Westies & Besties - June 2024

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The UK'S Only West Highland White Terrier Magazine


June 2024

ISSN 2634-4130



The Raw Food Brand Educating Pet Parents


Q&A News How to Choose The Best Bed for your Bestie

Dog-walking Routes in a Town Near You

why Westie owners are choosing Emmi-pet over anaesthesia



Dog-Friendly Places to Go by the

SUSTAINABILITY The Organization that Recycles your Dog’s Fur



SUMMER VIBES Our June edition is packed to the rafters with an array of articles from How to Choose the Best Bed for your Bestie to why Westie owners are turning to emmi-pet to help keep their dog’s teeth and gums healthy. We catch up with the innovative, Green Salon Collective, an organization that collect dog’s fur and recycle it instead of it going to landfill for a couple of hundred years. It’s absolutely amazing what can be made from recycled fur!

Kim Latham Editor

As we head into the summer months, it is only right that we highlight some dog-friendly holiday locations so our West Highland White Terriers can catch a break in some of the UK’s prettiest towns and cities. We’ve also highlighted some fabulous walking routes so all you have to do is pack a bag and head off on holiday! Meanwhile, a fabulous list of dog-friendly things to do in Brighton can be found on page 34 if you’re planning on taking your Bestie for a break beside the seaside. Our Q & A this issue is with the CEO of raw food brand, Bella & Duke. We chat with James Sturrock about the challenges he faces when it comes to educating pet parents as to why a fresh natural diet is best. Have a great summer! Editor Kim Latham

(To the youngster that took this wonderful photograph of our Westie, Buffy, our Chief Cuddles Officer, THANK YOU! We all think you’ve got what it takes to become a professional photographer one day so keep snapping as you’re clearly very talented!)



Publisher Westies & Besties Ltd Ground Floor 13 Cable Court Pittman Way Fulwood Preston PR2 9YW Editor Kim Latham Tel: +44 7496 310169 Email: [email protected] Director of Sales & Partnerships Alex Griffin Tel: +44 7496 310173 Email: [email protected] Front Cover Image Supplied by Pexels Design Jayden Ali Printing WPG Group Westies & Besties Magazine is published by Westies & Besties Ltd (the Publisher) and printed on behalf of the publisher by WPG Group. Westies & Besties Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Westies & Besties Magazine and the Westies & Besties Masthead/ logo is trademarked and are marks of Westies & Besties Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. The views and opinions expressed within Westies & Besties Magazine are not necessarily those of the Publisher or those of its contributors. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this magazine, the Publishers cannot/ will not be held accountable for the accuracy of the information here therein, or any consequences arising from it. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited articles or manuscripts in the case of all product reviews. Judgements have been made in the context of the product tested. (All photographs have been supplied unless otherwise mentioned.) Advertisers in this publication must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Advertising Standards Authority. Westies & Besties Ltd is not responsible or liable for a company or individual’s advert. Readers are advised to see a fully qualified veterinarian before attempting to try any of the suggestions made by a contributor.

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Check out these top tips on how to make your garden safe and secure as our Westies spend more time out in the summer sun.


Is your home a safe environment for your Westie? You’ll be surprised at what can turn out to be a danger to your dog. Check out these suggestions on how to give your home a health makeover.


New season, new bedding but do you know what bed is best when it comes to choosing a new and comfortable space for your West Highland White Terrier?


We catch up with The Green Salon Collective who help save the planet one dog cut at a time by collecting fur from groomers around the UK and Ireland.


Take a walk on the wild side this summer with a PDSA list of stunning walks around England which are sure to have your Bestie chomping at the bit.


Why not pack a bag and head off to dog-friendly Brighton this summer and find out just how many businesses are geared up to welcome their furry guests.


We catch up with Bella & Duke CEO, James Sturrock to find out what’s new and what’s different since he took over from the previous CEO, Mark Scott.

44 MODERN TECHNOLOGY The Managing Director of emmi-pet explains why regularly brushing your Westie’s teeth is better than using veterinary procedures like dentals when it comes to your dog’s dental hygiene.



Dog owners are now able to change the look and style of their Westie’s collars thanks to an exciting new accessories range created by Xparkles.


A day in the life of Axl the Westie – resident pup at the offices of Bella & Duke.


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From a small café kitchen to feeding thousands of dogs around Britain a healthy raw food diet


i all, my name is Ben. I am the founder and CEO behind Mersey Raw, the greatest thing to come out of the Northwest since the Beatles.

The first picture you see is of me, several years ago in a small, unused café kitchen, preparing my first batch of raw dog food for my two beautiful pups, Luna and Pluto. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey. The next pictures after that are me today, with my young family, a growing business and a lot of happy doggy customers. I’ve been a dog lover since I was a kid - if there’s


a room full of people and one dog, you’ll find me with the dog. I have been around dogs since day one and have enjoyed so many amazing years of loyal companionship. I have been so lucky to have as many dogs as I have, I absolutely adore every one of them, as I’m sure you do. Have you ever met anything as loving and as loyal as your dog? The excitement and love they give you when you walk home through that door is the most rewarding and indescribable feeling, and you get it every single time you walk through that door, how lucky are we? One thing that has always bothered me was the diet we fed our dogs. For as long as I can remember, dogs have been fed canned or biscuity-looking food, which never made sense

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to me. Why feed an animal that was once wild something so processed, sloppy, and disgusting? And why do so many dogs get sick? I remember when I was at the local vet and hearing the receptionist turn away people on the phone because they were fully booked! How did we ever get here and why? They all have skin conditions or allergies. It felt like every dog had some sort of illness or condition going on. This is when I first learned about a raw diet, and I was genuinely like a dog with a bone obsessed. When you give it some thought, it is so obvious that it’s the natural and correct way to feed our dogs, it was a diet they had thrived on for thousands of years without the need for vets! Yet it was hard to find, and when I did find it, the quality was never right. So, I embarked on a mission to create something natural and tailored to my dogs’ needs, something

perfect for them and not just convenient for me as their owner. What started as a mission to cater to my own dogs has grown far beyond anything I dreamed of. We now stock pet shops from the top to the bottom of the UK, ship out hundreds of orders daily, and have built an absolute dream team at Mersey Raw. The response to Mersey raw over the past two years has been mind-blowing and looking back on everything we have done as a team is just amazing. I am so grateful for everyone who has been a part of this journey, from stockists to customers, you are all apart of making a dream a reality. Our mission is to feed as many dogs a Mersey Raw Diet as possible. Every day I have the privilege of heading to work, with my dogs, to produce a food that I know is benefitting the lives of thousands of dogs. I can hand on heart say I have the best job in the world.





