
削除された内容 追加された内容
{{Other people|作家|その他の同名の人物|:enw:James Patterson (disambiguation)}}
{{otheruses|作家|画家|ジェイムズ・パタースン (画家)}}
{{Infobox 作家
| name = ジェイムズ・パタースン<br />James Patterson
| image = James Patterson.jpg
| image_size = 220px
16 ⟶ 17行目:
| nationality = {{USA}}
| education = <!--受けた教育、習得した博士号など-->
| alma_mater = [[:en:Manhattan College|マンハッタン・カレッジ]]<br />[[ヴァンダービルト大学]]
| period = <!--作家としての活動期間、処女作出版から最終出版まで-->
| genre = ロマンス、[[ヤングアダルト]]、スリラー、コメディ
22 ⟶ 23行目:
| movement = <!--作家に関連した、もしくは関わった文学運動-->
| religion = カトリック
| notable_works = [[:en:Alex Cross (novel series)|アレックス・クロス]] シリーズ<br />[[:en:Women's Murder Club (book series)|Women's Murder Club]]シリーズ
| spouse = スーザン・パタースン (Susan Patterson)
| partner = <!--結婚していない仕事のパートナー(親族など)-->
34 ⟶ 35行目:
| website = {{URL|http://www.jamespatterson.com/}}
'''ジェイムズ・パタースン'''('''James Patterson'''、本名:ジェイムズ・ブレンダン・パタースン〈James Brendan Patterson〉、[[1947年]][[3月22日]] - )は、[[アメリカ合衆国]]の作家。代表作は、犯罪心理学者[[:en:Alex Cross (novel series)|アレックス・クロス]]。他に、マイケル・ベネット、[[:en:Women's Murder Club (book series)|ウィメンズ・マーダー・クラブ]]、[[:en:Maximum Ride|マキシマム・ライド]]、[[:en:The Dangerous Days of Daniel X|ダニエルX]]([[:en:Michael Ledwidge|マイクル・レドウィッジ]]との共著)、[[:en:Witch & Wizard|ウィッチ&ウィザード]]([[:en:Cate Tiernan|ガブリエル・シャーボネ]]との共著)や、単独で多くのスリラー作品やロマンス小説、ノンフィクションなども上梓している。売り上げ発行部数は3億部以上に上り<ref name="USA Today">{{cite news |url=http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/19/james-patterson-to-donate-1m/5627325/ |work=[[USAトゥデイ]] | title=Author James Patterson giving $1M to independent bookstores |date=2014-02-19 |accessdate=2014-02-20}}</ref>、電子書籍で100万部が売れた初めての作家として[[ギネス世界記録]]に登録されている<ref>[http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/first-author-to-sell-more-than-1-million-e-books First author to sell more than 1 million e-books]:<br />''On 6 July 2010, the Hachette Book Group announced that James Patterson (USA), creator of the Alex Cross and Women's Murder Club series of novels, was the first author to exceed one million sales in electronic books, moving 1.14 million units of his books for devices like Kindle and the iPad.''</ref>。
== 経歴 ==
50 ⟶ 53行目:
Patterson founded the James Patterson PageTurner Awards in 2005 to donate over $100,000 that year to people, companies, schools, and other institutions that find original and effective ways to spread the excitement of books and reading.<ref>[http://www.pattersonpageturner.org/index.html James Patterson's Pageturner Awards]{{dead link|date=September 2011}}</ref> The PageTurner Awards were put on hold in 2008 to focus on Patterson's new initiative, ReadKiddoRead.com, which helps parents, teachers, and librarians find the best books for their children. The [[social networking]] site for ReadKiddoRead is hosted by [[Ning (website)|Ning]]. Patterson states that his own son, Jack, wasn't the best reader in the class. So, in Jack's 8th summer, Patterson said that Jack did not need to do chores, just read 1 hour a day. The first summer, he resisted, the second summer, he accepted it, and the third, Jack wanted to. Patterson wanted to give that opportunity to every child, so he started the ReadKiddoRead website, for parents who just can't seem to find any good books for their child. Patterson has also set up the James Patterson