ELIFE Spring Candidate Issue 2022

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Lindsey McMorran

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CONTENT 14 Feature

Build A Bedroom





Spring is Here

Better Bond, Better Behavior






86 PARENTING Study Stresses: Importance of Teen

Q and A with Lindsey McMorran

Spring is On the Way Mary Hill

44 FOOD Recipe: Paella Hugo Meyer

ELIFE m agazine

Does Your Skin Need a Refresh? Janette Elder

Connectedness Cheryl Maguire


Better Bond, Better Behavior Jaime Bessko

In this special Candidate issue you will find our candiates that are running for a trustee or mayor position. The candidates were placed in alphabetical order and were given the same exact questions. ELIFE published their answers the exact way in which we received them. No editing or proofreading was conducted. ELIFE takes no political stand and wishes all the candidates luck!

TRISHA VENTKER Editor in Chief Trisha Ventker is an author, photographic artist, branding and social media infuencer and publisher of ELIFE, NoCo, Denver Colorado Luxury magazines. Reader impressions have surpassed 11 million for the magazines, with the Denver publication being nationwide. She is best known for her first book Internet Dates From Hell which had the movie rights to it optioned by Paula Wagner. Trisha is also one of the first Indie book authors to have a book optioned for the big screen. Trisha is originally from New York City, presently residing in Erie, Colorado for the last 14+ years, with her husband and son.

E LIF E m ag azine

ELIFE is published by Ventker Media Group. All editorial material, including editorial, comments, opinion and statements of fact appearing in this publication, represents the views of the respective authors and does not necessarily carry the endorsement of Ventker Media Group.


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ELIFE Magazine covers Erie Colorado and the surrounding area … Broomfield, Westminster, Northglenn, Thornton, Brighton, Dacono, Frederick, Firestone, Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Boulder

The pulse of Erie lifestyle …


ELIFE magazine is the first lifestyle, virtual, on-line publication in Erie to highlight ERIE, Colorado and its surrounding towns. ELIFE boasts a readership of over 75,000 impressions per issue! Erie has recently been voted in MONEY MAGAZINE as the TOP 13 places to live in the country. It has also been showcased as one of the fastest growing communities in the United States. Please visit us at www.ELIFEmagazine.org or on Facebook to read the latest issues! ELIFE is the brainchild of Erie resident and published author, Trisha Ventker. Ventker felt the need for a stylistic, informative virtual, on-line magazine to highlight all the creative, talented residents and local businesses. Ventker also felt it was important to be able to offer affordable advertising for businesses to showcase their efforts. ELIFEMAGAZINE © 2015 | All Rights Reserved


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Better News


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Feature 24

Better News

Mult Magazine . S e p te mb e r 203 0

Build A Bedroom

E LIF E m ag azine


With Lindsey McMorran

Lindsey McMorran is one of the founders of the Hope Homes Group, with her husband Brandon. They have a big heart for community and charitable organizations. They know first hand what it feels like to need guidance and assistance when a family member becomes ill. Over the past few years with the support of so many others they have been able to provide financial assistance for close to 60 families and raise over $150,000 through their organization and they are no where near done! They realized that when combining their mission and business together they could focus on ONE thing instead of trying to juggle careers and a nonprofit. After working in the real estate industry for over almost 20 years they found a way to use their business & marketing skills to reach a much larger demographic area and in return give back in a BIG way. Recently Lindsey started a project called Build a Bedroom that helps families build a bedroom for every child who lost their home in the Marshall fire.

Q. Tell us how you came up with the idea Build a Bedroom? A. We’ve lived through large wildfires that burned through our neighborhood and had friends that lost everything. I thought about what would be the first thing I’d want to take care of if I was in their situation. Our family deals with it’s own crisis and it is so important that our children’s rooms are comfortable, happy and safe. So I thought, why don’t we build a bedroom for the kids? I’m known for dreaming big and having wild ideas. Before I made it public I reached out to about 20 of my close friends to get their opinion. I knew I was taking on a huge endeavor. Everyone said to go for it and immediately our BAB team was formed.

ELIFE m agazine

Q. Tell us about “Hope for Homes” A. I have been in the real estate industry for over 20 years and have a huge heart for community. After running a childhood cancer organization for 6 years I decided it was time to merge the two of them together to create a philanthropic real estate business. Hope Homes Group now works with buyers and sellers nationwide and refers them to top producing realtors nationwide. Together we donate 25%.

Q. How did you get all the volunteers to help you with this project? A. They are all friends. Some of them grew up in Louisville and know many people that lost their homes.

Q. What’s your goal over the next year?? A. We are in the process of getting our 501c3 status. Our goal is to build a bedroom for every child that lost their home in the Marshall Fire. Once completed we will continue to support needs within our community. to contact Lindsey about volunteering or donating: 720.745.0304 hopehomesgroup.com/community

E LIF E m ag azine


ELIFE m agazine

Team Members: Lindsey McMorran, Kerri Mirchting, Erin van de Boogard, Jessica Mackaro, Jamal Page, Andrea McCay, Mama Debs, Casey “Batman”, Crystal Wilson, Erin Winegar, Lindsay Barber, Kim Clancy, Lindsay Neightenbach, Jordann Killion, Jennifer McClelland Special “thank you” to Angie Nordstrom

E LIF E m ag azine


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Mult Magazine . S e p te mb e r 203 0

Mayoral Candidates

E LIF E m ag azine

Justin Brooks



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? Having lived in Erie for the past 13 years and having been a part of the massive migration of people to the front range, I really enjoy this community and the balance that it offers. My wife and I have four children that range from 10-18yrs old and have been married just shy of 19 years. I am a Program Manager in the Aerospace & Defense industry, having worked both NASA and Defense related contracts for the past 20 years. In addition, I am a small business owner and real estate investor. Community service is one of our family pastimes, so I also serve as the current President of Being Better Neighbors a local non-profit that serves to improve community safety and equity practices, previously led the Erie Police Directives Task Force, and I am newly appointed to the Town Board of Trustees. I am running for Mayor of Erie because I believe that I am best able to bring the resolve and balance in leadership necessary to maintain focus on achieving growth that provides a sustainable footing for our Town, while demonstrating a willingness to work across industries to achieve best outcomes. My vision for taking factors and details from various perspectives, in order to craft a solution that serves to benefit our residents is unique. I am able to correlate cause and effect, negotiate for Erie residents’ best interests, and achieve common ground on issues that we have seen divide. My goal is to make Erie a better place for those who live, work and play within, which requires my passion for community.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? - Transparency in Government - Housing Affordability - Public Health and Safety