Ways to Make your Garden Dog-Friendly Homeowners are being advised of ways to make their gardens a safe haven for their Besties as we dive into the summer season


xperts from GardenBuildingsDirect. co.uk have shared easy hacks to protect our four-legged friends from potential dangers in the garden.

Creating a dog-friendly environment is essential to their happiness and security, both inside and outside the home. Gardens pose many threats for dogs, including poisonous plants, possible escape routes and pesky bees. A spokesperson from the company, said: “Dogs often love spending time outdoors in gardens. As the weather starts to warm up, dogs across the country will be keen to get back out into their favourite outdoor spots. “But, without proper care and attention, gardens can pose risks for dogs. It is important to take the steps to make sure your


garden is as safe and enjoyable as possible for your pooch. “Many pet owners don’t realise how easy it is for pets to be harmed in the garden, so we wanted to share the easiest ways to prevent this from happening. “Easy hacks include blocking all escape routes carefully, making sure fences are dogfriendly, getting rid of any plants which could be poisonous and banishing bees with a homemade pesticide.”


Block all escape routes All gardens have potential exit routes, especially for small dogs. Make sure to identify any potential escape routes and get them fixed promptly. Homeowners can opt for budget friendly options like a roll of inexpensive chicken wire to keep the garden secure.

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Dog-friendly fence It is vital to keep animals secure in the garden, but pet owners must make sure the fence won’t hurt them if they try to jump up. Be aware of splinters, gaps of sharp edges around the fence which could cause injury. Placing rocks at the bottom of fences can prevent any digging.

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Remove poisonous plants Some common garden plants can be harmful to our four-legged friends if they get too close to them. Ivy, hydrangeas, lilies, and tulips are all poisonous to dogs and will need to be removed to guarantee safety in the garden.

Banish bees To prevent stings, you can keep bees at bay by spraying a homemade vinegar spray. Mix equal parts water and vinegar then spray over potential nesting areas like compost heaps or pieces of deadwood.

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Don’t overdo the weed killer Needlessly placing or spraying weed killer across your garden when your dogs are going in and out is a hazard. If they lick or sniff at them it could lead to health issues. Create play areas Keep your dogs entertained in the garden by creating designated play areas for them. This can prevent digging around the garden. Placing toys, their favourite treats and balls allows them to have hours of fun without ruining the garden.


Smooth all sharp edges A small risk assessment on your garden can give you peace of mind there is no way for your pooch to injure themselves. Make sure fences don’t have any sharp edges which could come into contact with your dog’s fur.




­­­­Spring clean your home and ditch these household items


lead them into trouble. To ensure your home is as safe as it is clean this spring, here are some common hazards that may be putting your pet in danger.”

From knowing the dangers of an open bin or window, to not storing items away, the charity has identified things around our homes which can see pet owners unintentionally putting their furry friends at risk.

Cleaning products “Pets are inquisitive by nature and love to explore anything unusual they may find lying around. Make sure you put any cleaning products away carefully, storing them well out of reach, just as you would for young children.

DSA vets, together with PDSA Pet Insurance, are reminding pet owners of the surprising household items and features that can create a harmful environment.

PDSA Vet Gemma Renwick said: “With spring in the air, many pet owners are sprucing up their homes as they prepare for their annual spring clean. This is the perfect opportunity to reassess how and where things around our homes are stored or left. “Pets are curious creatures, and unfortunately this can sometimes 10

“There are plenty of pet-safe cleaning products available to buy including carpet shampoo, stain removers, and laundry detergent, just remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, as many cleaning products will need to be diluted with water first. As pet owners, this is a particularly important step to take to reduce the risk to your pet. After you’ve used a cleaning product, always wipe down the area with clean Westies & Besties - June 2024

water to remove any excess product that may otherwise linger. Alcohol “We may not always pay much attention to where items that include alcohol are stored – but what can be safe for pet owners can be a serious danger to our furry friends. It’s not just alcoholic beverages that should be kept out of paws’ reach too – take care with any items that contain traces of alcohol, including mouthwash, perfume, aftershave, and glue.” Batteries “Batteries are found across the home, from TV remotes to car keys, so there’s ample opportunity for pets to get into trouble! Although they’re necessary for household items to work, batteries can be very dangerous when ingested or chewed by pets as they contain strong acids. When a battery is punctured or


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swallowed, the acidic material can leak out and cause burns to a pet’s mouth, throat, and stomach, as well as causing difficulty breathing and swallowing.” Dustbins “We all know pets love the smell of food – especially dogs – which can make our dustbins enticing places to explore. Even if our furry friends enjoy a proper portion size, many still enjoy digging through the trash for an extra portion. Mouldy food, discarded foil, skewers, and other waste items can cause obstructions and damage the gut – as well as being potentially toxic to our pets. To avoid any temptation, always make sure bins are sealed, emptied regularly, and can’t be easily knocked over.” Vapes and E-Cigarettes “We are all aware of the risks of passive smoking to people, but it can be equally as damaging to

our pets’ health too. Second-hand smoke contains over 5,000 different chemicals, which are highly toxic to pets, even in small amounts. This is also true for vapes and e-cigarettes, which have grown in popularity. Just like in cigarettes, most vaping liquids contain nicotine – sometimes even more so than cigarettes. As nicotine is very toxic to our pets, it’s important to keep them well away from it. These are also more likely to be left lying around – leaving pets at risk of cuts from chewing the glass vials. Always ensure these are kept out of reach and avoid smoking cigarettes of any kind around your furry friend.” Open windows “As the weather gets warmer, be careful not to leave windows open that your four-legged friend could jump or fall out of. Open windows can be enticing to cats, dogs, and other small pets, which may lead to danger – particularly if the www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com

window isn’t on the ground floor. Make sure your pet can’t access a room with an open window or consider installing safety screens so that your furry family member can enjoy the fresh air without potentially injuring themselves by jumping outside.” Pet treatments “Remember that just like pet owners, all animals are different, so make sure that if your pet is unwell, you’re using the right treatment and dosage for your furry friend’s species and weight. Always read and the follow the instructions supplied with a treatment – and never use medication that isn’t prescribed by your vet. The same is also true for any medication you or a family member may be taking – never attempt to treat your pets with anything made for a human, unless prescribed by your vet, and ensure these too are stored safely away.” 11