Teacher Education Scholarship in the schools of education at [[Appalachian State University]],<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.news.appstate.edu/2012/06/11/james-patterson-scholarship |title=Author James Patterson creates scholarship at Appalachian for future teachers |publisher=Appalachian State University News | date=June 11, 2012 | accessdate=October 8, 2012}}</ref> [[Michigan State University]],<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.msu.edu/story/james-patterson-funds-msu-scholarships-for-future-teachers |title=James Patterson funds MSU scholarships for future teachers |publisher=Michigan State University News | date=June 5, 2012 | accessdate=October 8, 2012}}</ref> and [[Florida Atlantic University]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.fau.edu/mediarelations/releases0812/081213.php |title=FAU College of Education Receives Gift from Author James Patterson |publisher=Florida Atlantic University | date=August 14, 2012 | accessdate=October 8, 2012}}</ref> Patterson also runs the [[College Book Bucks]] scholarship program.-->
私生活では、妻のスーザンと[[フロリダ州]][[パームビーチ (フロリダ州)|パームビーチ]]に住んでいる。[[1998年]]に息子のジャックが誕生<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.biography.com/people/james-patterson-9434791 |title=James Patterson Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story |work=[[:en:FYI (U.S. TV channel)|The Biography Channel]] |accessdate=2013-08-04}}</ref>。[[カトリック教会|カトリック教徒]]である<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2013/may/11/james-patterson-life-in-writing|title=James Patterson: A life in writing|work=[[The Guardian]]|accessdate=13 August 2013}}</ref>。
== 批評 ==
James Patterson has been criticized for not actually writing many of the novels under his name,<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/books/380231/James-Patterson-the-best-seller-who-doesn-t-write-his-own-books |title=James Patterson, the Best Seller Who Doesn't Write His Own Books |work=Express |date=February 26, 2013 |accessdate=January 24, 2015}}</ref> and for being more of a brand that focuses on making money than an artist who focuses on his craft.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/books/2014/01/25/james-patterson-keeps-cranking-out-his-novels-and-ignoring-his-critics/bE3dvgtizkvo8viXdUls5N/story.html |title=Patterson keeps cranking out novels, ignoring his critics |work=Boston Globe|date=January 25, 2014 |accessdate=January 24, 2015}}</ref>
64 ⟶ 67行目:
== 作品リスト ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size:smallsize:small;"
!刊<br />行<br />順||邦題||原題||{{Flagicon|USA}}<br />刊行年||{{Flagicon|Japan}}<br />刊行年月||{{Flagicon|Japan}}<br />訳者||{{Flagicon|Japan}}<br />出版社||共著者||備考
|{{0}}{{0}}1||ナッシュヴィルの殺し屋||''The Thomas Berryman Number''||1976年||{{nowrap|1980年12月}}||石田善彦||[[早川書房]]||||[[エドガー賞 処女長編賞]]受賞
80 ⟶ 83行目:
|{{0}}{{0}}6||ミッドナイト・クラブ||''The Midnight Club''||1989年||1989年12月||所寧||[[講談社文庫]]||||
|{{0}}{{0}}7||アメリカ人のホンネ<br />―仕事・カネ・暴力・セックスetc.全米調査レポート||''The Day America Told The Truth''||1991年||1992年{{0}}6月||木村太郎||[[ダイヤモンド社]]||ピーター・キム<!--Peter Kim-->||
|{{0}}{{0}}8||多重人格殺人者||''[[:en:Along Came a Spider|Along Came a Spider]]''||1993年||1994年10月||[[小林宏明]]||[[新潮文庫]]||||アレックス・クロス・シリーズ {{0}}1
290 ⟶ 293行目:
