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翻訳のため英語から節単位で転記、いったんコメントアウト。特定版は[https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2600:_The_Hacker_Quarterly&oldid=1217059868 2024-04-03T16:12:18(UTC)時点における CCWikiMan さんによる版]。英語版内部リンクに「:en:」付与、テンプレート無効化。該当の見出しは導入部、1 Publication history、2 "Hacker" term、3 Conferences and meetings、4 In other media、5 Court cases、6 See also、7 References、8 External links。
タグ: コメントアウト サイズの大幅な増減 2017年版ソースエディター
<!-- 翻訳のため英語から節単位で転記、いったんコメントアウト。特定版は[https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2600:_The_Hacker_Quarterly&oldid=1217059868 2024-04-03T16:12:18(UTC)時点における CCWikiMan さんによる版]。IP利用者--><!--><!--
による荒らしを特定版 1208553625 番に巻き戻し:Vandalism (UV 0.1.5)). -->
<!-- {{short description|American underground technology publication}}
{{Use mdy dates|date=June 2013}}
{{Infobox magazine
| title = 2600: The Hacker Quarterly
| image_file = 2600 Spring 2012.gif
| image_size = 250px
| image_caption = Spring 2012 issue of ''2600''
| publisher = 2600 Enterprises Inc.
| frequency = Quarterly
| paid_circulation =
| unpaid_circulation =
| total_circulation = 52,250
| circulation_year = 2009
| language = English
| category = [[:en:Computer]]s, [[:en:technology]]
| issn = 0749-3851
| editor = Emmanuel Goldstein ([[:en:Eric Gordon Corley]])
<!-- | editor_title = Editor-in-Chief --><!--| founded = 1984
| website = {{URL|https://2600.com}}
| country = United States
| based = [[:en:Middle Island, New York]]
'''''2600: The Hacker Quarterly''''' is an American seasonal publication of technical information and articles, many of which are written and submitted by the readership, on a variety of subjects including [[:en:Hacker (term)|hacking]], [[:en:Telephone exchange|telephone switching systems]], [[:en:Internet]] protocols and services, as well as general news concerning the computer "[[C:en:ounterculture|underground]]."
With origins in the [[p:en:hreaking|phone phreaking]] community and late 20th-century [[counterculture]], ''2600'' and its [[:en:Hackers on Planet Earth|associated conference]] transitioned to coverage of modern [[:en:hacker culture]], and the magazine has become a platform for speaking out against increased [[:en:Computer and network surveillance|digital surveillance]] and advocacy of personal and [[:en:Digital rights|digital freedoms]].<ref name=NewYorker>{{Cite news|url=http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/print-magazine-hackers|title=A Print Magazine for Hackers|last=Niarchos|first=Nicolas|date=2014-10-24 |newspaper=[[:en:The New Yorker]] |issn=0028-792X|access-date=2016-06-05}}</ref><ref name=Britannica>{{cite encyclopedia|author=Jack Bratich|title=2600: The Hacker Quarterly|url=http://www.britannica.com/topic/2600-The-Hacker-Quarterly|encyclopedia=Encyclopædia Britannica|access-date=December 17, 2015}}</ref> -->
== 名前の由来 ==
== 概要 ==
9 ⟶ 34行目:
内容ではコンピュータ[[サーバ]]の[[セキュリティホール]]や、[[ウェアーズ]](チップしたソフト)、[[クラッキング (コンピュータ)|クラッキング]]、[[フリーキング]](電話のタダがけ)などに関する研究記事が公開されている。ただ、その内容は犯罪をすること自体を勧めているのではなく、そのいかにも"ワルい"雰囲気を楽しむようなものである。しかし、掲載されている情報やテクニックを実際に行うと違法行為となるものもあり、現に犯罪を助長していると言う点も否めない。
==Publication history== <nowiki>{{</nowiki>Citation needed|date=May 2019}}を含む 2点
The magazine's name comes from the [[:en:phreaker]] discovery in the 1960s that the transmission of a [[:en:2600 hertz]] tone &ndash; which could be produced perfectly with a plastic toy whistle given away free with [[:en:Cap'n Crunch]] cereal, discovered by friends of [[:en:John Draper]] &ndash; over a long-distance trunk connection gained access to "operator mode," and allowed the user to explore aspects of the [[:en:telephone exchange|telephone system]] that were not otherwise accessible.<ref name="NewYorker" /> The magazine was given its name by David Ruderman, who co-founded the magazine with his college friend, [[:en:Eric Corley]].<ref>interview with David Ruderman</ref> Ruderman ended his direct involvement with the magazine three years later.{{citation needed|date=May 2019}}
The magazine traces its origins to early [[:en:Bulletin board system|Bulletin Board Systems]] as a place for hackers to share information and stories with each other. It was launched in January 1984,<ref name="Britannica" /><ref name="crackdown">{{cite book|author=Bruce Sterling|author-link=Bruce Sterling|title=[[:en:The Hacker Crackdown]]|year=1993 |publisher=[[:en:Bantam Books]]|isbn=0-553-56370-X}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=2600: The Hacker Quarterly : History of Information |url=https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?entryid=2858 |access-date=2022-12-26 |website=www.historyofinformation.com}}</ref> coinciding with the book of the same name and the [[:en:AT&T breakup|break-up of AT&T]]. It is published and edited by its co-founder Emmanuel Goldstein (a [[:en:pen name]] of Corley which is an allusion to [[:en:George Orwell]]'s ''[[:en:Nineteen Eighty-Four]]'') and his company 2600 Enterprises, Inc.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://appext20.dos.ny.gov/corp_public/CORPSEARCH.ENTITY_INFORMATION?p_nameid=1002082&p_corpid=902835&p_entity_name=2600&p_name_type=A&p_search_type=BEGINS&p_srch_results_page=0|title=NYS Corporation |publisher=Appext20|date=March 19, 1984|access-date=June 7, 2014}}</ref> ''2600'' is released on the first Friday of the month following a season change, usually January, April, July, and October.{{Citation needed|date=August 2020}}