Natural Cornish Pet’s

Fishy treats and food from the Pets Larder are the perect way to Condition your WESTIE THIS SUMMER As much as we adore our West Highland besties they can sadly be prone to a number of skin conditions which can make life a bit miserable for them at times. Among the most common skin conditions are: • Allergies, which cause itchy skin and often lead to pyoderma • Seborrhea’ • Epidermal dysplasia, a very serious disease that affects the skin • Atopic dermatitis, an uncomfortable and ongoing condition that affects 25% or more of all Westies, with male dogs of the breed more likely to be affected than females • Hyperplastic dermatosis, a condition associated with the Westie, and one that is not known to affect any other breed of dog. One way to help protect and calm the skin and coat is to introduce fish into your Westie’s diet. Fish is a great source of Omega 3 which is an essential fatty acid. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help to condition the coat and skin and aid in joint mobility and cardiac health. The omega oils contained in fish are also great for brain development. If you feed your dogs certain types of fish treats, you will find that they are great for their dental health as the rough texture of dried fish

Salmon Oil For Dogs The Pets Larder skin encourages dogs to chew and remove any tartar from their teeth. They can also aid in digestion as fish protein reduces the growth of unwanted gut bacteria and is a help for dogs with sensitive tummies and older dogs with slower digestive systems. Fish is also low in fat so it is perfect as a tasty treat, avoiding any obesity issue which is so important in aging dogs. Specialising in dog treats Natural Cornish Pet based in Cornwall and brought to you by The Pets Larder, has a tasty range of treats and chews as well as a grain free food range that contains fish called Aflora Grain Free. The fish treat range includes bags of natural dried sprats, fish finger chews, salmon potato cookies, white fish cookies and white fish cubes. All are available to buy in a range of bag sizes from small treat pouch size up to 1kg bags.

Natural Cornish Pet Dog Packs collection


Westies & Besties - June 2024

The Pets Larder also brings to you the finest, freshest, sustainably sourced, all natural Scottish Salmon Oil for dogs. Packed with long and short chain Omega 3 & 6 to deliver a wide range of health benefits to your dogs. This is a supplement for pets of any age, to be served with the main meal of the day. Older dogs will benefit from antiinflammatory properties that should help aid in the reduction of any pains from the onset of arthritis. Younger dogs, on the other hand, generally see improved cognitive function and improved bone density. All great benefits to aid in the mission of keeping your four legged friend happy and healthy. Oil supplements derived from salmon oil are extremely important to a dog’s diet as without EPA and DHA - two omegas high in this oil, dogs can be more readily susceptible to the onset of diseases and in particular, immune based deficiencies such as: • Cracked Hairs / Poor Coat / Increased Shedding • Liver disorders • Dermatitis So check out our range of fishy offerings together with a comprehensive range of major brands and our own products from our online shop. For further information please visit our website at: www.thepetslarder.co.uk

Looking for the best in natural pet care? Look no further than The Pets Larder. You’ll find food, treats, chews and toys that have been tried, tested and approved by our experienced team, for being nutritionally rich and 100% appropriate for the enrichment and enjoyment of our four-legged friends.

Spinach & Cranberry Dental Chew Sticks



Claim five Pets Larder Spinach & Cranberry Dental Chews worth £1.95 with FREE Delivery.

Terms & Conditions: This offer is subject to availability, one free gift per new registered account online at www.thepetslarder.co.uk Offer Expires Monday 30th September 2024. Free gift cannot be substituted for any other item, cash or credit. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. For full terms and conditions please see our website.

How to Find the

Best for your





og owners are being advised on how to pick the best bedding for their four-legged friends to ensure a good night’s sleep. Experts are encouraging dog owners to consider their pets size, age and sleeping habits when choosing the correct bed. The bedding that dogs sleep on is extremely important for supporting their bone and joint health as they get older. Giving dogs a comfortable and clean place to sleep can help make them feel less anxious and stressed as well as minimising the risk of skin infections and allergies. Nic Shacklock from OnlineBedrooms said: “The


kind of bed our dogs sleep on is really important for supporting their bone and joint health. “One of the main things you need to consider when choosing bedding is the age of your dog. “Older dogs are likely to have weaker joints so they’ll benefit from something like a memory foam bed which will provide them with extra comfort and support.

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“If you’re buying a bed for a puppy then you might want to factor in their growth and get a bed that will accommodate their size for when they get a bit older.

Consider your dog’s needs When choosing bedding, you’ll need to consider the age and weight of your dog. Older dogs are likely to need a bed that provides them with more support for their joints like memory foam.

“It’s really important you opt for a washable bed or a bed that has a washable cover to keep the space as clean and as hygienic as possible for your dog.”

Pick the correct size You’ll need to pick the correct size for your dog to ensure they have enough space to stretch out, lay comfortably and get a better sleep. If you’re choosing a bed for a puppy you may want to pick a bed that will accommodate their growth.