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? I see our biggest challenge as affordability in housing. Though the connection is not always made, the employees of most small businesses and even our Town are less able to live in town. This compounds the challenges on our local small businesses in attracting and retaining employees, which also impacts their ability to remain open for their full operating hours. For those that are able to find and retain employees, there is increased a strain on our infrastructure as the employees need to commute from more affordable locations. Reduced operating hours also impacts the revenue for the small businesses, which makes affording the rising commercial leasing costs more difficult. This causeand-effect chain is fairly pervasive in Erie. In terms of successes, I am really pleased at how the trend of retail services being offered locally has changed over the last handful of years. When I arrived, a grocery store was near the top list of regrets for new residents, so largely we would leave town for our shopping needs. By attracting the businesses along Hwy 7 and soon the businesses at Nine Mile Corner, we are capitalizing on our unique geography in that we are surrounded by busy highways that service not only our town but passers-by. Even more importantly, we are serving our residents locally, rather than driving them to other municipalities to spend their hard-earned money on goods and services. With this recaptured revenue from activity that was already demanded, we have seen a great deal of growth in retail sales tax revenue for the Town. With this revenue, we have been able to make great re-investments in our Town. >>>

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? I think that Home Rule vs Statutory is a concept of municipal government structure that most people don’t spend much time thinking about. This is usually because they have relocated from someplace that was already Home Rule, as it is far more common than Statutory. The typical transition to Home Rule occurs once the population crosses a threshold of around 2000 residents and can be driven by a handful of factors, with one central theme. Local governments wish to control their own local laws in a manner that allows for the voters of that town/city/etc to decide what is in their own best interest, as opposed to defaulting to the standards provided at the state level. There are also certain taxes that cannot be levied by Statutory towns. For example, in a recent town survey roughly 70% of respondents supported ending the moratorium on recreational marijuana dispensaries, and roughly 80% supported an excise tax on those products. Excise taxes serve to defray the direct costs to the town of having certain businesses (hotels, rental cars, recreational MJ, etc), which would not be able to be collected by statutory towns. Any taxes would still be required to come to a vote of the citizens. The process to achieving Home Rule is important to understand and I compare it to writing a constitution. Should voters approve the path to Home Rule, the voters will elect Home Rule Commissioners who will be charged with working with a consultant that guides the process to draft a new Town Charter which outlines the structure of the new government. No current elected official or town staff member are members of the Home Rule Commission, the expectation will be set that they seek feedback from the public as the new structure is drafted, and ultimately the voters will decide whether to accept and ratify what they develop. At the conclusion, a special election will be held where all elected officials will need to earn your vote. The best resource I have found so far is the City of Eagle, CO website, where they map out their transition to Home Rule. It should take about 6months to complete and should cost on the order of a couple hundred thousand dollars, but it is serious enough transition that we want to get it right considering our annual town budget is in excess of $100M and we have the interests of >30K residents to keep in mind.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? I appreciate the trend of having larger revenue/traffic generating businesses on our highway perimeter, while growing our core of town with smaller businesses and residential. This concept will serve to balance access to goods and services, while maintaining our small-town feel. My vision for Erie is one that is self-sustaining for generations to come, which requires a strong economic engine for reinvestment in both infrastructure and community interests that support a high quality of life for residents.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I am a second-generation Eagle Scout, and my oldest son is now third generation. Community service and active leadership are passions of mine.

Justin Brooks FOR


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Kelly Zuniga



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? My name is Kelly Zuniga. I am running for Mayor in Erie’s upcoming election. I am originally from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I have also lived in Washington DC, Davis California, Eastern Europe (Baltics) and Queensland Australia, but my family has lived in Erie for the past decade. My husband and I have developed strong ties to Erie by serving in the community – building and running the non-profit Kenosha Farm community garden, serving as the Chair of Erie’s planning commission, volunteering in the CSU Master Gardening program, leading our church’s youth ministry, foster parenting children from diverse backgrounds, and participating in neighborhood and school organizations. I love Erie and plan to be here for a long time, but I have seen how unfocused current leadership is impacting our quality of life and threatening our town’s future. My life experiences, education and professional background in landscape architecture, community and regional development, municipal parks and open space planning, and transportation planning have prepared me to address the issues that Erie faces as a young but rapidly growing community. Most importantly, I am prepared to bring Erie residents together around a strong and positive vision of who we are as a community and what we can become as a Town.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? As mayor my sole focus will be improving the quality of life for Erie residents by (1) advancing a strong town vision, (2) bringing high-quality employment closer to home to lower the cost of living, and (3) reducing property crimes. It has been too long since Erie residents came together around a clear and positive vision of who we are and who we can become as a community. We are not really a small town anymore. With vision and hard work, Erie can be so much more than merely a site for affordable workforce housing for cities to the north, west and south. I will work with residents to rally around a strong community vision and will use that vision to guide future growth. I will actively seek high quality employers to invest in Erie. Primary employment closer to home means less traffic on our streets, support to our businesses, and much needed revenue for our Town. When prospective residents and businesses estimate affordability based on the price of a house or building, it does a terrible disservice for the Town to price them out with excessive taxes, fees, utilities and other soft costs. Erie’s tiered water bills disproportionately impact families and discourage residents from growing home gardens. If I am honored to serve as mayor, I will work to bring in additional sales tax revenues to lower the cost of living for hard working residents. Finally, with so many people working outside of Erie on weekdays and our local police chronically under-resourced, our neighborhoods are left vulnerable to property crimes. I will work to get more “eyes on the street” and strengthening our local police to make our neighborhoods and homes more resistant to property crimes.

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? Erie really is the best place to raise a family in Colorado – I know this because my husband and I have raised 12 kids here (2 adopted,10 foster). It is easy enough to focus on Erie’s tangible assets - high quality homes and neighborhoods, great schools, parks, trails, trees, open-spaces and connections to important regional amenities. But if we do, we risk missing an important point. Erie is a fantastic place to live because of the people who live here and the friendly culture that we bring to the place. Likewise, it is easy enough to focus on Erie’s long-standing trend of unbalanced development as our biggest challenge. True, we are surrounded by strong employment centers (outside of town) that drive Erie’s residential growth. Erie has lagged in creating high-quality jobs close to home, so we spend too much of our time and resources outside of town. As a result, Erie’s economy is not as strong as it could be, relying too heavily on impact fees and water rates to fund infrastructure and services. Again, we risk missing the most important point.>>>

continued from previous pageThe biggest challenge Erie faces is the need to find balance in our leadership. While leaders strive to make Erie the best town and community it can be... they absolutely must exercise restraint and allow residents and businesses to make choices for themselves. Over the past several years, Erie has been increasingly stifled by unnecessary regulation. Recent examples that come to mind – and that are officially on the books – are the mask mandates and vaccination verification programs. Leaders may imagine that the stricter their rules and regulations, the more likely they are to achieve the quality outcomes that they envision. What they get instead of a vital community is code compliance... It supplants natural kindness, suppresses ingenuity, discourages investment, and engenders fear and division. As Mayor, I will work towards a vision of Erie that celebrates the natural strengths of its residents and business leaders - the kindness, intelligence and civic-mindedness that make Erie such a great place to live. I will turn the tables on regulation to limit the reach of our leaders and will make space for our residents and businesses to thrive. I am aware that hyper-regulation occurs as much outside of government as inside... but the culture of Erie begins with the actions of our leaders. We must hold our leaders accountable and we must give Erie back to the people who make it great.

