

Fornitori di e-learning

Mygrants is a web app created to unleash the full potential of migrants through training courses based on microlearning

Chi siamo

Mygrants represents our philosophy of life: “I will either find a way or make my own”. Whoever has skills should be able to fully apply them. Anyone who doesn't should have the opportunity to develop them. Among immigrants, there is an untapped potential. Migration, in addition to being a physical movement, is also a movement of skills, abilities and talents which must be harnessed. The goal of Mygrants is to positively impact communities (at economic, social and humanitarian levels). How? By enhancing migrants' skills and making them available to fulfill national labor market shortages. By strengthening migrants' entrepreneurial skills to foster venture and job creation. By generating more opportunities in contexts of adversity.

Sito Web
Fornitori di e-learning
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Human rights, Immigration, Skills Empowerment, Business Development e migration


Dipendenti presso Mygrants


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    2.767 follower

    Sei un'Azienda in cerca di nuovo personale da inserire nel tuo organico? Iscriviti gratuitamente sul portale ITac@ e compila i campi richiesti. Le partecipanti del Progetto ITac@ hanno terminato la loro formazione e sono pronte per entrare nel mondo del lavoro! Le skills delle candidate sono oggettive e reali, valutate periodicamente dal nostro team di Tutor e Coach IT. Metteremo a tua disposizione i CV più adatti alle esigenze della tua azienda! Visita ora la piattaforma, inizia i tuoi prossimi colloqui con il progetto ITac@! ➡️ ITac@ è un Progetto selezionato da: Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale Con il supporto di: Informatici Senza Frontiere APS ImpactSkills Intesys Ciac onlus Cope Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti Mygrants #itaca #fondorepubblicadigitale #informaticisenzafrontiere #ciac #cope #impactskills #intesys #mygrants #softskills #formazione #nonprofit

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    2.767 follower

    Sei un'Azienda in cerca di personale? Iscriviti gratuitamente sul portale ITac@ all'indirizzo per visionare i profili disponibili più adatti a te! Quali sono i vantaggi di selezionare nuovo personale tramite il Progetto ITac@? • L'iscrizione al sito è gratuita, senza impegno • Compila il form dedicato, elenca i requisiti richiesti per lavorare nella tua Azienda • Le skills delle candidate sono state attentamente monitorate dai nostri Coach e Tutor durante l'intero percorso formativo • I CV dinamici contengono valutazioni oggettive delle skills acquisite e potenziate • 100% match tra domanda e offerta: selezioniamo con cura i profili da candidare per le posizioni aperte, secondo le esigenze della tua Azienda Iscriviti ora, compila il form dedicato. Visita la piattaforma! ➡️ ITac@ è un Progetto selezionato da: Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale Con il supporto di: Informatici Senza Frontiere APS Ciac onlus Cope Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti ImpactSkills Intesys Mygrants #itaca #fondorepubblicadigitale #informaticisenzafrontiere #ciac #cope #impactskills #intesys #mygrants #softskills #formazione #nonprofit

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    2.767 follower

    👋 Ласкаво просимо до нашого підручника: «Як використовувати A.E.I.O.U. платформа” 🤳 Введіть у пошуковій 👉 системі "mygrants aeiou", увійдіть на платформу, виберіть улюблену мову між українською 🇺🇦 та англійською 🇬🇧. введіть особисті дані та зареєструйте обліковий запис 📚 Увійшовши у систему , ви знайдете тест за допомогою якого зможете оцінити ваші знання! 🚀💡 👉 **** 👋 Welcome to our tutorial: “How to use A.E.I.O.U. platform” 🤳 First step 👉 Type 'mygrants aeiou' into a search engine, then access the platform and choose your favorite language between Ukrainian 🇺🇦 and English 🇬🇧.  Enter your personal data and register your 👤 account. Once logged in, you will find the assessment quizzes to evaluate your knowledge!📚 What are you waiting for? Test yourself and transform your future!🚀💡 👉 Terra felix coop. soc. Future Food Institute #AEIOU #UkrainianLanguage #platform #tutorial #ProfessionalIntegration #assessment #migration #integration #inclusion #work #independence 