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Pick according to your dog’s sleeping style Take note of how your dog sleeps before investing in their bed. For example, if they like to rest their head on something, then they’ll love a high wall bed. Similarly, dogs who tend to be a bit more anxious and sleep curled up may benefit from a cosy donut bed. Consider waterproof beds If you’re buying a bed for a puppy or a dog who is not fully house

trained yet, then waterproof beds are a great option. Make sure it’s washable In order to keep your dog’s bed clean and hygienic you’ll need to opt for a bed that is washable or has a removable and washable cover. Ideally, you’ll want to wash this once a week or once every two weeks. Allergen free If your dog suffers from

allergies, it’s worth getting bedding which is made from hypo-allergenic materials to minimise discomfort. Durability It’s common for dogs to scratch and dig their bed to make them more comfortable especially when they’re adjusting to new bedding. A durable bed will be able to withstand your dog’s habits and won’t get completely ruined in the first few weeks.



Curly Coat Conditioning Dog Shampoo DotDotDog A deep cleansing curly coat conditioning dog shampoo specifically formulated for dogs with curly coats, containing vegan biotin and olive oil for soft bouncy curls.



Grooming Essentials

for your Westie from Eco-Conscious Brand, DotDotPet


new eco-conscious wellness and lifestyle brand, DotDotPet has introduced an award-winning range of grooming products which are not only kind to dogs, but also kind to the environment. Since launching last year, DotDotPet’s Dog Eco Towels have sold thousands of units. They are 100% natural, biodegradable, portable, disposable pet wipes. They are made from FSC certified materials, are super soft, durable, and absorbent making them an ideal choice for pet parents whose pups love a swim, mud bath or a roll in something suspicious. They are great to take out on life’s adventures or simply keep them by the back door to reduce the need for wet smelly towels in a car or home.

DotDotPet’s innovative range of pet shampoos has been developed by a team of experts from the fragrance and cosmetic industries and designed to be kind to pets. Each formula features a pet preferred scent to help reduce bath time zoomies and anxiety plus a prebiotic to promote a healthy skin and coat. The formulation is vegan containing no nasties making it kind to sensitive skin. The shampoos provide deep cleansing and easy rinsing for a calmer bath time. The shampoos are available in an innovative easy to use no drip bottle. The shampoos in the range are designed to suit different life stages and types of coat. The formulas include:

Long Coat Conditioning Dog Shampoo DotDotDog A long coat conditioning dog shampoo specifically formulated for dogs with longer coats, containing coconut and babassu for a silky, glossy shine. Double Coat Conditioning Dog Shampoo DotDotDog A double coat conditioning dog shampoo specifically formulated for dogs with double coats, containing green tea and jojoba for de-shedding, cleansing, and hydrating. Short Coat Conditioning Dog Shampoo DotDotDog A short coat conditioning dog shampoo specifically formulated for dogs with short coats; containing centella asiatica and shea for a smooth soft finish. Puppy Conditioning Shampoo DotDotDog A puppy conditioning shampoo specifically formulated for puppies of all breeds containing Aloe and Oatmeal to protect sensitive skin.

The RRP for each shampoo is £13.99. For further information, please visit: www.dotdotpet.com


Westies & Besties - June 2024

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Westies & Besties - June 2024


The Green Salon Collective helps save the planet one dog cut at a time by collecting fur from groomers around the UK and Ireland Images supplied by The Green Salon Collective




Tell us when and how the Green Salon Collective came about. Green Salon Collective started almost four years ago, founded by environmental experts, hairdressers and eco campaigners. We are the original authority on holistic salon sustainability throughout the UK and Ireland. If you’re looking to become an eco-friendlier salon, then you’re in the right place. We all love the hairdressing industry, but we also know it has an ugly side too. We freely pour toxic hair colour down the sink. 20

We throw out used foils and colour tubes in the regular bin given they mostly can’t be recycled. We even throw valuable hair cuttings into the bin. Green Salon Collective is here to change all this through our specialist salon recycling programme. Green Groomers Collective started a couple of years after we’d been collecting hair waste from human salons, when we realised that most of our recycling projects would work with pet fur too! We then did a pilot scheme with some amazing groomers who wanted to go green, before launching to the UK and Ireland as a pet hair recycling option.

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Do you accept fur from individual dog owners? Unfortunately, we only have the capacity to accept from salons. How much of a positive sustainable impact does recycling dog fur have on the environment? It has a big impact, in a few ways. Firstly, we’re preventing the fur from going to landfill where it can cause greenhouse gas emissions and will stay there for hundreds of years. Secondly, we’re participating in the circular economy by creating new materials and finding new uses for waste. How can dog owners/groomers get in touch with you? Do you collect from around the UK? We collect across the UK and Ireland; and customers can get in touch and find out more information at www. greengroomerscollective.com

What is your mission? To prevent hair and fur waste from going to landfill, and get more salons engaged with the environment. There are many ways to recycle hair including making hair booms and hair mats as well as using it for gardening and composting. Our goal is to make hairdressing and grooming businesses more environmentally sustainable by offering them a unique recycling solution for hair to recycle materials (like hair, from pets or humans!). So far, we’ve saved over 140 tonnes of salon waste from landfill or incineration. How do you recycle dog fur? What do you use it for? Pet fur collected from grooming salons can be used in lots of different ways, from composting to creating hair mats with our felting machine, or hair booms. How many grooming salons have signed up with you? In total, we collect waste hair and pet fur from over 1,000 salons across the UK and Ireland! 22

Westies & Besties - June 2024

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Idyllic Locations to Take your


for a Walk Make the most out of the summer months BY STAFF WRITER

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Westies & Besties - June 2024





With warmer weather on the horizon, PDSA vets, together with PDSA Pet Insurance, have named the best dog walking locations across England to make the most of the great outdoors this season.

“A brisk walk is a great opportunity for your dog to burn off extra energy, while a slow, meandering walk – where you let your dog sniff and explore for as long as they want – is great for their mental health.

PDSA Vet Nurse Gemma Renwick said: “Regardless of the season, walking should be part of every dog’s daily routine to keep them physically and mentally healthy. Most dogs need at least 1-2 walks per day – unless otherwise specified by your vet.

“It’s important to remember that every dog is different, and you know your dog best. For older dogs, puppies who can’t go as far, dogs with health problems, or for some flat-faced breeds, make sure to choose an easier walk, or modify longer walks, to make it easier and more enjoyable for them.

