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'''社会技能'''(しゃかいぎのう)または'''ソーシャル・スキル'''({{lang-en|Social skill}})とは、社会の中で普通に他人と交わり、共に生活していくために必要な能力。心理社会的な能力、'''ライフスキル'''といった言い方もする。イギリスでは、小中学校で、[[PSHE]](人格的、社会的健康教育、personal, social and health education)という名前の教科を設定して特にこうした能力の育成を図っている。
[[ファイル:Delphin Enjolras - tagged.jpg|サムネイル|社会技能]]
== WHOの定義 ==
'''社会技能'''(しゃかいぎのう)または'''ソーシャル・スキル'''({{lang-en|Social skill}})とは、社会の中で普通に他人と交わり、共に生活していくために必要な能力。心理社会的な能力、'''ライフスキル'''といった言い方もする。イギリスでは、小中学校で、{{ill2|PSHE|en|Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education}}(人格的、社会的健康教育、personal, social and health education)という名前の教科を設定して特にこうした能力の育成を図っている。
== WHOにおけるライフスキルの定義 ==
ライフスキルとは、個人が日常生活の要求や課題に効果的に対処できるようにする、適応的で前向きな行動のための能力と[[世界保健機関|WHO]]は定義している<ref>{{cite|author=World Health Organization. Division of Mental Health|year=1994|url=https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/63552|title=Life skills education for children and adolescents in schools. Pt. 1, Introduction to life skills for psychosocial competence. Pt. 2, Guidelines to facilitate the development and implementation of life skills programmes|pages=Part 3, first rev. (WHO document no. WHO/MNH/PSF/93.7B.Rev.1)|hdl=10665/63552|edition=2nd rev|publisher=World Health Organization}}</ref>。それには以下が含まれる。
*対人関係スキル - 自己開示、質問する能力、聴くこと
*[[対人関係]]スキル<!-- - [[自己開示]]、質問する能力、聴くこと<ref group="注">「聴く」は「聞く」と区別されており、より専門的には「傾聴[https://kotobank.jp/word/%E5%82%BE%E8%81%B4-178758])という用語で表現されるような心の働かせ方。</ref>-->
*[[情動]]への対処<!--<ref group="注">[[心の知能指数|EQ(心の知能指数)]]といった用語・[[概念]]で把握されることのある能力</ref>-->
*[[ストレス (生体)|ストレス]]への対処<!--
Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour, that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Described in this way, skills that can be said to be life skills are innumerable, and the nature and definition of life skills are likely to differ across cultures and settings. However, analysis of the life skills field suggests that there is a core set of skills that are at the heart of skills-based initiatives for the promotion of the health and well-being of children and adolescents. These are listed below:
Decision making helps us to deal constructively with decisions about our lives. This can have consequences for health if young people actively make decisions about their actions in relation to health by. assessing the different options, and what effects different decisions may have. Similarly, problem solving enables us to deal constructively with problems in our lives. Significant problems that are left unresolved can cause mental stress and give rise. to accompanying physical strain.
Creative thinking contributes to both decision making and problem solving by enabling us to explore the available alternatives and various consequences of our actions or non-action. It helps us .to look beyond our direct experience, and even if no problem is identified, or no decision is to be made, creative thinking can help us to respond adaptively and with flexibility to the situations of our daily lives.
Critical thinking is an ability to analyse information and experiences in an objective manner. Critical thinking can contribute to health by helping us t<;> recognise and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behaviour, such as values, peer pressure, and the media.
Effective communication means that we .are able to express ourselves, both verbally and non-verbally, in ways that ate appropriate to our cultures and situations. This means being able to express opinions and desires, but also needs and fears. And it may mean being able to ask for advice and help in a time of n.eed.
Interpersonal relationship skills help us to relate in positive ways _with the people we interact with. This may mean being able to make and keep friendly relationships, which can be of great importance to our mental and social well-being. It may mean keeping good relations with family members, which are .an important source of social support. It may also mean being able to end relationships constructively.
Self-awareness includes our recognition of ourselves, of our character, of our strengths and wealcnesses., desires and dislikes. Developing .self-awareness can help us to recognise when we .are stressed or feel under pressure. It is also often a prerequisite for effective communication and interpersonal relations, as well as for developing empathy for others.
Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is like for another person, even in a situation that we may not be familiar with. Empathy can help us to understand. and accept others who may be very different from ourselves, which can improve social interactions, for example, in situations of ethnic or cultural diversity. Empathy can also help to encourage nurturing behaviour towards people in need of care and assistance, or tolerance, as is the case with AIDS sufferers, or people with mental disorders, who may be stigmatized and ostracized by the very people they depend upon for support.
Coping with emotions involves recognising emotions in ourselves and others, being aware of how emotions influence behaviour, and being able to respond to emotions appropriately. Intense emotions, like anger or sorrow can have negative effects on our health if we do not react appropriately.
Coping with stress is about recognising the sources of stress in our lives, recognising how this affects us, and acting in ways that help to control our levels of stress. This may mean that we take action to reduce the sources of stress, for example, by making changes to our physical environment or lifestyle. Or it may mean learning how to relax, so that tensions created by unavoidable stress do not give rise to health problems.