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    2.767 follower

    🌍 Partecipa al Webinar di Presentazione del Progetto A.E.I.O.U. Due anni e un mese dall’inizio del conflitto in Ucraina, l'inclusione professionale delle persone ucraine in Italia diventa una priorità assoluta. È per questo che Terra felix coop. soc., Future Food Institute e Mygrants si sono uniti nel progetto A.E.I.O.U, promosso da Fondazione CDP. 🚀 Perché partecipare? Introduzione al progetto A.E.I.O.U, gli obiettivi e i benefici. Formazione mirata  sulla piattaforma Mygrants. Training on the job, esperienze pratiche e formative a Pollica e Caserta. Opportunità di carriera, porte aperte nei settori chiave dell'innovazione. 🗓 SAVE THE DATE Mercoledì, 27 Marzo | 16:00 - Un incontro di 45 minuti che può cambiare la vita. 👉 Unisciti a noi per scoprire come le persone ucraine del tuo network possono trasformare il loro domani 🔗 Clicca sul link per partecipare al webinar: Non perdere questa occasione unica!

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    2.767 follower

    Наша унікальна трифазна програма розроблена, щоб забезпечити вас основними навичками, практичним досвідом і галузевими зв’язками. 📚 Від цифрових навчальних платформ до захоплюючих тренінгів у цікавих місцях. До наставництва та керівництва для забезпечення розвитку кар’єри, ми прагнемо допомогти вам досягти успіху в справі позитивного впливу на нашу планету та суспільства. 🌍❤️ Приєднуйтесь до нас і змініть своє майбутнє вже сьогодні! Hе зволікай! Переходь за посиланням і станьте частиною спільноти, яка прагне змін. Приєднуйтесь до нас сьогодні та створюйте стабільне майбутнє! ***** Our unique three-phase program is designed to equip you with essential skills, practical experience, and industry connections. 📚 From digital learning platforms, to immersive training sessions in suggestive locations, to mentorship and guidance to ensure career developments, we're committed to helping you succeed in making a positive impact on our planet and communities. 🌍❤️ Join us and transform your future today! Don't wait any longer! Visit and become a part of a community driving change. Join us today and shape a sustainable future! #AEIOU #SustainableCareers #GreenEconomy #RegenerativeAgriculture #SustainableTourism #Hospitality #ProfessionalGrowth #MakeAnImpact

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    2.767 follower

    Приєднуйтесь до A.E.I.O.U. проект, ваш шлях до стабільної кар’єри в Італії. 🇮🇹🌱 В незалежності від: 🌾 захоплюється відродженням землі за допомогою регенеративного сільського господарства 🏞️ прагне залишити слід у туристичній індустрії  🏨 Готовий до успіху в індустрії послуг A.E.I.O.U. пропонує ефективний комплексний шлях до вашого професійного зростання і розвитку. 🔗 Не зволікай! Переходь за посиланням, приєднуйтеся до нас сьогодні та формуйте стале майбутнє! *************** Join the A.E.I.O.U. project, your gateway to a sustainable career in Italy. 🇮🇹🌱 Whether you are:  🌾 passionate about revitalizing the earth through regenerative agriculture 🏞️ eager to make a mark in sustainable tourism 🏨 ready to excel in the hospitality industry A.E.I.O.U. offers a comprehensive pathway to your professional growth. 🚀 🔗 Don't wait any longer! Visit, join us today and shape a sustainable future! #AEIOU #SustainableCareers #RegenerativeAgriculture #SustainableTourism #HospitalityCareers #GreenEconomy #ItalyJobs #ProfessionalGrowth #UkrainianLanguage #migration #integration #work #inclusion