Image by Jesper Rasmussen from Pixabay


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Image by malakai from Pixabay

“More challenging walks, that are longer in length, are best suited to very active dogs like Collies and Labradors, but always be mindful to go out at the cooler times of day and avoid long walks when the weather is very hot. “When out and about, remember that although there is no blanket law requiring dogs to be kept on a lead in all public spaces, there are certain areas where a lead is compulsory. This includes children’s play areas, sports pitches, roads, and beaches. These areas, known as Public Spaces Protection Orders, will include signs detailing any restrictions, so always familiarise yourself with these, especially if visiting a new park for the first time.


To make the most of your dog walking this spring, here are some of our favourite locations across England that will ensure you and your pooch have a barking good time.

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Roundham Head, Paignton Route info: 0.9-mile circular beach walk “This short route around Roundham Head is the best for exploring the area without going too far. There’s the option to walk along the beach and you’ll take in some beautiful views along the way. This walk is mostly paved, so keep this in mind for older paws that might prefer softer ground!”

Watersinks to Malham Tarn, North Yorkshire

Route info: 2.6-mile linear walk past Malham Tarn “This route takes a gentle stroll through Malham Tarn Nature Reserve, giving plenty of opportunity to see birds and wildlife. It’s mostly grass and gravel paths across this wetland but be sure to pack wellies in wet weather and note that pets should be kept on a lead as livestock wanders at certain times of the year!”

Cheddar Gorge, Somerset

Route info: 4-mile circular walk (with a few steep bits!) “If you’re looking for a varied walk of wide, open spaces and stunning scenery, with some more woodland, shaded areas, Cheddar Gorge offers the perfect combination. There are a few stiles en-route, but this walk is ideal for dogs with an adventurous temperament.”


Cleeve Hill, Cheltenham

Route info: 6-mile circular walk with some steep climbs “For views across the Malvern Hills, Cleeve Hill is the place to be, and perfect for active dogs. There is also an option to take a shorter, flatter route if you don’t fancy the full six miles! Livestock do roam, so it’s vital to keep your pup on a lead.”

Ironbridge and the Wrekin, Telford

Route info: 8.5-mile linear route with some steep inclines “A walk that takes you through the scenic town of Ironbridge before heading up the Wrekin, be mindful that you will be doing a lot of walking before even reaching the Wrekin hill. You and your pooch will need to be tough and take plenty of breaks to rest and appreciate the dramatic views around you. With this being a linear route, make sure you arrange a lift at the other end!”

Baggy Point to Woolacombe, North Devon

Route info: 10-mile circular walk across beaches and sand dunes “This walk allows you to really take in the essence of the North Devon coastline. From Croyde to Woolacombe, and back again, this scenic walk takes you along the clifftops. Keep dogs on a lead as paths can get slippery and take plenty of stops – Woolacombe has lots of cafes and pubs!”

Westies & Besties - June 2024

Feature Image by Sue330 from Pixabay





the Coolest Hydration Summer Smoothie Drink and Treat Fit for Westies and Dragons help flush out Phoebe’s system and to provide her with the hydration that she needed when she was refusing to drink enough water particularly in the summer months. This led to the creation of the Furr Boost range of smoothie drinks.


usband and wife, Ian and Louise Toal from Much Wenlock in Shropshire and founders of Furrboost took to our screens in the popular BBC One show Dragons’ Den where they secured a £50,000 investment from fashion retail entrepreneur and investor, Touker Suleyman on the BBC, for their award-winning range of smoothie drinks for dogs.


Furr Boost was the inspiration of Louise who, for over 20 years was a technical manager to the food industry. Louise’s Beagle, Phoebe at the age of 18 months became unwell with bladder problems which after investigations with her vet, were linked to the dog’s food. Using her technical food background, Louise then started experimenting with protein shakes to

During the episode, Louise explained that the drinks were unique on the market and that each of the recipes contains a real meat, fruit, and vegetable, along with added oils and vitamins to support the dog’s wellbeing in areas such as digestion, skin and coat, anxiety, metabolism, and immunity. The drinks can be served straight from the carton, frozen as an icy treat, poured into a Lickimat to distract and calm dogs and Louise demonstrated to the Dragons the most popular way to serve the drinks by creating an Ultimutt Furr Boost Puppaccino during the filming. Furr Boost is available in seven tasty varieties including a plantbased recipe and a Turkey and Cranberry variety which is ideal for treating our Westie friends during the festive season. Commenting on their time in the Dragons’ Den Louise said: “It was pretty nerve-wracking having to present our business to the Dragons and they certainly put us through our paces, but we were delighted with the outcome.” Furr Boost is available to buy online from the website, Amazon, leading pet retail stores including Pets at Home, Jollyes, independent pet shops, B&M and The Range stores around the country. For further information please visit www.furrboost.com

Westies & Besties - June 2024




Cover Story

SPLISH SPLASH Give your Bestie the holiday of a lifetime with a trip to the seaside this summer


Westies & Besties - June 2024

Cover Story

Westie on beach www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com



Cover Story

t’s holiday season, and many of us will be getting ready to enjoy some time at the seaside with our beloved Westie companions. Brighton is the dog friendly capital of the UK, and Slobber & Chops, a grooming parlour and store close to the seafront on St James’ Street is a hub for all things dog and their care. With its dog friendly beach and even a Lido season at Saltdean dedicated to owners and their canine friends, it is essential that Brighton’s dogs look amazing, but feel fabulous too. From stocking their own popular brand of grain free dog food, to advising holiday makers after their pup has rolled in a dead fish, Slobber & Chops and its team led by owner Sally Keegan, have a very unique perspective on dogs and their care close to the beach. Sally said: “Brighton really is the best place if you have a dog, everywhere you go you see


about five dogs and most stores and hospitality welcomes pets. It’s unusual not to see a dog. “Being so close to the beach we work with dogs that regularly exercise there so get a really good first hand perspective of how to care for pets at the coast.” For Westies post beach walk grooming is essential, and the company’s director of operations and salon manager Ben Thorpe, who has won grooming and showing accolades including at Crufts, had these tips for owners. He said: “Brighton is so dog friendly, absolutely bring your dog if you come to Brighton, there are hardly any places where you can’t take them! “But coat care is so important and a bit different at the coast, we use Artero Relax, a sensitive shampoo perfect for after swimming, we love it and we sell all the same stuff we use in the parlour in the store.