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? There are advantages and disadvantages to adopting a Home Rule charter in Erie. Some of the potential advantages include creating a framework that could help Erie to grow strategically, generate revenues and control land-use. It could allow Erie to directly collect and audit sales and use tax, which will be beneficial when the Town’s finances are sorted out. It could also allow Erie to tailor legislation to address local issues. The biggest disadvantage to adopting a Home Rule charter in Erie is that it could give elected officials and administrators too much power, bypassing citizen consent. Over the past two years, Erie’s elected officials and Town Administration have exercised extraordinary and sometimes inappropriate influence by means of an emergency declaration that should have been used judiciously and for a short term if at all. In recent surveys and in public comment at Town Board meetings, residents have expressed significant distrust of the current elected officials and town administration, in part due to significant financial gaffs and costly negotiations that have not favored Erie. I am opposed to rushing Erie to adopt a Home Rule charter. Erie needs to rescind the emergency authority granted to the Town Administrator, clean up its finances, adopt administrative regulations and procedures for Town staff, and build a stronger economic base before it will be prepared to bear the responsibility of Home Rule. It would be a mistake to invoke “home rule” to override public consent and augment a weak economy by burdening residents with higher taxes and fees.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? Diversifying Erie’s economy is critically important to the long-term wellbeing of our community. Diversification begins when high-quality primary employers choose to locate their offices in Erie. We are beginning to see some of this occurring already with the new construction in Old Town near Briggs and Cheeseman. Primary employers provide an important anchor to support Erie’s existing small businesses and to encourage additional retail growth. By “primary employers” I mean high-quality professional career positions similar to the jobs that many of our residents currently have. It may be difficult to compete with established technology centers (think Interlocken or Boulder) for the largest companies (500+ employees), but smaller companies (50-100 employees) will be attracted to Erie for its educated workforce, location and quality of life. Imagine how advantageous it will be to Erie when new residents move here for the quality jobs they find in the Town, and not just because the houses are less expensive than Boulder’s! As mayor, my first priority in this regard will be reaching out to our business leaders and to potential investors to learn from their experience.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I spent several years living in the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus) in the western part of the former Soviet Union. From 1997-1999, I volunteered as a missionary to help people rebuild their lives and their faith after suffering the devastating impacts of 50 years of Soviet communism. I returned to Latvia in 2001 as a Fulbright Scholar to study the impacts of social policy related to ethnic division, and to better understand the circumstances that allowed people to find common ground. When I completed my research in early September of that year, I traveled through Europe on my way home. As a result, I happened to be boarding at a convent in Italy during the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America. My experiences living abroad and my ethnographic policy research have deepened my appreciation for the values that define our nation.

Kelly Zuniga FOR




E LIF E m ag azine



We may be blasted with another blizzard or two, but that is par for the course here in Colorado. Our spring showers tend to turn into snow. The snow cover is more beneficial than rain as it allows the moisture to slowly seep into the ground. With our arid climate, this is important, so enjoy the snow. While waiting for the snow to melt and in between making snow angels and snowmen, now is a great time to get your home ready for spring.

Because Mary has moved many times throughout the country, she knows first hand that providing outstanding customer service and having great communication are essential to pleasing clients and helping them achieve their goals. With Mary’s engineering background and love of numbers she will ascertain your home is priced correctly to realize the maximum return on this, your largest investment. In addition to assisting her clients with buying and selling homes Mary also offers the additional perk of overseeing remodels to assist her clients with maximizing their return on this, their largest investment. Attention to detail and knowledge of the market are cornerstones of how Mary serves affluent clients with their Boulder area real estate needs.

Spring Tips I don’t know about you, but my pantry desparately needs to be organized. I have numerous containers to put my dry goods into, including flours, sugars, and pastas. Won’t it be nice to walk into your pantry and immediately see what you need? Once your pantry is organized, cleaning the outside of your cupboard doors is a great idea. This will make having last minute guests over much easier, as you won’t have to frantically wipe smudges off the doors before your company arrives. After using your fireplace throughout the winter this is a good time to clean its glass and vacuum the inside of it. Are there any coats, gloves, hats or mittens you or your family didn’t use during this past winter? Set these unused items aside and donate them to your favorite charity. Not only will another family benefit, but you have made great progress in getting your coat closet organized. After your outer gear has been downsized go through your clothes closet and do the same thing. This will give you more room for any new treasures you bring home! With the onset of spring, clean your windows so you can enjoy the warm sunlight streaming through them. If you clean them yourself, I have found a fantastic product by Norwex that makes cleaning windows fast and easy. I don’t dread cleaning windows anymore! Once the snow has melted, tackle the outside of your house. Call your landscape professional to get your yard ready to grow beautiful grass this spring and summer. They (or you) may need to aerate, fertilize, and/or remove weeds. Your front porch also needs attention. Sweep off the debris that accumulated throughout the winter months. Clean your outside lights and make certain your house numbers are visible from the street. A “springy” mat is a nice addition to your front porch after a snowy and cold winter. Add a pop of color to your front door with a wreath. These simple steps will make your home more welcoming. Hopefully you have spring flowers such as tulips or crocus popping up in your flower beds. If not, plant some next fall so you can enjoy them next spring. Last, but not least, be sure to set your clocks forward on Sunday, March 13. We made it through another winter and have many months of warmer weather to enjoy the great outdoors here in Colorado. Welcome Spring!



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Food & Wine

E LIF E m ag azine





Homemade Aioli Recipe


200ml of vegetable oil 1 large egg 2-3 garlic cloves pinch of salt splash of lemon juice


*use an immersion blender 1. Mix all ingredients in cup 2. Insert the immersion blender 3. Keep all ingredients in immersion blender 4. Turn blender on. Do not remove until you start seeing a thick mayonnaise mixture. 5. Serve and enjoy. ELIFE m agazine

To make this delicious recipe at home swing by Piripi and grab Hugo’s Paella Kit!

INGREDIENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 yellow onion 1 diced red bell pepper 1/4 cup roasted peppers 4 diced garlic cloves 3 diced ripe tomatoes 1 tsp spanish paprika 1 pinch saffron salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup white wine 2 cups Spanish rice 5 cups broth half cup frozen peas your choice of proteins and seafood lemons for garnish 1/4 chopped parsley

DIRECTIONS 1. Sauté the proteins until brown and set aside. 2. On medium heat, add olive oil in Paella pan 3. Add onions, peppers, and garlic to oil and cook until translucent. 4. Add chopped tomato, paprika, saffron, rice, salt & pepper. Cook for a few minutes. 5. Add white wine and continue cooking. 6. After a few minutes, poor broth slowly. 7. Jiggle the pan until you get rice to an even layer. * Don’t over jiggle* 8. Add protein. 9. Bring to boil 10. Reduce to medium/low heat. Cook for 15-18 minutes uncovered 11. Sprinkle peas and roasted red peppers *At the 20 minute mark check to see if liquid has been absorbed with the rice. If so, add 1/4 broth or water.* 12. Remove pan from heat and cover with lid or tin foil. Cool for 5-10 minutes. 13. Garnish with lemon slices, roasted red pepper and parsley

PROTEIN SUGGESTIONS: Vegan Paella: tofu, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, artichokes, garbanzo beans, etc. vegan broth. Meat Paella: chicken, chorizo, morsel, pork, rabbit, lamb, etc. chicken broth. Do not use beef broth Seafood Paella: clams, mussels, calamari, lobster, shrimp, etc. To avoid overcooking, add seafood later. Chef Tips: Don’t be afraid to mix and match flavors and proteins you prefer to create your unique paella! Pair with homemade Aioli!





Rosemary | Thyme | Garlic | Capers

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Health & Beauty 24

Mult Magazine . S e p te mb e r 203 0

Winter Blahs: Does Your Skin Need a Refresh?

E LIF E m ag azine

NanoInfusion Facials are the newest evolution in skincare and were on all the A-Listers red carpet treatments this year.


ELIFE m agazine

The “Winter Blahs” can hit in a variety of ways and your skin is no exception. The harshest months of the year in terms of your skin are January and February, low humidity combined with low temperatures, and harsh wind can be extremely drying to the skin. Dry and dehydrated skin has a slower cell turnover which in turn causes a buildup of dry skin cells on the surface of the skin making it look dull, dry and rough. If your skin needs a refresh to prepare for Spring, you can increase your hydration with any of the following at home combinations; •

Add a gentle exfoliant to your at home routine, sloughing off the dead skin cells will allow all your other products to penetrate better. Use a cleanser or product labeled as an exfoliant with rice powder or jojoba beads for a safe and effective gentle exfoliator.

Have an at home spa day and treat yourself with an enzymatic mask. Enzymes are derived from fruits such as papaya, pineapple, and pumpkin and work by eating away at the dead skin cells. Rinse off the mask and apply a very emollient moisturizer, giving yourself a facial massage to increase blood flow and stimulate collagen.

Add a Hyaluronic Acid Serum to your skin care routine. Alone, hyaluronic acid works well as a light moisturizer, or you can apply it under your regular moisturizer for a super hydration boost. Hyaluronic Acid molecules can hold up to 1,000 their weight in water.

Professional Treatments that are great for targeting dry skin include: •

Dermaplaning – your esthetician uses a surgical grade stainless steel blade to remove the top layer of dead skin cells and the vellus hair (fine thin hairs on the face) to reveal smooth skin. Add on a moisturizing mask treatment with targeted serums to complete the treatment and leave your skin soft and glowing.

Enzyme Masks – similar to the at home treatment described above, BUT professional treatment masks have higher concentrations of active ingredients and are therefore more effective, and with a range of back bar options at the estheticians’ fingertips, masks can be blended for a fully customized solution.

NanoInfusion Treatments – NanoInfusion Facials are the newest evolution in skincare and were on all the A-Listers red carpet treatments this year. Patented technology creates thousands of microchannels in the uppermost layer of the skin. The treatment is paired with customized highly concentrated serums appropriate for your individual needs, which are driven deeper into the skin than is possible without the device. Hydration is amplified, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is decreased, as well as a host of other specific skin concerns can be addressed. Using the NanoInfusion Technology, product absorption rates increase from a typical 10-15%, to 40-50% at the time of treatment. Over time, with repeated visits, this treatment stimulates collagen production.

Chemical Peels – chemical peels use a variety of naturally derived acids to target specific concerns and achieve your skincare goals. Alpha hydroxy and Beta hydroxy acids penetrate the uppermost layers of the skin and stimulate the epidermis on a cellular level revealing brighter healthier skin in 4-10 days depending on the formula applied. Peels including lactic acid (derived from milk) are very hydrating and tolerated by most skin types.

A variety of professional treatments can be combined to create a truly customized facial that refreshes E LIF m agoptions azine and renews the skin. If you’d like to see brighter and younger looking skin, consider one ofEthe of above for a refresh and call today to schedule a consult to determine the best at home regimen for your skin type and condition.

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Janette Elder, LMT, LE has been practicing holistic bodywork for over 20 years. Her massage practice focuses on treating chronic and acute pain conditions using a variety of manual modalities, and working with her clients to support their overall health and well-being. In 2020 she completed 600 hours of training and licensing requirements to become a Licensed Esthetician and added skin care, lashes and waxing to her list of self-care offerings for her clients. "As your skin care professional, I'll help you develop an easy and effective skin care routine you can follow at home and offer in-office procedures to boost results and give you the naturally beautiful skin you deserve." -Janette Elder, LMT LE





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Trustee Candidates

E LIF E m ag azine

Emily Baer



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? I’m Emily Baer. I’m running for Erie Trustee. My husband and I grew up on the same street in Oklahoma. We were high school sweet hearts and have been married for 25 years. We have 4 children. We lived in Louisville and Superior for 16 years before moving to Erie 5 years ago. I recognize the importance of creating a culture in Erie where people feel safe, valued, and heard. I bring more than 17 years of Non Profit Board and community organizing experience to the Trustee Table. It’s important to me that the town government is accessible to the community we serve. I believe the residents are authorities on their lived experiences, and connecting them with the planning process creates opportunity for clear communication and an innovative, collaborative approach to problem solving.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? The issues Erie is facing are nuanced, there are many layers and some overlap. For instance, Sustainable Growth and Economic development incorporate developing traffic plans, creating transit corridors, and including mutli-modal transportation opportunities that connect our communities with our business districts. It also means supporting businesses by streamlining permit processes to help them get established. And then once they’re established, ensuring that our local workforce can afford to call Erie home by having diverse housing options available at a variety of price points. Sustainable Growth will also include Erie’s graduation to Home Rule so that Erie can realize opportunities like having a boutique hotel in Town Center and offsetting the impacts to the town by being able to collect lodging tax. And of course, engaging with the community to educate about the necessary steps, and ensuring that town staff has all the support they need to move seamlessly into Home Rule.

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? For a town growing as rapidly as Erie, ensuring that we are finding balance between population and business growth is paramount. We can accomplish this by attracting primary employers and further vibrant retail that caters to generations of residents, and making sure we have live/work space as an option. We can look toward King Soopers as an example of the town getting creative with incentives. It was a significant initial investment, but has paid off for residents. The town has just completed their third round of applications for grants for Old Town Businesses to reinvest. I’d like to see more of these creative initiatives moving forward.

