymoshtattoo

Alexis Pendleton

Jamie Mahood @jamiemahood

52 Nov/December

Jamie Mahood Nov/December 53

Kalm one @kalmone

Kalm one Nov/December 55

Lorenzo Baca @lorenzo_baca_tattoos 56 Nov/December

Rudy Lopez @rudy_lopez_nm Nov/December 57

Raphael Harrison @550tattoo

58 Nov/December

Diane Basler-White @diane_synceretattoo Nov/December 59

Dillon Forte @sriyantratattoo

60 Nov/December

Dillon Forte Nov/December 61

London Reese @londonreese 62 Nov/December

London Reese

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Timo @timo sanders

Timo Nov/December 65

Adan Sanchez @adansanchez_

66 Nov/December

Adan Sanchez Nov/December 67

Helm @helm_tattoo

68 Nov/December

Ivan @yuhcreep Nov/December 69

Jesus Galaz

Collector 70 Nov/December Nov/December 71

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During our visit to Phoenix, we interviewed Jesus Galaz to talk about his tattoo collection. Jesus has put together a great collection over the years. Here is what he has to say about his tattoos: TM: When did you get your first tattoo? Jesus: I started getting tattooed when I was 16 but I didn’t really know what I was doing until I walked into Immaculate!! TM: What advice would you give a collector? Jesus: Do your reasearch and don’t be fuckin cheap! TM: How did you get involved with Immaculate Tattoo? Jesus: I worked at Circle K across the street fromt eh shop and I would always give them free coffee and snacks. I started getting tattooed at their shop. One day, it was 2006, I got fired from circle K for giving away so many things... I went over the shop to tell these dudes about it and Aaron offered me a job here. I have been here ever since! TM: Who all have you gotten work from? Jesus: Aaron Coleman, Jay Cavna, Danny Reed, Richard Stell, Jeff Whitehead, Tim Lehi, Dano Sanchez, Jim Rosal, Josh Palmer, Josh Carter, Uzi and many many more! You can follow Jesus at: instagram @brown_diablo

Collector Jesus Galaz Nov/December 73

Collector Jesus Galaz

74 Nov/December

plenty of water before the tattoo. 4. Bring a sugary snack and a bottle of water to have during the tattoo. 5. Wear appropriate loose clothing. If your tattoo is on the upper thigh, don’t wear tight pants. Placement of the tattoo will dictate the clothes you choose. Also, ink will stain and can splatter so don’t wear something that you don’t want ink on. 6. Don’t drink during the process, drunk people move during tattoos and need more breaks. Plus it is a myth that alcohol helps the pain. It does not. 7. Check your tattoo! This is your final chance to check the design. Make sure you check spelling Make sure you want to wear it for life.

Pre-Care Tips Aftercare instructions are a dime a dozen. And don’t get us wrong, it is extremely important to follow every instruction your artist gives to insure that your tattoo heals properly. But few people realize pre-care can be just as critical to getting and keeping a healthy tattoo. For this reason, we have put together a list of things to consider in the days and hours before getting your tattoo.

Days Prior: 1. Exfoliate areas with rough or tough skin about a week prior to the appointment every day 2. Pre-shave the area for the tattooer. They will appreciate it. They may shave it as well to get specific areas, but it helps.

1. Get a good night sleep the night before. This will help the body quickly recover from the tattoo process.

8. Mentally prepare for the tattoo. If it is large or time consuming, be ready to sit in potentially awkward positions while dealing with the tattoo pain. Stretching before the appointment and during breaks will reduce discomfort.

2. The body needs proper nutrients in order to handle the endorphin release and shock of the pain. Remember a tattoo is a wound the body needs to heal.

9. Don’t take unnecessary breaks. Lengthening tattoo time increases discomfort. Unnecessary breaks can cause this and can increase cost if paying/hour

3. Don’t drink heavily the night before.

10. Be patient! Tattoos take time and concentration. Trust your artist. You chose them based on liking their work, so let them do their thing for best results.

Night Before:

Day of: 1. Make sure you shower and clean your entire body regardless of tattoo placement. 2. Brush your teeth as well. Remember, your artist is human and things like bad breath or bad smells are distracting 3. Eat a good healthy meal and drink

11. Don’t bring kids or an entourage. Bringing one person is fine, but more than that can become a distraction for you and your artist. 12. Enjoy the process. You’re getting something you will proudly wear and love so make the best of the entire process. July/August 77

Artist Index Johnny Quintana

Pg 3

Jamie Mahood

Pg 52

Aaron Coleman

Pg 6

Kalm One

Pg 54

Marie Sena

Pg 12

Lorenzo Baca

Pg 56

Jason Kravoletz

Pg 16

Rudy Lopez

Pg 57

Josh Duffy

Pg 18

Raphael Harrison

Pg 58

Eddie Funk

Pg 26

Diane Basler-White

Pg 59

Southbound Hustlas

Pg 30

Dillon Forte

Pg 60


Pg 34

London Reese

Pg 62

DC Tattoo Expo

Pg 40


Pg 64

Mateo Sig

Pg 44

Adan Sanchez

Pg 66

Johnny Quintana

Pg 45


Pg 68

Kit Kaufman

Pg 46


Pg 69


Pg 48

Jesus Galaz

Pg 70

Steve McClintock

Pg 49

Kit Kaufman

Pg 78

Alexis Pendleton

Pg 50

Kit Kaufman

Distribution List Albuquerque Marble Brewery Cheba Hut M&M Smokeshop LA Underground Perricos Yale Location Campus Barbershop Masks y Mas Canvas Artistry Kitchen Up in Smoke BZ Skateshop Illest Cuts Brick Street Dive Stone Face Tavern Joann Gabaldon-Chavez Farmers Insurance Star Tattoo Tinta Cantina Smoke World Rio Rancho Route 66 Fine Line Tattoo Good Fortune Tattoo

Deuces Barbershop Albertos Tire Shop Por Vida Tattoo Tractor Brewing MDK Barber Shop & Salon Rio Rancho Gas Pipe Rude Boy Cookies Blazes Smoke Shop Jessie’s Barbershop Sports & Wellness Riverside AT Tires & Custom Wheels Tony Tattoo Supplies Audio Express Wolf ’s Head Tattoo Duke City Ink 71 Tattoo Hometown Heroez Tattoo No Limit The Mixx Bad Ass Coffee

Santa Fe Vida Loca Gallery Tia Shophia’s Anytime Fitness Concrete Jungle Smokeshop Chopstix Oriental Food Dawn’s Custom Tattoo Four Star Tattoo Lost Cowboy Tattoo and Gallery El Parasol Talis Fortuna Talisman Body Art Dungeon Tattoo Evil Emporium of Tattoo Don’s Auto Works Genoveva Chavez Community Center

Advertise Here! Go to: for information on pricing, specs & size requirements.




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