Westies & Besties - June 2024

“For a Westie we also use a product called Blanc which is made specifically for white dogs, for a Westie we would shampoo them first in the Relax sensitive skin product, as they can sometimes have that sensitivity, and then use the Blanc to make sure that it is all good. “We have a lot of Westies on the food brand too, and they have the salmon grain free which is excellent for their skin with the omega three and six oils.” Safety has to be a priority on the beach, and with many people taking their dogs out on paddle boards and boats, the shop has worked with brand RuffWear to stock canine life jackets which fit a range of dogs. Ben says that while most dogs can swim, and some Westies really love to swim, but for these dogs they are not naturally as at home in the water as other dogs, so a lifejacket could be a good option if you wish to take your dog near water.

WATER INTOXICATION: Water intoxication is commonly seen in dogs who love to play in water and have lots of access to deeper water throughout the day which they will absorb and drink. As well as causing serious harm to your dog’s vital organs, too much water can also completely flush out vital minerals from their system, including sodium. Signs of water intoxication to look out for include, lethargy, a swollen stomach, nausea and vomiting. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from water intoxication get them to a vet urgently as they will need emergency treatment. Water is vital for life, but it can also be a killer.

SWIMMING: Many dogs love to swim but keep an eye on your dog even if they seem excited to enter the water. If your dog is older or tired, they may misjudge their abilities and get themselves into trouble. If your dog is at risk of enthusiastically jumping into hazardous or unsafe areas make sure that you keep your pet on a lead. DROWNING: If you find your dog unresponsive in or near water, is it very important not to panic. Set the wheels in motion to get to the vet as soon as possible and follow the below advice. If you haven’t taken a canine first aid course yet, I recommend that you do that. The dogs that are most vulnerable in the water are puppies, dogs with short muzzles and dogs with wide chests, if you have a dog like this in your care take extra caution anyway.



Cover Story

And Rachel Bean, the UK’s top canine first aider has provided these top tips for anyone thinking of taking their dog for a splash, so that they can be prepared for every eventuality:

Cover Story

The first step when you find an unresponsive dog is to clear their airway of water. If you have a small dog, you can do this by carefully holding them upside down. If you have a large dog, they can be laid on their side with the upper body raised to drain the fluids. It is then important to check for a pulse, if you have someone with you get them to relay the information to the vet over the phone. If your dog is not breathing you can start CPR by 30 chest compressions, then two breaths. Cover their nose with your mouth and exhale until you see the pet’s chest rise. Get the dog to the vet as soon as you can. SAND: If you are near water, you may be close to the beach or a lake with sand around it, and sand can cause a hazard for your dog. If a dog eats sand and ingests too much this can lead to an intestinal blockage. Keep an eye out for this and keep your dog on a lead if necessary, but if your dog has already eaten the sand seek veterinary attention immediately. To find out more about Rachel Bean go to www.rachelbean.co.uk But at Slobber & Chops the ‘emergencies’ they see can be quite comical, with the seaside location playing a key part in some of the clients’ specific and often unusual requirements. Ben said: “We get calls all the time after smelly beach emergencies ‘my dog’s rolled in a dead fish can you wash it today?!’ You can obviously imagine the smell of that. We also get people coming in for new collars because their dog has rolled in something on the beach and it absolutely stinks, that’s really common. “Luckily we have a pebble beach here in Brighton so sand isn’t an issue, but we have a lot of dogs walking into the shop on a belt after their owner has lost the lead on the beach, it’s really funny the things you see that are so unique to being by the seaside.” Sally added: “Running Slobber & Chops is great and it’s amazing to see the variety of dogs that we have here in Brighton, we get so many characters and everyone is lovely. Brighton is the perfect place for a dog friendly business. “When I was creating the branding I wanted it to be very community focused, it is about the dogs and also about the people too, we want to bring the community together with events and workshops too.” To find out more about Slobber & Chops go to www.slobberandchops.com


Dog Friendly Brighton Top Places to Visit Saltdean Lido: Famous for its dog swim sessions the Saltdean Lido hosts these amazing and incredibly photogenic events every September. Dubbed ‘Dogtember’ by the historic outdoor facility, the lido will run its canine-friendly sessions for the weekends of September 14, 21, 28 of September and October 5 this year. Book early to avoid disappointment! www.saltdeanlido.co.uk Slobber & Chops: A dog lover’s paradise in St James’ Street, one of the most prestigious shopping streets in the city. The store offers a range of highquality products for your canine companion, as well as their own grain free food range. For helpful and friendly advice, you have come to the right place too. Dog-friendly beaches: Dogs are permitted on all beaches in Brighton and Hove from October 1 until April 30. But all year round in West Brighton there is a dedicated dog friendly beach, in front of the Peace Statue, and the Meeting Place Cafe (which is of course dog friendly.) Shops and cafes: For shopping and eating our Brighton is the perfect place when you have a dog in tow, the North Laine is a hive of independent shops and cafes, perfect for some pup-friendly retail therapy. The appropriately named Laughing Dog Cafe at the Marina is great for a lunch, or a coffee and cake treat, or for your evening meal. Why not try Longrain in New Road, which serves a delicious range of Thai and Asian delights.