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? Moving from a statutory town to Home Rule is usually considered once a town hits a population of 2,000. At 15x that, Erie is long overdue to address becoming Home Rule. The process, while involved, is well within the abilities of our residents and will serve to allow Erie to mature into exciting, necessary growth that supports a sustainable budget. I am in favor of Home Rule.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? Erie is fortunate to have active business groups in the Chamber of Commerce, Erie Economic Development Council, and Downtown Erie Business Association. It’s important that the town partner with these groups to fully understand how to streamline processes and support existing and future businesses in Erie. There are a lot of exciting opportunities ahead for Erie with the development of Town Center, reinvesting in the charm of Old Town through grants from the town and place making opportunities through the Coal Creek Park and Community Park enhancements. The town can create a welcoming and vibrant scenario that will be beneficial to businesses and the community.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I have become a devoted birder over the last few years. I thoroughly enjoy watching Erie’s diverse bird population frequent my feeders in the back yard and am always searching the skies for soaring Red Tail Hawks, Eagles, Swainson’s Hawks, Herons, and the occasional Owl. I especially love when the Hummingbirds arrive from their nursery slopes in the summer.

Emily Baer FOR




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Jeff Haverkate



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? I’ve been an Erie resident for 6.5 years. I’m married with three kids ages 8, 6, and 4. I grew up on the east coast and moved to CO in high school. I graduated from Colorado State with a degree in Finance. I also earned my MBA while working for some large companies. My wife and I eventually started our own business here in Erie which we continue to own and operate. These experiences will help me serve Erie as a Trustee. I can be supportive and add expertise regarding town financials. I know what it takes to develop and build a business right here in Erie. I have a unique background working with kids and I very strongly desire to make Erie the best place to raise a family.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? 1. Promote the voice of all residents of Erie and focus local government on doing what is best for us. 2. Drive fiscal responsibility and accountability. Erie should invest wisely for our future and spend in appropriate ways within our means. 3. Bring in more long term recurring revenue. We should attract and encourage more commercial development to increase our tax base and help better fund the future needs of our town, including Police, Fire, Water, Infrastructure and Schools.

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? Erie’s first challenge is to reunite our community and have the people be represented again. Next, we need to focus on local matters that will help Erie in the short term and long term. A big challenge is funding our core needs to keep up with the rapid influx of new residential homes. Erie’s been successful in attracting families to move to our town. Old Town is a fun area with parades, farmers markets, an ice rink and other events. The new disc golf course has been a smashing success as well.

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? It’s probably not the best time to go through home rule. We may be big enough population wise but we are not in terms of commercial. There are a lot of costs associated with moving to home rule and we simply don’t yet have the commercial base to offset these costs. We should get that first and then do home rule. That said, if Home Rule were to go to a ballot measure I would respect the choice of the voters and work diligently to ensure the Home Rule Charter is written in a way that protects and supports the people of Erie.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? As an Erie business owner I know first hand the challenges new businesses face when choosing what and where to build. Erie is an amazing town with lots of amazing people - it’s concerning that we’re not drawing more businesses to locate here. I believe we need to be more proactive as a Board to seek out quality employers and services. We need to promote what we have here and ensure the entrepreneurs and investors know that they’ll have the support of the town as well as our families. If we show more interest that we’re open for business, they will come in all diverse forms.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I’ve lived in 5 states. I spent a couple weeks in Africa with a charitable organization. I once snow skied and water skied on the same day - like a true Coloradan!

Jeff Haverkate FOR


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[email protected]

Dan Hoback



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? I grew up in Albuquerque, NM and Boulder, CO. I have been in Erie for 20 years, raising two kids K-12 in that time. I am an accountant and financial analyst by profession, and enjoy hiking and beer, not necessarily in that order, but I do advise hiking first. I think the biggest thing I bring to the position is experience with Erie as an active resident. I have been involved with the schools as a parent and PTCO Treasurer, the neighborhood as HOA President, and the town as Planning Commissioner. I have a vested and personal interest in seeing Erie thrive as a community. I also think my financial knowledge will serve the town well.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? 1. Growing local business and tax base 2. Planning for “smart growth,” especially as it pertains to traffic 3. Finding affordable housing options so that Erie can be more than a bedroom (literally) community

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? Challenges: Affordable Housing, traffic calming, and anchoring local businesses Successes: A solid financial base (the town itself), Nine Mile, Health & Safety

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? I’ve gone back and forth, but am in favor of it. It’s time for Erie to no longer be a ward of the State. We are on the brink of being able to use some of the strengths of Home Rule, such as voting for a lodging tax or dispensary tax if voters decide that’s where we should go, some land use powers, and accelerating tax revenue receipts. We are more than big enough, and there is no basis for calling it a power grab or saying we’re not ready. I trust the residents to make the decision in a ballot vote.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? Increasing relationships with businesses and consultants that bring businesses to communities. Erie is not in the commercial development business, but we do have to market ourselves. We have all seen the successes along Highway 7 and Nine Mile. Post-pandemic we can accelerate this growth. We need to sell the idea of what we want Erie to become, in Old Town, Town Center, and on the perimeter.... all different animals creating diversity.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I passed all parts of the CPA exam on my first sitting (we called it a sitting because we literally spend 2.5 days in a convention hall taking a written test). It’s an election, I’m allowed to brag.

Dan Hoback FOR




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72 0 .5 80 .3 9 46

Ryan Kenward



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? Any candidate who runs for public service should understand the proper role of government and have a philosophical understanding of why government exists. The role of an elected official is chiefly to protect universal, equal, individual and natural rights. I grew up in a small town outside of Buffalo, New York where people understood this. My philosophy is simple: Leave people alone and trust them to make their best decisions, don’t take their stuff, and don’t be a jerk about forcing people to do things. I have lived all over the country as well as abroad during my time in the military and working in the aerospace industry. I believe I will be an effective Trustee because I am bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience from my career and life. In my day job I am focused on strategic growth and have been responsible for driving millions of dollars in business starting from an idea and bringing it to fruition. I work with people from all walks of life, with varying views, opinions and beliefs and am able to achieve positive results. I take a common-sense approach to problem solving and focus on big picture objectives. I don’t get so lost in the trees that I lose sight of the forest.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? My first priority is ensuring we do not increase the cost of living for the current residents of Erie. As we see inflation rise and market uncertainty, it is more important than ever that we are fiscally minded. I am concerned for my retired neighbors living on fixed incomes as well as new families on a budget. When we must spend, we must do so with purpose and ask ourselves, will this get us to where we want to be as a town? Second, I am keenly focused on business diversity. We are seeing explosions of new business in communities around Erie, whereas we’ve been crawling along. As Trustee, I will ensure that we engage with business and figure out competitive incentives to bring them to Erie. Lastly, I am concerned with making sure our town’s priorities align with those of the residents. Without a diverse revenue basis for the town, a lot of the good ideas that are thrown around are simply not practical at this time. We need to intelligently scale the town for growth. Doing so means balancing residential and commercial development, scaling infrastructure and cutting through the red tape to get things done. I have been speaking with business owners and developers and I am certain that there are actions we can take to be more in line with our neighbors on our processes and procedures. I always strive for maximum efficiency.

