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{{翻訳中途|1=[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Philippa_Foot&oldid=504336181 英語版 "Philippa Foot" 22:19, 26 July 2012 (UTC)]|date=2012年8月}}
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19 ⟶ 18行目:
'''フィリッパ・ルース・フット'''(Philippa Ruth Foot、旧姓Bosanquet、[[1920年]][[10月3日]]-[[2010年]][[10月3日]]<ref>{{citenews|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/05/philippa-foot-obituary|title=Philippa Foot obituary|publisher=[[The Guardian]]|date=5 October 2010}}</ref>)は[[イギリス]]の[[哲学者]]。[[倫理学]]分野における業績で著名。
<!-- '''Philippa Ruth Foot''' (née '''Bosanquet'''; 3 October 1920 &ndash; 3 October 2010<ref>{{citenews|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/05/philippa-foot-obituary|title=Philippa Foot obituary|publisher=[[The Guardian]]|date=5 October 2010}}</ref>) was a [[United Kingdom|British]] [[Philosophy|philosopher]], most notable for her works in [[ethics]]. -->
<!-- She was one of the founders of contemporary [[virtue ethics]]. Her later career marked a significant change in view from her work in the 1950s and 1960s, and may be seen as an attempt to modernize [[Aristotelianism|Aristotelian]] ethical theory, to show that it is adaptable to a contemporary world view, and thus, that it could compete with such popular theories as modern [[deontology|deontological]] and [[utilitarianism|utilitarian]] ethics. -->
'''Philippa Ruth Foot''' (née '''Bosanquet'''; 3 October 1920 &ndash; 3 October 2010<ref>{{citenews|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/oct/05/philippa-foot-obituary|title=Philippa Foot obituary|publisher=[[The Guardian]]|date=5 October 2010}}</ref>) was a [[United Kingdom|British]] [[Philosophy|philosopher]], most notable for her works in [[ethics]]. She was one of the founders of contemporary [[virtue ethics]]. Her later career marked a significant change in view from her work in the 1950s and 1960s, and may be seen as an attempt to modernize [[Aristotelianism|Aristotelian]] ethical theory, to show that it is adaptable to a contemporary world view, and thus, that it could compete with such popular theories as modern [[deontology|deontological]] and [[utilitarianism|utilitarian]] ethics. Some of her work was crucial in the re-emergence of [[normative ethics]] within [[analytic philosophy]], especially her critique of [[consequentialism]]. A familiar example is the continuing discussion of an example of hers referred to as the [[trolley problem]]. Foot's approach was influenced by the later work of [[Wittgenstein]], although she rarely dealt explicitly with materials treated by him.
<!-- Some of her work was crucial in the re-emergence of [[normative ethics]] within [[analytic philosophy]], especially her critique of [[consequentialism]]. A familiar example is the continuing discussion of an example of hers referred to as the [[trolley problem]]. Foot's approach was influenced by the later work of [[Wittgenstein]], although she rarely dealt explicitly with materials treated by him. -->
== 生涯 ==
母の[[{{仮リンク|エスター・クリーブランド]]|en|Esther Cleveland}}は、[[アメリカ合衆国大統領]]を務めた[[グロバー・クリーブランド]]の娘であり、エスターは[[ホワイトハウス]]で生まれた。父方の祖父は1900年から1917年まで[[ロンドン上級弁護士]]を務めた[[フレデリック・アルバート・ボーザンケト]]卿。
<!--Foot was the daughter of [[Esther Cleveland]] (who was born in the [[White House]]), and a granddaughter of U.S. President [[Grover Cleveland]]. Her paternal grandfather was Sir [[Frederick Albert Bosanquet]], the [[Common Serjeant of London]] from 1900 to 1917. -->
Foot was the daughter of [[Esther Cleveland]] (who was born in the [[White House]]), and a granddaughter of U.S. President [[Grover Cleveland]]. Her paternal grandfather was Sir [[Frederick Albert Bosanquet]], the [[Common Serjeant of London]] from 1900 to 1917.
Foot began her career in philosophy as a student and tutor at [[Somerville College, Oxford|Somerville College]], [[Oxford University|Oxford]]. She spent many hours there in debate with [[G.E.M. Anscombe]], who persuaded her that [[non-cognitivism]] was misguided. -->
[[カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校]]哲学科でGriffin Professorを長い間務めた。
For many years Foot held the position of Griffin Professor of Philosophy at the [[University of California, Los Angeles]].
[[オックスファム]]創立メンバーの一人で、[[無神論者]]<ref>[http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hrp/issues/2003/Foot.pdf Foot.pdf]</ref>。 -->
歴史家の[[{{仮リンク|M・R・D・フット|label=マイケル・リチャード・ダニエル・フット]]|en|M. R. D. Foot}}と結婚、後に離婚<ref>{{cite journal|last=Eilenberg|first=Susan|title=With A, then B, then C|journal=London Review of Books|volume=24|issue=17|date=5 September 2002|pages=3–8}}</ref>。
[[オックスファム]]創立メンバーの一人で、[[無神論者]]<ref>[http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hrp/issues/2003/Foot.pdf Foot.pdf]</ref>。
歴史家の[[マイケル・リチャード・ダニエル・フット]]と結婚、後に離婚<ref>{{cite journal|last=Eilenberg|first=Susan|title=With A, then B, then C|journal=London Review of Books|volume=24|issue=17|date=5 September 2002|pages=3–8}}</ref>。
She was one of the founders of [[Oxfam]] and an atheist.[http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~hrp/issues/2003/Foot.pdf]
She was at one time married to the historian [[M. R. D. Foot]].<ref>{{cite journal|last=Eilenberg|first=Susan|title=With A, then B, then C|journal=London Review of Books|volume=24|issue=17|date=5 September 2002|pages=3–8}}</ref> -->
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