George Stokes: differenze tra le versioni

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template citazione; rinominato parametro pagine a pp
Riga 131:
* {{1911}}
* Wilson, David B., ''Kelvin and Stokes A Comparative Study in Victorian Physics'', (1987) ISBN 0-85274-526-5
* {{Cita pubblicazione | nome= A.D.D. | cognome=Craik | anno=2005 | titolo=George Gabriel Stokes on water wave theory | rivista=Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics | volume=37 | paginepp= 23–42 | doi=10.1146/annurev.fluid.37.061903.175836 }}
* Peter R Lewis, ''Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay: Reinvestigating the Tay Bridge Disaster of 1879'', Tempus (2004). ISBN 0-7524-3160-9
* PR Lewis and C Gagg, ''Interdisciplinary Science Reviews'', '''45''', 29, (2004).