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? Being neighborly again. We have to break through fierce partisanship to speak to each other kindly with open minds. We must find a way to listen and compromise again. I believe people agree more than they disagree on most policies that are relevant in Town, but there has been so much emphasis on identity politics we’ve become increasingly divided. It’s long past due that we start to see each other for the entirety of what we are, and focus on the good. This is an existential challenge that stretches far beyond the borders of Erie and even our country. For our towns brightest future, we have to acknowledge that Erie is largely a bedroom community. We are the “affordable housing” destination for many people who work in Boulder and Denver. We have to change the status quo and make our town a place where we not only sleep, but where we work and play. Our biggest success to date has been in bringing in terrific residents. Now we need to bring in more terrific businesses and employers. >>>

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? Home rule could indeed be a great thing, when the time is right. My concerns with moving forward presently are centered on two factors. The first being the cost. Home rule isn’t a light switch you can flip for free. Becoming a home rule town costs money, lots of it. There are a lot of resources required to make this transition. I never see any discussion over how much it will cost taxpayers whenever the subject comes up. I am opposed to doing things that could needlessly contribute to cost of living increases for our current residents while we still do not have a diverse revenue stream for the town. The second reason I am opposed to it at this time is because home rule is incredibly powerful. To ensure that we do it right we need to have a non-partisan discussion where all parties come to the table and figure out what the right decisions are. We may not fully agree, but there needs to be compromise. It cannot be one side or the other dictating the entire future of the town. I firmly believe that all sides have valuable insights. When we have a town board that is diverse in thought and is willing to really engage the key stakeholders – you the residents of Erie, we could look at moving forward.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? We need to be thoughtful with how Erie is engaging with prospective business. We can’t beat them over the head with upfront costs, and we can’t just say “Erie’s a great place, come here.” Ultimately, we have zero control over a business coming to Erie or not. To promise any specific business is unrealistic and dishonest. We need to come up with incentives to get businesses to choose Erie and we need to be proactive and reach out first. I would love to see an Erie Tech Center with office space available to pull business out of Boulder and Denver where they are tired of paying for astronomical costs and expensive leases. As nice as it would be to have another grocery store, is this really what will make Erie the best town and will it offer the kind of jobs we need?

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I have several hobbies – I dabble in guitar, collect retro video games, am classically trained in French cuisine (I graduated from Le Cordon Bleu) and love to travel! My favorite place that I’ve ever been to (besides Erie!) is Phuket, Thailand.

Ryan Kenward FOR



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Andrew Sawusch



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? Originally from the Chicagoland area, I have been a resident of Erie since 2016, previously a resident of Broomfield for 7 years. I graduated from CU Boulder in 2009, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with dual concentrations in Management and Marketing. I am a business operations and marketing professional, with experience growing businesses from the ground up. Currently, I serve as the Sr. Manager of Customer Operations at a data analytics software company. As a solutions-driven individual, I use a holistic-view approach to identify and resolve issues that deliver results, which are both effective and efficient. I am married to my amazing wife, Gabrielle, and am the doting father of my two husky fur-babies, Kaia and Koda. I currently serve as both a Planning Commissioner and a Comprehensive Plan Update Steering Committee member for the Town. As an individual from the business world, I believe the Town needs leaders who can create solutions that will be positive and Forward Thinking for Erie’s Future. I believe that I am a good candidate for the position of Trustee because I am committed to making Erie the thriving and sought-after place to live, work, and raise a family - the place we love to call “home”!

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? In my opinion, the three most important issues facing Erie are all central to growth management due to our ever-growing community: Infrastructure Sustainability, Financial Accountability, and Economic Vitality. Infrastructure Sustainability: The Town has grown faster than ever before, moving from a population of just over 6,000 residents in 2000, to just over 18,000 in 2010, and now to a staggering population of over 30,000+ residents in 2022. From 2015 to 2020 alone, the town grew nearly 40%. Understanding the actual growth rate is important because the town had only forecasted and planned for a 15% rate in this same amount of time. Whether it be the lifespan of a roadway, or capacity of our water and sewer enterprises – these infrastructure pieces have become strained due to our Town’s rapid growth. Financial Accountability: Due to the Town’s rapid growth and the current economic situation, we have seen that specific fund accounts have been significantly reduced or depleted, compared to years past. In the 2022 Budget, the Town has admitted that they have been underrepresenting General Fund costs, instead absorbing these expenses to our Enterprise activities. Then, to make matters worse, the Town has as well admitted that they stopped issuing monthly financial reports - because they weren’t able to reconcile actual costs against budgeted costs due to years of non-transparent financial methods. A priority should be placed on reducing expenses so that the Town’s reserves can be increased for various upcoming needs. As well, in order to stay one-step ahead of whatever might come, we should begin to look at a long-range financial plan that looks 3 to 5 years out, adjusts based on current or projected trends, so that we can address the various items before they affect the Town. Economic Vitality: To date, we have relied on residential development to grow our Town’s finances. This has worked for many years and has grown the Town to the point we are today. However, we must ensure that reliable and steady recurring revenues are in place for years to come to avoid any potential shortfalls. This will become crucial to maintain, as well to provide new and additional opportunities for our Town’s future successes which are yet to be realized. These initiatives will help to ensure that we can meet our infrastructure and financial responsibilities, as well as to provide residents with greater employment, recreational, and every day-life needs.

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? Both the Town’s biggest challenges and successes have been its rapid growth. This growth has created the large portfolio of open spaces, parks, recreational activities, and other amenities that we have today. It has added much needed revenue to our Town’s budget and accelerated the Town’s overall net worth; provided the opportunity and means for our Town to have its own Water, Wastewater, and Storm Drainage facilities; brought us community partners and developers which will continue to be paramount to our future successes. Most importantly, it has provided the opportunity for all of our friends, family, and neighbors that currently live in Town the chance to also call Erie their “home”. However, this rapid growth has not been without its downsides. Negative consequences have occurred from this due to the lack of forethought and planning necessary to accommodate the growth. It has led to the strains on our infrastructure - to the point where our water, wastewater, storm drainage, natural gas, and road systems have either reached max capacity or max life expectancy; to our Town being almost entirely dependent on residential development to fund all of the various Town functions; to our Town being unsure of how we are going to pay for the maintenance of our roads, or the upkeep of our parks and open space areas; to a Town Hall which doesn’t have the capacity for all of the Staff that has been hired over the years, the individuals who maintain our Town’s services on a day-to-day basis. As well, it has in the eyes of some, turned our development partners, individuals who helped us to grow the Town that we love today, individuals who will assist us in attaining the future successes that our Town is yet to attain, into the perceived “enemy” - as though they were the reason for our problems, when in fact it was individual’s at Town Hall who were the ones who decided to grow the Town and grow it quickly.