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    2.767 follower

    🚀 Big News! A.E.I.O.U. робить крок до інклюзивності! Ми раді повідомити, що платформа A.E.I.O.U. тепер доступна українською! 🇺🇦 🌱 Розроблений для професійної інтеграції проєкт A.E.I.O.U. відкриває двері для українців, зацікавлених у сталому туризмі, сільському господарстві та гостинності. 🚀 Готові зробити перший крок? Дослідіть платформу A.E.I.O.U. сьогодні: → Тисніть "ПРИЄДНАТИСЯ" щоб отримати доступ до платформи та виконати всі тести. → Дізнайтеся більше про A.E.I.O.U. в розділі "Правила" Приєднуйтесь до нас у цій захоплюючій подорожі до професійного зростання та сталості! #українська_мова #інтеграція_в_Італії  #професійна_інтеграція #міграція #інтеграція #інклюзивність #робота #незалежність 🌍 🚀 Big News! A.e.i.o.u. is taking a leap towards inclusivity! We're thrilled to announce that the A.E.I.O.U. platform is now available in Ukrainian! 🇺🇦 🌱 Designed for professional integration, A.E.I.O.U. opens doors for Ukrainians interested in sustainable tourism, agriculture, and hospitality. 🚀 Ready to take the first step? Explore the A.E.I.O.U. Platform today: → Click "ПРИЄДНАТИСЯ" ("JOIN" in Ukrainian) to access the platform and complete all assessments. → Дізнайтеся більше про A.E.I.O.U. в розділі "Правила" ("Find more details about A.E.I.O.U. in the "Rules" section" in Ukrainian). Join us in this exciting journey towards professional growth and sustainability!  #AEIOULaunch #UkrainianLanguage #ProfessionalIntegration #migration #integration #inclusion #work #independence 🌍

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    2.767 follower

    Exciting News from TOCL Project! 🚀🌍 Hey TOCL Community! We're thrilled to share a sneak peek into what's brewing in the TOCL kitchen! 🌐✨ 🛠️ Spoiler Alert: Our dedicated team has been hard at work on R3 of the TOCL project, and we're thrilled to announce that the beta version of our platform is now undergoing internal testing! 🧪🔬 🚀 What to Expect: The beta version is shaping up to be something truly special, with features designed to enhance the experience of both migrants and communities alike. We can't wait to unveil it all! 🌐 Initial Rollout: The TOCL platform is gearing up for its debut in the top 5 project countries: Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, and Spain! 🌍🎉 🤖 Stay Tuned: We're committed to keeping you in the loop every step of the way. Watch this space for updates on the TOCL journey! 🌟 About TOCL: TOCL stands for "Translation Of Cultural Language," and our mission is to foster inclusion for migrants through language and cultural understanding. 📆 Timeline: We're working diligently to make the platform accessible to everyone soon. Stay tuned for the official release date! 🙌 Gratitude: A big shoutout to our amazing community for your continuous support. TOCL wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you! 📢 Spread the Word: Help us build momentum by sharing this post with your networks. Let's make TOCL a powerful tool for fostering inclusivity and understanding! 🌈 Thank you for being part of the TOCL family. Together, we're making a difference! 🌟🌐 More info: #TOCLProject #InclusionForAll #TOCLBetaRelease Open Cultural Center (OCC) | CEMyRI - Universidad de Almería | Yourtranslator | ZRC SAZU – Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts | Second Tree | SYNTHESIS Center for Research & Education

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    2.767 follower

    🚀 Exciting News: A.e.i.o.u. is officially launching today! 🚀 Designed for professional integration, A.E.I.O.U. opens doors for Ukrainians aspiring to embark on careers in regenerative agriculture, tourism and hospitality. 🚀 Ready to take the first step? Explore the A.E.I.O.U. platform: → Click "Join" to access the platform and complete the assessments. → Click "Rules" to explore all the details about A.E.I.O.U.  #migration #integration #inclusion #independence  Future Food Institute Terra felix coop. soc.

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Mygrants 3 round in totale

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715.360,00 USD

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