Westies & Besties - June 2024

Cover Story





a Ground-Breaking Way of Giving your Westie Supplements Without the Fuss.


hen giving your Westie vital supplements and problem solvers, do you find that your furry friend tries to hide the tablet or chew and refuses to swallow it? Even in powder format and mixed in with their food, some dogs will turn their noses up so getting supplements into your Westie can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare. There is, however, a new solution to this problem. PAWD DRINKS is a revolutionary and groundbreaking range of liquid health supplements, scientifically crafted to target the common health issues faced by our beloved Westies. These innovative products are the result of extensive research and development by world-leading animal nutritionists including Dr. Farshad Goodarzi Boroojeni and are veterinary-approved. Each formula has been carefully crafted to not only address specific health

concerns but also contribute to the overall well-being of our fourlegged friends. PAWD DRINKS are pH neutral and contain no acidifiers or preservatives. It is important that dogs are fully hydrated each day. This helps to prevent serious health issues such as kidney problems, urinary tract infections, and heatstroke. PAWD DRINKS help regulate body temperature in hot weather and after physical activity and support the organ function in the body. Liquids also promote joint health and mobility, boost energy and vitality, transport nutrients around the body and aid in recovery. PAWD DRINKS are absorbed more quickly and efficiently by a dog’s body compared to pills, powders and chews which is important when addressing certain health or behavioural issues and when you need a fast result. Administering liquid supplements to dogs is

To find out more about products and subscription packages visit: www.pawddrinks.com


Westies & Besties - June 2024

easier than giving them pills or chews, especially for dogs that are finicky eaters or have difficulty swallowing. Liquid supplements are also less detectable making it less likely for dogs to refuse them. You can also customise dosage. They are palatable, achieve faster results and are gentle on the digestive system. PAWD DRINKS Joints has been formulated to address arthritis and joint mobility with up to 80% of all dogs suffering from some form of arthritis over the age of 8. PAWD DRINKS Joints contains natural ingredients, such as ginger and devil’s claw root to support joint mobility. PAWD DRINKS Calming will help to relax and soothe your dog in any anxious situations. This can be in the form of separation, social, travel or noise anxiety, with around 50% of dogs showing significant fear in response to thunder or fireworks.

which drink is right for your pooch? Take our quiz and recieve 15% off!

Functional liquid health supplements for your best friend

Pills? Tablets? Powders? No thanks.


Approved by Vets

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CHANGING THE WORLD… ONE RAW FOOD TUB AT A TIME BY KIM LATHAM What challenges are you facing and what will you do differently from the previous CEO, Mark Scott? The challenges are the same as they have been since the business was launched - to educate consumers about the problem that processed food causes in pet nutrition and change behaviour to educate pet parents that a 100% natural fresh diet is best, and raw nutrition is the very best of fresh! My job as CEO is to help our talented teams work closely together to do their very best every day to bring our brand promise to life for our customers. Culture is hugely important, and I have the tough task of keeping the amazing culture alive that Mark and Tony, our founders, have created whilst continuing to grow. Tell us why you are a good fit for Bella & Duke. I love pets, I love challenger brands that are doing good in the world by disrupting the status quo in a category and I love collaborative working. All these things are at the core of what Bella & Duke are all about, so I feel at home! 42

How do you plan to take your products to the next level and how much of this includes and relies on educating dog owners even further? We are excited to continue to challenge the status quo on dog food, it has always been one of our main priorities to educate dog owners on nutrition and always be open and honest with them in regard to our meals. All dog owners want to do right by their pets, we are here to help them.

James Sturrock, CEO of raw food company, Bella & Duke, on educating pet parents as to why a fresh natural diet is best and why he loves brands that do good in the world

Image supplied by Bella & Duke Westies & Besties - June 2024

There is growing competition in the raw food industry. How do you plan to stay one step ahead? Our value proposition is about much more than just pet food. We are confident that our meal plans are top of the ratings, we have a wider natural treat and wellness range that is available to our subscription members, as well as a wider member offering of community support in our 37,000 strong Facebook community and free access to VidiVet - no one else offers that level of product range and benefit to their customers. We’ll continue


Describe your Spaniel’s personality. Lovingly bonkers!

in their category. Inspiring colleagues to solve customer problems in a bold and creative way is a passion and something I’ve been lucky enough to do in some fantastic brands over the last 20 years.

Tell us how you think your previous roles will stand you in good stead at Bella & Duke. I’ve always been drawn to challenger brands doing something a little bit different

What is the most important factor about your subscribers? I love reading the feedback we receive from customers. The difference our products make to not just pets, but their owners

to add more to our customer Rawards programme to keep our offering the most compelling in the category.


too is quite incredible. Our customers want to do right by their pets. They know that health and happiness start in the gut and are open to learning about the benefits of raw feeding. Lots of our customers are active in Our Pack Facebook community where they will find support and education about raw nutrition, pet behaviour and more. Every pet deserves a life well-loved and feeding them a healthy, species appropriate diet is the start of doing this. 43



Westies & Besties - June 2024


Not every dog can be put under anaesthetic to have their teeth cleaned and yet unhealthy teeth and gums can cause a myriad of health issues if left untouched. We catch up with Cüneyt Emekci, Managing Director of emmi ultrasonic gmbh, owners of the brand, emmi-pet, to find out how they are helping more and more UK pet parents through modern technology.


Image supplied by shutterstock_2170374941




Tell us about how, when, and why emmipet first came about. We originally come from the human field of oral and dental care. In 2014, we invented the world’s first ultrasonic toothbrush (emmi-dent) for humans. The first devices were just as noiseless and vibration-free as today’s emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for animals. The first noiseless and vibrationfree ultrasonic toothbrushes for humans were all returned because customers thought they were broken. So, we added a motor (vibration) to the emmi-dent, which had no impact on its effectiveness. A few years later, veterinarians who were familiar with ultrasound came to us. They thought that ultrasound should be completely noiseless and vibration-free in the frequency range in which we work. So, we presented the first ultrasonic toothbrushes for humans to vets, who tested it and found it to be perfect. That’s how the emmi-pet was born. We knew that ultrasound is anti-inflammatory and completely safe for the animal. We needed a device that didn’t make any noise when brushing teeth. Electric toothbrushes make loud noises due to the mechanical movements. Dogs would not allow this.

Explain some of the technology used in your products and why it is important to the overall product. We have a patented ultrasonic generator in the brush head. The trick is to find the right frequency that is strong enough to remove the biofilm.