The life skills described above are dealt with here in so far as they can be taught to young people as abilities that they can acquire through learning and practice. For example, problem solving, as a skill, can be described as a series of steps to go through, such as: 1) define the problem; 2) think of all the different kinds of solutions to the problem; 3) weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each; 4) chose the most appropriate solution and plan how to realise it. Examples of lessons designed to facilitate life skills acquisition are included in the appendix to this document.
Inevitably, cultural and social factors will determine the exact nature of life skills. For example, eye contact may be encouraged in boys for effective communication, but not for girls in some societies, so gender issues will arise in identifying the nature of life skills for psychosocial competence. The exact content of life skills education must therefore be determined at the country level, or in a more local context. However, described in general terms, life skills are being taught in such a wide variety of countries that they appear to have relevance across cultures.
== 社会技能を発揮する結果 ==
22 ⟶ 52行目:
特に、2. は[[心の理論]]と呼ばれる能力の一部であり、高度な[[霊長類]](ヒトや[[チンパンジー]]など)が[[先天的]]に有している能力であるとされている。これが全く出来ない、もしくは過度に苦手(「相手の表情から感情を読み取れない」「自己を他者と思い込む」といった認知上の根本的な不具合を意味する)であれば[[アスペルガー症候群]]や[[広汎性発達障害]]といった脳機能障害を有している可能性がある。ただし、2. は「相手の表情から感情を読み取れない」や「自己を他者と思い込む」といった認知上の根本的な不具合を意味しており、「人の気持ちを察するのが苦手」や「常に[[自己中心的]]な発言を繰り返す」といった程度であれば、それは社会的技能が未発達なだけである。
また、3. に関しては[[シャイネス]](心理学用語としての「恥ずかしがる」こと)が社会的技能の実行を妨げることが知られている。つまり、社会的技能が備わっている者でも、何らかの原因でシャイネスを保有する場合、十分に能力を発揮できないということを意味する。
<!-- 以下の説明は、社会的技能の説明ではないと思われます。コミュニーケーション能力の説明に近いのではないでしょうか。
33 ⟶ 63行目:
== 技術としての社会技能 ==
== 阻害されるケース ==
=== アルコール ===
[[アルコール依存症]]に陥った人々はソーシャルスキルが大幅に損なわれており、これはアルコールの脳神経的毒性(特に[[前頭前野]])によるものである。[[アルコール乱用]]により、顔の表情を知覚する機能、韻律知覚、[[心の理論]]、ユーモアを理解する機能などのソーシャルスキルが損なわれる<ref name="pmid18412750">{{cite journal |author=Uekermann J, Daum I |title=Social cognition in alcoholism: a link to prefrontal cortex dysfunction? |journal=Addiction |volume=103 |issue=5 |pages=726–35 |date=May 2008 |pmid=18412750 |doi=10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02157.x |url=}}</ref>。
また、[[胎児性アルコール症候群]](FAS)に苦しむ人々もソーシャルスキルが損なわれており、これは生涯続く障害であり、時間の経過によって悪化しえる<ref name="Kully-Martens-2012">{{Cite journal |last1=Kully-Martens |first1=K. |last2=Denys |first2=K. |last3=Treit |first3=S. |last4=Tamana |first4=S. |last5=Rasmussen |first5=C. |title=A review of social skills deficits in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and prenatal alcohol exposure: profiles, mechanisms, and interventions. |journal=Alcohol Clin Exp Res |volume=36 |issue=4 |pages=568–76 |date=Apr 2012 |doi=10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01661.x |pmid=22017360 }}</ref>。
=== ADHD ===
=== 自閉症 ===
他と社会的交流の少ない人々は、ソーシャルスキルが損なわれる傾向がある。特に[[抑うつ]]などを抱える人は、この事によって負のスパイラルが加速する。抑うつによって社会的交流を避けるようになると、さらにソーシャルスキルが損なわれる<ref>{{cite web|title=Depression, Social Skills are Linked|url=http://web.sbs.arizona.edu/college/news/depression-poor-social-skills-are-linked|publisher=University of Arizona|accessdate=2013-10-24}}</ref>。WHOの[[うつ病]][[臨床ガイドライン]]においては、社会的ネットワークを活性化し、以前に興味を持っていた事項については、おっくうであっても、それを放棄せず可能な限り継続すべきと勧告されている<ref>{{Cite report|publisher=世界保健機関 |title=mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings |date=2010 |isbn=978-92-4-154806-9 |url=http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/mhGAP_intervention_guide/en/ |at=DEP2}}</ref>。
=== 反社会的行動 ===
== 管理 ==
== 出典 ==
=== 注釈 ===
=== 出典 ===
<references />
== 関連項目 ==
* [[社交]]
* [[ソーシャルスキルトレーニング]](SST) (SST)
* [[接遇]]
* [[生きる力]]
* [[コミュニケーション能力]]
* [[人間力]]
* [[社会技術]]
* [[心の理論]]
* [[マキャベリ的知性仮説]]
* [[挑戦的行動]] 
== 外部リンク ==
* [http://www.japan-social-skill.org/ 日本ソーシャルスキル協会]
[[ar:مهارات شخصية]]
[[ca:Habilitats socials]]
[[de:Soziale Kompetenz]]
[[en:Social skills]]
[[es:Habilidades sociales]]
[[et:Sotsiaalsed oskused]]
[[it:Competenza sociale]]
[[lt:Socialiniai įgūdžiai]]
[[pt:Competência social]]
[[sr:Социјалне вештине]]
[[vi:Kỹ năng mềm]]