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? Home rule is intended for municipalities which have outgrown their current form of government. It is meant to be a tool that is used to add to their already enumerated powers of local governance, only after the Town has fully extended and exacerbated their current abilities within their Town’s ordinances and provisions. The Town does not currently have the resources at Town Hall to properly attend to the resulting effects that a home rule charter would bring. As well, not only does the Town not have the proper oversight or leadership necessary at Town Hall, but there is also not enough trust with the current Town government to prove that this will be beneficial or in the best interests of the residents. I do in fact see the Town moving to home rule in the near future. However, there are too many unknowns and there is too much distrust currently of Town Hall. There are steps which could have been taken in the past, policies and procedures which could have been set, rules and regulations which could have been implemented, and they have not been. Once the Town is able to prove that we can govern ourselves within our current form, then we should have the conversation of a home rule charter. Now is not that time.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? I envision the Town attaining a wide variety of businesses - ranging from large to small, service to retail, and everywhere in between. The businesses will not only provide a diverse mix of employment opportunities, retail needs, or restaurants to patron, but will be the key to Erie’s future success by providing a stable and sustainable revenue source. The main issue isn’t that business owners and commercial developers don’t want to come to Erie – they have already been trying to do so - but the barriers to entry are prohibiting them from entering the Town. Besides for the already limited office or retail spaces available, these barriers include the tap fees, impact fees, infrastructure fees, permit fees, the UDC municipal codes, the amount of time that it takes to, the roadblocks from Town Hall staff, parking requirements, and the list goes on. To bring businesses to Erie, the town must become more “business friendly”. We must work with the developers, current business owners, community members, local organizations - and most importantly, the residents. This starts by listening to and addressing the concerns of these individuals, engaging them more frequently and on a regular cadence – to understand what their needs and concerns are. From the information received, our Town must then address the exact reasons which are hindering businesses and commercial development from being able to do business within the Town. This means redeveloping and instituting very specific initiatives at Town Hall to address and alleviate these barriers to entry. Finally, developers are the driving force behind our Town’s future economic prosperity. They already work directly with small businesses and large corporations alike to attract them to their own developments. The Town must work with them to identify alternative funding mechanisms to pay for the infrastructure required. Instead of solely relying on developers to pay for the properties upfront and in-full, these funding mechanisms can include special taxing districts, revenue bonds, or a combination of multiple mechanisms.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I love technology and to nerd out on data. My favorite sports teams are the Chicago White Sox, Chicago Bears, and the Colorado Avalanche. I love to golf and have had the privilege of playing at some of the best-rated courses around the nation. I learned how to skate before the age of 3, played hockey for over 16 years, including at CU-Boulder when I was in college. The sport took me all over the world, but most frequently to Canada. I even played this winter in the inaugural Erie Outdoor Hockey league If any residents have some thoughts or ideas about any subjects, I would be more than happy to speak with you to hear your opinions. Please feel free to reach out to me through my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Andrew4ErieCO/) or website (www.AndrewSawusch.com), and be sure to check out my plan to address the various items discussed above (bit.ly/Andrew4ErieBlueprint).

Andrew Sawusch FOR


Christiaan van Woudenberg



You 1) Tell us briefly about yourself, where you are from and why you think you’re a good candidate for the position you are running for? I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa of Dutch parents, grew up in a small town near Edmonton, Alberta, and have been a Colorado resident for over 30 years. I’ve been in Erie for 15 years with my two teenage daughters. I hold an undergraduate degree in molecular biology from CU Boulder and completed graduate work in computational biology and exploratory data analysis at CU Denver. I’ve been an enterprise software developer, product manager, and entrepreneur for 30 years, and have been a Trustee for the Town of Erie since 2018. I am running for re-election to ensure every Erie resident, present and future, has an opportunity to thrive. We’ve started so many important efforts over the last few years such as Town Center, the transition to home rule, and efforts around diversity, equity, and inclusion. I want to see these all to fruition in my second term as Trustee.

2) What are your top three priorities as a candidate? First and foremost, we need to continue our financial recovery from the devastating impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic by being fiscally conservative with Town revenues while aggressively supporting and attracting local businesses. Second, we must tackle the housing crisis head-on, so that people can afford to work, live, and thrive in our community. It hurts all of us when our teachers and police officers can’t afford to live in Erie and we can’t attract workers in the service industry. Finally, we must address our long-term infrastructure needs. Erie is bursting at the seams due to its explosive growth. There is no longer enough room at Town Hall for all its employees, and we will soon have the same problem at the police station and the Public Works buildings. Our recreation center is at capacity, as are most of the schools in Erie. Major arterial roadways in and around Erie are clogged with traffic. Addressing these infrastructure projects will require millions of dollars of funding; by establishing a robust, diversified economy and leveraging public-private partnerships, we can succeed.

Erie 3) What do you think are Erie’s biggest challenges and successes? Our biggest challenge is to escape our trajectory as a bedroom community and emerge as a grown up, thriving municipality that is both economically and environmentally sustainable. On the success front, the Nine Mile intergovernmental agreement with Lafayette put to bed a long-standing squabble, established an equitable revenue sharing agreement, and paved the way for future cooperation with Lafayette. The Town Center charrette solidified an ambitious vision for a crucial development area with the robust stakeholder engagement and. We have greatly diversified our tax base over the last 5 years; 20% of our commercial taxes are now collected from online sales and we are no longer overly-reliant on building permit fees.

Home Rule 4) Please tell us your thoughts on having Erie as a “Home Rule” town? Are you for or against this and why? With 93% of Colorado residents living in a home rule municipality, it absolutely makes sense for us to move to home rule. I share others’ concerns about our ability to make the transition successfully. I worry about the influence of special interest groups, divisive identity politics, and the burden on Town staff to effectively communicate the benefits of home rule, to establish an equitable home rule charter commission, and to draft a home rule charter that expertly captures the vision and values of Erie residents, Town staff, and elected officials. A successful transition to home rule begins with a concerted and persistent communications strategy to educate and engage with Erie residents about the process, benefits, and drawbacks. Only then will I have confidence that we can assemble the charter commission and craft a home rule charter. The great news is that we’re exactly where we need to be in the process according to the recent home rule survey conducted by the Town.

Erie Businesses 5) What vision do you have to bring diversity to Erie regarding businesses? Diversity comes both in breadth and depth; we will succeed by embracing our DE&I goals in conjunction with existing efforts in the Town’s economic development department, the EEDC, a burgeoning makerspace community, and the promise of Town Center’s live-work opportunities and primary employment at the I-25 Erie Gateway property. Tax increment financing (TIF) brought Birdhouse, Piripi, and others to downtown; I’m excited to work with Town staff to continue pursuing innovative financing opportunities for Erie businesses. Business diversity is also inextricably linked to our housing crisis; we must address them together.