Goldstein has published a compilation of articles from the magazine entitled ''The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey''. The book, an 888-page hardcover, has been available from July 28, 2008, in the US and August 8, 2008, in the UK and is published by Wiley.<ref>Goldstein, E (July 28, 2008). The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey: Wiley. {{ISBN|0-470-29419-1}}</ref> -->
== コンファレンス ==
2600はアメリカ、日本、オーストラリア、ブラジル、カナダ、イギリス、メキシコ、ニュージーランド、ロシア、南アフリカなどの約20ヶ国において、ハッカーの月例会議である「ホープ・コン<ref>{{Efn|ホープ・コン={{lang|en|H.O.P.E. Con}}、{{lang---en|Hackers On Planet Earth Conference}}の略。</ref>}}」を設立した。このミーティングは普段、毎月第一金曜日の午後5時から行われ、ハッカーたちの社交の場であると同時にコンピュータ技術に関する情報交換や議論の場でもあり、ときには地元にあるインターネット企業の就職口を見つけるチャンスにもなるイベントである。また、参加者の中にはハッカーのほかにも、各方面のプログラマーやジャーナリスト、システム・エンジニア、公安機関の捜査官などがいる。2600はその参加者に対して、専門的技術のレベルや年齢を問わず参加を呼びかけている。
次回2010年夏のミーティングは2010年夏に{{仮リンク|ホテル・ペンシルベニア|en|Hotel Pennsylvania}}で開かれ
=="Hacker" term==
In the usage of ''2600'' and affiliates, the often [[:en:loaded term]] "[[Hacker (computer security)|hacking]]" refers to [[grey hat]] hacking, which is generally understood to be any sort of technological utilization or manipulation of technology which goes above and:en: beyond the capabilities inherent to the design of a given application. This usage attempts to maintain neutrality, as opposed to the politically charged and often contentious terms [[:en:white hat (computer security)|white hat]] hacking (which some consider hacking motivated exclusively by good, benevolent intentions—such as [[:en:Modding|hardware modding]] or [[:en:penetration test]]ing), and [[:en:black hat (computer security)|black hat]] hacking &ndash; which some consider to be hacking motivated exclusively by malicious or selfish intentions, such as electronic theft, [[:en:vandalism]], hijacking of websites, and other types of [[:en:cybercrime]].<ref name="NewYorker" /><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.crime-research.org/interviews/223/|title='Hackers are necessary': Q&A with Emmanuel Goldstein of 2600: The Hacker's Quarterly|website=www.crime-research.org|access-date=2016-06-05}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2004/04/05/story1.html?t=printable|title=Plugging a security leak - Silicon Valley Business Journal|website=Silicon Valley Business Journal|access-date=2016-06-05}}</ref>) Other hackers believe that hat-color labels are an [[:en:oversimplification]] and unnecessary designation, best suited for use by the media, and suggest that people who use hacking to commit crimes already have a label, that of ''[[:en:criminal]]''. -->
==Conferences and meetings== <nowiki>{{</nowiki>Citation needed|date=August 2020}}を含む 2点
[[File:2600 van.jpg|thumb|right|The ''2600'' van, a modified [[:en:Verizon New York|New York Telephone]] vehicle]]
''2600'' established the [[:en:H.O.P.E.]] (Hackers on Planet Earth) conference in 1994, marking the publication's tenth anniversary. The conference is held at the [[:en:Hotel Pennsylvania]], in Manhattan, New York City, and has occurred every two years with the exception of the second HOPE in 1997, held at the [[:en:Puck Building]] in Manhattan. The convention features events such as presentations, talks, concerts, and workshops. Speakers have included computer security figures and hackers such as [[K:en:evin Mitnick]], [[:en:Steven Levy]], [[:en:Richard Stallman]], and [[:en:Steve Wozniak]], as well as [[:en:whistleblower]]s [[:en:William Binney (U.S. intelligence official)|William Binney]], [[:en:Daniel Ellsberg]], and [[:en:Edward Snowden]], and countercultural figures like [[:en:Jello Biafra]] and [[:en:The Yes Men]].{{Citation needed|date=August 2020}}
There are monthly meetings in over 24 countries. The meetings are listed in the back of the magazine, and are advertised as being open to anyone regardless of age or level of expertise.{{Citation needed|date=August 2020}} -->
==In other media==
2600 Films produced a feature-length documentary about famed [[:en:Hacker (term)|hacker]] [[:en:Kevin Mitnick]], the Free Kevin movement and the hacker world, entitled ''[[:en:Freedom Downtime]]'', and is currently working on one titled ''Speakers' World''.<ref name="Speaker's World status">{{cite web |title=Off the Hook 09/12/06 |url=https://www.2600.com/offthewall/2006/0906.html |publisher=2600 Enterprises}}</ref>
Corley is also host of ''Off The Wall'' and ''[[:en:Off the Hook (radio program)|Off the Hook]]'', two New York [[:en:talk radio]] shows. Both shows can be downloaded or streamed via the 2600 site, and are also broadcast on various radio stations:
*''[[:en:Off the Hook (radio program)|Off the Hook]]'' is broadcast on [[:en:WBAI]] (99.5 FM)
*''Off The Wall'' is broadcast on [[:en:WUSB (FM)|WUSB]] (90.1 FM).
