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{{翻訳中途|1=[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Philippa_Foot&oldid=504336181 英語版 "Philippa Foot" 22:19, 26 July 2012 (UTC)]|date=2012年8月}}
<!-- 分野 -->
19 ⟶ 18行目:
'''フィリッパ・ルース・フット'''(Philippa Ruth Foot、旧姓Bosanquet、[[1920年]][[10月3日]]-[[2010年]][[10月3日]]<ref>{{citenews|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/05/philippa-foot-obituary|title=Philippa Foot obituary|publisher=[[The Guardian]]|date=5 October 2010}}</ref>)は[[イギリス]]の[[哲学者]]。[[倫理学]]分野における業績で著名。
<!-- '''Philippa Ruth Foot''' (née '''Bosanquet'''; 3 October 1920 &ndash; 3 October 2010<ref>{{citenews|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/05/philippa-foot-obituary|title=Philippa Foot obituary|publisher=[[The Guardian]]|date=5 October 2010}}</ref>) was a [[United Kingdom|British]] [[Philosophy|philosopher]], most notable for her works in [[ethics]]. -->
<!-- She was one of the founders of contemporary [[virtue ethics]]. Her later career marked a significant change in view from her work in the 1950s and 1960s, and may be seen as an attempt to modernize [[Aristotelianism|Aristotelian]] ethical theory, to show that it is adaptable to a contemporary world view, and thus, that it could compete with such popular theories as modern [[deontology|deontological]] and [[utilitarianism|utilitarian]] ethics. -->
'''Philippa Ruth Foot''' (née '''Bosanquet'''; 3 October 1920 &ndash; 3 October 2010<ref>{{citenews|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/05/philippa-foot-obituary|title=Philippa Foot obituary|publisher=[[The Guardian]]|date=5 October 2010}}</ref>) was a [[United Kingdom|British]] [[Philosophy|philosopher]], most notable for her works in [[ethics]]. She was one of the founders of contemporary [[virtue ethics]]. Her later career marked a significant change in view from her work in the 1950s and 1960s, and may be seen as an attempt to modernize [[Aristotelianism|Aristotelian]] ethical theory, to show that it is adaptable to a contemporary world view, and thus, that it could compete with such popular theories as modern [[deontology|deontological]] and [[utilitarianism|utilitarian]] ethics. Some of her work was crucial in the re-emergence of [[normative ethics]] within [[analytic philosophy]], especially her critique of [[consequentialism]]. A familiar example is the continuing discussion of an example of hers referred to as the [[trolley problem]]. Foot's approach was influenced by the later work of [[Wittgenstein]], although she rarely dealt explicitly with materials treated by him.
<!-- Some of her work was crucial in the re-emergence of [[normative ethics]] within [[analytic philosophy]], especially her critique of [[consequentialism]]. A familiar example is the continuing discussion of an example of hers referred to as the [[trolley problem]]. Foot's approach was influenced by the later work of [[Wittgenstein]], although she rarely dealt explicitly with materials treated by him. -->
== 生涯 ==
母の[[{{仮リンク|エスター・クリーブランド]]|en|Esther Cleveland}}は、[[アメリカ合衆国大統領]]を務めた[[グロバー・クリーブランド]]の娘であり、エスターは[[ホワイトハウス]]で生まれた。父方の祖父は1900年から1917年まで[[ロンドン上級弁護士]]を務めた[[フレデリック・アルバート・ボーザンケト]]卿。
<!--Foot was the daughter of [[Esther Cleveland]] (who was born in the [[White House]]), and a granddaughter of U.S. President [[Grover Cleveland]]. Her paternal grandfather was Sir [[Frederick Albert Bosanquet]], the [[Common Serjeant of London]] from 1900 to 1917. -->
Foot was the daughter of [[Esther Cleveland]] (who was born in the [[White House]]), and a granddaughter of U.S. President [[Grover Cleveland]]. Her paternal grandfather was Sir [[Frederick Albert Bosanquet]], the [[Common Serjeant of London]] from 1900 to 1917.
Foot began her career in philosophy as a student and tutor at [[Somerville College, Oxford|Somerville College]], [[Oxford University|Oxford]]. She spent many hours there in debate with [[G.E.M. Anscombe]], who persuaded her that [[non-cognitivism]] was misguided. -->
[[カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校]]哲学科でGriffin Professorを長い間務めた。
For many years Foot held the position of Griffin Professor of Philosophy at the [[University of California, Los Angeles]].
[[オックスファム]]創立メンバーの一人で、[[無神論者]]<ref>[http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hrp/issues/2003/Foot.pdf Foot.pdf]</ref>。 -->
歴史家の[[{{仮リンク|M・R・D・フット|label=マイケル・リチャード・ダニエル・フット]]|en|M. R. D. Foot}}と結婚、後に離婚<ref>{{cite journal|last=Eilenberg|first=Susan|title=With A, then B, then C|journal=London Review of Books|volume=24|issue=17|date=5 September 2002|pages=3–8}}</ref>。
[[オックスファム]]創立メンバーの一人で、[[無神論者]]<ref>[http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hrp/issues/2003/Foot.pdf Foot.pdf]</ref>。
歴史家の[[マイケル・リチャード・ダニエル・フット]]と結婚、後に離婚<ref>{{cite journal|last=Eilenberg|first=Susan|title=With A, then B, then C|journal=London Review of Books|volume=24|issue=17|date=5 September 2002|pages=3–8}}</ref>。
She was one of the founders of [[Oxfam]] and an atheist.[http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hrp/issues/2003/Foot.pdf]
She was at one time married to the historian [[M. R. D. Foot]].<ref>{{cite journal|last=Eilenberg|first=Susan|title=With A, then B, then C|journal=London Review of Books|volume=24|issue=17|date=5 September 2002|pages=3–8}}</ref> -->
102 ⟶ 104行目:
In the case of Callicles and Nietzsche, this apparently is to be shown by claiming that justice and benevolence, respectively, can be inculcated only by warping the emotional apparatus of the individual. Foot's book ends by attempting to defuse the evidence Nietzsche brings against what might be called, the common sense position. She proceeds by accepting his basic premise that a way of life that can only be inculcated by damaging the individual's passions, filling one with remorse, resentment, and so forth, is not true. She employs exactly the Nietzschean form of argument against certain forms of femininity, for example, or exaggerated forms of acceptance of etiquette. Justice and benevolence, she claims, however, "suit" human beings, and there is no reason to accept the critique of Callicles or Nietzsche in this case.
Foot died on 3 October 2010, her 90th birthday.
== 代表的著作 ==
*''Virtues and Vices and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy''. Berkeley: University of California Press; Oxford: Blackwell, 1978 (there are more recent editions).
*''Natural Goodness''. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001.
*:{{Cite book|和書|others=[[高橋久一郎]]監訳・[[河田健太郎]]・[[立花幸司]]・[[壁谷彰慶]]訳|year=2014|month=4|title=人間にとって善とは何か: 徳倫理学入門|publisher=筑摩書房|isbn=978-4-480-84302-9|url=http://www.chikumashobo.co.jp/product/9784480843029/|ref=フット2014}}
*''Moral Dilemmas: And Other Topics in Moral Philosophy'', Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002.
133 ⟶ 132行目:
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