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MagnusA (会話 | 投稿記録)
Hello! The bot status for your bot [[:sv:User:TobeBot]] at the swedish Wikipedia has been revoked due to inactivity. This is for security reasons. If/when you activate your bot again, please drop a note to anyone of [[:sv:Special:ListUsers/bureaucrat|our bureaucrats]] or at [[:sv:Wikipedia:Robotansökan|Wikipedia:Robotansökan]] and the robot status will be restored. --[[利用者:MagnusA|MagnusA]]([[利用者‐会話:MagnusA|会話]]) 2012年5月2日 (水) 17:58 (UTC)
== Bot status @ it.wiki ==
Dear Mymelo, your [[:it:w:User:TobeBot|TobeBot]] had no edits on it.wiki for last 12 months. If you have objections, please answer on my [https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Discussioni_utente:Gnumarcoo&action=edit&section=new&preloadtitle=+%E2%86%92+%E2%86%92+Title+of+topic+%E2%86%90+%E2%86%90 talk], otherwise your bot will be deflagged in 7 days. Best regards, --[[利用者:Gnumarcoo|Gnumarcoo]]([[利用者‐会話:Gnumarcoo|会話]]) 2012年5月17日 (木) 17:39 (UTC)
== Inactive bot on Chinese Wikipedia ==
Hi Mymelo,
I noticed that your bot [[User:TobeBot]] on zh.wikipedia has been inactive for more than a year. Do you still need it?
If you wish to keep its bot flag, please let me know. If you no longer need it, or there is no reply in a month, the bot flag will be removed by local bureaucrat.
Regards, --[[利用者:Bencmq|Bencmq]]([[利用者‐会話:Bencmq|会話]]) 2013年4月14日 (日) 14:14 (UTC)
:Hi Mymelo, I have removed your bot flag. Thank you very much for your past contribution. --[[利用者:Bencmq|Bencmq]]([[利用者‐会話:Bencmq|会話]]) 2013年5月14日 (火) 17:51 (UTC)
== Uklanjanje bot zastavice / Removal of bot flag ==
('''''Bosanski''''') Želim da vas obavijestim da je se na bs.wiki donijela odluka da se uklone bot zastavice kod neaktivnih i/ili interwiki botova. Vaš bot spada u najmanje jednu od ove dvije kategorije. Ova odluka je donešena zbog zbivanja oko [[Wikidata]] koje je dovelo do toga da su interwiki botovi postali nepotrebni. Ako želite da zadržite vašu bot zastavicu onda možete podnijeti taj zahtjev [[:w:bs:Wikipedia:Bot/Zahtjevi|ovdje]] sa dodatnim informacijama o poslovima koje bi bot obavljao i na koji nacin. Imajte na umu da ovo treba da bude konkretan i koristan posao za zajednicu da bi se zastavica zadržala. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja kontaktirajte me na mojoj stranici za razgovor. Ukoliko ne reagujete na ovu poruku će se uklanjanje zastavice izvršiti nakon nekoliko sedmica. Međutim, uvijek ste dobrodošli da podnesete [[:w:bs:Wikipedia:Bot/Zahtjevi|novi zahtjev]] za bot zastavicu.
('''''English''''') I want to inform you that on bs.wiki there has been a voting that resulted in accepting the removal of bot flags for inactive and/or interwiki bots. Your bot has been identified to meet at least one of these criteria. This decision has been made due to the new developments with [[Wikidata]] by which all interwiki bots have become unnecessary. If you want to keep your bot flag, then please report that [[:w:bs:Wikipedia:Bot/Zahtjevi|here]] by indicating what new task your bot will be performing and how this will be done. Note however that this has to be a concrete and useful task for the community before it will be accepted. If you have any questions, please let me know on my talk page. In case of no response, the removal of the bot flag will be performed within a few weeks from now. However, after that period you are always welcome to file a [[:w:bs:Wikipedia:Bot/Zahtjevi|new request]] for a bot flag.
-- [[:w:bs:User:Edinwiki|<font style="font-family: Tahoma;"><b>Edin</b></font>]]<sup>([[:w:bs:User talk:Edinwiki|<font color="green"><b>r</b></font>]])</sup> 01:23, 27 april 2013 (CEST)
== Inactive bot on Japanese Wikipedia ==
{{ {{{|safesubst:}}}PAGENAME}}さん、こんにちは。
Hi {{ {{{|safesubst:}}}PAGENAME}},
I noticed that your bot on japanese Wikipedia has been inactive for more than a year. If you wish to keep its bot flag, please use once within a month. If you no longer need it, the bot flag will be removed.
-- [[w:ja:User:Banku|Banku on ja.wikipedia]] 2014年8月12日 (火) 05:39 (UTC)
== Your bot in Ukrainian Wikipedia ==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Hi. You have received this message, because you have a bot in Ukrainian Wikipedia. For a long time, your bot has not committed any actions in our project. Currently, Ukrainian Wikipedia community decides what to do with inactive bots. We encourage you to visit [[m:w:uk:Вікіпедія:Боти/Неактивні боти|this page]] and inform the community whether you would need the bot flag in the future, and if so, why. If you no longer need the flag, we would be grateful if you inform the community.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on [[m:w:uk:User talk:Максим Підліснюк|my talk page]], or place them on the page to which I have referred. Unfortunately, I cannot look at all the pages, so if you ask the question here, most likely, I can not answer.
We expect a response from you within a week of receiving this message.
Thank you for attention. Best regards, bureaucrat of Ukrainian Wikipedia [[m:w:uk:User:Максим Підліснюк|Максим Підліснюк]] ([[m:w:uk:User talk:Максим Підліснюк|talk]]) 2016年3月30日 (水) 19:37 (UTC)
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== Bot activity on the Dutch Wikipedia ==
Your bot account hasn't made any edits on the Dutch Wikipedia for at least three years. In accordance with the [[:nl:Wikipedia:Bots/English|local bot policy]] the bot flag will be removed in three months. To avoid losing the bot flag, you can confirm you want to retain the bot flag by going to [[:nl:Wikipedia:Bots/Bevestigingen|this page]].
With kind regards, [[利用者:Kippenvlees1|Kippenvlees1]]([[利用者‐会話:Kippenvlees1|会話]]) 2018年5月29日 (火) 19:01 (UTC)