Your products are sold and bought the world over by pet parents wanting to do the best for their animals. Explain why emmi-pet products are better for day-today use than veterinary procedures like dentals. It’s like brushing people’s teeth. Humans and animals produce a biofilm during the course of the day that needs to be removed. If this is not removed, plaque develops, if it is not removed, gingivitis and tartar develop. Tartar itself is initially a cosmetic problem in that it is purely a calcification. However, bacteria can form under the tartar, which are dangerous. Ultrasound has the basic property of minimizing bacteria. The emmi-pet is a prophylactic device that must be used regularly. If the animal’s teeth are not cleaned, the tartar must be removed by a vet under anesthetic. Anesthesia is generally not beneficial, neither for humans nor for animals.

More and more veterinarians as well as professional groomers in the UK are choosing to use Emmi-pet. What are your tips for ordinary pet parents who want to try it on their dog’s teeth? With patience and the reward principle. Don’t expect to clean all your teeth the first time. Proceed step by step. Use it for example. First apply it to one tooth. If he allows it, then try it on the other teeth. For example, the gums can also be inflamed, and it hurts the dog when you try to clean the teeth. Therefore, first try the emmi-pet on the inflamed area. Ultrasound is antiinflammatory.

Irrespective of the regular cleaning of the teeth, we recommend - as with humans regular check-ups at the vet.


Dental health in dogs is extremely important to their overall health. Is emmi-pet suitable for both puppies and senior dogs? Yes, the emmi-pet can be used at any age. Many of our readers ask us where they can purchase Emmi-pet products in the UK. Do you plan to have a central shop or a further presence here? In the UK, we work with a number of groomers or veterinary practitioners who present and sell our emmi-pet. In addition, the emmi-pet can be ordered on amazon.co.uk and on our website www.emmi-pet.com. Please bear in mind the customs guidelines when ordering directly from Germany. We are planning to open an office in the UK in the near future and are looking for other partners who would like to work with us.

Dogs suffering with kidney disease problems usually have problems with their teeth which then impacts the kidneys even further. Is Emmi-pet a good solution for this as opposed to them being put under anaesthetic? Unfortunately, I can’t give you a generalized answer. Please understand that we cannot make any generalized medical recommendations. As a rule, however, healthy teeth mean healthy animals/humans.

Westies & Besties - June 2024





Hot Summer Looks with

Fashionable Images supplied by Xparkles

If you are looking for some hot fashionable looks for your Westie this summer to match your outfit and mood, then look no further than Xparkles, the first accessory company to manufacture high-end leather collars with interchangeable charms.


Westies & Besties - June 2024



recent winner of a European Product Design Award™ and a Muse Design Award, Xparkles’ collars are made from the finest French nappa leather. Dog owners are able to change the look and mood of their pets’ collars by incorporating interchangeable charms made from pure silver (so that they don’t rust), with others which are encrusted with rhinestones. This new concept in pet collars which is patented by Xparkles in the UK and USA brings a uniqueness to the pet accessory market with the collars exceeding the manufacturing standards of many produced by high-end designer fashion houses. They are fashionable, stylish but more importantly, affordable! They also give your dog that touch of glitz and glamour which every four-legged friend deserves. There are three types of charms to choose from, thread through, push through and screw based. Each leather collar is finished with hand-waxed and double stitched edges. The buckles are made from stainless steel and lab test shows they can sustain 72kg of pull. This makes every collar extremely durable with the soft leather making them very comfortable to wear. Xparkles’ collars meet several quality standards already. Their designer holds a Jewellery design degree from UAL. Their ISO9001 certified production partners also have in- house designers to help final check the products. Best of all the collars are made in Britain a country synonymous with the manufacture of high-end quality leather goods. The collars are available in a range of sizes and widths to suit different breeds and there is a good selection of different charms and accessories to add to the collars including leather bows.

RRP Collars start from £40 upwards, Charms start from £15 each and the leather bows £17. For further information please visit: www.xparkles.com www.westiesandbestiesmagazine.com




Mixing business and pleasure is a walk in the park for this Westie as he’s top dog at Bella & Duke! Images supplied by Bella & Duke 1-3pm: A few more rounds Tell us about your of the office Westie’s day and get your to check in on Bestie’s mug in the mag! everyone working Email [email protected] followed by a couple of snoozes in the office chairs, Axl cracks on with his recon work. Successfully 8:45am: finding new toys from tennis Punctual as always, we arrive early balls, frisbees and the finance to the office so Axl can get his team’s favourite - a giant noisy morning run and game of fetch ball that through testing can be before the rest of his furry friends confirmed that it still works. arrive. Bella & Duke’s ‘Parklife’ is deemed the most pet friendly 3-5pm: office in the UK, so Axl never has Axl, adaptable as ever takes on to worry about being the only ad-hoc duties when necessary. His pup in the office and has plenty favourite is helping the Office Park of friends to go on walks and play Ranger, Fiona, with the cardboard fetch with. recycling as he set the office record for most boxes shredded in 9am: 30 minutes. Another role on Axl’s Axl’s best friend Benji arrives. They extensive résumé is the office yoga have a quick blether as they both instructor, self-elected but none chow down on a venison snack the less he takes it on himself to before it’s time for work. test out the comfortability of the yoga mats and closely inspect 10am – 12pm: everyone’s pose form! Tending to business matters, Axl 7am: Up bright and early, Axl eats a nutritionally balanced breakfast ready to tackle the day ahead as Bella & Duke’s dedicated office dog.


takes it upon himself to sit in on board meetings throughout the morning and have a quick snooze on the chairs as from extensive testing he’s found them to be the comfiest in the office!

6pm: Home time, back in his humble abode Axl has his dinner, and after a long day of hard work he insists he has a little R&R time.

12:30pm: After working up an appetite we reach Axl’s favourite time of the day… lunch! He tucks into his Bella & Duke meal and then leads the pack of his canine companions on a brisk walk.

10pm: After deep reflection on the day’s work and ensuring he left no stone unturned or no cardboard box unshredded, Axl hits the hay, ready to recharge and pick up where he left off for another day’s work.

Westies & Besties - June 2024

S tay hydrated


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Skin & Coat

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