You 6) Tell us something that most people don’t know about you: I am the only Board member to have attended every single regular Board of Trustees meeting since I was elected in 2018.

Christiaan van Woudenberg FOR




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Study Stresses Importance of Teen Connectedness

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Do you feel connected to your teen? My teens are always wearing noise-canceling headphones, which makes it a struggle just to communicate. And it can be hard to connect with someone who seems to be shutting you out. But even though it may be challenging, it is important for parents to find ways to create and sustain connections with their teens. According to a new CDC study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, there are noticeable benefits for teens who feel connected to their family and school. In addition to experiencing better mental health, teens with strong connections are also less likely to have experiences with risky or violent behaviors as adults. “When kids hit the teen years parents often feel like they say the wrong thing or their teens rebel so they back off or they get over-controlling—none of that works,” says Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist and author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids. “What works is to realize that teens still need your guidance, but you can’t control them. The only way you are going to have any influence is through your relationship with your teen.” ELIFE m agazine


Learn to connect with your teen

Dr. Markham stresses the importance of building a relationship with your teen through empathy and understanding. Parents can take a different approach and create a connection with their teen while setting limits at the same time. For example, if a teen has not emptied the dishwasher because he is playing his guitar, a parent might be inclined to yell across the room, “Get in here and empty the dishwasher.” Meanwhile, the kid is thinking, My parents don’t understand. I’m almost done practicing this song. He might then respond, “Just a minute, Mom,” which turns the situation turns into an unhappy interaction with both people feeling like the other person is wrong. Dr. Markham suggests taking a more empathetic and understanding approach. For the parent, emptying the dishwasher is a priority, but the teen doesn’t understand why his parent is so upset about it. Yes, he is supposed to do the chore, but he thinks

what he is doing is important. He would also like his parent to notice how much better his guitar playing has become. Dr. Markham suggests that instead of yelling at the kid, the parent could sit next to them on the couch and say, “I love to hear you playing the guitar, but I need to get dinner started, so the dishwasher needs to be emptied. I would love to hear you play some more after you empty the dishwasher.” “In this scenario the parent is not fighting with their teen,” she explains. “Rather, the parent is telling their teen what they need to do, in an understanding manner, so the parent has protected the relationship even while they have enforced a limit.”


Create connectedness through routines and rituals

as long as we do it on a regular basis. It can even be a chore, such as doing the dishes together. By doing this activity together, we create a connection that becomes the foundation for a healthy relationship.

3. Make sure you’re available Dr. Markahm points out that teens often open up on car rides. “You are not looking in their eyes and so they feel more open,” she says. But your conversations don’t have to be confined to the car. She mentions a father who would wait up until midnight for his older teenagers to get home and then have a snack with them. This ritual, and making himself available, encouraged his teens to open up about their friends and interests. If your teen asks to talk to you, make sure you’re available, or schedule a time when you can give them your full attention.>>

“Parents know they are supposed to have date night with their significant other in order to have a healthy relationship,” says Dr. Markham. “But what about date night, or some version of it, with your teenager?” Using her own experience as an example, she explains how her husband and daughter would go to brunch once a month. During their time together they would play cards, read the newspaper, and talk about topics that mattered to them. She says that the routine or ritual we choose to share with our kids can be any activity, E LIF E m ag azine

4. Be a good listener “Most parents are terrible listeners,” says Dr. Markham. “Parents get anxious when their teen tells them about a problem.” She explains that most parents’ initial reaction to a problem their child might be having is to try to solve it. But she recommends resisting the urge to figure out a solution. Our job is not to solve every problem, it’s to listen and offer validation. “If the parent listens and validates the issue by saying things like, ‘That must have hurt your feelings. Sounds like you are upset. And then what happened?’ You validate what is going on,” says Dr. Markham. Validating a teen’s feelings helps them develop good judgment. Rather than fixing the problem for them, our validation empowers them to believe they can do something to make the situation better themselves.

5. Helping your teen feel connected at school “Encourage your teen to see teachers at the school as a resource,” says Dr. Markham. Feeling connected to their school is not only good for teens, the CDC study found it can also have positive results for them when they are adults. We can support our kids’ connectedness to school by encouraging them to attend school-sponsored activities, like sporting events or performances.

ELIFE m agazine

“Cheering as a group for a team makes us feel close to the people around us,” explains Dr. Markham.

6. Connected teens become healthy adults As the CDC study highlights, the benefits of connectedness in the teen years carry over into adulthood. Teens who feel connected to their family and school are less likely to experience violence, be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, or abuse controlled and illegal substances as adults. “There is zero doubt in my mind that when kids feel connected to their parents, they are healthier and happier,” Dr. Markham says. “A connected teen is going to become an adult that feels the world is a good place and they are cared about. It is an emotional safety net–someone cares.”

A Little About the Author

Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of

Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, Parents Magazine, AARP, Healthline, Your Teen Magazine, and many other publications. She is a professional member of ASJA. You can find her at twitter @CherylMaguire05

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ELIFE m agazine

Take a moment and think about the relationships in your life that are meaningful to you. We are naturally drawn to those that enjoy similar interests, communicate clearly, take an active role to relate to our point of view and can appreciate and accept us for who we are. All solid relationships have a common foundation of trust, understanding, clear communication and mutual interests. When looking to improve your relationship with your dog, we rely on these same principles. Because let’s face it -- your relationship with your dog has a direct influence on their behavior. The first step is to actually be present with your dog, which is easier said than done! Being with your dog means that you’re not thinking about anything else. Your mind and focus is with your dog. We build trust with canines through clear communication with intent and by being predictable in our actions and routines. We must offer dogs trust before we can offer them affection. It is best to communicate with a dog using their language, which is definitely not English. Dogs communicate with their body positions, movement, proximity, speed and very clear intentions. When dogs make verbal noises, it’s really to say, Hey!!-Pay attention to what my body is signaling! To strengthen your bond it is imperative to understand canine language.Only when we begin to see the world from our dog’s perspective can we truly understand and have respect for their essence and intelligence. And lastly, all solid relationships share common interests. If you don’t know what your dog likes, then attach a 6 foot leash and follow their lead at a park. This activity of role reversal will give you great insight to your dog’s motivators and interests, and I bet you’ll be surprised what you learn about your dog! Yes, I know we all want our dog to follow us and that will happen naturally once they understand you, trust you, and you start taking an active role to join in their interests with pure intentions and delight.

Jaime Bessko lives in Erie with her husband, 2 boys, 2 dogs and 2 cats. She is the owner of ERIE DOG CO, LLC, specializing in behavior modification for dogs through immersive overnight board and train programs. She has always had a way with animals and made a great impact training service dogs at International Hearing Dog in Henderson, Colorado. Jaime’s philosophy on working with dogs is to communicate clearly, be consistent, praise your dog and HAVE FUN! If you want help enjoying your dog more, reach out at eriedogco.com and follow @ErieDogCo online.

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