In the 1995 movie [[:en:Hackers (film)|''Hackers'']], a character named Emmanuel Goldstein, also known as "Cereal Killer", was portrayed by [[:en:Matthew Lillard]]. -->
== 近況 ==
{{いつ範囲|つい最近|date=2024年6月}}{{要出典範囲|2600はあるDVDの[[クラッキング (コンピュータ)|クラッキング]][[プログラム (コンピュータ)|コード]]を掲載したことで訴訟を起こされ、敗訴した。かつて六本木で行われていたホープ・コンの日本版も、今ではほぼ全く見受けられない|date=2024年7月}}<!--
==Court cases==
''2600'' has been involved in many court cases related to technology and [[:en:freedom of speech]] alongside the [[:en:Electronic Frontier Foundation]], perhaps most significantly ''[[:en:Universal v. Reimerdes]]'' involving the distribution of DVD copy protection tool [[:en:DeCSS]], where courts upheld the constitutionality of the [[:en:Digital Millennium Copyright Act]] anti-circumvention provisions.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.cnet.com/news/copyright-fight-comes-to-an-end/|title=Copyright fight comes to an end|website=CNET|access-date=2016-06-05}}</ref>
The magazine itself received a copyright claim for the ink spatter stock image featured on the Spring 2012 issue from Trunk Archive, an image licensing agency, using an automated image tracking toolkit. While Trunk Archive identified its own image that featured the ink spatter as the source, it was discovered that the original ink spatter was created by the Finnish artist Jukka Korhonen,<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://loadus.deviantart.com|title=Loadus|website=DeviantArt|access-date=2018-01-10}}</ref> on [[:en:DeviantArt]], who had released it into the [[:en:public domain]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.computerworld.com/article/2982914/security/hacker-magazine-2600-extorted-for-714-over-ink-spot-pic-copyright-troll-doesnt-own.html|title=Hacker magazine 2600 extorted for $714 over ink spot pic copyright troll doesn't own|last=Storm|first=Darlene|website=Computerworld|date=September 10, 2015|access-date=2016-05-28}}</ref> Trunk Archive later retracted the claim and sent a letter to ''2600'' apologizing for the mistake.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.2600.com/content/apology-trunk-archive|title=AN APOLOGY FROM TRUNK ARCHIVE {{!}} 2600|website=www.2600.com|access-date=2016-05-28|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160523220325/http://2600.com/content/apology-trunk-archive|archive-date=May 23, 2016|url-status=dead|df=mdy-all}}</ref> -->
== 注釈 ==
== 脚注 ==
=== 注釈 ===
=== 出典 ===
{{Reflist}} -->
== 関連項目 ==
29 ⟶ 89行目:
*[[L0pht Heavy Industries]]
==See also==
*{{Portal-inline|Media}} -->
== 外部リンク ==
*[http://www.2600.com/ 2600公式サイト]
37 ⟶ 99行目:
==External links==
*{{</nowiki>Official website|https://www.2600.com/}}<nowiki>
*[https://www.2600index.info/ 2600 Index] or [https://www.2600index.website/ 2600 Index mirror] a searchable index of 2600 The Hacker Quarterly magazine article information.
{{Spoken Wikipedia|2600 - The Hacker Quarterly Wikipedia article.ogg|date=2019-09-13}}
<nowiki>{{</nowiki>Authority control}}
[[:en:Category:2600: The Hacker Quarterly| ]]
[[:en:Category:1984 establishments in New York (state)]]
[[:en:Category:Computer magazines published in the United States]]
[[:en:Category:Quarterly magazines published in the United States]]
[[:en:Category:Hacker magazines]]
[[:en:Category:Magazines established in 1984]]
[[:en:Category:Magazines published in New York (state)]]
[[:en:Category:Works about computer hacking]]</nowiki> -->