|110|| ||''Mistress''||2013年||||||||デヴィッド・エリス||
|111|| ||''Treasure Hunters''||2013年||||||||[[:en:Mark Shulman (author)|マーク・シャルマン]]<br />クリス・グラベンスタイン||トレジャー・ハンター・シリーズ 1
|112|| ||''Gone''||2013年||||||||マイクル・レドウィッジ||マイケル・ベネット・シリーズ 6
298 ⟶ 301行目:
|114|| ||''[[:en:Cross My Heart (novel)|Cross My Heart]]''||2013年||||||||||アレックス・クロス・シリーズ 21
|115|| ||''I Even Funnier''||2013年||||||||クリス・グラベンスタイン<br />ローラ・パーク<!--Laura Park-->||I Funnyシリーズ 2
|116|| ||''First Love''||2014年||||||||エミリー・ヘイスタンド<!--Emily Haystond-->||
374 ⟶ 377行目:
== 映像化作品 ==
; テレビドラマ・[[テレビ映画]]
:{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
390 ⟶ 393行目:
|あの頃、ティファニーで||''James Patterson's Sundays at Tiffany's''||2010年||[[アリッサ・ミラノ]]主演。<!--[[Alyssa Milano]] stars as a successful businesswoman who, as a young girl, would accompany her mother Vivian ([[Stockard Channing]]) to [[Tiffany & Co.|Tiffany's]] in New York every Sunday and bring along an imaginary friend, Michael. She is set to marry her handsome fiancé ([[Ivan Sergei]]), until her childhood imaginary friend ([[Eric Winter]]) reappears to warn her about the path her life is on. Initially shocked and in disbelief, she slowly realizes he may be her one true love. Based on the best-selling book.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mylifetime.com/movies/sundays-at-tiffanys |title=Sundays at Tiffany's official movie site on Lifetime |publisher=Mylifetime.com |date= |accessdate=2011-09-14}}</ref>-->
:{|class="wikitable" style="font-size:small;"
!邦題<br />||原題||製作年||概要
|[[コレクター (1997年の映画)|コレクター]]||''[[:en:Kiss the Girls (film)|Kiss the Girls]]''||1997年||原作:『キス・ザ・ガールズ』
405 ⟶ 407行目:
|[[バーニング・クロス]]||''[[:en:Alex Cross (film)|Alex Cross]]''||2012年||原作:''"Cross"'' 。[[タイラー・ペリー]]主演。<!--James Patterson confirmed in an online newsletter from his website that this would be the 3rd Alex Cross movie. Based on the book ''[[Cross (novel)|Cross]]'', it was distributed by [[Summit Entertainment]] and was directed by [[Rob Cohen]]. It stars [[Tyler Perry]] in the title role of [[Alex Cross]], and was released on October 19, 2012. -->
|マキシマム・ライド~翼ある者たち||''[[:en:Maximum Ride|Maximum Ride]]''||2013年||原作:''"[[:en:Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment|Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment]]"'' 。<!--A planned movie based on the first book, ''[[Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment]]''. It has been currently put on hold after the producers ran into trouble.-->
|[[史上最悪の学園生活]]||''[[:en:Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (film)|Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life]]''||2016年||原作:『ザ・ワースト中学生 人生で最悪の日々』
== 出典 ==
== 外部リンク ==
418 ⟶ 422行目:
* [http://www.jamespatterson.co.uk/index.asp Official James Patterson UK web site]
* {{isfdb name|id=James_Patterson|name=James Patterson}}
* {{Iblist name|id=344}}
* [http://www.iblist.com/author344.htm James Patterson] at the Internet Book List
* {{IMDb name|id=0666248|name=James Patterson}}
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1999411,00.html 2010 Time Magazine's 10 Questions for James Patterson]
424 ⟶ 428行目:
* [http://shettyanirudh.blogspot.in/2014/09/review-private-india-by-ashwin-sanghi.html Book Review: Private India]
{{Authority control}}
{{デフォルトソート:はたあすん しえいむす}}